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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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張博堯 Unknown Date (has links)
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程憶珍, CHENG, YI-ZHEN Unknown Date (has links)
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巫木誠 Unknown Date (has links)
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周雙益 Unknown Date (has links)
鑑於電視機兼具視聽雙重效用,迅速普及全世界成為家庭主要娛樂工具,並提供有效傳播媒介,深深影響大眾的日常生活,對發展人類教育文化及商界宣傳廣告之貢獻很大;而台灣投資環境極適宜來發展生產電視機電子工業,如勞力充沛而工資低廉,政治安定,從無風潮。因此,筆者擬以消費者觀點,利用而場調查方法,發掘消費者購買電視機動機,並提供有關消費市場決策參考資料,以期實現市場導向現代經營哲學,使消費者購買電視機需要獲得最大滿足,企業界因而獲利,間接推動台灣電視機事業發展。 本文研究目的為:發掘消費者購買電視機潛在動機及其有關影響因素,細分台灣電機消費市場並預測台灣電視機事業未來發展趨勢。 研究方法係利用詢問表以直接訪問方式調查台灣五大都市:台北市、基隆市、台中市、台南市及高雄市消費者,搜集873戶樣本,此較分析有電視機家庭及無電視機家庭購買電視機與否之購買動機,並利用間接資料預測台灣電視機事業未來發展。 本文分為:前言(第一章)研究方法(第二章)、台灣電視機產銷背景因素資料分析(第三章)、探討購買動機主要理論(第四章)、實地訪問調查五大都市購買電視機動機資料分析(第五章至第十章)、預測台灣電視機事業未來發展趨勢(第八章)、結論及建議(第九 章)。 茲簡要說明本文結論如下: 一、台灣五大都而購買電視機動機之特徵 購買電視機目的,以家庭娛樂原因居多。選購電視機品牌標準,以重視品質優良者最多。購買電視機原因,以受親朋推介原因為最大。不買電視機理由以價格太貴,買不起為主。購買價格,以8,000到8,999元佔最多。付款方式仍然以現金付款為主。市場佔有率較大者品牌,以常見廣告之電視機,如大同牌、聲寶牌、國際牌、哥林牌、三洋牌、東芝牌及將軍牌等為多。大部份現有電視機家庭對其現用之電視機表示滿意意見,有利於今後電視機推廣工作。 有電視機家庭及想買電視機家庭戶長之職業階層及教育程度較高而家庭所得及電氣化程度亦高;但不想買電視機家庭,則反之。 二、台灣電視機事業未來發展趨勢 在生產方面,電視機成為台灣電子工業主要產品項目,並間接推動電子工業發展。電視機生產技術趨向積體電路(I.C.)方面發展。主要電視機零組件將在台投資設廠,減低生產成本,加強對外競爭地位。 市場方面:電視機外銷市場仍然以美國為主要市場並逐漸替代日本電視機在美國輸入市場地位。國內電視機因主要零件開始自製,並採新技術大最生產電視機結果,可望降低成本及售價,刺微低所得家庭購買,加速提高電視機普及率。 消費者方面:由於消費者自覺性及商品知識提高結果,趨向購買袖珍型而較廉電視機,同時因彩色電視機出現,具有兩台電視機家庭增多,消費者利益及電視機安全問題,漸受重視。 三、發展台灣電視機事業要務 目前台灣電視機事業應解決要務甚多,主要為:研究發展問題、技術人材培養及工人訓練問題、零件自製問題、提高電視節目水準及內容問題、消費者利益及電視機公害問題,開拓美國以外電視機外銷市場問題。 本文完成耗時甚久,承蒙許士軍副教授指導詢問表、抽樣方法設計、實地訪問調查及搜集資料之整理分析,後因許副教授出國深造,由許文富教授繼續細心指導,得以完成,特此申謝。筆者才疏學淺,錯漏之處勢所難免,如蒙指正,則不勝感激。

薄型電視機代工與自有品牌策略研究-以台資LCD TV 產業為例 / Research on contract manufacturing & obm strategy - a case of taiwanese-owned lcd tv industry

劉世昌, Liu, Shih Chang Unknown Date (has links)
面對經營疆界( Business Boundary)越趨模糊的新世代,高科技電子消費性終端產業不斷展現誘人商機;隨著傳統映像管電視機式微,取而代之的薄型電視機進入市場,關鍵組件及軟體等科技研發競賽不斷推陳出新,刺激需求;原家電品牌(製造服務)業者主宰整個電視機產業,如今卻面臨強烈挑戰;覬覦液晶電視機(LCD TV)快速引爆市場需求,成長力道強勁並快速整合產業加值鏈,各業者競爭激烈,積極進場,甚至Electronic Manufacturing Service(EMS)大廠、資通訊業者等皆企圖搶奪液晶電視機市場。 液晶電視機產業能夠快速席捲市場,主要歸功於相關產業,積極投入研發與佈局,特別在投資新代線LCD面板廠、視訊晶片(IC)及設計代工的快速帶動下,讓產業加值鏈呈現蓬勃發展;而台商在此加值鏈佔有最重要的產業群聚。 從2009年德國柏林IFA、2010年美國CES Show、Computex等展覽中觀察到世界大廠不斷在技術研發向前推進;科技浪頭的百家爭鳴,似乎引領電視機產業來到一個不連續又不斷變動的競爭氛圍。在面臨產品生命週期短促、面板價格波動劇烈、多重廣播標準與門檻及終端市場需求變化巨大的經營挑戰下,產業加值鏈持續透過整合或外包策略因應;本研究個案廠商,考量資源分享極大化以提高競爭力,大多在此階段同時選擇代工(OEM/ODM)與自有品牌經營(OBM)。 本研究藉由文獻蒐集與個案深度訪談,得到來自不同資源基礎的四類個案廠商中,無論是選擇代工或自有品牌為主的商業模式,皆在任一模式佔總營收比重超過80%時,雖然產生部份限制,但從企業追求競爭力的角度來探討「驅動力」,其在降低成本、提高營業利益、養成關鍵技術Know-How、經營顧客服務等將展現最佳營運能量與效率;進一步就商業利益的角度檢視「平衡點」,其對於提高市場佔有率、構築自有品牌、經營顧客關係等亦將呈現效益最佳化。 至於,選擇代工與品牌並重之個案公司,則陷入較為不利之經營局面;然而,若能調整以自有品牌經營為主,與代工做切割,在創新能力、整體(含音質與畫質)設計能力等做到最具精緻特色,此亦極有機會先穩固區域品牌經營,再伺機擴張。最後對個案廠商未來發展做出策略建議,以及後續研究之方向,期為業界在強化競爭力與提高營業利益等經營議題,提供參考。 / The rapid penetration of Slim-Type TV with the price decline which is raised by the great progress of LCD related technology and increasing huge investment on new generation Fab. Taiwanese firms play significant roles in this worldwide prosperity and firmly integration at all-stream for a strong supply chain. As supply chain players keep implementing integration strategy to catch up with the cross-boundary opportunities, various business models have emerged. To address this phenomenon, a novel two-phase analytic framework was conducted to study the driving force and balance condition of Taiwan LCD TV vendors’ contract manufacturing (OEM)/OBM Model Choice. Through case-study and secondary data collection, we found that while facing tough business environment, Most of Taiwan LCD TV firms with different resource-bases , have choose both OEM/ODM and OBM to achieve economic scale for revenue increasing. Also, it’s a way to do cost reduction by sharing the resources. However, this study yielded different results when four-case companies implementing both OEM/ODM and OBM strategy, we found that if no appropriate resource allocation and right people/mechanism, increase another business model to existing model will bring the reverse effect. This paper finally concluded that different resource bases companies should consider various driving force and transform to the most suited business model through continue leveraging their own competences to catch the transient market opportunities.

面板產業以合資公司模式進入歐洲市場的經營策略 / Business strategy of joint venture for TFT LCD maker to enter European market

許志銘, Hsu, Chih Ming Unknown Date (has links)
電視機產業的發展在全世界各個國家區域,與媒體及通訊業者之間乃是息息相關,除了涉及社會安全與播放頻道管理等敏感問題外,背後還牽涉龐大無限的商業利益;而液晶面板向來皆是電視與顯示器產業發展的重要元件之一,由於涉及複雜的光電科技以及綿密之上、下游供應鏈,其所帶動所屬相關的產業與經濟發展之價值,一直都是名列於日本、韓國、台灣、中國等國家之重點培植項目。 自2006年開始,歐洲市場已經超越北美、並成為全球電視機的第一大銷售市場,全球主要的品牌都投入重兵、深度耕耘歐洲市場,尤其是日本與韓國品牌;對照韓國廠商在歐洲地區已有之深度垂直整合的供應鏈,以及已達經濟規模的生產、運籌基礎,日本與歐洲品牌則必須完全仰賴歐洲區域內或是遠從亞洲的韓國及台灣供應鏈廠商,否則難以在歐洲市場中立足。 本研究經由相關文獻探討後,以賽局理論架構來分析研究個案企業B公司,與母公司從「策略結盟」、「合資公司經營模式」、「客戶關係與利益」等角度,探討所經歷之資源重整、經營創新、暨競爭又合作的多重關係;同時本研究亦採用個案研究法深入訪談相關之高階主管,以了解其實務作為與成效。 由個案分析與研究發現,得出研究結論如下: 1.兩家母公司T公司與A公司在參賽者的價值網關係中,彼此對於歐洲市場的互補加乘之綜效是最大的;同時若對特定之歐洲及日本品牌客戶而言,合資成立的B公司正好可以提供這些品牌客戶之最佳服務價值,並更強化這些客戶與兩家母公司的經營合作關係。 2.個案B公司在兩家母公司之加持及協助下,就附加價值的速度、成本、品質及與客戶關係等方面,的確有效地幫助歐洲及日本品牌客戶穩固、提昇其在歐洲市場的市佔率。 3.兩家母公司在市場、客戶及供應商規則的挑戰與反應,對於合資成立的個案B公司提供最即時與最有效的奧援,讓個案B公司能夠穩健地發展出適合市場、符合客戶需求之經營模式。 4.兩家母公司在客戶及供應商戰術的指導與支援,對於合資成立的個案B公司亦提供最符合客戶需求的價值,除了提供一站購足的整合服務外,還可以幫助歐洲及日本客戶避免完全被韓國供應鏈所挾持。 5.由於兩家母公司在個案B公司合資成立之初,對於其B公司經營目標的賽局範圍定義便早已形成共識,所以無論是客戶之選定、產品與技術之發展以及資金與人材的支援等,B公司都能依據歐洲市場的發展趨勢,按部就班地耕耘與發展。 6.個案B公司在成立時之組織設計與重要職務的安排,兩家母公司便已排除己私之小利,同時周延地考量何者模式是對於個案公司的經營是最適切,所以讓經營團隊能夠密切、順利地經歷磨合期,並領導公司的營運達成目標。 / TV industry in countries around the world regions is closely related with huge unlimited commercial interests involved between the media and communications behind, in addition to involving the Social Security and the play channel management, and other sensitive issues, driven by the TV-industrial development opportunities is also important to Governments; LCD panel has always been one of the components important to the development of TV and display industries, as it involves complex electro-optical technology and dense above, the downstream supply chain, they led their respective related value of the industrial and economic development have always been ranked in the focus of Japan, Korea, Taiwan, China to cultivate the project. Since 2006, the European market has gone beyond North America, and become the biggest TV market in the world, the world's leading brands have invested heavily with depth of plowing to European market, especially Japanese and Korean brands; South Korean companies in Europe has been working on deeply vertical integration of supply chains, and has reached economic scale of production and logistics base; Japanese and European brands must be totally dependent on local supply chains in Europe or far away from Asian vendors, otherwise it is difficult to secure their market shares in Europe. With through literature review, this study has adopted the game theoretical framework to analyze the case of B Company and its parent companies. From the perspectives of strategic alliance, joint venture business model, customer relationships and interests, this study explores the experience re-engineering, business innovation, cum multiple relationships between competition and cooperation. Furthermore, this study has used the case study method to do in-depth interviews with relevant executives to understand their substantive acts and effectiveness. By case analysis and research findings, this study draws conclusions as following: 1.The value of participants' gateway system to parent companies T and A makes the largest multiply synergy of complementation with each other for European market. To the specific European and Japanese brands customers, joint venture case B can provide the best service value to these brands. 2.Under the assistances of two parent companies, B Company’s added value of the speed, cost, quality and customer relations is indeed effective in helping European and Japanese brands to enhance their market shares in Europe. 3.As to the rules of the market, customers and suppliers, two parent companies do provide the most immediate and effective support to B Company on steady marketing development to meet customers’ demands. 4.Regarding the tactical guidance and support of customers and suppliers, two parent companies also provide the best assistances to B Company and meet customers’ needs and values. 5.With mutual consensuses of the game scope definition by two parent companies in the beginning of joint venture established, B Company is able to step by step develop its business objectives based on market trends in Europe such as customer selection, product and technology development, financial and human resources planning. 6.In the beginning of B Company established, two parent companies had comprehensive consideration about what the most appropriate model of organizational design and role assignment of important duties to B Company is. So during run-in period, the management team of B Company can easily get a close and smooth result, and achieve the successful business goals.


吳文義, Wu, Wen Yi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究的個案是系統單晶片企業,系統單晶片是電子系統的核心,因此該企業對於下游電子產品的發展扮演著舉足輕重的角色,是積體電路產業價值鍊最高價值的一環。本研究的主要目的是藉著一個極為成功的系統單晶片設計公司的成長軌跡與其相關的產業歷史,透過還原當時的時空環境了解並分析其經營策略的本質,以建立適合系統單晶片設計公司之經營策略本質的分析架構,同時實證其分析的結果,藉以尋求其研究問題「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的解答,並從個案企業的歷史中找出常被忽略的寶貴的經營智慧,而另一目的是能夠藉著收集具有時間標記的經營事件,提供豐富的研究素材給有興趣系統單晶片設計產業做更進一步或其他主題的研究。 一開始的動機是為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個問題,但研究之後發現這是一個很有可能沒有通用解的問題,因此本研究轉從「策略本質的思考」出發,試著從個案公司的各個不同系統單晶片產品及其下游相關的產業的事件中,進行分析、推理、歸納與實證所關心的議題,其中個案分析主要包括四個產業:(一)光碟機產業;(二)DVD播放機產業;(三)數位電視機產業;(四)手機產業。其中每一個產業的故事都以某一個案的企業發展為中心,以時間的先後呈現,描述當時的產業環境、企業狀態、決策的因果關係,以及如何執行與執行結果。為了解答「後進者的成功經營策為何?」這個的大問題,同時從個案的分析與理論推論研究,從不同方向的思考並嚴謹的歸納與分析提出以下的研究發現:(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質;(二)以利潤方程式分析策略本質;(三)SOC晶片訂價策略;(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質;(五)後進者的經營策略;(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略;(七)經營智慧的闡述。希望能提供企業經營者策略思考的架構,而建構出適合自己的經營策略。 本研究藉著邱志聖「行銷理論」中產品的「外顯」與「內隱」之價值分析方法,發展出「(一)從行銷理論分析策略本質」之研究發現中一系列的理論,並以此為基礎,輔助論證其他的研究發現,再根據「利潤彈性」的定義,提出可以以嚴謹的數學証明的一系列有關訂價的創新的理論,以此為基礎進而提出「(三)SOC晶片訂價策略」,再藉著「(四)從動態能耐的架構分析策略本質」的個案研究,發現組織的能耐與低成本優勢有的強烈的相關性,整合以上相關的研究發現,進而提出「(五)後進者的經營策略」,以創新「先進者支援的兩難」理論為切入點,並根據以上研究的結論,提出「後進者的成功經營策為何?」的參考解答。當企業成功之後,必然會面臨成長的困境,因此本研究從個案的深入分析,提出所應採取的「(六)成長與新產品選擇的策略」,以及最後提醒經營者一些知易行難的「(七)經營智慧的闡述」。 根據TEEC的「動態能耐」的理論,企業的策略深受「路徑相依性」的影響,且當不同企業的內部狀態或外部環境不同時其所需的策略也不一樣,因此後進者僅採用模仿的策略是不易成功,所以企業必需要思索適合自身的策略,並透過策略本質的分析,檢驗其策略是否有效,然而任何策略分析的方法都有其盲點,因 此分析或擬定策略時要依據競爭對手與產業特性選數種適合分析的架構進行分析,才能夠互相印證與互補,並思考其矛盾之處以避免致命的盲點,因此本論文提出專為系統單晶片設計企業策略本質的思考之架構以檢驗其策略有效性。 / The System on Chip (SOC) is the core of the electric system of an electric end product. Therefore, the firms that design and produce the SOC play the critical role in the development of the end product and contribute the most valuable part in the IC industry chain. The purposes of this paper are to develope the strategies and wisdoms of management as well as the frame structure for analyzing the essence of management strategies for the late comer. In the case study, there are the companies have been very successful in the world. In the cases, there are a lot of time-marked traces of the growth of the successful firm and its related industry history so that we can clarify what and why the strategies were executed at that time by analyzing the sequences of the management decisions and their consequences. Additionally, I hope the case stories can be utilized for the further research or another related research. Initially in this research we focused only on the topic of the question“What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”. However, after further studies we found that the general answers for the big question might not exit; therefore, we adjusted the research direction and converted to focus on the topic of the essence of the analysis of the management strategies. In the studied case, there are four different kinds of SOC products including optic storage chip, DVD player chip, digital TV chip and handset chip and their related industries. In the story of each product case, the main stream of the story keeps close track of the situation of the management decisions making, the status of the execution by the studied firms and their consequences in timing sequence so that the evolution of the environment of the firms and the industries can be shown clearly. To study for the answer of the big question “What are the effective management strategies for the late comer”, firstly we analyze the cases and simultaneously study the related theories. Secondly we transform the big question into the following seven research subtopics: (1) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies based on the marketing promotion theory, (2) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the net profit, (3) Pricing strategies for the SOC products, (4) Analyzing the essence of the management strategies by the perspective of the“Dynamic capabilities”, (5) Management strategies for the late comer, (6) Strategies for the growth and new products selection, and (7) Wisdom of management. Finally, we hope this thesis can provide managers with the frame structure for both thinking and analyzing the strategies so that managers can develop the best strategies for themselves. There are some kinds of logical relation among the theories developed in the above subtopics. The foundation of theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”is the value proposition that bases on the analysis of the explicit value and implicit value in the marketing promotion theory. Theories of“Analyzing the essence of the management strategies”are one of the most fundamental pillars that support the other theories in this thesis. According to the definition of elasticity of net profit in this thesis, we can deduce some innovative and valuable theories by the rigid mathematical reasoning. Furthermore, we can develop the innovative theories “(3) Pricing strategies for the SOC product”. In addition to developing the above theories, we apply the theory of “Dynamic capabilities” to analyze the strategies in the case stories to find the effective cost advantage is supported by the capabilities of organization with effectiveness and efficiency. We integrate the above theories to propose “(5) Management strategies for the late comer”. A firm will eventually confront the saturation of the growth after its successful startup. To solve this issue, we base on the deep investigation of the cases and some theories developed in this thesis, we propose “(6) Strategies for growth as well as new products selection”. Finally from the case stories, we abstract some both valuable and critical wisdoms that are easy understood but they are hard to be practiced due to the human natural weakness. According to “Dynamic Capabilities and Strategic Management” by TEECE, the strategies for a firm strongly depend on the path that the firm has experienced, thus the imitative strategies from its rival is usually not effective just because their paths they passed are different, not to mention that neither their environments nor the conditions of the firms are totally different. Therefore, a firm works out any strategies and then its managers have to carefully check the effectiveness of the strategies by analyzing their essence of the strategies and then modify them before they are executed. However, any framework for analyzing strategy has its blindspots. To avoid the strategic blindspots, we have to use several different and suitable frameworks to analyze the strategies, and then check if there are any conflicts among the results from different frameworks analyzing, we have to deliberate to find why and how to solve the conflicts. Therefore, we develop a new frame work that appropriately analyzes the strategies of both the SOC firm-level and their products with a totally different perspective

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