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高必綺, Kao, Bi-Chi Unknown Date (has links)
不景氣之下,企業獲利大幅縮水,瘦身計劃成為燃眉之急,終身雇用的觀念已成為神話。人力業者指出,在經濟環境巨變下,雇主與員工的勞動關係已大為顛覆,除核心幹部外,企業運用短期的派遣員工,已成為企業縮減勞務成本的方法。業者估計,委外派遣人力,可以為企業縮減每人一五%的勞務成本。在國際勞動基準方面,雖然第九十六號公約嘗試為私營就業服務機構重新定位,但此公約生效後,卻面臨勞動市場的質變與量變,各類型臨時工作機構紛紛出現。面對這種情況,國際勞工組織(ILO)遂於一九九七年通過私立就業機構第一八一」號公約(Convention Concerning Fee-Charging Private Employment, No.181),此公約擴大了私立就業機構的服務範圍至勞動派遣業,其身份的轉變,不但從過去仲介招募與安置之角色,更進一步成為臨時性勞動者之正式雇主。 「勞動派遣業」是經濟與社會現實環境下,新興的勞動型態,複雜的三方兩地勞動關係,會對傳統的勞動關係帶來什麼樣的挑戰?對勞工權益衍生哪些新課題?就我們現行相關勞動法規是否能有效規範勞動派遣業者?是否能有效保障受派勞工之權益?是本論文探討的重點!本研究的目的如下: (一)釐清勞動派遣的概念與三方兩地的關係 (二)分析勞動派遣的國際趨勢與台灣概況 (三)分析勞動派遣所衍生出的課題 (四)現行相關法規是否能有效解決問題 (五)建立符合我國國情需要之勞動派遣機制

勞動派遣制度爭議之研究-以各國比較暨我國法制建構為中心- / Research of labor dispatch system Dispute-Comparison of countries and legal system construction to the Center in Taiwan-

林志遠 Unknown Date (has links)
經濟發展是各國無不竭盡心思的政策工作,但不論政策如何制定,人力配置都是至為重要,唯各行各業越分越細,各領域的知能亦日專業,勞動力的調度上,勞動力的調度上勢將益加靈活彈性,外包、派遣等新型態的非典型勞動出現,更使得就業市場多樣化,只是近年來在經濟活動的震盪下,派遣勞動力與其爭議之問題亦同時伴隨著增加,因此如何在政策與法制上找出解決勞動派遣所產生之爭議,是為本文之重點。 本文先討論勞動派遣之定義與分類,對派遣有較清楚的架構下,再分析各國在派遣制度中所發展出不同的模式,並就其優缺點提出比較看法,做為台灣面臨勞動派遣政策制定時的借鏡,最後根據台灣派遣最新之政策勞動基準法修正草案欲其將納入派遣專章,分析其是否能有效改善派遣所產生之爭議,並提出檢討與建議。 / Economic development is there to do all the policy work of the mind. Regardless of whether the formulation of policy, staffing is important. But the industry is divided into smaller. All fields of knowledge are more and more professional. Workforce scheduling on potential flexibility will benefit plus. Outsourcing、 dispatch and other new atypical labour, appear more makes job market diversification. But in recent years in the economic activities of turbulence by, contributing labor and dispatch of controversial issue will also be accompanied by an increase. So how in the policy and the legal system to find solutions to labor dispatch of dispute arising is the focus of this article. This article first discusses labor dispatch of definition and classification. Learn about labor dispatch framework, then the analysis of national which in labor dispatch system in the development of different models. Then proposed my comparative analysis of these views as Taiwan facing labor dispatch policies example. Finally, in accordance with the Taiwan to send the latest policy draft amendments to the labor standards law wants to send it will be included in the chapter. Analyze their effectiveness to improve the dispatch of the dispute and propose a review and recommendations.

非典型勞動者團結權之研究 ─以派遣勞工為核心 / A Study of Atypical Workers’ Freedom of Association - Focus on Dispatched Workers

林柏宏 Unknown Date (has links)
傳統、典型的勞動關係是指勞工受僱於單一雇主,建立一全時間、繼續性契約關係上。然而,由於經濟全球化與景氣循環之影響,各國企業為了因應國際間高度競爭性與配合產業結構轉型等需求,在面對前所未有的經營壓力時,無不設法採取各種彈性管理措施,尤其是勞動彈性化措施,致使各種類的非典型勞動應運而生。勞動彈性化發展之結果形成大量的非典型勞工,也使勞工在企業或廠場層面的團結可能性大為降低,因為這些勞工間之利益並不完一致,極易分裂分化而相互對立,形成相互衝突的利益狀態。尤其是派遣勞工,因為其「僱用」、「使用」分離之特性,更進一步產生究竟派遣勞工應如何有效行使團結權之問題。 由於我國法制至今仍未有針對派遣勞動之相關規範,更遑論有關派遣勞工團結權之特別規定,雖然派遣勞工一般皆被認為當然適用工會法、團體協約法等勞動三法之規範,不過,在現行以典型勞動關係為基礎所建構之集體勞動法制卻忽略了派遣勞工之特殊情況,導致派遣勞工現實上很難實踐團結權之困境。因此,本文主要研究核心即為探究派遣勞工應採取何種途徑團結起來,並與資方進行有效之團體協商;以及究竟我國法制應如何調整,才能落實保障派遣勞工之團結權,並使工會在派遣勞動關係中扮演積極角色與發揮功能等層面之議題。 本文先從整體非典型勞工之團結權議題作探討,認為「均等待遇原則」應作為整體非典型勞動者皆有適用之基本原則,並觀察到國際上工會多鑒於非典型勞動者行使團結權困難之現象,因而目前正致力於非典型勞動者工會化之行動。接著才再針對派遣勞工團結權之議題做進一步之研究,探討與分析美國與日本之相關法制,特別是「共同雇主(joint-employers)」的協商認定標準,期作為我國法制在處理相關問題之借鏡。除參考、比較國外法制外,並針對我國現行法制作檢討,且輔以實務訪查我國企業工會與派遣勞工之現況,發現我國的派遣勞工實際上存在團結權保障落空之問題,須設法在法制上作出調整與修正。因此,本文結合我國法制與實務面作綜合分析,最後分別從我國法制層面與工會運動層面提出相關建議。

知識經濟對我國勞動法制之衝擊 / The Impact of the Knowledge Economy on the Labour Law in Taiwan

蘇志明, SU, CHIH-MING Unknown Date (has links)
產業結構轉變,使得勞動保護法原所預想的勞工圖像造成變化, 及該保護設計漸不相吻合。知識經濟對於產業勞動關係之影響,產 生如行、職業分類標準,勞動基準法一體適用性,勞動關係從屬性 等衝擊;工作時間彈性化,工作壓力與工作滿足,工會發展之衝擊, 移動自由引起之問題等議題。今日,於知識工作者之定義仍眾說分 歧下,筆者從現行職場已出現非典型之勞動者這一塊,探究該知識工作者其勞動法制面如何因應,然為使焦點集中,故以個別勞動關係、集體個別勞動關係、工作環境權等勞動法制為核心進行探討。 就知識經濟下及多元社會發展下,立法者未來對於該勞動法制 之釐訂,或更須多加審視立法對象之個別情形。知識經濟下,非典 型勞動者中,知識工作者之工作型態已不同以往,由於其工作投入 源自於智力,完成工作之時間,已非傳統之計算方式可加以適用。 因此,管理者對於該知識工作者,已有對其工作時間採彈性規定, 對其工作成果採責任制導向等。故於時間規範,宜由勞資雙方自行協商。於勞工職業安全方面,知識工作者可能因工作產生精神壓力並造成心理方面之疾病,對此,國際組織及我國主管機關未來對於此種新興疾病,除瞭解其形成原因外,更須加以有效防範與採取解決之道,以謀勞動者之心理健康。 關於知識工作者其團體勞動意識之凝聚力如何加強的問題,或 應先探究勞動者成立工會之主要本質,即其須有明確之團體利益導向。因此,該組織之各知識工作者,因某事件而形成明確團體利益之意識下,則工會組織才會對其發揮作用,接續談及的團體協商、 爭議權之行使才有意義。而對於無工會之企業,應強調該企業健全 人力資源發展之重要,因為在人力資源發展良好的企業裡,其相對 會為員工設立健全內部申訴管道,如此或應可相當地解決員工之困 擾,消弭問題之滋衍。對於知識工作者因移動自由,不管是人權、團體勞動權利,皆有可類推適用之保障規範,然當該知識工作者因涉及涉外要素之民事事件時,則產生國際裁判管轄權之問題。而按法律行為發生涉外關係時,有關當事人自主原則,此時應判定其為「國際私法之當事人意思自主原則」,抑或「實體法上之當事人意思自主原則」,因為適時區別對該知識工作者權益會有所助益。 關鍵字:知識經濟、勞動關係、知識工作者、非典型勞動者 / Abstract Because of industrial structure transformation, it causes to change that the laborer image which the labour protection law originally expected to, and then the protection design gradually does not tally. Knowledge economy has its influence regarding industrial labour relations on the impacts of the occupation classification standard, labour standards law applying to all, the subservience of labour relations, and so on; the issues of the working time flexibly, working pressure and work satisfies, the impact of the trade union development, the causing problems of moving freely, etc. Nowadays, there are still different definitions to the knowledge workers, the author inquires into the labour laws how to built in about the knowledge workers that belong to the non-typical labours from the present duty field, however, for the point to be centralized, I focus on the individual labor relations, collective individual labor relations, and working environment rights, etc. Under the knowledge economy and a great diversity of social development, the legislators designing the labour laws in the future have to carefully examine the legislation object about the individual situation. On the knowledge economy,for the knowledge workers of non- typical workers, their working patterns have been differently than ever, as a result of their work investment source from to intelligence, the time about completing the work, it is not suitable for computing by traditional mode. Regarding this kind of knowledge workers, superintendents take flexible working time, pick the responsibility system guidance to their work achievement, etc. So to the code of conduct about time standard, it suitably voluntarily consults by labor both sides. To labour professional safety aspect, the knowledge workers possibly have the spiritual pressure and creating the psychological disease, the International organization and the government in Taiwan for this kind of emerging disease in the future, should understand its the reason of forming, also have to perform effectively and adopt ways of the solution, and seek for psychologically healthy of the workers. The question about the cohesive force of association consciousness for the knowledge workers how to strengthen , perhaps we should first inquire into the main essence about the labours why they set up the trade union, namely they must have the association benefit guidance. Therefore, the organization of various knowledge workers forms the association benefit consciousness under some event, then the labor union can display its function, continues the association which refers to consult, the dispute power enable significance. But regarding the enterprise that has no trade union founded, it should emphasize the sound human resources development, because of doing so, it relatively can set up the perfect internal appeal pipeline for the staff, and perhaps be possible to solve staff puzzle , extinguishes the question to incite spreads out. Regarding the moving freedom of knowledge workers, no matter what the human rights, the association right to labour, All the knowledge workers could be suitable the safeguard standards, however, when they involve in the foreign affairs about the essential factor of the civil event, thus causing the question of the international umpire jurisdiction. But according to the legal act which touches on foreign affairs, concerned independent principle of litigant, this should determine it is “The meaning independent principle of Litigant at the international private law”, or “In substantive law, the meaning independent principle of litigant”, for it is helpful to distinguish them at the right moment for these knowledge workers’rights. Keywords:Knowledge economy, Labour Relations, Knowledge worker, Non- typical worker


楊淑婷 Unknown Date (has links)
本文的論述態度與研究範圍上,係以定期勞動契約為軸心,基於勞基法第九條乃是定期勞動契約的最根本的法源,所以本文擬從勞基法第九條定期契約的定義這個切入點著手,具備什麼樣的要素是屬於定期勞動契約,具備什麼樣的要素又是屬於不定期勞動契約,這個要素應該如何去作解釋;於定期勞動契約的定義之後,接著介紹目前定期勞動契約的類型,除了勞基法所規範的類型外,特別法上或實務上的類型亦在觀察之列。而區別定期勞動契約與不定期勞動契約的實益何在,法律關係之權利義務有何不同,本文也作一闡述,進而審視目前的實務操作的結果會是如何,到底合不合理,最後借鏡外國的立法例,為求配合現實的經濟環境,在立法論上或解釋論上來提出結論。 本論文摘要說明如下: 第一章為緒論,包括本論文之研究動機、研究目的及研究方法加以說明,藉以瞭解本論文題目的產生背景,並稍加說明各章節之內容。 第二章為我國勞動基準法上定期契約的定義,將從立法背景與理由切入,解析勞動基準法第九條,何謂「繼續性」,並舉出主管行政機關的判斷標準以及學說見解,來對定期契約的認定與種類作闡釋與論述。除此之外並對與定期勞動契約相關的議題:外籍勞工、國防役男、國會助理、公營移轉民營條例之定期人員、試用期等來作解析。 第三章為定期勞動契約的權利義務,從各個角度去剖析定期勞動契約雙方當事人的法律關係,包括法定更新、連續性定期契約、資遣、退休、年資累計等問題。 第四章為整理我國實務見解,在此章將對搜尋所得的有關定期契約判決作一分析整理,試圖勾勒出法院對於定期契約判斷標準的模式與界線。 第五章為介紹德國立法例,所謂他山之石,可以攻錯,德國關於定期勞動契約的制訂法演變共有三階段,而這其中的關鍵毋寧說是經濟因素的變遷,使得制訂法上因循變異,其日漸放寬定期勞動契約成立的限制,相較於我國,帶給我們何種啟示為探討,藉以提供我國法制比較之參考。 第六章為結論,本章將針對前面各章所得之結論,進行歸納與處理,總結本文所述,提出結論與建議。

甘願,不甘願?論非典型雇用新聞工作者的勞動 / Manufacturing Consent or Not? The Labor of Atypical Employed Journalists

江慧珺, Chiang, Hui Chun Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從勞動觀點出發,檢視台灣媒體組織中的非典型雇用新聞工作者的勞動樣貌,並探討在非典型雇用型態下勞資雙方在生產過程中的互動與關係轉變。非典型雇用新聞工作者則既是受雇於資方的勞工,同時也可視作個人企業。做為勞工,非典型新聞工作者的各項勞動條件幾乎都不如正職工作者;做為個人企業,非典型新聞工作者需獨自面對外在環境變動的風險。正向來看非典型雇用是對於僵化體制的抵抗與反動,脫離組織換取自主性與自由,甚至帶來權力翻轉改變;反向思考則以社會學家Buroway「製造甘願」的概念為基礎,說明非典型新聞工作者對於資方過度剝削的順服,心甘情願參與資方所組織的趕工競賽,透過官僚、科技與價值觀的控制形塑出順服的意識型態。 研究結果依契約型態將新聞媒體產業中的非典型勞動力分為派遣/約聘新聞工作者、自由新聞工作者與獨立/公民記者三種類型,一般非典型雇用新聞工作者勞動條件都比一般正職工作者差,而三種型態的非典型勞動力的契約嚴謹程度會影響到勞動條件與自主性。不同的自主程度會影響到工作者的職業認同感與甘願的機制,派遣與約聘工作者的勞動過程中充滿不甘願的元素但受限於理想與現實卻被迫甘願;自由新聞工作者看似自由自主,但對工作延續性的焦慮也迫使他們落入競爭的遊戲中並自我限縮;獨立與公民記者以無償勞動換取絕對的自主權,然而要在眾多論述中取得框架的定義權,只能以自我剝削換取主流與個人媒體的轉引與跟進,勞動所產生的價值與實際付出不成比例。 本研究建議未來新聞產業界建立良好的新聞鑑價制度,並大力推行公民委製新聞平台,藉此提升台灣新聞產業勞動者的勞動條件與新聞產出品質。 / This research examined the labor of atypical employed journalists in the news industry in Taiwan, discussing the relationship changing between the capitalist and the labor during the production process. Atypical employed journalists are on the one hand the temporary workers who suffer the worse labor condition than permanent employees. On the other hand, they viewed themselves as self enterprise that faced external risks alone. Positive speaking, atypical employment was the resistance of traditional rigid discourse. For the sake of freedom and autonomy, workers leaved organizations and anticipated power reversal. Negatively, based on Buroway’s concept of “manufacturing consent,” this study illustrated how atypical employees submitted to the capitalist’s over-exploitation, willing to making out organized by the capital through the ideology formed by bureaucracy, technology and value control. The results revealed that atypical employed journalists were separated into three kinds: dispatched/contract workers, freelancers and independent/citizen journalists. Generally speaking, those temporary workers’ the labor condition were worse that permanent employees and the type of contracts would affect their working condition and autonomy. Different degree of autonomy could therefore inference occupational identity and consent. Dispatched and contract workers were forced to make consent with the capitalists due to ideal and reality; freelancers seemed to enjoy the freedom and autonomy, but the anxiety to job sustainability forced them to join the competitive game and self-constraint; independent and citizen journalists’ free labor guaranteed the absolute autonomy, but they had to work hard and even self-exploit in order to take advantage of frame disputes in both main stream and personal media. The value conducted during the labor process and the effort they made were out of proportion. This study suggested establishing complete news valuation system, and supporting community-funded reporting to upgrade the labor condition and report quality in the news industry in Taiwan.

論4.0高科技發展策略對未來工作型態及種類之影響及因應-以量販流通業R公司為例 / The study of the 4.0 High-Tech Strategy’s impacts and responses on future work styles and types - the case of R retailing company

洪冠宇 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,先近諸國無不提出各自版本的「4.0高科技發展策略」,在此先進科技架構下,過去不斷討論的「機器取代人力」的爭論再次浮現。本研究將探討的是:在不久後的將來,4.0高科技發展策略的科技發展是否會威脅人們的工作?又,哪些工作可能被取代?以及工作模式會產生哪些改變?另外,在前述工作的轉變下,企業及社會制度(法政策)應做好怎樣的準備?   本研究由先進諸國對此議題的探討以及政策目標著手,統整包括各國以4.0高科技發展策略的四大核心科技所訂下的策略,以及各領域專家對科技造成工作種類(哪些工作會消失或改變)及型態(勞動彈性化、遠距工作、獨立的知識工作者)轉變的看法、對法政策層次造成的衝擊,接著由前述文獻探討的結果,自行統整出的框架,以套用在台灣現況。   前述分析完成後,則聚焦台灣,從產業、社會狀況及政策等層次分析台灣是否已經準備好迎接這波浪潮,以及台灣有何優勢劣勢等。最後,訪談企業個案,並了解以下議題:企業使用4.0高科技發展策略的科技狀況、企業個案對未來的規劃與預測以及個案認為台灣社會應做的準備,並套用上述的各國及台灣文獻分析結果,提出針對企業個案的建議:包括判斷企業內的哪些工作能在新科技介入後更有效率,具體判斷程序為何?以及對個案形塑未來科技化職場的短程及長程建議等。根據上述企業所做的調整建議,亦可提供台灣社會反思的機會,並在研究的最後提出對這波自動化浪潮台灣所應做的準備,在法政策面向上尚有哪些不足。   本研究分析由各學者提出的理論,統合意見後認為:企業層次方面,在資源有限的狀況下,面臨4.0高科技發展策略科技導入議題的取捨時,應描繪出未來的企業的圖像,方能明確目標,以量販流通業個案為例:應思索要側重電商自動化或是實體賣場無人化,方有助於排定先後順序,以集中資源提升企業競爭力,行有餘力,則可兩者兼顧;為協助前項建議,本研究提出3W分析法,建議企業就工作說明書進行分析,統整出哪些工作較具有被取代的潛力、時程如何,套用3W分析法的優點在於,企業可思索那些工作可由科技優化,讓企業更能綜觀企業內勞動力狀況,明確策略目標的同時,以漸進式的手法導入科技,改變工作種類及型態,並且,亦可做為提供員工訓練設計的重要依據;至於在台灣社會方面,根據分析,在未來不同時程下,例行性、可預測性的工作將大受威脅,另外,勞動市場將可能變得懸殊化,在勞動法制的領域上應加強彈性安全的勞動市場模式,可參考先進國家的做法,並進一步思索未來無條件基本收入制的可行性。

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