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基隆市國民小學校長願景領導與教師工作投入關係之研究 / A Study of the Relationship between Elementary School Principals’ Visionary Leadership and Teachers’ Job Involvement in Keelung City劉靜如 Unknown Date (has links)
最後,本研究根據研究結果提出具體建議,以供學校及未來研究之參考。 / This study aimed to investigate the status of principles’ visionary leadership and teachers’ job involvement in elementary schools in Keelung City, to analyze the differences of perceptions from different background teachers about principles’ visionary leadership and teachers’ job involvement, and to explore the relationship among these two variables. At last, predict teachers’ job involvement by principles’ visionary leadership.
Questionnaire survey method was adopted in this study. The samples are teachers of public elementary schools in Keelung City, including 513 teachers from 34 elementary schools. There were 502 valid questionnaires finally used in the statistic analysis, and effective response rate is 97.86%. The data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson correlation, and multiple regression. The conclusions are as follows:
1. Perceptions about principles’ visionary leadership from elementary school teachers in Keelung City is mid-high level.Among all, the sense to the “consensus and internalization of vision” is relatively the highest, and then the orders from high to low are “construction and development of vision”, “practice and promotion of vision” and “feedback and correction of vision”.
2. Perceptions about teachers’ job involvement from elementary school teachers in Keelung City is mid-high level. Among all, the sense to the “job enjoyment” is relatively the highest, and then the orders from high to low are “job self-evaluation”, “job concentration”, “job identification” and “job participation”.
3. Teachers of elementary schools in Keelung City are male, 41 to 50 years old, the chief of department, and from school which has 12 or 13-23 classes show higher perception about principles’ visionary leadership.
4. Teachers of elementary schools in Keelung City serve 11-20 years in school, work as the chief of department, and from school which has less than 12 or more than 24 classes school show higher perception about teachers’ job involvement.
5. There is significant positive correlation between principles’ visionary leadership and teachers’ job involvement in elementary schools in Keelung City. The higher the behaviors of principals’ visionary leadership are, the scores of teachers’ job involvement are also higher.
6. Principles’ visionary leadership has predictability on teachers’ job involvement, and “consensus and internalization of vision”has the highest predictive effect.
Finally, based on the results of the research, suggestions for school administration, and future related research are provided.
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竹苗區國民中學校長願景領導、學校組織氣氛與學校效能關係之研究 / A study of the relationships among the principal’s visionary leadership , school organization climate , and school effectiveness in junior high schools in Hsinchu and Miaoli areas吳昌諭 Unknown Date (has links)
根據以上研究結果,提出具體建議,提供教育行政機關、學校行政及教師未來相關研究之參考。 / The overall objective of this study is to estimate the associations among the principal’s visionary leadership, school organization climate, and school effectiveness in Hsinchu and Miaoli junior high schools.
To achieve the research purposes, a literature review was conducted to understand the principal’s visionary leadership, school organization climate and school effectiveness, and then to establish the fundamental theory of this study and develop questionnaires.
This is a cross-sectional survey study using stratified random sampling design. The study recruited teachers in Hsinchu and Miaoli areas public junior high schools. A sample of junior high school teachers in Hsinchu and Miaoli areas, stratified random sampling, issued a total of 600 parts, 582 valid questionnaires, the effective rate of 97.0% questionnaires. The collected data was analyzed by descriptive analyses, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation, and multiple stepwise regression analysis.
The main findings of the study include:
1.Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of the principal’s visionary leadership were shown, and “development and propaganda of the vision” had the highest level.
2.Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of the school organization climate were shown, and “teacher’s commitment behaviors” had the highest level.
3.Moderate-high teacher’s perceptions of the school effectiveness were shown, and “effective teaching quality” had the highest level.
4.School location showed significant effect on teacher’s perceptions of the principal’s visionary leadership.
5.Teacher’s gender, current position, principal’s gender, and school location showed significant effects on teacher’s perceptions of the school organization climate.
6.School scale and location showed significant effects on teacher’s perceptions of the school effectiveness.
7.Principal’s visionary leadership and school organization climate were positively correlated.
8.Principal’s visionary leadership and school effectiveness were positively correlated.
9.School organization climate and school effectiveness were positively correlated.
10.Principal’s visionary leadership and school organization climate were significant predictors of school effectiveness.
According to the above research conclusions, the suggestions are proposed to be used as reference by educational institutions, school administrative units, and teachers in the future.
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地方政府發展學習型組織之研究-以屏東縣政府為例王文華 Unknown Date (has links)
地方政府發展學習型組織的藝術在於與施政策略的融合,透過學習型組織理論與其他妥適之領導與管理理論的靈活應用,讓地方政府發展學習型組織形成一種自然的組織運作方式,則是成熟的學習型組織。 / The purpose of this study was to explore the problems were faced by the local government when it adopted and implemented learning organization theory. These problems included the influences, obstacles and inspirations of the characteristics of the local government when it developed learning organization; the strategies and assessments of developing learning organization by the local government; the inspirations of related leaning organization theories for local government to develop learning organization. There were four research methods were adopted in this study: document analysis, questionnaire, interview and observation. Both of quantitative and qualitative data were collected by this study. The researcher was through his participation and helping the governor to develop learning organization in Pingtung County government to collect the data. The focus of this study were the processes of participation and leadership of the governor in developing learning organization and results of the first stage of developing learning organization.
The study found that both of emphasis and participation by the local government leader was the critical point of the success of developing learning organization. The understanding of the meaning, strategies, and assessments of learning organization and implemented them appropriately with good flexibility were the key point of developing learning organization. In the mean time, the study found that the local government must owned some fundamental conditions in order to develop learning organization. A perfect operation of learning organization was assisted by full conditions of the local government. “There was no time” was the main obstacle perceived by the members of the organization when developing learning organization. Actually, it could be overcome if the implementation of the team action learning of the organization was put into effect.
Another difficulty for the local government to develop learning organization was ” the assessment of the effect.” This study found if we adopted the results from observation and interview and checked them mutually. It could be obtained a more reliable result than the questionnaire.
The art of the local government to develop a successful learning organization was to integrate with the strategies of administration. A mature leaning organization was the learning organization operated naturally in a daily-based. The local government must combined the theories of leaning organization, leadership and management and implemented them appropriately with good flexibility to develop a successful learning organization.
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審議式民主與地方政府政策規劃過程:新莊中港河廊通學步道願景工作坊個案研究莊千慧 Unknown Date (has links)
在審議式民主逐漸由實驗性操作邁入政策實務落實之際,政府部門人員和審議式公民參與活動研究團隊間的互動關係,乃成為影響審議式民主在政府政策實務落實的關鍵要素。本文以「中港河廊通學步道願景工作坊」為例,併採深度訪談法、參與觀察法及次級資料分析法,從官僚的工具理性與審議式民主的溝通理性之捍格切入,探究委託機關人員和研究團隊的互動對審議式民主在地方政府政策規劃過程落實之影響。研究結果顯示,政府部門人員對審議式民主的認知偏向實務、工具及結果面向,而研究團隊則是著重溝通理性和審議式民主精神的體現,二者間的衝突將可能為審議式民主於政策實務的落實帶來困境;另於過程中亦發現,審議式公民參與活動之進行可能因各種突發狀況的產生,導致活動進行無法完全實踐審議式民主精神,更顯現出活動進行和理論論述間確實存在著落差。基於研究發現,本文建議可加強政府部門人員教育與培訓,使其熟習審議式民主之意涵;另也需因應討論議題與在地系絡彈性運用公共討論模式,以有助公民參與討論的進行。此外,也建議學界未來可著力於審議式公民參與活動評估機制的建構,或從政府機關首長、內部結構及過程等角度切入深究,以對審議式民主在政府政策實務上之推行有所裨益。 / As deliberative democracy theory has gradually changed from academic experiments into practical application in policy arena, the interaction between the administrators and the research team in conducting deliberative civic engagement activities has become the critical factor that influences whether the deliberative mechanism can be adopted in policy arena. The article uses the trails for the Chung Kang Drainage to walk to and from school scenario workshop as the empirical setting. From the perspective of incomparability between instrumental rationality and communicative rationality, this article explores how the interaction between the administrators and the research team influences the practice of deliberative democracy in local governmental policy planning through in-depth interviews, participant observation and secondary data analysis.
The research discovers that the administrators tend to regard deliberative democracy as practical, instrumental, and result-oriented. In contrast, the research team puts more emphasis on communicative rationality and the materialization of deliberative democracy. Such conflict may cause problems in the practice of deliberative democracy in policy arena. Besides, this article also finds that deliberative democracy is difficult to practice because of some unexpected incidents in the process of the deliberative civic engagement activities. This situation also does reveal the gap between the practice and the theory.
Based on the findings, this thesis suggests that the government should reinforce the education and training of the administrators to understand the core values of deliberative democracy. Besides, due to the difference of the issue and the context, we should adopt different public discourse modes with flexibility to facilitate the process of civic engagement. In addition, in order to promote the application of deliberative democracy in the policy arena, this article also suggests scholars devote themselves to designing criteria for assessing deliberative civic engagement and to examine other factors, such as the chief executive of the agency, internal structure, and the process within public agencies.
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領導者知識創造能力之研究王祥懿 Unknown Date (has links)
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團隊建立法應用於提昇警察機關組織效能之研究-以內政部警政署為例陳保緒, Chen, Pao-Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
【摘 要】
一、 緒論:將本研究之動機與目的、研究範圍、方法與限制、研究架構與流程、重要名詞界定等,分別加以說明。
二、 相關文獻探討:參考近代團隊建立、領導與管理、警察組織文化、組織效能等相關文獻,將團隊建立的理論與作法,有系統的整理分析,結合警察機關的運作特性,以作為本研究的理論依據。
三、 團隊建立法之應用:根據文獻探討所得結果,將團隊建立的理念與作法融入警察機關的實務運作之中,包括建立共同願景、目標與組織承諾、參與管理的運用、團隊溝通與領導、團隊授能與品質管理等部分。
四、 個案分析與深度訪談:前者選擇四個與本研究相關之案例來探討;後者以警政學者及警政署本部現職人員為對象,選擇具有代表性者,實施深度訪談。再根據前述個案與深度訪談紀錄內容進行分析與討論。
五、 結論與建議:綜合上述研究結果,歸納出結論,並提出具體可行之建議。另外,再就本研究不及之處,勾勒未來後續研究之方向。
團隊 Team
團隊建立 Team building
警察機關 Police agency
組織效能 Organization effectiveness
願景與目標 Vision & goal
參與管理 Participative management
溝通與領導 Communication & leadership
授能與品質管理 Empowerment & quality management
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品牌經營之策略行銷分析─以大苑子、綠藤生機為例 / The analysis of strategic marketing in brand management:case studies of Dayungs and Greenvines謝惠雯, Hsieh, Hui Wen Unknown Date (has links)
經過個案的探討,發現兩家品牌都著墨許多在與顧客信任感的耕耘,如同Peter F. Drucker所說的:「企業的目的與使命只有一個重心、一個出發點,那就是顧客。」品牌經營如何獲得更多的品牌粉絲支持,是經營者與企業內部需同心協力達成的共同目標。 / Nowadays, entrepreneurship is the mainstream in Taiwan. In spite of the size of a company, the brand represents its image. A company’s brand is like the outfit of the entrepreneur, and it represents his/her attitude towards life.
There are many theories on brand management, but which is the one that can help brands target the right customers? Through applying the right positioning strategies for different products, brands can attract target customers successfully. This research aims to analyze brand management through the case studies of “Dayungs” and “Greenvines.”
Brand management includes brand vision, brand positioning, brand communication, and brand communities. These four items help establish the content and image of a company’s brand, and pass them on to the customers.
Based on the 4C marketing framework, this research examines the strengths and the weaknesses of brand management, and provides a marketing proposal for future reference. The process of building branding with brand management, and then analyzing the strategies with the 4C marketing framework, is a key for future entrepreneurs that hope to establish a successful brand.
Through the analysis of these case studies, the research found that both brands put emphasis on the customer trust. As Peter F. Drucker said, “The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.” How to gain the loyalty of more customers is the goal that managers and employees need to achieve with cooperation.
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團隊建立法應用於非營利組織運作之研究 / The Research Of Applying Team Building Interventions To Non-profit Organizations’ Operation鄭瓊芳, Cheng, Chiung-Fang Unknown Date (has links)
目 錄
第一章 緒論 …………………………………………………………. 1
第一節 研究動機與研究目的 …………………………………… 1
第二節 研究範圍、途徑、方法 ………………………………… 8
第三節 研究架構、流程、限制 ………………………………… 13
第四節 重要文獻檢閱 …………………………………………… 17
第五節 相關名詞界定 …………………………………………… 28
第二章 團隊建立理論與技術的探析 ……………………………… 45
第一節 團隊理論的演進與應用 ………………………………… 45
第二節 團隊的內涵 …………………………………………….. 67
第三節 團隊建立的過程 ………………………………………… 79
第四節 團隊運作的限制與成功的要件 ……………………….. 101
小結 ……………………………………………………………….. 111
第三章 非營利組織理論與內涵的探析 ………………………….. 113
第一節 非營利組織的緣起 …………………………………….. 114
第二節 我國非營利組織的發展情形 ………………………….. 125
第三節 非營利組織的基本內涵 ……………………………….. 132
小結 ……………………………………………………………….. 144
第四章 非營利組織的運作:團隊建立途徑 ……………………. 149
第一節 建立共同願景與目標 …………………………………. 149
第二節 溝通與領導 ……………………………………………. 159
第三節 激勵與授權賦能 ………………………………………. 175
第四節 決策與品質管理 ………………………………………. 186
小結 ………………………………………………………………. 198
第五章 個案研究 …………………………………………………. 201
第一節 國外個案探討 …………………………………………. 201
第二節 訪談設計與訪談對象 …………………………………. 209
第三節 國內個案訪談資料分析 ………………………………. 219
小結 ………………………………………………………………. 253
第六章 結論 ………………………………………………………. 257
第一節 研究發現 ………………………………………………. 257
第二節 研究檢討、貢獻與建議 ………………………………. 270
結語 ………………………………………………………………. 279
參考書目 ……………………………………………………………. 281
附錄一 訪談聯絡信函 …………………………………………...312
附錄二 訪談綱要 ………………………………………………...315
附錄三 訪談紀錄(一) …………………………………………… 318
附錄四 訪談紀錄(二) …………………………………………… 333
附錄五 訪談紀錄(三) …………………………………………… 353
附錄六 訪談紀錄(四) …………………………………………… 373
圖1-1 研究途徑示意圖………………………………………………. 10
圖1-2 研究架構 ……………………………………………………… 14
圖1-3 研究流程 ……………………………………………………… 15
圖1-4 團體與團隊的比較 …………………………………………… 34
圖2-1 全面品質管理模式 ………………………………………….. 62
圖2-2 學習的層次 ………………………………………………….. 64
圖2-3 學習型組織的運作核心 …………………………………….. 65
圖2-4 團隊運作過程 ……………………………………………….. 68
圖2-5 團隊績效曲線圖 …………………………………………….. 78
圖2-6 團體活動與訓練的進行 …………………………………….. 87
圖2-7 團隊型態發展模型圖 ……………………………………….. 94
圖2-8 群體發展階段 ……………………………………………….. 97
圖3-1 我國非營利組織的種類 …………………………………….. 128
圖3-2 非營利組織有效管理的流程 ……………………………….. 135
圖3-3 非營利組織的人力資源發展模式 ………………………….. 137
圖4-1 建立共同願景的意涵與方法 ………………………………. 152
圖4-2 六步溝通模式 ………………………………………………. 161
圖4-3 人際溝通三部曲 ……………………………………………. 163
圖4-4 逐步邁向團隊領導 …………………………………………. 169
圖4-5 團隊領袖角色 ………………………………………………. 170
圖4-6 今日組織環境下的授權賦能 ………………………………. 185
圖5-1 個案實證之五性分析法 ……………………………………. 220
表1-1 深度訪談對象一覽表 ………………………………………… 12
表1-2 國內團隊組織相關研究論文摘要表 ………………………… 19
表1-3 國外團隊相關研究書籍摘要表 ……………………………… 21
表1-4 國內非營利組織相關研究論文與報告摘要表 ……………… 24
表1-5 美國的非營利組織相關研究摘要整理 ……………………… 26
表1-6 非營利機構與公部門、私人部門之差異 …………………… 43
表2-1 團隊研究的歷史發展與應用 ……………………………….. 67
表2-2 由團隊導向劃分的團隊種類 ………………………………...77
表2-3 團隊會議形式範例 …………………………………………...91
表2-4 團隊發展的階段性特徵 ……………………………………...96
表2-5 團隊失敗的原因 ……………………………………………. 102
表3-1 我國人民團體性質分類 ……………………………………. 129
表3-2 我國各類人民團體統計表 …………………………………. 130
表3-3 我國各類基金會統計表 ……………………………………. 131
表4-1 馬郡社會服務部門價值的聲明 ……………………………. 158
表4-2 單向溝通與雙向溝通之比較 ………………………………. 164
表4-3 當代的激勵研究 ……………………………………………. 176
表4-4 品質的面向 …………………………………………………. 196
表4-5 成功品質團隊的特質 ………………………………………..197 / The non-profit organizations focusing on public interest bear important responsibility in the operations of the whole nation and society. In other countries, the operations of the non-profit organizations have been become the main stream of the society. In Taiwan’s society, after abolishing the martial law, its exuberant development has become a non-blocking social power, too. In the study of public administration, it is also one of the modern trend issues. Applying business management to non-profit organizations has been more and more emphasized. In fact, it is the “non-profit” nature making that. It needs the concept of management more urgent than any other organization, but the relative studies in this area are insufficient so for. This thesis mainly investigates the theories and interventions of team building, because they are matching with the values and ideas of non-profit organizations and provide a useful management approach for the non-profit organizations’ operation.
Through the investigation of basic theories, origins, developments, and the content of operation for both team building interventions and non-profit organizations, the author finds that they have many resembling characters, including emphasizing of human dignity and individual values, establishing and fulfilling missions, stressing the individual participation and commitment, possessing the spirit of flexibility and openness, creative conducts and thinking direction, adequate communication and discourse, using cooperation and empowerment, emphasizing quality management and the feeling of customers. Those all are argument bases for supporting the fitness of team building interventions being applied to the operation of non-profit organizations.
From analyzing and inducing the development of theories, the author defines the steps or essential factors of team building interventions are as follows: to select the right persons, to proceed group activities and relative trainings, and to hold team meetings. By mastering the details of these key elements, it can make groups become teams progressively. In the developing process of a team, it contains some requisite stages – forming, storming, norming, performing, and transforming.
The aspects of the non-profit organizations’ operation are quite extensive, and this thesis focuses only on such issues as vision and goal establishment, communication and leadership, motivation and empowerment, decision making and quality management and so on for investigation. By explaining the conditions of the organization and the difficulties of relative operations, the author brings up the reasons of team building interventions being suitable for every aspect, and the applied techniques and methods.
In the aspect of practice, in addition to illustrating and analyzing the actual cases of other countries, the author draws up two categories questions (the key elements of the team building process and the organizations’ operation) to interview the important cadre members of four selected non-profit organizations, which focusing on women’ issues. These interviewed organizations are selected by purposive and theoretical sampling method. These interviews conform that the actual operational conditions of non-profit organizations are very similar to the applying ways of team building interventions. According to their experiences and organizations’ actual operating conditions, all interviewed persons expressed their approving and supporting for the usefulness of the operational ways of team building interventions.
In sum, the findings of this study indicate that team building is a natural product in the operations of non-profit organizations basically. Therefore, the author suggests that team-building can be an valuably alternative approach in running organizations for the practitioners. It can benefit non-profit organizations in sustaining operation, and provide better services for the country and society.
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