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量販店促銷人員推銷經營與購買意願關係之研究-以紐西蘭奇異果為例 / A study of the Relationship among Promoters and Purchase Intentions of hypermarket -An example of Zespri陳怡岑 Unknown Date (has links)
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品牌體驗、涉入程度、顧客滿意度與品牌權益關係之研究 / The research of relationship among brand experience、involvement、customer satisfaction and brand equity解睿凱 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究以Schmitt (1999) 提出之體驗行銷為研究基礎,並採用Brakus et al. (2009) 將體驗由行銷功能導向提升至以品牌作為體驗媒介之層面,探討智慧型手機品牌之品牌體驗對消費者滿意度以及品牌權益的影響;同時,加入消費者涉入程度作為影響滿意度及品牌權益之一構面,形成本研究之架構。
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博物館特展之策略體驗模組研究: 以「康熙大帝與太陽王路易十四-中法藝術文化的交會」 特展為例 / The research of strategy experiential modules - taking emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV in National Palace Museum for example蔡侑庭, Tsai, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
1. 針對特展的舉辦提出五項行銷策略建議
2. 策略體驗模組對體驗價值具有顯著關係。
3. 策略體驗模組對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。
4. 策略體驗模組對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。
5. 體驗價值對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。
6. 體驗價值對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。
7. 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。
8. 部分人口變項,如性別、年齡、收入、教育程度等對體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度具有顯著差異性。 / National Palace Museum has been famous for its number of collections and the number of international visitors. However, Due to its focus on heritage preservation and research, National Palace Museum has ignored mass communication and entertainment. For many people in our country, National Palace Museum is so far away from them. To get closer to people in Taiwan, National Palace Museum has made lots of efforts over the past years, including holding special exhibitions.
A special exhibition Emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV held by National Palace Museum is taken as the object of this research. The purpose of this research is to explore the relation among strategy experiential modules, experiential value, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, this research tries to provide some marketing strategies on conducting special exhibitions based on research results.
This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 366 effective questionnaires are obtained. The statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, and regression. In qualitative approach, in-depth interview is utilized.
The results of this research include:
1. 5 marketing strategy suggestions on conducting a special exhibition.
2. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with experiential value.
3. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction.
4. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer loyalty.
5. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction.
6. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty.
7. Customer satisfaction has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty.
8. Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences.
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顧客體驗與體驗品質之概念性研究 / A Conceptual Model of Customer Experiences and Experience Quality: The Service Setting and The Customer's Perspective張婷玥, Chang,Ting-Yueh Unknown Date (has links)
然而,探討體驗本質的實證研究仍然不多,本研究界定兩個研究焦點來探索顧客體驗:(1)研究顧客體驗的情感面,(2)所研究的體驗乃是發生於精心設計之服務場景。研究目的有二,其一為從顧客觀點探討顧客體驗的本質:根據消費者深入訪談的結果,歸納構成顧客體驗的五大要素與提出相關的概念架構和命題,五大要素分別為顧客本身、顧客與實體環境的互動、顧客與服務人員、其他顧客與同行夥伴的互動。第二,本研究探討顧客對於體驗品質的情感性知覺,並發展體驗品質的衡量工具、檢驗體驗品質與顧客滿意度和忠誠度的關係,研究結果驗證了體驗品質為較高階的構念,並發現體驗品質對顧客滿意度與忠誠度有正向影響。本研究亦提出關於研究應用、未來研究與研究限制的討論。 / Today, more and more customers, managers and scholars have become aware of the importance of experiences, which are characterized as satisfying customers’ psychic or personal needs. For customers, they are not merely consuming products or services. They care more about the experiences, which are provided by the stores, and they are willing to pay for experiences. As for managers, they have made more efforts to create touching and attractive experiences for customers, manage customers’ experiential journey with the companies, or even charge for experiences. For academic researchers, they view experiences as distinct economic offerings, which are different from goods and services. They believe that the focus of the economy has been transferred into experience (Pine and Gilmore, 1998, 1999; Schmitt, 1999; O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998) and experience industries are rising (Toffler, 1970, O’Sullivan and Spangler, 1998).
This study focuses on exploring the emotional aspects of customers’ experiences underlying the context of deliberately designed service settings. Two research objects are approached in this study. First, this research comprehensively explores the essence of customer experiences from the customer’s perspective. A qualitative study is conducted to find out the elements that constitute customers’ experiences, and a conceptual model that describes what is customer experience is thereby proposed. In this model, customer experience is made up of five elements (dimensions): the customers themselves and customers’ interactions with physical surroundings, service providers, other customers, and companions.
Second, this research attempts to probe customers’ emotional perceptions of experience quality and to develop an instrument to measure this construct. This research clarifies the concept of experience quality by reviewing the literature, conducting qualitative studies, performing a procedure of scale development, testing the relative importance of dimensions, and examining the relationship among experience quality, customer satisfaction and loyalty. The findings verify that experience quality, as a higher-order construct, is made up five first-order constructs, which are demonstrated in the result of the qualitative study. The result of this research also reveals that experience quality has positive effect on customer satisfaction and loyalty. Relevant discussion of applications, future research, and limitations are also provided in the conclusion.
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農產加工業轉型體驗型農企業之研究 / The transformation process of conventional industries from manufacturing to experience-argribusiness陳佩妤, Chen, Pei Yu Unknown Date (has links)
台灣曾被稱為蘭花王國、植物王國、水果王國,這都在在的說明台灣農業有著得天獨厚的特色,台灣的土壤條件、天然氣候、歷史軌跡、人文智慧等風土條件是其他產業所無法擁有的,台灣農產加工品的風格競爭力是有足夠的力量來替台灣產業找到出路。台灣的消費社會已經從符號消費進入體驗消費,藉由打造品牌,注入文化,營造體驗提供給消費者真實感的附加價值,能夠重新詮釋台灣農產品的獨特與價值,以提升台灣農企業的市場競爭力。過去以生產為主的農產加工業想轉型必須運用文化、創意、美學,橫跨一級農業、二級工業與三級服務業的價值鏈,透過「1+2+3」的產業組合,發揮「1 X 2 X 3」的綜效成為第六產業。
本研究發現,(1)農產加工業轉型為體驗型農企業的過程中,經營者是相當重要的掌舵人,不能搖擺。做中學是轉型很重要的助力。更要善用風土資產、產業文化資產當成發展體驗型農企業的武器。(2)轉型成體驗型農企業必須提出生活風格提案,藉由說一個真誠的故事,打造體驗型農企業的獨特形象,做出區隔。(3)藉由包含企業差異故事的獨立空間當作一獨特的媒介元素,品牌說故事的效果能達到差異化。空間經驗的體驗應包含形態、動線、相互作用、活動、背景環境。體驗型農企業的美感體驗打造應該從平面設計⇒產品設計⇒空間⇒城鎮。(4)體驗型農企業需要提供具有教育及忘我的體驗營造深度體驗的營造,讓體驗更加深刻。另一個深度體驗營造的要素是工作人員的服務,藉由工作人員與顧客的互動帶給顧客一場精彩又深刻的表演。(5)體驗型農企業營造品牌真實體驗提高附加價值的時候,要利用農產品的風土條件讓顧客感受到產品的天然性。勇於提供與市面上大部份產品不同的產品於服務,帶來原創性與獨特性的真實。體驗型農企業必須提出獨特經營理念,且真誠地執行,得到消費者影響性的認同。藉由勾起懷舊回憶或歷史的場域空間,與獨特的活動及服務,使顧客無可救藥地注意並喜歡上體驗型農企業提供的體驗。(6)最後必須用自己獨特的方式融合五個面向的真實價值,讓顧客感受到最真實體驗的感動,所以顧客願意花較高的價格購買產品或服務,提高體驗型農企業的獲利。 / Taiwan has been called as the kingdom of plants, the kingdom of fruits. The reason is the unique terrior capital of Taiwan, such as soil, weather, history, and human. By building the brand, putting the culture in, and creating the experience to customer, they could feel the added value and the unique of Taiwan’s agricultural produce. The agricultural processing industry in Taiwan had been regarded as the primary industrial sectors. However, the agricultural processing industry is transforming to Sixth industry, which integrates the primary industry, secondary industry and tertiary industry by culture, creative and aesthetics. The integration of different industrial sectors (1+2+3) got the synergy (1X2X3).
There are two essential concepts in the study, one is the core experience element of experience-agribusiness (the concept is similar with the culture- creative industry), and the other one is Authenticity. Based on the two concepts, the research is to investigate the dynamic constructing process of the agricultural processing industry in Taiwan’s transformation, building brand, and creating the experience value. This research aims to investigate following questions: (1) What is the transformation process form the agricultural processing industries to experience-agribusiness? (2) What are the essential elements in the experience- agribusiness? (3) How does experience-agribusiness to increase added value by building brand?
The preliminary research findings include
1. The owner should be determinate, which means the owner clearly know the vision. Learning by doing is the best way to successfully transform. The terroir capital and industrial culture is the very important tool.
2. The experience-agribusiness always tells a life style story to build a unique image. The space is the proper media, which includes shape, movement, event, interaction, and context.
3. The experience-agribusiness provides affective experience, which is educational, obsessed experience. The experience is given by the interaction of staff and customer.
4. The authenticity is the core of added value of experience-agribusiness. By integrating the five elements of authenticity, which are natural, original, exceptional, referential, influential elements. Afterward, customer is willing to pay more for the added value.
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日本空氣樂團品牌建構模式之研究 —以金爆樂團為例 / Brand Building Model of a Japanese Air Rock Band -The Case Study of Golden Bomber何欣鴻, Ho, Hsin Hung Unknown Date (has links)
團—Golden Bomber金色爆彈,以短劇表演代替樂器演奏的空氣樂團形式打入日本音樂市場,顛覆群眾對傳統樂團的既定印象,特有的表演型態亦成為其樂團特色。從品牌建構的角度而言,金爆樂團作為一個藝人品牌,其利基點、競爭優勢與品牌建構之步驟為何?在競爭激烈的日本藝能界中勝出之關鍵又是什麼?而台灣與日本的藝人品牌之建構又有何雷同、差異性與需要省思處?
本研究以日本金爆樂團作為一藝人品牌進行個案分析,藉由深度訪談金爆的十位日本fans,以及參與觀察金爆的現場演唱會和活動過程,再輔以相關的次級資料,透過金爆樂團在核心價值、識別系統、事件經歷與附屬商品等多處的呈現,作為新生代藝人品牌建構與台灣音樂市場後續發展等研究目的之參考。分析結果發現,「惡搞」、「空氣」、「搖滾」和「地下樂團」的標籤初步定位了金爆在日本藝能界裡的位置,打破主流樂團在日本音樂市場稱霸的藩籬,而品牌承諾的落實與識別系統的創新則緊緊抓住了粉絲的心,在互信互賴的專業團隊的品質把關下,金爆樂團秉持初衷,繼續他們的演藝之路。 / After World War II, as the economy developed continuously, Japanese music industry had reached its ultimate peak in 1998 with physical record sales of JPY 607.5 billion. However, due to the contraction of the global music market and the rapidly maturing digital technology, Japanese music industry has entered a steep downturn for the record sales for years. In addition to the impact of technological revolution, the changes in the masses’ demands for the music market are also a significant factor in the decline of record sales. On this account, many record companies have transformed themselves into a brokerage firm, actively developing the new value of the music market, among which the branding of artists and live performances are the most two notable trends of the value creation.
At the same time, the pop music market has become more diverse and entertaining. Golden Bomber, a Japanese “visual kei” air rock band that officially debuted in 2008, is famous for their unique performance by acting out short dramas instead of playing with instruments, which has not only overthrown the common view of a traditional band and also become the band’s unique characteristic. From the perspective of brand building, what are the niche point, competitive advantages, and brand building steps of Golden Bomber as an artist brand? What is the crucial key they can stand out in the fierce competition in the Japanese entertainment industry? As for Taiwanese artists, what are their similarities and differences from Japanese artists and what should they reflect on?
This study aims to conduct a case study of Golden Bomber as an artist brand by utilizing the in-depth interviews of ten Japanese fans of the band and the author’s observation during the personal participation in the live concerts and events of the band in combination with the supplemented relevant secondary data, hoping to be taken as a reference for the artists of the new generation for brand building and for the future development of Taiwanese music industry with the presentation of various aspects of Golden Bomber, including the band’s core values, identification systems, event experience and affiliated commodities. The analysis results found that several labels attached to Golden Bomber such as “parody”, “air”, “rock” and “underground band” have initially positioned the band in the Japanese entertainment industry, breaking the barriers built by the mainstream bands that dominate the Japanese music industry. Furthermore, the band’s implementation of brand promise and the innovation of identification systems have firmly kept their fans glued to the band. With the mutual trust with a professional team and the persistence in the quality, Golden Bomber has continued their career with their original intention.
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體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度與顧客忠誠度關係之研究-以Sony Ericsson旗艦店為例 / The study of the relationship among experiential marketing, experiential value, customer satisfication and customer loyalty:簡志豪, Chien, Chih Hao Unknown Date (has links)
一. 透過適當的策略體驗模組可以強化不同構面的體驗價值。
二. 體驗模組中的行動與關聯、思考與情感體驗可正向影響顧客滿意度。
三. 體驗模組的行動與關聯、思考及情感體驗可以正向影響顧客忠誠度。
四. 體驗價值中的投資報酬價值、卓越服務及趣味價值可以正向影響顧客滿意度。
五. 體驗價值中的投資報酬價值、卓越服務及趣味價值可以正向影響顧客忠誠度。
六. 顧客滿意度可以正向強化顧客忠誠度。
一. 旗艦店應為顧客形塑精準而創新的消費體驗。
二. 旗艦店應整合相關行銷資源,強化顧客感受到的經濟價值
三. 持續強化旗艦店的服務品質,積極提升優質和愉悅服務價值
四. 旗艦店應針對不同性別而有不同的產品行銷策略
關於索尼愛立信(Sony Ericsson)
Sony Ericsson 創立於 2001年 10月,為 Sony Corporation 與Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson 的合資企業,股權各佔一半。超過 7,500 個員工,致力於一系列產品、配件與應用程式的開發、設計、行銷、銷售、流通與服務。 有來自世界各地超過 40 個國家的員工,都受到各自所屬文化的激勵。從我們在瑞典、日本、中國、美國與英國的研發工作,到倫敦的全球管理,以至於世界各地的地區中心。 / With the fierece competition of mobile phone market, the trends of mobile consumbers had changed from product-oriented to experience-oriented Experiential Marketing (Schmitt, 1999) had transformed from traditional mobile phone product which merely emphasized on functionalities and effectiveness to add values on top of the product through the Strategic Experiential Modules SEMs and Experiential Providers ExPros. To present, Sony Ericsson, Nokia as well as Samsung mobile manufactures are very keen on experiential marketing by forming up their own flagship store and establishing a brand-new mobile phone experiential platform. This approach has become directly for branding mobile phone manufacturers to convey a marketing message to consumers. In this study, Sony Ericsson flagship store for the study, researchers used convenience sampling methods to investigate, through quantitative and qualitative strategies of experience marketing experience module SEMs, experience the value of the relationship between customer satisfaction and customer loyalty, and make practical experience of marketing suggestions.
This case study is targeting at Sony Ericsson flagship store, analyzing the relations of Strategic Experiential Modules SEMs, Experiential Value, Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty through qualitative and quantitative methodology, providing the practical marketing recommendations to the owner of flagship store.
The result of this research shows :
1. Through appropriate SEMs can positively predict different aspect of experimental value.
2. SEMs -Act, Relate, Think and Feel can positively reinforce customer satisfaction.
3. SEMs -Act, Relate, Think and Feel can positively reinforce customer loyalty.
4. Experimental value CROI, service excellence and playfulness can positively reinforce customer satisfaction.
5. Experimental value CROI, service excellence and playfulness can positively reinforce customer loyalty.
6. Customer satisfaction can positively reinforce customer loyalty.
Hereafter are the suggestions for Sony Ericsson Flagship Store to develop the marketing strategy onwards:
1. Flagship Store should provide accurate and innovative consumer experience to their customers.
2. Flagship Store should integrate relevant marketing resources to enhance experimental value CROI.
3. Continuing to strengthen the flagship store quality of service, and actively enhance the service excellence and playfulness.
4. Flagship store should have different gender-specific product marketing strategy
About Sony Ericsson
Sony Ericsson, a 50:50 joint venture of Sony Corporation and Telefonaktiebolaget LM Ericsson, was established in October 2001. Over 9,000 employees contribute to the development, design, marketing, sales, distribution and service of a full portfolio of products, accessories and applications. Hailing from over 40 countries and employed across the map, our people are inspired by the cultures that surround them. From our R&D operations in Sweden, Japan, China, the US and UK, to our global management in London to our regional centers around the world.
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體驗行銷於文化創意產業之應用黃聖傑 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究之命題發現有幾項:(1)愈不是以功能性價值為訴求的文化產品,使用商業廣告等傳播媒介的溝通效果愈不佳。(2)愈是情感性訴求的文化產品,使用感官行銷中的實體(空間)展示方式愈能傳遞產品價值。(3)傑出的文化產品需要各功能部門間緊密互動,配合狀況愈好,愈將文化抽象性的概念傳遞出來。(4) 設計師本身的文化涵養愈高,愈能為產品注入文化價值,愈能使消費者感受深刻的情感體驗。(5) 設計師愈能將材質特色結合設計呈現出來,愈能在產品呈現之中展現其文化訴求。(6) 消費者擁有之產品知識愈多,使用分散式思考行銷策略,愈能提升消費者對產品或文化特色的認識;反之,使用集中式思考行銷策略效果愈佳。(7) 愈能塑造多樣化體驗價值的文化創意廠商,消費者愈可以真實地感受到體驗背後所要傳遞的文化意念。(8)愈能將文化使命感融入品牌主張中的廠商,愈能運用思考行銷,從而成為該廠商的品牌競爭優勢。
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體驗行銷於國產休旅車行銷實務之應用廖子蔚, Liao, Abel Unknown Date (has links)
本研究選取國產休旅車產業之成功典範,以中華汽車三款國產休旅車:Savrin、Space Gear、Freeca作為個案分析,經筆者實地參與中華汽車內部行銷會議、訪談與中華汽車內部資料蒐集,及其它相關資料之整合,依三款車之目標市場、所提供之顧客價值、策略體驗模組及體驗類型,以質化研究來分析歸納各項之個別資料。
本研究結果指出,Savrin的目標市場特性為小家庭,Space Gear則是三代家庭,Freeca以自營商居多數,其共通特色都是較重視家庭或休閒的消費者。此三款休旅車所提供之顧客價值中最多被提及的為「卓越」價值,也就是產品品質好;第二位常被提及的顧客價值類型為「尊敬」價值,即人們使用休旅車來向他人展示自己的品味、地位和形象。Savrin的卓越價值主要是轎式操控感和有質感的內裝,尊敬價值則為關心妻兒的好男人;Space Gear的卓越價值在於車室空間大,座椅多變化,尊敬價值為大家庭和諧、溫馨的形象;Freeca的卓越價值在便宜又大空間,尊敬價值為仿SUV外形的休閒、運動、有格調形象。此三個案的體驗行銷活動中以Savrin最多,Space Gear次之,Freeca則較少。Savrin和Space Gear都以情感體驗為主軸,思考體驗為輔,最終希望達到關聯體驗的最高境界;且Savrin和Space Gear都是以娛樂體驗來吸引消費者的注意,成功打造了符合品牌形象的美學體驗,使顧客最終感受到教育體驗,便成愛家、重視休閒情趣的人。
整體來說,本研究發現此三款車比其它競爭者更重視情感訴求、成功地經營家庭與休閒這兩大塊議題,特別是Savrin和Space Gear在消費者心中的形象都很一致且是正面印象。究其成功原因在於中華汽車找到特定目標市場心中未被發現或滿足的顧客價值,並以一系列具吸引力的體驗行銷方式傳達產品訊息。
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體驗行銷策略研究-以好市多(Costco)為例 / The Study of experiential marketing strategy: The case of costco許泓祺, Hsu, Hong Chi Unknown Date (has links)
五、顧客滿意度可以有效預測顧客忠誠度。 / Different from traditional marketing theory, experiential marketing (Schmitt 1999) focuses on customer experience, offering customer the value of sense, feel, think, act & relate to take place of traditional marketing functional value. Products & services can only touch customers’ outside, but experience can go inside customers’ hearts, and the value of experience will last for a very long time. To use experiential marketing well will help enterprise brand outperform others and memorized by customers.
This research uses Costco as the case to study the relationship of SEMs(Sense, Feel, Think, Act & Relate), experiential value(CROI, Service Excellence, Aesthetics, & Playfulness), customer satisfaction, and customer loyalty. Also at the end, this research will offer practical suggestions to Costco.
Our findings as following:
1.By choosing right modules of SEMs can positively predict or influence all aspects of experiential value.
2.All five modules of SEMs and four aspects of experiential value can positive predict or influence customer satisfaction.
3.Relate, Feel, & Act modules can positively predict or influence customer loyalty. Relate module appealing to the coherence of brand community is the most important factor to predict customer loyalty.
4.Only Aesthetics can’t positively predict customer loyalty. For the rest, Playfulness is the most important factor to influence customer loyalty.
5.Customer satisfaction can positively predict customer loyalty.
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