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以博物館體驗整合線上數位資源推廣博物館文化內涵之研究-以故宮博物院為例 /

童偲媁 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣故宮博物院為世界五大博物館之一,其藏品囊括中華文化五千年的菁華,多數的皇家珍藏,因此故宮本身具有濃厚的中華文化色彩。然而,如此深具文化內涵的博物館,卻還是面對了年輕參觀族群減少,以及無法精準區別民眾喜好的問題。雖然近年來故宮大量投入資源發展數位典藏資源,但仍無法有效抓住民眾的心。 本研究認為會產生上述的現象,其原因在於民眾無法理解故宮文化內涵的意義,對於有進入障礙或不熟悉的事務,人們通常會不感興趣而選擇遺忘,因此,本研究認為透過體驗的方式,讓體驗的內容在民眾心中產生長久的記憶,能夠拉攏人心使其能夠逐漸成為懂得欣賞故宮文化內涵的人。 本研究嘗試解釋Pine and Gilmore[1999]的體驗經濟模式,發現並不完全適用於博物館產業,因此本研究另外探討有關體驗理論、博物館功能以及參觀民眾動機之文獻,將體驗所重視的心靈感受、民眾需求、以及博物館的功能目標整合為一,另為博物館體驗作一定義,分成初步、進階、深層體驗,並以此架構比較分析世界五大博物館各自在線上數位體驗的程度為何?而本研究發現故宮雖然擁有豐富的線上數位資源,但在體驗的設計以及主題性的發揮方面,還可以多參考其他博物館的作為,以發揮故宮的實力。 根據本研究的博物館體驗階段,本研究建議故宮在初步體驗設計時,著重故宮數位資源的能見度,考量民眾喜好,給予適當的刺激與提示,觸發民眾進入進階體驗階段的時機;當民眾進入進階體驗時,故宮典藏資源應發揮最大效用,盡力滿足民眾的學習需求,以不同的工具,透過不同的角度來展示故宮文化,輔助民眾學習;待民眾文化內涵提升到一定程度,便能進入深層體驗階段,發揮博物館經濟、社會、研究功能,加深民眾對故宮的認同感,建立長久關係。透過此體驗過程,將有助於故宮往後策展、文化推廣以及建立愛好者社群,確立故宮在學術、博物館界的地位。

探討博物館產業組織進行科技化創新所造成的能力轉換歷程 - 以國立故宮博物院為例 / Exploring the Transformation Experience of Capability of Museum Organizations in Technological Innovation – A Case Study of National Palace Museum

陳一帆 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣的博物館產業(Museum Organizations)不管過去還是現在,都扮演著重要角色,但如今卻面臨環境變動,競爭日益劇烈的情況。在競爭力持續下滑的情形下,博物館產業都不得不力求轉型。在推動本土文化永續經營的大力呼聲下,無論政府或民間都積極的把博物館產業或具有特色的地方性產業加以推廣,藉此來改善博物館產業的經濟困境情況,以及加深地方認同感和歸屬感,積極進行在地連結,為博物館產業帶來新的經營方向也提升了台灣人民對於歷史、地方的認識和熱情。 在各種產業中,組織為了擁有競爭優勢,以及達成永續經營的目的不斷成長。在面對各種挑戰時,組織本身會驅使自身具備某種條件來去適應各式各樣的環境。在形成這些條件的同時,組織內部就會不斷的進行改變和成長來滿足這些條件。在不斷改變和成長的過程中含有許多變動的元素,而這些元素在組織間形成化學作用後,讓組織產生面對變動環境的「能力」。每階段能力的轉變對組織來說非常重要,也是讓組織繼續適應或面對各種挑戰的關鍵。 本研究為了深入瞭解博物館產業組織能力轉變現象,以國立故宮博物院(簡稱故宮)為研究對象,探討故宮從2002至2014年所舉辦的文物展覽。每次的展覽都藉由不同的資訊科技來結合各種故宮文物,而促使展覽都以不同的樣貌形式呈現給大眾。而這一次又一次成功的展覽,背後的工作人員、策劃團隊到整個組織面,都是經過科技快速進步的洗禮,組織必須去適應如何在這變動的大環境中持續的創新和進步,促使組織的能力進行轉變,發展出屬於自身的動態能力。

國立故宮博物院文創策略的演變及其效益 / The evolution and effectiveness of the cultural and creative strategy of National Palace Museum

呂佳樺, Lu,Chia Hua Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討台北故宮從2000年至2009年發展文化創意產業的歷程。從授權模式與異業結盟形成故宮文化創意產業價值鏈,而在產業化過程中引發故宮、學者和企業不同的想像。在此潮流中故宮有何優勢與劣勢、機會與限制,並提出建議。本研究深度訪談故宮、學者和企業。透過Porter的產業價值鏈理論的論述,觀察三方在各個價值鏈活動中態度及互動關係,進而評估故宮文創策略的發展歷程。 故宮發展文化創意產業的過程中,主政者在不同時期扮演關鍵的角色,形塑三階段的特色:文創承前、文創成長及文創擴展時期,此三階段引導故宮的文化創意產業價值鏈。但執行面上,在授權門檻、創意構想、智慧財產權、再授權,故宮與企業出現不同的價值取向,顯示雙方溝通與協調的落差。本研究認為故宮應建立起單一的溝通平台和授權窗口,培養雙方長期的信任網絡。以彈性的協商機制調整雙方權利義務的分配關係,創造雙贏互利的合作條件,並放寬授權契約與多層次對象合作。 / This paper focuses on industrialization of culture and creativity of National Palace Museum (NPM) in 2000 to 2009. The development of authorizing model and horizontal alliances compose value chain of culture and creativity of NPM. In the process of industrialization, lead to different ideas of NPM, scholars and businesses. In this trend ,what are the advantages and disadvantages, opportunities and limitations of NPM , and make recommendations. This paper depth interview NPM, scholars and businesses. Through the exposition of the theory of Porter's industry value chain to observe the attitude and the interaction between the three parties in the value chain activities, to assess the cultural and creative strategies of NPM. In the process of developing cultural and creative industries, the leaders played key roles in the different periods to shape the characteristics of the three-stage: brought forward from previous period, the growth period and extended period. This three-stage guided NPM’s cultural and creative industries value chain. However, in the implementation of licensing threshold, creative ideas, intellectual property, sublicense, NPM and business display different value orientation, showing the gap of communication and coordination. This paper argues that NPM should establish a single communication platform and authorization window to cultivate trust network. Through the consultative mechanisms adjust the relationship between rights and obligations of both sides, and the relaxation of the authorizing contract, making the co-operation with multi-level companies.


鄭巧玟 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著體驗經濟的發展,與博物館功能的改變,人們對於博物館的需求也越來越多元,相對的,博物館在設計展覽與教育活動時,已不像過去只要將文物展示在櫥窗裡就好,而是要全方位思考如何塑造展覽的空間氛圍,以及導覽、相關教育推廣活動等,相對以前,需要更多面向的考量。且隨著全球間博物館的競爭越趨激烈,各間博物館無不努力找出自己獨特的定位與發展方向,加上博物館的多元功能發展,對於現今的博物館而言,其在經營與展覽規劃上面臨比以前更多的挑戰。除此之外,博物館在典藏、研究、教育、及展示功能之外,一直也是國力與文化威望的象徵,更被視為文化創意產業中帶動發展的火車頭。在體驗經濟的時代下,博物館所扮演的角色也越趨重要,從過往的文化儲存、研究、傳播,到現在集教育、觀光等多功能角色為一身,本研究透過個案探討的方式,深入研究國立故宮博物院體驗活動的塑造過程,以及其如何發揮博物館功能面向。並以紐約的大都會博物館為標竿個案,探究未來故宮博物院的可能發展。 透過深度訪談與個案研討,本研究總結以下六點結論:1.博物館運用新科技增加體驗的多元性、2.博物館將四種體驗領域相互融合、3.網際網路成為博物館重要的體驗行銷媒介、4.博物館運用紀念品深化顧客體驗、5.博物館能促進文化創意產業的發展、6.博物館行銷能促進其他功能面向之發展。並建議故宮在未來需加強基本展示功能吸引顧客重覆體驗;成立故宮文化城增加體驗深度,帶動整體文化創意產業與觀光發展;並強化故宮行銷推廣活動,增加行銷專業人材。


吳淑瑛, Wu Sue-Ying Unknown Date (has links)
本論文希望透過研究故宮博物院於1961年前往美國進行的「中國古藝術品展覽」,解釋今天故宮的特殊角色與定位。除了期望說明故宮代表中華文化的論述如何形成與建立,同時也解釋故宮如何透過展覽的陳列與解說,來呈現國家與國族的形象與想像。通過研究故宮發展、故宮藏品與國家政權之間的互動,對於文化藝術與權力之間的關係作更深刻的思考。 今天故宮不僅被視為中華文化的象徵,甚至將故宮藏品當成「國寶」。但是如果我們嘗試分析故宮藏品,不難發現這些文物僅是中國皇室收藏的珍奇異品。不過最近幾年,由於台灣社會、政治的變遷,故宮的獨尊地位開始受到挑戰。現任故宮院長杜正勝就質疑前任院長秦孝儀塑造故宮為華夏民族博物館的作法,否定台北故宮和北京故宮有前、後繼承的關係;並主張台北故宮的典藏政策不需要依循「國寶」的脈絡。由於這樣的質疑與轉變,使得故宮在中國文化上所代表的正統與典範地位,以及故宮和國家、政權之間的關係得以被重新思考。 今天,我們之所以認為博物館能夠傳達國族或文化的概念,主要正是因為博物館將收藏的文物「有意識」的重新加以排列展示,因而得以將國家、文化的發展脈絡,具體的呈現在人們眼前。國家對於藝術品的保存與展示,逐漸變成定義一個國家、文化傳統的重要媒介。展覽不僅呈現文化遺產,還進一步將國家發展歷史「展示」出來,經由重新脈絡化來宣揚國族與文化。例如日本過去經常藉由博覽會與展覽貶抑中國,並積極塑造日本成為「亞洲藝術遺產的守護者」。而故宮對外展覽,其實正是開始爭取中國對外形象的塑造以及發言權,甚至彰顯中國在東方藝術與文化上的重要地位。 因此本論文以1961年故宮前往美國五大城市舉行為期近一年的「中國古藝術品展覽」為例,探討故宮如何透過展覽的展示與解說,塑造中國國族的歷史與想像,同時建立中國藝術的「經典」,因此影響了西方對於中國藝術的論述與評價。這場展覽是中華民國政府播遷到台灣之後,國家級文物首次大規模的出國展覽。不僅由創辦《時代》(Time)、《財星》(Fortune)、《生活》(Life)等刊物的媒體鉅子亨利魯斯提出邀請,並出任贊助人。同時,中、美兩國元首擔任名譽倡導人,展覽期間更是備受官方與學術界的矚目。但此時世界局勢不穩,似乎沒有必要大張旗鼓安排故宮文物前往美國展覽。另一方面,由於中華民國與中華人民共和國政府互相爭奪正統,雙方都透過外交與司法途徑互相角力,爭取中國的代表權。如果中共借題發揮,這批參展文物極有可能被中華人民共和國政府收回,因此故宮赴外展覽的動作,格外引人矚目。 故宮博物院從建館以來,受限於經費及政治因素,對於收藏文物展示的時間並不長,研究工作也無從展開,只能偏重於清點工作。可是為了赴外展覽,必須編寫展覽目錄,勢必集合學者著手檢討文物的真假、年代與作者。也因為要對外展現「中國」,而必須對文物重新編排、解釋。因此,故宮赴外展覽確實是一個討論與觀察中國近代國族建構論述形成的特殊視角。故宮如何對外呈現、宣揚「中國」文化與藝術,其實正是具體展現故宮如何形塑與建構「中國」國族與文化的論述與想像。尤其是在前文所述的特殊歷史時空下,究竟展覽中呈現出怎樣的「中國」圖像,應該是一個相當值得探討的議題。因此,這個深受各方重視,又在敏感時機出國的展覽,如何選擇足以代表中國藝術與文化的作品,並以怎樣的方式展示,標示出民族國家框架下定義的中國,便是本研究試圖探討的議題。 本文希望強調故宮赴外展覽往往和國族形象的建構以及文化外交有密切的關係,因為展覽的特殊目的,因此影響了故宮在文化與藝術上的意義。也就是說,故宮今天獨特的地位和赴外展覽中的國族論述以及審美的展示方式有密切關係,而也正是因為故宮的特殊背景,賦予這些藏品更深的民族、國家意涵。 / The National Palace Museum has generally been considered as representing the culture of China and, for many years, the collection of the National Palace Museum was considered representative of traditional Chinese art. It has also been used by the Nationalist government in Taiwan as a symbol of legitimacy for the Republic of China. However, the society and politics of Taiwan have changed recently leading to an introspection for the foregoing opinions. The current director of the National Palace Museum, Tu Cheng-sheng, has questioned the transformation of the institution from the prototype of an imperial museum into a national art museum. Because attitudes about nations and cultures have changed, we can rethink why and how the National Palace Museum took on its role as representation of Chinese culture and the significance of its role in the history of modern China. Museums are important in shaping knowledge, in defining identities, and in representing culture. Since the late eighteenth-century in Europe, the modern museum has been a powerful apparatus for supporting the idea of the nation-state by exhibiting culture. Many recent studies on the establishment of the Louvre and other European national museums have demonstrated how these museums and their collection represent culture and establish canons through exhibitions. But in the past research, there has not been much discussion about how the National Palace Museum practices representation of culture through the images of art works displayed or exhibited in the museum. In 1961 The Chinese Art Treasures exhibition toured five major cities, Washington D.C., New York, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco. This exhibition of works from the National Palace Museum was organized on the invitation of the United States government for the purpose of instilling cultural understanding. At the same time, the exhibition was organized with a clear political agenda—to counter the threat from the Communist government who wanted to take back the collection. This paper will discuss how the exhibition The Chinese Art Treasures was used to define the Republic of China’s national sovereignty and to represent Chinese culture. The exhibition was held during the period when the conflict between the Republic of China under the Nationalist (the KMT) and the People's Republic of China over political legitimacy was the most heated and tense. This paper hopes to illustrate how the KMT employed the exhibition to proclaim the Republic of China’s firm stance in its claim of sovereignty over China and to demonstrate how the exhibition solidified the National Palace Museum’s role as the representation of the five thousand-year cultural legacy of China.

組織變革與資訊科技:以國立故宮博物院為個案探析 / Organizational Change and Information Technology: A Case Study of the National Palace Museum

張桂慈 Unknown Date (has links)
因應資訊科技帶動政府再造的趨勢,國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)在推行各國家型數位政策的過程中,有許多亮眼的數位化成果,對應過去的傳統形象和經營模式也有很大的改變,然而目前卻鮮少有研究去探討故宮這樣一個傳統機關進行轉型的過程。因此,本研究擬以組織變革為探討的理論基礎,運用質性研究方法,探討近年來故宮的組織變革,以及瞭解資訊科技在故宮變革中的角色,來瞭解故宮近年來何以有這麼多的數位發展成果,以及對故宮造成了哪些影響,綜合故宮近年來的變革發展。   本研究藉由深度訪談與次級資料整理,針對研究問題提出下述結論,並提出組織變革理論與實務上的建議。 一、促使故宮變革的趨力可分成組織外部的國家典藏計畫資源的挹注,以及組織內部因應領導者決策、組織法規的修訂以及發展上的侷限,造成故宮必須改變現況的變革需要,並在變革過程中受到資源、組織結構與成員三方面的阻力。 二、資訊科技並非直接促使故宮變革的趨力,但在故宮的變革過程中也扮演了推波助瀾的重要角色。具體而言,資訊科技不只是協助故宮落實變革的工具,也是讓故宮在組織法規上不符需要的問題被關注的契機,更是故宮在發展上的新途徑。 三、資訊科技對故宮的影響,不僅可對應於電子化政府的發展願景,對內部管理、組織結構、組織成員、與民眾的溝通,以及服務流程等方面產生影響,也擴散了故宮的行銷,擴展了故宮的發展範疇。 / Following the trend of applying Information Technology to Reinvent Government, National Palace Museum (NPM) produces remarkable digitalized asset through carrying out National Digital Archives Program. In addition, NPM gets distinct from the previous stereotype and also runs a modified business model; however, the shifting process is rarely explored. This research focuses on the transformation process of the most traditional institution based on Organization Change theory. The author adopts qualitative approach to investigate the organization change of NPM in order to know what the impact on NPM is, what the role Information Technology plays in the evolution and to know why NPM is able to bring in the abundant digital asset, apart from summarizing the recent changes of NPM.   The author attains the following conclusions and proposes suggestions on the organization change in both the theoretical and the practical aspects, after conducting in-depth interviews and researching secondary materials. First, the driving force which transforms NPM can be categorized into two kinds. Outside NPM, there is a sustained funding from National Digital Archives Program. Inside NPM, the transformation necessity results from the limitation of the legal regulations, the policies of the leaders and the development confinement. NPM confronts problems from resources scarcity, organization structure and members’ resistance in the evolving process.   Second, although Information Technology is not the direct driving force, it plays a critical stimulus factor to the evolution of NPM. Generally speaking, Information Technology, not simply a tool, reveals the problems of out-of-date legal regulations but also an innovative way of development.   Third, the lessons of Information Technology impact on NPM can be served as a reference of e-Government vision. It not only influences the internal management, the organization structure, the participant members, the communication with the public and the serving process, but also spreads the marketing and expands the scope of NPM.

博物館特展之策略體驗模組研究: 以「康熙大帝與太陽王路易十四-中法藝術文化的交會」 特展為例 / The research of strategy experiential modules - taking emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV in National Palace Museum for example

蔡侑庭, Tsai, Yu Ting Unknown Date (has links)
故宮博物院的藏品數量及參觀人數都讓人驚艷。然而,過往故宮的經營側重於文物的珍藏功能及研究功能,未注重與大眾的溝通及育樂功能,對國內民眾而言,故宮陌生且遙遠。為拉近與民眾距離,故宮近年做了很多改變,其中包含與媒體舉辦限期且主題特殊的大型特展。   本研究以故宮在民國百年之年度特展《康熙大帝與太陽王路易十四-中法藝術文化的交會特展》為研究為例,訪問參觀過特展且使用導覽設備的觀眾,探討「策略體驗模組」、「體驗價值」、「顧客滿意度」及「顧客忠誠度」彼此之間的關係,並以研究成果為基礎,提出未來故宮舉辦此類特展的行銷策略建議。   本次研究兼含量化問卷及質化深度訪談。研究方法採用描述性統計、皮爾森積差相關分析、T檢定、迴歸分析等研究方法。   本次研究的結果如下: 1. 針對特展的舉辦提出五項行銷策略建議 2. 策略體驗模組對體驗價值具有顯著關係。 3. 策略體驗模組對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。 4. 策略體驗模組對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 5. 體驗價值對顧客滿意度具有顯著關係。 6. 體驗價值對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 7. 顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度具有顯著關係。 8. 部分人口變項,如性別、年齡、收入、教育程度等對體驗行銷、體驗價值、顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度具有顯著差異性。 / National Palace Museum has been famous for its number of collections and the number of international visitors. However, Due to its focus on heritage preservation and research, National Palace Museum has ignored mass communication and entertainment. For many people in our country, National Palace Museum is so far away from them. To get closer to people in Taiwan, National Palace Museum has made lots of efforts over the past years, including holding special exhibitions. A special exhibition Emperor Kangxi and the Sun King Louis XIV held by National Palace Museum is taken as the object of this research. The purpose of this research is to explore the relation among strategy experiential modules, experiential value, customer satisfaction and loyalty. Moreover, this research tries to provide some marketing strategies on conducting special exhibitions based on research results. This research adopts both quantitative and qualitative approaches. In terms of quantitative approach, 366 effective questionnaires are obtained. The statistical analysis includes descriptive statistic, t-test, Pearson correlation, ANOVA, and regression. In qualitative approach, in-depth interview is utilized.  The results of this research include: 1. 5 marketing strategy suggestions on conducting a special exhibition. 2. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with experiential value. 3. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction. 4. Strategy experiential modules have dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 5. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer satisfaction. 6. Experiential value has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 7. Customer satisfaction has dramatic correlation with customer loyalty. 8. Interviewees with different sex, age, education, profession, married status and income show significant differences.


孫鴻鈴, Sun, Horng-Ling Unknown Date (has links)
藝術博物館將其珍貴典藏進行跨國界的借展,已成為近年來無論國內外藝術博物館的年度盛事。然而,綜觀國內外相關文獻,多半集中在辦展經驗的陳述,較少剖析國際借展對藝術博物館本身任務所帶來的衝擊。而由於國際借展的跨國性質,並不僅是單純的藏品交流而已,事實上更廣泛牽涉到其它因素,有時因為借出入雙方的外交關係、認知差異、利益考量、法令限制及政治敏感等問題,而使展出前的交涉作業,經過多方的折衝協調,才圓滿達成任務。 有鑑於上述觀察,本研究乃嘗試結合藝術博物館國際借展的實務面與內涵面,期望以宏觀的角度,開拓更寬廣的研究視野。首先,探討國際借展的功能與角色,並瞭解影響國際借展的因素、國際間有關國際借展的發展現況,以及著名個案所衍生的議題;其次,歸納國際借展規畫與管理的原則,包括借展計畫、合約訂定、保險與司法扣押豁免的保障、借展品安全維護、包裝與運送、借展品處理與運用、經費與贊助事宜。在研究對象方面,採用文獻分析法、訪談法、個案研究法及歷史研究法,彙整國立故宮博物院歷年參與國際借展之緣起、籌備經過、作業情形及當中所發生的特殊事件,分析其政策、經營模式與效益。 最後,針對現今國內藝術博物館舉辦國際借展時所面臨的重要課題,提出八項建議:(一)修正國內相關法令與體制的缺失;(二) 解決區域性藝術資源分配不均之問題;(三) 真正落實國際間館際的交流;(四) 加強館藏文物的展示技術與教育內涵;(五) 塑造展覽評論的藝文空間;(六) 培養與訓練專業人才;(七) 設立國際藝術文化交流諮詢機構;(八) 提供借展品更完善的保障措施。

數位時代博物館經營模式探討-國立故宮博物院個案研究 / The Study of Museum Business Models in Digital Era -A Case of National Palace Museum

郭鎮武, Kuo, Chen Wo Unknown Date (has links)
國立故宮博物院(以下簡稱故宮)文物典藏是中國藝術與工藝中的菁華,也是歷史研究的重寶。故宮在U-Taiwan計畫下,期望透過建置故宮U化(提供行動載具、無線射頻、無線感知網路等)的基礎建設、數位內容及使用介面等關鍵資通訊技術,建置隨手可得網絡服務系統,配合故宮文物ID感知上網應用,普及故宮相關加值產品之電子標籤應用,健全故宮U化產品與服務的安全與信賴機制,推動故宮感知網路設備與應用服務產業,並發展博物館U化關鍵技術,促進U化故宮數位內容及加值產品之生活應用普及率,藉以協助強化博物館運用資訊科技之競爭力。未來打造U化故宮優質示範園區,使故宮精美的文物以U化技術貼近人群,走向世界,向國內外人士展現台灣的博物館在U化科技與應用的成就。 「Ubiquitous」象徵一個概念,意思是「神無所不在」。在資訊科技時代,這個字代表藉由各種資訊產品與網路,可以實現資訊無所不在的理想世界。配合u-Taiwan計畫,我國的U化建設主要是以無線感知、RFID為主的技術來進行。 RFID 運用於博物館館務作業,不但可節省人力、時間,還可以將資料做妥善的應用,增加擴大博物館的服務範圍層面。本研究就應用 RFID 全方略導入博物館經營模式,建議基本上可分為下列五項:門禁管理、自動導覽、典藏管理、盤點管理及出版發行管理。研究指出 RFID 應用於博物館的魅力在於協助導覽、增進學習效果、加速盤點作業與安全管理上,皆充分的展現出其優異之特性。因之,博物館業界,當應善加運用 RFID技術,並融合資訊科技,設計出適合博物館各自的經營模式與功能需求,以嶄新且多面向的展示,呈現予觀眾。 / The cultural relic preservation at National Palace Museum (herein referred to as NPM) is the essence of Chinese arts and crafts and the critical treasury of historical research. Under the U-Taiwan project, by establishing the basic equipment of a u-NPM (providing mobile appliances, RFID, wireless sensor networks and etc.,), digital contents and critical information and communication technology related to graphical user interface, NPM expects to: set readily available network service systems, cooperate with the application of NPM cultural ID sensor internet access, popularize the tag application of NPM-related value-adding products, construct the u-NPM products and the mechanism of service safety and trust, advance the equipment of wireless sensor networks in NPM and the application service industries, develop the key u-technologies, promote the digital contents of u-NPM and the daily applying penetration of value-added products to assist in reinforcing the competition of how museums making use of information technologies. The high quality demonstrative park of u-NPM will be created in the coming future so that the exquisite cultural relics with u-technologies in NPM will be closer to people and seen by the world. The achievements of u-technologies and applications in museums in Taiwan will be shown to the people in Taiwan and abroad. “Ubiquitous” represents a concept which means “God exists everywhere”. At the era of information technology, by using all kinds of information products and networks, the word represents that the ubiquitous information ideal world can be realized. To harmony with the U-Taiwan project, the u-construction in Taiwan is mainly based on the technologies of wireless sensor and RFID. With RFID being applied in the management at museums, manpower and time can be saved and the data can be properly used to increase and enlarge the service ranges of museums. The research introduces the full application of RFID into museum management models. Five basic suggestions are listed: entrance guard management, tour guide, preservation management, inventory management and publication management. Indicated by the research, the amazing parts of RFID application in museums are assisting tours, enhancing learning effects, and accelerating the inventory and safety management which all fully represents its outstanding characteristics. Therefore, the industry of museums should take a good use of the RFID technology and integrate information technology into RFID to design the management models and function needs fit for museums respectfully and display with new and multi-dimensions for audience.

台灣文化創意產業智慧財產之法律保護與藝術授權-以國立故宮博物院為例 / Legal protection and art licensing of cultural creative industries in Taiwan-case study on national palace museum

周欣嫻, Chou,Cindy H. Unknown Date (has links)
本研究將從法律及管理觀點,分析博物館文物典藏品影像檔案的法律性質,介紹大英博物館及法國羅浮宮的藏品影像授權商品業務的經營經驗,並以國立故宮博物院為例,說明博物館數位文物圖檔授權對於文化創意產業所發展發揮之效益,也透過廠商訪談獲得對於其現行授權業務營運之意見。本研究最後也對於現行典藏機構之藏品影像管理及授權業務提出幾點建議:針對不當使用行為主張法律上權利予以制止、創設特別權利保護資料庫、權利管理電子資訊及防盜拷措施保護條款之準用、積極開發潛在智慧財產,以獲得法律保護、公正、公開、公平地經營藏品影像授權業務、鬆綁或彈性適用法令程序,設計多元且適合的商業模式、平等、互惠、雙贏的合作條件、創造衍生著作、創造附加價值、確認藏品影像品質並因應不同用途進行標準化、及透過網路、集中管理典藏產出之影像檔案等建議。 / Technology of Digitalization has improved the enforcement of National Digital Archives Program. The outcomes of NDAP bridged the conserving authorities and the industries and inspired their commercial interactions. Domestic conserving authorities, which are usually museums or galleries, should promote and manage the outcomes in a positive way for the industries to make use of. This paper explains the legal protection, especially intellectual property laws, of the image of the painting, calligraphy, antique or other historical artwork. The experiences of operating commercial business of the British Museum and the Louvre Museum are introduced. Then, this paper takes National Palace Museum as an example, to investigate its commercial business related to the licensing of artworks images, and to gather the opinions from its cooperating enterprises. In the end, the paper submits several suggestions on legal and managing point of view about the operation of art images to the conserving authorities.

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