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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Um protetor da natureza : trajetória e memória de Henrique Luiz Roessler

Pereira, Elenita Malta January 2011 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa a construir uma biografia histórica de Henrique Luiz Roessler (1896-1963), um dos mais importantes agentes da proteção à natureza no Rio Grande do Sul, antes da constituição de movimentos ecologistas no Estado. O trabalho se desdobra em dois eixos, a trajetória de Roessler e a memória construída sobre ele. No eixo da trajetória, tenho como objetivo, a partir da análise de sua produção oral e escrita, bem como de suas estratégias de atuação, acessar, além dos meandros de seu projeto pessoal, uma dimensão mais ampla, a saber, as ideias e práticas da proteção à natureza no Rio Grande do Sul, nos anos 1930-60. Enfoco também os elementos que possibilitaram a construção de uma memória que o situou como precursor do movimento ambientalista/ecologista no Estado, através de suportes escritos e da construção de lugares de memória. Examino elementos da vida pessoal de Roessler, assim como das duas principais fases em que se divide sua atuação em prol da natureza para compreender como seu projeto se desenvolveu no campo de possibilidades a que pertenceu. Esse projeto recebeu apoio, através da rede de relações de Roessler, mas também foi alvo de fortes resistências. Analiso a fiscalização florestal e da caça e pesca no Estado, comandada por ele como Delegado Florestal Regional, e os conflitos originados dessa fiscalização. A pesquisa trata a criação (1955) e o funcionamento da União Protetora da Natureza (UPN), onde Roessler desenvolveu um importante trabalho de educação ambiental. Analiso também as ideias presentes em seus textos (crônicas jornalísticas), palestras e nos cartazes educativos distribuídos pela UPN, com destaque para sua concepção de natureza, articulada a partir de um discurso nacionalista, educativo e sacralizante. Por fim, enfoco a construção das memórias sobre Roessler: ele mesmo já operava uma construção de si como “pioneiro do Serviço Florestal”, que é transformada por diversos agentes, após sua morte, em “pioneiro da ecologia” no Rio Grande do Sul. / This research aims to construct a historical biography of Henrique Luiz Roessler (1896- 1963), one of the most relevant agents for nature protection in Rio Grande do Sul, before the emergence of environmentalist movements in the State. This work opens into two lines: Roessler’s trajectory and memories on him. As for his trajectory, I will analyze his oral and written works and his strategies for action, in order to gain access to his personal project and a broader dimension of his ideas and practices for nature protection in Rio Grande do Sul from 1930 to 1960. I will also focus the elements which enabled the building of records which made him a pioneer of environmental movement in the State, through written reports and the building of places of memory. His personal life facts, as well as his two main periods of action in favor of nature will be explored in order to understand how his project was developed in its possibilities. This project was supported by Roessler’s relations, but also found resistances. Forest control and hunting and fishing surveillance in the State, conducted by Roessler as a Regional Forest Officer, and the conflicts caused by this surveillance, will be analyzed as well. This research deals with creation (1955) and operation of Union for Nature Protection (UPN), where Roessler made an important work for environmental education. His ideas, lectures and posters distributed by UPN will be analyzed, as well as his idea of nature through a nationalist, instructional and sacred discourse. Finally, the memories on Roessler will be focused: he had already made his construction of himself as a “pioneer in Forest Service”, which became “ecology pioneer” in Rio Grande do Sul, after his death.

Utopia/distopia e discurso totalitário : uma análise comparativo-discursiva entre Admirável Mundo Novo, de Huxley, e A República, de Platão

Wojciekowski, Mauricio Moraes January 2009 (has links)
Esta Dissertação de Mestrado examina o tema Utopias/Distopias e o discurso totalitário em duas obras de caráter e gênero distintos: A República, de Platão (Filosofia), e Admirável Mundo Novo, de Aldous Huxley (Literatura). Tendo como objetivo principal a comparação de elementos narrativos, temáticos e ideológicos encontrados nessas duas obras, utiliza como metodologia a análise embasada em referenciais da Literatura Comparada e da Teoria da Literatura (Narratologia e a Tematologia), da Análise do Discurso Francesa, dos estudos da obra de Platão e de estudos sociológicos. Esta análise segue a sequência de apresentação dos pressupostos teóricos, análise das obras de Platão e de Huxley (em seus aspectos internos e externos), para, finalmente, apresentar um quadro comparativo com os discursos totalitários retirados dessas obras - discursos esses que são analisados em pormenores. Por fim, esta Dissertação culmina com a compreensão de que o tema utopia/distopia, e os discursos acerca dele, não se restringe somente à literatura ficcional, mas pode ser encontrado em estudos filosóficos e políticos, e no nosso dia a dia. / This thesis examines the theme of Utopia/Dystopia and the totalitarian discourse in two works of different nature and genre: Plato's Republic (a work of Philosophy) and Brave New World (a work of Literature) by Aldous Huxley. The thesis' main objective is to compare narrative, thematic and ideological elements. In order to perform this analysis, the author will make use of methodologies taken from Comparative Literature, Literary Theory (Narratology and Thematology), the French school of Discourse Analysis, studies on Plato's works and sociological studies. After presenting and explaining those theoretical references, the author shall perform an analysis of Plato's and Huxley's works, considering their internal and external aspects; afterwards, a final analysis shall be performed, comparing the totalitarian discourses contained within those works. After examining minutely those discourses, the thesis concludes by stating that the theme of Utopia/Dystopia is not restricted to fictional literature; it can be found, also, within the frame of philosophical and political studies, and in our day-to-day lives.

"Oh, Awful Power": Energy and Modernity in African American Literature

Gordon, Walter January 2021 (has links)
“‘Oh, Awful Power’: Energy and Modernity in African American Literature” analyzes the social and cultural meaning of energy through an examination of African American literature from the first half of the twentieth century—the era of both King Coal and Jim Crow. Situating African Americans as both makers and subjects of the history of modern energy, I argue that black writers from this period understood energy as a material substrate which moves continually across boundaries of body, space, machine, and state. Reconsidering the surface of metaphor which has masked the significant material presence of energy in African American literature--the ubiquity of the racialized descriptor of “coal-black” skin, to take one example—I show how black writers have theorized energy as a simultaneously material, social, and cultural web, at once a medium of control and a conduit for emancipation. African American literature emphasizes how intensely energy impacts not only those who come into contact with its material instantiation as fuel—convict miners, building superintendents—but also those at something of a physical remove, through the more ambient experiences of heat, landscape, and light. By attending to a variety of experiences of energy and the nuances of their literary depiction, “‘Oh, Awful Power’” shows how twentieth-century African American literature not only anticipates some of the later insights of the field now referred to as the Energy Humanities but also illustrates some ways of rethinking the limits of that discourse on interactions between energy, labor, and modernity, especially as they relate to problems of race. These insights are made especially visible, I argue, by way of experiments with literary form, particularly through play with the expectations, limitations, and affordances of genre. I identify three particular generic formations which prove vital to the African American theorization of modern energy: the picturesque, tragedy, and naturalism. In my first chapter, I examine a 1986 novel by West Virginia-born novelist and politician J. McHenry Jones, entitled Hearts of Gold, which features the rare portrayal of black life in a convict coal mine at its narrative core. The feverish episode in the mine stands out against the otherwise genteel narrative of light-skinned striving and respectability, which aligns closely with Washingtonian ideologies of progress and the aesthetic sensibilities of the picturesque. In this depiction of the convict mine, Jones both poses a challenge to the social and political ideologies which subtend the picturesque, and draws a novel link between the rise of coal and the persistence of slavery in the form of the convict lease system. Chapter two extends Jones’ critique of the racial politics of coal mining through an examination of Shirley Graham’s Dust to Earth, a play briefly produced in 1941 which depicts the interracial conflicts that arise after a deadly collapse at a coal mine in Illinois. I argue that the play represents the fulfillment of Graham’s earlier project of rewriting Eugene O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape for an all-black cast—a project that O’Neill himself swiftly vetoed. Examining Dust to Earth’s intertwined plots of descent and sabotage, I show how the play exploits the generic conventions of tragedy in order to reconfigure familiar narratives of racial domination to fit the distinctly modern space of the coal mine. My third chapter reads the presence of two relatively “minor” forms of energy—hydroelectricity and solar power—in two novels by George Schuyler and W.E.B. Du Bois, Dark Princess (1928) and Black Empire (193638). In each of these texts, energy is written into the narrative as a powerful force, capable of affecting social and political life on a global scale. I argue that Du Bois’ romance is better understood as an experiment in naturalism, and that through conceiving of the body as a “human motor” Du Bois is able to form a critique of progressive era hydroelectric projects as aspects of an international war for colonial control. For Schuyler, on the other hand, solar power is figured as a potentially revolutionary form of energy that, despite its roots in a recent history of imperial expansion, nonetheless carries some promise once wrested from the control of the nation-state. In my final chapter, I interpret Ann Petry’s 1946 naturalist novel The Street as a drama of thermal management—a narrative in which the cultural politics of energy are refracted primarily through various characters’ bodily experiences of temperature. I argue that the protagonist’s struggle to maintain homeostasis represents an embodied critique of the often-elided racial politics of domestic heat. Finally, with the literary history of the furnace room as a backdrop, I argue that Petry’s depiction of the space foregrounds its paradoxical status as both a crucible of atavistic degeneration and a fount of humanist inspiration.

La carrière politique fédérale d'Esioff-Léon Patenaude (1915-1926) ou L'affirmation continue du nationalisme canadien

Michaud, Nelson. 25 April 2018 (has links)
Bien que la carrière politique fédérale d'Esioff-Léon Patenaude (1915-1926) semble assez peu orthodoxe, y a-t-il un élément qui a assuré une certaine continuité à cette carrière évoluant apparemment en dents de scie? La réponse à laquelle nous sommes arrivé, permet d'expliquer le comment et le pourquoi de toutes les arabesques politiques qui semblent incompréhensibles à première vue. Nos recherches nous ont amené à croire qu'au-delà des ambitions et de l'opportunisme politiques purs, éléments tout de même perceptibles au fil de sa carrière, c'est aussi le sentiment nationaliste canadien qui a pu guider le comportement politique de Patenaude, sentiment se traduisant par un désir de voir se concrétiser un Canada uni, biculturel, autonome au sein de l'Empire et économiquement émancipé. Cette constance contraste d'ailleurs singulièrement avec l'apparence hétéroclite que nous présente l'évolution politique du personnage. / Québec Université Laval, Bibliothèque 2013

'True receivers': Rilke and the contemporary poetics of listening (Part 1) ; Poems: Small weather (Part 2)

Lawrence, Faith January 2015 (has links)
Part 1: ‘True Receivers': Rilke and the Contemporary Poetics of Listening In this part of this thesis I argue that a contemporary ‘poetics of listening' has emerged in the UK, and explore the writing of three of our most significant poets - John Burnside, Kathleen Jamie and Don Paterson - to find out why they have become interested in the idea of the poet as a ‘listener'. I suggest that the appeal of this listening stance accounts for their engagement with the poetry of Rainer Maria Rilke, who thought of himself as a listening ‘receiver'; it is proposed that Rilke's notion of ‘receivership' and the way his poems relate to the earthly (or the ‘non-human') also account for the general ‘intensification' of interest in his work. An exploration of the shifting status of listening provides context for this study, and I pay particular attention to the way innovations in audio and communications technology influenced Rilke's late sequences the Duino Elegies and The Sonnets to Orpheus. A connection is made between Rilke's ‘listening poetics' and the ‘listening' stance of Ted Hughes and Edward Thomas; this establishes a ‘listening lineage' for the contemporary poets considered in the thesis. I also suggest that there are intriguing similarities between the ideas of listening that are emerging in contemporary poetics and Hélène Cixous' concept of ‘écriture féminine'. Exploring these similarities helps us to understand the implications of the stance of the poet-listener, which is a counter to the idea that as a writer you must ‘find your voice'. Finally, it is proposed that ‘a poetics of listening' would benefit from an enriched taxonomy. Part 2 of the thesis is a collection of my poems entitled ‘Small Weather'.

'This may be my war after all' : the non-combatant poetry of W.H. Auden, Louis MacNeice, Dylan Thomas, and Stevie Smith

Lynch, Éadaoín January 2018 (has links)
This research aims to illuminate how and why war challenges the limits of poetic representation, through an analysis of non-combatant poetry of the Second World War. It is motivated by the question: how can one portray, represent, or talk about war? Literature on war poetry tends to concentrate on the combatant poets of the First World War, or their influence, while literature on the Second World War tends to focus on prose as the only expression of literary war experience. With a historicist approach, this thesis advances our understanding of both the Second World War, and our inherited notions of 'war poetry,' by parsing its historiography, and investigating the role critical appraisals have played in marginalising this area of poetic response. This thesis examines four poets as case studies in this field of research-W.H. Auden, Louis MacNeice, Dylan Thomas, and Stevie Smith-and evaluates them on both their individual explorations of poetic tone, faith systems, linguistic innovations, subversive performativity, and their collective trajectory towards a commitment to represent the war in their poetry. The findings from this research illustrate how too many critical appraisals have minimised or misrepresented Second World War poetry, and how the poets responded with a self-reflexivity that bespoke a deeper concern with how war is remembered and represented. The significance of these findings is breaking down the notion of objective fact in poetic representations of war, which are ineluctably subjective texts. These findings also offer insight into the 'failure' of poetry to represent war as a necessary part of war representation and prompt a rethinking of who has the 'right' experience-or simply the right-to talk about war.

PolÃtica de EducaÃÃo Superior no Cearà e a resistÃncia do movimento docente na Universidade Estadual do Cearà - UECE

Danielle Coelho Alves 00 December 2018 (has links)
CoordenaÃÃo de AperfeiÃoamento de Pessoal de NÃvel Superior / O presente trabalho objetivou problematizar as contradiÃÃes da polÃtica de educaÃÃo superior implementada no Estado do Cearà nos governos de LÃcio AlcÃntara (2003-2007) e Cid Gomes (2007 â 2015) e as formas de resistÃncia do movimento docente vivenciadas na Universidade Estadual do CearÃ- Uece, com foco nas greves e mobilizaÃÃes da categoria. à importante identificar, inicialmente, que tanto os processos de precarizaÃÃo, expressos pela lÃgica da polÃtica educacional, quanto os avanÃos na condiÃÃo infraestrutural, na carreira docente e assistÃncia estudantil da Universidade Estadual, coincidem com os perÃodos de resistÃncia do movimento docente. Neste sentido, hà terreno histÃrico para se arguir em termos de pesquisa como se deram estes processos e quais mediaÃÃes foram encontradas na relaÃÃo entre a polÃtica educacional destinada ao ensino superior dos referidos governos e a atuaÃÃo do movimento docente. A metodologia parte de uma pesquisa bibliogrÃfica e documental por meio de coleta de dados quantitativos da Uece, bem como coleta dos registros dos processos de resistÃncia do movimento docente. A pesquisa bibliogrÃfica se apÃia nos estudos de Marx (2010; 2013), Marx & Engels (2008), MÃszÃros (2008; 2011), Antunes (2002; 2011), Alves (1999; 2000; 2007; 2013) para tratar das questÃes relacionadas ao trabalho e Ãs transformaÃÃes produtivas. AlÃm disso, no estudo de Hayek (2010), Friedman (1982) e Bianchetti (2005) para tratar das questÃes relacionadas ao Neoliberalismo. No Ãmbito da polÃtica educacional e contrarreforma destacamos autores como Behring (2008), Leher (2010), Lima (2007), Frigotto (1995), Morais (2000). Para discutir ensino superior, os estudos de Minto (2006; 2014), Neves (2002; 2004), Chauà (2001). Estes e outros autores subsidiam os estudos das categorias polÃtica de ensino superior, movimento docente, universidade estadual, utilizando para a anÃlise o materialismo histÃrico dialÃtico. Neste sentido, examinamos a polÃtica de educaÃÃo superior implementada no Estado do CearÃ, nos governos de LÃcio AlcÃntara (Janeiro de 2003- Janeiro de 2007) e Cid Gomes (Janeiro de 2007 â Janeiro de 2015), e as formas de resistÃncia protagonizadas pelo movimento docente no contexto de sobrevivÃncia da Universidade Estadual do CearÃ; expomos as atuais mudanÃas no mundo do trabalho e suas repercussÃes na organizaÃÃo dos trabalhadores; analisamos os elementos polÃticos e econÃmicos do neoliberalismo e da contrarreforma do Estado brasileiro e os impactos sobre a educaÃÃo superior; realizamos levantamento de dados da Universidade Estadual do CearÃ, por meio do jornais, sites e estudos econÃmicos de 2003 a 2014; e, por fim, analisamos as principais formas de resistÃncia e conquistas, mobilizadas pela (Sinduece), no perÃodo de 2003 â 2014, com foco nas greves da categoria docente, expondo o seu significado para a polÃtica de educaÃÃo superior do Estado. / El presente trabajo objetivà problematizar las contradicciones de la polÃtica de educaciÃn superior implementada en el Estado de Cearà en los gobiernos de Lucio AlcÃntara (2003- 2007) y Cid Gomes (2007 - 2015) y las formas de resistencia del movimiento docente vivenciadas en la Universidad Estatal de CearÃ- Uece, con foco en las huelgas y movilizaciones de la categorÃa. Es importante identificar, inicialmente, que tanto los procesos de precarizaciÃn, expresados por la lÃgica de la polÃtica educativa, como los avances en la condiciÃn infraestructural, en la carrera docente y asistencia estudiantil de la Universidad Estatal, coinciden con los perÃodos de resistencia del movimiento docente. En este sentido, hay terreno histÃrico para argumentar en tÃrminos de investigaciÃn cÃmo se dieron estos procesos y quà mediaciones fueron encontradas en la relaciÃn entre la polÃtica educativa destinada a la educaciÃn superior de los referidos gobiernos y la actuaciÃn del movimiento docente. La metodologÃa parte de una investigaciÃn bibliogrÃfica y documental por medio de la colecta de datos cuantitativos de Uece, asà como la colecta de los registros de los procesos de resistencia del movimiento docente. La investigaciÃn bibliogrÃfica se apoya en los estudios de Marx (2010, 2013), Marx & Engels (2008), MÃszÃros (2008; 2011), Antunes (2002; 2011), Alves (1999; 2000; 2007; 2013) para tratar las cuestiones relacionadas con el trabajo y las transformaciones productivas. AdemÃs, en el estudio de Hayek (2010), Friedman (1982) y Bianchetti (2005) para tratar las cuestiones relacionadas con el neoliberalismo. En el Ãmbito de la polÃtica educativa y contrarreforma destacamos autores como Behring (2008), Leher (2010), Lima (2007), Frigotto (1995), Morais (2000). Para discutir la educaciÃn superior, los estudios de Minto (2006; 2014), Neves (2002; 2004), Chauà (2001). Estos y otros autores subsidian los estudios de las categorÃas polÃtica de enseÃanza superior, movimiento docente, universidad estatal, utilizando para el anÃlisis el materialismo histÃrico dialÃctico. En este sentido, examinamos la polÃtica de educaciÃn superior implementada en el Estado de CearÃ, en los gobiernos de LÃcio AlcÃntara (enero de 2003 - enero de 2007) y Cid Gomes (enero de 2007 - enero de 2015), y las formas de resistencia protagonizadas por el movimiento docente en el contexto de supervivencia de la Universidad Estatal de CearÃ; exponemos los cambios actuales en el mundo del trabajo y sus repercusiones en la organizaciÃn de los trabajadores; analizamos los elementos polÃticos y econÃmicos del neoliberalismo y de la contrarreforma del Estado brasileÃo y los impactos sobre la educaciÃn superior; realizamos levantamiento de datos de la Universidad Estatal de CearÃ, por medio de los periÃdicos, sitios y estudios econÃmicos de 2003 a 2014; y, finalmente, analizamos las principales formas de resistencia y conquistas, movilizadas por (Sinduece), en el perÃodo 2003 - 2014, con foco en las huelgas de la categorÃa docente, exponiendo su significado para la polÃtica de educaciÃn superior del Estado.

The Struggle Against Bandits: The Cuban Revolution and Responses to CIA-Sponsored Counter-Revolutionary Activity, 1959-1963

Rossodivito, Anthony, M 01 January 2014 (has links)
Following the 1959 victory of the Cuban revolution, the United States government along with the CIA and their Cuban émigré allies immediately undertook a campaign of subversion and terrorism against the Cuban revolution. From 1959 until 1963 a clandestine war was waged between supporters of the revolution and the counter-revolutionary organizations backed by Washington. This project is a new synthesis of this little-known story. It is an attempt to shed light on a little known aspect of the conflict between the United States government and the Cuban revolution by bringing together never-before seen primary sources, and utilizing the two distinct and separate historiographies from the U.S. and Cuba, concerning the clandestine struggle. This is the story of Cuba’s resistance to intervention, the organization of the counter- revolution, and finally how the constant defeat of CIA plots by the Cubans forced changes in U.S. strategy concerning intervention in Cuba and in other parts of the developing world that would have far-reaching and long-last effects.

The lightscape of literary London, 1880-1950

Ludtke, Laura Elizabeth January 2015 (has links)
From the first electric lights in London along Pall Mall, and in the Holborn Viaduct in 1878 to the nationalisation of National Grid in 1947, the narrative of the simple ascendency of a new technology over its outdated predecessor is essential to the way we have imagined electric light in London at the end of the nineteenth century. However, as this thesis will demonstrate, the interplay between gas and electric light - two co-existing and competing illuminary technologies - created a particular and peculiar landscape of light, a 'lightscape', setting London apart from its contemporaries throughout the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Indeed, this narrative forms the basis of many assertions made in critical discussions of artificial illumination and technology in the late-twentieth century; however, this was not how electric light was understood at the time nor does it capture how electric light both captivated and eluded the imagination of contemporary Londoners. The influence of the electric light in the representations of London is certainly a literary question, as many of those writing during this period of electrification are particularly attentive to the city's rich and diverse lightscape. Though this has yet to be made explicit in existing scholarship, electric lights are the nexus of several important and ongoing discourses in the study of Victorian, Post-Victorian, Modernist, and twentieth-century literature. This thesis will address how the literary influence of the electric light and its relationship with its illuminary predecessors transcends the widespread electrification of London to engage with an imaginary London, providing not only a connection with our past experiences and conceptions of the city, modernity, and technology but also an understanding of what Frank Mort describes as the 'long cultural reach of the nineteenth century into the post-war period'.

“The Nonmusical Message Will Endure With It:” The Changing Reputation and Legacy of John Powell (1882-1963)

Adam, Karen 24 April 2012 (has links)
This thesis explores the changing reputation and legacy of John Powell (1882-1963). Powell was a Virginian-born pianist, composer, and ardent Anglo-Saxon supremacist who created musical propaganda to support racial purity and to define the United States as an exclusively Anglo-Saxon nation. Although he once enjoyed international fame, he has largely disappeared from the public consciousness today. In contrast, the legacies of many of Powell’s musical contemporaries, such as Charles Ives and George Gershwin, have remained vigorous. By examining the ways in which the public has perceived and portrayed Powell both during and after his lifetime, this thesis links Powell’s obscurity to a deliberate, public rejection of his Anglo-Saxon supremacist definition of the United States.

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