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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


DEAN, KELLY L. 23 May 2005 (has links)
No description available.

Matens klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll : En kvantitativ studie om skillnader i matvanor mellan olika kosthållningar och kön bland högskolestudenter

Hakopian, Ani January 2017 (has links)
Svenskarnas matkonsumtion är inte hållbar utifrån ett klimatperspektiv. För en mer hållbar konsumtion krävs en minskning av animaliska livsmedel. Tidigare studier visar att det är möjligt att äta klimatsmart och fortfarande nå upp till näringsrekommendationerna. Syftet med studien är att undersöka vilken klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll studenters matvanor har och skillnader mellan olika kosthållningar och kön. Studien har genomförts utifrån en kvantitativ ansats med en tvärsnittsdesign genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Urvalet bestod av 21 högskolestudenter, elva män och tio kvinnor med en fördelning på sju deltagare inom varje kosthållning. Metoden som använts är retrospektiva 24-timmarsintervjuer för att få en bild av en grupps matvanor. Resultatet visar att lunch är den måltidsform med högst klimatpåverkan och näringsinnehåll. Lunch har närmare tre gånger så hög klimatpåverkan jämfört med frukost. Allätare har högst klimatpåverkan och proteinintag, medan veganer har högre kolhydrats- och energiintag samt lägst klimatpåverkan. Vegetarianer och veganer har högst intag av vitamin C. Mäns måltider bidrar med högst klimatpåverkan och de har högst intag av protein, energi och kolhydrater, medan kvinnor har ett högre intag av vitamin C. Det teoretiska perspektivet som användes för att diskutera resultatet är social-ekologiska modellen. / The food consumption of Swedish people is not sustainable from a climate perspective. For more sustainable consumption it requires a reduction of meat and dairy products. Previous studies show that it is possible to eat climate smart but still reach nutrition recommendations. The aim of this study is to investigate the students´ eating habits, nutritional content, impact on the climate, and study if there are differences between diets and between men and women. The study is based on quantitative approach with a cross sectional study through semi-structured interviews. The used method is retrospective 24-hour recall interviews to get at picture of the groups eating habits. The participants comprised of 21 students from Mälardalen University, eleven men and ten women with a distribution of seven participants in each diet. The result shows that lunch is the meal with the highest climate impact and nutritional content and that lunch has almost three times higher climate impact compared to breakfast. Individuals who eat both meat and dairy have the highest climate impact and protein intake, while vegans have the lowest climate impact and highest carbohydrate and energy intake. Vegetarians and vegans have the highest intake of vitamin C. Mens´ meals have the highest climate impact and nutritional content of protein, energy and carbohydrate, while women have a higher intake of vitamin C. The social ecological model is the theoretical perspective used to discuss the result.

影響電視新聞編輯編排的因素及策略─以24小時新聞台為例 / Factors affecting tv editing and responsive strategy: a case study fo 24-hour news channel

許適欐, Hsu, Shih Li Unknown Date (has links)
本論文的研究目的在探討影響電視新聞編輯編排的因素,以及24小時新聞台編輯因應這些因素發展出來的編排策略。依照Shoemaker〈1991〉所提的影響守門人因素的五個層次,包括個人層面、常規層面、組織層面、媒介外層面以及社會文化層面,作為分析架構,藉此了解電視編輯對於各層面的因素對其影響的程度,問卷調查總計訪問了127位新聞台的編輯人員,再針對問卷調查的分析結果,以深度訪談的方式訪問7位編輯人員。研究結果發現個人層面對新聞台編輯的影響主要包括:編輯在新聞價值判斷上偏重新聞的話題性及畫面的精采度;而越年輕、職務越低的編輯再編排新聞時越容易受到個人喜好影響;另外「獨家新聞」無論其新聞價值性如何,編輯普遍都盡量會排播。 常規層面部分,最主要影響的因素是「時間」面向,包括到帶時間及新聞播出的時間篇幅限制;而編輯負責的編排時段也會影響新聞的選擇,如是「黃金時段」新聞選擇較多樣化,「一般時段」就會考量「消化」新聞;而編輯一次負責編排的時數也會影響新聞的重複率;另外,晚夜時段編輯較早午時段編輯不偏愛SNG連線。編輯通常會選播做新聞品質較有口碑的記者的新聞;另外,編輯普遍認為一則普通新聞長度最好不要超過90秒;而平衡報導的操作模式已內化在編輯的操作模式中。 組織層面部分,部份編輯認為電視台屬性確實會影響其編排;而年紀輕、資歷淺、職務低的編輯也較會受到長官指示編排新聞;在「以編領採」的新聞室內,其新聞製作及編排方向越會以收視率為導向;而組織文化會影響編輯對於新聞品質的要求;本研究也發現組織獎懲對於編輯編排的影響不大。 媒介外層面部分,有93.7%的編輯認為其編排時會考量收視率,而且教育程度越高、年資越久的編輯影響越高,顯示收視率已逐漸內化成編輯判斷新聞的實考模式,而且前一天的收視率對於新聞規模及擺放位置有關鍵性指標;在禁止「每分鐘收視率」之後,編輯通常是以新聞區塊或新聞節奏思考觀眾喜好的趨向。另外被要求編排「業配新聞」對編輯而言是習以為常的事,通常編輯會將之排在新聞的最後,或依照業配新聞的性質隱藏在其他新聞之間。另外年紀越輕、資歷越淺、職務越低的編輯越容易受到其他媒體議題設定的影響;而本研究也發現,編輯是電視新聞「跟報風」的推手之一。 在社會文化層面,編輯認為若社會環境趨勢也是影響其編排的重大指標。另外編輯也認為馬賽克、消音等製播限制有逐漸增加趨勢,甚至在編播上有自我更加限縮的情況。本研究也發現,媒體自律隱隱成形,對於暴力、色情、自殺新聞的選擇並沒有放寬,尤其是自殺新聞基本上不選用。 比較五個層面的影響程度,編輯普遍認為媒介外層面是最主要的原因,其次為個人層面、接續是社會層面、組織層面及常規層面。 關於編輯編排策略上,研究發現編排模式會融合固定新聞模式及議題分散模式為主;編排節奏也趨於緊湊;新聞編排的重複率降低。除了TVBS恢復「整點開播」之外,其他新聞台仍是提早開播,因TVBS「整點開播」模式對其他台的收視率無明顯受衝擊,因此其他台均認為沒有跟進的必要。「短廣告」策略出現,其目的是為了減低觀眾廣告轉台機率,並且分散每段廣告時間的廣告量;此策略目前僅TVBS使用,其他台為跟進的原因是考量其觀眾的收視習慣不同。本研究也發現監看友台而調動新聞順序的頻率減少;並且插播新聞也已非隨到隨播;另外「假連線」已成目前新聞台的製播常態。 / This thesis aims to investigate the factors affecting TV news editing and the responsive strategy developed by editors in 24-hour news channel. It adopts Shoemaker’s (1991) five levels of gatekeeping decisions and forces, including individual, communication routines, organizational, extramedia, and social system level. Based on this analytical framework, the research was conducted by survey of 127 editors which was followed by in-depth interview of 7 editors. The research findings can be summarized into the five levels respectively. On individual level, editors preferred to evaluate news with the extent of controversy and excitement; the younger and lower-positioned editors were more easily to be subjective in editing news. Furthermore, “exclusive news” enjoyed higher priority to be broadcast regardless of its news value. On communication routine level, the influential factors are “time-related”. First, editors were concerned about the timing of videotape arriving and limited length of broadcasting time. Second, the session for which editors were responsible was also important. The news was more diversified in “prime time”, but more repetitive in “general session”. Third, editors of morning and noon sessions were more likely to conduct SNG connection than editors of late night session. Fourth, editors preferred to broadcast the news reported by reporters with fine reputation. Moreover, the consensus among editors was that general news should not be longer than ninety seconds; the principle of balanced report has been internalized in editors’ operational model. On organizational level, interviewees agreed that attributes of the channel and organizational culture were more consequential than reward system in news editing. The younger, lower-positioned, and junior editors were more likely to follow instructions from supervisors. Generally, the producing and editing of news were rating-oriented. On extramedia level, 93.7 per cent of interviewees would consider rating in news editing, especially the more educated and senior editors. This result indicated that rating has been internalized as the standard of editing. Specifically, the pridian rating is critical in deciding the length and placement of news in the following day. However, after the “rating per minute” was prohibited, editors inferred audience preference from news zone or news rhythm. Furthermore, “product placement” was placed in the end of or among other news according to its characteristics. This study also found that editors partook in promoting the trend of “follow suit” TV news. On social system level, editors thought that the social trend was critical in editing news. Some editors considered that constraints of broadcast such as blurring and muting were increasing which made editors more self-limited. This study also found that media self-regulation was in shape. The news about violence, pornography, and suicide were highly restricted or even abandoned. Based on interviewees’ response, the five levels can be listed in order of the extent of influence. The primary factors were on extramedia level which followed individual level, social system level, organizational level, and the communication routine level. This study found that editing strategies include: combination of fixed news model and issue diffusion model, tighter schedule, lower rate of repetition, and “short advertisement”. The last one was only used by TVBS channel in order to keep audience stay tune and to dilute quantity of advertisement in every intervals. TVBS was the only channel resuming “on the hour” news. Since this broadcast model had no significant impact on TV rating, other channels remained broadcasting a few minutes earlier. Last but not least, this study also found that “fake connection” has been commonly used and emergency news would not be broadcast on time. Fewer changes of broadcasting order due to monitoring news of other channels.

E-tjänster, ett kommunalt dilemma : En studie av de hinder som kan komma att påverka användningen av Skellefteå Kommuns e-tjänst för Bygglov

Jonsson, Fredrik, Burman, Lars January 2010 (has links)
<p>Under 2000-talet har begrepp som E-Government och 24-timmarsmyndighet kommit att förändra offentliga myndigheters sätt att erbjuda tjänster och interagera med medborgare. Att genom e-tjänster erbjuda medborgare alternativ till de traditionella kanalerna är något som de flesta svenska myndigheter och kommuner strävar mot. Skellefteå Kommun tog redan i början av 2000-talet initiativ att erbjuda service inom ramen för begreppet 24- timmarsmyndighet och erbjuder i nuläget en rad e-tjänster riktade mot kommunens medborgare. Syftet med vår undersökning är att ta reda på vilka hinder, identifierade i tidigare forskning, som kan komma att påverka användningsfrekvensen av en nyutvecklad e- tjänst för Bygglov som under sommaren 2010 skall lanseras. Utifrån en litteraturstudie har vi identifierat en rad hinder som i tidigare forskning anses påverka användningen av offentliga e-tjänster. En kategorisering av identifierade hinder har legat till grund för en fallstudie bestående av ett användbarhetstest och intervjuer. Resultatet av vår undersökning bekräftar att ett antal av de hinder som identifierats i den tidigare forskningen kan komma att påverka användningen av e-tjänsten för Bygglov. Undersökningens resultat indikerar att hinder främst finns att finna i sådant som rör användbarhet och Skellefteå Kommuns tillgängliggörande och marknadsföring av e-tjänsterna.</p> / <p>In the 2000’s, concepts such as E-Government and 24-hour government have changed the way public authorities provide services and interact with citizens. Through e-services public authorities offer an alternative to the traditional channels. This is something that most of the Swedish authorities and municipalities nowadays are striving for. In the early 2000’s Skellefteå Kommun took initiative to provide services under the concept of 24-hour government and currently offers a range of e-service to the citizens of Skellefteå Kommun. The aim of our study is to determine what barriers, identified in previous research, which may affect the frequency of use of a newly developed e-service for building permits, which is being launched during the summer of 2010. Based on a literature review, we have identified a number of barriers in previous research that claims to be affecting the use of public e- services. A categorization of identified barriers has been our basis for a case study consisting of a usability test and interviews. The results of our study confirm that a number of barriers identified by earlier conducted research may affect the use of the e-service for building permits. The survey results indicate that the main barriers concerns usability and the municipality strategies in making e-services available as well as the marketing of these.</p>

PCHome 24小時購物之創新技術競爭策略 -以倉儲管理技術之專利分析為基礎 / The competitive strategy of technological innovation of PCHome 24-hour shopping– based on patent analysis of warehouse management technology

陳桂弦 Unknown Date (has links)
在此網路普及、電子商務發展、全球化經營等趨勢下,倉儲管理要面對的是更有效與精確的處理以及儲存更多的品項,以較低的成本並滿足多樣的顧客需求;為維持企業競爭力,倉儲技術已經成為企業營運在產業競爭中的關鍵議題。 本研究是一個探索性的個案研究,研究對象為PCHome24小時購物事業部,分析基本架構為Chen(1996)所提出的動態競爭理論架構。依據PCHome論述有關倉儲管理的創新技術,透過專利資料分析,先以宏觀的角度來探討類似之倉儲管理技術樣貌,再以微觀的層面,探討其他擁有關聯性技術資源的廠商和PCHome 24小時購物之競爭關係以及策略。 研究結果顯示,擁有與PCHome 24小時購物創新倉儲管理類似技術的專利權人,其所屬於產業有與PCHome 24小時購物相同的電子商務,其他還有製造、健康照護、軟體資訊以及供應鍵自動化系統顧問服務業等,呈現多廣泛多元。依據Chen(1996)的動態競爭理論架構分析發現,擁有與PCHome所論述之創新倉儲管理技術概念類似技術專利的廠商,在不同的產業,依不同的市場共同性與專利技術資源相似程度,產生不同的市場策略與技術專利策略。其中包含PCHome面對相同市場時的優先專利佈局以防堵競爭對手進入策略,或透過專利訴訟發動攻擊性行動;面對已被專利的技術特徵時做回避以及差異化專利佈局以保護市場的防禦性行動;透過不同市場的相關專利技術做交叉授權或直接併購/取得技術專利授權,以強化自身專利技術來確保市場競爭力;以及最後,將其倉儲創新技術專利化商品化來開拓新市場,以及透過專利授權來賺取授權金以增加營收等策略。 / Basing on the popularity of internet, development of e-commerce, and business globalization, enterprises need more efficient and accurate warehouse management technology to meet diverse customer needs. In order to maintain the competitiveness of enterprises, innovative technology has become a key issue of the enterprises operating in industrial competition. This study is an exploratory case study and we select PCHome 24-hour Shopping as the subject. The foundation of this study is basing on the theoretical framework of dynamic competitive proposed by Chen (1996). According to the PCHome discourse on the warehouse management of innovative technologies, we started with the macro perspective to explore the similar appearance of the technologies basing on patent analysis; and then, to the micro level, we investigate the other enterprises which have similar technical resources and discuss their competitive relationship and business strategy of PChome. The results show that, the patentees which have similar technologies patents belong to diverse industries including e-commerce, manufacturing, health care, software information technology and supply chain automation systems consultancy services. Basing on the dynamic competitive framework, PCHome would produce different market strategy and patent strategy to the patentees depending on the market commonality and patented technology resources similarity. These competitive strategies include launching offensive action through patent litigation or attempt to prevent the entry strategies of competitors. Facing to the patentee who has patented similar technology, PCHome should avoid patented technical features and differentiate patent portfolio to protect the market. Further, through cross-licensing patented technology or directly to M & A / access to relate technology patents could strengthens the innovative technology to ensure market competitiveness. And finally, patenting or commercializing the innovative technologies could develop new markets, as well as through patents to earn licensing fees to increase revenues.

E-tjänster, ett kommunalt dilemma : En studie av de hinder som kan komma att påverka användningen av Skellefteå Kommuns e-tjänst för Bygglov

Jonsson, Fredrik, Burman, Lars January 2010 (has links)
Under 2000-talet har begrepp som E-Government och 24-timmarsmyndighet kommit att förändra offentliga myndigheters sätt att erbjuda tjänster och interagera med medborgare. Att genom e-tjänster erbjuda medborgare alternativ till de traditionella kanalerna är något som de flesta svenska myndigheter och kommuner strävar mot. Skellefteå Kommun tog redan i början av 2000-talet initiativ att erbjuda service inom ramen för begreppet 24- timmarsmyndighet och erbjuder i nuläget en rad e-tjänster riktade mot kommunens medborgare. Syftet med vår undersökning är att ta reda på vilka hinder, identifierade i tidigare forskning, som kan komma att påverka användningsfrekvensen av en nyutvecklad e- tjänst för Bygglov som under sommaren 2010 skall lanseras. Utifrån en litteraturstudie har vi identifierat en rad hinder som i tidigare forskning anses påverka användningen av offentliga e-tjänster. En kategorisering av identifierade hinder har legat till grund för en fallstudie bestående av ett användbarhetstest och intervjuer. Resultatet av vår undersökning bekräftar att ett antal av de hinder som identifierats i den tidigare forskningen kan komma att påverka användningen av e-tjänsten för Bygglov. Undersökningens resultat indikerar att hinder främst finns att finna i sådant som rör användbarhet och Skellefteå Kommuns tillgängliggörande och marknadsföring av e-tjänsterna. / In the 2000’s, concepts such as E-Government and 24-hour government have changed the way public authorities provide services and interact with citizens. Through e-services public authorities offer an alternative to the traditional channels. This is something that most of the Swedish authorities and municipalities nowadays are striving for. In the early 2000’s Skellefteå Kommun took initiative to provide services under the concept of 24-hour government and currently offers a range of e-service to the citizens of Skellefteå Kommun. The aim of our study is to determine what barriers, identified in previous research, which may affect the frequency of use of a newly developed e-service for building permits, which is being launched during the summer of 2010. Based on a literature review, we have identified a number of barriers in previous research that claims to be affecting the use of public e- services. A categorization of identified barriers has been our basis for a case study consisting of a usability test and interviews. The results of our study confirm that a number of barriers identified by earlier conducted research may affect the use of the e-service for building permits. The survey results indicate that the main barriers concerns usability and the municipality strategies in making e-services available as well as the marketing of these.

Редакционный нейтралитет в международном информационном телевещании / L'identité contre la neutralité dans la politique éditoriale des chaînes transnationales d'information / Identity vs. neutrality in the editorial policies of transnational news channels

Loctier, Denis 26 January 2012 (has links)
Cette œuvre représente une tentative cherchant à mettre en lumière les facteurs qui expliquent la visée des chaînes transnationales de l’information pour créer cet effet de neutralité dans la couverture éditoriale des conflits. Elle analyse également les conditions qui rendent possibles cette stratégie par les limites internes de la rédaction, ainsi que par le biais des attentes des publics. La position privilégiée de l'auteur, qui a depuis plus d'une décennie travaillé comme journaliste au sein de l'équipe éditoriale internationale d'Euronews, lui a permis de tester ses hypothèses et les constatations de l'intérieur de la chaine. Cette thèse examine les stratégies éditoriales des grands chaînes paneuropéens et mondiales d'information, en les plaçant dans la perspective de l'évolution historique de la diffusion transnationale et en analysant des évolutions actuelles dans le contexte de la mondialisation. En se concentrant en particulier sur la question de la neutralité déclarée habituellement dans les politiques éditoriales de ces chaînes, l'étude analyse les divergences dans l'interprétation de ce principe de base aussi bien par les équipes éditoriales comme par des groupes cibles des différents organismes de télédiffusion – un phénomène crucial qui créent des identités distinctes derrière la neutralité prétendue des flux d'information. Les méthodes employées dans la préparation de cette thèse intègrent l’observation participante à l’intérieur d’une chaine de nouvelles internationales de premier plan, une analyse de la perception du contenu des nouvelles par des téléspectateurs se classant parmi des camps politiques antagonistes, et une revue de la littérature et des publications périodiques russes et européennes. / This work represents an attempt to shed light onto the factors that explain the yearning of the transnational news channels to creating the impression of editorial neutrality in conflict coverage. It also demonstrates the conditionality of this guideline by the internal editorial limitations, as well as by the bias of the audience groups. The privileged position of the author, who has for more than a decade been working as a staff journalist within the international editorial team of Euronews, allowed him to test his hypotheses and findings from within. This dissertation examines the editorial strategies of the major paneuropean and global news channels, putting them in the perspective of historical evolution of transnational broadcasting and analysing the current developments in the context of the globalising world of today. Focusing in particular on the issue of commonly declared neutrality in the channels' editorial policies, the study analyses divergencies in interpreting this basic principle both by the editorial teams and by various audience groups of different broadcasters, creating distinct identities behind the supposedly neutral informational flows. The methods employed in preparing this dissertation include involved observational research of a leading international news channel, the analysis of the perception of news content by viewers ranking among confronting political camps, and reviews of topical Russian and European periodicals and literature.

Les chaînes de télévision internationales d'information à vocation de "diplomatie publique" / International 24-hour TV news channels for public diplomacy

Choi, Ji Sun 01 June 2015 (has links)
Cette recherche a pour objectif de comprendre le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information à l’ère de la mondialisation : la tension et l’harmonisation entre l’objectif de diplomatie publique de la chaîne internationale d’information et les principes journalistiques ; le rôle des chaînes internationales d’information pour l’espace public global dans le monde « trans-nationalisé ». Afin de répondre à ces questions, dans une perspective constructiviste, nous avons analysé les missions annoncées par les chaînes sélectionnées (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV et Al-Jazeera English) puis leur contenu réel : la programmation et le contenu journalistique. Les résultats d’analyse nous démontrent que les chaînes considèrent et réalisent implicitement leur rôle de diplomate public et soulignent explicitement les principes journalistiques. Enfin, nous avons trouvé que les chaînes internationales d’information fonctionnent comme une infrastructure de communication internationale, en réalisant un double objectif et une double identité à cause du croisement de deux acteurs principaux concernés au sein de la chaîne internationale d’information : le gouvernement et les professionnels du journalisme. De plus, les efforts qui peuvent montrer « l’objectivité » et « le respect des principes journalistiques » des chaînes internationales conduisent ces dernières à jouer un rôle dans la sphère publique internationale, notamment grâce aux émissions participatives et interactives, ainsi que par les dispositifs d’interaction et de discussion. / This research aims to understand the role of international 24-hour TV news channels in the era of globalization: the tension and balance between the role of the international news channel for public diplomacy and the respect for journalistic principles; the role of international news channels for the global public space in the transnationalised world. In order to answer these questions, we analysed their missions announced by the selected channels (CNN International, France 24, BBC World News, NHK World TV, Arirang TV and Al-Jazeera English) and their media content with a constructivist perspective. The results show that the channels implicitly realize their role for public diplomacy and explicitly emphasize the journalistic principles. Finally, we found that international news channels work as an international communications infrastructure phenomenally with dual goal and a dual identity. In addition, the result shows that the international 24-hour TV news channels try to play a role as international public sphere through participatory and interactive programs.

Vytvoření hydrologického modelu pro odvození maximálních odtoků z malých povodí / Creating a Hydrological Model to Determine Maximum Runoff from a Small Catchments

Hakl, Petr January 2020 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to set a hydrology model based on existed methodology DesQ-MaxQ, which comes from "Designing flows from a very small catchments" established in 1989. The model is able to set a nearest meteorology station and his 24-hours rainfall depths for periods of repetition 2,5,10,20,50 and 100 years. Substitute rainfall depths are set by "reduction of 24-hours rainfall depths" methodology. According to hydraulic and hydrology conditions of catchment, duration of the critical rains for each period of repetition are set also peak flow rates and total runoffs from the catchment. Application can work in two modes - "one slope" and "two slopes". The second option also includes calculation of design duration for the model catchment and superposition of hydrograph. Application RainRunoff was develop in C# programming language with graphic user interface and option to exports hydrographs.

De nya EU-bestämmelsernas påverkan på medarbetarna inom LSS : En kvalitativ studie om hur de nya bestämmelserna kring dygns- och veckovila har påverkat medarbetarnas arbetssituation inom LSS / The impact of the new EU regulations on the employees within LSS : A qualitative study on how the new regulations regarding 24-hour and weekly rest have affected the work situation of employees within LSS

Kruuse, Ida, Dreveros, Meriam January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie var att analysera förändringsprocesserna i samband med de nya bestämmelserna för dygns- och veckovila samt att se hur detta har påverkat medarbetarnas arbetssituation och deras syn på sitt arbete i de aktuella LLS-organisationerna. Inledningsvis presenterar vi en inledning till ämnet och studiens bakgrund. Därefter presenteras studiens syfte, frågeställningar, avgränsning och disposition. Vidare presenteras de teorier som använts som verktyg för att analysera det empiriska materialet. Dessa är motstånd, vårt offentliga etos, förändringsprocesser och förändringsagenter. Studiens metodologi beskrivs sedan tillsammans med insamlingen av empirin genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med de tolv intervjupersonerna. Därefter presenteras analysen och resultatet av empirin, som visar att genomförandet skett på ett sätt som inte fullt ut har skapat en känsla av delaktighet och förståelse hos medarbetarna. Detta har lett till konflikter kopplat till deras offentliga etos och ansvar som tjänstemän gentemot organisationen, kollegorna och brukarna som yttrar sig iform av olika typer av motstånd. Avslutningsvis presenteras studiens slutsats tillsammans med en reflektion samt förslag på fortsatt forskning. / The purpose of this study was to analyze the change processes in connection with the new regulations for 24-hour and weekly rest and how this has affected the employees' work situation and their view of their work in the LSS-organizations in question. Initially, we present an introduction to the subject and the background of the study. Then the study's purpose, questions, delimitation and outline are presented. Furthermore, the theories used as tools to analyze the empirical material are presented. These are resistance, our public ethos, change processes and change agents. The study's methodology is then described together with the collection of empirical evidence through semi-structured interviews with the twelve interviewees. Then the analysis and the results of the empirical work are presented, which show that the implementation took place in a way that has not fully created a feeling of participation and understanding among the employees. This has led to conflicts linked to their public ethos and responsibilities as officials towards the organization, colleagues and users who express themselves in the form of various types of resistance. Finally, the study's conclusion is presented together with a reflection and suggestions for further research.

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