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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Exerc?cio profissional: pautas para an?lise das compet?ncias e atribui??es profissionais dos/as assistentes sociais da aten??o b?sica de sa?de do munic?pio do Natal/RN

Oliveira, Sheyla Priscila Souza de 31 October 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-01-16T16:44:35Z No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaPriscilaSouzaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2168866 bytes, checksum: 42fe7ccdbe44062a41015450dc373d57 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-01-19T11:51:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaPriscilaSouzaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2168866 bytes, checksum: 42fe7ccdbe44062a41015450dc373d57 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-19T11:51:51Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SheylaPriscilaSouzaDeOliveira_DISSERT.pdf: 2168866 bytes, checksum: 42fe7ccdbe44062a41015450dc373d57 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-10-31 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / Compreender a din?mica societ?ria e os caminhos por quais est?o percorrendo as pol?ticas sociais e a efetiva??o dos direitos sociais na conjuntura hostil e contradit?ria da sociedade capitalista, amparadas no ide?rio neoliberal, ? imprescind?vel para analisar o exerc?cio profissional dos/as assistentes sociais nos seus diversos espa?os de inser??o. Nessa perspectiva, o presente estudo ? fruto de uma pesquisa de campo e bibliogr?fica com o objetivo geral de analisar como tem se desenvolvido o exerc?cio profissional do (a) assistente social na Aten??o B?sica da Pol?tica de Sa?de no munic?pio do Natal/RN, com vistas a contribuir para a discuss?o do fazer profissional e a import?ncia do projeto ?tico-pol?tico como elemento norteador e indispens?vel para o Servi?o Social. Os dados emp?ricos foram coletados a partir de entrevistas semiestruturadas com assistentes sociais lotados/as na aten??o b?sica de Natal. Assim, foram entrevistados/as assistentes sociais de USF, UBS, diretor/a de Distrito Sanit?rio, diretor/a de unidade de sa?de, NASF e Consult?rios na Rua. Os dados da coleta foram analisados a partir da t?cnica de an?lise de conte?do e os resultados expostos no cap?tulo tr?s da disserta??o. Os resultados demonstram a fragilidade das condi??es de trabalho nas quais se encontram os/as assistentes sociais, fruto de dificuldades vivenciadas pela pol?tica de sa?de de modo geral, e que afetam os profissionais por se inserirem em processos de trabalho j? definidos pelos empregadores e por terem as pol?ticas sociais como principal campo de atua??o. Outro ponto interessante revelado no estudo ? a confus?o/imprecis?o que os sujeitos de pesquisa fazem ao se referir as compet?ncias e atribui??es privativas do Servi?o Social, principalmente sobre essa ?ltima por estarem inseridos em equipes multiprofissionais e interdisciplinares. Nessa perspectiva ? de extrema import?ncia problematizarmos o tema que ora se apresenta, pois ? a produ??o do conhecimento acerca do exerc?cio profissional, em tempos de regress?o de direitos e fortalecimento do neoconservadorismo, que nos permite olharmos para os rumos que a profiss?o tem tomado e reiterar a necessidade da defesa do fazer profissional norteado pelo projeto profissional cr?tico. / To understand the dynamics societ?ria and the roads for which are traveling the social politics and the efetiva??o of the social rights in the hostile and contradictory conjuncture of the capitalist society, aided in the neoliberal ide?rio, it is indispensable to analyze the social workers' professional exercise in their several insert spaces. In that perspective, the present study is fruit of a field research and bibliographical with the general objective of analyzing how he/she has if developed the (the) social worker's professional exercise in the Basic Attention of the Politics of Health in the municipal district of Christmas / RN, with views to contribute for the discussion of doing professional and the importance of the ethical-political project as element norteador and indispensable for the Social Service. The empiric data were collected starting from interviews semiestruturadas with full social workers / the in the basic attention of Christmas. Like this, they were interviewed / the social workers of USF, UBS, director / the one of Sanitary District, director / the one of unit of health, NASF and Clinics in the Street. The data of the collection were analyzed starting from the technique of content analysis and the exposed results in the chapter three of the dissertation. The results demonstrate the fragility of the work conditions in which are the social workers, fruit of difficulties lived by the politics of health in general, and that affect the professionals for if they insert in work processes already defined for the employers and for they have the social politics as main field of performance. Another interesting point revealed in the study is the confusion / imprecision that the subject of research do when referring the competences and private attributions of the Social Service, mainly on that last one for they be inserted in teams multiprofissionais and interdisciplinary. In that perspective it is of extreme importance problematize the theme that prays if it presents, therefore it is the production of the knowledge concerning the professional exercise, in times of regression of rights and invigoration of the neoconservadorismo, that it allows we look each other at the directions that the profession has been taking and to reiterate the need of the defense of doing professional orientated by the critical professional project. Keywords: Social Service. Job. professional

Plataforma de suporte ?s ferramentas de aprendizagem para o ensino de l?gica de programa??o na educa??o b?sica

Oliveira J?nior, Evandro Jos? de January 2017 (has links)
Data de aprova??o ausente. / Submitted by Jos? Henrique Henrique (jose.neves@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-23T18:47:20Z No. of bitstreams: 2 evandro_jose_oliveira_junior.pdf: 1667432 bytes, checksum: b50071bbf0dbf5cc73187ae78aa09820 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Rodrigo Martins Cruz (rodrigo.cruz@ufvjm.edu.br) on 2017-06-26T17:34:17Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 2 evandro_jose_oliveira_junior.pdf: 1667432 bytes, checksum: b50071bbf0dbf5cc73187ae78aa09820 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-26T17:34:17Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2 evandro_jose_oliveira_junior.pdf: 1667432 bytes, checksum: b50071bbf0dbf5cc73187ae78aa09820 (MD5) license_rdf: 0 bytes, checksum: d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017 / Alguns pa?ses s?o refer?ncia no ensino de computac?o em escolas de ensino b?sico. Isso se deu pelo fato de n?o ensinarem somente ferramentas b?sicas contidas nos computadores, mas tamb?m os fundamentos da Ci?ncia da Computac?o e como eles podem ser aplicados no dia-a-dia. No Brasil praticamente n?o h? ensino de computac?o nas escolas. Com o objetivo de estimular a inserc?o da computac?o na educac?o b?sica do Brasil, este trabalho apresenta v?rias ferramentas de ensino e aprendizagem de programac?o. Discute como essas ferramentas podem ajudar os alunos a desenvolverem caracter?sticas e conhecimentos desej?veis, tanto para a pr?pria computac?o quanto na sua interdisciplinaridade. ? realizada uma an?lise sobre as caracter?sticas de duas dessas ferramentas: Blockly e App Inventor. Al?m disso, s?o apresentados exemplos de uso. Mostra tamb?m uma reflex?o sobre a import?ncia de trabalhar e desenvolver o pensamento cr?tico e o racioc?nio l?gico dos alunos atrav?s da l?gica de programac?o inserida nas escolas. Foi proposto nesta dissertac?o o desenvolvimento de uma plataforma que re?na as principais ferramentas e oriente os alunos e professores sobre como us?-las. Este trabalho busca contribuir para escola, alunos e professores, apresentando ferramentas de ensino que interajam com crian?as e adolescentes, de forma a proporcionar divers?o e estimular a curiosidade. / Disserta??o (Mestrado Profissional) ? Programa de P?s-Gradua??o em Educa??o, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, 2017. / Some countries are a reference in computer science education in elementary schools. This is due by the fact they are not teaching only basic computers tools, but also computer science fundaments and how they can be applied in their daily life. In Brazil, there is practically no computer science education in schools. With the aim of motivate the insertion of computing science in Brazil?s basic education, this work presents several teaching and learning tools for computer programming. It discusses how these tools can help students to develop characteristics and knowledge desirable, for their own programing skills and also in their interdisciplinary. An analysis is performed on the characteristics of two tools: Blockly and App Inventor. In addition, their usage examples are provided. It also shows a reflection on the importance of developing the student critical and logical thinking using programming logics inserted in schools. It was proposed in this dissertation the development of a platform that brings together the main tools and guides students and teachers on how to use them. This work aims to contribute to school, students and teachers, presenting teaching tools which interacts with children and teenagers, in order to provide fun and stimulate curiosity.

Valoriza??o do magist?rio da educa??o b?sica no RN: participa??o do SINTE e do governo estadual na implementa??o do piso salarial profissional nacional na rede p?blica estadual no ano de 2009

Ferreira, Maria Aparecida dos Santos 11 February 2010 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MariaASF_DISSERT.pdf: 2398017 bytes, checksum: d724252a8e5f77447d0c3e2cbfd39a1b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2010-02-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This paper analyzes the policy of upgrading the teaching profession in relation to financing basic education, with a view to participation of the Union of Education Workers of Rio Grande do Norte - SINTE / RN and the state government in the implementation of Professional Base Salary the National Professional Teaching Public Basic Education - Law 11738/2008, the public state of Rio Grande do Norte. The participation of civil society, through the union movement presents itself as an important process of implementation of Professional Base Salary. The participation of SINTE / RN occurred since the fight to pass the plan, careers and Compensation (2006) until the implementation of the Base Salary (2009) highlighting the power relations established between the Union and State Government. To this end, there were actions such as public hearings and strikes by education professionals. In order to raise issues relevant to the issue of enhancement of teaching and participation of unions as a collective representation has been taken as a theoretical and methodological literature on the financing of basic education, enhancing teaching and participation as well as policy guidelines governing the career of teaching. Was used as a methodological procedure to document analysis and information gathering through semi-structured interviews. The results indicate the participation and the power relationship between the trade union movement and the state government in the implementation of the Base Salary. However, the current issues concerning the limitations of recovery of the teaching profession in order to implement the policy floor, not only merit of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but the decisions that have been taken by the Supreme Court (STF) relating to the unconstitutionality of Action (ADI) filed by five governors. This fact greatly reduced the possibility of recovery of the teaching of the state, considering that the government was limited to decisions of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the enhancement of teaching remains a challenge for the union movement / Neste trabalho analisa-se a pol?tica de valoriza??o do magist?rio, no contexto do financiamento da educa??o b?sica, tendo em vista a participa??o do Sindicato dos Trabalhadores em Educa??o do Rio Grande do Norte SINTE/RN e do governo estadual na implementa??o do Piso Salarial Profissional Nacional para os Profissionais do Magist?rio P?blico da Educa??o B?sica Lei 11.738/2008, na rede p?blica estadual do Rio Grande do Norte. A participa??o da sociedade civil, atrav?s do movimento sindical apresenta-se como importante processo de implementa??o do Piso Salarial Profissional. A participa??o do SINTE/RN ocorreu desde a luta pela aprova??o do Plano de Cargo, carreira e Remunera??o (2006) at? a implementa??o do Piso Salarial (2009) destacando as rela??es de poder constitu?das entre o Sindicato e o Governo Estadual. Para tanto, ocorreram a??es como audi?ncias p?blicas e greves dos profissionais da educa??o. Com o intuito de suscitar as quest?es pertinentes ? tem?tica da valoriza??o do magist?rio e da participa??o do movimento sindical, enquanto uma representa??o coletiva tomou-se como referencial te?rico-metodol?gico, a literatura sobre o financiamento da educa??o b?sica, da valoriza??o do magist?rio e da participa??o, bem como as diretrizes pol?ticas que regulamentam a carreira do magist?rio. Utilizou-se como procedimento metodol?gico a an?lise documental e coleta de informa??es por meio das entrevistas semi-estruturadas. Os resultados indicam a participa??o e a rela??o de poder entre o movimento sindical e o governo estadual na implementa??o do Piso Salarial. Por?m, as quest?es atuais referentes ?s limita??es da valoriza??o do magist?rio, tendo em vista, a pol?tica de implementa??o do Piso, n?o ? m?rito apenas da rede estadual do Rio Grande do Norte, e sim, das decis?es que vem sendo tomadas pelo Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) referentes ? A??o Direta de inconstitucionalidade (ADI) impetrada pelos cinco governadores. Esse fato reduziu sobremaneira a possibilidade da valoriza??o do magist?rio da rede estadual, considerando que o governo limitou-se ?s decis?es do STF. Assim sendo, a valoriza??o do magist?rio continua sendo um desafio para o movimento sindical

Educa??o do campo e altern?ncia :reflex?es sobre uma experi?ncia na Transamaz?nica/Par?

Reis, Neila da Silva 05 October 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T14:36:36Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NeilaRCS.pdf: 2096384 bytes, checksum: 66ffe27b2b748a3fa3b9b28c9e21fe3b (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-10-05 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The study theme is the Rural Familiar House Program (RFHP), through the Rural Familiar House of Uruar?-PA city (URFH), from 2000 to 2005. It is considered as base the education offered to the field young people, in the modality of basic education by alternation methodology between the Familiar and School Times in the two first from 5th to 8th grade classrooms. From the argument about the understanding importance and need of knowledge transmission and construction to be established in the inter-section between general references of the social reality and the subjective ones. It constitutes an educative work that both values domain of knowing and the creative capacity of each pupil. Considering that the greatest aim of the education is the human being emancipation, this thematic for the development of the documentary and field research was defined with the delimitated thematic for the educative practice-proposal in alternation, choosing the Program of the RFHs as the reference to carry out an analysis which considered fruitful in the articulation between education and educative work. This study had the objective to contribute for the debate concerning the alternation and to understand presuposals and educative practice of the RFHs what its importance for the young people and its relation with the field educational policy. For this, it was used, mainly, from analytical references of authors, such as Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, et. all, all were also important for the construction of this work. The studied documentary sources, as well as the verbal ones the actors also interviewed had allowed, in irreplaceable way and significantly, a critical analysis on the pedagogical proposals and the articulation among school, familiar work and education, which was carried out in the formation of URFH, the sessions of alternation between Time School and Time Family. The results are scored with the chapter construction, as they had presented themselves in several sources and the reading which was made. A reading that signals for the affirmation which is possible to overtake the emphasis on technicality, mediated in the practice-theory-practice relation, still present in the alternation, and, thus, to be able to make an educative work that intends to contribute for the young people education with capacity of being, thinking and to act actually as subjects of their history / O Tema deste estudo ? o Programa das Casas Familiares Rurais (CFRs), por meio da Casa Familiar Rural de Uruar?/PA (CFRU), entre os anos de 2000 e 2005. Considera-se, como base, a forma??o ofertada aos jovens do campo, na modalidade de educa??o b?sica, pela metodologia de altern?ncia entre os Tempos Escola e Familiar, nas duas primeiras turmas de 5? ? 8? s?rie. Parte-se do argumento sobre a import?ncia do entendimento e da necessidade de transmiss?o/constru??o do conhecimento, fundados na inter-sec??o entre refer?ncias gerais da realidade social e das subjetivas. Constitui um trabalho educativo que valoriza, tanto o dom?nio dos saberes, como a capacidade criativa de cada aluno. Considerando que o fim maior da educa??o ? a emancipa??o humana, definiu-se esta tem?tica para o desenvolvimento da pesquisa documental e de campo, com o recorte para a proposta/pr?tica educativa em altern?ncia, escolhendo o Programa das CFRs como a refer?ncia para realizar uma an?lise que se prop?s fecunda na articula??o entre educa??o e trabalho educativo. Este estudo teve o objetivo de contribuir para o debate acerca da altern?ncia e compreender os pressupostos e a pr?tica educativa das CFRs e qual a sua import?ncia para o jovem, a sua emancipa??o e sua rela??o com a pol?tica educacional do campo. Para isto, valeu-se, principalmente, das refer?ncias anal?ticas de autores, como Williams, Gramsci, Adorno, Freire, Shiva, Soares, Molina, Tonet, entre outros, todos tamb?m importantes para a constru??o deste trabalho. As fontes documentais estudadas, assim como as orais os atores entrevistados tamb?m permitiram, de modo insubstitu?vel e significativamente, uma an?lise cr?tica sobre as proposi??es pedag?gicas e a articula??o entre a escola, trabalho familiar e educa??o, realizada na forma??o da CFRU, nas sess?es de altern?ncia entre Tempo Escola e Tempo Fam?lia. Os resultados s?o pontuados ao decorrer da estrutura??o dos cap?tulos, conforme se apresentaram nas diversas fontes e na leitura que destes se fez. Uma leitura que sinaliza para a afirma??o de que ? poss?vel ultrapassar a ?nfase sobre o tecnicismo, mediado na rela??o pr?tica/teoria/pr?tica, ainda presente na altern?ncia, e, assim, poder fazer um trabalho educativo que pretenda contribuir para a forma??o de jovens com capacidade de ser, pensar e agir de fato como sujeitos de sua hist?ria

Concep??es dos educadores musicais sobre o ensino de m?sica na forma??o b?sica da rede p?blica municipal da cidade do Natal/RN

Abreu, Washington Nogueira de 27 May 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2016-04-26T21:11:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 WashingtonNogueiraDeAbreu_DISSERT.pdf: 2669178 bytes, checksum: 114705635bc5ae06f5c42f6f44a70fe9 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2016-04-29T23:23:10Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 WashingtonNogueiraDeAbreu_DISSERT.pdf: 2669178 bytes, checksum: 114705635bc5ae06f5c42f6f44a70fe9 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-29T23:23:10Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 WashingtonNogueiraDeAbreu_DISSERT.pdf: 2669178 bytes, checksum: 114705635bc5ae06f5c42f6f44a70fe9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-05-27 / A Educa??o Musical est? presente na Educa??o B?sica em seus diversos n?veis de aprendizagem. Neste trabalho, destaca-se o ensino de m?sica no ensino fundamental, ministrado por professores especialistas em m?sica. Este trabalho tem como objetivo geral identificar e analisar concep??es dos educadores musicais sobre o ensino de m?sica no Ensino Fundamental em escolas p?blicas municipais da Cidade do Natal/RN. Os objetivos espec?ficos s?o: identificar como se constitui o ensino de m?sica nas escolas p?blicas municipais da cidade do Natal; identificar o perfil dos professores de m?sica que atuam no ensino fundamental da cidade do Natal; relacionar as experi?ncias da forma??o do educador musical com o ensino de m?sica. A fundamenta??o te?rica est? embasada em autores que tratam da fun??o da m?sica na escola, saberes docentes, concep??es do educador musical na educa??o b?sica. A metodologia utilizada foi ? abordagem qualitativa que esclareceu a problem?tica da pesquisa: quais s?o as concep??es dos educadores musicais sobre o ensino de m?sica no ensino fundamental em escolas p?blicas municipais da Cidade do Natal? Essa pesquisa foi feita com educadores musicais, formados em licenciatura em m?sica ou educa??o art?stica com habilita??o em m?sica, da rede municipal de ensino da cidade do Natal/RN. O levantamento dos dados foi constru?do atrav?s de question?rio e entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados foram sinalizados a partir da an?lise do discurso dos educadores, dialogando com autores que cujos estudos versam sobre as concep??es do educador musical na Educa??o B?sica. Eles apontam para uma diversidade de concep??es relacionadas ao ensino e aprendizagem de m?sica no ensino fundamental, em todas as suas dimens?es: planejamento, conte?dos, pr?tica, avalia??o e forma??o humana. O ensino de m?sica na cidade do Natal est? se solidificando por ter educadores musicais que se preocupam com sua forma??o, reflex?o e a??o na aprendizagem do educando, sendo contextualizado com a realidade de cada escola. / Music education is present in basic education at various levels of learning and this essay stands out teaching music in elementary school taught by specialist music teachers. This essay has as its main purpose to identify and analyze conceptions of music educators on teaching music in elementary public schools in Natal/RN. The specific goals are: identify how consists the music teaching in Natal public schools; identify the profile of music teachers working in Natal elementary schools; the experiences of music educator?s formation with music education. The theoretical foundation is based on authors that deal with the function of music in school, teaching knowledge and notions of music educator in basic education. The methodology used was the qualitative approach that clarified the issue of research: what are the ideas of music educators on teaching music in elementary public education in Natal schools? This research was done with music educators teaching in Natal with a music degree or art education with major in music. The data collection was built through a questionnaire and semi-structured interview. The results were expressed from the analysis of educators' discourse while in dialogue with authors who study the conceptions of music educator in basic education. They point to a variety of concepts related to teaching and learning music in primary education in all its dimensions: planning, content, practice, evaluation and human formation. The music education in Natal is improving by having music educators who care about their education, thoughts and action on the students? learning, contextualized with the reality of each school.

Perspectivas dos cirurgi?es-dentistas sobre a inser??o da fitoterapia na aten??o b?sica de sa?de

Lima J?nior, Jos? Ferreira 19 May 2006 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:30:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 JoseFLJ.pdf: 489038 bytes, checksum: 731141dec4f591b581277507990e3a2c (MD5) Previous issue date: 2006-05-19 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / This work aims at investigating the surgeons-dentists acceptability in the field of public health in the city of Natal, State of Rio Grande do Norte, about the possibility of medicinal plants insertion in basic attencion of health. Moreover, it searchs to know if during their professinal formation it had some theoretician-pratical basement on this subject, as well as investigating their confidence on the medicinal plants. The basic motivation for developing this study is the possibility of contributing to the insertion of a tradicional health pratical at public assistance scope, endorsed by popular use, but now scientifically proven. For in a such way, the medicinal plants use is emphasized as a way to be followed to increase basic pharmaceutical assistance, improving the acess to the medicine and diminish expenses. Following this logic, family health program constitutes the way through which this pratical will be available to the users of health services. The research was done over thirty surgeonsdentists, all ofthem pertaining to public service ofNatal, state ofRio Grande do Norte. It was used, as research instrument, semi-estructured interview associated with methodological analysis user s speeches. On this form, this work is inserted in a trend observed nowadays not only in Brazil, where the use of the medicinal plants has been stimulated and defended to be inserted at programs ofprimary attenction of health / Este trabalho tem por objetivo conhecer a aceitabilidade dos cirurgi?es-dentistas da assist?ncia p?blica na cidade de Natal/RN em rela??o ? possibilidade de inser??o da fitoterapia na aten??o b?sica de sa?de. Al?m disso, busca conhecer se durante a forma??o profissional deles houve algum embasamento te?rico-pr?tico sobre este assunto, bem como investigar a confian?a que eles atribuem aos fitoter?picos. A motiva??o b?sica para a realiza??o desse estudo est? na possibilidade de contribuir com a inser??o de uma pr?tica de sa?de tradicional no ?mbito da assist?ncia p?blica, respaldada pelo uso popular, por?m ? luz do conhecimento cient?fico. Para tanto, a fitoterapia ? enfatizada como um caminho a ser seguido com vistas a incrementar a assist?ncia farmac?utica b?sica, aumentando o acesso ao medicamento e minorando gastos. Seguindo esta l?gica, o PSF constitui o caminho atrav?s do qual esta pr?tica poder? chegar at? o usu?rio do servi?o de sa?de. A popula??o estudada foi composta de trinta cirurgi?es-dentistas vinculados ao servi?o p?blico de Natal-RN. O instrumento utilizado foi um roteiro de entrevista semi-estruturada, com a t?cnica de an?lise das pr?ticas discursivas. Nesse sentido, este trabalho se insere dentro de uma tend?ncia que se v? atualmente n?o s? no Brasil, onde a utiliza??o das plantas medicinais tem sido incentivada, estimulada e defendida para ser inseri da dentro dos programas de aten??o prim?ria ? sa?de. Palavras-chaves: Fitoterapia; servi?os p?blicos de sa?de; sa?de bucal; aten??o b?sica

Estudos jur?dico-constitucionais no ensino b?sico brasileiro: uma an?lise ? luz do direito fundamental ? educa??o

C?mara, Hermano Victor Faustino 19 September 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2018-02-15T11:42:47Z No. of bitstreams: 1 HermanoVictorFaustinoCamara_DISSERT.pdf: 1397433 bytes, checksum: 03d6c36508a25dabe32082ea3b114c13 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2018-02-16T13:51:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 HermanoVictorFaustinoCamara_DISSERT.pdf: 1397433 bytes, checksum: 03d6c36508a25dabe32082ea3b114c13 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-02-16T13:51:23Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 HermanoVictorFaustinoCamara_DISSERT.pdf: 1397433 bytes, checksum: 03d6c36508a25dabe32082ea3b114c13 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-09-19 / O direito fundamental ? educa??o, que tem natureza social e demanda um agir positivo do Estado, compreende a forma??o cidad? e o preparo do educando para o exerc?cio da cidadania. Sua concretiza??o ? pressuposto para o exerc?cio de diversos outros direitos, pois n?o h? falar em dignidade humana sem a efetiva??o do direito ? educa??o. Nessa perspectiva, ? papel da educa??o a forma??o jur?dica elementar e a difus?o de conhecimentos relacionados ao conte?do constitucional, tanto no que diz respeito ? prote??o dada aos direitos fundamentais quanto no que tange ?s estruturas do Estado e aos mecanismos inerentes ? atua??o cidad?. Partindo desse pressuposto, analisa-se aqui a viabilidade de se incluir nos curr?culos da educa??o b?sica o ensino jur?dico-constitucional, com vistas ? efetiva??o da cidadania atrav?s do direito ? educa??o. Para isso, s?o consideradas as contribui??es das principais teorias curriculares cr?ticas e p?s-cr?ticas, promovendo-se um entendimento do papel da escola, que n?o mais deve servir meramente de aparelho ideol?gico do Estado para a reprodu??o do status quo, nos moldes da cr?tica althusseriana, mas deve, sim, servir de espa?o para a forma??o de humanidades e difus?o do respeito ?s demandas sociais e de reconhecimento das minorias. Essa reflex?o n?o pode desconsiderar a vasta teoriza??o em torno da sistem?tica da educa??o em direitos humanos, tend?ncia internacional que oferece diversos nortes para a aplica??o de pol?ticas p?blicas tendentes a promover a difus?o do ensino jur?dico-constitucional no ambiente escolar. A partir dessas teoriza??es, discutem-se aqui quais os conte?dos devem compor esse ensino jur?dico, e quais as metodologias adequadas para a concretiza??o dessa pr?tica, levando-se em conta toda a profus?o de possibilidades que a contemporaneidade coloca ? disposi??o de docentes e discentes, bem como a necessidade de se estabelecer uma pr?tica educativa pautada no di?logo e na forma??o de humanidades, bem como na constru??o de uma cultura de respeito aos direitos humanos. Ademais, s?o consideradas as experi?ncias pedag?gicas hist?ricas que j? tiveram lugar no Brasil relativamente ?s tentativas de promover o ensino jur?dico na educa??o b?sica, e, a partir da cr?tica a essas tentativas, comenta-se a proposi??o legislativa em curso no Congresso Nacional, o Projeto de Lei do Senado n? 70/2015, que visa alterar a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educa??o para promover a inclus?o do ensino jur?dico-constitucional nos curr?culos da educa??o b?sica brasileira. Por fim, com base em todas as discuss?es promovidas, apresenta-se uma proposta de disciplina capaz de efetivar essa medida nas grades dos n?veis fundamental e m?dio de ensino no Brasi. / The fundamental right to education, the social nature and the demand for a positive act of the State, includes the formation of citizens and prepares education for the exercise of citizenship. Its implementation is a prerequisite for the exercise of several other rights, since there is no human dignity without an effective right to education. In this perspective, it is the role of elementary education and legal education and a diffusion of knowledge related to the constitutional content, both regarding the protection given to fundamental rights and not so important in the structures of the State and the mechanisms inherent in citizen action. Based on this assumption, we analyze the feasibility of presenting our curricula of the basic education of legal-constitutional education, with perspectives for the realization of citizenship through the right to education. Therefore, they are considered as contributions of the main critical and post-critical curricular theories, promoting an understanding of the role of the school, which no longer deserve the state ideology apparatus for a reproduction of the status quo, in the molds of the Althusserian critic Mas It should serve as a space for the formation of the humanities and the diffusion of respect for the demands and recognition of minorities. This reflection can not ignore the vast theorizing around the human rights education system, an international tendency and offer several nortes for an application of public policies tendencies to promote the diffusion of legal-constitutional education in the school environment. Once the content of legal education has been established, and as appropriate methodologies for the practice, taking into account a wide range of possibilities found in a disposition of teachers and students, as well as In building a culture of respect for human rights. In addition, they are considered as historical pedagogical experiences that have already taken place in Brazil, Brazil, Brazil, and Brazil, Senate Law no. 70/2015, which aims to amend a Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education to promote Inclusion of legal-constitutional education in Brazilian basic education curricula. Finally, based on all the discussions promoted, it presents a proposal of discipline capable of effecting this measure in the basic and medium levels of non-Brazilian education.

A atua??o dos consult?rios na rua (CnaR) e a aten??o ? sa?de da popula??o em situa??o de rua

Matos, Anna Carolina Vidal 12 July 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-14T20:41:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 AnnaCarolinaVidalMatos_DISSERT.pdf: 2351324 bytes, checksum: b015b6d254a35a6308eeae0d4b84e8ff (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-15T18:56:19Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 AnnaCarolinaVidalMatos_DISSERT.pdf: 2351324 bytes, checksum: b015b6d254a35a6308eeae0d4b84e8ff (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-15T18:56:20Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 AnnaCarolinaVidalMatos_DISSERT.pdf: 2351324 bytes, checksum: b015b6d254a35a6308eeae0d4b84e8ff (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-07-12 / A presente pesquisa tomou como refer?ncia a popula??o em situa??o de rua como uma manifesta??o da quest?o social, o que implica um fen?meno gerado a partir de condi??es hist?ricas, com a media??o de aspectos sociais, econ?micos e pol?ticos. Em consequ?ncia da organiza??o e das lutas do Movimento Nacional da Popula??o de Rua, atualmente, no Brasil, tal fen?meno ? abordado pelo Estado como uma quest?o transversal a v?rias ?reas da gest?o p?blica. Assim, em 2011, surge a Pol?tica Nacional Para a Popula??o em Situa??o de Rua, em que foram criados os Consult?rios na Rua (CnaR). Estes s?o equipamentos da aten??o b?sica voltados para a preven??o e promo??o de sa?de junto ? popula??o em situa??o de rua. Nessa dire??o, esta pesquisa visou a entender a atua??o dos profissionais dos CnaR no munic?pio do Natal/RN. O objetivo geral foi analisar a atua??o das equipes do CnaR frente ?s demandas e necessidades de sa?de da popula??o em situa??o de rua do munic?pio de Natal/RN. De forma mais espec?fica, pretendeu-se caracterizar as pr?ticas dos profissionais do CnaR; problematizar os limites e as potencialidades desse equipamento na sua rela??o com a rede de sa?de e com a intersetorialidade; e discutir como se d? o acesso ao cuidado integral ? sa?de da popula??o em situa??o de rua, por meio das pr?ticas do CnaR. Assim, foram feitas entrevistas semiestruturadas com os profissionais das equipes e, concomitantemente, observa??o participante e registros em di?rios de campo a partir do acompanhamento de uma das equipes. Em Natal/RN, existem tr?s equipes do CnaR, localizadas em duas regi?es da cidade, sendo elas compostas por 19 profissionais e um coordenador. Participaram das entrevistas 17 profissionais. Foi constatado que as demandas que chegam para as equipes s?o bastante diversificadas, mas ligadas ao perfil de desassist?ncia e nega??o de direitos caracter?stico dessa popula??o, o que exige uma educa??o cr?tica e permanente acerca do fen?meno, algo que foi visto como incipiente. Al?m disso, o trabalho dos profissionais se d? na dire??o das pr?ticas voltadas para a inser??o dos usu?rios na rede de sa?de, como o matriciamento, e no atendimento ?s demandas apresentadas no campo ? e essas ?ltimas acabam sendo priorizadas por seu volume. A dificuldade de articula??o com outros servi?os da rede emergiu como uma das mais marcantes da atua??o e, junto com o excesso de atividades, foi apresentada como limite para a efetiva inser??o dos usu?rios na rede. Constatou-se tamb?m que h? uma necessidade de estimular a articula??o com parceiros centrais como o NASF e o MNPR. Por fim, ? importante ressaltar que entender as pr?ticas dos CnaR permite ampliar o entendimento da constru??o das pol?ticas sociais para a popula??o em situa??o de rua, diminuir a invisibilidade e promover a constru??o de possibilidade de uma transforma??o na realidade desse p?blico. / This research took people under street condition as a manifestation of the Social Issue, implying a phenomenon generated from historical conditions, with the mediation of social, economic and political aspects. As a result of the organization and the struggles of the National Movement of People Under Street Condition, currently in Brazil this phenomenon is addressed by the State as a transversal issue for various areas of public administration. Thus, in 2011, arises the National Policy to the Population under Street Condition, from which the Street Clinics were created (CnaR). These are equipments of Primary Care focused on prevention and health promotion among the people under street condition. In this sense, this research aimed to understand the work of CnaR professionals in the city of Natal/RN. The general objective was to analyze the practices of CnaR teams toward the demands and health needs of the people under street condition of Natal/RN. More specifically, it sought to characterize the practices of CNAR professionals; problematize the limits and potential of this equipment in their relationship with the health network and the intersectorality and; discuss how the access to full health care of the population people under street condition takes place through CnaR practices. Aiming these objectives, semi-structured interviews were conducted with professional teams and, concomitantly, participant observation and records in field diaries from the observations of one of the teams. There are three teams CnaR in Natal/RN, located in two areas of the city, composed of 19 professionals and a coordinator. Seventeen professionals participated in the interviews. It was found that the demands that come to the teams are quite diverse, but related to lack of assistance profile and denial of rights that characterizes this population, which requires a critical and permanent education about the phenomenon, which was seen as incipient. Moreover, the work of professionals takes place in the direction of practices aiming the integration of users in the health system, such as matrx support, and facing immediate demands in the field, and the latter end up being prioritized because its volume. Integration with other network services has emerged as one of the most outstanding difficulties for the practices and, along with excess of activity, was presented as limitation for the effective integration of users in the network. It was also found that there is a need to encourage cooperation with main partners as NASF and MNPR. Finally, it is important to highlight that the understanding of the practices of CnaR allows greater understanding of the construction of social policies for the people under street condition, reduces the invisibility and promote the construction of the possibility of a change in the reality of this public.

Autoavalia??o integrativa da gest?o do cuidado: sentidos e significados das PICS em N?sia Floresta

David, Nathaly Sophia Rocha Phillips 31 August 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-03-20T23:36:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-03-24T23:49:25Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-24T23:49:25Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 NathalySophiaRochaPhillipsDavid_DISSERT.pdf: 3816331 bytes, checksum: fd53ac789388554ba81c53f7856b7a07 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2016-08-31 / A reforma sanit?ria, institu?da no Brasil a partir de 1988, traz como um dos princ?pios basilares do Sistema ?nico de Sa?de - SUS a aten??o integral em sa?de. Uma das pol?ticas estruturantes para este cuidado integral ? a Pol?tica Nacional de Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares ? PNPIC, publicada no Brasil desde 2006, que incorpora como dispositivo a cl?nica ampliada e traz uma nova proposta de cuidado no ?mbito da sa?de. O Munic?pio de N?sia Floresta encontra-se em processo de implanta??o da sua Pol?tica Municipal de Pr?ticas Integrativas e Complementares em Sa?de ? PMPIC. O presente estudo ? uma pesquisa qualitativa do tipo Pesquisa-A??o de cunho anal?tico etnofenomenol?gico com abordagem sociopo?tica, que tem como objetivo descrever e analisar o processo de implanta??o da PMPIC/N?sia Floresta ? RN, ? luz dos sentidos e significados apontados pelos profissionais da Estrat?gia de Sa?de da Fam?lia (grupo pesquisado) e como isso influenciou na gest?o do cuidado em sa?de. Como estrat?gia metodol?gica para coleta dos dados foi organizado pela autora um Ateli? Humanopoi?tico de Autoavalia??o Integrativa-AHAI. Os resultados do estudo apontam para a importante mudan?a no modelo de aten??o no munic?pio de N?sia Floresta a partir da implanta??o da PMPIC. Avan?os foram identificados nos aspectos legais e protocolares da gest?o do Cuidado no munic?pio. O Cuidado integrativo humanescente, introduzido pelos profissionais da Estrat?gia Sa?de da Fam?lia do munic?pio, fortaleceu a transdisciplinaridade e integralidade, a ado??o de novas tecnologias que atendem aos pressupostos da PMPIC, da Clinica ampliada e da Pol?tica Nacional de Humaniza??o. / The sanitary reform of the Public Health in Brazil, that was implemented by1988, points out the integrated health care as one of the most important aspect for the Unified Health System (SUS in Portuguese).The Complementary and Integrative Practices in Health (PICS in Portuguese) that is one of the basis of the politics for this integrated care and was published in Brazil by 2006, includes the expanded clinics as a tool and brings a new proposal about the care in health. N?sia Floresta, a county close to the capital of Rio Grande do Norte state (Natal), is implementing its County Policies of Complementary and Integrative Practices (PMPIC). This study is a qualitative research (research-action type) with an ethno-phenomenological analytical nature and with a social-poetic approach, and has the goal to describe and analyze the implementation process of the PMPIC at N?sia Floresta-RN county, based on the opinions and meanings pointed out by the professionals of the Strategy of the Family Health (researched group, ESF in Portuguese) and how this has influenced the management of care in health. As a methodological strategy for the data collection, it was organized by the author a Human-Poetic Atelier of Integrative Self-Assessment (AHAI in Portuguese). The results of the study point out to an important change at the model of attention used in N?sia Floresta County from the implementation of PMPIC. There were also identified advances at the legal and the protocol aspects related to the care management in the County.The Humanescent Integrative Care, introduced by the team of the Family Health Strategy of the county, strengthened the transdisciplinarity and the integrality, the adoption of new technologies that meet the assumptions of the PMPIC, the expanded clinic and the National Policy of Humanization.

Investigando o uso de aulas on-line de programa??o de jogos digitais no ensino b?sico

Silva, Thiago Reis da 11 March 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Automa??o e Estat?stica (sst@bczm.ufrn.br) on 2017-06-13T18:59:32Z No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoReisDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 3136710 bytes, checksum: db9d2913ecf1cdfe39a570f51f473be0 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Arlan Eloi Leite Silva (eloihistoriador@yahoo.com.br) on 2017-06-14T19:33:05Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoReisDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 3136710 bytes, checksum: db9d2913ecf1cdfe39a570f51f473be0 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-06-14T19:33:05Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 ThiagoReisDaSilva_TESE.pdf: 3136710 bytes, checksum: db9d2913ecf1cdfe39a570f51f473be0 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-03-11 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior (CAPES) / A introdu??o de atividades ou mesmo mat?rias relacionadas ao ensino de programa??o nas escolas tem sido discutida cada vez mais, com entusiasmo nas associa??es e comiss?es que tratam do ensino de Computa??o. No Brasil, a Sociedade Brasileira de Computa??o (SBC) recomenda que no??es de programa??o sejam ensinadas a partir do Ensino B?sico, argumentando que as habilidades associadas, quando constru?das desde cedo, contribuem para o desenvolvimento de racioc?nio l?gico e resolu??o de problemas, o que ajuda a aumentar o n?mero de profissionais da ?rea al?m de trabalhar o despertar vocacional dos jovens. Os jogos digitais s?o elementos que v?m sendo muito utilizados na inser??o do ensino de programa??o nas escolas por oferecerem momentos l?dicos e interativos no processo de aprendizagem. Al?m disso, s?o atrativos ao aluno e aumentam a disposi??o deste para aprender. Assim, este trabalho de doutorado consistiu na realiza??o de um conjunto de estudos experimentais para se investigar diferentes formatos de aulas on-line de ensino de programa??o de jogos digitais para a educa??o b?sica, resultando em um modelo de Tutoria Virtual. Nesse contexto, este trabalho prop?e: (i) criar uma metodologia de ensino de programa??o de jogos digitais on-line que possa ser utilizada em larga escala; (ii) ensinar programa??o de jogos nas escolas atrav?s de formatos de videoaulas; e (iii) a condu??o de estudos emp?ricos que busquem identificar os benef?cios e limita??es da metodologia proposta. Os resultados obtidos em tais estudos trazem evid?ncias que os formatos s?o vi?veis, e que apresentaram um bom n?vel de entendimento pelos alunos. Al?m disso, nossos resultados sugerem que o uso do Formato Tutor Virtual ? promissor para a aquisi??o de habilidades de programa??o de jogos digitais utilizando a ferramenta Construct2, quando os programadores t?m pouca ou nenhuma experi?ncia pr?tica com programa??o. Por fim, a percep??o dos alunos atrav?s do Formato Tutor Virtual foi positiva quando comparada com os outros formatos investigados. / The introduction of activities or even disciplines related to the teaching programming in schools has been increasingly discussed with enthusiasm in associations and commissions that deal with teaching of Computing. In Brazil, the Brazilian Computer Society (SBC) recommends that programming notions should be taught since elementary school. They argue that the associated skills, when assimilated early, contribute to the development of logical reasoning and problem solving, which contributes to increasing number of professionals in the area and also develops the vocational aptitude of teenagers. The digital games are elements that have been often used to introduce teaching programming in the schools by offering playful and interactive moments in the learning process, being attractive to the student and increasing the student's disposal to learn. Thus, this doctoral work consisted in the realization of a set of experimental studies that investigates different formats of online classes of digital games programming for elementary school students, resulting in a model of Virtual Tutoring. In this context, this work proposes: (i) to create a teaching methodology of online digital game programming that can be used on a large scale; (ii) teach game programming in schools using video lectures; and (iii) conduct empirical studies that seeks for evidences of benefits and limitations of the proposed methodology. The results obtained from such studies bring evidences that the formats are feasible and indicate a good level of understanding by the students. In addition, our results suggest that using the Virtual Tutoring format is promising for the development of digital game programming skills when programmers have few or none experience programming practice. Finally, the students' perception using Virtual Tutoring format was positive when compared with the others investigated formats.

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