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台灣新聞片與紀錄片產製之歷史分析(1945-2001) / The Production of Taiwanese Newsreel and documentary:a historical analysis(1945-2001)韓旭爾, Han, Hsu-Erh Unknown Date (has links)
個人紀錄片與學院紀錄片(1995~2001):科技進步之下,影像製作的進入門檻與成本繼續降低,加上正規教育體系與社會團體在人才上的培育與紀錄片美學的介紹,個人紀錄片蓬勃發展。而有線電視所形成的電視環境所供的資金與時段,國家文化單位對相關研究的支持與創作的獎助,也成為紀錄片成長的動力,如此台灣紀錄片創作源源不斷,而在題材上也包含了更廣泛的層面,一般民眾的生活經驗與觀點更能在影片創作中被呈現。而創造上的知性的思考態度,也使得較複雜的紀錄哲學,例如互動式(interactive)的再現技術漸漸成近來影片創作者的一種實踐理想。 / Through sociohistorical approach, this research tends to examine the newsreel and documentary in Taiwan from 1945, which are developed under the interaction from the individual fields, such as politics, economy, culture and so on.
This research regards the producing of newsreel and documentary as a mode of culture producing, or a mode of the “representation” of the social events. Therefore, the procedure of production must be influenced by a variety of fields in society (e.g. politics, economy, culture, technology….). This research analyzed the production of the newsreel and documentary in Taiwan, taking into account of society, economy, history, in order to understand their roles and significances in different period of time.
Base on the evolutions of producers and their styles, the developments of the news and recording films in Taiwan can be categorized into the period of newsreel (1945~1971), the period of TV news and TV news-magazine documentary (1971~1984), the period of TV documentary and independent documentary (1984~1995) and the period of personal documentary and school documentary (1995~). These four periods are analyzed and explained chapter by chapter in the research.
Newsreel period (1945~1971):the governmental films-making factory controlled the production of newsreel and documentary, and continued the mode of production and use from the period of Japanese Occupation, which means the newsreel and documentary are regarded as the tool of policy announcement in order to form the country identification and the legality of authority. The “expository model” documentary is the main type in “representation”; only presents what government wants to present.
TV news and TV news-magazine documentary period (1971~1984):the advent of TV narrowed the market of movies. The production numbers of the governmental films-making factory decreased quite a lot. TV became the main media for producing the news and documentary. On the other hand, government also used the style of co-broadcast to lead the production of TV documentary. Meanwhile, the topics of documentary tended to pay attention to local culture because of the influence from the outside atmosphere surrounding the society. However, the increasing pressure from politics also makes this attention only limit to folk culture and local customs. The representation of “expository model” was still the main method in this period.
TV documentary and independent documentary period (1984~1995):after 80’s, the collapsion of authority collapsed gradually leaded to the intention against the main media, against the media’s fake statements, to reveal and criticize the authority of politics, the crisis of village economy, the unbalance of rich and poor, and many other social problems. However, while this movement slowed down, the intention against the main media naturally went disappeared. On the other hand, TV documentary kept in producing because of the support from the system of PTV channel, and the topics tended to be various. The type of “observational model” documentary appeared gradually in this period.
Personal documentary and school documentary period (1995~2001):due to the improvement of technology, as well as the growth of specialist and the introduction of the art of the documentary, the personal documentary develop greatly. The capital investment and broadcasting time provided by PTV and cable TV, and the scholarship supported by government are also the motion for the growth of documentary. As result, the documentary in Taiwan were produced steady, the topics went broader, and the experience and opinion from normal people’s life were presented in the creation of documentary. Moreover, the more complicated philosophy about documentary, such as interactive model of representation become the fulfilling idea of the documentary makers.
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《看見台灣》,看見什麼? - 一個紀錄片閱聽人研究 / A Case Study of Audience Perspectives on Screen Documentary葉子寧 Unknown Date (has links)
2013年紀錄片《看見台灣》創下台灣影史多項票房紀錄並引發社會迴響,讓紀錄片對於與觀眾溝通嚴肅公共議題的效力再度受到關注;然而,儘管學界對紀錄片的學術性趣有日漸興盛的趨勢,觀眾觀點卻仍舊是有待開發的領域。本文一方面意圖重新指陳這個重要的研究問題,一方面也意圖透過開展一個紀錄片閱聽人研究討論未來相關研究發展的可能。 /
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再現觀點的色情研究:解讀A片「常識」徐郁喬, Yu-chiao, Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
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晶片設計公司的創業計畫 / Business plan for IC design house - SSD controller張中平, Chang, Andy Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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三大電腦晶片製造商之財務比較 / A comparison of major computer chipset vendors in financial point of view張鼎昱, Chang, Roger Unknown Date (has links)
The goal of this master thesis is to analyze the three major chipset players in today’s Personal Computer (PC) industry, while providing recommendations in different perspectives. One of the perspectives is from the investor’s point of view to single out a company with the most long term investment value. The other is from each company’s management point of view to suggest for the areas of improvement for the companies. Two of the three companies discussed in this thesis are American-based global companies namely, Intel and AMD, while the other is a Taiwanese company: VIA Technology.
Various analyses were made to evaluate each company. In the general comparison of the companies, each company’s background information, product competitiveness, SWOT analysis and market share were discussed. In the finance diagnostics for each company, financial data from 2007 to 2010 were used as the basis in revealing a company’s quality and its ability to manage different types of risks. Enterprise value (EV), which was derived from the financial report, reflects a company’s true value. And each company’s EV per share was compared against their stock prices to see whether their stock prices have been reasonable or not.
In conclusion, as an investor, Intel is the best choice for long term investment because of its scale and profitability. And as of the end of 2010, Intel’s stock price was below its enterprise value per share, so there was room for its stock price to rise. In addition, from the profit model map, Intel is located very close in region A in 2010 and it shows Intel is a very well-managed and profitable company.
In management point of view, Intel would need to find its place in the emerging tablet PC market, which is being dominated by ARM architecture, as opposed to the x86 architecture in which Intel specializes at. AMD needs to improve on its visibility in the market, as AMD is rarely being seen on TV commercials or magazine advertisement. Via Technology can move to a niche market in order to avoid the 99% combined market share by Intel and AMD in the consumer PC market and be profitable again.
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照片檔案編排與描述之研究蔡青芳 Unknown Date (has links)
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日治時期唱片業與臺語流行歌研究 / A study on the record industry and Taiwanese popular songs during the Japanese-ruled period施慶安, Shih,Ching An Unknown Date (has links)
此時發行的的歌曲,吐露出臺灣人面對傳統與現代的矛盾心結、辛苦工作卻又被受欺壓的寫實心情、追求自由但又不捨突破的拉鋸心態,臺語流行歌並非只是唱片公司圖利的工具,更是撫慰臺人心靈的良方,其傳唱過程中道出了廣大民眾內心深處的想望。可惜的是,無情戰火的點燃讓臺語流行歌壇被迫解散,悄然地走下歷史舞台,臺人此時只能配合政府國策,聆聽慷慨激昂的軍歌、或是喧騰熱情的愛國進行曲,總督府基於臺語流行歌之於臺人的重要性,此時將臺語流行歌的旋律改填入日詞以符合戰時宣傳的需要,對於臺語歌來說雖然悲哀,但何嘗不是可以重溫過去美好時光的機會,戰爭期間仍舊致力於創作與演出的音樂工作者,不僅奠定戰後歌唱文化的基礎,更為世世代代臺灣人留下至為珍貴的文化資產。 / This research regards the Taiwanese popular songs dew to the record industry in the Japanese-ruled period. We use the lyrics of the songs, newspapers and novels to see the interaction between Taiwan record industry and the society, and present the culture of Taiwanese songs.
First, I refer to the development from western country to Japan. Taiwan, the first colony of Japan colony was entered a capitalist system of records, and the market was established little by little. Next, the Taiwanese popular songs were produced in the political, economic and cultural environments and the popular dissemination techniques of Taiwan in the 1930s. Finally, I introduce the development of the record industries and Taiwanese popular songs during the East Asian war.
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標準量表 / Standard Scale of Humanity何綺, Ho, Chi Unknown Date (has links)
對於社工,一般大眾的瞭解不深,常伴隨著「做好事」、「幫助窮人」、「有愛 心」等刻板印象;或是負面的「拆散家庭」、「多管閒事」、「官僚」;甚至有許多 人以為社工就是志工,是不支薪而樂於付出的一群。創作者自幼長期接觸社工與 其工作環境,盼透過影像創作方式,呈現台灣社工所面臨的某些現實。
《標準量表》從一兒虐案出發,以類紀錄片的方式帶出相關人事物,討論案 中每個角色所面臨的困難與心理衝擊,以及案發後所有人如何適應、回歸、繼續 生活。特別將視角集中在負責本案的基層社工,以她為敘事中心,講述一個社工 與家暴家庭的互動故事,呈現社工在個案服務工作中的心情轉折,讓觀眾有機會 認識這些心理負擔與壓力。並期待透過本片,建構一個兩難的世界,畢竟真實社 會中的習題,往往不是結束在一個定點,而是事情發生後,人們怎麼繼續走下去。 / We don’t know much about social workers, who sometimes been thought of “doing things good”, “helping the poor”, “kind and compassionate”; or accompanied with some negative thought, “destroy families”, “make uncalled-for meddling”, and “officialdom”. Even some people think social workers are volunteers, who are happy and willing to help people without salary. The writer of this story has contacted with social workers since she was a child and tries to show some reality of them by visual productions.
Standard Scale of Humanity is a story of a basic level social worker and a
child-abused family, and produced by skills of mockumentary. The film lets every
character in the case talks about her stories, feelings, and how to back to the normal life after the tragedy, so the audiences have chances to know more about the pressure, load, and difficulties of social workers and offenders. Moreover, the production hopes to create a situation of dilemma, because things not always stop at a particular point in the real world, after all, it is more important to know how to live after something bad happened.
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台北市幻燈軟片市場區隔研究-以品牌忠誠度為區隔基礎之實證探討段鍾潭 Unknown Date (has links)
No description available.
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紀錄片「再見 Taiwan Cuban Boys」 / Goodbye Taiwan Cuban Boys張雅晴, Chang, Ya Ching Unknown Date (has links)
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