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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Plerpaitė, Ingrida 27 August 2009 (has links)
Darbe atlikta teorinė specialiųjų poreikių mokinių integracijos į bendrojo lavinimo mokyklas situacijos bei mokinių matematinių gebėjimų analizė. Iškelta hipotezė, kad specialiosiose mokyklose besimokančių 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematiniai gebėjimai baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą yra panašūs kaip ir toje pačioje klasėje bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose besimokančių nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, pasitvirtino. Anketinės apklausos metodu buvo atliktas tyrimas, kurio tikslas - įvertinti ir palyginti 10 klasės nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių skirtingo tipo ugdymo įstaigose, matematikos gebėjimus baigiant pagrindinę mokyklą. Atlikta kiekybinė duomenų analizė. Tyrime dalyvavo šešiasdešimt 10 klasės mokinių, besimokančių įvairiose Lietuvos mokyklose (30 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokinių ir 30 specialiosios mokyklos mokinių), be to buvo apklausti 20 bendrojo lavinimo mokyklos mokytojų, dirbančių su nežymiai protiškai atsilikusiais mokiniais. Empirinėje dalyje nagrinėjami nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių, besimokančių specialiosiose mokyklose ir integruotai, matematikos programos įsisavinimo lygis. Svarbiausios empirinio tyrimo išvados: 1. Palyginus nežymiai protiškai atsilikusių mokinių matematinius gebėjimus pagal specialiosios mokyklos programą galima teigti, kad abiejų grupių mokinių programinės medžiagos įsisavinimo lygis beveik nesiskiria, o esantis skirtumas yra toks nežymus ir parodo, kad abiejų tipų mokyklų mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The work presents a theoretical analysis of the situation of SEN children’s integration into comprehensive schools and their mathematical abilities. The hypothesis raised in this work, i.e. that the mathematical abilities of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers at special and comprehensive schools are very much similar, has been approved. An investigation has been carried out in a survey method with a purpose to evaluate the mathematical abilities at the period of graduating from the basic school of slightly mentally deficient 10th formers’ at different educational institutions. A quantitative data analysis has been made. Sixty 10th formers from different schools in Lithuania (30 children from comprehensive schools, and 30 from special education schools) have been investigated, as well as 20 teachers from comprehensive schools, that work with slightly mentally deficient children, have been interviewed. The empiric part of the work deals with slightly mentally deficient children’s from special education schools and those who are integrated in the comprehensive schools level of mathematical knowledge. The following are the main conclusions drawn from the empiric investigation: 1. After comparing slightly mentally deficient children’s from both groups abilities to absorb the information at maths, it turned out that these abilities are rather equal, and the difference, if any, is so little, that it only supports the idea that children’s from the special education... [to full text]

Effects of a self-instructional manual (SIM) and web-based computer-aided personalized system of instruction (WebCAPSI) on teaching knowledge and implementation of the assessment of basic learning abilities (ABLA)

Hu, Lei 12 December 2012 (has links)
Learning the knowledge and procedures of the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities (ABLA) is a major practical priority for direct-care service providers who work with individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The present study compared the effects of two training conditions involving a self-instructional manual (SIM) alone and its combination with a Web-based computer-aided personalized system of instruction (WebCAPSI) program (SIM plus WebCAPSI) on teaching knowledge and implementation of the ABLA to university students. A multiple-baseline design across training conditions was used. The results indicate that the SIM combined with passing unit tests delivered via WebCAPSI was beneficial for knowledge acquisition while viewing demonstration videos was beneficial for conducting the ABLA. The findings suggest that a combination of a SIM combined with unit tests delivered via WebCAPSI and videos provides an effective approach to teach both knowledge and application of behavioural procedures to potential knowledge users.

Vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių gebėjimai ir įgūdžiai atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais / Skills and abilities of pupils with medial special educational needs in performing actions witch flat numbers

Mažonienė, Valdonė 04 August 2011 (has links)
Bakalauro darbe analizuojama praktinių ir papildomų užduočių (mokymas sverti, matuoti) įtaka vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčių mokinių gebėjimams ir įgūdžiams atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais ugdyti. Lyginama, kaip mokiniams sekėsi atlikti užduotis su matiniais skaičiais, pateiktas raštu ir atliekant specialias pratybas. Suformuluota hipotezė, kad praktinių užduočių ir specialių pratybų taikymas matematikos ugdymo procese padeda vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintiems mokiniams geriau įsisavinti mokomąją medžiagą apie matus ir matinius skaičius, formuoti teisingus įgūdžius atliekant veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais. Tyrime dalyvavo 6 Šiaulių miesto Specialiojo ugdymo centro XI klasės vidutinių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turintys mokiniai, kurie ugdomi pagal adaptuotą matematikos mokymo programą. Tyrimas atliktas nestandartizuoto testo raštu metodu, pokalbio, kokybinio duomenų analizės metodu. Tyrimo pradžioje mokiniai testo užduočių nesugebėjo atlikti savarankiškai, todėl iš pradžių buvo pasiūlyta atlikti praktines užduotis. Specialios pratybos (svėrimo, matavimo) padėjo ugdytiniams savarankiškai atlikti užduotis. Atlikdami kiekvieną testo užduotį mokiniai prisimindavo praktinių užduočių atlikimą ir remdamiesi įgytomis žiniomis bandė atlikti testo užduotis raštu. Pokalbio ir pratybų metu mokiniai gebėjo atlikti nesudėtingus veiksmus su matiniais skaičiais, suvokė, kokiu būdu ir kaip reikia matuoti bei sverti daiktus. Tačiau mokinių... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / In the bachelor‘s final work there are researched the influence of practical tasks (teaching to weight, measure) for educating abilities and skills in performing actions with flat numbers of pupils with medial special educational needs. There is compared how pupils can to perform tasks with flat numbers in writing and in special practice. There was formulated the hypothesis that using practical tasks in the mathematics education process help pupils with medial special educational needs to master schoolwork about measurements and flat numbers and to form skills in performing actions with flat numbers. Six pupils of eleventh class with medial special educational needs which are educated according to the adapted mathematics educational program from Šiauliai Special Education Centre took part in the research. Doing this research there were used nonstandard test (in written), conversation, quality data analysis and practical methods (practice). At the beginning of the research pupils couldn’t carry out tasks independently therefore they were proposed to fulfill practical tasks at the first. Special practice tasks (weighting, measuring) helped pupils to perform tasks independently. Caring out each task of the test pupils remembered practical tasks fulfilling and on the basis of their acquired knowledge tried to perform writing tasks. During the conversation and practice pupils could to fulfill actions with flat numbers and recognized how to measure and weight things. However... [to full text]

Die verband tussen leesbegrip en akademiese prestasie in die leerarea taal van graad 10-leerders / Jolinda Daniel

Daniel, Jolinda January 2007 (has links)
This study focused on the relationship between reading comprehension and academic achievement of grade 10 learners in the learning area Language and attempted to address the following primary research question: What is the relationship between the reading comprehension of grade 10 learners in their first and second language and their academic achievement in the learning area Language ? The researcher also addressed the following secondary questions: Is them a significant difference between Afrikaans and Sesotho-speaking learners regarding their achievements in reading comprehension (first and second language) and the learning area Language (first and second language)? Is there a significant difference between male and female learners regarding their achievements in reading comprehension (first and second language) and the learning area Language (first and second language) ? A total of seventy-seven (77) grade 10 learners for whom English is a second language were included in this study. The learners' reading comprehension abilities in the first language (Afrikaans and Sesotho) and the second language (English) were tested and correlated with their achievements in the learning area Language (first and second language). The reading comprehension and language achievements of Afrikaans and Sesotho-speaking learners respectively and male and female learners were compared. Resulting from the findings of this study, the following conclusions were made: A significant relationship exists between the reading comprehension of grade 10 learners in their first and second language and their academic achievement in the learning area Language. There is a significant difference between Afrikaans and Sesotho-speaking learners regarding their achievements in reading comprehension (first and second language) and the learning area Language (first and second language). There is a significant difference between male and female learners regarding their achievements in reading comprehension (first and second language) and the learning area Language (first and second language). / Thesis (M.Ed.)--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2007.

Effects of a self-instructional manual (SIM) and web-based computer-aided personalized system of instruction (WebCAPSI) on teaching knowledge and implementation of the assessment of basic learning abilities (ABLA)

Hu, Lei 12 December 2012 (has links)
Learning the knowledge and procedures of the Assessment of Basic Learning Abilities (ABLA) is a major practical priority for direct-care service providers who work with individuals with intellectual disabilities (IDs) and autism spectrum disorders (ASDs). The present study compared the effects of two training conditions involving a self-instructional manual (SIM) alone and its combination with a Web-based computer-aided personalized system of instruction (WebCAPSI) program (SIM plus WebCAPSI) on teaching knowledge and implementation of the ABLA to university students. A multiple-baseline design across training conditions was used. The results indicate that the SIM combined with passing unit tests delivered via WebCAPSI was beneficial for knowledge acquisition while viewing demonstration videos was beneficial for conducting the ABLA. The findings suggest that a combination of a SIM combined with unit tests delivered via WebCAPSI and videos provides an effective approach to teach both knowledge and application of behavioural procedures to potential knowledge users.

Las habilidades del pivote en la alta competición de balonmano

Daza Sobrino, Gabriel 03 February 2010 (has links)
En el presente estudio se identifican las habilidades de los pivotes considerados competentes de la liga ASOBAL a lo largo de la temporada 2006-07. Definimos pivote como el jugador que desarrolla sus habilidades en la fase de ataque y que, por su situación, es determinante para la intervención y el condicionamiento de las acciones de los compañeros (Román, 1993). La investigación analiza la figura del pivote desde la perspectiva del deportista competente, compilando las características aptitudinales y el análisis de las acciones de juego en la alta competición. Se presentan las habilidades del pivote desde la estructura funcional del desarrollo del juego. Bajo este enfoque, se clasifican y se definen las dimensiones para la observación de la actividad del jugador. En la competición de balonmano las situaciones no son idénticas a las entrenadas y por lo tanto, el deportista tiene que seleccionar la alternativa más próxima entre todas las que conoce. Pocas veces realiza una habilidad realmente nueva que no soporte, al menos parcialmente, en los aprendizajes anteriores (Riera, 1997). Para conocer estas habilidades se utilizan dos técnicas de recopilación de datos: la entrevista a entrenadores expertos y la observación de la competición de los pivotes. Del análisis de los partidos se destaca que los pivotes observados resuelven las situaciones de juego mediante un número reducido de encadenamiento de habilidades. La actividad del pivote se conforma a partir de la combinación de siete habilidades básicas: ganar la posición, bloquear, fintar, lanzar, desmarcarse, contener al adversario impar y mantenerse alejado de la acción de creación. Entre éstas, se destacan las habilidades que implican la utilización del cuerpo para la opción de alguna ventaja sobre el adversario. Asimismo, las habilidades del pivote se articulan mediante cuatro intenciones fundamentales: controlar el juego, pedir el balón, finalizar y ayudar. / The skills of the well-known competent pivots are identified within the present survey on the ASOBAL league during the 2006-07 seasons. A pivot is defined as the player whose skills are developed in the phase of attack, therefore, due to his position; he is decisive for the intervention and conditioning of his partners' actions (Román, 993). The research analyzes the figure of the pivot from the perspective of a competent sportsperson, gathering the characteristic abilities and the analysis of the playing actions in the high competition. The pivot’s skills are presented from the developmental functional structure of the game. From this approach, they are classified and the dimensions are defined for the observation of the player’s activity. In the handball competition, situations in the match are not identical to the ones in training and therefore, the sportsperson has to select the closest alternative among all those they know. Just a few times, they carry out real new skills they do not support, at least partially, from previous learning (Riera, 1997). To get to know these abilities, two data collection techniques are used: the interview to current skilled coaches and the observation of the pivots' competition. From the matches' analysis, it is emphasized that the pivots solve playing situations through a reduced number of concatenation of skills. The activity of the pivot is constituted from the combination of seven basic skills: earning the position, blocking, feinting, launching, disassociating, holding the odd in number opponent back and keeping up in distance from the action taking place. Among those mentioned before, skills which use the body and involve taking some advantage on the adversary stand out. Furthermore, skills of the pivot are articulated through four basic intentions: controlling the game, demanding the ball, finishing and to help.

Optimal Experience in Physical Activity: Examining the Multidimensionality of Flow Across Cultures

Kawabata, Masato Unknown Date (has links)
Applying the lens of experience, a good life is deemed to be characterized by full absorption in what one does (Nakamura & Csikszentmihalyi, 2002). In addition, experiencing flow is linked with personal growth (Seligman & Csikszentmihalyi, 2000). Therefore, it is not surprising that understanding the optimal experience of flow is considered important. Nonetheless, it is never easy to clearly explain this complex but positive subjective experience. Thus, the present investigation was conducted to provide a clearer conceptualization of flow based on theoretical and empirical grounds to foster understanding of this optimal experience. In order to pursue this primary purpose, the following 3 studies were conducted. The purpose of Study 1 was to develop multidimensional measurement instruments for use with Japanese adults to assess flow experience in physical activity. To this end, the Flow State Scale-2 and Dispositional Flow Scale-2 (FSS-2 and DFS-2) were adapted (translated) from English to Japanese, following the guidelines for test adaptation proposed by Duda and Hayashi (1998) and Tanzer and Sim (1999). Employing a 9-factor 1st-order model, the factorial validity of the Japanese versions of the FSS-2 and DFS-2 (JFSS-2 and JDFS-2) was tested and cross-validated with confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). Through a multi-staged approach, a series of CFAs were conducted on data from large Japanese samples (preliminary samples: n = 578; calibration samples: n = 975; validation samples: n = 970). In addition to internal consistency reliability for both scales, stability was assessed over a 4- week time period for the JDFS-2. Furthermore, measurement equivalence was examined across Japanese independent samples as well as 2 cultural samples. The findings from this study provided strong support for the validity and reliability of the JFSS-2 and JDFS-2 in assessing flow experiences in physical activity for Japanese adults, and indicated that the Japanese versions of the flow scales are useful instruments for cross-cultural research. The purpose of Study 2 was to examine the internal structure of flow as part of an ongoing process of construct validation of flow responses. A total of 4,175 respondents (Japanese: n = 2,041; English-speaking: n = 2,134) completed one of the Japanese and English versions of the FSS-2 or DFS-2. For the Japanese respondents, data from calibration and validation samples in Study 1 were used. Alternative representations of flow responses were cross-culturally examined by testing 11 alternative 1st- and higher-order CFA models. The CFA findings cross-culturally supported and extended Marsh and Jackson’s (1999) argument that the situational and dispositional flow responses were best represented by the multidimensional 1st-order representation rather than the higher-order representation. Confirming clear support for the 1st-order representation of flow, structural equation models (i.e., a priori and post hoc models) were tested to examine the hypothesis that flow experience is an attentional process of absorption in the task at hand, which generates intrinsically rewarding feelings. Results of both models clearly supported the hypothesis across the 2 large cultural samples. The purposes of Study 3 were to examine the utility of multi-group comparisons with the JFSS-2 and JDFS-2 and to further examine the construct validity of the Japanese flow responses. Data used in Study 3 were identical to the Japanese samples in Study 2 (N = 2,041). Factorial invariance in a 9-factor measurement model was tested for both flow scales for 5 key variables: the quality of physical activity experience, participation level, types of physical activity, gender, and age. Given an adequate level of measurement invariance, factor means were compared across groups for each variable. Furthermore, correlations between a continuous measure of the complexity of flow and the JFSS-2 factors were examined. Invariance of factor loadings and intercepts was achieved for all the key variables. Through factor mean comparisons for the quality of physical activity experience and participation level, the flow group consistently showed higher scores on most situational factors compared with the other groups (i.e., non-flow conditions), and the competitive groups had higher scores on most factors than the recreational groups for both the JFSS-2 and JDFS-2. Moreover, the continuous flow measure was most highly correlated with the situational Challenge-Skill Balance factor, and the pattern of the size of correlations between this continuous flow measure and other situational factors were similar to those between the Challenge-Skill Balance and other JFSS-2 factors. The findings from this study provided evidence that meaningful multi-group comparisons can be made for the key variables examined with the Japanese flow scales, and also further support for the construct validity of the Japanese flow responses. In conclusion, the general conceptualization of flow as an attentional process of absorption in the task at hand, which generates intrinsically rewarding feelings, fosters further understanding of flow experience in physical activity. Furthermore, systematic cross-cultural studies with different adapted versions of the flow scales aid understanding of cultural similarities and differences in flow experience and contribute to further development of flow theory and its application.


Speroni, Karine Sefrin 26 March 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to investigate and discuss "High Abilities/Giftedness (HA/G) Theme" under Educational Inclusion aspects (EI), as well as its accessibility. To this end, other dialogues possibilities with these themes were attempted to carry out undertaking approaches to some tools found in Michel Foucault's studies. The production process of subject "with high ability/giftedness characteristics" was the primary input developed by the Research Group on Special Education - Social Inclusion (RGSE) in 2009 at some Municipal school in Santa Maria City/Rio Grande do Sul State. One focus group was used with four members of RGSE that developed the research in such school, in order to rescue the official discourse of the mentioned group focusing the school context. Furthermore, four narrative interviews types were used with five issues driving the dialogue with teachers of Early School Years who indicated students in the survey performed by RGSE in 2009, with school managers, with the teachers of Special Education, and with the teachers of these students today. With this research, it was possible to consider other perspectives on the production of subjects with "HA/G" facing the context of educational inclusion, particularly to discuss some established truths about this theme that is understood by Special Education. Moreover, it can be noted that the RGSE speech articulates a wide range of truths regimes in that School context. It can be seen through the found discursive networks that HA/G speeches about verbal exchanges of Educational Inclusion permeate antagonism, i.e., subjects who have "high ability/giftedness characteristics " are "visible" in the context of Early School Years and "invisible" in the context of school management and teachers of Final Years of elementary education. Therefore, HA/G theme on Special Education may constitute a subjected know and subjecting the schooling contexts with particular cultures, so there is resistance that enables the inclusion/exclusion of subject. In that context, accessibility is discursively stated under architectural prism and face to HA/G may permeate the invisibility principle. / O presente estudo teve finalidade de investigar e problematizar a temática das Altas Habilidades/Superdotação (AH/SD) sob tramas discursivas da Inclusão Educacional (IE), como também da acessibilidade. Para tanto, buscou-se realizar outras possibilidades de diálogos com as referidas temáticas empreendendo aproximações a algumas ferramentas encontradas através dos estudos foucualtianos. Tendo como subsídio principal o processo de produção de sujeitos com características de altas habilidades/superdotação que fora desenvolvido pelo Grupo de Pesquisa em Educação Especial: Inteiração e Inclusão Social (GPESP) no ano de 2009 em uma escola da Rede Municipal de Santa Maria/RS, a Escola X. Nesse particular, para atender aos objetivos dessa investigação como procedimentos de produção de dados foi realizado um grupo focal com quatro integrantes do GPESP que desenvolveram a pesquisa na Escola X, de modo a resgatar o discurso oficial do referido grupo frente ao contexto escolar. Além do mais, utilizaram-se quatro tipos de entrevistas narrativas contendo cinco questões propulsoras do diálogo que foram realizadas com os professores dos Anos Iniciais os quais indicaram seus alunos na pesquisa realizada pelo GPESP em 2009; com gestores da escola, com a professora de Educação Especial e com os professores atuais desses alunos. Com a presente pesquisa foi possível considerar outros olhares acerca da produção de sujeitos com AH/SD frente ao contexto da inclusão educacional, sobretudo problematizar algumas verdades constituídas frente essa temática que é compreendida pela a Educação Especial. Além disso, pode-se destacar que o discurso provindo do GPESP faz articular um vasto conjunto de regimes de verdades no contexto da Escola X. Pode-se observar, através das redes discursivas encontradas, que os discursos das AH/SD frente às tramas discursivas da Inclusão Educacional perpassam antagonismos, ou seja, os sujeitos que possuem características de altas habilidades/superdotação são visíveis no contexto dos Anos Iniciais e invisíveis frente ao contexto da gestão escolar e aos professores de Anos Finais. Portanto, a temática das AH/SD diante da Educação Especial pode estar constituindo um saber sujeitado e estar sujeitando os contextos de escolarização que possuem culturas particulares, havendo assim resistências que viabilizam o dispositivo de in/exclusão. Nesse contexto a acessibilidade discursivamente está sendo enunciada sob prisma arquitetônico e frente às AH/SD pode estar perpassando princípio de invisibilidade.

Lågstadieelevers muntliga förmågor : Hur kan samtal utifrån skönlitteratur respektive iscensatta samtal användas i didaktiskt syfte? / The oral abilities of primary school pupils : How can conversations based on fiction and staged conversations be used for didactic purposes?

Ivarsson, Ida January 2018 (has links)
Inom svenskundervisningen ska elever lära sig att samtala om elevnära frågor och ämnen genom att fråga, kommentera och framföra egna åsikter (Skolverket, 2017). Läroplanen Lgr11 beskriver inte hur lärare ska planera sin undervisning för att elever ska få möjligheten att utveckla ovan nämnda förmågor. I denna studie analyserades lågstadieelevers muntliga förmågor. Hur samtal utifrån skönlitteratur respektive iscensatta samtal kan bidra till att elever i årskurs tre utvecklar förmågorna att diskutera, uttrycka åsikter och framföra samt bemöta argument. För att få reda på hur lärare nyttjar skönlitteratur i sin svenskundervisning samt hur de arbetar för att elever ska utveckla de utvalda muntliga förmågorna har semistrukturerade intervjuer nyttjats. Genom en didaktisk design har en jämförelse mellan iscensatta samtal och samtal kring en skönlitterär berättelse genomförts för att kunna bedöma vilken typ av samtal som främst främjar elevers utveckling av de utvalda muntliga förmågorna. Resultatet av de semistrukturerade intervjuerna med lärare visade att de flesta lärarna främst nyttjar skönlitteratur vid individuell läsning respektive högläsning och stundvis inkluderades skönlitteraturen vid andra temaarbeten. För att elever ska utveckla de utvalda muntliga förmågorna arbetar lärarna främst för ett tryggt klassrumsklimat för att eleverna ska våga uttrycka sina tankar och åsikter. Trots tidigare forskningsrekommendationer att nyttja skönlitteratur som utgångspunkt vid samtal visar den didaktiska designen att de iscensatta samtalen främjade elevernas utveckling av de muntliga förmågorna. / In Swedish education regarding Swedish as a subject, pupils should learn to talk about pupil issues and subjects by asking, commenting and expressing their own opinions (Skolverket, 2017). The curriculum Lgr11 does not describe how teachers should plan their lessons in order to enable pupils to develop the abovementioned abilities. In this study, the oral abilities of primary school pupils were analysed, how conversations based on fiction and staged conversations could help pupils in grade three to develop the ability to discuss, express opinions, argue and respond to arguments. Semi structured interviews have been used to investigate how teachers use fiction in their Swedish education and how they work to enable that pupils develop the chosen oral skills. Through a didactic design, a comparison between staged conversations and conversations about a fictional story has been conducted. This was done to be able to assess what type of conversation that primarily promotes the pupils' development of the chosen oral skills. The result of the interviews showed that most teachers mainly use fiction for individual reading and reading aloud, while fiction was included occasionally in other thematic work. For pupils to develop the chosen oral skills, teachers are primarily working for a safe classroom environment to enable pupils to express their thoughts and opinions. Despite recommendations from previous research to use fiction as a basis for conversation, the didactic design shows that the staged conversations promoted the pupils' development of the oral skills. In Swedish education regarding Swedish as a subject, pupils should learn to talk about pupil issues and subjects by asking, commenting and expressing their own opinions (Skolverket, 2017). The curriculum Lgr11 does not describe how teachers should plan their lessons in order to enable pupils to develop the abovementioned abilities. In this study, the oral abilities of primary school pupils were analysed, how conversations based on fiction and staged conversations could help pupils in grade three to develop the ability to discuss, express opinions, argue and respond to arguments. Semi structured interviews have been used to investigate how teachers use fiction in their Swedish education and how they work to enable that pupils develop the chosen oral skills. Through a didactic design, a comparison between staged conversations and conversations about a fictional story has been conducted. This was done to be able to assess what type of conversation that primarily promotes the pupils' development of the chosen oral skills. The result of the interviews showed that most teachers mainly use fiction for individual reading and reading aloud, while fiction was included occasionally in other thematic work. For pupils to develop the chosen oral skills, teachers are primarily working for a safe classroom environment to enable pupils to express their thoughts and opinions. Despite recommendations from previous research to use fiction as a basis for conversation, the didactic design shows that the staged conversations promoted the pupils' development of the oral skills.

Prosodie, Syntaxe, et Référence : processus cognitifs et marqueurs linguistiques / Prosody, Syntax, and Reference : cognitive processes and linguistic markers

Rousier-Vercruyssen, Lucie 09 June 2017 (has links)
La mention de référents (personnes, objets et évènements) est au coeur du discours. Cette thèse porte sur l’étude de la variation d’emploi des marqueurs de référence, en combinant des indices syntaxiques et prosodiques, produits lors de narrations d’images séquentielles. L’objectif est de déterminer l’effet des paramètres situationnels sur la production des marqueurs syntaxiques et prosodiques. Deux autres objectifs sont également développés, l’un visant à mettre en évidence les compétences (socio)cognitives sous-jacentes et l’autre visant à étudier l’impact du vieillissement. Pour répondre à ces objectifs, une tâche de narration d’images séquentielles a été utilisée pour éliciter la production de marqueurs de référence. Les narrations d’images séquentielles ont été réalisées auprès de deux groupes de participants, l’un constitué de 30 jeunes adultes (19-39 ans) et l’autre de 30 séniors (59-79 ans). L’ensemble des participants a été soumis à des tests (socio)cognitifs afin de caractériser leurs profils.Nos résultats montrent que le marquage référentiel est un processus complexe et influencé par de multiples facteurs situationnels. En effet, les marqueurs syntaxiques et prosodiques varient en fonction des étapes de discours et du contexte référentiel. Selon l’accessibilité cognitive du référent – notamment l’accessibilité cognitive moindre, le marquage référentiel sollicite des compétences (socio)cognitives. Les résultats indiquent également des effets du vieillissement sur le marquage référentiel : l’emploi des marqueurs de référence chez les séniors est différent de l’emploi des jeunes adultes. Compte tenu de l’importance du marquage référentiel lors des conversations, nos résultats pourraient avoir des implications cliniques et théoriques. / Referring to people, objects and events is a cental piece of the Speech. This dissertation studies the variation in the use of referential markers, by combining syntactic and prosodic cues, produced during a storytelling task sequential pictures. The goal is to determine the effect of situational parameters on the production of the syntactic and prosodic markers. Two other goals are also pursued: (i) to highlight the underlying (socio)cognitive abilities and (ii) to study the impact of aging. To meet these objectives, a storytelling task with sequential pictures was used to obtain the production of referential markers. 30 younger (age span:19-39) and 30 older participants (age span : 59-79) undertook this storytelling task. All the participants were submitted to (socio)cognitive tests to characterize their profiles. Our results show that referential marking is a complex process influenced by multiple situational factors. Indeed, the syntactic and prosodic markers vary according to discourse stages and the referential context. Depending on the cognitive accessibility of the referent - in particular the lesser cognitive accessibility, referential marking requires (socio)cognitive abilities. The results also indicate effects of aging on referential marking : the use of referential markers is different in seniors and in younger participants. Given the importance of referential marking during conversations, our results may have some clinical implications.

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