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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le statut de personne peut-il être octroyé aux animaux non humains?

Simoneau-Gilbert, Virginie 08 1900 (has links)
Dans un contexte où la reconnaissance de droits légaux à certaines entités non humaines apparaît comme une évolution juridique de plus en plus plausible, ce mémoire se veut une exploration de la littérature philosophique et juridique en faveur de l’octroi de la personnalité juridique aux animaux. Tout d’abord, nous offrirons un bref tour d’horizon historique de la notion de personne et pourrons constater que si celle-ci a fortement été associée à l’autonomie morale dans l’histoire du droit et de la philosophie, cette définition de la personnalité souffre d’importantes incohérences lorsque vient le temps de justifier l’extension de la personnalité aux êtres humains dépourvus de cette autonomie morale. C’est le cas, par exemple, des enfants, des êtres humains plongés dans le coma, des handicapés mentaux ou encore de certaines personnes âgées. Nous pourrons également constater que le geste qui consiste à octroyer des droits légaux à ces individus tout en refusant de reconnaître ces mêmes droits aux animaux repose sur des bases théoriques fragiles qu’il convient de revoir l’aide d’une analyse approfondie des théories des droits des animaux proposées depuis les années 1970. Ces théories, et plus particulièrement celles proposées par Peter Singer, Tom Regan et Gary Francione, feront l’objet d’un examen qui permettra de faire ressortir leurs forces et faiblesses respectives. Enfin, dans le dernier chapitre de ce mémoire, nous nous pencherons sur le rôle que peuvent jouer les appels aux droits moraux dans l’attribution de droits légaux. Nous y brosserons aussi une esquisse des différentes formes de personnalité juridique et de statut politique que pourraient se voir octroyer les animaux non humains. / In a context where the recognition of legal rights to certain nonhuman entities appears to be an increasingly plausible legal development, this master’s thesis proposes an exploration of the philosophical and legal literature in favor of granting legal personhood to animals. First, I will provide a brief historical overview of the notion of “person.” I will also note that, while it has been strongly associated with moral autonomy in the history of law and philosophy, this definition of personhood suffers from substantial inconsistencies in justifying the granting of legal personhood to non-autonomous human beings. It is the case, for instance, of children, comatose human beings, the mentally disabled, and the elderly. We will also see that granting legal rights to these individuals while refusing to recognize these same rights to nonhuman animals is based on fragile theoretical foundations that need to be rectified with a thorough analysis of the theories of animal rights proposed since the 1970s. These theories, specifically the ones put forward by Peter Singer, Tom Regan, and Gary Francione, will be examined to identify their respective strengths and weaknesses. Finally, the final chapter of this research will examine the decisive role that appeals to moral rights can play in granting legal rights to animals. It also outlines the various forms of legal personhood and political status that might be attributed to nonhuman animals.

Consuming Animals as an Educational Act

Rowe, Bradley D. 19 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

<b>Scanlonian Contractualism and Animals</b>

Benjamin Allan Elmore (18414948) 20 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">In my dissertation, “Scanlonian Contractualism and Animals,” I take T.M. Scanlon’s ethical contractualism, convert it into a political theory, and apply it to deriving the duties of justice we owe to nonhuman animals. Here is the narrative structure of my dissertation. First, I argue in chapter 1 that nonhuman animals should be included within the scope of morality, or justice, as contractualism construes this notion. Animals are some of the “others” to whom we owe duties, particularly duties of justice. To this effect, I defend a revised version of the argument from marginal cases. </p><p dir="ltr">Second, I tell the reader how contractualism works in detail in chapters 2 and 3, making modifications and conversions into political philosophy along the way. Crucial for my discussion will be the debate between Derek Parfit and Scanlon over issues such as how to take numbers into account within contractualism. Scanlon’s considered view is that personal reasons should be added up to determine what we ought to do, but this is not the aggregation of impersonal value, for example, as in utilitarianism.</p><p dir="ltr">In chapter 4, a major step taken is the conversion of political contractualism into a form of Rawlsian political liberalism. Political liberalism takes the fact of reasonable pluralism of comprehensive doctrines on life’s important questions as a permanent feature of liberal democracy. In order to address this pluralism, political liberalism seeks to provide a political conception of justice that can be endorsed by people who differ on fundamental ethical, philosophical, and religious matters. My version of animal rights contractualism adopts this framework, but it takes work to show how animal rights and political liberalism are compatible.</p><p dir="ltr">Third, in chapter 5, a neutral metric for the harm of death will be suggested, following the requirements of political liberalism to offer a political conception of various aspects of our theories. This needs to be done because the harm of death is a complex, contested philosophical issue. The contractors need this metric to figure out what burdens are imposed by death. A neutral metric is meant to be one that can be endorsed by adherents of different comprehensive philosophical viewpoints in an overlapping consensus.</p><p dir="ltr">Fourth, and finally, some of the specific political duties we have to nonhuman animals will be stated. I survey some of the most common topics that are usually explored here, such as factory-farming, medical research, and hunting. The hope is that at the end of the work, the reader will be convinced that contractualism provides a plausible account of what we owe to each animal.</p>

The Seoul of cats and dogs : a trans-species ethnography of animal cruelty and animal welfare in contemporary Korea

Dugnoille, Julien January 2015 (has links)
Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in Seoul from July 2012 until July 2013, this dissertation offers a novel perspective on human-animal interactions and public discourses regarding livestock versus pet moral boundaries in contemporary Korea. I aim to explore how Koreans struggle to make sense of the tension between the emergence of animal welfare and the perpetuation of traditional health behaviours that involve animal processing. The focus will be on why participants in my study, whether activists or not, defended both animal ethics and cat and dog meat consumption, while including Korean animals in fluid and instrumental conceptions of Koreanness. I have analysed a variety of discourses produced by both Korean and non-Korean, academic and non-academic stakeholders, in order to reveal the on-going tension between these powerful ubiquitous ideas and the lived experience of Koreans today. Moreover, I examine how the aesthetics of cruelty and empathy is employed in order to singularize livestock into companion animals thereby transgressing cultural taboos regarding Western ethics of species separation. I also demonstrate that converging and conflicting economic, political, social and cultural agendas are responsible for making Korea’s public discourses about animal welfare very unsettled. My research thus contributes to key anthropological debates about the cross-cultural circulation and cross-fertilisation of moral values that impact the ethics of post-industrial human-animal interactions; and about the influence of policy dialogue, at both national and international levels, on applied animal ethics, cultural stigmatization and the reinforcement of national sentiment.

Sällskapskaninens välfärd i Sverige : Djurhållning och dess inverkan / The welfare of the companion rabbit in Sweden : Animal husbandry and its impact

Ramström, Louise January 2021 (has links)
Den domesticerade kaninen (Oryctolagus cuniculus) är idag ett vanligt sällskapsdjur världen över. Sällskapskaniner framhålls som det tredje mest populära sällskapsdjuret i Sverige, efter hund och katt. Trots detta behandlar endast en mycket liten andel av den övergripande forskningen inom ämnet hälsa- och välfärd just kanin. Den här studien har undersökt inverkan på sällskapskaninens välfärd av kaninägare med eller utan tidigare erfarenhet, sjukdomsbild, samt kaninägares preferenser - och om detta är faktorer som påverkar sällskapskaninens välfärd i Sverige. Studien genomfördes som en enkätundersökning, besvarad av 147 deltagare bosatta i Sverige. Enkäten publicerad i nätverkstjänsten Facebook och fanns tillgänglig under tidsperioden 23:e April - 7:e Maj, 2021. Mer än 50 % av deltagarna saknade erfarenhet och kunskap om kaniner innan de skaffade sin första kanin. Över 37 % höll sina kaniner ensamlevande, och mer än 21 % inhyste sina kaniner i bur. Behovet av veterinärvård utgjordes totalt av nästan hälften av kaninerna, och de kaniner som hölls inomhus eller frigående hade störst behov. Det fanns en skillnad i behovet av veterinärvård hos olika raskategorier, där kategorin små raser var högst representerad. Antalet kaniner som drabbades av olika typer av hälsorelaterade problem varierade, men sjukdomar kopplade till avelsrelaterad problematik utgjordes av nästan 1/3 av alla sjukdomar. Den vanligaste raskategorin att hålla var dvärgraser som hölls av nästan 60 % av alla deltagare, och den vanligaste orsaken till att välja just den raskategorin utgjordes av dess storlek. Den här studien visade att det finns faktorer i kaninägarens djurhållning som kan kopplas till sällskapskaninens välfärd i Sverige. Avgörande parametrar till detta har lyfts fram som kaninägarens erfarenhet och kunskap om kaniner, hållning och inhysning, samt val av raskategori. Nyckelord: Oryctolagus cuniculus, sällskapskanin, djurhållning, djurvälfärd, djuravel, djuretik / The domesticated rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus) is today a common pet worldwide. Pet rabbits are highlighted as the third most popular pet in Sweden, after dogs and cats. Despite this, only a very small proportion of the overall research in the subject of health and welfare deals with rabbits. This study has examined the impact on the companion rabbit's welfare of rabbit owners with or without previous experience, disease picture, and rabbit owners' preferences - and whether these are factors that affect the companion rabbit's welfare in Sweden. The study was conducted as a survey, answered by 147 participants living in Sweden. The survey was published in the network service Facebook and found available during the period 23 April - 7 May, 2021. More than 50% of the participants lacked experience and knowledge about rabbits before acquiring their first rabbit. Over 37% kept their rabbits alone, and more than 21% housed their rabbits in cages. The need for veterinary care accounted for a total of almost half of the rabbits, and the rabbits kept indoors or free-running were most in need. There was a difference in the need for veterinary care in different breed categories, where the category small breeds was most represented. The number of rabbits suffering from various types of health-related problems varied, but diseases linked to breeding-related problems accounted for almost 1/3 of all diseases. The most common breed category to keep was dwarf breeds held by almost 60% of all participants, and the most common reason for choosing that particular breed category was its size. This study showed that there are factors in the rabbit owner's animal husbandry that can be linked to the companion rabbit's welfare in Sweden. Decisive parameters for this have been highlighted as the rabbit owner's experience and knowledge of rabbits, posture and housing, as well as the choice of breed category. Keywords: Oryctolagus cuniculus, companion rabbit, animal husbandry, animal welfare, animal breeding, animal ethics

Tierethische Positionen in der Gesellschaft - Eine empirische Analyse / Animal-ethical positions in society - An empirical analysis

Hölker, Sarah 23 April 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Rinderhaltung ohne Schlachtung als Agrar-Care-System / Fallbeispiele aus Europa und Indien

Meyer-Glitza, Patrick 04 May 2020 (has links)
Sogar eine vegetarische Ernährung führt durch den Konsum von Milchprodukten zum Schlachten der nicht mehr produktiven oder ausselektierten Milchkühe sowie der männlichen Nachkommen. Eine Rinderhaltung ohne Schlachtung (ROS) wäre (für Lakto-Vegetarier) hier ein Ausweg. Es wurden narrative und semi-strukturierte Interviews mit Tierhaltern der 5 hier dargestellten Fallbeispiele mit qualitativen Methoden der interpretativen Sozialforschung (Grounded Theory, Biographieforschung und sequentielle Feinanalyse) erhoben und untersucht. Die 5 Fallbeispiele wurden anhand biographischer Entwicklungen, ihrer Ethik und ihrem Tierhaltungssystem sowie anhand ihrer Konventionen verglichen. Der Fallvergleich ergab 5 Grundsätze des Care-Systems einer ROS: 1. Universal, 2. Bedingungslos, 3. Das ganze Leben betreffend - „a lifetime of Care“, 4. Familisierend, 5. Präventiv. Das Agrar-System der Fallbeispiele wurde in drei Betriebsstile differenziert: Reine Sanctuaries (Lebens-/Gnadenhof), Landwirtschaftliche Sanctuaries und Vegetarische Rinderhaltung/Milcherzeugung. Das Care- und das Agrar-System ergeben zusammen ein Agrar-Care-System. Kernelemente des Agrar-Systems der 4 hier untersuchten europäischen Betriebe sind u.a. ein hohes durchschnittliches Abgangsalter der Kühe von 12,5 Jahren und der Ochsen von 10 Jahren, stabile Herden, insg. vielfältige Dungnutzung, eine weitgehend muttergebundene Kälberaufzucht und partielle Ochsenanspannung. Bei dem dritten Fallbeispiel beträgt die Dauer der Laktationen durchschnittlich 2,8 Jahre und es werden dabei 9.055 kg pro Laktation ermolken. Bei Kühen mit sehr langen Laktationen sinken vom ca. 4.-6. Jahr die Leistungen nicht mehr und sind persistent. Die Milchkühe sind für 3,4 Jahre (als Mittel der beiden melkenden Betriebe) „in Rente". Der kostendeckende Milcherlös liegt bei ca. 2,95 bis 3,05 EUR pro kg Milch. Eine gemolkene Kuh trägt dabei die Kosten von 0,63 Kühen „in Rente" sowie von 1,48 Ochsen. Milch und Dung wären hier Beiprodukte des Tierlebens. / Even a vegetarian nutrition, through consumption of milk products, leads to the slaughtering of dairy cows that are no longer productive or have been sorted out, and of their male offspring. A cattle husbandry without slaughtering (here ‘CWS’) could be a solution (for lacto-vegetarians). Narrative and semi-structured interviews with the heads of animal husbandry in a total of five cases have been carried out and reviewed using qualitative methods of interpretive social research (Grounded Theory, biography research and detailed sequential analysis). In a case comparison, the five cases have been compared to each other in terms of their biographical developments, their ethics and their animal husbandry systems and also in terms of their conventions. The following five principles for a care system in CWS were derived: Universality, Unconditionality, A lifetime of care, Familialisation and Prevention. The agri-system of the case studies has been differentiated into three styles of farming: Pure sanctuary, agricultural sanctuary and vegetarian cattle husbandry. The combination of the agri- and care-system becomes the agri-care-system. Core elements of the agricultural system of CWS and of the 4 European farms are: a high average dying age which is 12.5 years for cows and 10 years for oxen, novel dung products, mostly rearing calves with the dam and on some farms the use of oxen for traction. In regard to the third case study, the average duration of lactation is 2.8 years, generating about 9,055 kg milk per lactation cycle. The dairy cows "retire" for a period of 3.4 years as a mean of the two milking case studies. In cows with very long lactation cycles, the milk yield, instead of decreasing from the 4th to the 6th year, rather seems to be constant during this period. The cost-covering milk revenue would be about 2,95 up to 3,05 EUR per kg. Each milked cow carries the cost of ca. 0,63 "retired" cows and 1,48 oxen. Milk and dung are the by-product of the animal life.

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