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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Merlet, Angèle 29 October 2018 (has links)
La drépanocytose est une hémoglobinopathie génétique ayant pour conséquences une anémie hémolytique chronique et sévère et des crises vaso-occlusives itératives. Cette pathologie s’accompagne également d’une intolérance à l’effort et d’altérations de la fonction et du tissu musculaire. Récemment, nous avons pu montrer, par une étude contrôlée et randomisée, l’innocuité et les bénéfices fonctionnels d’un programme d’entrainement en endurance, d’intensité modérée, chez des patients drépanocytaires. L’objectif de ce travail doctoral a été d’évaluer les effets de ce programme d’entrainement sur les caractéristiques musculaires de quarante patients drépanocytaires homozygotes. L’analyse des biopsies musculaires rapporte des adaptations tissulaires chez les patients entrainés, illustrées par une augmentation de la surface des myocytes, une amélioration de leur capacité oxydative, une augmentation du nombre de microvaisseaux sans modification de leur tortuosité, laissant supposer une meilleure oxygénation musculaire. L’excellente tolérance de ce mode d’entrainement semble reposer sur une plus faible mobilisation des voies anaérobies comme en témoigne la stabilité des activités enzymatiques associées à la glycolyse lactique et l’absence de modification du contenu musculaire des protéines impliquées dans la régulation du pH. Par ailleurs, cet entrainement n’a pas engendré de dégradation tissulaire notable. Ainsi, cet entrainement a non seulement apporté des bénéfices fonctionnels, mais également réduit les dysfonctionnements tissulaires musculaires. Cette thérapie par l’exercice peut donc être considéré comme une stratégie adjuvante prometteuse pour les patients drépanocytaires. / Sickle cell disease is a genetic hemoglobinopathy resulting in chronic and severe hemolytic anemia and iterative vaso-occlusive crisis. This pathology is also accompanied by exercise intolerance and alterations in muscle function and tissue. Recently, we demonstrated, through a randomized controlled study, the safety and functional benefits of a moderate-intensity endurance exercise training program in sickle cell disease patients. The objective of this doctoral work was to evaluate the effects of this training program on the muscle characteristics of forty homozygous sickle cell disease patients. The analysis of muscle biopsies reported tissue adaptations in trained patients, illustrated by an increase in the surface area of myocytes, an improvement in their oxidative capacity, an increase in the number of microvessels without modification of their tortuosity, suggesting a better muscle oxygenation. The excellent tolerance of this training mode seems to be based on a lower mobilization of the anaerobic pathways, as shown by the stability of the enzymatic activities associated with lactic glycolysis and the lack of any modification of the muscle protein content involved in pH regulation. Moreover, this training did not result in any significant tissue degradation. Thus, this training provided functional benefits, but also reduced muscle tissue dysfunctions. This exercise therapy can therefore be considered a promising adjuvant strategy for sickle cell disease patients.

Regressão não-paramétrica com erros correlacionados via ondaletas. / Non-parametric regression with correlated errors using wavelets

Rogério de Faria Porto 03 October 2008 (has links)
Nesta tese, são obtidas taxas de convergência a zero, do risco de estimação obtido com regressão não-paramétrica via ondaletas, quando há erros correlacionados. Quatro métodos de regressão não-paramétrica via ondaletas, com delineamento desigualmente espaçado são estudados na presença de erros correlacionados, oriundos de processos estocásticos. São apresentadas condições sobre os erros e adaptações aos procedimentos necessárias à obtenção de taxas de convergência quase minimax, para os estimadores. Sempre que possível são obtidas taxas de convergência para os estimadores no domínio da função, sob condições bastante gerais a respeito da função a ser estimada, do delineamento e da correlação dos erros. Mediante estudos de simulação, são avaliados os comportamentos de alguns métodos propostos quando aplicados a amostras finitas. Em geral sugere-se usar um dos procedimentos estudados, porém aplicando-se limiares por níveis. Como a estimação da variância dos coecientes de detalhes pode ser problemática em alguns casos, também se propõe um procedimento iterativo semi-paramétrico geral para métodos que utilizam ondaletas, na presença de erros em séries temporais. / In this thesis, rates of convergence to zero are obtained for the estimation risk, for non-parametric regression using wavelets, when the errors are correlated. Four non-parametric regression methods using wavelets, with un-equally spaced design are studied in the presence of correlated errors, that come from stochastic processes. Conditions on the errors and adaptations to the procedures are presented, so that the estimators achieve quasi-minimax rates of convergence. Whenever is possible, rates of convergence are obtained for the estimators in the domain of the function, under mild conditions on the function to be estimated, on the design and on the error correlation. Through simulation studies, the behavior of some of the proposed methods is evaluated, when used on finite samples. Generally, it is suggested to use one of the studied methods, however applying thresholds by level. Since the estimation of the detail coecients can be dicult in some cases, it is also proposed a general semi-parametric iterative procedure, for wavelet methods in the presence of time-series errors.

Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande / Arkitektoniska kvaliteter i ett arktiskt klimat : Ett gestaltningsförslag baserat på principer och strategier för klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande

Sjöström, Sebastian January 2019 (has links)
Städer och samhällen har under det senaste seklet utvecklats och exploaterats längre norrut men med en avsaknad av ett tydligt arkitektoniskt formspråk anpassat för ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Somliga forskare hävdar att städer och byggnader i dessa klimat till stor del baseras på universella arkitektoniska och urbana principer, som egentligen är bättre lämpade i tempererade klimat. Syftet med detta ar-bete är att undersöka, identifiera, sammanställa ochvisualisera relevant forskning, kunskap och praktisk kännedom gällande arkitektonisk gestaltning i ett arktiskt och subarktiskt klimat. Att identifiera bidragandefaktorer till komfortabla och attraktiva bostäder och stadsrum med kvalitéer som reducerar uppkomsten av väderrelaterade obehag. För att således, genom ett konceptuellt gestaltningsförslag, kunna visualisera och belysa det arkitektoniska formspråket som är bäst lämpat för det arktiska och subarktiska klimatet. Inledningsvis genomförs en litteraturstudie där till- gänglig forskning studeras med avseende att tydlig-göra vad som definierar arktisk och subarktisk arki- tektur samt klimatanpassat bostadsbyggande. Vidareidentifieras avgörande klimatfaktorer och arkitekto- niska kvaliteter som kan främja ett tydligt formspråk och komfortabla miljöer i dessa krävande klimat. Efter litteraturstudien upprättas en syntes som tillsammans med metoder ur Problem Seeking och Design: pro- cess och metod sammanställer de identifierade kvali- teterna till konkreta principer och strategier. Syntesen resulterade i följande tre klimatfaktorer att ta hänsyn till: Sol, Vind och Snö. Vidare resulterade syntes i följande nio byggnadsrelaterade faktorer: Volymer, Tak, Fasad, Entré, Markplan, Innergårdar samt mer urbana delar som: Gator, Vegetation och Aktiviteter. För att applicera dessa identifierade principer ochstrategier valdes ett tillämpningsområde med klimat- förutsättningar likt de som studerats. Tillämpningsområdet blev två kvarter i Kirunas nya stadsdel, nordväst om nya centrum. En platsanalys genomfördes med hjälp av välkända analysmetoder där information tillhandahållits genom Kirunas utvecklingsplan, fördjupande översiktsplan samt det vinnande täv- lingsbidraget för den nya stadsdelen, Kiruna 4-ever. Det konceptuella gestaltningsförslaget, som är arbetets resultat, baseras på den upprättade synte- sen tillsammans med resultatet av de analyser som genomförts med avseende på tillämpningsområdet. Gestaltningsförslaget utgör två bostadskvarter i linjer med Kirunas utvecklingsplan gällande utformning ochfunktion samt det identifierade arkitektoniska principerna. En höggradig funktionsblandning, levande och inbjudande gatumiljöer, attraktiva stråk, torg och parker samt en tydlig närhet till naturen är några av de kvaliteter som framgår i förslaget. Tillsammans med de väl avvägda och anpassade kombinationerna av designprinciper för arktisk och subarktisk arkitektur. Då gestaltningsförslaget är utformat på en övergripande konceptuell nivå, där fokus legat på attapplicera de identifierade principerna, anses detinte vara en fullständig produkt. Fortsatt arbete med och utveckling av det termiska klimatet samt interiöra faktorerna föreslås, som inte nödvändigtvis bör påverka den förslagna exteriöra utformningen. Det sammanställda och identifierade principernapresenteras på sida 47 i rapporten. Medan gestaltningsförslaget i sin helhet presenteras på sida 85. / Cities and communities have moved and developed further north over the last century, but with a lack of a clear architectural design adapted to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Some researchers argue that cities and buildings in these climates are largely based on universal architectural and urban principles, which are actually better suited in temperate climates. The purpose of this work is to investigate, identify, compile and visualize relevant research, knowledge and practical knowledge regarding architectural design in an arctic and sub-arctic climate. To identify contributing factors to comfortable and attractive homes and urban spaces with qualities that reduce the occurrence of weatherrelated discomfort. In order to, through a conceptual design proposal, be able to visualize and illuminate the architectural design that is best suited to the arctic and sub-arctic climate. Initially, a literature study is conducted in which available research is studied with regard to clarifywhat defines arctic and sub-arctic architecture and climateadapted housing construction. Furthermore, crucial climate factors and architectural qualities are identified that can promote a clear design languageand comfortable environments in these demanding climates. After the literature study, a synthesis is established which together with methods like Problem Seeking and Design: process and method compilethe identified qualities to concrete principles and strategies. The synthesis resulted in the following three climate factors to take into account: Sun, Wind and Snow. Furthermore, synthesis resulted in the fol- lowing nine building-related factors: Volumes, Roofs, Facade, Entrance, Ground plan, courtyards and urban factors such as: Streets, Vegetation and Activities. In order to apply these identified principles andstrategies, an application area with climate conditions similar to those studied was chosen. The application area became two blocks in Kiruna's new city plan, northwest of new center. A site ana- lysis was carried out using well known analysis methods where the necessary information was provided through Kiruna's development plan, indepth overview plan and the winning competition contribution for the new city plan, Kiruna 4-ever. The conceptual design proposal, which is the result of the work, is based on the established synthesis together with the result of the analyzes carried outwith respect to the field of application. The designproposal constitutes two residential blocks in lines with Kiruna's development plan regarding design andfunction and the identified architectural principles. A high quality functional mix, vibrant and inviting street environments, attractive streets, squares and parks as well as a clear connection to nature are some of the qualities that appear in the proposal. Along with the well-balanced and adapted combinations of design principles for arctic and sub-arctic architecture. Since the design proposal is designed on an overall conceptual level, where the focus has beenon applying the identified principles, it is not considered a complete product. Continued work on and development of the thermal climate and interior factors is proposed, which should not ne- cessarily affect the proposed exterior design.The crucial and identified principles are presented on page 47 of the report. While the design proposal as a whole is presented on page 85.

Brandskyddssituationen i bostäder som marknadsförs åt äldre

Hedberg, Rebecca January 2019 (has links)
I Sverige styrs det förebyggande brandskyddsarbetet sedan 2010 av en nollvision som lyder: ”Ingen ska omkomma eller skadas allvarligt till följd av brand”. Utvecklingen av antalet dödsbränder har stadigt minskat under lång tid och ligger nu på runt 100 dödsfall i brand varje år. För åldersgruppen 65+ har utvecklingen dock stagnerat och på senare tid sker inte längre någon minskning av antalet dödsfall i brand i denna grupp. Dessa står för drygt hälften av alla omkomna i brand årligen och med tanke på den kommande ökade andelen äldre i samhället finns det nu oro för hur detta kommer att påverka utvecklingen av äldre som omkommer i brand. Det brinner inte oftast hos äldre, men när det brinner omkommer de. Äldre bor främst i egna bostäder och på senare tid har bostäder som marknadsförs åt äldre (t.ex. senior-/trygghetsbostäder, 65+, 70+, etc.) upptagit en växande andel av dessa. Detta i takt med ett ökat bostadsbehov bland äldre och en kvarboendeprincip där individer så långt som möjligt ska beredas möjlighet att bo kvar i sina egna bostäder när de blir äldre. Problemet är att dessa bostäder trots att de marknadsförs som tryggare bara uppfyller det i social bemärkelse. Brandskyddsmässigt har de inte högre brandskydd än vanliga bostäder eftersom de tilldelats samma verksamhetsklass (Vk 3A). I denna studie har det nuvarande byggnadstekniska brandskyddet studerats i ett urval av projekt som marknadsförts åt äldre. Studien visar att projekten i urvalet alla möter Vk 3A och endast några få har högre ambitioner brandskyddsmässigt. I två av dessa fall handlar ambitionerna om förstärkt varseblivningssystem och i ytterligare två om installation av spisvakt i samtliga bostäder. Dessutom framkom det att fler än hälften av projekten dimensionerats med utgångspunkt i att räddningstjänsten ska bistå utrymning. Något som är bekymmersamt med tanke på att mer än hälften av landets räddningstjänster i en nylig studie uppgav att de har problem med att upprätthålla en kontinuerlig beredskap. Dessutom har studien sökt sakkunniga för att i en enkät redogöra för äldres förmåga att utrymma själva i bostadstypen och det individanpassade brandskyddsarbetet i kommunen. En enkät skickades även till räddningstjänster för att ta reda på deras perspektiv och deras erfarenheter av problemet. Sammantaget identifierar både tidigare studier, och respondenter till denna studie, verksamhetsklassificeringen som ett stort problem i bostadstypen. De vidhåller att individanpassat brandskyddsarbete aldrig kan ersätta individens förmåga att utrymma. Därtill arbetar bara hälften av landets kommuner med individanpassat brandskydd i någon form. Konsekvensen av detta är att brandskyddet äldre får är beroende på var i landet de bor och följaktligen blir inte brandskyddet jämlikt. Detta är inte ett problem utan lösning, snarare tvärt om. Det är ett problem som kräver en mängd lösningar på nationell och lokal nivå. En del av problemen kan lösas med relativt enkla medel genom ökat stöd från myndigheter till kommuner som kämpar med att få igång individanpassat brandskyddsarbete. Andra problem – som verksamhetsklassificeringen – kräver en översyn av utformningen av den existerande brandskyddslagstiftningen. Det är förståeligt att myndigheter, med tanke på den kommande demografiska utvecklingen, vill driva på byggnation av bostäder. Men det borde inte behöva vara på bekostnad av de boendes säkerhet och trygghet. / Since 2010 preventive fire-safety measures in Sweden are all based on a common zero vision that reads: “No one should die or be seriously injured because of fire”. For the past half-century there has been a steady decline in fire-related deaths and in recent years that number has been around 100 each year. However, for one group of individuals that decline has ceased. For individuals older than 65 the death toll has been a steady average of 50 fire-related deaths per year for some time. These represent half of all fire-related deaths each year and the predicted population-increase in this age-group has started to cause some concern about how this will affect the death-toll. Individuals older than 65 primarily live in their own homes. In recent years homes specifically marketed to the elderly (in terms of safety and comfort) have taken up a larger portion of those. This increase in homes marketed to the elderly has followed a greater need for homes for the elderly as well as a Swedish principle of “home-living”. The idea is that individuals should be afforded every possibility to remain in their own homes as they age. The problem with these marketed homes is that the safety and comfort they promise is so in no other way than socially. Current fire-safety regulation sets no higher standard for these homes than for regular homes.  This study has examined what level of fire-safety a chosen group of build-projects for marketed homes has. The study shows that all the studied projects meet current regulations, only a few indicate higher safety-ambitions. In two of these those, the higher ambitions were enhanced warning-systems and in another two stove guards were installed in all apartments. What was more the study found that more than half of the projects were designed to require assistance from fire-rescue services in order to evacuate the building. This is particularly alarming since more than half of the fire-rescue services in Sweden reported not being able to maintain continuous service in a recent study.  Additionally, this study has surveyed municipal-experts for information on what ability elderly in these marketed homes have to evacuate on their own and on how they work with individually adapted fire-safety in the municipality. Fire-safety services were also surveyed for their knowledge and experience with the issue. In conclusion, both previous studies and the respondents to this study identify the fire-safety regulations applied to these marketed homes as an issue of significance. They all conclude that individually adapted fire-safety cannot possibly replace the individual’s capability to evacuate. Furthermore, only half of Swedish municipalities have adapted the process of individually adapted fire-safety in some way or shape. The main consequence of this is that the level of fire-safety elderly are prepared varies across the country and consequently fails to be equal. The issue at hand requires a multitude of solutions on a local and national scale. Some issues are relatively easily solved by government agencies providing more support to struggling, smaller municipalities. Other issues – like the lacking regulations for the marketed homes – require a review of current fire-safety regulations. It is understandable for agencies to want to meet a housing deficit, especially considering the looming demographic changes. But it should not come at the cost of elderly individuals’ safety and comfort.

幻想的實現或破滅? 少女漫畫迷對漫畫改編偶像劇認同與區辨 歷程之研究 / Realize or burst the imagination? Exploring identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from girl comics

黃佳筠, Huang, Chia Yun Unknown Date (has links)
近年來漫畫改編偶像劇蔚為風尚,然而過去迷群研究主要關注迷群外在過度 的生產文本,關於漫畫迷的研究也僅關注於外在過度性明顯的強勢族群。然而, 導致外在行為過度性的原因,即內在的認同與區辨機制卻顯少討論。因此,本研 究將焦點放在迷群的內在過度性,希冀透過少女漫畫迷互文解讀漫畫改編偶像劇 的過程,了解少女漫畫迷內在的認同及區辨機制。 本研究透過媒介形式轉換之跨媒體互文性,依據John Fiske的互文性概念及 迷群內在認同及區辨之循環機制作為理論架構。透過質化取徑的深度訪談法,訪 談十二位少女漫畫迷,本研究發現少女漫畫迷在接觸漫畫改編偶像劇時,水平式 互文漫畫文本作為參考架構,其中以角色的關係連結最緊密。而垂直性互文的發 生基於區辨而非認同。由於少女漫畫迷對漫畫文本特別在乎而投入對此認同的區 辨與維護,與漫畫改編偶像劇之文本、角色、媒介與他人產生區辨,並藉由區辨 的過程建立自我認同。 / Previously, the researches focused on the external behaviors of fans but neglected the main cause of them: the internal excessiveness. Therefore, this research focuses on the internal process of identification and distinction of girl comic fans intertexting trendy drama adapted from original girl comics. Based on John Fiske’s intertextuality and fan theory, this research finds out the relationship between girl comic fans and comics was built by imagination, which gave the original text ‘aura’. While the horizontal intertexality linked two texts by genre, content, and character, the adapted drama bursted the imagination of girl comic fans. In order to protect their imagination, they became anti trendy drama fan and produced vertical intertextuality by distinguishing the text, character, and media between the two. Thus, the aura of the original comics was preserved and the identity of girl comic fans was constructed.

Ανάπτυξη μοντέλου και αλγορίθμων μοντελοποίησης ενός χρήστη-εκπαιδευόμενου σε προσαρμοστικά περιβάλλοντα ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης / Modelling student behaviour in adaptive e-learning systems

Μουτάφη, Κωνσταντίνα 05 February 2015 (has links)
Αντικείμενο της συγκεκριμένης εργασίας αποτελεί η μελέτη των χαρακτηριστικών του μοντέλου εκπαιδευόμενου, ο καθορισμός των απαιτούμενων εξ' αυτών για ένα προσαρμοστικό σύστημα ηλεκτρονικής μάθησης καθώς και ο αποδοτικότερος τρόπος αναπαράστασής τους. Επίσης μελετώνται οι τρόποι συλλογής δεδομένων για την δημιουργία και συνεχή ανανέωση του μοντέλου (μοντελοποίηση) καθώς και οι αλγόριθμοι που χρησιμοποιούνται, με σκοπό την υλοποίηση του καταλληλότερου και αποδοτικότερου εξ' αυτών. Η διπλωματική στοχεύει στη δημιουργία ενός μοντέλου χρήστη-εκπαιδευόμενου συνοδευόμενο από τους αντίστοιχους αλγορίθμους μοντελοποίησης το οποίο θα συγκεντρώνει την απαραίτητη πληροφορία για την αυτοματοποιημένη και προσαρμοσμένη επιλογή κατάλληλου εκπαιδευτικού υλικού προς τον συγκεκριμένο χρήστη, με ευκολία και αφαιρετικότητα προς τον χρήστη. / In the present thesis we are studying the characteristics that can be represented in a user model, we define those that are essential in a student model and we propose an efficient way of representation. We also study the different ways of constructing and updating a student model and the algorithms that can be used in order to implement the most appropriate and efficient of them. The main purpose of the thesis is the development of a student model, with the suitable algorithms, that will support the automated process of adapted educational material provision in an easy and abstract way.

Uniform Error Estimation for Convection-Diffusion Problems

Franz, Sebastian 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Let us consider the singularly perturbed model problem Lu := -epsilon laplace u-bu_x+cu = f with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on the unit-square (0,1)^2. Assuming that b > 0 is of order one, the small perturbation parameter 0 < epsilon << 1 causes boundary layers in the solution. In order to solve above problem numerically, it is beneficial to resolve these layers. On properly layer-adapted meshes we can apply finite element methods and observe convergence. We will consider standard Galerkin and stabilised FEM applied to above problem. Therein the polynomial order p will be usually greater then two, i.e. we will consider higher-order methods. Most of the analysis presented here is done in the standard energy norm. Nevertheless, the question arises: Is this the right norm for this kind of problem, especially if characteristic layers occur? We will address this question by looking into a balanced norm. Finally, a-posteriori error analysis is an important tool to construct adapted meshes iteratively by solving discrete problems, estimating the error and adjusting the mesh accordingly. We will present estimates on the Green’s function associated with L, that can be used to derive pointwise error estimators.

Antarctic microfungi as a potential bioresource

Bradner, John Ronald January 2004 (has links)
"2003". / Thesis (PhD)--Macquarie University, Division of Environmental & Life Sciences, Department of Biological Sciences, 2004. / Bibliography: leaves 136-160. / Introduction: The Antarctic environment; Antarctic inhabitants; Microfungi; Identification of microfungi; Physiological factors affecting Antactic microfungi; Flow cytometry and microfungi; Hydrolytic enzymes of industrial interest; Isolation of genes from microfungi; Aims of this study -- Materials and methods: Fungal strains and cultivation conditions; Molecular identification of fungal isolates; Fungal physiology; Hydrolase activity of secreted proteins; Gene cloning and expression -- Results and discussion: Microfungal identification; Physiological factors affecting Antarctic microfungi; Activity in microfungi when grown on solid media; Characterisation of hemicellulases from selected Antarctic microfungi; Cloning of an Antarctic Penicillium allii lipase gene and its expression in Trichoderma reesei -- Conclusions and future prospects. / The Antarctic occupies that region of the planet that falls below the 60th parallel of South latitude. Although it has been frequented by adventurers, journeyman scientists and tourists for the past 100 years, the Continent has remained virtually unoccupied. The intense cold, the absence of human occupation and the limited range of local higher animal species have combined to create the impression that the Continent is virtually devoid of life. -- Although the microbiota of the Antarctic has attracted some small level of attention in the past, the examination of filamentous microfungi has been largely overlooked and fallen to a small group of dedicated investigators. In this study it will be shown that far from being an insignificant component of the Antarctic network, microfungi represent a potentially large and so far untapped bioresource. -- From just 11 bryophyte samples collected at four sites in the Ross Sea/Dry Valleys region of Southern Antarctica, some 30 microfungal isolates were recovered. Using molecular techniques, the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (nrDNA) was sequenced to reveal no less than nine unique microfungal species. For only two of these species did the ITS sequence data produce a 100% match with records held on the public databases. This investigation also highlighted the problems inherent in the traditional morphological identification system which are now being perpetuated in the molecular database records. -- A set of seven notionally identified isolates obtained from ornithogenic soil samples gathered in the Windmill Islands in Eastern Antarctica (offshore from the Australian Antarctic Division's Casey Station) were also subjected to molecular identification based on ITS sequence data. Each of the seven isolates was identified as a unique species; six were cosmopolitan in nature and the one remaining bore very little resemblance at the molecular level to any of the recorded species although it was provided with an epithet commonly used in the identification of Antarctic microfungal species. -- To evaluate their potential as a bioresource, samples of Antarctic microfungi were examined to determine if the same physiological factors common to mesophilic species also applied to their Antarctic analogues. It is known that when placed under stress, trehalose can act as a protectant against cold (cryoprotection) and dehydration in mesophilic yeasts and fungi. The level of trehalose produced by the Antarctic isolates and their mesophilic analogues when subjected to stress was compared. A similar comparison was made for the production of glycerol which is well established as a compatible solute providing protection to mesophilic species against osmotic stress. Only in the case of trehalose production by an Antarctic Embellisia was there any indication that either of these two compounds could play a significant role in providing protection to the Antarctic fungi against the rigours of their environment, which leaves open to question what in fact does. -- In the course of investigating the means by which Antarctic microfungi guard against the damage which can ensue when subjected to oxidative stress, flow cytometry was introduced as an investigatory tool. It was established that there is a window of opportunity during which flow cytometry can be used to undertake a detailed analysis of the early stages of fungal growth from germination through hyphal development. -- Of major significance in determining the potential of Antarctic microfungi as a resource is their ability to produce new and novel enzymes and proteins. The microfungal isolates were screened for hydrolytic activity on solid media containing indicative substrates and proved to be a fruitful source of enzymes active over a range of temperatures. A detailed characterisation of two hemicellulases, β-mannanase and xylanase, secreted into a liquid medium by a subset of the Antarctic fungi and a high producing mesophilic reference strain permitted direct comparisons to be made. It was shown that the maximum hemicellulase activity of the Antarctic strains occurred at least 10°C and as much as 30°C lower than that of the reference strain and that mannanase activity for two of the Antarctic isolates exceeded 40% of their maximum at 0°C. These assay results highlight the potential of Antarctic microfungi to yield novel cold-active enzymes. -- As a final measure of the capacity of the Antarctic to yield novel enzymes from its microfungal stock, a lipase gene was selected as a target for isolation and expression in a heterologous fungal host. Using PCR techniques, the gene of interest was isolated from an Antarctic isolate of Penicillium allii, transformed into the mesophilic production host Trichoderma reesei and the active protein successfully produced in the growth medium. The recombinant lipase was assayed and found to exhibit novel characteristics consistent with a cold-adapted enzyme. / Mode of access: World Wide Web. / 186 leaves ill

Entwicklung und erste Erprobung eines Alleinfütterungskonzeptes als zentraler Bestandteil weiterer Standardisierungsschritte bei der Laborhaltung von Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) / Development and first experiments of a standardized complete diet-feeding concept as a central element of further standardization in the keeping of common marmoset monkeys (callithrix jaccus) under laboratory conditions

Mitura, Anna Katarina Dora 09 November 2011 (has links)
Weißbüschelaffen (Callithrix jacchus) gehören zu den Krallenaffen und sind ursprünglich in den Regenwaldrandgebieten Nordbrasiliens beheimatet. Bereits seit etwa 30 Jahren werden die Tiere unter Laborbedingungen, vor allem für die biomedizinische Forschung, gehalten. Neben der geringen KM von 300-500 g ist auch die hohe Reproduktionsrate (zweimal im Jahr Zwillinge) ein großer Vorteil für den Einsatz als Labortier. Obwohl Weißbüschelaffen im Vergleich zu anderen nicht-menschlichen Primaten relativ stressresistent sind, erfordern sie doch eine optimale Haltung. Dazu gehören neben einem an die natürliche Umwelt angepassten Raumklima ein entsprechendes Lichtprogramm und ein hoher Hygienestatus. Von besonderer Bedeutung für das Wohlbefinden der Tiere ist auch eine optimale Ernährung. Zudem darf der Einfluss der Ernährung auf die Resultate der biomedizinischen Forschung nicht unterschätzt werden. Unter insgesamt standardisierten Versuchsbedingungen muss auch die Ernährung standardisiert werden, um einen Einfluss auf die Ergebnisse der Forschung zu vermeiden. In vielen Laborkolonien wird den Tieren eine Mischung aus kommerziell erhältlichen Pellets, Obst, Gemüse, Insekten und anderen Zusätzen (z.B. Gummi arabicum) verabreicht. Diese Rationen lassen sich nicht nur schwer standardisieren, zudem ist besonders die Einhaltung der hygienischen Anforderungen nahezu unmöglich, da die Keimbelastung z.B. von Obst und Gemüse nicht kalkulierbar ist. Unter den Haltungsbedingungen des Deutschen Primatenzentrums in Göttingen hat sich gezeigt, dass durch die alleinige Fütterung der Tiere mit einer kommerziellen Diät zwar eine Standardisierung erfolgen konnte, die Tiere jedoch häufig Übergewicht entwickelt haben. Ziel der Untersuchungen war es, ein am Bedarf der Tiere orientiertes Alleinfutter für den Einsatz unter Laborbedingungen zu entwickeln. Nach umfassender Literaturrecherche zur Validität von Bedarfsangaben für Weißbüschelaffen erfolgte ein erster Versuch, in dem Eckpunkte einer Basisrezeptur eine Alleinfutter entwickelt werden sollten. 24 nicht reproduzierende männliche und weibliche Tiere standen hierfür zur Verfügung (2 Tiere je Käfig  n=12). Jeweils zwei Rezepturen wurden auf Basis Pflanzen-, Fisch- und Eiprotein entwickelt. Die 6 Diäten wurden in einem 9-wöchigen Versuch in Hinblick auf ihre Akzeptanz mit einer kommerziellen Diät verglichen. Die Mischungen auf Eiprotein-Basis wurden von den Tieren grundsätzlich abgelehnt und daher aus dem weiteren Versuch ausgeschlossen. Nach Auswertung der Ergebnisse zeigte sich, dass die Tiere bei der kommerziellen Diät die höchsten Futteraufnahmen aufwiesen. Unter den getesteten Mischungen zeigte eine Diät auf Pflanzenprotein-Basis die höchsten Futteraufnahmen. Im nachfolgenden Versuch wurde diese Diät auf Pflanzenproteinbasis als Grundlage herangezogen. Ziel war, eine mit der kommerziellen Diät vergleichbare Futteraufnahme zu erzielen. Der Zusatz von Aromakomponenten zur Verzehrssteigerung ist bei Nutztieren bereits bekannt und sollte auch bei Weißbüschelaffen erprobt werden. Im zweiten Versuch wurden daher eine pflanzliche Basisdiät mit 5 aromatisierten Diäten und dem kommerziellen Produkt verglichen. Der Zusatz von Aromen führte jedoch zu keiner signifikanten Akzeptanzverbesserung. Um eine Steigerung der Futteraufnahme zu erreichen, wurde daher im dritten Versuch die Beimengung von Gummi arabicum-Pulver untersucht. Baumsäfte gehören zum natürlichen Nahrungsspektrum und werden von den Tieren auch in Obhut des Menschen gerne aufgenommen. Im Versuch wurden einer Basismischung 0%, 2,5%, 5% und 7,5% Gummi arabicum Pulver beigemengt und diese Diäten mit einem kommerziellen Futter verglichen. Der Vergleich der Ergebnisse zeigte, dass durch einen Gummi arabicum Anteil von 5% in der Ration die Futteraufnahme auf das Niveau der kommerziellen Diät angehoben werden konnte. Zudem zeigten Tiere, die mit den Testdiäten gefüttert wurden, eine geringere Durchfallhäufigkeit. Außerdem konnte bei Fütterung der Testmischungen eine Absenkung der Körpermasse (KM) mit anschließender KM-Stabilität beobachtet werden. Aus den durchgeführten Versuchen kann der Schluss gezogen werden, dass die Entwicklung eines neuen, am Bedarf orientierten Alleinfütterungskonzeptes für Weißbüschelaffen unter Laborbedingungen gute Fortschritte gemacht hat. Weiterführender Forschungsbedarf besteht zum einen in der Methodik. Neben der KM-Entwicklung müssen zunehmend auch Veränderungen der Körperzusammensetzung als Maßstab für die tierindividuelle Entwicklung herangezogen werden. Da in der praktischen Haltung von Weißbüschelaffen die Nachzucht neuer Tiere eine entscheidende Rolle spielt, müssen weitere Untersuchungen zu Alleinfütterungskonzepten auch Ernährung von reproduzierenden adulten Tieren und Jungtieren einschließen.

Atividades de ótica exploradas no ensino médio através de reflexões epistemológicas com o emprego do V de Gowin

Batistella, Carmes Ana da Rosa January 2007 (has links)
A Física tem uma maneira própria de olhar a natureza e de estudar seus fenômenos. Por essa razão, o ensino-aprendizagem de Física não pode estar centrado na transmissão de informações, mas sim na construção do conhecimento em um contexto amplo que envolva conteúdos, novas metodologias e novos instrumentos adequados à realidade da escola, que venham a contribuir para uma aprendizagem significativa. Dentro dessa concepção, apresenta-se uma proposta de ensino de ótica, com ênfase no estudo através de módulos didáticos. Para tal, foram elaboradas atividades didáticas incluindo simulações de eventos com o uso de novas tecnologias e, também, em laboratório convencional, exploradas em uma visão construtivista fundamentada nas teorias de Vygotsky e de Ausubel. No desenvolvimento dessas atividades procurou-se propiciar o compartilhamento de significados através de diagramas fundamentados no V de Gowin, na busca de uma aprendizagem significativa. A composição dos módulos didáticos apresenta uma motivação inicial através de exposição oral questionada, com o objetivo de despertar no aluno seus conhecimentos prévios. Em cada um dos módulos didáticos são sugeridas uma ou mais atividades a serem trabalhadas em grupos de 3 a 4 alunos, constando de experimento virtual (applets, simulações) ou real, acompanhado de guia simplificado. Essa dinâmica de trabalho gerou uma maior interação social entre os alunos; ao professor, coube o papel de mediador da atividade. Paralelamente a cada atividade, cada grupo de alunos construiu um diagrama V, que era apresentado à turma posteriormente, com o objetivo de promover discussões. A aplicação da proposta foi realizada no quarto bimestre letivo do ano de 2006, em uma turma de terceira série de Ensino Médio, noturna, da Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Dr. Araby Augusto Nácul, em Lagoa Vermelha, RS. O material instrucional elaborado, na forma de página da Web, contém as atividades propostas nos módulos didáticos e também os correspondentes diagramas V a serem construídos pelos alunos. Também são incluídos na página da Web, como links, um material de apoio, com os conteúdos desenvolvidos nos vários módulos, e uma seção contendo exercícios de fixação. Com os alunos trabalhando em um determinado módulo didático, o material era disponibilizado nos computadores da Escola, gradualmente, para evitar que avançassem para os módulos seguintes antes de refletir sobre o conteúdo da atividade em andamento. O produto educacional, contendo o material instrucional e orientações para o seu uso, será divulgado na série Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física para que outros professores da rede de ensino possam adaptá-lo a sua realidade escolar. / Physics has its own way of looking at nature and its phenomena. For this reason the Physics’ teaching must not only be centered in lecturing information, but must also construct the knowledge in a wide context involving new technologies and tools fitted to the schools' reality. This, together with physics concepts, is to build a meaningful learning. To accomplish these goals we propose an approach to Optics teaching, structured in six didactic modules based on the meaningful learning’s theory by D. Ausubel and the social interaction’s theory by L. Vygotsky. Each didactic module starts with an oral exposition presenting the motivation through challenging questions, in order to instigate the students’ previous knowledges. We then suggest one or more activities based on virtual (e.g., simulations, applets) or real experiments, with a schematic activities guide, to be worked out by groups of three or four students, with the teacher mediation, in order to deepen social interaction. Besides each experimental activity, they construct an adapted Gowin V diagram, intended to promote a meaningful learning, and finally they discuss with the rest of the class, encouraging an exchange of views about the proposed issue. This methodological proposal has been applied to 18 third high school year students, of the nightclass at "Escola Estadual de Ensino Médio Dr. Araby Augusto Nácul" at Lagoa Vermelha, RS, during the fourth bimester of the school year of 2006. The instructional material was developed as a webpage, including the proposed experimental activities and the related V diagrams. Among the webpage links, we also included additional material with the physics contents of the didactic units and exercises. The whole instructional material has gradually been made available on the School’s computers to prevent the students from going to a forthcoming activity before having made deep reflections on the lectures/subjects that were being worked out at each moment. This work is to be published in the series Hipermídias de Apoio ao Professor de Física, of Instituto de Física of UFRGS, so that other teachers can access this material and use it in their school's context.

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