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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i den anpassade grundskolan : En läromedelsanalys av ett digitalt läromedel / Sexuality, consent and relationships in the adapted primary school : A learning tool analysis of a digital learning tool

Högbom, Kajsa, Omberg, Alexandra January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka om det digitala inlärningsprogrammet Privatliv kan vara ett adekvat stöd för speciallärare i undervisning inom ämnesområdet sexualitet, samtycke och relationer i den anpassade grundskolan. Valet grundar sig i en avsaknad av anpassade läromedel som vänder sig till elever i anpassad grundskola. Undersökningen syftade till att synliggöra vilka normer läromedlet förmedlar, om alla delar i läroplansmålen för år 7–9 finns med, om det förmedlar ett riskperspektiv eller ett friskperspektiv gällande ämnesområdet samt hur läromedlet är anpassat för att möta elevers olika behov och förutsättningar. För att undersöka detta användes en kvalitativ metod med en socialkonstruktivistisk ansats. Inspirerad av den kritiska diskursanalysen har vi genomfört en läromedelsanalys för att komma åt det mer implicita innehållet. Resultat som framkommit visar att Privatliv kan vara ett adekvat stöd i undervisning, men däremot behöver några delar tillföras för att kunna innehålla alla läroplansmål. Några delar från läroplansmålen saknas och vissa delar anser vi kräver lite mer fördjupad kunskap kring. Anpassningar finns men programmet skulle nå fler elever och vara ett fördelaktigare stöd för undervisande speciallärare om innehållet skulle anpassas ytterligare. Privatliv förmedlar i överlag ett friskperspektiv. Läromedlet avviker från heteronormen genom att belysa homosexualitet och bisexualitet och en HBTQ-norm är framträdande. En slutsats i studien visar hur viktigt det är att granska läromedel, men även betydelsen av kompetent personal som ska undervisa eleverna med hjälp av läromedlet.

Att vända kappan efter vinden - hyckleri eller en bra marknadsföringsstrategi : En jämförande intervjustudie om svenskars upplevelser av kulturella anpassning i digital marknadsföring av McDonald’s / To blow with the wind - hypocrisy or a good marketing strategy : A comparative interview study of Swedes experiences of cultural adaptation in McDonald’s digital marketing

Thorsell, Alice, Rosenberg, Josefina January 2024 (has links)
I dagens alltmer teknologiska och globala samhälle, där marknadsföring och reklam inte längre är bundet till landsgränser, är det viktigare än någonsin förr att marknadsförare på internationella företag är medvetna om hur kulturella värden i reklam uppfattas av sin publik. Tidigare forskning indikerar att användningen av lokaliserad reklam i marknadsföring ofta är fördelaktig, eftersom bristande kulturell känslighet kan bli kostsam för internationella företag. Mot bakgrund av detta syftar denna studie till att utforska tankar, upplevelser och reflektioner kring McDonald's reklam som är anpassad för en svensk marknad. Då amerikanisering och homogenisering av kulturella värden länge varit ett aktuellt ämne, undersöker denna studie även svenskars uppfattningar av McDonald's inhemska, amerikanska reklam. Detta för att avgöra om spridningen av amerikanska värderingar har möjliggjort användningen av standardiserad reklam av internationella företag. Empirin samlades i denna studie in genom semi-strukturerade intervjuer utförda i två fokusgrupper. Fokusgrupperna bestod av åtta svenska individer som fick ta del av både svensk och amerikansk McDonald's-reklam och därefter delta i diskussioner om sina intryck och uppfattningar. Studiens resultat visade att den svenska publiken upplevde den amerikanska reklamen som främmande, opersonlig och överdrivet säljdriven. De kulturella skillnaderna och språkbarriären uppskattades inte av publiken då de hindrade relaterbarheten till innehållet. Däremot ansågs den amerikanska reklamen kunna vara attraktiv för en yngre generation.  Den svenska reklamen resonerade betydligt bättre med publiken. Den upplevdes som tilltalande och personlig och värderingar om ett gemensamt ansvar för naturen relaterade till publiken. Dock var publiken kritisk till huruvida budskapet i den svenska reklamen verkligen var autentiskt. De svenska värderingar som förmedlades i reklamfilmen ansågs vara tillgjorda och användas för att manipulera mottagaren till en mer positiv syn på företaget. Många av dessa resonemang kunde härledas till deras upplevelse av McDonald’s som företag och det starka bandet snabbmatskedjan ansågs ha till USA och amerikanska värderingar. En dissonans uppstod därmed mellan att värna om miljön och att konsumera snabbmat, då detta ledde till associationer om masskonsumtion.  Resultatet från denna studie understryker betydelsen av att anpassa reklam efter kulturella värderingar för internationella företag som vill lyckas på en global marknad. Studien belyser även de utmaningar marknadsförare på internationella företag står inför då anpassning efter lokala värderingar bör ske, men måste genomföras på ett sådant sätt som framstår som genuint för mottagaren samtidigt som värderingarna bör överensstämma med varumärket och dess lokala konnotationer. Produkten i sig och upplevelsen av varumärkets ursprung antas därmed spela in i hur publiken uppfattar de lokala anpassningarna, vilket utgör en viktig insikt för marknadsförare på en global marknad. / In today's increasingly technological and global society, where marketing and advertising are less and less bound by national borders, it is more important than ever for marketers at international companies to be aware of how cultural values in advertisements are perceived by their audience. Previous research indicates that the use of localized ads is often beneficial, as cultural insensitivity can be costly for international companies. Thus, the purpose of this study is to explore the opinions, experiences, and reflections regarding McDonald’s ads tailored for the Swedish market. Given the ongoing discussion about Americanization and the homogenization of cultural values, this study also examines Swedish audiences’ perceptions of McDonald’s domestic American advertisements to determine whether the spread of American values has facilitated the use of standardized advertising by international companies. The empirical data for this study were collected through semi-structured interviews conducted in two separate focus groups. These focus groups consisted of eight Swedish participants who viewed both Swedish and American McDonald's advertisements and then discussed their impressions and perceptions. The study's results indicated that the Swedish audience perceived the American advertisements as unfamiliar, impersonal, and overly sales-driven. The cultural differences and language barriers were not well-received by the audience, rendering the advertisements unrelatable. However, the American McDonald's advertisements were viewed as more attractive to a younger generation. In contrast, the Swedish McDonald's advertisements resonated better with the Swedish audience, being perceived as more appealing and personal. The values of collective responsibility for the environment were seen as particularly relatable. However, the audience criticized the authenticity of the messages conveyed in the Swedish advertisements. They perceived the values depicted in the ads as contrived, aimed at manipulating viewers into holding a favorable opinion of the company. These viewpoints were primarily associated with their perception of McDonald’s as a corporation and its strong ties to the USA and American values. A discrepancy emerged between environmental concern and the consumption of fast food, leading to associations with mass consumption. The findings of this study underscore the significance of international companies adjusting their advertising to align with cultural values for success in the global market. Additionally, the study emphasizes the challenges faced by marketers at international companies, highlighting the necessity for adaptation to local values in a manner that appears authentic to viewers and resonates with the brand and its local connotations. Consequently, the product itself and perceptions of the brand's origin are presumed to influence how audiences perceive these localized adaptations, providing critical insights for marketers in a global market.

Schema - en aktör och ett verktyg : Schemaläggning och dess specialpedagogiska konsekvenser / Schedule – An Actor and a Tool : Scheduling and Its Special Education Implications

Gylebrant, Linda-Marie January 2024 (has links)
Denna studies syfte är att belysa hur schemat utformas för att tillgängliggöra utbildning och undervisning för elever inom anpassad grundskola och i elever i grundskolan i behov av särskilt stöd. Detta görs genom att undersöka vilka avvägningar, prioriteringar och hinder som uppstår i schemaläggningsprocessen. Tidigare forskning som presenteras i studien utgörs av faktorer som direkt eller indirekt kan ha betydelse i schemautformningen såsom dygnsrytm, tidspreferenser för lärande, undervisningstidens utformning, elevers behov, exkluderingsfaktorer och elevdelaktighet. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie där fem rektorer och en biträdande rektor intervjuats. För studien har verksamhetsteorin använts vid utformandet av intervjuguide, i bearbetning av transkribering samt i resultatgenomgången. Därtill har aktör-nätverksteorin kopplats in i resultatets avslutande del. Resultatet påvisar att schemat tillgängliggör utbildning och undervisning genom att vara ett verktyg som garanterar undervisningstiden formellt, men som utformas utifrån skolans kontext. Där utgör främst lokaler, personal, ekonomi och skolskjutsar aktörer som både möjliggör utbildning och undervisning, men även exkluderar elever i behov av särskilt stöd eller inom anpassad grundskola schemamässigt. Studien slutsats är att det finns potential i schemat som aktör och verktyg. Avsaknaden av lärarnas och elevernas röst likväl som specialpedagogiken i schemaläggningsprocessen utgör grund för förslag till ytterligare studier. Detta då de behöver beaktas och utforskas vidare i relation till schemats potential specialpedagogiskt och skolutvecklingsmässigt för tillgängliggörandet av utbildning och undervisning. / The purpose of this study is to highlight how the schedule is designed to make education and teaching accessible for students in adapted elementary schools and for students in need of special support in regular schools. This is achieved by examining the trade-offs, priorities, and obstacles that arise in the scheduling process. The previous research presented in the study consist of factors that can directly or indirectly influence schedule design, such as circadian rhythms, time preferences for learning, the structure of instructional time, students’ needs, exclusion factors, and student participation. The study is a qualitative interview study in which five principals and one assistant principal were interviewed. For the study, activity theory has been used in the design of the interview guide, in the processing of transcription, and in the review of results. In addition, actor-network theory has been linked to the concluding part of the results. The results show that the schedule makes education and teaching available by being a tool that formally guarantees teaching time, but which is designed based on the school’s context. Here, primarily facilities, staff, finances, and school transport are actors that both enable education and teaching, but also exclude students in need of special support or within adapted primary education in terms of scheduling. The study concludes that there is potential in the schedule as an actor and tool. The absence of teachers and students’ voices as well as special education in the scheduling process forms the basis for suggestions for further studies, as they need to be considered and further explored in relation to the schedule’s potential in special education and school development for making education and teaching accessible.

Adaptive Control Of A General Class Of Finite Dimensional Stable LTI Systems

Shankar, H N 03 1900 (has links)
We consider the problem of Adaptive Control of finite-dimensional, stable, Linear Time Invariant (LTI) plants. Amongst such plants, the subclass regarding which an upper bound on the order is not known or which are known to be nonminimum phase (zeros in the unstable region) pose formidable problems in their own right. On one hand, if an upper bound on the order of the plant is not known, adaptive control usually involves some form of order estimation. On the other hand, when the plant is allowed to be either minimum phase or nonminimum phase, the adaptive control problem, as is well-known, becomes considerably-less tractable. In this study, the class of unknown plants considered is such that no information is available on the upper bound of the plant order and, further, the plant may be either minimum phase or nonminimum phase. Albeit known to be stable, such plants throw myriads of challenges in the context of adaptive control. Adaptive control involving such plants has been addressed [79] in a Model Reference Adaptive Control (MRAC) framework. There, the inputs and outputs of the unknown plant are the only quantities available by measurement in terms of which any form of modeling of the unknown plant may be made. Inputs to the reference model have been taken from certain restricted classes of bounded signals. In particular, the three classes of inputs considered are piecewise continuous bounded functions which asymptotically approach • a nonzero constant, • a sinusoid, and • a sinusoid with a nonzero shift. Moreover, the control law is such that adaptation is carried out at specific instants separated by progressively larger intervals of time. The schemes there have been proved to be e-optimal in the sense of a suitably formulated optimality criterion. If, however, the reference model inputs be extended to the class of piecewise continuous bounded functions, that would compound the complexity of the adaptive control problem. Only one attempt [78] in adaptive control in such a setting has come to our notice. The problem there has been tackled by an application of the theory of Pade Approximations to time moments of an LTI system. Based on a time moments estimation procedure, a simple adaptive scheme for Single-Input Single-Output (SISO) systems with only a cascade compensator has been reported. The first chapter is essentially meant to ensure that the problem we seek to address in the field of adaptive control indeed has scope for research. Having defined Adaptive Control, we selectively scan through the literature on LTI systems, with focus on MRAC. We look out in particular for studies involving plants of which not much is known regarding their order and systems which are possibly nonminimum phase. We found no evidence to assert that the problem of adaptive control of stable LTI systems, not necessarily minimum phase and of unknown upper bound on the order, was explored enough, save two attempts involving SISO systems. Taking absence of evidence (of in-depth study) for evidence of absence, we make a case for the problem and formally state it. We preview the thesis. We set two targets before us in Chapter 2. The first is to review one of the existing procedures attacking the problem we intend to address. Since the approach is based on the notion of time moments of an LTI system, and as we are to employ Pade Approximations as a tool, we uncover these concepts to the limited extent of our requirement. The adaptive procedure, Plant Command Modifier Scheme (PCMS) [78], for SISO plants is reported in some detail. It stands supported on an algorithm specially designed to estimate the time moments of an LTI system given no more than its input and output. Model following there has been sought to be achieved by matching the first few time moments of the reference model by the corresponding ones of the overall compensated plant. The plant time moment estimates have been taken to represent the unknown plant. The second of the goals is to analyze PCMS critically so that it may serve as a forerunner to our work. We conclude the chapter after accomplishing these goals. In Chapter 3, we devise a time moment estimator for SISO systems from a perspective which is conceptually equivalent to, yet functionally different from, that appropriated in [78]. It is a recipe to obtain estimates of time moments of a system by computing time moment estimates of system input and output signals measured up to current time. Pade approximations come by handy for this purpose. The lacunae exposed by a critical examination of PCMS in Chapter 2 guide us to progressively refine the estimator. Infirmities in the control part of PCMS too have come to light on our probing into it. A few of these will be fixed by way of fabricating two exclusively cascade compensators. We encounter some more issues, traceable to the estimator, which need redressal. Instead of directly fine-tuning the estimator itself, as is the norm, we propose the idea of 'estimating' the lopsidedness of the estimator by using it on the fully known reference model. This will enable us to effect corrections and obtain admissible estimates. Next, we explore the possibility of incorporating feedback compensation in addition to the existing cascade compensation. With output error minimization in mind, we come up with three schemes in this category. In the process, we anticipate the risk of instability due to feedback and handle it by means of an instability preventer with an inbuilt instability detector. Extensive simulations with minimum and rionminimum phase unknown plants employing the various schemes proposed are presented. A systematic study of simulation results reveals a dyad of hierarchies of progressively enhanced overall performance. One is in the sequence of the proposed schemes and the other in going for matching more and more moments. Based on our experiments we pick one of the feedback schemes as the best. Chapter 4 is conceived of as a bridge between SISO and multivariable systems. A transition from SISO to Multi-Input Multi-Output (MIMO) adaptive control is not a proposition confined to the mathematics of dimension-enhancement. A descent from the MIMO to the SISO case is expected to be relatively simple, though. So to transit as smoothly and gracefully as possible, some issues have to be placed in perspective before exploring multivariable systems. We succinctly debate on the efforts in pursuit of the exact vis-a-vis the accurate, and their implications. We then set some notations and formulate certain results which serve to unify and simplify the development in the subsequent three chapters. We list a few standard results from matrix theory which are to be of frequent use in handling multivariable systems. We derive control laws for Single-Input Multi-Output (SIMO) systems in Chapter 5. Expectedly, SIMO systems display traits of observability and uncontrollability. Results of illustrative simulations are furnished. In Chapter 6, we formulate control laws for Multi-Input Single-Output (MISO) systems. Characteristics of unobservability and controllability stand out there. We present case studies. Before actually setting foot onto MIMO systems, we venture to conjecture on what to expect there. We work out all the cascade and feedback adaptive schemes for square and nonsquare MIMO systems in Chapter 7. We show that MIMO laws when projected to MISO, SIMO and SISO cases agree with the corresponding laws in the respective cases. Thus the generality of our treatment of MIMO systems over other multivariable and scalar systems is established. We report simulations of instances depicting satisfactory performance and highlight the limitations of the schemes in tackling the family of plants of unknown upper bound on the order and possibly nonminimum phase. This forms the culmination of our exercise which took off from the reported work involving SISO systems [78]. Up to the end of the 7th chapter, we are in pursuit of solutions for the problem as general as in §1.4. For SISO systems, with input restrictions, the problem has been addressed in [79]. The laws proposed there carry out adaptation only at certain discrete instants; with respect to a suitably chosen cost, the final laws are proved to be e>optimal. In Chapter 8, aided by initial suboptimal control laws, we finally devise two algorithms with continuous-time adaptation and prove their optimality. Simulations with minimum and nonminimum phase plants reveal the effectiveness of the various laws, besides throwing light on the bootstrapping and auto-rectifying features of the algorithms. In the tail-piece, we summarize the work and wind up matters reserved for later deliberation. As we critically review the present work, we decant the take-home message. A short note on applications followed by some loud thinking as a spin-off of this report will take us to finis.

Rozvoj integrace žáků v prvním ročníku základní anglické školy, pro něž je anglický jazyk dalším jazykem / Developing of the inclusion of Key Stage 1 pupils in the first year with English as an additional language

Novotná, Aneta January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this master thesis is to present one of many trends in the development of english primary schools. The trend is more precisely defined in the name of this master thesis and namely as "Developing of the inclusion of Key Stage 1 pupils in the first year with English as an additional language." In the theoretical part, this master thesis shall bring a description of the structure of english primary schools, more detailed description of primary community school and the characteristic of pupils with EAL. Furthermore trends and requisites for education of pupils with EAL (English as additional language) in core subjects which are English, Mathematics and Science in the first Year of Key Stage 1 shall be described. The practical part is the crucial part in this master thesis. Qualitative research shall be carried on by means of case study in the first year of Key Stage 1 at community primary school in Derby which is a city in England. For complexity of this case study were placed three questionnaires and realization of a model lesson. The first questionnaire was placed for pupils in the first year, the second one for their parents and the third one for the class teacher and her two assistants. Afterwards a model lesson with the sample group was realized. The acquired knowledge may be applied in...

Informationsasymmetri och målöverensstämmelse vid implementering av ekonomistyrning : En kvalitativ och kvantitativ studie på Boliden Mineral AB

Hjelm, Fredrik, Persson, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
Inom ekonomistyrning utgår ekonomer oftast från att målöverensstämmelse existerar och att de anställda arbetar utifrån de uppställda målen med perfekt information. Men informationsasymmetri finns överallt och kan leda till ökade kostnader, att fel uppstår och försenade leveranser. Detta är särskilt intressant inom gruvindustrin eftersom den karakteriseras av komplexitet vilket ökar svårigheter med att förmedla styrningen. Frågan blir; under vilka förutsättningar uppstår informationsasymmetri inom styrning och målöverensstämmelse samt hur kan asymmetrin reduceras inom gruvindustrin? Syftet med examensarbetet blir därmed att öka förståelse och analysera hur informationsasymmetri påverkar ekonomistyrning och målöverensstämmelse inom gruvindustrin samt hur asymmetrin kan reduceras. Arbetet utgår ifrån principal-agent teorin som grundas på antaganden om informationsasymmetri och egen nyttomaximering. Utifrån den målkonflikten grundas hypoteserna om de begrepp som ökar och reducerar målöverensstämmelse genom ökad och minskad informationsasymmetri. De olika teoretisk begreppen som undersöktes var missanpassad information, opportunism, återkoppling, internutbildning och tid. Examensarbetet utfördes genom att använda oss av Cavaye (1996) modell för flerstudieansats (eng. Multifaceted research approach) där vi har först gjort Studie 1 som grundas på kvalitativa intervjuer för att få mer information om företaget och industrin. Sedan i Studie 2 testas begreppen genom en kvantitativ enkät som skickades ut till personer inom företaget utifrån ett strategisk urval. Resultatet från undersökningen var att hypoteserna bekräftades och att agenterna anser att målen är viktiga och internutbildning var de starkaste faktorerna för att reducera informationsasymmetri och öka målöverensstämmelse. / In management control systems economist usually assume perfect information and goal congruence from the top to the bottom of the organization. But information asymmetry is everywhere and often leads to increased costs, missed deadlines and other mistakes. This is particularly interesting in the mining industry as it’s characterized by complexity which increases the difficulty of communicating the control system throughout the organization. The research question then becomes; under which circumstances does information asymmetry occur in control systems and goal congruence and how can the asymmetry be reduced in the mining industry? The purpose of the study is therefore to increase the understanding and analyze how information asymmetry impact control systems and goal congruence in the mining industry and how the asymmetry can be reduced. The study is based on the principal-agent theory is based on the assumptions of information asymmetry and self-interest between the two parties. Based on that goal conflict our hypothesis of the variables that increase and reduce goal congruence through increased and decreased information asymmetry is formed. The investigated variables were miss adapted information, opportunism, feedback, workplace education and time. The study was conducted by using Cavaye (1996) model for multifaceted research approach by starting off with Study 1, which was based on qualitative interviews to get more information about the company and the mining industry. Study 2 later tested the variables impact by conducting a quantitative study though the use of a survey that was sent to people of interest within the company though a strategic selection. The result of the study was that the hypotheses were confirmed and that workplace education training and valuing the importance of the goals where the most important variables to reduce information asymmetry and increase goal congruence.

Les plus grands facteurs premiers d’entiers consécutifs / The largest prime factors of consecutive integers

Wang, Zhiwei 23 March 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, on s'intéresse aux plus grands facteur premiers d'entiers consécutifs. Désignons par $P^+(n)$ (resp. $P^-(n)$) le plus grand (resp. plus petit) facteur premier d'un entier générique $n\geq 1$ avec la convention que $P^+(1)=1$ (resp. $P^-(1)=\infty$). Dans le premier chapitre, nous étudions les plus grands facteurs premiers d'entiers consécutifs dans les petits intervalles. Nous démontrons qu'il existe une proportion positive d'entiers $n$ tels que $P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$ pour $n\in\, ]x,\, x+y]$ avec $y=x^{\theta}, \tfrac{7}{12}<\theta\leq 1$. Nous obtenons un résultat similaire pour la condition $P^+(n)>P^+(n+1)$. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la fonction $P_y^+(n)$, où $P_y^+(n)=\max\{p|n:\, p\leq y\}$ et $2\leq y\leq x.$ Nous montrons qu'il existe une proportion positive d'entiers $n$ tels que $P_y^+(n)<P_y^+(n+1)$. En particulier, la proportion d'entiers $n$ avec $P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$ est plus grande que $0,1356$ en prenant $y=x.$ Les outils principaux sont le crible et un système de poids bien adapté. Dans le troisième chapitre, nous démontrons que les deux configurations $P^+(n-1)>P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$ et $P^+(n-1)<P^+(n)>P^+(n+1)$ ont lieu pour une proportion positive d'entiers $n$, en utilisant le système de poids bien adapté que l'on a introduit dans le Chapitre 2. De façon similaire, on peut obtenir un résultat plus général pour $k$ entiers consécutifs, $k\in \mathbb{Z}, k\geq3$. Dans le quatrième chapitre, on étudie les plus grands facteurs premiers d'entiers consécutifs voisins d'un entier criblé. Sous la conjecture d'Elliott-Halberstam, nous montrons d'abord que la proportion de la configuration $P^+(p-1)<P^+(p+1)$ est plus grande que $0,1779$. Puis, nous démontrons qu'il existe une proportion positive d'entiers $n$ tels que $P^+(n)<P^+(n+2), P^-(n)>x^{\beta}$ avec $0<\beta<\frac{1}{3}$ / In this thesis, we study the largest prime factors of consecutive integers. Denote by $P^+(n)$ (resp. $P^-(n)$) the largest (resp. the smallest) prime factors of the integer $n\geq 1$ with the convention $P^+(1)=1$ (resp. $P^-(1)=\infty$). In the first chapter, we consider the largest prime factors of consecutive integers in short intervals. We prove that there exists a positive proportion of integers $n$ for $n\in\, (x,\, x+y]$ with $y=x^{\theta}, \tfrac{7}{12}<\theta\leq 1$ such that $P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$. A similar result holds for the condition $P^+(n)>P^+(n+1)$. In the second chapter, we consider the function $P_y^+(n)$, where $P_y^+(n)=\max\{p|n:\, p\leq y\}$ and $2\leq y\leq x$. We prove that there exists a positive proportion of integers $n$ such that $P_y^+(n)<P_y^+(n+1)$. In particular, the proportion of the pattern $P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$ is larger than $0.1356$ by taking $y=x.$ The main tools are sieve methods and a well adapted system of weights. In the third chapter, we prove that the two patterns $P^+(n-1)>P^+(n)<P^+(n+1)$ and $P^+(n-1)<P^+(n)>P^+(n+1)$ occur for a positive proportion of integers $n$ respectively, by the well adapted system of weights that we have developed in the second chapter. With the same method, we derive a more general result for $k$ consecutive integers, $k\in \mathbb{Z}, k\geq 3$. In the fourth chapter, we study the largest prime factors of consecutive integers with one of which without small prime factor. Firstly we show that under the Elliott-Halberstam conjecture, the proportion of the pattern $P^+(p-1)<P^+(p+1)$ is larger than $0.1779$. Then, we prove that there exists a positive proportion of integers $n$ such that $P^+(n)<P^+(n+2), P^-(n)>x^{\beta}$ with $0<\beta<\frac{1}{3}$

Contribution to the intercity modal choise considering the intracity transport systems : application of an adapted mixed multinomial Logit model for the Jakarta-Bandung corridor / Contribution au choix modal interurbain en considérant les systèmes de transport intra-urbains : application d'un modèle LOGIT mixte multinomial adapté au corridor Jakarta-Bandung

Barus, Lita Sari 30 October 2015 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche traite de la problématique des transports dans les villes d’Indonésie, Jakarta et Bandung, mais également de la grande concurrence modale du trajet Jakarta-Bandung et Bandung-Jakarta. Les préférences des passagers sont des variables très importantes à connaître en raison de leurs impacts pour choisir un mode de transport parmi d’autres. Dans les transports, le modèle Logit est largement utilisé comme une méthode pour aborder la problématique du choix de transport multimodal comportant de multiples variables, mais dans la présente recherche, ces modèles ne sont pas appropriés pour la résolution de nos problèmes, car il y a des variables particulières à identifier et à prendre en compte. Par conséquent, nous avons développé pour nos besoins le modèle « Logit Mixed Multinomial Adapté (LMMA) » comme outil dédié à l’analyse décisionnelle dans le choix des modes de transport des passagers. La première partie de nos travaux de recherches porte sur l’identification et la compréhension des problèmes de transports intra-cité d’origine et de destination pour le choix du mode de transport entre Jakarta et Bandung (et puis entre Bandung et Jakarta). La seconde partie concerne le processus de décision final en proposant et en analysant les résultats d’un questionnaire adressé à de nombreux utilisateurs de la liaison Jakarta-Bandung (et Bandung-Jakarta). L’analyse permet pour chaque situation d’origine et de destination, et en tenant compte des services offerts par chaque mode inter-cité, d’identifier quel est le mode le plus compétitif. / An ideal city or intercity transport system is one where all the transport networks, involving in general different modes of transport, could serve together the cities connections to fulfill a passenger demand and satisfaction. Each transport network should have a logical layout (as possible with minimum discontinuities) to meet the required demands. Also in that ideal system, the different modes of transport should not only have their own good performances but also the exchange between modes should be done with harmony. The conditions as mentioned above are worldwide challenges. The present work deals with the transportation problematic between two Indonesian cities, and also with the high modal competition on the Jakarta-Bandung corridor. On that corridor, road transport is currently the main demanding mode for passengers transportation. The airlines cannot compete and discontinued their operations to this route. Nowadays, railway transport is decaying. Passengers preferences are the main variables for the final modal choice. It is necessary to know preferences due to their decisions impacts to choose one mode over the others. Those preferences are in fact not simple to express in a complex city and intercity transport system. In transportation, the Logit model is widely used as a method to explore the problematic of modal choices involving a lot of different variables. There are several Logit models already developed, such as “General Extreme Value”, “Probit”, and “Nested model”, but in this research, they are not compatible to solve our defined problems because there are some particular identified variables to be taken into account. Therefore we propose the "Adapted Mixed Multinomial Logit (AMML)" Model as a tool for analysis towards passenger's decision in modal choices. On the Jakarta-Bandung corridor, modal choices are influenced by the encountered problems in intercity transport at origin and destination. One part on this research deals with identification and understanding of the intracity transport problems of origin and destination on the choice of transport mode in Jakarta-Bandung corridor (Jakarta-Bandung and Bandung-Jakarta direction). The second part of this research deals with the final decision process by analyzing the results of questionnaires addressed to many users of the Jakarta-Bandung corridor. The five main variables of the last questionnaire are travel time, overall cost, security conditions, quality of travel information and connectivity conditions relevant to intercity transport and intracities transport conditions as well. After validation of the questionaires, this research uses the AMML model to get final decision result by comparing one mode among three intercity transport mode (train, minibus, and car) using the values of the variables. Taking into account the characteristics of each intercity mode of transportation, the analysis identifies the most competitive intercity transport mode for each situation from departure city to arrival city. Using alternative public and private transport modes policies, one could in the future modify passenger choice on intercity transport mode. Therefore, this study is relevant for improving of intracity and intercity transport systems.

Approches de modélisation et d’optimisation pour la conception d’un système interactif d’aide au déplacement dans un hypermarché / Modelling and optimization approaches for the conception of an intelligent navigation system to assist persons inside hypermarkets

Hadj Khalifa, Ismahène 16 June 2011 (has links)
Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ont porté sur l’étude de faisabilité technique et logicielle du système i-GUIDE, système interactif de guidage des personnes dans les hypermarchés. Nous avons détaillé l’analyse fonctionnelle du besoin du système. Ensuite, nous avons étudié l’impact de l’intégration du système dans le magasin à travers le diagramme BPMN. Nous avons opté pour l’approche UML pour décrire les principales fonctionnalités de notre système ainsi que les objets nécessaires pour son bon fonctionnement. Une architecture du système i-GUIDE, basée sur la technologie RFID avec une application sous Android, a été présentée. Par ailleurs, nous avons proposé des approches d’optimisation de parcours dans un hypermarché basées sur la méthode de recherche tabou pour deux problèmes. Pour le premier problème, nous avons choisi le critère de la plus courte distance pour la détermination du chemin et pour le deuxième nous avons ajouté une contrainte de temps pour des articles en promotion. Avant de chercher le chemin le plus court à parcourir pour trouver les articles existants dans la liste de courses, nous avons proposé une méthode pour ladétermination des distances entre les articles de l’hypermarché pris deux à deux / The present work focuses on the technical feasibility study of i-GUIDE system which is a real time indoor navigation system dedicated to assist persons inside hypermarkets. We detailed its functional analysis. Then, we studied the impact of integrating the system inside hypermarkets. We opted for an UML design to describe its main functionalities and objects required. We presented architecture of i-GUIDE system based on RFID technology with an Android application. Furthermore, we introduced optimization approaches based on tabu search to compute the route visiting items existing in a shopping list for two problems. The first one treats the shortest path to pick up items and the second one adds a time constraint for promotional items. Before computing the shortest path, we introduced a method to determine distance between each two items existing in the hypermarket

Vi sitter i samma båt : En kvalitativ studie om anhörigskap och borderline personlighetsstörning / We are in the same Boat : A Qualitative Study on Being a Relative of Someone with Borderline Personality Disorder

Tingström , Lina, Edman, Sofia, Hedin, Freja January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p>A person with borderline personality disorder, which is a mental illness, can be described as emotionally instable. As a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder one often feels a sense of despair, anxiety and fear. The essay’s purpose was to get an understanding of what it means to be a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder. We wanted to see the relative’s relationship from two perspectives, both from the relative’s perspective and from the professional’s perspective. The essay was a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach. The results were structured into five themes. These were: Growing up, To be diagnosed, Life with borderline, The present, and The future. The results were analyzed against coping. A qualitative analysis was conducted. The results showed that life as a relative of a person with borderline personality disorder in many cases can be stressful. For example, they adapted their own life very much. Blame from the healthcare system and from the surrounding environment seemed to be a prominent feature of the family.</p><p> </p> / <p> </p><p>En person med borderline personlighetsstörning, som är en psykisk sjukdom, kan beskrivas som emotionell instabil. Som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning kan man känna oro, rädsla och förtvivlan. Uppsatsens syfte var att få förståelse för hur det är att vara anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning. Anhörigskapet studeras från två perspektiv: dels från anhörigas och dels från professionellas. Uppsatsen var en kvalitativ studie och hade en fenomenologisk ansats. Resultatet strukturerades i fem teman: Uppväxt, Att få diagnosen, Livet med borderline, Nutid och Framtid. Resultatet analyserades mot copingbegreppet. En kvalitativ analys genomfördes. Resultatet visade att livet som anhörig till en person med borderline personlighetsstörning i många fall kan vara påfrestande då de till exempel fick anpassa sitt eget liv. Skuldbeläggande från sjukvården och från omgivningen verkade vara en återkommande erfarenhet.</p><p> </p>

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