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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Self-concept, inner residue of past relationships and social functioning in adolescence : a study of age and gender differences in groups of normal and antisocial adolescents /

Östgård-Ybrandt, Helene, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Umeå : Univ., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

L'alimentation des enfants : un observatoire des cultures enfantines et des rapports intergénérationnels / Children consumption of food : an observatory of children's cultures and intergenerational relationships

Mathiot, Louis 05 December 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude des cultures enfantines et des rapports intergénérationnels à partir de l’alimentation. Les pratiques alimentaires des enfants, leurs représentations ainsi que celles de leurs parents à leur égard sont envisagées comme un observatoire des relations entre enfants ainsi qu’entre les adultes et les plus jeunes. A partir d’une méthodologie qualitative, il s’agit de donner toute leur place aux discours des enfants (âgés de 4 à 12 ans) et de leurs parents, pour interroger la dynamique des rapports intra et intergénérationnels. Au carrefour de la sociologie de l’enfance et de l’alimentation, ce travail s’attache à analyser la construction des cultures enfantines et des appartenances à différents groupes d’âges ainsi qu’à observer les effets des normes sociales et des modèles éducatifs qui régulent les consommations enfantines. Les rapports de genre, les origines sociales et les lieux d’habitation sont autant de facteurs qui influencent ces logiques. De façon transversale, cette recherche est l’occasion d’interroger la place de l’enfant dans les sociétés contemporaines occidentales. / This PhD proposes to study children’s cultures and intergenerational relationships by observing foodconsumption. Children’s practices with food, their representations as well as those of their parents on their consumption of food are considered as an observatory of relationships between children and between adults and younger. Developing a qualitative methodology, it is given its rightful place to the children discourses (aged 4 to 12 years) and those of their parents to explore the dynamics of intra and intergenerational relationships. At the intersection of sociology of childhood and food, this work focuses on analyzing the construction of children’s cultures and of belongings to different age groups. It also questions the effects of social norms and educational patterns regulating children consumption of food. Gender relations, social origins and spaces of residence are important factors that influence these logics. Transversely, this research is an opportunity to examine the social place of the child in contemporary Western societies.

Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutus terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin

Ervasti, T.-M. (Tytti-Maarit) 13 November 2018 (has links)
Abstract In this study constructed a life course –aware age management model for the health care sector so it can be exploited by health care organizations nationally. The purpose of this study is to describe and explain how leadership, through the use of life course –aware age management, affects the well-being, and describe amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The research consisted of three parts: 1) a description of earlier age management models, 2) a description of the needs and requirements of age-diverse employees for age management, and 3) a description of life course –aware age management effect on the well-being of an age-diverse workforce in the health care sector, and a description of amount of sick leaves and retirement of diverse-employees in health care before and after intervention. The results of parts one and two were made into the Life course –Aware Age Management Model. The well-being data were collected from nurses and doctors from one central hospital´s area of operation in 2014 (N = 702) and 2016 (N = 764). The research was conducted using intervention research methods. Quantitative data were analyzed by using statistical multivariate methods. Statistics on sick leave and retirement were also exploited in the data comparison. Employee age management needs were surveyed in connection with the first well-being measurement. Qualitative data were analyzed using deductive content analysis. The doctors and nurses valuated the realization of well-being mainly in the same way. No significant statistical association was found between employee age and well-being. Management using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model influenced employee well-being so that the way in which leadership was experienced improved between 2014 and 2016. The change was statistically extremely significant (p = 0.001). No impact was found on the amount of sick leaves and retirements. The amount of sick leaves and retirement was found no statistically significant change. The knowledge generated in this study can be exploited in the management of age-diverse workforces in health care. Using the Life course –Aware Age Management Model, employers can identify the support an age-diverse workforce requires to maintain their know-how, working ability and work-life balance. The results of this study can be utilized in leadership, education, and age management and well-being research. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimuksessa muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli terveysalalle. Malli on hyödynnettävissä terveysalalle valtakunnallisesti. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli kuvata ja selittää miten Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen toimintamallin mukainen johtaminen vaikuttaa terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin, sekä kuvata sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismääriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimus koostuu kolmesta osatutkimuksesta: 1) kuvattiin kirjallisuuden perusteella aiempia ikäjohtamisen toimintamalleja, 2) kuvattiin terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön ikäjohtamiskeinoja ja ikäjohtamistarpeita laadullisen aineiston perusteella, ja 3) kuvattiin ja selitettiin elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamisen vaikutusta terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön työhyvinvointiin interventiotutkimuksella, johon kuului alkumittaus ja vuoden kuluttua seurantamittaus ja kuvattiin sairauspoissaolojen ja eläköitymisten määriä ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Osatutkimusten 1 ja 2 perusteella muodostettiin Elämänkulkutietoinen ikäjohtamisen toimintamalli. Osatutkimusten 2 ja 3 aineistot kerättiin yhden keskussairaalan operatiivisen toimialueen lääkäri- ja hoitohenkilöstöltä vuosina 2014 (N = 702) ja 2016 (N = 764). Vaiheen 2 aineisto analysoitiin induktiivis-deduktiivisella sisällönanalyysilla ja määrällinen aineisto tilastollisin monimuuttujamenetelmin. Lisäksi kerättiin työterveyshuollon ja henkilöstöhallinnon tilastoista tietoja henkilöstön sairauspoissaoloista ja eläköitymisestä. Hoitajat ja lääkärit arvioivat työhyvinvoinnin toteutumista osapuilleen samansuuntaisesti. Iän ja työhyvinvoinnin osa-alueiden välistä tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ei ollut. Elämänkulkutietoisen ikäjohtamismallin mukainen toiminta vaikutti työhyvinvointiin siten, että esimiestyön koettiin parantuneen vuodesta 2014 vuoteen 2016 ja työhyvinvoinnin muutos oli tilastollisesti erittäin merkitsevä (p = 0,001). Sairauspoissaolo- ja eläköitymismäärissä ei ollut tilastollisesti merkitsevää eroa ennen ja jälkeen intervention. Tutkimuksen tuottamaa tietoa voidaan hyödyntää terveysalan eri-ikäisen henkilöstön johtamisessa. Tutkimuksessa muodostettua Elämänkulkutietoista ikäjohtamisen toimintamallia hyödyntämällä terveysalan esimiehet voivat paremmin huomioida eri-ikäisen henkilöstönsä tuen tarpeita osaamisen johtamisessa, työkyvyn ylläpitämisessä, sekä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa. Tutkimuksen tuloksia voidaan hyödyntää henkilöstöjohtamisessa, koulutuksessa, sekä työhyvinvoinnin ja ikäjohtamisen tutkimuksessa.

Memorabilia: critérios para o design de mobiliário doméstico para a experiencia / MEMOrabilia: criteria for the domestic furniture experience design

Tatiana Sakurai 14 May 2012 (has links)
Esta tese propõe verificar os limites e possibilidades metodológicas do Experience Design na concepção de peças de mobiliário doméstico contemporâneo. As ferramentas utilizadas para a leitura do contexto de atuação pretendido deram origem ao que denominamos de emergência de questões sensíveis, que nortearam o desenvolvimento dos critérios de projeto, tendo em vista, uma abordagem mais humana e comunitária em busca da promoção da qualidade de vida, via design. A descrição do processo de escolha, aplicação e dificuldades encontradas no uso de tais ferramentas e métodos estão presentes no corpo deste trabalho, enriquecido com a adição de informações complementares, tais como imagens e descrições de projetos de referência, definições e microanálises. Trata-se, de certa maneira, de uma investigação de caráter interdisciplinar, dentro de um panorama rico, mas também intrincado, que deve considerar as questões sociais locais, a minimização dos impactos ambientais, a transformação do espaço doméstico e do próprio grupo familiar. Estas peças de suporte ao cotidiano são entendidas também como interfaces físicas capazes de potencializar a comunicação e transmissão de informações, entre gerações diferentes de uma mesma família, como por exemplo, os jovens e os idosos. Este depositário de memórias vincula fotografias familiares com relatos orais e os exibe em tempos diferentes dos de sua produção e registro. O fio condutor desta narrativa projetual é o sistema intitulado MEMOrabili@, apresentado ao final deste trabalho. / This thesis proposes to verify the methodological limits and possibilities of Experience Design in conceiving contemporary domestic furniture. The tools used to evaluate use-in-context gave rise to what we call \"sensitive issues\" that guided the development of design criteria based in a more human and community-oriented approach that promotes quality of life though design. The description of the selection process, its implementation and the difficulties encountered in using such tools and methods are included in this work, which also contains supplementary information such as images and descriptions of reference designs, definitions and microanalyses. The thesis deals with an interdisciplinary investigation of a broad but intricate context, requiring the consideration of local social issues, the minimization of environmental impact, and the transformation of domestic space as well as the family itself. The objects of day-to-day family life in questions are also understood as physical interfaces capable of enhancing the communication and transmission of information between generations. These repositories of memory link family photographs and oral histories, and remain on display long after their production and the events they record. MEMOrabili@ is the system that drives this design narrative, and it is presented at the end of this work.

Kun on tunteet:suomen kielen tunnesanojen semantiikkaa

Tuovila, S. (Seija) 29 August 2005 (has links)
Abstract The present study focuses on the semantics of Finnish emotion words (e.g. joy, anger). My aim has been to investigate and describe what kinds of linguistic-semantic interpretations arise from an emotions vocabulary compiled using a questionnaire as a research instrument. Moreover, I was interested in finding out what kinds of emotions the Finns identify. The data used for the study consisted of the written responses of a hundred Finns of various ages to a questionnaire item, which asked them to name various emotions. Besides the two objectives above, male and female conceptual frameworks for emotions were compared in the study, as well as those of different age groups. Both a qualitative and a quantitative analysis of the data, which consists of 2020 responses, were carried out. The view of language adopted for this study draws from the basic notions of cognitive linguistics. I applied Anna Wierzbicka's ideas to the semantic grouping of emotion words. Moreover, the explanations given for the 51 most commonly used emotion words were based on Wierzbicka's idea of a natural semantic meta-language. I also used for the word descriptions the information provided by the Kielipankki newspaper corpus on the use of emotion words. The semantic contents of emotion words were explained as prototypical scenarios using the following semantic primitives: I, PERSON/SOMEONE, SOMETHING, THIS, OTHER, GOOD, BAD, THINK, KNOW, WANT, FEEL, CAN, DO, HAPPEN, THERE IS, WHEN, NOW, BEFORE, AFTER, A LONG TIME, A SHORT TIME, FOR SOME TIME, SOMETIMES, MIND, BODY, NEAR, INSIDE, NOT, TRUE, MAYBE, CAN, WOULD 'cond.', BECAUSE, IF, VERY, LIKE, MORE, SOME. The following semantic main categories were defined for emotion words: "Something good happened or will happen", "Something bad happened or will happen", "I want", "I don't want", "I think something about myself", "I think something about others", "I know / don't know". I investigated the status and significance of emotion words for the speakers of Finnish by using a cognitive significance index. The index has been developed by Urmas Sutrop particularly for the analysis of listing tasks. The cognitively most important emotion words for Finns were found to be: viha, ilo, rakkaus, suru, pelko, onnellisuus, kateus, ahdistus, väsymys, masennus, tuska, ihastus, tyytyväisyys, inho, jännitys, pettymys, kaipaus, rauhallisuus, ikävä, and toivo. According to this study, the emotions with the highest frequency of expression in the Finnish language are hatred, joy, love and sorrow. Women were found to have more words for emotions (23.0) than men (17.6). The emotion vocabulary includes more negative words (53%) than positive ones (43%). The findings of this study suggest that the Finns think more often good of other people than bad, and more often bad of themselves than good. / Tiivistelmä Tutkimukseni aiheena on suomen kielen tunteiden (esim. ilo, viha) semantiikka. Tavoitteenani on ollut tutkia ja kuvata, millainen lingvistinen semanttinen tulkinta tutkimukseni kyselyllä koostetusta tunnesanastosta muodostuu ja millaisia tunteita suomalaiset mieltävät olevan olemassa. Tutkimukseni perusaineiston muodostivat sadan eri-ikäisen suomalaisen kirjalliset vastaukset tehtävään, jossa he saivat vapaasti luetella tunteiden nimityksiä. Lisäksi olen vertaillut miesten ja naisten sekä eri ikäryhmien tunnekäsitteistyksiä. Tutkin saamaani 2 020 vastauksesta muodostunutta aineistoa sekä laadullisesti että määrällisesti. Työni kielinäkemys pohjautuu kognitiivisen kielentutkimuksen peruskäsityksiin. Sovelsin Anna Wierzbickan näkemyksiä tunnesanojen merkityksenmukaisessa ryhmittelyssä ja ajatusta luonnollisesta semanttisesta metakielestä 51 tyypillisimmän tunnesanan selittämisessä. Hyödynsin kuvauksissani myös Kielipankin lehtikorpusten antamaan tietoa tunnesanojen käytöstä. Selitin tunnesanojen merkityssisällöt prototyyppisinä skenaariona seuraavien semanttisten primitiivien avulla: MINÄ/ITSE, IHMINEN/HÄN/JOKU, ASIA/JOKIN, TÄMÄ, MUU/TOINEN, HYVÄ, PAHA/HUONO, AJATELLA, TIETÄÄ, HALUTA, TUNTEA, VOIDA, TEHDÄ, TAPAHTUA, OLLA / OLLA OLEMASSA, KUN, NYT, ENNEN, JÄLKEEN, KAUAN AIKAA, VÄHÄN AIKAA, JONKIN AIKAA, JOSKUS, MIELI, RUUMIS, LÄHELLÄ, SISÄLLÄ, EI/KIELTO, TOTTA, EHKÄ, SAATTAA, -ISI-, KOSKA/VUOKSI, JOS, HYVIN, KALTAISUUS, ENEMMÄN/LISÄÄ, VÄHÄN. Varsinaisista tunnesanoista hahmotin seuraavat päämerkitysryhmät: "Jotakin hyvää tapahtui tai tapahtuu", "Jotakin pahaa tapahtui tai tapahtuu", "Haluan", "En halua", "Ajattelen itsestäni jotain", "Ajattelen toisista jotain", "Tiedän / en tiedä". Selvitin aineistoni tunnesanojen asemaa ja tärkeyttä kielenpuhujien mielessä kognitiivisen tärkeyden indeksin avulla. Indeksin on kehitellyt Urmas Sutrop nimenomaan luettelointitehtävien analysointia varten. Suomalaisille kognitiivisesti tärkeimmiksi tunnesanoiksi osoittautuivat viha, ilo, rakkaus, suru, pelko, onnellisuus, kateus, ahdistus, väsymys, masennus, tuska, ihastus, tyytyväisyys, inho, jännitys, pettymys, kaipaus, rauhallisuus, ikävä, toivo. Tutkimukseni mukaan suomen kielen perustunteita ovat viha, ilo, rakkaus ja suru. Naisilla on runsaammin sanoja (23,0) tunteille kuin miehillä (17,6). Tunnesanastossa on enemmän negatiivisia (53 %) kuin positiivisia (43 %) sanoja. Tutkimukseni perusteella suomalaiset muun muassa ajattelevat toisista ihmistä enemmän hyvää kuin huonoa ja itsestä enemmän huonoa kuin hyvää.

Comparison of Security and Risk awareness between different age groups

Björneskog, Amanda, Goniband Shoshtari, Nima January 2017 (has links)
The Internet have become a 'necessity' in the everyday life of just below 50\% of the world population. With the growth of the Internet and it creating a great platform to help people and making life easier, it has also brought a lot of malicious situations. Now a days people hack or uses social engineering on other people for a living, scamming and fraud is part of their daily life. Therefore security awareness is truly important and sometimes vital.We wanted to look at the difference in security awareness depending on which year you were born, in relation to the IT-boom and growth of the Internet. Does it matter if you lived through the earlier stages of the Internet or not? We found that the security awareness did increase with age, but if it was due to the candidates growing up before or after the IT-boom or due to the fact that younger people tend to be more inattentive is hard to tell. Our result is that the age group, 16-19, were more prone to security risks, due to an indifferent mindset regarding their data and information.

Styrkeförluster vid åldrande? : En tvärsnittsstudie om eventuella skillnader i styrkeförluster hos äldre seniorer / Loss of strength with ageing? : A cross-sectional study on possible differences in strength losses in older seniors

Hallgren, Hampus, Brostedt, Carl-Mikael January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Äldre personer, 65 år och uppåt, bör vara fysiskt aktiva för ett hälsosammare och längre liv. Forskning har visat att muskelmassa och styrka minskar exponentiellt snabbare efter år 60 och muskelatrofi sker främst av typ 2 muskelfibrer. En minskad mängd muskelmassa är hos äldre starkt korrelerat med funktionsnedsättning, vilket resulterar i att regelbunden styrketräning därmed är en effektiv metod för att motverka sarkopeni hos äldre individer. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att studera kraftskillnader mellan olika åldersgrupper hos seniorer uppmätt på prestations-anpassat utomhusgym. Metod: Studien var en kvantitativ tvärsnittsstudie. Totalt deltog 35 personer, 21 kvinnor och 14 män, som fick utföra fysiska maxtester på labb och utomhusgym. Resultat: Mann Whitney U-testet visade skillnader i maxstyrka mellan män och kvinnor 65+ i alla statiska maxtester, på 0.001-nivån. Vid könsuppdelning av åldersgrupperna var det en skillnad mellan männen på 0.05-nivån i roddrag, p=0.039, och bänkpress, p=0.028. Spearmans korrelationstest visade ett negativt samband på 0.01-nivån, p=0.005 mellan ålder och STS r = -0,466. Slutsats: Konklusionen av vår studie är att det inte fanns någon betydande skillnad i maxstyrka mellan åldersgrupperna 65-75 och 75+. Det fanns en skillnad i maxstyrka mellan män och kvinnor över 65 år. Vid könsuppdelning av åldersgrupperna fanns det en skillnad i maxstyrka mellan män 65-75 och män 75+ i roddrag och bänkpress, men hos kvinnor fanns det ingen skillnad i maxstyrka mellan åldersgrupperna 65-75 och 75+. Utifrån resultaten i vår studie kan därmed slutsatsen dras att både äldre män och kvinnor behöver styrketräna för att behålla styrka vid åldrande. / Background: Older people, aged 65 and over, should be physically active for a healthier and longer life. Research has shown that muscle mass and strength decrease exponentially faster after the age of 60 and muscle atrophy occurs mainly in type 2 muscle fibres. A reduced amount of muscle mass in older people is strongly correlated with disability, resulting in regular strength training being an effective method to counteract sarcopenia in older individuals. Purpose: The purpose of the study was to study strength differences between different age groups in seniors measured in a performance-adapted outdoor gym. Method: The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study. A total of 35 participants, 21 women and 14 men, were asked to perform physical max tests in the lab and outdoor gym. Results: The Mann Whitney U test showed differences in maximum strength between men and women 65+ in all static max tests, at the 0.001 level. When splitting the age groups by gender, there was a difference between men at the 0.05 level in the rowingpull, p=0.039, and benchpress, p=0.028. Spearman's correlation test showed a negative correlation at the 0.01 level, p=0.005 between age and STS r = -0.466. Conclusion: The conclusion of our study is that there was no significant difference in maximum strength between the 65-75 and 75+ age groups. There was a difference in maximum strength between men and women over 65 years of age. When dividing the age groups by gender, there was a difference in maximum strength between men 65-75 and men 75+ in the rowing pull and bench press, but in women there was no difference in maximum strength between the age groups 65-75 and 75+. Based on the results of our study, it can therefore be concluded that both older men and women need strength training to maintain strength during aging.

Progress Made by Two Age Groups of First-Grade Children

Marlin, Oleta Nedra 08 1900 (has links)
The three-fold purpose of this study is: 1. To contrast the physical, mental, and emotional development of children who were six to six and one-half years old with those who were older than six and one-half at the beginning of the school year. 2. To contrast the amount of progress made in subject-matter achievement and in emotional development. 3. To determine, by comparison of the two groups, which group had the advantage as far as subject-matter achievement, adjustment, and behavior were concerned.

Estudo comparativo das condições clínicas de adultos, idosos e muito idosos internados em unidade de terapia intensiva / Comparative study of adults, elderly and elder elderlys clinical conditions at an intensive care unit

Oliveira, Veronica Cunha Rodrigues de 31 May 2010 (has links)
Ao se considerar o aumento da expectativa de vida da população e a possibilidade da influência da idade na resposta ao cuidado intensivo, este estudo teve como objetivo: comparar as características e a evolução clínica de pacientes adultos, idosos e muito idosos admitidos em UTI, segundo comorbidades, insuficiências orgânicas, procedência, tempo de internação, condição de saída, unidade de destino e readmissão na UTI, além da gravidade e evolução, conforme o Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) e o Logistic Organ Dysfunction Score (LODS). Prospectivamente foram analisados pacientes adultos internados em quatro UTI gerais de hospitais públicos e privados, localizados no Município de São Paulo. A casuística compôs-se de 279 pacientes categorizados como adultos (18 e < 60 anos), 216 idosos ( 60 e < 80 anos) e 105 muito idosos ( 80 anos), totalizando 600 indivíduos. Os dados coletados foram referentes as primeiras e últimas 24 horas de permanência na UTI e a evolução da gravidade, segundo o SAPS II e o LODS, foi analisada considerando a diferença do risco de morte calculado pelos índices entre o primeiro e último dia de internação do paciente na unidade. Os resultados mostraram maior frequência de indivíduos do sexo masculino (56,50%), procedentes do Centro Cirúrgico (36,06%) ou Pronto-Socorro/Atendimento (35,39%) e com antecedentes relacionados às doenças do aparelho circulatório (56,17%). A média do risco de morte do SAPS II e do LODS na admissão foi de 25,50 e 21,43 e, na alta, de 23,14 e 20,73, respectivamente e a taxa de mortalidade na UTI de 20%. Quanto à análise comparativa dos grupos, diferenças entre todos foram observadas nas variáveis procedência e comorbidades relacionadas às doenças do aparelho circulatório. Os adultos diferiram dos idosos e dos muito idosos em relação à presença das comorbidades associadas às doenças endócrinas, nutricionais e metabólicas e relacionadas aos aparelhos respiratório e geniturinário, quanto à insuficiência renal segundo LODS, unidade de destino, risco de morte calculado pelo SAPS II e LODS na admissão e alta da UTI, além da evolução, conforme o SAPS II no grupo dos sobreviventes. Houve diferença significativa entre adultos e idosos em relação ao antecedente de neoplasias, número de insuficiências orgânicas, segundo o LODS, e mortalidade. Entre adultos e muito idosos, só em relação à presença de doenças do sistema nervoso, como comorbidade, e evolução do SAPS II na amostra total. Como conclusão, os resultados apontaram para pouca diferença nas características clínicas e na evolução de idosos e muito idosos; o mesmo não foi observado em relação aos adultos que mostraram características clínicas e evolução em vários aspectos diferentes em relação aos outros dois grupos. / In view of the populations increased life expectancy and the possible influence of age on the intensive care response, this research aimed to: compare the characteristics and clinical evolution of adult, elderly and elder elderly patients admitted at an ICU according to comorbidities, organ failure, origin, hospitalization time, exit condition, destination unit and readmission at the ICU, besides severity and evolution, according to the Simplified Acute Physiology Score (SAPS II) and the Logistic Organ Dysfunction Score (LODS). Adult patients hospitalized at four general ICUs of public and private hospitals in São Paulo City were subject to prospective analysis. The sample comprised 279 patients categorized as adults (18 and < 60 years), 216 elderly ( 60 and < 80 years) and 105 elder elderly ( 80 years), totaling 600 individuals. The collected data referred to the first and last 24 hours of stay at the ICU and the severity evolution, according to SAPS II and LODS, was analyzed considering the difference in death risk calculated by the scores between the patients first and last day of hospitalization at the unit. The results showed higher frequencies of male patients (56.50%), coming from the Surgical Center (36.06%) or Emergency Care (35.39%) and with antecedents related to circulatory illnesses (56.17%). Average death risk according to SAPS II and LODS was 25.50 and 21.43 upon admission and 23.14 and 20.73 upon discharge, respectively, with a 20% mortality rate at the ICU. In the comparative analysis between the groups, differences between all groups were observed in terms of origin and comorbidities related to circulatory illnesses. Adults differed from elderly and elder elderly with regard to the presence of comorbidities associated with endocrine, nutritional and metabolic illnesses, respiratory illnesses and genitourinary illnesses regarding kidney failure according to LODS, destination unit, death risk calculated by SAPS II and LODS upon admission and discharge from the ICU, besides evolution according to SAPS II in the survival group. A significant difference was found between adults and elderly related to tumor antecedents, number of organ failures according to LODS and mortality. Differences between adults and elder elderly patients were only related to the presence of nervous system disorders as a comorbidity and SAPS II evolution in the total sample. In conclusion, the results indicate little difference between the clinical characteristics and evolution of elderly and elder elderly; the same was not observed regarding adults, who showed clinical characteristics and evolution that differed from the other two groups in various aspects.

Proposição de um modelo teórico de intenção de consumo colaborativo entre idades / Proposition of a theoretical model of collaborative consumption intention between ages

Paro, Carlos Eduardo 25 February 2019 (has links)
Embora o consumo colaborativo tenha ganhado cada vez mais a atenção dos pesquisadores nos últimos anos, os estudos nesta área ainda são muito limitados, sendo difícil determinar os fatores que contribuem para que ocorra uma mudança tão significativa no padrão de consumo. O trabalho, portanto, elabora um modelo de pesquisa, tendo como base a teoria do comportamento planejado, o materialismo e a possessividade, os valores de consumo verdes e a prontidão para o uso da tecnologia na intenção de consumo colaborativo. O modelo visa demonstrar empiricamente as diferenças entre os grupos de idades (mais jovens e mais velhos) na intenção, servindo então como uma variável moderadora. O modelo desenvolvido foi testado com aplicação de um questionário estruturado, a partir de um modelo de equação estrutural baseado em mínimos quadrados parciais (PLS). Foram coletados 493 respondentes válidos, com o grupo dos mais jovens (17 a 29 anos) tendo 303 respondentes e o grupo dos mais velhos (30 a 59 anos) tendo 190 respondentes. Os resultados revelam que a possessividade não possui relação estatística significativa com a intenção de consumo colaborativo, enquanto os construtos valores de consumo verde e de prontidão para o uso de tecnologias apresentaram relação positiva com o consumo colaborativo. A variável moderadora idade foi significativa somente entre os construtos prontidão para o uso de tecnologia e intenção de consumo colaborativo. Esta pesquisa aprofunda na compreensão dos fatores que motivam ou inibem o consumidor a se engajar no consumo colaborativo, considerando os construtos estudados, além de demonstrar a diferença entre os mais jovens e os mais velhos dentro desta relação. A contribuição gerencial se dá por meio do maior auxílio no entendimento do que afeta positivamente ou negativamente a intenção de consumo colaborativo por parte dos consumidores, o que permite a criação de estratégias por parte dos fornecedores de pares e das plataformas de consumo colaborativo, além de facilitar a segmentação de mercado ao considerar as diferenças de idade. Futuros estudos podem testar este modelo estrutural com amostras maiores, utilizando outro método de equação estrutural mais rigoroso, que é o modelo de equação estrutural baseado em covariância (CB-SEM), além de testarem outras variáveis moderadoras dentro deste modelo estrutural. / Although collaborative consumption has gained increasing attention among researchers in recent years, studies in this area are still very limited, and it is difficult to determine the factors that contribute to such a significant change in the consumption pattern. This work, therefore, elaborates a trsearch model, based on the theory of the planned behaviour, the materialism and possessiveness, the green consumption values and the readiness to use the technology in the collaborative consumption intention. The model aims to empirically demonstrate the differences between the age groups (younger and older) in this intention, serving as a moderating variable. The developed model was tested with the application of a structured questionnaire, using a structural equation model based on partial least squares (PLS). A total of 493 valid respondents were collected, with the group of the youngest (17 to 29 years old) having 303 respondents and the group of the oldest (30 to 59 years old) having 190 respondents. The results reveal that possessiveness does not have a significant statistical relationship with collaborative consumption intention, while the construct green consumption values and readiness for the use of technologies, presented positive relationship with collaborative consumption. The moderating age variable was significant only amongst constructs readiness to use the technology and collaborative consumer intention. This research deepens the understanding of the factors that motivate or inhibit the consumer to engage in collaborative consumption, considering the constructs studied, in addition to demonstrate the difference between younger and older consumers within this relationship. The managerial contribution comes through the the understanding of what positively or negatively affects collaborative consumption intention by the consumers, which allows the creation of strategies by the suppliers of peers and the collaborative consumer platforms. It also facilitates the segmentation of the market when considering the differences of age. Future studies can test this structural model with larger samples using a more rigorous structural equation method, which is the covariance-based structural equation model (CB-SEM), in addition to testing other moderating variables within this structural model.

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