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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Moderní metody a nástroje pro podporu manažerského rozhodování / Modern Methods and Tools to Support Managerial Decision

Krčil, Jakub January 2012 (has links)
This master's thesis is focused on modern methods and tools to support managerial decision-making. The first part of this thesis introduces the basic characteristics related to the management and managerial decision-making that are subsequently extended to the area of modeling, simulation, optimization and multi-criteria decision making. It also outlines the relationship between the managerial decision-making tasks. The second part introduces practical examples which show the connection of these areas. Specifically, they are a colony of ants, traveling salesman problem, a tool AnyLogic, analytic hierarchy process and simulation HealthBound. The thesis is further supplemented by an appropriate software tools to support multi-criteria decision making.

A Framework for Identifying Appropriate Sub-Regions for Ecosystem-Based Management in Northern Gulf of Mexico Coastal and Marine Environments

Ziegler, Jennifer Sloan 14 December 2013 (has links)
Nearly half of the population of the United States lives in coastal regions, and millions of visitors from across the nation and world enjoy the coasts every year. Coastal and marine areas provide for recreation, economic activities essential for the financial health of the nation, and vital ecological services. As they provide so many benefits to the U.S., it is vital to protect and preserve the coastal and ocean areas from the increasing, competing demands they are facing. In order to protect and preserve these complex systems, a comprehensive approach incorporating science, engineering, humanities, and social sciences should be taken; this approach is commonly referred to as Ecosystem-Based Management. This dissertation focuses on developing a framework that can be used to identify appropriate sub-regions in Northern Gulf of Mexico coastal and marine environments for the purposes of Ecosystem-Based Management. Through this work, the roles of three management protocols used for managing coastal areas – coastal and marine spatial planning, ecosystem-based management, and integrated ecosystem assessment – were examined individually as well as their integrations with each other. Biological, ecological, physical, human, and economic indicators for partitioning an ecosystem were developed and weighted for each management protocol using the analytic hierarchy process and expert elicitation. Using the weighted indicators, a framework for identifying sub-regions and estuarine classification system was developed. The framework and classification system were applied to five estuaries within the Northern Gulf of Mexico: Barataria, Galveston, Mobile, and Perdido Bays and Mississippi Sound. Initial results from this work show that: 1. Sub-regions can be identified as associated to each other based upon indicator data values and not upon physical location. 2. Even though the weights calculated for the management protocols vary significantly, for systems that were not highly homogeneous in indicator data values, the different weights did not produce the vastly different cluster maps expected. 3. The scale work indicates that to identify appropriate sub-regions using the developed framework, a larger grid size produces more consistent results for larger systems whereas a smaller grid size produces more consistent results for smaller systems. Recommendations for further research are also presented.

Residential Low Impact Development Practices: Literature Review and Multicriteria Decision Analysis Framework for Detached Houses

Sumaiya, Ummay January 2021 (has links)
Low Impact Development (LID) is a sustainable stormwater management approach that aims to control runoff close to its source, mimicking the natural hydrological processes such as infiltration and storage. It is being adopted by many cities, where its implementation is rapidly evolving. The LID practices are small-scale measures; therefore, they need to be widely implemented to impact significantly. The selection of LIDs depends on the land use and characteristics of the area of interest. This study focuses on residential LIDs. First, a systematic and bibliometric literature review is conducted on the residential LIDs articles published up to the year 2020; a total of 94 papers were found in the Web of Science. This review resulted that LID implementation in residential areas still needs to be investigated. To assist the City, engineers, and policy-makers in implementing the suitable LIDs for detached houses, a multi-criteria decision analysis framework incorporating a hydrological model is developed in this study. The commonly used LIDs were identified, which are rain gardens, permeable pavement, rain barrels, soakaways. Seven criteria were selected – runoff depth reduction rate, peak runoff reduction rate, installation cost, maintenance cost, retrofit cost, life cycle, and aesthetical view. For the properties of the single-detached house and LIDs, the standards of Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) were followed. The proposed decision-making framework also was applied to a case study. This framework is still in the preliminary stage, thus holds the potential to convert into a tool that will be handy enough for the homeowners and consume less time. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)


[pt] O mundo vive hoje uma era de transformação digital resultante da chamada indústria 4.0 ou quarta revolução industrial. Nesta fase, a tecnologia tem exercido um papel cada vez mais estratégico no desempenho das organizações. Estes avanços tecnológicos têm revolucionado o processo de tomada de decisão na gestão e operação de cadeias de suprimentos. Neste contexto, esta dissertação apresenta uma metodologia de apoio à decisão na gestão de estoques, que combina multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) e machine learning (ML). A princípio, é realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura para analisar como estas duas abordagens são aplicadas na gestão de estoques. Os resultados são complementados com um scoping review abrangendo a previsão de demanda. Inicia-se então um estudo de caso, aplicado em uma ferrovia de transporte de cargas. É aplicado, inicialmente, o método MCDM combinado Fuzzy AHP Vikor para ranquear os stock keeping units (SKUs) em ordem de criticidade. O passo seguinte é a aplicação do método de ML combinado GA-ANN, artificial neural network com genetic algorithm, com o objetivo de realizar a previsão de demanda em um piloto com alguns dos itens mais críticos. A etapa final consiste em estruturar um dashboard gerencial, integrando os resultados das etapas anteriores. Dentre os resultados alcançados, a partir do modelo proposto, observa-se considerável melhora na performance da previsão de demanda dos SKUs selecionados. Além disso, a integração entre as abordagens e implementação em um dashboard gerencial permitiu o desenvolvimento de um modelo semiautomático de tomada de decisão na gestão de estoques. / [en] The world is experiencing an era of digital transformation resulting from the industry 4.0 or fourth industrial revolution. In this period, technology has played an increasingly strategic role in the performance of organizations. These technological advances have revolutionized the decision-making process in the management and operation of supply chains. In this context, this dissertation presents a methodology to support decision-making in inventory management, which combines multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) and machine learning (ML). At first, there is a systematic literature review in order to analyze how these two approaches are applied in inventory management. The results are complemented with a scoping review that includes the demand forecasting. A case study is then applied to a freight transport railway. Initially, the MCDM combined Fuzzy AHP Vikor method is applied to rank stock keeping units (SKUs) in degrees of criticality. The next step is the application of the ML combined GA-ANN method, artificial neural network with genetic algorithm, for the purpose of demand forecasting in a pilot with some of the most critical items. The final step is to structure a management dashboard, integrating the results of the previous steps. Among the results achieved from the proposed model, there is a considerable improvement in the performance of the demand forecasting for the selected SKUs. In addition, the integration between approaches and implementation in a management dashboard allowed the development of a semiautomatic model for decision-making in inventory management.

Bostadsplanering i en mindre kommun : Lokalisering baserad på GIS-analys och Multikriterieanalys

Thyr, Erik January 2020 (has links)
In an ever-changing world as ours, the population increases rapidly. There will be great challenges for urban planning when it comes to finding effective, optimized and sustainable solutions. The city planners must find the most optimal way of land usage and one way of reaching this can be obtained through a land-suitability analysis. Land-suitability analysis can be described as a combination of both Geographic information system (GIS) and Multi-criteria analysis (MCA) and is used to obtain the most optimal position for a specific land usage, e.g. residential areas. GIS and MCA can both be used separately but can also be used as described in a combination. The aim of this study is to compare two different municipalities, Nordanstig and Sundsvall, and how the weighting of social functions in planning housing projects differs in them. Another purpose is to compare two different MCA weighting methods and how they affect the final results. The methods used were Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) and Fuzzy AHP (FAHP). Using the output of the poll and the interviews from the representatives of the two municipalities weights were computed. The purpose of the study is to find suitable locations where residential areas can be built. The result of the study shows that the officials ranked the weights of the social functions in a new residential area differently. The respondent from Sundsvall ranks public transportation as the most important factor, while the respondent from Nordanstig ranks larger road/railway the highest. The final results end up in the same urban areas in both AHP and Fuzzy AHP methods. The main differences between them are the sizes of the areas and their exact extents. The biggest area was achieved through Sundsvall’s FAHP weighting and was located in the urban area of Gnarp. The area was about 118.5 hectare in size. To check whether the results can be considered appropriate a sensitivity analysis has been performed, using inverted weights taken from the poll and the interviews. / I en värld där befolkningen ökar kraftigt och är i ständig förändring, där ställs samhället och dess beslutsfattare inför stora utmaningar. En av dessa utmaningar är att planera samhällen på ett effektivt och optimerat sätt, som även innefattar hållbara lösningar. Med en strävan att på bästa sätt använda marken i staden, samhället och landet så kan en lämplighetsanalys användas. En lämplighetsanalys är en kombination av att använda Geografisk informationssystem (GIS) och multikriterieanalys (MKA) för att få fram den mest lämpliga platsen som för exempel ett bostadsområde. Både GIS och MKA är var för sig viktiga delar i samhället som även kan användas i kombination. Studiens syfte är att jämföra två kommuner, Nordanstig och Sundsvalls kommun, och deras olika viktning av samhällsfunktioner vid bostadsplanering. Det andra syftet är att jämföra hur två olika MKA metoder påverkar de slutliga resultaten. De två olika metoderna är Analytisk hierarkisk process (AHP) och Fuzzy AHP. Med hjälp av enkät och intervjuer av representanterna från kommunerna så tas vikter fram. De tillfrågade var tjänstemän från de två kommunerna, en från vardera kommunen. Målet med studien är att få fram områden där bostadsområden kan byggas, med hjälp av en multikriterieanalys. En bostadsplanering som tar in hållbarhets aspekter tidigt strävar mot att bidra till ett miljövänligare samhälle, aspekter som busshållplatser och park och fritid. Resultatet visar att de olika tjänstemännen rangordnar kriterierna olika på vad som är viktigast när det kommer till samhällsfunktioner i ett nytt bostadsområde. Representanten från Sundsvall rangordnar Kollektivtrafiken högst och representanten från Nordanstig rangordnar Större väg/järnväg högst. Slutresultatet visar att placering av bostadsområdet hamnar vid AHP metoden ungefär vid samma orter som vid Fuzzy AHP metoden. Det som skiljer är storleken på de olika områden och deras mer exakta utbredning. Det största området blir enligt Sundsvall viktning till FAHP och beläget i tätorten Gnarp, ytan blir då ca 118,5 ha stor. För att kontrollera om resultatet kan anses vara lämpligt har en känslighetsanalys gjorts, genom inverterade vikter tagna från enkäten och intervjuerna.

GIS-based MCDA for Integrated Risk Assessment and Prioritization of High-Risk Areas in the Göta River Valley

Forslund, Linda January 2024 (has links)
Climate change will bring more precipitation in Northern Europe and Sweden.Increasing precipitation will cause more floods, which will increase landslide risks. Inthe Göta river valley there are high landslide risks due to the thick layer of clay andquick clay present there. The river valley has been the home of numerous industriesfor a long time, which unfortunately have left large areas with contaminated soils alongthe river. The Göta river is the only outlet for Sweden's largest lake, called LakeVänern. With increasing precipitation, the water level of the lake will rise. This willlead to a larger tapping of the lake, to not cause floods around the lake. A largertapping will lead to higher flood and landslide risks in the river valley and thusincreasing the risk for contaminated soils entering the river.This study seeks to provide a comparison of two analyses where flood risk classes andheight above water level, functioning as flood uncertainties, as well as contaminatedsoil criteria are used in one of the analyses but not the other, to see if there is a difference.The study also seeks to show where along the river there are high risk areas inneed for climate adaptation measures to reduce risks.The method used was a multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) with the Analytichierarchy process (AHP) technique, to include several criteria in the analysis, pairwisecompare the criteria, and calculate their relative weights. The method was utilizedwith Geographic Information System software and AHP software. The robustness ofthe analyses were controlled by performing a One-Factor-at-a-Time sensitivityanalysis.The result of this study was the findings of four areas with high risk values along theGöta river. Three of those areas were found in both performed MCDA's. The fourtharea was only found in the second MCDA where the three additional criteria wereincluded in the analysis.The conclusion of this study is that the areas with the highest risks in relation to flood,landslide, and contamination risks are located in the localities of Lilla Edet, Älvängen,Sure, Göta, and in the city of Gothenburg. Also, there is a difference in the resultswhen including the three additional factors, another area is highlighted as having highrisks. The method used in this study makes it clear that the usage of five or eight criteriacan produce results that are similar to each other. However, by using eight criteriainstead of five and thus including additional risks that are connected with each other,there is an impact on the result, which becomes more precise.

A multi-criteria decision support system using knowledge management and project life cycle approach : application to humanitarian supply chain management / La conception et l’implémentation d’un outil d’aide a la décision multicritères intégrant les concepts de la gestion des connaissances et du cycle de vie : application de la chaîne d'approvisionnement humanitaire

Saksrisathaporn, Krittiya 25 September 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à contribuer à la compréhension des cycle de vie d’une opération humanitaire (HOLC). Gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement humanitaire (HSCM) dans un contexte de mise en perspective et dans l’objectif de proposer un modèle décisionnel qui s'applique aux phases de HOLC lors d’une situation réelle. Cela inclut la mise en oeuvre du modèle proposé pour concevoir et développer un outil d'aide à la décision afin d'améliorer les performances de la logistique humanitaire tant dans les opérations de secours nationaux qu’internationaux.Cette recherche est divisée en trois phases. La première partie vise à présenter le sens de l'étude ; la zone de recherche prise en compte pour la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement (SCM) doit être clairement définie. La première phase consiste à clarifier et définir le HSCM HL, la gestion de la chaîne d'approvisionnement commerciale (CSCM) et le SCM, ainsi que la relation entre ces différents éléments. La gestion du cycle de vie du projet (PLCM) et les différentes approches sont également présentés. La compréhension de la différence entre la gestion du cycle de vie du projet (PLM) et la PLCM est également nécessaire, cela ne peut être abordé dans la phase de cycle de vie de l'opération humanitaire. De plus, les modèles Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) et l’aide à la décision concernant le HL sont analysés pour établir le fossé existant en matière de recherche. Les approches MCDM qui mettent en oeuvre le système d'aide à la décision (DSS) et la manière dont le MAS a été utilisé dans le contexte HSCM sont étudiées.La deuxième phase consiste en la proposition d’un modèle décisionnel fondé sur l’approche MCDM à l'appui de la décision du décideur avant qu'il/elle prenne des mesures. Ce modèle prévoit le classement des alternatives concernant l'entrepôt, le fournisseur et le transport au cours des phases de HOLC. Le modèle décisionnel proposé est réalisée en 3 scénarios. I. La décision en 4phases HOLC – opération de secours internationale de la Croix-Rouge Française (CRF). II. La décision en3phases HOLC – opération nationale dela Croix-Rouge thaïlandaise (TRC). III. La décision au niveau de la phase de réponse HOLC – opération internationale du TRC dans quatre pays. Dans cette phase, le scénario I et II sont réalisés étape par étape au travers de calculs numériques et formules mathématiques. Le scénario III sera présenté dans la troisième phase. Pour établir trois scénarios, les données internes recueillies lors des entretiens avec le chef de la logistique de la Croix-Rouge Française, et le vice-président de la fondation de la Coix-Rouge thaïlandaise, seront utilisées. Les données externes proviennent de chercheurs qui sont des experts dans le domaine HL ou le champ du HSCM, de la littérature, et de sources issues des organismes humanitaires (documents d’ateliers, rapports, informations publiées sur leurs sites officiels).Dans la troisième phase, une application Internet multi-critères (decision support system MCDSS WB) mettant en oeuvre le modèle proposé est élaborée. Afin d'atteindre une décision appropriée en temps réel, le WB-MCDSS est développé sur la base d’un protocole client-serveur et est simple à utiliser. Le dernier mais non le moindre ; une application de validation du modèle est réalisée à l'aide de l'approche de l'analyse de sensibilité. / This thesis aims to contribute to the understanding of HOLC in context of the HSCM and to propose a decision model which applies to the phases of HOLC the decision making regarding a real situation . This include the implementation of the proposed model to design and develop a decision support tool in order to improve the performance of humanitarian logistics in both national and international relief operations.This research is divided into three phases; the first phase is to clarify and define HL among HSCM, commercial supply chain management (CSCM) and SCM and their relationship. Project Life Cycle Management (PLCM) approaches are also presented. The difference between project life cycle management (PLM) and PLCM is also required to distinguish a clear understanding which can be addressed in the phase of humanitarian operation life cycle. Additionally, the literature of Multiple-Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) models and existing decision aid system for HL are analyzed to establish the research gap. The MCDM approaches which implement the decision support system (DSS) and lastly how DSS has been used in the HSCM context.The second phase is to propose a decision model based on MCDM approaches to support the decision of the decision maker before he/she takes action. This model provides the ranking alternatives to warehouse, supplier and transportation over the phases of HOLC. The proposed decision model is conducted in 3 scenarios; I. The decision in 4-phase HOLC, international relief operation of French Red Cross (FRC). II. The decision on 3-phase HOLC, national operation by the Thai Red Cross (TRC). III. The decision on response phase HOLC, international operation by the FRC in four countries. In this phase, the scenario I and II are performed step by step though numerical calculation and mathematical formulas. The scenario III will be presented in the third phase.In the third phase, an application of web-based multi-criteria decision support system (WB-MCDSS) which implement the proposed model is developed. The web-based multi-criteria decision support system is developed based on the integration of analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and TOPSIS approaches. In order to achieve an appropriate decision in a real time response, the WB-MCDSS is developed based on server-client protocol and is simple to operate. Last but not least, a validation application of the model is performed using the sensitivity analysis approach.

新北市高中英文教師教學專業能力指標建構之研究 / A study on the development of professional teaching competence indicators for senior high school english teachers in New Taipei City

馮文秀, Feng, Wen Hsiu Unknown Date (has links)
有鑑於近年來教育當局對於提升教師教育專業能力的重視以及陸續於一般中等學校計劃實施教師專業評鑑的努力,本研究旨在建構高中英語教師之教學專業能力指標,瞭解279位現職於22所公立高中之新北市高中英文教師對於各指標重要性看法之差異,並針對性別、學歷、學校規模、教學年資等社會背景的教師分析其看法之不同。依據文獻探討與專家效度實施之結果,共建立5大能力層面、13個向度、以及47個指標。問卷分析採用階層程序分析法(AHP),得出各向度之權重值,排序結果如下: 1.規劃能力:教學規劃比課程規劃重要;這兩項中分別又以規劃適當教學活動及規劃教學程序為重要指標。 2.教學能力:溝通能力與英文能力尤其重要;這兩項中分別又以良好口頭溝通技巧及自我表達能力為重要指標。 3.管理能力:班級管理比資源管理重要;而班級管理中又以良好師生互動為重要指 標。 4.專業成長:掌握學習機會比進行教學研究與革新重要;而掌握學習機會中又以反思個人教學與追求專業成長為重要指標。 5.教學道德:工作態度比專業精神重要;而工作態度中又以與學校同事、學生家長、與附近社區建立良好工作關係為重要指標。 在各向度的指標中,與教學有關係者較受青睞。各背景的教師與所有教師的看法傾 向於一致,只顯示些微的差別。 依據研究結果,本研究亦針對教育當局及高中英文教師提出建議,對於未來研究方 向也提出一些看法,以期對英文教學有些許貢獻。 / Academic authorities have recently laid their prominence on upgrading teachers’ professional competence with the reform efforts of implementing evaluating professional competence on teachers in middle schools. The current study aimed to explore the indicators for evaluating senior high school English teachers’ professional competence, and at the same time, to provide English teachers access to improve and increase teaching efficiency by showing the rankings of indicators under each sub-criterion investigated from 279 English teachers with 4 social background variants in 22 public senior high schools in New Taipei City. The social background variants included gender, educational backgrounds, school size, and total teaching years. In accordance with literature review and expert validity, 5 criteria, 13 sub-criteria, and 47 indicators were established as evaluating standards. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was employed and the results indicated that: 1. Planning competence: Teaching planning was more important than course planning. Planning appropriate teaching activities and developing teaching procedures were considered to be the most important in the two sub-criteria respectively. 2. Teaching competence: Communicative competence and English language competence were the first two priorities, but presentation of teaching materials the last. Good oral communicative skills and self-expressive ability were labeled as the most essential indicators respectively. 3. Management competence: Classroom management was rather prominent than resources management. Good teacher-student interaction was especially viewed as important in classroom management. 4. Professional development: Grasping opportunities to learn was taken more significant than conducting teaching research and teaching innovation. In grasping opportunities to learn, reflecting on one’s teaching and seeking professional development were seen as more important than others. 5. Teaching ethics: Working attitude was of higher significance than professionalism, especially establishing good working relationship with school staff, students’ parents, and surrounding communities. In conclusion, indicators which were more helpful to teaching were more favored. Despite their different social backgrounds, teachers tended to show similar opinions on the development of their professional competence. According to the results of the study, some suggestions were provided for professional development of English teachers, teacher training, gender differences of English teachers, teaching experiences, and future studies.


吳政達 Unknown Date (has links)
自Zadeh(1965)提出模糊集合論,將集合論之二值邏輯擴充至多值邏輯後,使得集合論更為完善,能更精確地描述實際問題之特性。由於教師評鑑的規準建構與測量方法皆深具模糊性,因此有必要針對評鑑問題之模糊特性,選擇適當之模糊理論。本研究以模糊德菲法以整合專家意見以建構評鑑指標,續以模糊層級分析法計算各指標間的相對權重。教師評鑑除考量量化指標外,由於質化指標常以語意詞句(linguistic terms)表達,故採取Chen和Hwang (1992)所提之轉換法將模糊評語集轉換為明確得點值(crisp score)。並利用模糊綜合評估以從事實際教師評鑑之結果分析,其中涉及不同運算算子間的差異比較。 本研究結果發現:教師評鑑指標體系包括教師評鑑指標共可區分為九大類主指標四十一項次指標。其主指標分別為「專業知識」、「教學準備能力」、「教學策略與實施能力」、「教學評量能力」、「運用教學資源能力」、「班級經營能力」、「專業責任」、「校務參與及服務績效」與「人際溝通能力」等九類;「專業知識類」次指標包括「任教科目的專門知識(含提供完整的知識架構)」、「教學方法的專業知識(含清楚教導概念)」、「課程與教材方面的知識(包括清楚目前的學習內容與先前的學習內容及未來的學習內容之間的關連)」、「教學情境的專業知識」、「輔導方面的知識(包括了解學生的心理)」與「學習與發展方面的知識(包括精熟學生背景知識和經驗)」等六項,「教學準備能力類」次指標包括「訂定教學計畫,妥善準備教具」、「根據學生學習需求及課程標準,訂定適合的教學目標」等兩項,「教學策略與實施能力類」次指標包括「教導認知、情意及動作技能的學習與遷移」、「教材展示精確又清楚」、「運用適當教學方法的技巧」、「對教學內容的解釋、舉例之能力」、「教學內容組織能力」、「引起並維持學生的學習動機與注意力」、「教學表達能力」、「傾聽兒童說話的技巧」、「促使學生延展其思考」等九項,「教學評量能力類」次指標包括「評量兒童表現並提供回饋與指導」、「根據評量結果改進教學歷程」、「適時而正確地評估學生進步情形」等三項,「運用教學資源能力類」次指標包括「妥善佈置教學環境」、「運用多樣教學資源」等兩項,「班級經營能力類」包括「輔導學生的能力(包括輔導學生因學業及日常生活所產生的困擾)」、「指導學生遵守生活常規,養成良好行為習慣」、「教室管理的技巧(包括建立愉快的班級氣氛、建立教室常規和程序)」、「有效運用獎懲手段」、「訂定適切的班級規範」與「創造適當的學習環境」等六項,「專業責任類」次指標包括「關懷與瞭解學生」、「工作勤惰」、「教學認真」、「教育信念」、「研究進修」與「敬業精神」等六項,「校務參與及服務績效類」次指標包括「主動積極協助校務推展」、「配合學校行政詳建各項學生檔案」、「對學校活動積極參與」等三項,「人際溝通能力類」包括「同儕教師溝通交流分享互動之能力」、「和家長保持溝通互動以維持良好的親師關係」、「建立和維持師生關係」、「教師能公平、公正地對待全部學生」等四項,合計四十一項次指標。 / Since Zadeh(1965) proposed the fuzzy sets theorem and further developed the theorem from two-value logic to continues multi-value logic, the assembly theorem had become more completed and was capable of depicting the characteristics of real problem more specifically. Because the standard structure and measuring method of teacher appraisal are both ambiguous, it is necessary to adopt an suitable fuzzy theorem for this ambiguous characteristic of teacher appraisal. The study incorporated the opinions of specialists into structural evaluation indicator based upon Fuzzy Delphi and further calculated the relative weights among each indicator by Fuzzy Analytic Hierarchy Process. The teacher appraisal not only need to quantify the indicator but also to qualify them using linguistic terms to express. Therefore, the study adopted the Chen-Hwang (1992) transfer method to transform the ambiguous evaluation terms into specific crisp scores and used the composite of fuzzy evaluation to engage the analysis of real teacher appraisal involving differentiated comparison among individual operants. The outcomes of the study demonstrated that the indicator system of teacher appraisal including teacher appraisal indicator consist of 9 major indicator and 41 minor indicator. The 9 major indicator were professional knowledge, capability of teaching preparation, teaching strategy and implementation ability, capability of teaching assessment , capability of employing teaching resource, capability of class management, professional duty, involvement of school managing and service achievement, and capability of interpersonal communication. The 6 sub-indicator in the professional knowledge category includes professional knowledge of the specific discipline with a comprehensive knowledge structure, professional knowledge of teaching methods included a lucid teaching concept, professional knowledge of class and teaching material included understanding of the connection between the current and future learning contents. professional knowledge of teaching situations, professional knowledge of consulting included understanding of student psychology and professional knowledge of learning and developing included awareness of student background knowledge and experiences. There were two sub-indicator in the capability of teaching preparation (making a teaching agenda and preparing teaching tools, and planing a proper teaching goal based upon student learning need and class standard. The 9 sub-indicator in the teaching strategy and implementation ability were, understanding of guidance and learning and transferring of mental and physical skills, demonstration of teaching material precisely and clearly, employment of proper teaching skills, the interpretation of teaching contents and exemplification faculty, ability to organize teaching contents, inspire and maintain learning motivation and attention of student, faculty of teaching expression, listening skills concerning the child talk, and stimulate the extension of student thinking. The 3 sub-indicator in capability of teaching evaluation were, evaluation of child perfor-mance in order to render guidance and feedback, rescheduling the teaching agenda according to the evaluation outcomes, and accurately and timely evaluating student progression . The capability of employing teaching resource category consisted of implementing teaching environment congruently and adopting diversified teaching resources. The 6 sub-indicator in capability of class management were faculty of student guidance (consulting the student problems causing by class-learning and everyday activities), lead students to fellow the normal rules and to keep righteous behavior habits, class room managing skills ( establish an amicable classroom atermosphere and the classroom guidelines and procedures), proper employing award/ punish system, making the proper classroom paradigm, and create suitable learning environment. The 6 subindicator in professional duty were concerning and understanding students, working habits, teaching sincerity, teaching believe, advancing research, reverence to occupation, The 3 subin-dicator in involvement of school administration and service achievement were, actively assisting the school administration to implement, cooperating the school administration to establish the student records, actively engaging the school activities. The capability of interpersonal communication category composed of 4 subindicator, capability of communicating and interacting with teaching colleagues, capability of communicating and interacting with student parents and maintain a good teacher-parent relationship, establishing and keeping the teacher-student relationship, treating all student with equality and fairness. The grand total of sub-indicator were 41.

“新一代”軟體開發者選擇敏捷式系統發展方法論之傾向:學習後之效應探討 / The intention of selecting agile system development methodology among new generation of software developer: the effects of post-learning

湯金翰, Tang, Chinhan Unknown Date (has links)
90年代的後期,敏捷式系統發展方法開始被倡導。相對於傳統的系統發展方法,敏捷式系統發展方法著重於回饋機制而非事前的計畫、以人為中心而非以流程為中心。這樣的方法希望能助於提高組織對回應市場、客戶的效率,進而提高效益。目前在商場中使用此方法做為開發工具的企業仍是少數,本研究希望透過探討敏捷式系統發展方法論的使用時機來進行教學,進而得知系統開發人員對於接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素,並藉此了解該如何在企業中導入此方法。本研究發現除了使用此方法的能力會影響影響使用意圖之外,在內在因素方面也包含了公司結構與團隊因素,外部因素則包含了顧客與成功案例因素,這些都是接受敏捷式系統發展方法的關鍵因素。本研究希望根據以上的分析結果,提出敏捷式系統發展方法導入之建議,提供組織做為參考用。 / Awareness of agile system development methodologies (SDM) has grown among information systems development community in recent years. Many of their advocates consider the agile and the plan-driven SDMs polar opposites. Indeed there are circumstances where agile SDMs are more suitable than plan-driven SDMs. Yet, there have been few studies on understanding developers’ adoption intention. This paper takes an initial attempt to gauge new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDMs. To many of these developers, agile SDMs are relatively new if not unheard of, in order to assess their intention to choose such category of methodologies, this research first introduced the methodologies to a group of 21 IS-major graduate students and discussed how and when to use agile SDMs. Then a survey was conducted, which was comprised of two parts of questions: agile SDM self-efficacy and intention to use. PLS analysis results showed that agile SDM self-efficacy influence the intention to use through performance outcome expectation, personal outcome expectation, and affect. Although the relationship between self-efficacy and anxiety was not confirmed, anxiety does affect intention to use. The fact that direct relationships between all four emotive variables and the intention to use are established implies that in order to encourage the use of agile SDMs, the focus should be emotive variables, and that self efficacy may be just one of various ways to promote the favorable emotional states. In addition, these participates were invited to a three-round Delphi test and analytic hierarchy process to retrieved their concerns about accepting or rejecting agile SDMs. Ten key factors were extracted and categorized. Adding up the pros and cons, team dimension is the most important dimension, which explains individual first concerns about how the collaboration when using agile SDMs. Other than team dimension, customer, corporate structure, project, success cases and methodology dimensions were consistent with the literatures. Thus our study provides a critical understanding of the factors that affect new generation of software developers’ intention to select agile SDM.

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