Spelling suggestions: "subject:"archaic green"" "subject:"archaic great""
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7ª Ode Olímpica de Píndaro: tradução e notas / Pindar\'s Seventh Olympian Ode: translation and notesAlisson Alexandre de Araujo 07 March 2006 (has links)
A finalidade deste trabalho é realizar um comentário à 7ª Ode Olímpica de Píndaro. Adicionalmente, procura demonstrar a maneira como a obra desse autor foi citada ou aludida no mundo de língua grega, até a publicação, em 1515, da edição de Zacarias Calierges, e como se formou a crítica pindárica nos séculos XIX e XX. / This work aims to present a comment to Pindar\'s 7th Olympian Ode. Additionally, it intents not only to demonstrate the way Pindar\'s work was mentioned or referred to in Greek language until the publication of Zacarias Calierges\' edition, in 1515, but also show how the pindaric criticism of XIX and XX centuries was shaped.
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Archaic trade in the northern Aegean : the case of Methone in Pieria, GreeceKasseri, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
Recent discoveries near the village of Nea Agathoupoli, in Pieria, Greece have revealed the remains of an ancient town, identifiable with the ancient town of Methone, a putative Eretrian colony founded, according to Plutarch, in ca. 733 BC. From the material excavated so far, the town’s zenith was in the Late Geometric and Archaic periods, well documented by the high amounts of imports from all regions of the ancient world, especially by imported transport vessels. The significant percentage of transport amphorae in comparison to that of fine pottery strongly indicates the settlement's commercial character and suggests that Methone was operating as a redistribution centre which supplied Macedonia's hinterland with goods. This study is based on unpublished pottery analyzed here, for the first time. Among the regions, whose products are most popular in Methone are Chios and Athens, although more Eastern Greek towns such as Samos and Miletus had trading relations with Methone, too. Settlers from the these regions may have established themselves in Methone, but the initiative for the foundation of the town was, most probably, taken by Euboeans, whose activity in the Northern Aegean, in the Geometric period, was strong. Alongside the abundant imported vessels, a large amount of locally made transport vessels was unearthed. These early archaic amphora types (early 6<sup>th</sup> century BC), which have also been found in other sites in the Northern Aegean and possibly Northern Ionia, have been known in literature by my study. The discovery of these local transport vessels reveals participation by the local population in trading transactions and manufacture of a product which was packaged and circulated among the Northern Aegean towns. A mixed cultural environment starts to form in archaic Methone and includes Euboeans, Eastern Greeks, local Thracians and others, including Macedonian neighbours. Having emerged as the most powerful military force of the area, the Macedonians residing in nearby Bottiaia, constantly expanding, were, arguably, involved in the commercial activities at Methone. This study suggests that because of Methone's geographical location and proximity to the capital of the Macedonian kingdom, Aigai (modern Vergina), Methone functioned as the capital's face to the sea, as the royal harbour of Macedonia, until it was destroyed by Philip II, in 354 BC when all activities related to trade moved to neighbouring Pydna. Methone's finds together with other Northern Aegean settlements mentioned in this study reveal how important, even indispensable, this part of the ancient world was to the commercial networks of the archaic Mediterranean. The Northern Aegean is, therefore, not only well integrated into networks connecting southern and Eastern Greece, Egypt and the Levantine coast, but constitutes a vital part of them from the 8<sup>th</sup> century BC, onwards.
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Le neutre adverbial en grec ancien : morphologie, syntaxe et sémantique / Neuter Adjectives used as Adverbs in Ancient Greek : Morphology, Syntax and SemanticsMathys, Audrey 23 November 2013 (has links)
Cette étude porte sur l'emploi d'adjectifs neutres en fonction adverbiale en grec ancien, sur un corpus constitué de l'ensemble de la poésie archaïque, d'Homère à Pindare. Les données recueillies ont été, autant que possible, confrontées aux données des auteurs classiques et des poètes alexandrins, et replacées dans la perspective de la linguistique indo-européenne. Une étude morphologique montre le caractère récent des adverbes en ως en grec homérique, alors que le neutre adverbial semble constituer un procédé d'adverbialisation ancien et courant. Un examen sémantique des neutres adverbiaux et des adverbes en ως fait apparaître que ces derniers présentent des traits sémantiques typiques d'une catégorie d'adverbes en cours de développement, puisqu'il s'agit presque exclusivement d'adverbes de manière, alors que les neutres adverbiaux apparaissent, chez Homère, dans presque toutes les catégories d'adverbes, ce qui est le propre d'un procédé d'adverbialisation qui a déjà connu une forte productivité. Enfin, une étude syntaxique souligne les limites de la thèse traditionnelle qui voit dans nombre d'adjectifs neutres employés comme adverbes des accusatifs d'objet interne : cette hypothèse ne tient pas compte de l'existence de nombreux neutres adverbiaux qui ne sauraient s'expliquer ainsi, et elle suppose que l'on ait pu substantiver sans restriction des adjectifs au neutre singulier, ce qui n'est pas le cas chez Homère. Cette étude syntaxique met enfin en lumière les étapes du développement des adverbes en ως : ceux-ci sont d'abord apparus dans des contextes où le sujet avait un contrôle sur l'action, ainsi que dans des contextes où l'adverbe est orienté vers le sujet. / The object of this work is to describe and explain the use of neuter adjectives as adverbs in Ancient Greek. It is based on a corpus comprising all archaic Greek poetry, from Homer to Pindar. Whenever possible, this data is compared with the data of the Classical and Hellenistic periods, and put into an Indo-European perspective. The examination of the morphology of adverbs in archaic Greek shows that the adverbs in ως are a recent development in Homer, whereas adverbial neuters seem to have been the default way of deriving an adverb from an adjective shortly before the archaic period. The semantics of the adverbs in ως displays typical features of a relatively new adverbial formation: in Homer, the suffix ως is only found in adverbs expressing manner. On the other hand, neuter adjectives used as adverbs are found in almost every adverbial function, which is the expected behaviour of a very productive adverbial formation. Finally, a syntaxic study of the adjectives in archaic Greek shows that the use of neuter adjectives as adverbs cannot be explained as a special case of internal accusative: this hypothesis is unable to account for numerous neuter adjectives used as adverbs, and implies that neuter adjectives could be used as substantives in singular without any restriction, which is not the case in Homer. This syntaxic study also sheds light on the development of the adverbs in ως: they first appeared in contexts where the subject controlled the process, and in contexts where the adverb is subject-oriented.
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Rome et le prince dans les "Odes" d'Horace : construction d'une mythologie impériale romaine / Rome and the princeps in Horace's "Odes" : construction of a Roman imperial mythologySchilling, Maryse 10 December 2018 (has links)
Avec l'avènement du prince en 27 av. J.-C. s'ouvre à Rome ce qu'on appelle le siècle d'Auguste et qui correspond à une période de révolution à la fois politique, mais aussi culturelle. Auteurs et poètes étaient engagés dans cette réflexion collective sur les fondements de la Ville, son identité, ses rapports avec son prince et ses dieux, I'imperium d'Auguste et les modèles à offrir à la nouvelle génération. La thèse entend étudier la manière dont le poète latin Horace participa non seulement au renouvellement des formes poétiques à Rome, mais aussi à ces réflexions sur le nouus status. Comment la lyrique archaïque grecque qu'il tente d'acclimater à Rome dans ses Odes, mais aussi les mythes grecs qu'il réélabore et fait entrer en résonance avec les enjeux du principat, lui permettent d'évoquer les relations privilégiées de Rome et de son prince ? / With the accession of the princeps in 27 BC, begins in Rome the "Age of Augustus" - a period of political, but also cultural revolution. Authors and poets joined this collective thinking about the foundations of the City, its identity, its relationship with its princeps and its gods, the imperium of Augustus, and the ideals to offer to the new generation... This dissertation aims to analyse how the Latin poet Horace took part not only to the renewal of the poetic forms in Rome, but also to these reflections around the novus status. ln which way the archaic Greek lyric, that he tries to adapt to Rome in his Odes, as well as the Greek mythology, that he recreates to make them echo the challenges of the Principate, make it possible for Horace to conjure the privileged relation ship between Rome and its princeps?
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Cooperative commemoration : Simonides on the Persian Wars / Simonides on the Persian WarsLather, Amy Kathleen 13 August 2012 (has links)
The name ‘Simonides’ has long been associated with the Persian Wars. More specifically, Simonides is famous in large part because of his commemoration of the Persian War dead in the form of epigrams. The purpose of this paper is to investigate a set of four of the most famous and most distinctively ‘Simonidean’ poems to the end of delineating their stylistic deviations from conventional epitaphic speech. This paper argues that the specific ways in which Simonides departs from the conventions of epigrammatic language serve to convey a distinctively democratic ethos. This ethos is clear in that Simonides’ epigrams privilege the mass efforts of the collective, and do not praise any particular individuals over another. Moreover, that these poems do not include the sort of identifying details that we would normally expect to find in epigrams anticipates a readership that is uniformly knowledgeable about the events of the Persian Wars. This represents another facet of the egalitarian ethos evident in this group of epigrams, as Simonides treats his readers as equally aware of the events of the Persian Wars. Thus, Simonides assumes a unified, panhellenic identity that characterizes both the subjects of his poems as well as his readers: they are all part of the same entity that defeated the Persians. Simultaneously, however, Simonides, or at the very least, the Simonidean name, achieves his own kleos as an individual poet through his distinctive commemorations of the Persian War dead. With these poems comes the emergence of a Simonidean poetic persona that renders the poet’s voice unique because of the way in which Simonides diverges from epigrammatic convention. The allotment of immortal kleos both to the anonymous, undifferentiated masses of Persian War dead and to the name ‘Simonides’ reflects two distinctive ideologies, the latter archaic and the former classical. My reading of these epigrams thus demonstrates how the commemoration of the Persian Wars is poised between two different eras and two different ideologies. / text
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La Bibliothèque historique de Diodore de Sicile, fragments des livres VI-X : texte, traduction et commentaire / The Library of History of Diodorus of Sicily, fragments of books VI-X : text, translation and commentaryCohen-Skalli, Aude 30 November 2009 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une nouvelle édition critique de la seconde pentade de la Bibliothèque Historique, l’une des nombreuses parties de l’histoire universelle de Diodore de Sicile (Ier siècle avant J.-C.) qui nous est parvenue à l’état de fragments ; elle l’assortit d’une traduction et d’un commentaire, largement historique, mais aussi philologique, linguistique ou stylistique. La tradition indirecte qui, par sa compilation, permit la transmission d’extraits de l’œuvre originale, qui recouvrent ici une période allant de la fin de la période mythologique (livre VI) à la première médique (fin du livre X), est relativement homogène, et divisée en deux branches : d’un côté, les Excerpta Constantiniana, l’encyclopédie que Constantin VII Porphyrogénète entreprit au Xe siècle, compilent un nombre très important de fragments de Diodore, appréciés surtout pour la teneur morale de l’histoire qu’ils délivrent ; de l’autre côté, quelques auteurs chrétiens et byzantins citent Diodore dans leurs œuvres : ce sont pour la plupart des chroniqueurs intéressés par le récit de son histoire universelle. Les notices et les notes de commentaire tâchent de rétablir à chaque fois ces reliquiae dans leur contexte historique précis ainsi que dans le projet historiographique général de l’œuvre, afin de cerner, dans la mesure du possible, la méthode employée par l’historien sicilien, et de cibler l’intérêt particulier que revêt son œuvre, au-delà d’une valeur documentaire indéniable que le lecteur moderne peut apprécier. / This thesis offers a new critical edition of the second pentade of the Library of History, one of the many parts of Diodorus of Sicily’s universal history (first century B.C.), which was transmitted to us in fragments; along with this study comes a translation and a mainly historical, but also philological, linguistic and stylistic commentary. The indirect tradition, thanks to its compilation work, made the transmission of some of the text’s original parts possible; these parts go, historically, from the end of the mythological period (book VI) to the first Persian war (end of book X). It is relatively homogeneous and divided into two separate parts: on the one hand, the Excerpta Constantiniana (an Encyclopedia that Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus wrote in the Xth century) includes a large number of Diodorus’ fragments, mainly used for the moral enlightening they provide with. On the other hand, a few Christian and Byzantine authors have quoted Diodorus in their work (mainly chroniclers interested in his view on universal history). All introductory notes and other notes included in this analysis try to always link these reliquiae with their precise original and historical context, as well as with the general historiographical project of Diodorus’ work, in order to understand the method used by the Sicilian historian and to underline the specific interest of his work, putting aside its unquestionable value as a documentary, which the modern reader will certainly be able to appreciate.
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L'immortalité chez Pindare : la parole inspirée entre religion et poésieCarrière-Bouchard, Ulysse 08 1900 (has links)
C’est par une généalogie de l’immortalité poétique en Grèce archaïque, depuis une immortalité ne concernant que le renom jusqu’à une forme de survie personnelle, que s’ouvre cette recherche. Arrivé à Pindare, une étude approfondie de sa première Néméenne, au moyen de la théorie de l’énonciation de Benveniste et de la narratologie de Genette, permet de détailler comment se construit, dans l’épinicie, un régime temporel de l’éternité, dans lequel le poète inscrit le vainqueur qu’il célèbre.
Je me penche alors sur la formation, dans l’épinicie, d’un réseau de concepts dont font partie la mémoire, la vérité, la lumière et l’or, réseau servant à créer une connotation d’immortalité. Ce réseau est ensuite analysé au travers des relations sociales qui le déterminent, au moyen du matérialisme historique et de l’herméneutique négative. Il en ressort que ce réseau marque la construction d’une idéologie aristocratique, dont la structure est détaillée grâce au concept d’hégémonie de Gramsci, ce qui laisse voir que l’immortalité poétique, chez Pindare, a pour fonction de poser un ordre social comme éternel.
L’immortalité religieuse de Pindare est placée dans ce contexte et interprétée comme une autorité extra-littéraire devant asseoir la forme non traditionnelle d’immortalité poétique de Pindare, recours rendu nécessaire par un ébranlement de l’autorité littéraire. Ainsi, le développement exacerbé, en Grèce archaïque, de l’immortalité poétique, est réinterprété comme le produit d’une crise généralisée de l’autorité, une lutte des classes devant mener à la défaite de l’aristocratie terrienne et à l’émergence de la polis de la Grèce classique. / This research opens with a genealogy of poetic immortality in Archaic Greece, from an immortality of renown down to a form of personal survival. A detailed study of Pindar’s first Nemean, through Benveniste’s enunciative linguistics and Genette’s narratology, shows how the epinician constructs a temporal regime of eternity, in which the poet inscribes the victor. I proceed to analyze how, through the epinician, a network of concepts comprising memory, truth, light, and gold, is used to create a connotation of immortality. The social relations that determine this network are then analyzed through historical materialism and negative hermeneutics. From there, it appears that this network shows the construction of an aristocratic ideology, whose structure is then detailed through Gramsci’s concept of hegemony. This reveals how Pindar’s poetic immortality serves to ground a social order as eternal. Pindar’s religious immortality is then cast within this context and interpreted as an appeal to an extra-literary authority whose role is to legitimize the non-traditional form of poetic immortality developed by Pindar, an appeal made necessary by an undermining of literary authority. Thus, the increasing development of poetic immortality throughout Archaic Greece is reinterpreted as the product of a general crisis of authority, of a class struggle that would lead to the defeat of the landed aristocracy and the emergence of the polis of Classical Greece.
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La danse des temps dans l'épopée, d'Homère au Roland / Dancing with Tenses in Epic, from Homer to the Song of RolandLakshmanan-Minet, Nicolas 21 November 2017 (has links)
Les épopées d’Homère et de Virgile, la Chanson de Roland sont marquées par une alternance qui peut paraître capricieuse. En fait, on la saisit beaucoup mieux dès lors qu’on prend en compte la présence des corps : ceux du jongleur, de l’aède, du récitant ; le corps du public. Postures, gestuelle, mouvements, regard, souffle, musique s’articulent à cette alternance pour en faire une véritable danse. Cette thèse étudie d’abord comment dansent chacun des temps principaux du récit dans ces épopées, en accordant la priorité à Homère et au Roland ; puis elle étudie comment cette danse des temps prend corps dans chacune des petites pièces dont nous décelons que sont composées les épopées anciennes comme le Roland : les laisses. / The Homeric and Virgilian epics, as well as the Chanson de Roland are full of tenseswitching, the use of which might seem capricious to the modern reader. It is in fact much better understood when bodies’ presence is taken into account — these bodies being the bard’s one as well as the audience’s. Postures, gestures, moves, eyes, breath, music are joint partners to tenseswitching, so that tenses really dance in epics. This study is firstly about how each one of the main narrative tenses dances in Homer and the Roland, and also in the Æneid. Then it studies the way tenses dance in each of the small pieces we find in the classical epics as well as in the Roland : the laisses.
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