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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

German psych verbs – insights from a decompositional perspective

Hirsch, Nils 23 November 2018 (has links)
Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit psychologischen Verben, d.h. Verben, die dadurch charakterisiert sind, dass eines ihrer Argumente Träger eines psychischen Prozesses (Experiencer) ist. Diese ‚Psych-Verben’ nehmen seit mindestens 30 Jahren eine zentrale Rolle in linguistischen Diskussionen zu Syntax, Semantik und deren Schnittstellen ein und werden häufig als eine besondere Verbklasse mit spezifischen (Psych-)Eigenschaften angesehen. Dabei ist nicht nur die Analyse dieser Verben, sondern bereits ihre korrekte empirische Charakterisierung Auslöser starker Kontroversen in der Literatur. Der erste Teil dieser Arbeit widmet sich deshalb der Untersuchung der empirischen Eigenschaften von Objekt-Experiencer-Verben wie Agentivität, aspektuelle Eigenschaften, Passiv sowie ihrem Verhalten in Bezug auf eine Reihe anderer grammatischer Phänomene. Ein Fokus liegt dabei auf dem Vergleich von Verben, die basierend auf derselben Wurzel unterschiedliche Formen bilden wie z.B. ärgern/verärgern/sich ärgern, wundern/verwundern/sich wundern etc. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung zeigen, dass weder ObjExp-Verben noch Experiencer eine homogene Gruppe mit kohärenten Eigenschaften darstellen. Folglich können Psych-Verben nicht als eine einheitliche (besondere) Gruppe von Verben analysiert werden, da ihre Eigenschaften zu unterschiedlich sind und sie vielmehr in verschiedene Verbgruppen fallen. Im theoretischen Teil der Arbeit wird deshalb eine dekompositionelle Analyse im Paradigma von Distributed Morphology vorgeschlagen, die die unterschiedlichen Gruppen von Psych-Verben als solche analysiert und ihre Eigenschaften auf der Basis allgemeiner grammatischer Prinzipien (aspektuelle Eigenschaften sowie Präsenz/Absenz eines externen Arguments) erklärt, und besonders die stativen Kausativa diskutiert. Als Resultat muss konstatiert werden, dass ‚Psych-Verben’ als grammatisch relevante Gruppe nicht existieren, sondern diese Verben vielmehr unterschiedlichen bekannten Verbmustern folgen. / This thesis is concerned with German psychological verbs, i.e. verbs characterized by the fact that one of their arguments is associated with a psychological process. These psych verbs have been prominent in linguistic discussion on syntax, semantics, and their interfaces for at least 30 years, and are often considered to form a special group of verbs with specific ‘psych properties’. Not only the theoretical analysis but also the correct characterization of their empirical properties is a matter of controversy in the literature, and no consensus has been established with respect to either. Therefore, in the first part of this thesis, the empirical properties of object-experiencer verbs such as agentivity, aspectual properties, passive, and the behaviour of these verbs with respect to a number of other grammatical phenomena are examined. Special focus is placed on alternating verbs formed on the basis of the same Root, such as e.g. ärgern/verärgern/sich ärgern, etc. The results of the empirical analysis show that neither ObjExp verbs nor experiencers form a homogeneous group with coherent properties. On the contrary, these verbs fall into several different groups of verbs with clearly different properties. Consequently, psych verbs cannot be analysed as one (special) group of verbs. The theoretical part of this thesis therefore puts forward a decompositional analysis couched in the paradigm of Distributed Morphology, which analyses the different psych verbs as different groups of verbs, and explains their properties as the consequence of general grammatical principles (their aspectual properties, and the presence/absence of an external argument), not special psych properties. The discussion of stative causative ObjExp verbs plays a major part. As a result, the conclusion has to be drawn that ‘psych verbs’ do not constitute a grammatically relevant (special) group of verbs, but that these verbs follow different general patterns known from the study of other verbs.

L'éthique et sa place dans la nature

Dishaw, Samuel 09 1900 (has links)
Une des questions centrales de la métaéthique est celle de savoir si les propriétés morales sont des propriétés naturelles ou non-naturelles. Ce mémoire fait valoir que nous ferions bien de remettre en question une constellation d’arguments en faveur du non-naturalisme moral : l’argument de la question ouverte, l’intuition normative et l’argument du gouffre. L’influent argument de la question ouverte de Moore, d’abord, ne soutient le non-naturalisme que s’il commet une pétition de principe. L’intuition normative commet ou bien le sophisme d’inférer sur la base de sa différence spécifique qu’une chose n’appartient pas à un genre donné, ou bien sous-estime la panoplie de propriétés naturelles qui possèdent les caractéristiques censées être distinctives des propriétés morales et normatives. L’argument du gouffre, quant à lui, sous-estime l’ubiquité du fossé logique et conceptuel censé marquer une discontinuité métaphysique profonde entre les domaines normatif et naturel. / One of the burning questions among metaethical realists is whether moral facts and properties are natural or non-natural. In this thesis, I argue that we should treat a family of arguments for non-naturalism with considerable scepticism: the Open Question Argument, the Normative Intuition, and the argument from the Is-Ought Gap. Moore’s famous Open Question Argument only supports moral non-naturalism if it begs the question against the modest (non-reductionist) naturalist. As for the Normative Intuition, it either commits the fallacy of inferring on the basis of a thing’s specific difference that it does not belong to the genus it putatively belongs to, or it underestimates the breadth of natural properties that possess the features which non-naturalists allege are distinctive of moral and normative properties. The argument from the Is-Ought Gap, for its part, underestimates the ubiquity of the logical and conceptual gap that allegedly marks a deep metaphysical discontinuity between the normative and natural domains.

Filozofie přirozeného jazyka - její úpadek a co po něm / Philosophy of Ordinary Language - its Decline and What to Do After It

Ivan, Michal January 2019 (has links)
The general topic of the thesis is the history of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. To be more precise, it deals with the critical arguments, which were raised against is. The thesis offers a short historical and sociological review of the Ordinary Language Philosophy. Critical analysis shows two things: 1) the main reason for the rejection was a different understanding of meaning (and consequences of such a understanding); 2) critics begged the question and already assumed the justification of these rejections in their arguments. The area of this criticism was: the paradigm case argument, the empirical nature of the statements of meaning produced by the Ordinary Language Philosophy, the structural elements of meaning and the political implications of the theory of meaning. The thesis criticizes the Ordinary Language Philosophy in those parts (and in such interpretations), where its understanding of meaning does not differ from the understanding of the critics and where they share common assumptions. On the other hand, the thesis argues for an interpretation, which avoids classical understanding of meaning in all its consequences. Finally, the thesis asks how the Ordinary Language Philosophy can be useful for contemporary debates.


VETTORELLO, LUCA 12 April 2014 (has links)
Contro l’argomento anselmiano del Proslogion sono state sollevate varie obiezioni, come quelle, molto note, di Gaunilone, di san Tommaso e di Kant. In questo saggio si sostiene la tesi che tutte queste critiche si basano fondamentalmente su una interpretazione imprecisa del testo di Anselmo che, se correttamente letto, ne risulta invece al riparo. Viene quindi offerta una nuova lettura dell’unum argumentum, con la quale, ricercandone lo spirito originario e più autentico, viene messa in risalto innanzitutto la sua struttura formale di dimostrazione per assurdo, illustrando in secondo luogo l’importante rapporto di complementarità che lega questa tipologia di prova a quelle strutturate in modo diverso, che procedono cioè a posteriori per costruzione diretta. / Many important Authors – as Gaunilo, Thomas Aquinas and Kant – have brought many well-known objections against the anselmian argument. This paper proposes the thesis that all these objections are based on an inaccurate interpretation of the Proslogion: in fact, an in-depth analysis of the text shows its fully validity. Therefore, it is offered a new reading of the anselmian argument, that looks for its original and authentic sense: firstly, it is enlightened its formal structure of proof by contradiction, and secondly it is showed its important complementary relationship with the other kind of a posteriori proofs.

Stabilité de solutions régulières pour des systèmes d'Euler-Maxwell et de Navier-Stokes-Maxwell compressibles / Stabilities of smooth solutions for compressible Euler-Maxwell and Navier-Stokes-Maxwell systems

Feng, Yuehong 05 September 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse est essentiellement composée de deux parties traitant des problèmes de Cauchy ou des problèmes périodiques. Dans la première partie, on étudie la stabilité de solutions régulières au voisinage d'états d'équilibre non constants pour un système d'Euler-Maxwell isentropique compressible bipolaire. Par des estimations d'énergie classiques et un argument de récurrence sur l'ordre des dérivées des solutions, on montre l'existence globale et l'unicité des solutions régulières du système lorsque les données initiales sont proches des états d'équilibre. On obtient aussi le comportement asymptotique des solutions quand le temps tend vers l'infini. Dans la deuxième partie, on considère la stabilité en temps long des solutions régulières de systèmes d'Euler-Maxwell et de Navier-Stokes-Maxwell compressibles dans le cas non isentropique lorsque les états d'équilibre sont constants. Grâce à des choix convenables de symétriseurs des systèmes et à des estimations d'énergie, on montre l'existence globale et l'unicité des solutions régulières des systèmes avec données initiales petites. De plus, par le principe de Duhamel et l'outil d'analyse de Fourier, on obtient des taux de décroissance des solutions quand le temps tend vers l'infini. / This thesis is essentially composed of two parts dealing with Cauchy problems and periodic problems. In the first part, we study the stability of smooth solutions near non constant equilibrium states for a two-fluid isentropic compressible Euler-Maxwell system.By classical energy estimates together with an induction argument on the order of the derivatives of solutions, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global solutions to the system when the given initial data are near the equilibrium states. We also obtain the asymptotic behavior of solutions when the time goes to infinity. In the second part, we consider the long time stability of the global smooth solutions for compressible Euler-Maxwell and Navier-Stokes-Maxwell systems in non isentropic case when the equilibrium solutions are constants. With the help of suitable choices of symmetrizers and energy estimates, we prove the existence and uniqueness of global solutions to the systems with given small initial data. Furthermore, using the Duhamel principle and the Fourier analysis tool, we obtain the decay rates of smooth solutions as the time goes to infinity.

Vybrané transformace náhodných veličin užívané v klasické lineární regresi / Selected random variables transformations used in classical linear regression

Tejkal, Martin January 2017 (has links)
Klasická lineární regrese a z ní odvozené testy hypotéz jsou založeny na předpokladu normálního rozdělení a shodnosti rozptylu závislých proměnných. V případě že jsou předpoklady normality porušeny, obvykle se užívá transformací závisle proměnných. První část této práce se zabývá transformacemi stabilizujícími rozptyl. Značná pozornost je udělena náhodným veličinám s Poissonovým a negativně binomickým rozdělením, pro které jsou studovány zobecněné transformace stabilizující rozptyl obsahující parametry v argumentu navíc. Pro tyto parametry jsou stanoveny jejich optimální hodnoty. Cílem druhé části práce je provést srovnání transformací uvedených v první části a dalších často užívaných transformací. Srovnání je provedeno v rámci analýzy rozptylu testováním hypotézy shodnosti středních hodnot p nezávislých náhodných výběrů s pomocí F testu. V této části jsou nejprve studovány vlastnosti F testu za předpokladu shodných a neshodných rozptylů napříč výběry. Následně je provedeno srovnání silofunkcí F testu aplikovaného pro p výběrů z Poissonova rozdělení transformovanými odmocninovou, logaritmickou a Yeo Johnsnovou transformací a z negativně binomického rozdělení transformovaného argumentem hyperbolického sinu, logaritmickou a Yeo-Johnsnovou transformací.

Cosmic Skepticism and the Beginning of Physical Reality

Daniel J Linford (12883550) 16 June 2022 (has links)
<p>This dissertation is concerned with two of the largest questions that we can ask about the nature of physical reality: first, whether physical reality begin to exist and, second, what criteria would physical reality have to fulfill in order to have had a beginning? Philosophers of religion and theologians have previously addressed whether physical reality began to exist in the context of defending the Kal{\'a}m Cosmological Argument (KCA) for theism, that is, (P1) everything that begins to exist has a cause for its beginning to exist, (P2) physical reality began to exist, and, therefore, (C) physical reality has a cause for its beginning to exist. While the KCA has traditionally been used to argue for God's existence, the KCA does not mention God, has been rejected by historically significant Christian theologians such as Thomas Aquinas, and raises perennial philosophical questions -- about the nature and history of physical reality, the nature of time, the nature of causation, and so on -- that should be of interest to all philosophers and, perhaps, all humans. While I am not a religious person, I am interested in the questions raised by the KCA. In this dissertation, I articulate three necessary conditions that physical reality would need to fulfill in order to have had a beginning and argue that, given the current state of philosophical and scientific inquiry, we cannot determine whether physical reality began to exist.</p>

Unterstellungen / Überzeugungen, Fiktionen oder Hypothesen?

Hildebrandt, Frauke 12 February 2007 (has links)
Der Unterstellungsbegriff ist ein zentraler Begriff innerhalb transzendentaler Argumente. Transzendentale Argumente sind Versuche, empirische Erkenntnis stabiler zu sichern als durch empirische Erkenntnis selbst. Dabei müssten, heißt es immer wieder, bestimmte grundlegende Sachverhalte unterstellt werden. Was genau bedeutet hier „unterstellen“? Exemplarisch wird in dieser Arbeit Habermas’ Verwendung des Unterstellungsbegriffs und des eng verwandten Voraussetzungsbegriffs nachvollzogen und interpretiertHabermas verwendet seinen Kernbegriff nicht einheitlich, insbesondere unterscheidet er nicht zwischen semantischem und epistemischem Voraussetzungsbegriff. Im Gegensatz zum semantischen Voraussetzungsbegriff, der eine Relation zwischen Sachverhalten beschreibt, kennzeichnet der epistemische Voraussetzungsbegriff eine Relation zwischen einem epistemischen Subjekt und einem Sachverhalt. Mit der Verwendung des Ausdrucks Unterstellung konstruiert Habermas einen internen, konstitutiven Zusammenhang zwischen unserer Kommunikationsfähigkeit und grundlegend verschiedenen propositionalen, epistemischen Einstellungen, ohne dass diese terminologisch voneinander abgegrenzt werden. Handelt es sich um Fiktionen, Hypothesen oder um handfeste Überzeugungen? Der rekonstruierte Zusammenhang erweist sich in Abhängigkeit von der durch das Verb unterstellen jeweils ausgedrückten propositionalen Einstellung – doxastisch-affirmativ, doxastisch-negierende oder nicht-doxastisch - entweder als unverständlich oder als trivial. Die als notwendige Voraussetzungen benannten Unterstellungen haben aufgrund der Semantik des Ausdrucks unterstellen hinsichtlich ihres epistemischen Status’ also keinen klaren Sinn. Damit scheitert a fortiori auch Habermas’ Versuch, notwendige Unterstellungen als schwach transzendentale Grundlage kommunikativen Handelns zu bestimmen. Die Inakzeptanz transzendentaler Argumente – auch in ihrer nicht-metaphysischen, von Habermas favorisierten „schwachen“ Lesart – wird durch die Formulierung „unterstellen müssen“ als Bestandteil des Schlussprinzips oder einer Prämisse transzendentaler Argumente systematisch verschleiert. / The concept of presuppositions is central for transcendental arguments. Transcendental arguments are efforts to validate empirical knowledge more effectively than through empirical knowledge itself. According to widely held views some fundamental propositions have to be presupposed for that purpose. But what – precisely – does “to presuppose something” mean? This paper will exemplarily reconstruct and interpret the use of the concept of presupposition in Jürgen Habermas’ work: Habermas doesn’t use this central concept in a homogeneous, standardized way: In particular he does not distinguish between the semantic and the epistemological concept. In contrast to the semantic concept, which describes a relationship between propositions, the epistemological concept characterizes a relationship between an epistemological subject and a proposition. Moreover, using the term “presupposition”, Habermas constructs an internal, constitutive connection between our ability to communicate and fundamentally different propositional, epistemological attitudes, without distinguishing them from each other. Is it a matter of fictions, hypotheses or beliefs? The reconstructed connection appears to be either incomprehensible or trivial given its dependence on the verb “to presuppose”, which can imply the propositional attitude of doxastic-affirmative, doxastic-negating or non-doxastic. The presuppositions claimed to be essential are not clearly defined in terms of their epistemological status because of the semantics of the term to presuppose. Therefore, Habermas’ attempt to determine essential presuppositions as a transcendental basis for communication also fails a fortiori. The non-acceptance of transcendental arguments – even in their non-metaphysic interpretation favoured by Habermas – is disguised as constituent of the premise of the corpus by the phrase “to have to presuppose”.

De Facto huwelike :

Dercksen, Elsje Jacoba Johanna, Heaton, J. 01 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans, abstract in Afrikaans and English / Die regsposisie van die deelgenote tot 'n de facto huwelik word krities ondersoek met inagneming van die huidige Suid-Afrikaanse regsposisie, oorsigtelike regsvergelyking, die morele argument, en die invloed van die Grondwet van Suid-Afrika. Die verskillende vorme van de facto huwelike in sy bree interpretasie word in oenskou geneem en die volgende verbindings word bespreek: saamwoonverhoudings; inheemsregtelike huwelike; huwelike voortspruitend uit godsdienstige tradisies; en homoseksuele huwelike. Dit word gevind dat die Suid-Afrikaanse regsposisie tans baie onbevredigend is. Sekere voorstelle vir wysigings word aan die hand gedoen, en daar word gewys op die unieke kenmerke van die Suid-Afrikaanse situasie wat in ag geneem moet word in die vorming van 'n nuwe benadering. Dit word bepleit dat die regslui die uitdaging moet aangryp en met innoverende denke 'n nuwe bestel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse reg moet skep wat buigbaar en soepel is, maar terselfdertyd regsekerheid bevorder. / The legal status of the parties to a de facto marriage is investigated, taking into consideration the present South African position, legal comparison, the moral argument, and the influence of the Constitution of South Africa. The different forms of the de facto marriage in its wide interpretation are reviewed and the following relationships are discussed: cohabitation relationships; customary marriages; marriages resulting from religious traditions; and homosexual relationships. It is found that the present South African legal position is very unsatisfactory. Several suggestions for amendments are made, and the unique characteristics of the South African situation to be taken into consideration in forming a new approach, are highlighted. It is pleaded that the legal profession accept the challenge to create, with innovation, a new system for South African law which will be flexible, but, will at the same time ensure certainty in law. / Private Law / LL. M.

The first and second proofs for the world's pre-eternity in al-Ghazali's Tahafut al-falasafah

Mall, Zakariah Dawood 08 1900 (has links)
The Philosophers such as ibn-Sina had maintained that time and space were co-eternal with Allah, emanating by necessity from His Attributes, and not being the results of a deliberate act of creation. This must be the case, for otherwise nothing would have been present to induce Him to create the world after a period of non-existence. Al-Ghazali's refutation of this is that Allah had decreed in pre-eternity that the world would materialize at a future, predetermined date, selecting an instance for its birth from a myriad like-instances by exercising His Free Will and manifesting therewith a cause with a delayed effect. The Philosophers' explanation of local phenomena as resulting from the perpetual motion of the spheres is flawed, since perpetual celestial motions would result in perpetual, not transient phenomena. Time, the measure of motion, does not extend beyond the physical realm. Time, and hence motion, is finite. / Religious Studies and Arabic / M.A. (Ancient Languages & Cultures)

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