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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Assessment of Shoulder Biomechanics during Pull-up Techniques / Bedömning av axelns biomekanik under räckhäv tekniker

Sabioni, Mariah January 2023 (has links)
CrossFit® has gained popularity as a functional training method that caters to individuals with varying levels of fitness, including those with little to no athletic background. Regardless, shoulders represent the highest injury rate in this sport, most frequently associated with pull-up variations. Therefore, ensuring safety during these movements is crucial. This thesis utilized optical motion tracking, force sensors, and Electromyography to measure nine experienced non-professional CrossFit® athletes performing three pull-up techniques used in CrossFit® (strict, kipping, and butterfly). Data were used in musculoskeletal modeling to assess and compare kinematics, kinetics, and muscle activations. Findings were then associated with common injury factors observed in overhead athletes. The novel dataset generated in this study demonstrated excellent repeatability and revealed significant differences between the techniques for most kinematic and kinetic variables, while variations in muscle activations were less systematic. Results indicated shoulder joint angles linked to impingement risk, with the kipping pull-up displaying more prominent risk factors. The butterfly pull-up exhibited extreme angular velocities and negative joint powers; however, direct associations with injuries could not be established. Notably, shoulder joint moments were high in all three techniques, suggesting significant muscle stresses. These results underscore the importance of individualized training load management to mitigate the risk of overuse injuries. Furthermore, the evidence presented in this study supports the importance of maintaining proper mechanics and developing strength before attempting kipping and butterfly pull-ups. The high joint moments, combined with severe positions and velocities observed during these techniques, highlight the necessity of prioritizing foundational strength and technique to minimize injury risks. / CrossFit® har blivit populärt som en funktionell träningsmetod som lockar individueller med olika fitnessnivåer, även de utan tidigare idrottserfarenhet. Trots detta utgör axelskada den högsta skadefrekvensen inom denna sport och är oftast förknippad med räckhäv varianter. Därför är det avgörande att garantera säkra övningarna. Denna studie använde optisk rörelsespårning, kraftsensorer och elektromyografi för att mäta nio tränade icke-professionella CrossFit® atleter utförande av tre olika räckhäv tekniker som används inom CrossFit® (strikta, kipping och butterfly). Data användes för muskuloskeletala modeller för att uppskatta och jämföra kinematik, kinetik och muskelaktivering. Resultaten förknippades med till vanliga skadefaktorer som observeras hos overhead-idrottare. Det nya datasetet som genererades i denna studie visade utmärkt repeterbarhet och avslöjade signifikanta skillnader mellan teknikerna för de flesta kinematiska och kinetiska variablerna, medan variationer i muskelaktiveringar var mindre systematiska. Resultaten visade på axelledens vinklar som var kopplade till inklämningsrisk, där kipping pull-up uppvisade mer framträdande riskfaktorer. Butterfly pull-up uppvisade extrema vinkelhastigheter och negativa ledkrafter; men direkta samband med skador har inte upprättats. Det är anmärkningsvärt att axelledsmomenten var höga i alla tre tekniker, vilket tyder på betydande muskelspänningar. Dessa resultat understryker vikten av individualiserad hantering av träningsbelastning för att minska risken för överbelastningsskador. Dessutom stöder de bevis som presenteras i den här studien vikten av att behålla rätt mekanik och utveckla styrka innan man försöker göra kipping och butterfly pull-ups. De höga ledmomenten i kombination med svåra positioner och hastigheter som observerades under dessa tekniker lyfter fram behovet av att prioritera grundläggande styrka och teknik för att minimera risk för skador.

Skogsfinnarna i arkiven : En undersökning om spåren av skogsfinnarna i de digitaliserade arkiven

Ekman, Sarah January 2023 (has links)
Since the year of 1580 until about the year of 1680 Forest Finns have immigrated to a large part of middle Sweden working mainly with burn-beating but also with cattle raising, hunting and fishing. There have been studies made for quite some time about the Forest Finns family names, last names and location names and also about their food culture, craftsmanship and building constructions. Still there hasn´t seen to be any research about how you can use the digitized archives for further research about Forest Finns and this is where I’ve found an interesting research gap to explore further. This essay has been delimited to the areas of Dalby, Norra Ny and Gräsmark based on Carl Axel Gottlund´s notes on the forest Finnish family names that he recorded in the household records in 1821 within the given area. After this study, it has become clear that the vast majority of sites with forest Finnish settlements contain both Finnish family names and Finnish place names. The vast majority of the sites also had croft remains and stone wall cairns. It has also become clear during this study that the remains of farm buildings can be found at several of these sites. Remains of mills have also been found at several sites while only a few of the sites investigated had a sauna or ria. Barns are also less common on the sites, as are carvings and natural formations. To summarise, the house interrogation lists in the church books that Carl Axel Gottlund has recorded can provide information about the Forest Finnish family names the families have had, and which Forest Finnish place names exist in the area. But the information can also be used to calculate how much of the population in these areas had Forest Finnish roots and how they chose to settle in the areas. the traces of the Forest Finns in the material remains or other cultural heritage remains can give us more information about the building skills of the Forest Finns but also more information about their cultural heritage and living conditions.

Skogsfinnen som studieobjekt : En kulturarvskritisk studie av Gottlunds och Segerstedts bidrag till skapandet av det skogsfinska kulturarvet / The Forest Finns as a Field of Study : A Critical Heritage Study of two Researchers’ Contributions to the Creation of the Cultural Heritage of the Forest Finns

Björkqvist, Josefin January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to illuminate how the 19th century’s researchers Carl Axel Gottlund and Albrekt Segerstedt contributed to the design of the cultural heritage of the Forest Finns in northern Värmland. One book from each author was analyzed: Dagbok öfver mina vandringar på Wermlands och Solörs Finnskogar 1821 (1821/2021) by Gottlund, and Segerstedts samling: skogsfinnarna i Skandinavien: en kommenterad och illustrerad källutgåva (1888/2006) by Segerstedt. Theories from the ethnographic field, the critical heritage field and from the field of scientific theories were all utilized. This study shows that the construction of a cultural heritage can be affected by multiple different factors, and that the researchers’ and their different practices often have a central role.

Una aproximación desde la teoría del reconocimiento intersubjetivo de Axel Honneth al problema de las injusticias epistémicas en la realización de una individualidad plena y autónoma

Barbarán Muñoz, Thulú Gwan 26 September 2017 (has links)
La presente tesis de licenciatura tiene como tema central indagar sobre la posibilidad de una individualidad plena y autónoma en el marco de la teoría de reconocimiento planteado por Axel Honneth. Desde este contexto, nos acercaremos a problemáticas que las injusticias epistémicas representan en el individuo y, asimismo, a la relación existente entre el campo epistémico y las expectativas normativas de una sociedad. El objetivo principal de esta tesis es, por lo tanto, exponer los aportes de la teoría del reconocimiento de Honneth a la realización de un individuo autónomo y destacar la importancia del análisis crítico de las bases epistemológicas que sirven de apoyo a la concepción normativa de una sociedad democrática. La estructura a desarrollar en esta investigación consiste en tres capítulos, cuyos propósitos son los siguientes. En el primer capítulo, se buscará exponer una lectura contemporánea de la obra de Hegel respecto a su concepción del reconocimiento intersubjetivo en miras a comprender la influencia hegeliana en la teoría social de Axel Honneth. En el segundo capítulo se realizará una explicación de la teoría del reconocimiento de Axel Honneth y su planteamiento sobre la autonomía en la sociedad. Finalmente, en el tercer capítulo se presentará el caso de las injusticias epistémicas y se tratará de esclarecer el vínculo entre las base normativa y el campo epistémico de una sociedad democrática.

La philosophie sociale d'Axel Honneth. La théorie de la reconnaissance et l'analyse des pathologies sociales

Gauthier, Mathieu 17 April 2018 (has links)
Tableau d’honneur de la Faculté des études supérieures et postdoctorales, 2010-2011 / Dans ses plus récents travaux, Axel Honneth propose un projet ambitieux : reconstruire la Théorie critique dans le cadre d'une nouvelle philosophie sociale. En reformulant le motif central de la tradition francfortoise en fonction de la théorie de la reconnaissance, il élabore un cadre catégorial susceptible de rendre compte, tant sur le plan descriptif que normatif, des pathologies sociales contemporaines. Honneth vise ainsi à faire valoir un point de vue moral qui puisse nous permettre de critiquer de manière rigoureuse les nouvelles formes d'aliénation définies en terme de mépris social. Cette étude est consacrée aux moyens théoriques par lesquels Honneth entend rendre à nouveau crédible une théorie à la fois normative et descriptive de la société suivant laquelle les pathologies sociales contemporaines peuvent être interprétées en termes de "paradoxes du capitalisme" et de "reconnaissance idéologique".

Tales of Testosterone : A Historical Study of the Science of the Male Hormone in Male Menopause and Homosexuality / Berättelsen om testosteronet : En historisk studie av vetenskapen om det manliga könshormonet inom det manliga klimakteriet och homosexualitet

Karlsson, Therese January 2016 (has links)
Berättelsen om testosteronet. En historisk studie av vetenskapen om det manliga könshormonet inom det manliga klimakteriet och homosexualitet. Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur historien och idéerna om manliga klimakteriet och testosteron är kopplade till de idéer som finns om sexualitet, moral och hur läkarna såg på det manliga klimakteriet. Syftet är också att förstå hur idéerna om det manliga klimakteriet har förändrats från 1920-talet jämfört med idag och hur det har diskuterats under åren av forskare. Vikten av testosteron och vilken roll idéerna om testosteron har spelat är också av betydelse för syftet i denna uppsats. I uppsatsen använder jag sociologen Peter Conrads teori om medikalisering. Conrad beskriver medikalisering genom att säga att det är en process där icke medicinska problem förändras och bli definierade och behandlas som medicinska problem och detta görs vanligen i form av sjukdom och störningar. I den här uppsatsen beskriver jag hur idéer om ett manligt klimakterium utvecklades under perioden 1920-talet – 1960-talet. Jag beskriver de idéer forskarna och läkarna hade om vad ett manligt klimakterium kunde vara. I uppsatsen undersöks även vilken effekt upptäckten av testosteron hade på idéer om det manliga klimakteriet. Debatten som läkarna har haft om det finns ett manligt klimakterium eller inte behandlas även i uppsatsen. I uppsatsen presenterar jag fyra olika svenska läkare och en finsk läkare från perioden 1920-talet – 1960-talet och behandlar deras idéer om det manliga klimakteriet och testosteron. Då diskussionen vänder sig till testosteronet presenterar jag Paul de Kruif som publicerade boken The Male Hormone (1945) och var en av de första att göra reklam för testosteronbehandling. Jag beskriver även medikaliseringen av det manliga klimakteriet och testosteron och varför det manliga klimakteriet och testosteron inte fick samma genomslag som det kvinnliga. I denna uppsats behandlas också förhållandet mellan de manliga könshormonen och homosexualitet. Jag undersöker varför läkare försökte använda testosteron och andra manliga hormon som ”botemedel” av homosexuella män och jag beskriver ett experiment som gjordes på homosexuella av den svenska doktorn Erik Lundberg. / The purpose of this essay is to investigate the history and ideas of the male menopause and testosterone and how they are linked to ideas about sexuality, morality and how the doctors viewed the male menopause. The aim is also to understand how ideas about the male menopause has changed from the 1920’s compared to today and how it has been discussed by scientists. The importance of testosterone and the role the ideas of testosterone have played is also of importance for the purpose of this essay. In the essay, I use the sociologist Peter Conrad's theory of medicalization. Conrad describes medicalization by saying that it is a process where non-medical problems change and become defined and treated as medical problems, and this is usually done in the form of disease and disorders. In this essay, I describe how the ideas of a male menopause evolved in the period 1920’s - 1960’s. I describe the ideas scientists and doctors had about what a male menopause could be. This essay also examines the impact the discovery of testosterone had on ideas about the male menopause. The debate that doctors have had if there is a male menopause or not is also discussed in the essay. In this essay, I present four Swedish doctors and a Finnish doctor from the period 1920’s - 1960’s and their ideas about the male menopause and testosterone. When the discussion turns to testosterone, I present Paul de Kruif who published the book The Male Hormone (1945) and was one of the first to promote testosterone treatment. I also describe the medicalization of male menopause and testosterone and why the male menopause and testosterone did not have the same impact as the female menopause. This essay also discusses the relationship between the male hormone and homosexuality. I examine why doctors tried to use testosterone and other male hormones as a "cure" of gay men and I describe an experiment conducted on homosexuals by the Swedish doctor Erik Lundberg.

Vragrangskikkings ter voorkoming van asmassalasgrens-oorskryding deur padkarweiers in Suid-Afrika

Jacobs, Cornelius Gregorius 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Road Tra c legislation prescribes constraints on the forces/loads which vehicles may exert on the road at contact surfaces or load points. These constraints have bearing on speci c contact surfaces or groups of contact surfaces. The constraints are in the form of maximum force values and maximum ratios, which may exist between forces. The forces exerted by a vehicle on the road is determined by a combination of the vehicle's own mass, dimensional characteristics, and the mass and position of its cargo. The mass and position of the cargo can be modelled by only considering its centroid. The centroid's position is linked to a certain cargo arrangement. It is necessary, in terms of legal constraints, to distinguish between legally permissable- and non-permissable arrangements. Methods are proposed in this dissertation to determine the borders for the position of the centroid according to cargo-mass, for a variety of vehicle con gurations. The determination of borders for the position of the centroid is the result of a three part process. Firstly, the legal limits are translated to mathematical inequalities that must be satis ed for the forces at contact surfaces. Secondly, conservative parametric estimates for the forces, in terms of the position and the mass of the centroid of a given vehicle, must be derived. Finally these estimates are incorporated into the load constraints and an enclosed permissable area for the centroid is found. These position constraints are suitable inputs to solution methods of various cargo arrangement problems. Linear programmes which can solve certain general arrangement problems by utilising the position constraints on the centroid, were successfully developed. Solutions are presented for the arrangement of pallet-freight, as well as the arrangement of cargo units with asymetrical centroids over the length or width of a vehicle's cargo area. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Padvervoerwetgewing skryf grense op kragte/laste voor wat voertuie by kontakoppervlakke of laspunte, op die pad mag uitoefen. Hierdie voorskrifte het betrekking op spesi eke laspunte en groepe van laspunte. Die voorskrifte is in die vorm van maksimum laswaardes by laspunte en maksimum ratio's wat tussen sekere laste mag bestaan. Die laste wat 'n voertuig op die pad uitvoer word bepaal deur 'n kombinasie van die voertuig se eie massa, dimensionele eienskappe, sowel as sy vrag se massa en posisie. Die vrag se massa en posisie kan gemodelleer word deur slegs die massamiddelpunt daarvan te beskou. Die massamiddelpunt se posisie word gekoppel aan 'n bepaalde vragrangskikking. Dit is nodig om, in terme van wetlike voorskrifte, te kan onderskei tussen wetlik toelaatbare en -ontoelaatbare rangskikkings. Metodes word in hierdie proefskrif voorgestel waarmee daar grense vir die posisie van die vragmassamiddelpunt bepaal kan word na gelang van die vragmassa, vir 'n verskeidenheid van voertuigkon gurasies. Die bepaling van grense vir die posisie van die vragmassamiddelpunt is die resultaat van 'n drieledige proses. Eerstens word die wetlike beperkings herlei na wiskundige ongelykhede waarbinne laste by kontakoppervlakke moet val. Tweedens word konserwatiewe parametriese beramings vir die laste verkry in terme van die ligging en massa van die vragmassamiddelpunt vir 'n gegewe voertuig. Laastens word hierdie beramings in die lasbeperkings opgeneem om 'n afgebakende toelaatbare gebied vir die vragmassamiddelpunt se posisie te verkry. Hierdie posisiebeperkings is geskik om as inset te dien in die oplossingmetodes van 'n verskeidenheid van vragrangskikkingsprobleme. Line^ere programme wat sekere algemene rangskikkingsprobleme kan oplos deur die aanwending van posisiebeperkings op die vragmassamiddelpunt, is suksesvol ontwikkel. Oplossings word aangebied vir die rangskikking van paletvrag, asook die rangskikking van vrageenhede met asimmetriese massamiddelpunte oor die lengte of breedte van 'n voertuig se vragarea.

Bulvární tisk jako nový mediální fenomén v postkomunistických zemích / Tabloid as a new medial phenomenom in postcomunist countries

Balatková, Tereza January 2011 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Tabloid media as a new media phenomenon in post communist countries" deals with the tabloid media in comparison with serious media in post communist countries (examples: Poland and Czech Republic). My diploma thesis looks to the tabloid media as a new phenomenon which appeared in this area after the fall of communism. Diploma thesis searches for a historical and social background of the tabloid media with special regard to the middle European region. I chose Czech Republic and Poland as a examples of this region on which I can demonstrate how tabloid media born and developed and how is their situation on the print media market in both countries. First part of every country chapter starts with the historical and social background, which goes from early 18th century until these days. Second part is analytical. This part analysis data of readership and circulation in both countries to find out how is the real position nowadays of main tabloid media on the print media market in both countries. Diploma thesis also offers short content analysis of main tabloid media in Poland and Czech Republic and short graphic analysis of this tabloid media. Everything together putts a complex look to the development and nowadays position of the tabloid media in post communist countries Czech Republic...

Vývoj periodika Sport Magazín v letech 1997-2012 / Development of the Sport Magazin journal in the years 1997-2012

Molitoris, Andreas January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis examines the journal Sport Magazine-a Friday supplement of Daily Sport-from 1997 to 2012. The introductory part of the thesis deals with the history of the journal and its publishing company, using MML research and other surveys to determine which sports were popular among readers and which themes readers prefer in the magazine. The thesis follows the development of the magazine at five-year intervals. It analyses the content of all magazine editions in each of the years 1997, 2002, 2007 and 2012, and attempts to define the range of the magazine - to which sports themes was the magazine devoted, regular sections, and what was the proportion of advertising. In the end, all years are compared and the thesis observes the development of the magazine over the entire fifteen-year period.

Sujeitos de reconhecimento: uma análise dos limites do reconhecimento a partir do julgamento sobre a \"união homoafetiva\" no Brasil / Subjects of recognition: an analysis of the limits of recognition on the judgment of the homo-affective union in Brazil.

Soares, Bruno Martins 03 April 2014 (has links)
Em maio de 2011, o Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF) brasileiro reconheceu o direito à união civil estável entre homossexuais a chamada união homoafetiva , evento celebrado como uma das maiores conquistas do movimento de lésbicas, gays, bissexuais, travestis e transexuais (LGBT) no país, desde seu surgimento em fins da década de 1970. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos uma análise crítica sobre esta conquista, segundo conceitos desenvolvidos por Axel Honneth em sua Teoria do Reconhecimento. A partir do vocabulário moral do reconhecimento, o filósofo identifica a existência de esferas de reconhecimento intersubjetivo institucionalizadas nas formas do amor, do direito e da estima social. Às referidas esferas correspondem formas de desrespeito, experienciadas como frustração às expectativas de reconhecimento, explicitadas em sentimentos de injustiça que carregam em si potenciais normativos que indicam o direcionamento para uma mudança ética e moral na sociedade. A esse processo de formação do desejo e da ação em prol de mudanças ético-morais Honneth atribui o nome de luta por reconhecimento. Com o intuito de atribuir conteúdo às experiências de reconhecimento e desrespeito vivenciadas pelas pessoas cujo comportamento fogem ao padrão heteronormativo, realizamos uma leitura da história recente das homossexualidades no Brasil, de fins do século XIX ao início do século XXI. A partir das expectativas normativas de reconhecimento identificadas nas diversas lutas promovidas pelas homossexualidades no Brasil e com o emprego da metodologia da análise de conteúdo, realizamos uma análise dos votos dos Ministros do STF contidos no acórdão do julgamento sobre a união homoafetiva, referente à Ação de Descumprimento de Preceito Fundamental no 132 e à Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade no 4277, com o intuito de identificarmos se e como as lutas por reconhecimento promovidas por LGBT fizeram-se ouvir pelo STF, bem como o que se compreendeu por união homoafetiva e os limites desse reconhecimento. / In May 2011, the Brazilian Supreme Court recognized the right for homosexuals to stablish civil union the so called homo-affective union an event celebrated as one of the greatest achievements of the lesbians, gays, bisexuals and transgender (LGBT) movement in the country since its emergence in the late 1970s. In this dissertation, we present a critical analysis of this achievement, according to concepts developed by Axel Honneth in his Theory of Recognition. In the moral vocabulary of recognition, the philosopher identifies the existence of spheres of intersubjective recognition which have been institutionalized in the forms of love, law and social esteem. Corresponding to these spheres there are forms of disrespect, experienced as the frustration of expectations of recognition, explicited in the demonstration of feelings of injustice that carry within themselves normative potentials that indicate the direction for an ethical and moral change in society. To this process of formation of desire and action towards ethical and moral changes Honneth assigns the name of struggle for recognition. In order to assign content to the experiences of recognition and disrespect experienced by people whose behavior is beyond the heteronormative standard, we have executed a reading of the recent history of homosexualities in Brazil, from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first century. From the normative expectations of recognition identified in several struggles promoted by homosexualities in Brazil and with the use of the method of content analysis, we have fulfilled an analysis of the votes of the Supreme Court Judges contained in the judgment on the homo-affective union, related to the constitutional remedies called Action for Breach of Fundamental Precept n. 132 and Direct Action of Unconstitutionality n. 4277, in order to identify whether and how the struggles for recognition promoted by LGBT were heard by the Supreme Court, and what is understood by homo-affective union and the limits of this recognition.

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