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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Factors Affecting Crash Severity of Pedestrian and Bicycle Crashes Involving Vehicles at Intersections

Alshehri, Abdulaziz Hebni 20 December 2017 (has links)
No description available.


BEATRIZ BERALDO BATISTA 03 December 2019 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese examina as vinculações entre as dinâmicas do consumo e o movimen-to feminista, elegendo como objeto central de análise as alianças e tensões construí-das entre o consumo de bicicletas e a luta pelo sufrágio feminino – articulação que se deu principalmente nos EUA, durante a segunda metade do século XIX e início do século XX, período que compreende a Primeira Onda do movimento feminista. Enfa-tiza-se o entendimento do consumo moderno-contemporâneo como um fenômeno social e simbólico que será tratado, nesse texto, com aportes teóricos das Ciências Sociais. Na construção da tese pretende-se analisar as razões históricas que motiva-ram as mulheres a clamarem seus direitos civis e de que modo essas reivindicações puderam ser impulsionadas pela via do consumo – apresentando, como reforço de argumentação, alguns outros episódios profícuos dessa parceria. Nessa pesquisa de caráter bibliográfico e documental, serão investigadas, com distanciamento histórico, as mutações nas dinâmicas sociais estabelecidas pela participação efetiva das mulhe-res na cultura do consumo – mudanças traduzidas em maior participação na esfera pública, transformações no vestuário, no comportamento sexual, no acesso à ativida-de acadêmica e, em última instância, na conquista do direito ao voto. Parte-se da premissa de que o consumo, enquanto elemento central na cultura moderno-contemporânea, deve ser estudado não apenas pelo viés econômico, mas também como um importante código social, a fim de que, ao demonstrar suas lógicas, estrutu-ras e significados, torne-se possível compreender os valores, ideologias e modos que orientam as relações humanas. Em um exercício de aproximação entre a atuação polí-tica de mulheres e as suas práticas de consumo, esta tese busca destacar que o estudo das sensibilidades ligadas à temática do consumo pode desnudar ideias e estruturas fundamentais que corroboraram para a construção de um novo paradigma da cidada-nia feminina no século XX. / [en] This thesis examines the connections between the dynamics of consumption and the feminist movement, choosing as the central object of analysis the alliances and tensions built between the consumption of bicycles and the struggle for women s suffrage – an articulation that occurred mainly in the USA during the second half from the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twentieth century, a period that embraces the First Wave of the feminist movement. It is emphasized the understanding of modern-contemporary consumption as a social and symbolic phenomenon that will be treated, in these words, with theoretical contributions from the Social Sciences. In the construction of this thesis we intend to analyze the historical reasons that motivated women to claim their civil rights and how these claims could be driven by the consumption route – presenting, as a reinforcement of argumentation, some other fruitful episodes of this partnership. In this bibliographical and documentary research, the mutations in the social dynamics established by the effective participation of women in the culture of consumption will be investigated with historical distancing – looking for the changes that allowed a greater women’s participation in the public sphere, the transformations in fashion, in the sexual behavior, the academic access activity and, ultimately, the right to vote. It is assumed that consumption, as a central element in modern-contemporary culture, should be studied not only by economic bias, but also as an important social code, so that by demonstrating their logical, structures and meanings, become possible to understand the values, ideologies and ways that guide human relationships. This thesis aims to emphasize that the study of the sensitivities related to the consumption theme can expose fundamental ideas and structures that corroborated the construction of a new paradigm of female citizenship in the twentieth century.

Autonomous Car Overtake Using Model Predictive Control

Vara-Cadillo, Gabriel January 2020 (has links)
Autonomous vehicles have in recent years grownin popularity. An autonomous car has the potential to safelymaneuver in an efficient manner. This in combination with thefocus on increased road safety has put higher emphasis onimplementing an overtaking controller. Model Predictive Control(MPC) is very useful because it can handle linear constraintsand works for autonomous driving. I implemented the controlsystem in Python and did tests on its overtake capability usingdifferent velocities, car distances and initial speeds. Constraintswere implemented so that the autonomous vehicle did not collidewith another vehicle or drive outside the road when overtaking.The results show that a safe overtake could be performed undercertain conditions. The MPC algorithm is proven useful butdifficult to optimize. / Autonoma fordon har lyckats locka till sig mer populäritet under de senaste åren. En autonom bil har möjligheten att manövrera på ett säkert och effektivt sätt. Detta i kombination med ett fokus att öka vägsäkerheten har lagt större press på att implementera reglersystem för omkörningar. Modell prediktiv reglering (MPC) är användbar för den kan hantera linjära bivillkor och fungerar till autonomon körning. Ett reglersystem är implementerat i Python och testades på sin omkörningförmåga med olika hastigheter, avstånd och begynnelse hastigheter. Implementationen utformades med bivillkor som att det autonoma fordonet inte ska krocka med ett annat fordon eller köra utanför vägen i en omkörning. Resultaten visar att det gick att köra om på ett säkert sätt med vissa förutsättningar. MPC algoritmen har visat sig användbar men svår att optimera. / Kandidatexjobb i elektroteknik 2020, KTH, Stockholm

Utveckling av multifunktionell cykelvagn : En studie om ökad lastförmåga i vardagen / Development of a multifunctional bicycle carriage : A studie for increased load capacity in everyday life

Jonasson, Rasmus January 2021 (has links)
Denna rapport behandlar ett projekt för examen inom programmet Högskoleingenjör inom innovationsteknik och design. Projektet genomfördes tillsammans med företaget Atran Velo med målet att utveckla en cykel-/dragvagn som ska integreras med företagets AVS-system. Projektet genomfördes under våren 2021 vid Karlstads universitet och omfattar 22,5 hp. Projektets syfte är att ta fram en vagn som ökar lastförmågan hos en standardcykel. Detta möjliggör att människor kan bruka sin cykel vid flera tillfällen, vilket bidrar till flera positiva aspekter. Genom att transportera sig med cykel i stället för bilen bidrar det till minskade utsläpp. Detta har en positiv påverkan på miljön och klimatet. Det ökar även den fysiska aktiviteten hos människan, vilket bidrar till att individens välmående ökar. Projektet har utgått från produktutvecklingsprocessen med faserna: projektplanering, förstudie, produktspecifikation, konceptgenerering, konceptval, konstruktion, slutprocess och rapportskrivning. I faserna har olika beprövade metoder används.  Projektet resulterade i ett konceptförslag på en vagn och koppling som företaget ska arbeta vidare med efter detta projekt. Vagnen fungerar som både en cykel- och dragvagn som enkelt går att koppla på och av cykeln med en AVS-adapter. Till exempel för att cykla förbi affären och använda vagnen för mathandling. Vagnen har två lastytor som har integrerade AVS-bryggor vilket gör vagnen till en AVS-bärare, med detta menas att vagnen kan användas med företagets olika tillbehör. Vagnen går även att vika ihop för platsbesparing i hemmet för att öka kundvärdet. Vagnen är tillverkad av aluminium för att minimera vikten på produkten och motstå korrosion. / This report deals with a project for a Bachelor of Science in innovation technology and design engineering degree at Karlstad University. The project was conducted on behalf of the company Atran velo. The goal of this project is to develop a bicycle/tractor that is integrated with the company´s AVS-system. The project was carried out during the spring 2021 and comprises 22,5 hp.  The purpose of this project is to develop a trolly that can increase the load capacity when using a standard bicycle. This allows people to use their bicycle on several occasions which contributes to many positive aspects. By taking the bicycle instead of the car it contributes to reduced emission, which has a positive effect on the environment. It can also increase the physical activity of people which contributes to the individual’s health.  The project has been based on the product development process with the phases project planning, pilot study, product specification, concept selection, design, final process, and report writing. In these phases various proven methods have been used.  The result of this project is a concept of a trolley with coupling. The trolley can be used both as a bicycle cart and carriage. It can easily be connected and disconnected from the bicycle, when for example doing grocery shopping. The trolley has two loading surfaces, and both are integrated with AVS - bridges which makes it work like an AVS-carrier. It can also be folded for space saving witch increase customer value. Most of the trolley is made of aluminum which minimize the weight and is corrosion resistance.

Brunnars påverkan på cyklisters körbeteende : En kvantitativ undersökning kring cyklisters körbeteende vid passage av brunnslock på dubbelriktade cykelbanor / Manholes impact on cyclists’ behaviour : A quantitative survey about cyclists’ behaviour when passing by manhole covers on bi-directional cycle paths

Jändel, Simon, Kvarnefalk, Albin January 2021 (has links)
För att uppnå ett hållbart samhälle krävs en omställning av transportsystemet. Region Stockholmsmålsättning är att andelen cykelresor ska mer än dubbleras till år 2030 och stå för 20% av alla resor ilänet. Bristande underhåll och dålig utformning på cykelbanor står för ca 60% av allvarligasingelolyckor på cykel. Denna ökning av cykelresor ställer därmed höga krav på utformning ochunderhåll av cykelinfrastrukturen. För att cykelbanans komfort ska vara god, krävs det attcykelbanan är jämn, vilket kan komma i konflikt med brunnslock, då det ofta uppstår sättningar ibeläggningen omkring brunnarna. Brunnslocken kan upplevas som obehagliga att cykla över och haräven lägre friktion än omkringliggande yta. Detta kan resultera i halka vilket särskilt är påtagligt närvägbanan är fuktig. Brunnslock är vanligt förekommande på cykelbanor, i denna studie inventeradesde centrala delarna av elva regionala cykelstråk och där förekom ca 1200 brunnslock. Dessa var avvarierande storlek, position i cykelbanan och höjdläge jämfört med den omkringliggandebeläggningen. Brunnslock kan vara ett potentiellt hinder på cykelbanor, vilket minskar cykelbananstillgängliga bredd. Cykelbanans tillgängliga bredd är den yta som är funktionellt möjlig att cykla på.Konstruerad bredd är däremot den bredd cykelbanan byggdes med utan hänsyn till eventuellahinder.Syftet med studien är att undersöka ifall brunnslock, specifikt manhålsbrunnar och kabelbrunnar,anses vara ett hinder för cyklister på cykelbanor och hur brunnslocken påverkar den tillgängligabredden på de fyra studieplatserna. Den tillgängliga bredden på studieplatserna jämförs medrekommenderade cykelbanebredder i handböcker. Studien avgränsades för att eftersträvastudieplatsernas likvärdighet och att enbart brunnslockens egenskaper skilde studieplatserna åt. Destuderade brunnslocken var: manhålsbrunn med och utan kant samt kabelbrunn med och utan kant.Studiens resultat visar det finns en skillnad mellan situationer med och utan mötande cyklist.Majoriteten av cyklisterna håller sig till höger om brunnslocken oberoende av möte eller ej möte,vilket kan bero på deras naturliga sidledsposition. När det inte är möte väljer många att cykla tillvänster om brunnslocken. Däremot, i situationer med möte väljer nästan ingen att cykla till vänsterom brunnslocken. Minskningen i antal som cyklar vänster om brunnslocken vid möte motsvararungefär ökningen i antal som cyklar höger om brunnslocken i samma situation. Antalet som cyklaröver brunnslock skiljer sig marginellt mellan situationer med och utan möte. Detta kan tolkas somatt cyklister byter sida om brunnslocken och undviker att cykla över dem. Vid de fyra studieplatsernaär det få som cyklar över brunnslocken vilket gör att dessa brunnslock troligen bör ses som etthinder som minskar den tillgängliga bredden.Det kan konstateras att de undersökta kabelbrunnarna är ett större hinder för cyklister änmanhålsbrunnarna. Brunnslock med kant är ett större hinder än brunnslock utan kant. Fler brunnarbehöver studeras innan det går att dra mer generella slutsatser om brunnslock på cykelbanor. Dettagäller både de undersökta brunnarna och andra sorters brunnar.Den tillgängliga bredden på studieplatserna jämfördes med rekommenderade cykelbanebredder idessa handböcker: VGU, GCM-handboken, Stockholms läns regionala cykelplan, Stockholmscykelplan, Cykeln i staden och Solnas cykelplan. Bredderna som rekommenderas i handböckernauppfylls inte sett till den tillgängliga bredden på studieplatserna. / The transport system must transform to achieve a sustainable society. Region Stockholm's goal is forthe proportion of bicycle trips to more than double by 2030 and account for 20% of all trips in thecounty. Lack of maintenance and poor cycle paths account for about 60% of serious single accidentson bicycles. This increase consequently places high demands on the design and maintenance of thebicycle infrastructure. For the cycle path's comfort to be good, it is required that the cycle pathremains even, which can come into conflict with manhole covers, as subsidence often occur at andaround the manholes. The manhole covers can be experienced as unpleasant to cycle over and havelower friction than the surrounding surface. This can cause skidding, especially if the road surface iswet. Manhole covers are common on cycle paths, in this study 1 200 manhole covers were found onthe central parts of eleven regional cycle paths. These were of varying size, position in the cycle pathand height compared to the surrounding pavement. Manhole covers can be a potential obstacle oncycle paths, which reduces the available width of the cycle path. The available width of the cyclepath is the surface that is functionally possible to cycle on. Constructed width, on the other hand, isthe width the cycle path was built with without regard to any obstacles.The purpose of the study is to investigate whether manhole covers are considered an obstacle forcyclists on cycle paths and how the manhole covers affect the available width of the four study sites.The available width of the study sites is compared with recommended cycle path widths inguidelines. The study was delimited to strive for the equivalence of the study sites and that only theproperties of the manhole covers separated the study sites. Two types of manhole covers werestudied and these two types were also studied with and without edges.The results of the study show that there is a difference between situations with and without anoncoming cyclist. A majority of cyclists stay to the right of the manhole covers regardless ofoncoming cyclist or not, which may be due to their natural lateral position. When there is nooncoming cyclist, many choose to cycle to the left of the manhole covers. However, in situations ofencounter, almost no one chooses to cycle to the left of the manhole covers. The decrease in thenumber of cyclists to the left of the manhole covers at an encounter roughly corresponds to theincrease in the number of cyclists to the right of the manhole covers in the same situation. Thenumber who cycle over manhole covers differs marginally between situations with and withoutoncoming cyclists. This can be interpreted as cyclists changing sides of the manhole covers andavoiding cycling over them. At the four study sites, few people cycle over the manhole covers, whichmeans that these manhole covers should probably be seen as an obstacle that reduces the availablewidth.It can be stated that the manhole covers with edges are a greater obstacle than manhole coverswithout edges. More manholes need to be studied before it is possible to draw more generalconclusions about manhole covers on cycle paths. This applies to both the investigated manholesand other types of manholes.The available width of the study places was compared with the recommended cycle path widths inthese guidelines: “VGU”, “GCM-handboken”, “Stockholm County's regional cycle plan”, “Stockholm'scycle plan”, “Cykeln i staden” and “Solna's cycle plan”. The widths recommended in the guidelinesare not met in terms of the available width of the study places.

日常生活中的科技實踐:以台北市YouBike系統為例 / Practice of Technology in Everyday Life: the YouBike System in Taipei

呂采穎, Lu, Tsai Ying Unknown Date (has links)
市區型公共自行車系統(YouBike)在台北市的發展如何可能?本研究採用行動者網絡理論(Actor-Network Theory)的分析取徑,透過追隨網絡裡人與非人行動者的實作軌跡,攤開YouBike自民國98年至今將近7年的網絡鋪陳,並重新檢視YouBike網絡發生轉變的三個關鍵時刻:技術移轉、重新組裝與創造市場。首先,地方政府作為早期關鍵行動者,藉由一連串的轉譯(translate)工作將全球性的問題化作台北市的問題,從而位移(displace)市場、政府與業界的力量,讓YouBike成為問題的唯一解方。而後信義區試營運時期,捷安特重新配置他方(台北市早期河濱與他國)的公共自行車技術要件,展現出技術自由連結(free association)的特性。最後本文主張,民國101年擴大營運後YouBike所經歷的劇烈轉折,乃因其以專業/業餘市場區分,取代了自行車市場既有的通勤/休閒定位,甚至影響到一般販賣低階車款的自行車零售商。從移轉他方知識,到成為全球公共自行車系統典範之一,YouBike案例亦讓我們看見台灣以代工起家的技術能力創新之可能。 / How is it possible to set up an urban public system such as YouBike in Taipei? According to actor-network theory, I expose the extending passage of YouBike network since 2009, exploring the trajectories of human and non-human actors involved in the process. I highlight three significant moments of the YouBike development: technology transferring, elements reassembling, and market creating. First, by way of translating the global concern to a local debate and mobilizing triple forces of market, government, and industries, as an important translator, Taipei city government advocated the YouBike as the only solution. Second, the Giant Bicycle applied the experience of public bicycle system learning from the abroad and the operation of riverside bike rental system in Taipei to the trial run of YouBike in Xinyi district. It shows a “free association” of technology. Finally, this study argues a dramatic transition of YouBike happened when the system expanded after 2012. YouBike network creates a new market based on professional and amateur bikers that change a traditional idea assuming the YouBiker’s motivation are only for commuting and recreation. Furthermore, this change even decreases sales of low-end bikes. In the making of YouBike, we see how Giant Bicycle is able to transfer abroad knowledge and becomes a paradigm in the global public bicycle business. It has been forecasted the potential of technological innovation in Taiwan (a country starts from OEM).

Advancing Traffic Safety : An evaluation of speed limits, vehicle-bicycle interactions, and I2V systems

Pezo Silvano, Ary January 2016 (has links)
Since the introduction of motor vehicles, the number of fatalities and accidents has been a concern for society.The number of fatalities on roads is amongst the most common causes of mortality worldwide (WHO, 2015).Even in industrialized countries the number of fatalities remains unacceptable. Therefore, in the last decades, anumber of approaches have emerged to support and boost traffic safety towards a system free from fatalities andserious impairment outcomes. ‘Sustainable Safety’ and ‘Vision Zero’ are well-known examples aiming to avoidfatalities within the traffic system and reduce injury severity when a traffic accident is inevitable. However, thenumber of fatalities and seriously injured accidents are still relatively high. More specifically, vulnerable roadusers remain involved in fatal and serious accidents even in industrialized countries. Therefore, further advancesin traffic safety studies are needed. This thesis aims at evaluating the impact of road characteristics, traffic rulesand information provision towards a safer traffic system. The thesis is composed of five scientific papers whichsummarizes the main contributions of this work. / <p>QC 20161109</p>

Potential of built environment interventions involving deployment of public bicycles to increase utilitarian cycling : the case of BIXI in Montreal, Quebec

Fuller, Daniel L. 01 1900 (has links)
Contexte : Les interventions sur l'environnement bâti reliées au transport peuvent contribuer à l'augmentation de la pratique de l'activité physique. En tant qu’intervention, les programmes de vélos en libre-service (PVLS) peuvent contribuer à l’utilisation du vélo. BIXI© (nom qui fusionne les mots BIcyclette et taXI) est un programme de vélos en libre-service implanté à Montréal, au Canada, en mai 2009. Le programme BIXI© met à la disposition des gens 5050 vélos à 405 bornes d’ancrage. Objectif : L'objectif général de cette thèse est d'étudier l'impact d'un programme de vélos en libre-service sur l’utilisation du vélo. Les objectifs spécifiques de la thèse sont de : 1) Estimer la prévalence populationnelle et identifier des variables environnementales, sociodémographiques et comportementales associées à l’utilisation des vélos en libre-service. 2) Estimer l’impact populationnel de l’implantation des vélos en libre-service sur l’utilisation du vélo et les contributions respectives de l’utilisation du vélo pour des fins utilitaires et récréatives à l’utilisation totale du vélo. 3) Estimer l’impact local de l’implantation des vélos en libre-service sur l’utilisation du vélo. Méthodes : Un devis populationnel transversal avec mesures répétées. Des enquêtes ont été réalisées au moment du lancement du programme de vélos en libre-service (4 mai au 10 juin, 2009), à la fin de la première année d’implantation (8 octobre au 12 décembre, 2009), et à la fin de la deuxième année d’implantation (8 novembre au 12 décembre, 2010). Les échantillons se composaient de 2001 (âge moyen = 49,4 années, 56,7 % de femmes), 2502 (âge moyen = 47,8 ans, 61,8 % de femmes) et 2509 (âge moyen = 48,9 années, 59,0 % de femmes) adultes à chaque période de mesure respectivement. Résultats : Globalement, les résultats démontrent le potentiel des PVLS pour augmenter l’utilisation du vélo. Les résultats suggèrent que près de 128 744 habitants ou 8,1 % de la population adulte ont utilisé les vélos BIXI© au moins une fois dans la première saison. Après deux ans d’implantation, ceux qui sont exposés à BIXI© dans leur milieu résidentiel avaient une probabilité significativement plus élevée d’utiliser le vélo par rapport à ceux non exposés. Par contre, il n'y avait aucun impact local de l’implantation du programme BIXI© sur l’utilisation du vélo. Conclusions : L’implantation d'un PVLS à Montréal a augmenté la probabilité d’utiliser le vélo chez les individus habitant près d'une borne d'ancrage. Mots clés : programme de vélos en libre-service, expérience naturelle, santé des populations. / Background: Interventions in transportation and the built environment have the potential to increasing physical activity. Public bicycle share programs (PBSP) are one such intervention which may contribute to increasing cycling and physical activity. BIXI© (name merges the words BIcycle and taXI) is a public bicycle share programs launched in Montreal, Canada in May 2009. BIXI© makes available 5050 bicycles at 405 docking stations. Purpose: The overarching aim of this dissertation is to estimate the impact of a built environment intervention on cycling using. The specific research objectives are: 1) To estimate the population prevalence and identify built environment, sociodemographic and behavioural correlates of public bicycle share program use. 2) To estimate the population level impact of implementing a public bicycle share program on cycling and the contribution of utilitarian and recreational cycling to overall cycling. 3) To estimate the local impact of implementing a public bicycle share program on cycling. Methods: A population-based repeat, cross sectional time series design was used. The population of the Island of Montreal was sampled at three time points. Surveys were conducted at launch of the public bicycle share program (May 4th - June 10th 2009), at the end of the first year of implementation (October 8th - December 12th 2009), and at the end of the second year 2 of implementation (November 8th - December 12th 2010). Samples consisted of 2001 (Mean age=49.4 years, 56.7% female), 2502 (Mean age=47.8 years, 61.8% female), and 2509 (Mean age=48.9 years, 59.0% female) adults at the each time period. Results: Overall the results provide a proof of concept for the potential of PBSPs to increase cycling. Approximately 128,744 inhabitants or 8.1% of the adult population used BIXI© bicycles at least once in the first season. Respondents exposed to BIXI© at their residence after two years had a significantly greater likelihood of all forms cycling. However, there was no local impact of the BIXI© intervention on cycling. Conclusions: The implementation of a PBSP in Montreal had increased all forms of cycling in areas where it was deployed.

Associations entre port du casque, comportements sécuritaires à vélo et habitudes de vie

Champagne, Geneviève 04 1900 (has links)
Introduction : La promotion du port du casque à vélo exige une bonne connaissance des déterminants du port du casque. Objectifs : Estimer l’association entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et le port du casque à vélo dans la population des cyclistes de Montréal et examiner les associations entre le port du casque et les comportements sécuritaires à vélo ainsi que les habitudes de vie. Méthode : Le devis est transversal à mesures répétées, via trois sondages téléphoniques complétés entre 2009 et 2010. L’échantillon analysé comprend 3309 Montréalais de 18 ans et plus ayant fait du vélo au cours des douze derniers mois. Des informations sur le port du casque, les caractéristiques sociodémographiques, les autres comportements sécuritaires à vélo, les habitudes de vie et l’environnement routier ont été recueillies. Des analyses de régression logistique, bivariées et multivariées, ont été réalisées. Résultats : Le port du casque est significativement associé à un revenu et un niveau d’éducation plus élevés, au lieu de naissance (Canada vs hors Canada), à d’autres comportements sécuritaires à vélo, à certaines habitudes de vie (non-fumeur, boire une ou deux consommations alcoolisées quotidiennement vs ne pas boire, ou boire trois consommations ou plus quotidiennement) et à l’absence d’une station de vélo en libre-service proche du lieu de résidence. Conclusion : Le port du casque s’inscrit dans l’ensemble des comportements permettant aux cyclistes de se protéger. La présence d’inégalités sociales devrait être prise en compte dans les interventions de promotion du port du casque. / Background: Cyclists are vulnerable road users. Helmet use may reduce injury severity. Yet, its promotion requires a good knowledge of the determinants related to helmet use. Objectives: The objectives are to estimate the association between sociodemographic characteristics and helmet use among cyclists’ from Montreal and to examine associations between helmet use and safe cycling behaviours as well as lifestyles behaviour. Methods: We used a cross sectional design with repeated measures through three telephone surveys completed in 2009 and 2010. The sample includes 3309 Montrealers aged 18 years and over, who had cycled in the previous 12 months. Information on sociodemographic characteristics, safe cycling behaviours, lifestyles and road environments were collected. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were conducted. Results: Results show associations between wearing a helmet and income, higher level of education, being born in Canada, other safe cycling behaviours, some lifestyles (non-smoking and drinking one or two alcoholic beverages daily vs not drinking, or drinking three alcoholic beverages or more daily) and the absence of public bicycle share docking stations near one’s dwelling. Conclusions: Helmet use is one of the behaviours allowing cyclists to protect themselves. Social inequalities should be considered when developing interventions to promote helmet use among cyclists.

Analýza moči po dynamické zátěži se zaměřením na tubulární markery / Analysis of urine after dynamic load with mean attention on tubular markers

Hrstková, Vladěna January 2014 (has links)
The main focus of our research was to compare changes in ion excretion in urine, osmolality, indicators of exercise-induced proteinuria and tubular markers before and after dynamic exercise on a bicycle ergometer. The test sample consisted of 7 healthy, physically active women aged 27.4 years ( σ = 3.82 ). For dynamic exercise we uniformly set parameters 65 % VO2max and duration of load in 50 minutes. We compared the laboratory results of urine samples taken just before the exercise with urinary samples that we have collected immediately after exercise. The results of our measurements showed a significant changes in exercise-induced urinary sodium ions, creatinine and phosphorus. Statistically insignificant changes excretion was found between markers: chlorine, urine, osmolality, and N-acetyl-beta- d-glucosaminidase. These markers, however, show a trend the significance. Statistically insignificant changes after exercise have shown excretion of urinary markers: potassium, gelatinase-associated lipocalin, neutrophil microalbuminuria and alpha-1-microglobulin. Tubular markers of kidney damage after exercise is not at the reference values, that would indicate the tubular kidney damage.

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