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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le co-branding d'entreprises dans le secteur des services financiers : étude du cas UIB Société Générale / Co-branding of companies in the financial services sector : the study case of UIB Societe Generale

Chaouachi, Sami 21 November 2013 (has links)
La marque n’est plus seulement un signe distinctif, elle est devenue un actif incorporel dont la valeur peut dépasser largement celle de tous les autres actifs réunis d’une entreprise. Le secteur des services financiers tunisien a connu plusieurs opérations de fusions-acquisitions. Ces opérations ont donné l’occasion aux entreprises du secteur de changer de noms et de choisir entre un nouveau nom ou maintenir l’ancien ou préserver les noms des entreprises alliées (co-branding). Le but de ce travail est d’étudier l’impact de cette stratégie de co-branding sur l’attitude des consommateurs (aspect affectif, conatif mais surtout cognitif). La marque-entreprise a été considérée dans cette recherche comme étant une représentation sociale. Afin de comprendre l’effet de la stratégie de co-branding sur l’image de marque il s’agit dès lors d’évaluer l’évolution du noyau central et du système périphérique de cette représentation. / The trademark is no longer considered as a distinctive sign, rather; it has become an intangible asset whose value can far exceed that of all other combined assets of a company. The Tunisian financial services sector has experienced several processes of mergers and acquisitions. These operations have provided an opportunity for companies in the sector to change names and to choose a new name, to maintain the old one or to keep the names of the allied companies (co-branding). The aim of this work is to study the impact of this strategy of co-branding on consumer attitudes (affective, conative and especially cognitive). The brand company in this research was considered as a social representation. In order to understand the impact of the strategy of co-branding on the brand image, it comes to assess the evolution of the central core and the peripheral system of this representation.

Les effets du label sur la qualité perçue, les relations à la marque et le consentement à payer

Chameroy, Fabienne 23 January 2013 (has links)
Ce travail doctoral est une contribution à la compréhension des effets des labels lorsqu’ils sont associés aux marques. Il s’intéresse plus particulièrement aux effets des labels sur la qualité perçue par le consommateur, les relations à la marque et le consentement à payer. La définition de la qualité et la désignation des instances en charge de sa normalisation sont des problématiques historiques dont on retrouve les traces tant dans les principes du droit romain que chez les théologiens médiévistes et, plus récemment, au cœur de la distinction théorique entre les biens ou les attributs de recherche, d’expérience et de croyance. La thèse aspire à dépasser la dyade marque-acheteur. Elle considère que la qualité ne peut être garantie par le seul offreur dans certaines circonstances. Nous inscrivons notre modélisation dans le cadre des enseignements des recherches sur le capital-marque et nous appuyons sur la théorie économique du signal. Les labels, en tant qu’émanation de l’action d’un tiers de confiance permettent de réduire l’asymétrie informationnelle facteur essentiel de la difficulté à estimer la qualité. Le design de notre expérience repose sur un plan factoriel complet de type 4 × 4 (quatre marques, sans label et trois types de label) en inter-sujets. Au total, 1005 acheteurs de marques d’un produit agroalimentaire de grande consommation ont été interrogés sur internet et en face-à-face. Les qualités psychométriques des instruments de mesure sont vérifiées, les interactions entre marque et label sont étudiées par les chemins de causalité et la mesure du consentement à payer est formalisée par une zone d’acceptabilité du prix. Un effet direct du label sur les variables dépendantes est constaté mais lorsque la marque est prise en compte cet effet disparait, mettant ainsi en évidence une médiation totale par la marque. Des effets indirects de médiation en chaîne sont également mesurés, différents d’un label à l’autre et selon la marque à laquelle ils sont associés. Nos résultats conduisent à donner avec prudence de l’importance aux stratégies d’association d’une marque et d’un label. / This doctoral work is a contribution to understand the effects of third-party seals when they are associated with brands. It focuses more precisely on their effects on the perceived quality, the relationship to brand and the willingness to pay. The determination of the quality and the designation of who is revealing it are historical issues which the foundations can be found in the principles of the Roman law, among the theologians medievalists and more recently in the heart of the theoretical distinction between research, experience and credence goods or characteristics. This thesis led to exceed the brand-buyer dyad and consider that the quality cannot be guaranteed by the single buyer, under certain circumstances. We took anchor on the signal theory with reference to research on brand equity. The third-party seals, as a consequence of the action of a trusted third party, can reduce information asymmetries linked to the difficulty to estimate the quality. Our experience is based on a 4 × 4 between-subjects full factorial design (four brands, without label and three types of third-party seals). A sample of 1005 buyers of a fast-moving consumer good was asked on the internet and face-to-face. The psychometric qualities of the measuring instruments are verified, brand-label interactions are studied by the path analysis and the extent of the willingness to pay is formalized by a zone of price acceptability. A direct effect of third-party seals on dependent variable is measured, but when the brand is taken into account this effect disappears, highlighting a total mediation by the brand. Indirect effects of serial multiple mediation are also underlined; the results differ from one third-party seal to another and depending on the brand to which they are associated. Our results lead to give with caution the importance to the association of a brand with a third-party seal.

Measuring the effect of esport sponsorships on brand equity and purchase intentions / En kvantitativ studie om hur esportkonsumenters åsikter och tankar om sponsring kan påverka varumärkeskapital och köpintentioner

Shaw, Kevin January 2019 (has links)
Esport har under de senaste åren vuxit enormt snabbt och kommit att bli ett globalt fenomen. Samtidigt visar de framtida prognoserna att marknaden för esport kommer växa ytterligare, vilket har gjort det attraktivt för varumärken att sponsra lag, event och organisationer. Trots detta kommer det rapporter som menar på att sponsorer fortfarande är tveksamma till att investera inom esporten då det råder en osäkerhet kring hur effektivt det faktiskt är. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur effektivt sponsorskap är inom esport. Studien har ämnat att undersöka detta från ett konsumentperspektiv i syfte att ge större verktyg till företagen för att hjälpa dem att göra medvetna val vid sponsring inom esport. Utifrån syftet har huvudfrågeställningen fastställts:  Är sponsring inom esport en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi när sponsorer vill öka sitt varumärkeskapital? Metoden har utgått från en kvantitativ forskningsdesign där empirin består av fyra olika enkätundersökningar, två nollmätningar och två eftermätningar. Totalt ingick 442 respondenter varav 192 var svenska och 250 var internationella. Respondenterna var avgränsade till att endast inkludera esportkonsumenter som hade för avsikt att titta på och/eller tittade på Dreamhack Open Winter 2018, ett evenemang inom esport som hålls varje år i Jönköping, Sverige. Utifrån resultatet har studien tagit fram slutsatser som är kopplade till frågeställningarna som utformats. Eftermätningen visade att samtliga sponsorers varumärkeskapital ökade efter eventet, vilken visar på att esport kan vara en effektiv marknadsföringsstrategi för varumärken som vill öka sitt varumärkeskapital genom sponsring. Dock har det identifierats att olika varumärken, av olika storlekar sponsrar för olika syften. Fortsättningsvis visar studien att köpintentioner endast ökade för de sponsorer som hade en hög grad av upplevd kvalité samt lojalitet, det finns således ett samband mellan dem. Avslutningsvis visar studien att det fanns en skillnad mellan svenska och internationella esportkonsumenter i deras uppfattningar av sponsorer och att detta kan bero på att svenska respondenter håller starkare och mer gynnsamma associationer gentemot en svensk arrangör som Dreamhack. / Esports have grown rapidly over the last couple of years and have now become a global phenomenon. At the same time forecasts show that the market for esports will continue to grow, which in turn has made it attractive for brands to sponsor teams, events and organizations. Despite all of this there are concerns from several reports which suggest that there are still sponsors who are hesitant to invest in esports because there is an underlying uncertainty regarding how effective it really is. The purpose of the study is to examine how effective sponsorship within esports is. The study has intended to examine this from a consumer perspective for the purpose of providing more tools for companies to help them make conscious choices when sponsoring esports. Based on the purpose of the study, the main issue was established.  Are sponsorships within esports an effective marketing strategy when sponsors want to increase their brand equity? The method was based on a quantitative research design where the empirical data consists of four different surveys, two benchmark measurements and two measurements after the event. A total of 442 respondents participated in the study, 192 of them were Swedish and 250 of them were international. The respondents were limited to only include esports consumers who were either going to watch and/or watched Dreamhack Open Winter 2018, an event within esports that is held every year in Jönköping, Sweden. Based on the results, the study developed a set of empirical findings which were then connected to the issue that had been established. The measures after the event showed that the brand equity of all of the sponsors had increased. This indicates that esports can be an effective marketing strategy for brands that want to increase their brand equity through sponsorships. However, the results showed that brands of different sizes sponsor for different purposes. Further, the study found that purchase intentions only increased for the brands that had a high degree of perceived quality and loyalty, therefore it was concluded that there is a connection between them. In conclusion the study showed that there was a difference between Swedish and international esports consumers in their perception of sponsors. This could depend on the fact that Swedish respondents hold stronger and more favorable associations towards Swedish organizers such as Dreamhack.

台灣資訊業廠商自創國際品牌績效之因素探討 / A Study of the Factors Affecting Performance of Selfowned International Brand for Computer & Electronic Industry in Taiwan.

林卿雯, Lin, Chin-Wen Unknown Date (has links)
台灣廠商長期以OEM方式替國外廠商做低階產品代工,缺乏市場掌握、行銷經驗是重要原因之一,近年台灣OEM訂單流失,廠商紛紛尋求產品升級與自創品牌。藉著多年來累積的競爭優勢和經驗,不少資訊業廠商具有自創品牌,在國際市場上佔相當品牌知名度。台灣若想擺脫MIT次等產品的形象及宿命,非得自創品牌行銷國際。本研究動機為了解影響台灣資訊業廠商成功自創國際品牌的因素及其影響程度,以提供給有心業者做為參考的依據。 經過品牌相關文獻的回顧及廠商專訪後,建立理論架構並以問卷調察的方式,收集到71家臺灣地區有自創品牌外銷國際市場實績資訊業廠商的資料,試圖了解行銷策略及其與地主國特性配合對自創國際品牌績效的影響,行銷策略包括目標市場選擇策略、產品策略、價格定位策略、推廣策略及通路策略;地主國特性包括經濟發展程度與產品來源國形象。由於廠商之產品類別不同,整個關係的呈現也應會有所差異,所以視為干擾變數來處理。 本研究重要結論:1.產品策略,包括產品品質、服務與創新,對自創品牌各績效指標皆有正面貢獻;對資訊業而言,尤其產品創新程度是影響自創品牌績效最重要因素,對每個績效指標皆有顯著影響。2.廠商單獨執行的行銷策略,除了產品策略之外,其他策略對自創品牌績效沒有顯著正面貢獻。建議廠商採取行銷策略時考慮策略之間的互相配合。3.推廣策略及不同目標市場選擇策略對自創品牌績效影響,因廠商類別不同對各績效指標的影響程度也不同。本研究中,推廣活動對資訊業自創品牌績效的影響微乎其微,並不明顯。為了維持品牌知名度與品牌形象,推廣活動經常是品牌廠商很大的支出,因此建議廠商在進行推廣活動時,對於支出需較為謹慎。4.行銷策略與地主國特性配合對自創品牌績效有正面貢獻。當行銷策略與地主國市場經濟發展程度或是來源國形象配合時,由於行銷策略能夠符合市場特性以及行銷策略與產品形象一致,自創品牌績效較佳。

品牌權益與醫師處方行為之關聯性研究-以高血壓藥物為例- / A study of the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior-taking antihypertensive drugs as examples-

顏厥慈, Yen, Chueh Tzu Unknown Date (has links)
一個品牌所創造的「品牌權益」及所產生的附加價值是指一個品牌能使顧客了解這個品牌所具有的品牌知識及形象並形成聯想,進而引起顧客對品牌認同與適當回應而轉化為實際的購買行動並發展出緊密的忠誠關係,使其他的競爭者不容易取代。 許多的消費品已經證實「品牌權益」對使用者購買行為的影響,但在專業的產品,尤其是藉由「第三者代購模式」決定選購的產品,如:醫藥產品,卻少有此方面的研究。本研究針對台灣醫藥業市場長年位居領導地位,具有相同治療適應症的兩種用藥作「品牌權益」及代購者購買行為的關聯性分析。以北部地區醫師為調查對象,請醫師以問卷方式評估兩種品牌的「品牌權益」並分析的哪些「品牌權益」的因素會影響處方行為,結果發現: 一、品牌權益中「品牌顯著」、「品牌績效」及「品牌形象」對醫師處方行為有顯著影響。醫師對兩種品牌的「品牌權益」看法有明顯的不同,且會視服務的對象(病患)個別情狀況而選擇使用不同的品牌。 二、「品牌聯想」中產品利益的功能性及經驗性對醫師處方行為有顯著的影響。本研究中兩種產品上市時間相近,但醫師還是認知Diovan品牌為一較新品牌而Norvasc則是一個使用廣泛且安全性高產品。 三、Diovan此品牌「品牌顯著」和醫師服務科別有明顯的交互作用。不同服務科別醫師明顯表現出會考慮病人狀況,不會將處方Diovan都列為首選藥物。 四、Norvasc此品牌「品牌績效」和醫師執業年資有明顯的交互作用。執業年資在5 ~10 年間醫師對Norvasc使用後療效最認同。 五、醫師對單一品牌使用趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」影響,而在未來繼續使用此品牌則是依據使用後該品牌的品質、可靠度、優越性等因素才決定是否繼續使用該品牌。亦受產品利益象徵性所影響。 六、醫師對兩種品牌選擇使用哪一種品牌的趨勢,在最近六個月主要是受品牌權益中「品牌顯著」與「品牌形象」構面影響,而在未來六個月除了受「品牌顯著」影響外還受「品牌情感」影響。進一步以量化分析,醫師對 Norvasc使用數量在最近 六個月及未來六個月無顯著差異,但對Diovan在未來六個月的使用數量則有顯著 增加。 / A successful brand will lead the consumer to link the brand knowledge and image becoming an associative network memory and drive this memory into consumer’s recognition, and then consumer will transfer the recognition into purchasing action and develop royalty to the brand. This can explain how “Brand Equity” influences consumer behavior and why it can create extra value to minimize competition. Many consumer products have confirmed "Brand Equity" influential power related to the consumers’ purchasing behavior; however, only few studies investigate the professional products, such as: medical products and those will go through "Surrogate-Mediated Shopper” purchasing patterns. Our study selected two prescription products with same therapeutic indications and both maintain leading position among all prescription drugs within pass five years to evaluate the relationship between brand equity and physician's prescription behavior. Our study findings are as follow: 1.“Brand Salience”、“Brand Performance” and “Brand Image ”give influences of physicians’ prescription behavior. Physician can distinguish both brands and will consider individual patient’s status to prescribe different brand. 2. Functional and experimental value of a brand will influence physician’s prescription behavior. In spite less than one year difference of launching time between “Diovan” and “Norvasc”, physician still recognized “Diovan” as a new product while “Norvasc” was a product had been widely used with good safety profile. 3. Physicians serve at different departments showing significant different “Brand Salience” conception of “Diovan”. Physician will depend on patients’ status to choice different anti-hypertensive drugs and “Diovan” is not always the first choice for all hypertensive patients. 4. Physicians have different service years showing significant divergent perception of “Brand Performance” of “Norvasc”. Physicians’ service periods less than 10 years demonstrate most positive recognition of “Norvasc” clinical therapeutic result. 5. Physicians are according to the quality、reliability and superiority of a brand to decide whether continuously using one drug or not. That means “Brand Judgment” is the key influence factor of physician prescription behavior. In addition, it also affected by symbolic value of the brand. 6. Facing two brands trade-off, physicians will base on "Brand Salience” to make decision in the current six months;however, in the future six months,"Brand Feeling” is another key factor that affect physicians’ behavior。Compare with current six months and future six months regarding of prescription quantity, we can find physician will increase prescription quantity of “Diovan” while will not change prescription quantity of “Norvasc”。

消費者為基礎的食品製造商品牌與零售商自有品牌權益之研究 / Consumer-based brand equity of food industry manufacturer brand and retailer private brand

廖怡禎 Unknown Date (has links)
以消費者為基礎的零售市場趨勢變化,重新定義了品牌對於消費者的意涵,使製造商品牌和零售商自有品牌權益的戰爭有了新的趨勢。新的零售概念開始萌芽後,零售商自有品牌逐漸成長,而通常付出代價的是製造商。 本研究試圖由消費者、製造商、與零售商三個不同構面,探討對於品牌權益的認知差異。以消費者為基礎的零售商自有品牌權益認知的問卷調查資料,也依據抽樣樣本的性別、年齡、月收入、教育程度與職業別進行分析,以期能檢視不同消費族群,對於零售商自有品牌主觀認知的差異不同。 研究發現,台灣的消費者對於零售商自有品牌的品牌識別比例高達97.87%;但是對於品牌意涵的回應比例卻低於25%。盡管高達83.45%的消費者認為零售商自有品牌,在未來的發展會有增加的趨勢;但對於高價零售商自有品牌的接受性還是較低。 性別對於零售商自有品牌的主觀認知影響不大。但是年齡差異的影響則明顯不同。雖然三十歲以上的消費者,主觀的認知到零售商自有品牌的產品創新,不過對照其他不同年齡組群,也只有年齡較長的消費者(四十一歲以上的族群),基於對於製造商品牌心理的連結與行為的忠誠度,未來還是選擇不會購買更多的零售商自有品牌產品。顯然的,零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,對於四十一歲以上的理性族群消費者的吸引力仍舊不足;反倒是,商店本身的品牌權益,對於各年齡層的消費者購買行為,都具有正面的效果。 同樣的,消費者的教育程度與自有品牌創新的滿意度成反比。而不同於一般人主觀的認知,高收入的族群對自有品牌產品的滿意度,已經實質的高過其他中低收入族群。 對於零售商自有品牌的趨勢而言,個案中的零售便利商店,都認為自有品牌會是零售商未來的發展方向與趨勢。不過,零售便利商店對於自有品牌創新差異化模式,會因不同零售商而有很大的差異。7-ELEVEN的差異化,是在價值上的創新,價格因素還是主要考量;全家便利商店則認為產品的獨特與創新上的差異,會是吸引消費者購買的重要因素。因此,全家對於自有品牌的品牌權益與價格溢酬,自然會有比較樂觀的看法。而單就自有品牌商品營業額的成長幅度而言,7-ELEVEN和全家便利商店去年分別高達110%與130%。 食品製造商由於主觀認知上的落差,因而忽視來自零售商品牌的威脅所導致的危機。這種狀況或許可透過不同通路系統多樣性的代工模式,進而分散來自零售便利商的威脅與風險。品牌產品製造與自有品牌代工兼容並進的雙軌發展模式,會是製造商生存的策略之一。 零售通路的自有品牌產品,已經得到消費者主觀認知上的注意與肯定。聰明的消費行為,也讓消費者逐漸轉向價值創新的零售商自有品牌,而捨棄了製造商品牌產品。零售商自品牌產品,不再只是市場的低價替代性產品。創新價值的零售商自有品牌產品的品牌權益,賺取了原本屬於製造商品牌的價格溢酬。 低價不是便宜,而是刪除了不合理的價格溢酬。雖然價格是品牌發展的重點,可是價值更是關鍵。零售商自品牌產品『平價奢華』的價值創新,會是感動消費者的價值主張。 消費者已經清楚知覺到零售商自有品牌所提供的品牌價值;零售商也知道自己擁有的通路優勢與經濟的規模,並以產品價值創新與獨特的差異性,積極零售商自有品牌權益的革命。製造商必須注意消費者對於零售商自有品牌權益的認知、與正面自有品牌回應的趨勢,以及零售商的積極品牌打造的企圖心;清楚品牌競爭的事實,以維護製造商產品的品牌權益。 製造商品牌並沒有消失,只是品牌權益已不再是製造商所獨有。零售商自有品牌,會是製造商未來必須面對的最大挑戰。 / Recent change in the consumer-based retail market trend has redefined consumers’ perception of the meaning of brand. War over brand equity between the manufacturer and the retailer has evolved to another level. As retailers’ private brand (PB) takes on a new concept, it is taking a toll at the manufacturer’s expense. This research tries to identify the perception of private brand from three different perspectives: the manufacturer, the retailer, and the consumer. The consumer-based retailers’ PB equity survey data was analyzed for the difference in subjective perspective based on respondents’ gender, age, personal income, level of education, and occupation. The result shows that 97.87% of the respondents recognize the brand identity of retailers’ PB. However, only 25% of the respondents are aware of the brand meaning and actually purchase PB products on a regular basis. 83.45% of the respondents answered positively on the future development of PB, but the majority still can’t accept the notion that retail prices for PB are higher than the manufacturers’ brand (MB). Gender does not seem to be a factor in the consumer’s perception of PB. However, age does have a major influence on the acceptance of the PB for consumers. Although older respondents, 30-years old or older, recognize the competitiveness of PB products for their innovative capability, with the emotional connection and the brand loyalty toward MB, the group of 41-year-olds or older expressed reluctance to purchase more PB products in the future. Obviously brand equity of PB products has yet to develop brand relationship with older consumers to allure them into the shops. On the contrary, brand equity of the retailer shops itself does have a positive influence on the sales of PB products. Consumers’ educational level has a negative effect on the degree of satisfaction in PB product innovation. Furthermore, contrary to general perception, consumers with higher income level registered a higher preference for the PB product as well. Both of the two convenience stores (CVS) in this case study agree with the upward trend of the PB. In fact, in 2009, 7-ELEVEN and FamilyMart each grew an impressive 110% and 130% respectively in sales revenue of their PB products. However, both CVS have very different innovation models in strategic thinking and positioning their stores. 7-ELEVEN focuses more on value innovation and uses pricing as differentiation tactic in the market. On the other hand, FamilyMart puts product innovation and uniqueness as its priority to attract consumers. Manufacturers who choose to ignore the threat of PB may subject themselves to the high risk presented by the burgeoning of such products. One possible solution may be through OEM/ODM of PB for various retailers in order to diversify and minimize possible threats and risks. Production of manufacturers’ own brand and retailers’ private brand in a two-track manufacturing system may well be a strategic way to survive for manufacturers. Consumers are aware of and have recognized the existence of PB in retailer stores. The idea of smart shopping has its own right on the value innovation of PB for the consumer. PB no longer represents cheap products in the retail market. As PB positions itself with higher retail prices, it will possess the brand equity and earn the price premium at the toll of MB. Low pricing does not imply cheap quality but the elimination of excessively unreasonable price premium of a product. Pricing is important to brand development, but value should be the key in establishing the perception of brand quality. Affordable luxury is a value innovation of the PB that creates an irresistible value proposition to touch the heart of consumers. Consumers have clearly perceived the brand value of the PB. Retailers are also aware of the advantages they have with the channel, the scale and scope of economy; as a result, they are vigorously preparing for the battle to redefine the meaning of brand. It is time for manufacturers to change their mindset and face the inconvenient truth of the competition over brand equity. Manufacturers’ brand still has its own right, but the brand equity is no longer monopolized by them. Retailers’ PB has certainly become the strongest competition that manufacturers will need to confront now and in the near future.

公辦民營幼兒園之資源基礎對家長滿意度影響之研究-以品牌權益為中介變項 / The effect of resource base on parental satisfaction of the private management of public kindergarten: the mediating effect of brand equity

張義雄, Chang, I Hsiung Unknown Date (has links)
隨著台灣少子化的衝擊和托育公共化政策推動下,使得幼教經營競爭越趨激烈。政府的公立幼兒園,雖然收費低廉,因為受政府諸多法規與行政制度的制約,常發生經營效率不佳;整體的品質不如私立幼兒園。為了不與民爭利及幼教發展的多元化,於是有了公辦民營幼兒園的政策推動。而有少數一、二家營運不佳而關門大吉,為了使公辦民營幼兒園的政策能更成功推廣下去。本研究想探討造成公辦民營幼兒園經營效率良窳的影響因子,而「家長滿意度」就是幼兒園品質一項重要觀察指標。根據文獻探討得知「資源基礎」和「品牌權益」是影響「家長滿意度」的主要因素,故本研究主要在探討公辦民營幼兒園將投入何種策略性「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」具有影響力,同時也了解「品牌權益」是否具有中介效果? 本研究採用文獻分析法和問卷調查法進行研究。文獻分析法方面分別探討「資源基礎」實施情形、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」三者中,兩兩之間的關係。也進一步探討在公辦民營幼兒園中,「資源基礎」實施情形與「品牌權益」是如何影響「家長滿意度」。而在問卷調查法方面,以「公辦民營幼兒園實施資源基礎、品牌權益與家長滿意度調查問卷」為研究工具,並以大台北地區19家之公辦民營幼兒園之2492為幼兒家長為研究對象,採用便利抽樣方式進行問卷調查,共發放1,833份,剔除無效問卷後,回收有效問卷回收數為1,136份,有效問卷回收率為61.97%。 本研究採用結構方程模式分析方法軟體分別驗證「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之內涵外,也進一步探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之間的關係。本採用SPSS 18.0軟體探討「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」之實施現況及不同背景變項是否對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」有預測效果。 本研究獲致下列結論: 一、公辦民營幼兒園對於「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」備受幼兒家長肯定 二、公辦民營幼兒園的「資源基礎」分別對於「品牌權益」與「家長滿意度」及「品牌權益」對於「家長滿意度」均具有顯著的預測效果 (一)「資源基礎」對「品牌權益」具有顯著正向的直接效果(γ1=0.92) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園落實「資源基礎」將有助於大量提升其「品牌權益」。 (二)「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向的直接效果(β1=0.70) ,此顯示公辦民營幼兒園提高「品牌權益」將有助於大幅改善其「家長滿意度」。 (三)「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著正向但小量的直接效果(γ2=0.25),此顯示加強實施「資源基礎」對於提升「家長滿意度」的直接效果較小。 三、「資源基礎」可透過「品牌權益」對「家長滿意度」具有顯著且大量的中介效果0.64(即0.92*.70=0.64,p<0.001);原本「資源基礎」對「家長滿意度」的直接效果只有0.25,而「資源基礎」對於「家長滿意」之總效果為0.89 (即0.25+0.64=0.89,p<0.001)。 四、背景變項對「資源基礎」、「品牌權益」及「家長滿意度」之效果方面 (一)對於「資源基礎」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數、家庭平均月收入及幼兒園立案年數等5個變項。 (二)對於「品牌權益」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的年齡、教育程度、目前養育的子女數及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 (三)對於「家長滿意度」之構面具有顯著效果之背景變項,計有幼兒家長的性別、年齡、教育程度及幼兒園立案年數等4個變項。 / With the impacts of low-birth rate and the impetus of the public policy of how to make private childcare public, causing the competition of the preshool management become keener and keener. Although the fees of public kindergarden are low, the efficiency of their managements are also low because of the restriction on legislations and the administrative system of the government. Their qualities are also not as the private kindergartens. In order not to compete with the public kindergarden and the diversification of the early childhood education, hence there are the impetus of the private management of public kindergartens. In the cause of successfully spread the private management of public kindergartens, there are also a few closing down.   This study is to explore the cause of the private management of public kindergartens efficiency good or bad of the influence factor, and the parental satisfaction is an important observation index of the kindergarten quality.   According to the literature review, “Resource base” and “Brand equity” is the main factor impact of “Parental satisfaction” . Therefore, this research is to explore the influence of how the kindergarten of private management of public kindergarten put into the strategies of “Resource base” to “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. And also to understand whether “Brand equity” has the intermediate factor or not?   The present study adopted two approaches, including “literature review” and “questionnaire survey”. The study designed the “questionnaire of the Resource base , Brand equity and Parental satisfaction as the instrument. 2,492 Child’s parents in the 19 private management of public kindergartens in Big Taipei area were the population. The study distributed by convenient sampling, and got 1,136 valid samples after gathering and deliting some invalid questionnaires from 1,833 samples. The rate of valid samples is 61.97%.   The study not only took structural equation modeling(SEM) to confirm the contents of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”, but also discuss the relationships of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction”. Moreover, the present study used the software of SPSS 18.0 to understand the current of the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” in the private management of public kindergartens and confirm the contents of the variables of the subjects.   There were some major conclusions made as follows: 1.“Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction' in the private management of public kindergartens are highly accepted by the child’s parents. 2.“Resource base” for the “Brand equity” and “Parental satisfaction” and “Brand equity”in the private for the Parental satisfaction" are significantly predictive. (1)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.92) on “Brand equity”. That is ; the higher degree of the “Resource base” implementations significant is , the higher “Brand equity” is. (2)“Brand equity” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.70) on "Parental satisfaction ". That is , the higher the implement degree of “Brand equity” is , the higher practice degree of "Parental satisfaction ". (3)“Resource base” has the significant and positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”. That is ; strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing “Parental satisfaction” is small effect . 3.Although “Resource base” has positive direct effect (γ1=0.25) on “Parental satisfaction”, strengthening “Resource base” implementation for enhancing "Parental satisfaction" is little effect. “Resource base” has an indirect effect on "Parental satisfaction " through “Brand equity” (the indirect effect size is 0.64) and the total effect is 0.89. In other words , when the “Resource base” is higher, "Parental satisfaction " will be indirectly enhanced by the “Brand equity”. To sum up, “Brand equity” is much of mediating effect between “Resource base” and “Parental satisfaction”. 4.The effects of the context variables on the “Resource base”, “Brand equity” and "Parental satisfaction " are made as follows: (1)5 context variables have significant effects on the “Resource base”. These variables involve age, education, the number of children, and the average household monthly income of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten . (2)4 context variables have significant effects on the “Brand equity”. These variables involve age, education, and the number of children of child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten. (3)4 context variables have significant effects on the "Parental satisfaction ". These variables involve sex. age, and education child’s parents and the year of registered kindergarten.

服務業聯合品牌策略與聯合品牌服務成效對於品牌權益影響之研究 / A study of the influence of service brand equity from co-branding strategies and service performance of the co-brand

彭書婷, Peng, Shu-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,企業開始利用聯合品牌策略、以合作的方式有效提升自身的品牌權益;學術界亦有許多關於聯合品牌的研究,但多專注於產品導向品牌應用該策略的效益,少有以服務導向的聯合品牌為研究對象。本研究從消費者的觀點探討服務業進行聯合品牌策略時,其本身與合作夥伴不同層級的品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效對於企業本身、合作夥伴以及聯合品牌品牌權益的影響。   本研究透過4 x 2準實驗設計的方式進行假說驗證。首先,透過前測篩選出消費者心中最熟悉且兩者之間適配度最高的雞排店與手搖飲料店做為研究情境的素材;進一步操弄四種品牌權益組合(高高、高低、低高與低低)以及聯合品牌的服務成效(成功與失敗),形成八種實驗問卷,共回收257份有效樣本;最後以配對樣本T檢定以及雙因子變異數分析做為研究方法進行資料分析,本研究的研究結果證實: 一、品牌權益組合對於聯合品牌的品牌權益具有顯著影響:   當二母品牌皆具高品牌權益時,該聯合品牌品牌權益將低於合作前二母品牌的品牌權益,反之,聯合品牌的品牌權益將比合作前二母品牌都高;當合作前兩母品牌的品牌權益為一高一低時,聯合品牌的品牌權益將介於二者之間。 二、品牌權益組合對於各母品牌有顯著影響:   當企業與具備較高品牌權益的夥伴合作時,該企業的品牌權益將於合作後提升,反之則下降;當兩企業皆具高品牌權益時,合作後二者品牌權益皆會下降,反之,合作後兩者的品牌權益皆會上升。 三、聯合品牌服務成效對於各母品牌與聯合品牌的品牌權益有顯著的正向效果。 四、品牌權益組合與聯合品牌服務成效之間不具備交互效果。 / Recently, the companies start utilizing the co-branding strategy to efficiently enhance their brand equity. This concept also appear on the academic paper, which focus on most product-intention brands but seldom service-intention ones. This research is to clarify the effects of brand equity mixes and service effects to the mother brands and the co-brand after the co-branding strategy in the aspect of consumers. This research examines the hyposises by 4 x 2 quasi-experiment design. First, after executing the pre-test, this research picked fried-chicken and soft drink stores as the matirials of experiment situation. Then, this research designed 8 versions of questionnaire to manipute 4 brand equity mixes and the service performance of the co-brand. The amount of efficient samples is 257 and the research methods are pair-T test and two-way ANOVA. The research results are: 1. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the co-brand’s brand equity: When two mothers’ brand equity is both high, the co-brand will be lower than its mothers; in contrast, when they are both low, it will higher than them. When one mom is high and the other is low, the brand equity of the son will be between the two. 2. Brand equity mixes have significant effects of the mother brand’s brand equity: When the company co-operate with the one with higher brand equity, its brand equity will rise after co-operating. When both companies are high, they will drop after co-branding; in contrast, when both are low, they will rise. 3. Service performance of the co-brand has significant positive effects to all parties. 4. Brand equity mixes and the service performance of co-brand have no interaction.

Starkare varumärke genom användande av sociala medier : En kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige

Strandh, Joakim, Garcin, Alexander January 2012 (has links)
Problem-definition: How companies work with social media to strengthen their brand equity and what other purposes might lay behind this usage. Purpose: How Volkswagen Sweden use social media in order to strengthen their brand equity. Method: Qualitative case- study of Volkswagen Sweden where a number of respondents will be interviewed with the help of a semi structured interview guide. Theories: A number of theories in the field of brand equity and communication theory will be used in this paper, some of these theories are, Post-model, Social technographics ladder, brand equity and word of mouth. Empiric: A semi-structured interview guide will be shaped from theory and answered through interviews with people who have knowledge within the field. Conclusions: Extracted from the results the research members has identified a number of important factors that business should consider when they work with social media or planning to. They have also answered how business can strengthen their brand equity with social media. / Problemformulering: Hur arbetar företag med sociala medier för att stärka varumärkeskapitalet, samt vilka andra syften kan ligga bakom detta användande.  Syfte: Hur Volkswagen Sverige använder sig av sociala medier för att stärka sitt varumärkeskapital. Metod: Kvalitativ fallstudie av Volkswagen Sverige där ett flertal respondenter intervjuas med hjälp av en semistrukturerad intervjuguide. Teori: Ett flertal teorier inom kommunikation och varumärkesteori har använts, några av dessa är brand equity, post-modellen, social technographics ladder &amp; word of mouth.  Empiri: Semistrukturerade intervjuguider har utifrån teori formats och besvarats genom intervju med personer som besitter kunskap inom ämnesområdet. Slutsats: Utifrån undersökningen som utförts har forskingsmedlemmarna identifierat ett flertal viktiga faktorer för att lyckosamt implementera och arbeta med sociala medier. Samt besvarat frågeställningen hur företag kan stärka varumärkeskapitel genom sociala medier.

全球化下品牌併購策略之研究 / The Brand Acquisition Strategy in the Global Environment

楊宛蓉, Yang, Wan Jung Unknown Date (has links)
受到全球化的影響,人類的生活環境和模式與過往出現了很大的不同,國與國之間無論是文化、經濟、資源的交流方便且頻繁。在商場上,企業要面對的不再只是國內的競爭對手,而是來自全球各地的挑戰。彼此的競爭和合作不再受時空條件限制,規模也不可同日而語。對此,企業要擁有能夠幫助自己建立優勢地位的關鍵性資源,打造出自己的核心競爭能力和差異性,才能脫穎而出,而「品牌」是當前產、官、學界公認有力的武器之一,是企業重要的無形資產。   代工製造利潤式微,兩岸目前在整體產業環境和政府政策上,都出現產業轉型、建立自有品牌、打造國際品牌的產業升級意識,但品牌自創難度和成本極高,是一段漫長且有風險的道路。加上亞洲國家在品牌行銷能力上相對較弱,以及國際對亞洲國家的刻板印象等劣勢因素,亦不利兩岸自創之本土品牌的建立與國際推廣。故近幾年,向外併購歐美知名品牌逐漸形成趨勢。   本研究試圖觀察以併購作為經營發展策略的兩岸企業,在併購活動中所帶有的品牌佈局策略性思維,探討以品牌資產之取得作為併購動機與標的。並以個案研究方式,選擇「安邦保險收購紐約華爾道夫酒店」與「晶華酒店併購麗晶品牌」進行個案分析,從中瞭解併購後如何整合運用該品牌資產,讓品牌權益得以發揮並提升主併企業之核心競爭力,幫助主併企業立足全球市場、永續經營。最後根據分析結果,給予企業關於品牌併購及品牌經營的相關建議。   研究顯示,被併購標的的品牌權益確實會成為主併企業的優勢競爭資源,甚至帶動主併企業本身價值和企業品牌之權益增值。而要收併購綜效,最重要的是必須擁有與經營核心目標相符的品牌策略,並以此帶領整個品牌併購活動的規畫到執行,才能借力使力獲得市場力量。同時,也建議有意發展品牌之企業,除了有品牌專責經營團隊,也要將品牌策略傳遞組織各部門,落實到產品或服務提供的每個環節,以打造成功而強勢的品牌。

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