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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Does size matter?" - En kvalitativ undersökning om påverkande faktorer gällande styrmedel i småföretag

Holm, Martina, Thorstensson, Adam, Wijk, Emma January 2014 (has links)
För att upprätthålla en ekonomisk hållbarhet inom ett företag krävs ett ansvarsfullt företagande inom organisationer, vilket skapar behov av ett systematiskt arbetssätt med ekonomiska styrmedel. Olika styrmedel kan vara relevanta för olika syften, varför valet och användandet av dem är kritiskt att studera. Studien undersöker därför genom en komparativ fallstudie vilka faktorer som påverkar valet och användandet av styrmedel i småföretag i Sverige. Undersökningen resulterar i ett antal faktorer som enligt fallföretagen påverkar hur besluten om styrmedel tas. Dessa faktorer ligger som grund för den modell som skapats. Modellen visar att informationsbehovet hos ledaren är det som påverkar hur valet och användandet sker samt att behovet förändras beroende på företagets och omvärldens karaktär tillsammans med ledarens bakgrund. / Maintaining economic sustainability within a company requires a responsible business organization that creates the need for a systematic approach to economic instruments. Different instruments may be relevant for different purposes and therefor the choice and use of them is critical to study. The study examines, through a comparative case study which factors influence the choice and use of economic instruments in small businesses in Sweden. The survey results in a number of factors that, in the studied companies affects how decisions on financial instruments are made. These factors form the basis of the model created. The model shows that the informational needs of the leader is what influences how the selection and use takes place, and that need is changing depending on the company and the external characteristics along with the background of the leaders.

Повышение конкурентоспособности предприятий малого бизнеса на основе использования маркетинговых инструментов : магистерская диссертация / Increasing the competitiveness of small businesses by the using of marketing tools

Ивачева, Н. А., Ivacheva, N. A. January 2024 (has links)
Целью работы является исследование возможностей повышения конкурентоспособности с использованием маркетинговых инструментов с последующей разработкой методики по повышению конкурентоспособности предприятий малого бизнеса, занимающихся оказанием образовательных услуг в области культуры. Разработанная методика повышения конкурентоспособности позволит малым предприятиям занимающимся оказанием образовательных услуг в области культуры выдержать конкуренцию с использованием доступных маркетинговых инструментов продвижения. / The purpose of the work is to study the possibilities of increasing competitiveness using marketing tools with the development of methods for increasing the competitiveness of public catering enterprises engaged in educational services in the field of culture. The developed methods for increasing competitiveness will allow small businesses to withstand competition with the necessary requirements for educational services in the field of culture using available marketing promotion tools.

Economic Freedom Through Dependencies

Kim, Ki Young January 2024 (has links)
This dissertation argues that we need to reconceive our notions of economic freedom to be bothmore inclusive and worker-centric. The status quo of economic freedom is dominated by the libertarian perspective, which envisions economic freedom as a matter of individuals being unrestricted in the exercise of their sovereign capacities, especially with regards to the state. Such a view of economic freedom does not account for how individual capacities are made possible, neglecting that in modern economic life, it is only through non-sovereign dependencies on others that makes individual economic capacities substantive. Additionally, outcry against injustices in American economic life is primarily framed through the lens of inequality, which too quickly concedes freedom to the libertarian perspective. Chapter one articulates a critique of three libertarian perspectives, arguing that each in its own way is too closely tied to a sovereigntist view of individual capacity, and as such is incapable of offering a more inclusive conception of economic freedom. Chapter two examines the recent neo-republican resurgence, arguing that Philip Pettit’s revival of freedom as non-domination neglects to account for its own logical and practical assumption on a polity that is bounded and stable, making it less credible as a politics of inclusion. The chapter also extends this critique to Alex Gourevitch’s labor republicanism, arguing that casting freedom as non-domination in a more working class mold is insufficient to eliminate its reliance on exclusionary boundaries. Chapter three draws from recent care theory to argue that we should conceive of economic freedom as the enabling conditions of economic agency, which are made possible only through dependencies on others. But even if such dependencies are universally necessary, they are not experienced in an equitable way. The more privileged tend to be in a position to enjoy access to such enabling conditions, which the work of the less privileged makes possible. Transforming economic freedom into a more inclusive value means properly recognizing such contributions. Chapter four examines two case studies from American labor history: garment workers in the early twentieth century, and the more contemporary Los Deliveristas Unidos, who represent delivery cyclists in New York City.

An investigation into management strategies affecting performance of micro, small and medium enterpises (MSMEs) in Kenya

Wanjiku, Lily Njanja 03 1900 (has links)
This research was geared towards the investigation of management strategies (factors) that affect the performance ofMSMEs in Kenya. Many developed countries record a time in history when entrepreneurial activities led to revival of economical growth after decline. This implies MSMEs is a very vital sector especially for a developing country like Kenya. MSMEs stagnate and their performance is uncertain according to writers such as Namusonge, Management inadequacies have been suggested in several studies. The objectives of this research was to, 1. To identifY the critical management factors affecting the performance of MSMEs in Kenya; ii. To establish the process through which managerial factors affect the performance of a MSMEs in Kenya ; m. To determine the integrative effect of various management factors in the MSMES in Kenya; IV. To establish the effect of demographics and management factors on performance, v. To establish effects of external environment on internal management factors A conceptual model was formulated from the literature review showing relationships of the management strategies and the environment they operate in. These relationships became the basis for the hypotheses which were later tested. In chapter 4, a mini research (pilot study) was conducted in May 2007,whose main aim was to test the reliability and validity of the research instruments. The 36 questionnaires returned were analysed through descriptive method. Results obtained indicated the instruments were reliable and the results valid. A few corrections suggested were made. The major correction was addition of question 35 to collect financial information. The data collection was done between mid August and mid October 2007.In chapter 5, the researcher analysesd the results of the survey after receiving 180 questionnaires. Time was a constraint. In chapter 6, the hypotheses and conceptual model were analysed and the results obtained suggested that, most strategies did not affect the profitability separately but severally. The integrated effect of the management strategies and the associated factors had a higher impact on performance of the MSMES than any individual strategies. In chapter 7, the conclusions, summaries and Recommendations are given. / Business Management / D. Com. (Business Management and Policy)

A decision model for contracting out local government services in a South African context

Slot, Paul Johan 06 1900 (has links)
Business management / M. Com. (Business management)

'n Ondersoek na 'n kerklike konsultasiebediening

Bergh, Willem Johannes 08 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--University of Stellenbosch, 1995. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: We live in an age characterised by constant and accelerating change. In the secular world the competition among businesses is so intense that change, adaptation and reorientation have become indispensable to the survival of any large organisation. Organisational management has developed into a science with professional advisors (known as consultants) who are employed on a full-time basis. The Church is an integral part of society and cannot distance itself from the latter. This calls for adaptation and reorientation within the Church as well. However, it has become increasingly evident that within the various denominational Churches no effective mechanisms exist by means of which parishes and synods can be supported in the process of transformation. Church consultants have begun to address this need. Consequently, a new discipline has emerged which employs the methods developed in the secular sciences of management and related, as well as supportive, fields of study. It is important to remember, though, that the Church is a unique kind of organisation with its own nature and identity. Any consultation which does not take this into consideration, is not reliable. For this reason, experts in the field of Practical Theology are studying the entire phenomenon of consultation from a theological point of view. In South Africa, the idea of consultation has also taken root as this kind of service has established itself spontaneously and in an unstructured manner. At present it is being done on an increasingly professional basis, and there are church members who have taken on this task as a full-time ministry. The time has, therefore, come for us to explore, describe and evaluate this issue. This study endeavours to analyse and give a critical account of consultation from a South African - and specifically the Dutch Reformed Church - standpoint. The ultimate aim is to attempt to lay down guidelines which should give theological and structural direction to the development of this kind of ministry within the Dutch Reformed Church. Consequently, this study strives to define the theological principles fundamental to consultation. It has established that the guidance of faith-communities towards change is a basic principle in Scripture. Hence, the Church is seen as an organisation, as well as an organism, and the study emphasises that consultation will have to take into account both these aspects. The development of consultational ministry is reviewed critically by tracing the history and activities of various leading consulting bodies in the U.S.A., Germany and the Netherlands. The course of the process of consultation - a dynamic and interactive process which moves through distinctive stages - has been carefully plotted. Parish involvement seems to be a basic prerequisite in this process. The critical analysis of all the available information is followed by carefully detailed guidelines for parish consultation in South Africa. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die tyd waarin ons lewe word gekenmerk deur versnelde verandering. In die sekulere wereld is die kompetisie tussen ondernemings so sterk dat verandering, aanpassing en herorientering deel van die bestaanswyse en agenda van groot organisasies geword het. Die organisasie wat nie hieraan aandag gee nie, verdwyn. Organisasiebestuur het 'n wetenskap geword met professionele raadgewers wat as konsultante bekend staan as 'n voltydse beroep. Die kerk kan hom nie van die samelewing waarin hy hom bevind, losmaak nie. Ook die kerk moet aanpassings maak en herorienteer in 'n veranderende wereld. Dit het algaande duidelik geword dot daar binne die kerkverband nie effektiewe meganismes bestaan wat gemeentes en groter kerkvergaderings kan help met die proses van aanpassing nie. Kerklike konsultante het algaande in hierdie behoefte begin voorsien.Dit is 'n nuwe dissipline wat met metodieke werk wat in die sekulere wereld in die bestuurswetenskappe en ander ondersteunende dissiplines ontwikkel is. Die kerk is egter 'n unieke tipe organisasie met 'n eie aard en identiteit. Konsultasie wat dit nie in ag neem nie, sal onbetroubaor wees. Daar word dus teologies en krities hieroor besin binne die vakgebied van die Praktiese Teologie. Ook in Suid-Afrika is konsultasie 'n term wat besig is om pos te vat omdat hierdie bediening algaande spontaan en ongestruktureerd sy voete begin vind het. Tans word dit op 'n al meer professionele wyse gedoen en is daar gelowiges wat dit as 'n voltydse bediening begin bedryf. Dit het tyd geword om die aangeleentheid te verken, te beskryf en standpunt daaroor in te neem. Die studie wil uit 'n Suid-Afrikaanse en, spesifiek gereformeerde gesigspunt die saak rondom konsultasie krities beskryf en analiseer. Die uiteindelike doelwit is om riglyne te probeer neerle wat teologies en struktureel rigting kan verskaf aan die ontwikkeling van die bediening binne die Nederduitse Gereformeerde Kerk. Die studie poog gevolglik om 'n greep te kry op die teologiese beginsels waaroor dit in konsultasie gaan. Dit bevind dat die begeleiding van geloofsgemeenskappe tot verandering 'n wesentlike beginsel in die Skrif is. Voorts beskryf dit die kerk vanuit die hoek van organisasie en organisme en beklemtoon dit die feit dat konsultasie met albei hierdie perspektiewe sal moet rekening hou. Die ontwikkeling van die konsultasiebediening word krities bespreek deur die geskiedenis en funksionering van verskeie van die toonaangewende konsultasie-instansies in die VSA, Duitsland en Nederland na te gaan. Die verloop van die konsultasieproses as dinamiese en interaktiewe gebeure wat deur verskillende fases beweeg, word uiteengesit. Gemeentebetrokkenheid in die konsultasieproses blyk 'n basiese uitgangspunt te wees. Na 'n kritiese analise van al die gegewens word riglyne vir 'n Suid-Afrikaanse gemeentelike konsultasiebediening uiteengesit.

The effects of Department of Defense acquisition reform on women-owned small businesses and small disadvantaged businesses

Stricker, Bette Eckard 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / This study examines the effects of acquisition reform on Women-Owned Small Businesses (WOSBs) and Small Disadvantaged Businesses (SDBs) who contracted with DOD during the 1990s through 2002 timeframe. Review and analysis of DOD data for fiscal years 1992 through 2002, an analysis of websites and acquisition literature, and interviews with DOD contracting and small business specialists provided the basis for this study. It identifies acquisition reform legislation enacted in the 1990s that has had a direct impact on WOSBs and SDBs and examines the charge that the practice of contract bundling has negatively impacted the ability of small businesses to win DOD contracts. An analysis of contract bundling data from the Small Business Office of Advocacy, Congress and DOD demonstrates that the data is insufficient and inconsistent to prove or disprove that contract bundling is negatively impacting small businesses. However, DOD data for fiscal years 1992 through 2002 indicates that DOD contracting with WOSBs improved consistently, particularly after enactment of the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act (FASA) of 1994 which mandated that the federal government, inclusive of DOD, award five percent of total yearly procurement dollars to WOSBs. / Civilian, United States Army

Contraintes institutionnelles et réglementaires et le secteur informel à Djibouti / Institutional and regulatory and the informal sector in Djibouti

Mahamoud Houssein, Ismael 19 September 2008 (has links)
Cette thèse vise à identifier les contraintes institutionnelles et réglementaires qui limitent le développement des unités informelles à Djibouti en faisant à la fois une analyse microéconomique et macroéconomique. L’examen des institutions montre que des habitudes (corruption, passe droit) en matière de règlement de l’administration créent des coûts de transaction et obligent les micro-entreprises à se réfugier dans le secteur informel. Un modèle de régression montre que la qualité de la justice (mesurée par l’indicateur de Rule of Law de la Banque mondiale) est une variable déterminante pour expliquer le poids de l’économie non observée et donc celui du secteur informel, dans le PIB officiel. La dynamique des micro-entreprises est appréhendée à partir de 2 enquêtes (2001 et 2005) portant sur le même échantillon. L’analyse de la mobilité à l’aide de matrices de transition révèle l’existence non pas d’un seul seuil infranchissable, mais plutôt de trois (1 actif, 2-5 actifs, 6-9 actifs et 10 actifs et plus) et confirme la thèse du «missing-middle». L’analyse factorielle discriminante indique que la légalité est une variable déterminante pour expliquer le blocage apparent des micro-entreprises au-delà de 6 à 9 actifs. Enfin, l’enquête 2007 sur les activités de transfert d’argents (hawalas) montre leur impact important sur le plan macroéconomique ; elle suggère la prise en compte de la spécificité et de l’utilité de ces institutions comme un dispositif complémentaire aux banques dont l’intégration dans le système financier formel devrait être facilitée. / This research seeks to detect the institutional and regulatory constraints that limit the development of informal units in Djibouti by both the macroeconomic and microeconomic analysis. The review shows that institutional habits (corruption, going right) in regulation created transaction costs and force small businesses to take refuge in the informal sector. A regression model shows that the quality of justice (as measured by this indicator of Rule of Law of the World Bank) is a determining variable in explaining the weight of the non-observed economy and hence the informal sector in GDP official. The dynamics of micro-enterprises is approached from 2 surveys (2001 and 2005) on the same sample. The analysis of mobility through transition matrices reveals the existence of three thresholds (1 employee, 2-5 employees, 6-9 employees and 10 employees and more) and not only one single threshold, albeit it confirms the thesis of «missing-middle». The discriminating factor analysis indicates that the law is a crucial variable that explains the apparent blocking of micro-enterprises beyond 6 to 9 employees. Finally, the 2007 survey on the money transfer activities (hawalas) shows that these institutions have a significant impact on the macroeconomic level and suggests that their usefulness and specificity should be taken into account in order to integrate this banking device within the formal financial system.

La performance financière des cliniques privées entre déterminants invariants et contingents : étude de 463 cliniques privées françaises de court séjour / The Financial Performance of Private Clinics : a Study of 463 French Private Short-Stay Clinics

Veran, Lucile 26 January 2012 (has links)
Sous l’effet d’une concurrence de plus en plus forte et d’un nouveau système de tarification, les cliniques privées de court séjour françaises sont confrontées à des contraintes économiques de plus en plus nombreuses auxquelles elles tentent de s’adapter. Cette recherche a pour objet d’identifier quels sont les déterminants organisationnels et stratégiques de la performance financière des cliniques privées. Une revue de littérature française et étrangère conduite sur la performance des établissements de santé a révélé la présence de nombreux déterminants de la performance financière. Pour identifier les facteurs influençant celle des cliniques privées, une étude statistique a été réalisée sur la totalité des cliniques privées françaises de court séjour dont les données sont exploitables, soit 463 établissements. Les résultats des statistiques montrent que la performance financière des cliniques privées, mesurée par un score financier et par les ratios financiers le composant, subit l’impact de variables que les directeurs d’établissements peuvent influencer à moyen et à long terme. Le volume et la productivité de la masse salariale employée par les établissements, le volume d’activité, la présence d’un projet stratégique bien défini et dont la mise en œuvre est effective, ainsi que la qualité des soins, celle-ci étant mesurée par les résultats des cliniques privées sur les différentes démarches d’amélioration de la qualité des soins, sont des facteurs qui présentent un fort impact sur la performance financière. / Private short-stay clinics are confronted with increasing economic constraints, to which they are trying to adapt, due to stronger competition and a new system of pricing. This research identifies which are the organizational determinents and financial performance strategies of private clinics. A review of French and foreign literature pertaining to the performance of these health establishments revealed the presence of numerous determinents of the financial performance. To identify the factors influencing the private clinics, a statistical study was performed on 463 French short-term clinics, where the relevent data was available. The results of these statistics indicated that the financial performance of these clinics, as measured by financial scores and ratios, underwent an influential impact in the short and long term. The productivity of the paid employees, the volume of activity, the presence of a well-defined and effective strategic project, so that the quality of the care given, as measured by the results of these clinics on different steps towards improvement on the quality of care, are the factors which presented a strong impact on the financial performance.

Finansiell bootstrapping i småföretag : en kvantitativ studie om hur infödda företagare och invandrarföretagares sociala samt professionella nätverk påverkar valet av finansiell bootstrapping.

Mauritzson, Albin, Mauritzson, Oskar January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva hur styrkan i småföretags sociala och professionella nätverk påverkar valet av finansiell bootsrapping, med företagarens ursprung som betingad faktor. Målet med studien är att introducera och ge en generell översikt över orsakssambandet mellan de berörda koncepten. En undersökning genomfördes bland småföretag i Sverige för att identifiera det sociala och professionella nätverkets påverkan på finansiell bootstraping. I undersökningen antogs företagarens ursprung ha en modererande roll. Dessutom ingick en rad kontrollvariabler för att undersöka deras effekt på orsakssambandet. Sålunda ger det en djupare insikt om vilka underliggande individuella och organisatoriska attribut som påverkar företagares val av finansiell bootstrapping. En utökad kunskap för fenomenet finansiell bootstrapping kan ses som ett konkurrenskraftigt hjälpmedel vid egenföretagande. Framförallt blir det påtagligt för småföretagare som stöter på hinder i anskaffningen av externt finansiellt kapital. Denna uppsats baserades på 136 frågeformulär som returneras från småföretagare som är etablerade på den svenska marknaden. Medan resultatet bekräftar vikten av finansiell bootstrapping för småföretag, identifieras ursprungsskillnader i användningen av olika finansiella bootstrappingmetoder. Dessutom identifieras variationer i invandrare och inföddas användning av sociala och professionella nätverk. Vidare upptäcker vi att styrkan i småföretags nätverk har en positiv påverkan på finansiell bootstrapping. Däremot när ursprung antas ha en modererande effekt ges blandade resultat. Sålunda indikerar resultatet på att det finns vissa likheter i invandrare och infödda företagares finansieringsbeteende

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