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Gezielte Behandlung von Cannabisstörungen - Das modulare, kognitiv-behaviorale Entwöhnungsprogramm "CANDIS"Hoch, Eva, Noack, René, Rohrbacher, Heike, Pixa, Anja, Henker, Jana, Bühringer, Gerhard, Wittchen, Hans-Ulrich 19 February 2013 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Cannabismissbruk - hur är detta relaterat till unga vuxnas övriga problem? : En jämförande studie utifrån ASI-data i Jönköpings län.Kåhlman, Hanna, Selmani, Ardiana January 2013 (has links)
Cannabis är den vanligaste illegala drogen bland unga vuxna i Sverige. Det är en omdebatterad drog, debatterna handlar ofta om huruvida cannabis effekter är negativa eller inte. Detta examensarbete undersöker om det finns skillnader i problemnivå inom olika livsområden beroende på grad av cannabisbruk. Examensarbetet är en kvantitativstudie som genom ett antal statistiska analyser jämför tre grupper av unga vuxna samt predicerar sannolikheten för vilka som löper störst risk att vara regelbundna cannabisanvändare. Resultatet tyder på att problemnivån ökar inom flera livsområden beroende på grad av cannabisbruk. Högre involvering i cannabisbruk är förknippat med högre problemnivå i psykisk hälsa, narkotikabruk, narkotikabrott samt hereditet för narkotika. Vidare visar resultatet att faktorer som att vara man, bo i storstad och hereditet för narkotika är riskfaktorer som kan predicera ett regelbundet cannabisbruk. Examensarbetets slutsatser ger stöd för att ökad cannabisinvolvering tycks medverka till missbruk av andra illegala droger och tycks ha negativ påverkanseffekt på psykisk hälsa samt att benägenhet till brottslighet snarare har att göra med selektion än med involvering i cannabisbruk. / Cannabis is the most commonly used illicit drug among young adults in Sweden. It is a controversial drug, the debates about cannabis are often about whether cannabis effects are negative or not. This thesis examines whether there are differences in the level of problems in different areas of life depending on the extent of cannabis use. The thesis is a quantitative study by a number of statistical analyzes comparing three groups of young adults, and predicts the probability of which ones are most likely to be regular cannabis users. The results suggest that in many areas of life the problem level is increasing, depending on the extent of cannabis use. Higher involvement in cannabis use is associated with problems of higher levels in mental health, drug use, drug and family history of narcotics. Furthermore, the results show that factors such as being male, living in a big city and family history of illicit drugs are risk factors that can predict a regular cannabis use. The findings of the thesis provide support for that increased cannabis involvement seems to contribute to the abuse of other illicit drugs and seem to have a negative impact on mental health, and at last that the tendency to commit crime has rather to do with personality factors than cannabis use.
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Genetic Analysis of Lignification and Secondary Wall Development in Bast Fibers of Industrial Hemp (Cannabis sativa)Koziel, Susan P. Unknown Date
No description available.
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Inégalités de genre et inégalités sociales dans les usages de drogues en FranceLegleye, Stéphane 17 November 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les usages de produits psychoactifs contribuent fortement aux inégalités sociales de santé et sont aussi inégalement distribués suivant le sexe. En utilisant des enquêtes en population générale et adolescente, ce travail montre que les écarts de consommations d'alcool, de tabac, de cannabis et d'autres drogues illicites entre hommes et femmes varient suivant le milieu social, la génération de naissance, le statut scolaire et professionnel et les conditions de travail. Parmi les adolescents, les écarts de consommations entre garçons et filles dépendent moins du milieu social qu'à l'âge adulte, mais les risques d'expérimenter puis de progresser vers des usages fréquents ou problématiques en dépendent au contraire fortement. Ces résultats montrent que les différences d'usages entre hommes et femmes sont des différences de genre, socialement construites et en lien avec le système des inégalités sociales ; ils présentent également quelques déterminants des trajectoires d'usages de drogues.
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Adolescent substance use and risk of psychosis in the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986Mustonen, A. (Antti) 25 September 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between adolescent substance use and psychosis in later life, after taking into account a wide range of known confounders, using data from the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986 (N
= 9432).
Adolescence is a vulnerable neurodevelopmental period, during which many brain maturation processes take place. Substance use during this critical period may disrupt these processes, ultimately leading to mental health problems. Several meta-analyses have demonstrated associations between cannabis use and tobacco smoking and increased risk of psychotic disorders. However, lack of data on the temporal order of the association and uncertainty in relation to the role of confounding factors warranted further studies. Furthermore, there are no longitudinal studies on the association between adolescent inhalant use and psychotic disorders.
The study sample consisted of the Northern Finland Birth Cohort 1986. There were 7344 adolescents who participated in the follow-up study in 2001-2002, when they were aged 15-16 years. Adolescents who answered the questions on substance use and psychotic experiences (PROD-screen) were included in the present study. The final sample included 6542 subjects.
In this study, an increased risk of psychosis was found in those subjects who had used cannabis five times or more, smoked 10 or more cigarettes daily or had used inhalants 2-4 times or more. Each of these substances were associated with psychosis in a dose-response manner, even after adjustments for confounders. In addition, initiation of daily smoking at 13 years of age or earlier was associated with increased risk of psychosis compared to later initiation.
In this comprehensive longitudinal population-based study, frequent cannabis use, daily tobacco smoking and frequent inhalant use in adolescence were independently associated with increased risk of incident psychosis, even after adjusting for confounders such as baseline psychotic experiences, other substance use and history of parental psychosis and substance abuse disorder. The results supply yet another reason to implement effective prevention strategies. / Tiivistelmä
Väitöstutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää, onko teini-iän päihteidenkäytöllä yhteyttä psykoosiin sairastumiseen senkin jälkeen, kun sekoittavat tekijät on huomioitu. Aineistona käytettiin vuoden 1986 Pohjois- Suomen syntymäkohorttia (N = 9 432).
Teini-iässä aivot muovautuvat ja kypsyvät nopeasti, minkä vuoksi se on erityisen herkkää aikaa päihteiden haitallisille vaikutuksille. Nuorena aloitettu päihteidenkäyttö saattaa häiritä aivojen kypsymistä, ja kehityksen häiriintyminen voi myöhemmin altistaa mielenterveysongelmille. Aiempien tutkimusten pohjalta tiedetään, että kannabiksen käyttö ja tupakointi ovat yhteydessä korkeampaan riskiin sairastua psykoosiin. Päihteidenkäytön ja psykoosiin sairastumisen välistä ajallista yhteyttä ei olla kuitenkaan aiemmin kyetty tutkimaan vakuuttavasti, eikä huomioon ole otettu nuoruuden aikaisia psykoottisia kokemuksia. Inhalanttien käytön eli imppaamisen yhteydestä psykoosiriskiin ei ole julkaistu yhtään pitkittäistutkimusta.
Tutkimusaineisto koostui Pohjois-Suomen syntymäkohortista vuodelta 1986. Vuosina 2001–2002 järjestettyyn seurantatutkimukseen osallistui 7344 15–16- vuotiasta nuorta. Lopullisessa otoksessa (n=6542) huomioitiin henkilöt, jotka vastasivat kysymyksiin psykoottisista kokemuksista ja päihteidenkäytöstä.
Kannabiksen käyttö 5 kertaa tai enemmän, päivittäinen tupakointi 10 savuketta tai enemmän ja inhalanttien käyttö 2-4 kertaa tai enemmän olivat yhteydessä korkeampaan riskiin sairastua psykoosiin seurannan aikana sekoittavien tekijöiden huomioimisenkin jälkeen. Tutkittujen päihteiden käyttö kasvatti psykoosiin sairastumisen riskiä päihteen käyttömäärän mukaan. Lisäksi päivittäisen tupakoinnin aloittaminen 13-vuotiaana tai aiemmin oli yhteydessä korkeampaan psykoosiriskiin tupakoinnin myöhemmin aloittaneisiin verrattuna.
Tässä suuressa pitkittäisessä, yleisväestöön perustuvassa tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että toistuva kannabiksen käyttö, päivittäinen ja runsas tupakointi sekä toistuva inhalanttien käyttö teini-iässä olivat itsenäisesti yhteydessä kohonneeseen psykoosiriskiin, vaikka aiemmat psykoottiset kokemukset, muu päihdekäyttö, vanhempien psykoosisairaudet ja päihdeongelmat otettiin huomioon. Tulosten perusteella nuorten runsaan päihteidenkäytön ennaltaehkäisy on tärkeää ja sillä on todennäköisesti positiivisia vaikutuksia nuorten mielenterveyteen.
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Avaliação do desempenho de um questionário para detectar o uso de maconha e cocaína em uma população carcerária de São Paulo / Performance evaluation of a questionnaire to detect use of marijuana and cocaine in a prison population of Sao PauloMaria Claudia de Mattos Fabiani 13 August 2010 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O instrumento escolhido para coleta de informações em uma investigação científica tem de ser capaz de traduzir, com boa precisão, a realidade estudada. Neste estudo, foi analisado o desempenho de um questionário para avaliar o consumo de drogas na prisão confrontando o relato dos entrevistados com a análise toxicológica de urina. METODOLOGIA: Foi realizado um estudo observacional transversal em setembro de 2007, numa unidade prisional masculina, localizada no estado de São Paulo. Os detentos foram entrevistados e submetidos à coleta de urina para detecção qualitativa de canabinóides e de cocaína, utilizando análise por imunoensaio enzimático. Foram selecionadas duas questões; a primeira sobre uso de drogas e, a segunda, mais específica, que identifica o padrão de uso da maconha e da cocaína na prisão. Para avaliar a capacidade destas questões em identificar corretamente os indivíduos que usam drogas na prisão, foram comparadas as respostas com os resultados de exame de urina (padrão ouro) e calculadas a sensibilidade e a especificidade. Entrevistador, período em que foi realizada a entrevista, faixa etária dos entrevistados, tempo de presídio, situação prisional, relação existente entre o delito cometido e as drogas, duração da pena atual e o resultado das análises toxicológicas da urina foram escolhidos como fatores com potencial para interferir nos resultados. RESULTADOS: Participaram da pesquisa 337 detentos, com idade média de 30,4 anos, cumprindo pena média de 10,1 anos, que estão em média há 16,7 meses no presídio e que, em sua maioria não cometeram delitos relacionados a drogas (73,3%). A prevalência obtida pela análise toxicológica da urina foi de 61,4% para maconha e 7,7% para cocaína. Combinar as questões melhorou o desempenho do questionário. Dos 260 entrevistados identificados, pelo questionário, como usuários de drogas na prisão, 191 tiveram resultado positivo na análise toxicológica da urina e 69, resultado negativo. Dos 76 entrevistados identificados como não usuários de droga na prisão, 21 tiveram resultado positivo na análise toxicológica da urina e 55, resultado negativo (Sensibilidade=90,1% e Especificidade=44,1%). A prevalência para o uso de maconha na prisão, obtida a partir das entrevistas, foi de 77,4% e, para o de cocaína, de 8,8%. Os detentos que não cometeram crimes relacionados a drogas (p=0,011) e os com resultado positivo para a análise da urina para canabinóides (p=0,028) tiveram um desempenho melhor ao responder as questões relacionadas ao uso de cocaína. Os detentos mais novos consomem mais maconha na prisão (80,6%, p=0,000). Já os reincidentes (11,4%, p=0,017) e os que estão há mais tempo no presídio (17,3%, p=0,038) destacaram-se como os que consumem mais cocaína. Os detentos primários (11,3%, p=0,028) e os com resultado positivo na análise da urina para canabinóides (10,2%, p=0,009) apresentaram frequência maior de respostas dissociadas. Apresentaram frequência menor, os que cumprem pena entre 6,33 e 14,62 anos (3,4%, p=0,025). CONCLUSÕES: A concordância entre o relato de consumo de maconha e cocaína na prisão obtida pelo questionário e o resultado do exame toxicológico foi boa para as duas drogas. Combinar as respostas apareceu como uma forma de melhorar a sensibilidade do questionário. / INTRODUCTION: The instrument used for collection of information in scientific research must be able to translate with accuracy the reality under investigation. In this study, we investigated the performance of a questionnaire in assessing drug use in prison compared with toxicological analysis of urine. METHODS: A cross sectional observational study was conducted in September 2007, in a male inmate placed in the state of Sao Paulo. The prisoners were interviewed and underwent urine collection for the detection of cannabinoids and cocaine metabolites trough toxicological analysis (enzyme immunoassay). Two questions were selected, one about drug use in general, and a second one, which was more specific and used to identify the drug consumption pattern in prison. To assess the ability of these questions to correctly identify individuals who currently use drugs in prison, the responses were compared with the urine test (gold standard) and sensitivity and specificity rates were calculated. Interviewer characteristics, total period of interview, age of respondents, time in jail, penalties conditions, relationship between the offense and drug use, total penalty time and urinalysis were considered factors with the potential to affect the results. RESULTS: 337 prisoners completed the questionnaire and provided urine samples for the study. These subjects presented a mean age of 30.4 years, an average time spent in prison of 1 year and 16.7 months, 10.1 years of total penalty time and the majority of them have not committed crimes related to drugs (73.3%). The prevalence based on urine toxicological analysis was 61.4% for marijuana and 7.7% for cocaine. When the answers to the questions were combined to the toxicological results, the assessment for drug consumption trough the questionnaire was improved. Of the 260 respondents identified by the questionnaire as a drug user in prison, 191 presented positive results for toxicological analysis and 69 negative results. Of the 76 respondents identified as non-drug user in prison, 21 presented positive results for toxicological analysis and 55 negative (sensitivity=90.1% and specificity =44.1%). The prevalence of cannabis use in prison taking into account only the interviews was 77.4% and 8.8%, for marijuana and cocaine, respectively. Prisoners who have committed crimes related to drugs (p=0,011) and those with positive urinalysis for cannabinoids (p=0,028) performed better in answering questions related to cocaine use. The younger prisoners consumed more marijuana in prison (80.6%, p=0,000) than their older counterparts. Repeat offenders (11.4%, p=0,017) and those who are in prison for longer (17.3%, p=0,038) time stood out as those who consume more cocaine. First offenders (11.3%, p=0,028) and those with positive urinalysis for cannabinoids (10,2%, p=0,009) showed higher frequency of misleading answers and, less often, those who were serving time between 6.33 and 14.62 years (3.4%, p=0.025). CONCLUSIONS: The agreement between the reporting of marijuana and cocaine consumption in prison obtained by questionnaire with toxicological essay was adequate for both use in general and recent use. Combining responses appeared as a way to improve the sensitivity of the questionnaire.
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"Ta en osthyvel och dra av bit efter bit av hjärnan" : Ett dagordningsteoretiskt perspektiv på debatten om legalisering och avkriminalisering av cannabis i svensk press 2000-2015Silwing, Kristoffer January 2015 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker genom en kvantitativ innehållsanalys av material från åren 2000-2015 eventuella förändringar bland nyhetstexter som förekommit i svensk press då cannabislegalisering tas upp på nyhetsplats. Uppsatsen undersöker vilka källor som kommer till tals i de texter som analyserats. Uppsatsen undersöker även förekomst av argument och företeelser som går att koppla till debatten och diskussionen kring avkriminalisering och legalisering av cannabis. Undersökningens resultat tolkas för att försöka utröna eventuell förändring över tid, och analyseras ur ett dagordningsteoretiskt synsätt. Över tid så har fler aspekter av legaliseringsfrågan än tidigare tagits upp i rapporteringen på nyhetsplats, och bland dessa har den största ökningen skett sett till att använda cannabis som läkemedel. En annan variabel som ökat under perioden för undersökningen är vetenskaplig argumentation. Förekomst av terment ”knark” i samband med rapporteringen har avtagit under undersökningsperioden, på samma sätt somuttryck för ett enhetligt perspektiv på narkotika har. Politiker är den källan som vanligast förekommer i rapporteringen, och politik är den vanligaste anledningen till rapporteringen kring cannabislegalisering i Sverige under de åren som undersökningen spänner över.
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Den ”nya” missbrukaren : en studie kring unga vuxnas attityder och drogvanor i NorrköpingMbye Johansson, Alexander, Nilegård, Erik January 2014 (has links)
Författarna till denna studie har gjort en kvalitativ studie kring ungdomars och unga vuxnasdrogvanor samt vilka narkotika preparat som är vanligast dem. Uppsatsen bygger på informantersutsagor kring narkotika situationen samt det preventiva arbetet i Norrköping.
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Frustrationer och möjligheter -sjuksköterskors erfarenheter av omvårdnad av patienter med cannabismissbruk inom psykiatrisk vård / Frustrations and opportunities - Nurses’ experiences of caring for patients with cannabis abuse in psychiatric careHjertman, Eva, Dahlgren, Anna January 2017 (has links)
Bakgrund: Cannabis är den vanligaste drogen i världen. Cannabismissbruket har successivt ökat de senaste åren. De vanligaste negativa effekterna av cannabis är ångest, panikreaktioner och psykotiska symtom. Många patienter med cannabismissbruk har även psykiska diagnoser. Sjuksköterskor upplever frustrationer när patienter med cannabismissbruk inte vill ta del av behandling och anser att patienter med dubbeldiagnoser är svårbehandlade. Syfte: Att beskriva sjuksköterskors erfarenhet av omvårdnad av patienter med cannabismissbruk inom psykiatrisk vård. Design: Studien har en kvalitativ, induktiv analysmetod. Metod: Intervjuer med 18 sjuksköterskor inom öppen och sluten psykiatrisk vård. Resultat: Sjuksköterskorna uttryckte frustrationer över patientens liberala inställning till cannabis, att patienten såg drogen som ofarlig och inte kopplade missbruket till sina psykiska problem. De möjligheter sjuksköterskorna såg i omvårdnaden var att utgå från där patienten befinner sig, att inte komma med pekpinnar och använda sina erfarenheter av patientgruppen för att motivera patienten till att sluta med missbruket. Konklusion: Sjuksköterskorna uttryckte att de saknade och var i behov av utbildning om patienter med cannabismissbruk för att kunna ge god omvårdnad till patientgruppen. / Background: Cannabis is the most commonly used drug in the world. Cannabis abuse has gradually increased in recent years. The most common adverse effects of cannabis use include anxiety, panic reaction and psychotic symptoms. Many patients who abuse cannabis has also psychiatric diagnoses. Nurses experience frustration when patients who abuse cannabis do not want to take part in treatment and considering patients with dual diagnoses are difficult to treat. Aim: To describe nurses’ experience of psychiatric care of patients who abuse cannabis. Design: This study has an inductive, qualitative approach. Method: Interviews with 18 nurses in outpatient and inpatient psychiatric care. Results: The nurses expressed frustrations with the liberal approach the patient had to cannabis, the patient´s approach to the drug as harmless and that the patient did not link abuse to psychological problems. The nurses expressed that they saw opportunities in nursing; to start from the patient´s point of view, not lecturing the patient and to use their experience of this group of patients to motivate the patient to quit his or her abuse. Conclusion: The nurses expressed lack of and need for adequate training in the care of the patient with cannabis abuse.
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The role of multidrug resistance proteins in determining fetal susceptibility to drugs of misuseThajam, Deirdre January 2013 (has links)
Background: Negative outcomes from fetal exposure to maternal dug use include Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and altered development, the unpredictability of which suggests a biological element as yet not accounted for. The manner in which the human placenta protects the fetus from xenobiotics such as drugs of misuse is not completely characterised. However, Adenosine Triphosphate Binding Cassette (ABC) transporters in placentae have demonstrated their ability to efflux xenobiotics away from the fetal vascular compartment leading to lower concentrations than in the maternal compartment and some commonly used drugs have been shown to be substrates for these proteins, e.g. methadone. It is suggested that polymorphisms in the genes that encode these transporter proteins may alter their expression and/or function. Hypothesis- Polymorphisms (SNPs) in the ABC transporters ABCB1, ABCG2, ABCC1 and ABCC2 change protein expression and/or function leading to increased fetal exposure demonstrated by increased signs of NAS and/or altered development. Objectives: To determine if genotype alters protein expression and whether there is a relationship between the level of placental multidrug resistance protein P-glycoprotein (P-gp), Breast Cancer Resistance Protein (BCRP), Multidrug Resistance Associated Proteins (MRP1 and MRP2) expression and neonatal and/or developmental outcomes. Methods: Drug using women were recruited. In the immediate postnatal period placental tissue, cord blood and maternal hair samples were taken. Hair was analysed to determine drug use in the preceding 3 months, immunoblotting determined the level of P-gp, BCRP, MRP1 and MRP2 protein expression. Sequenom MassExtend Array produced genotypes from DNA obtained from cord blood. Infants were assessed for NAS at birth, 3 days and 3 weeks. At 8 months and 1 year development was assessed using the Griffiths Mental Development Scales. Plink was used to determine statistically significant associations between genotype and outcome phenotypes. Results- The level of fetal drug exposure did not predict the need for pharmacological treatment for NAS. 32 polymorphisms with significant associations to outcome measures were identified: 4 SNPs significantly altered protein expression, (3 for P-gp and 1 for MRP1). 41 SNPs were associated with changes across 4 of the 5 GMDS subscales. Discussion: No clear relationship between MDRP protein expression and neonatal outcome was noted. However, fetal genotype did influence the expression of P-gp and MRP1 and genotype across all four proteins was associated with significant changes in the measures of infant development. This was a small study and as such generation of susceptible haplotypes was not possible. However the data generated do support the concept. Further larger and longer term prospective studies, building on the experience reported in this thesis, are necessary to generate more data in order to identify haplotypes leading to increased fetal susceptibility to drug exposure.
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