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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Educação para a carreira e representações sociais de professores: limites e possibilidades na educação básica / Career Education and teachers social representations: limits and possibilities in basic education.

Izildinha Maria Silva Munhoz 03 September 2010 (has links)
A Educação para a Carreira é compreendida, neste estudo, como um esforço do sistema educativo e de toda a comunidade para inserir nos conteúdos escolares atividades destinadas a ajudar os alunos a: (1) estabelecerem relações entre os conteúdos das disciplinas e as exigências de diferentes ocupações/profissões; (2) fazerem do trabalho, como esforço contínuo, consciente, remunerado ou não, dirigido a produzir benefícios socialmente aceitáveis para si mesmo e/ou para os outros, uma parte significativa do seu estilo de vida e (3) adquirirem competências-chave para um positivo desenvolvimento da carreira. Este estudo, de caráter exploratório, de natureza quanti-qualitativa, teve como objetivos compreender as representações sociais de professores do ensino fundamental e médio sobre a Preparação para o Trabalho no contexto da educação básica e, a partir das representações sociais, sugerir subsídios para a elaboração de Programas de Educação para a Carreira no contexto educacional brasileiro. Os participantes foram 77 professores de três escolas, duas particulares e uma pública, de uma cidade de porte médio de Minas Gerais. O grupo focal foi a técnica utilizada para obtenção dos dados, precedido de uma atividade de evocação de palavras com o termo-disparador Preparação para o Trabalho. Os dados foram tratados pelos softwares EVOC-2000 e NVivo 8 e submetidos à análise de conteúdo temática. Os resultados evidenciaram que os professores concebem a Preparação para o Trabalho como preparação para a tomada de decisão da carreira. Na base desta concepção estão as representações sociais do trabalho como ganha-pão, do profissional bem preparado como: o apaixonado pelo que faz, de vocação como algo que vem do coração e da Preparação para o Trabalho como maneira abrir o leque de possibilidades de carreiras. Tais concepções se ancoram nos ideais liberalistas, de igualdade de oportunidades e liberdade de escolha e na concepção da Orientação Vocacional tradicionalmente voltada para a adequação do indivíduo às exigências profissionais. Os professores referem conversas com seus alunos sobre atitudes e habilidades necessárias ao trabalho e questões relativas à escolha profissional, evidenciando a importância da sistematização de tais intervenções. Conclui-se que há possibilidades legais e necessidades de inserção da Educação para a Carreira no sistema educacional brasileiro, pois ela contempla, com seu enfoque educativo, a possibilidade de abranger um número expressivo de crianças e jovens, atualmente desprovidos de intervenções que o ajudem a articular educação, trabalho e carreira fundamentada no princípio de orientação ao longo da vida. Assim, se concebe, neste estudo, a inserção da Educação para a Carreira no sistema educativo, de forma infusiva, aditiva ou mista, objetivando a preparação dos jovens para um engajamento democrático, ativo e crítico em todos os aspectos da sua vida. Isto pode contribuir para o crescimento pessoal e, ao mesmo tempo, que colaborem para a construção de uma sociedade mais justa e inclusiva. / Career Education is considered in this study the effort of both the educational system and the community to include in schools syllabuses activities aimed to help students to (1) establish relationships among the curses content and the requirements of different occupations; (2) consider their work, whether it is paid or not, a continuous and conscious effort, focused on producing socially acceptable benefits for themselves and/or others and a significant part of their lives and (3) acquire key competencies for career development. This quantitative-qualitative exploratory study aimed to understand the social representations of primary and secondary schools teachers concerning Preparation for Work programs in the primary and secondary school context and, based on these representations, make suggestions for Career Programs in the Brazilian educational system. Participants were 77 teachers from three schools, two private and one public, in a mid-sized city in Minas Gerais, Brazil. Data were collected through focus groups preceded by a free-word association activity triggered by Preparation for Work. Data were processed by the software EVOC 2000 and NVivo8 and analyzed according to thematic content analysis. The results showed that the teachers consider Preparation for Work to be a preparation for career choice. Underpinning this idea are social representations of work such as earning a living, of competent worker as someone who is in love with what s/he does, of vocation as something that comes from the heart, and Preparation for Work as a way of expanding the range of potential careers. These concepts are anchored on liberal ideals, such as individualism, equality of opportunities and freedom of choice, and the concept of Career Guidance traditionally focused on fitting individuals to meet career demands. The teachers reported talks with their students concerning work attitudes and skills and issues related to career decision-making, which points to the importance of systematizing teachers interventions. We conclude that there are legal possibilities and the need to include Career Education in the Brazilian educational system. It would reach a great number of currently unsupported students, helping them to articulate education, work and career based on the principle of guidance throughout life. Therefore, we advocate the inclusion of Career education in the Brazilian educational system as an infusive, additional or mixed strategy, aiming at preparing students for an active and critical democratic engagement with all aspects of their lives, enabling their individual growth and, at the same time, enabling them to collaborate to the construction of a more inclusive and fair society.

Construção da carreira de egressos de um serviço de orientação profissional: um estudo de acompanhamento / Career Construction of those who attended a Professional Guidance Service: a follow-up study.

Laura de Oliveira Marangoni 23 June 2017 (has links)
A Orientação Profissional e de Carreira, como domínio teórico e prático, vem passando por várias mudanças ao longo de um século. Paradigmas desenvolvimentistas e mais construtivistas ganharam destaque, focalizando a construção da carreira com ênfase em maior flexibilidade, adaptabilidade e aprendizagem ao longo da vida. Para compreender os processos, estudos do tipo follow-up são úteis. Neste estudo, questões são formuladas sobre as trajetórias profissionais, sobre as narrativas de egressos do atendimento em Orientação Profissional, sobre as articulações possíveis entre conteúdos obtidos por diferentes estratégias e em diferentes momentos da carreira. Assim, este estudo, de natureza qualitativa, de caráter exploratório, visa analisar as narrativas de egressos de um Serviço de Orientação Profissional (SOP), compreender as histórias produzidas por meio do instrumento BBT-Br e desvelar a memória que permaneceu do processo de Orientação Profissional. Os participantes foram atendidos entre os anos de 2004 e 2009. Foram entrevistados 12 egressos, tendo como critérios para a inclusão na amostra determinadas condições na época do atendimento: a) cursar o ensino médio ou curso preparatório para o vestibular, (b) ter sido atendido em grupo no intervalo em 5 e 10 anos, anteriormente ao início desta investigação; (c) encontrar-se na situação problemática/de resolução ou na pré-dilemática/dilemática, e (d) ter o registro de alguma profissão ao final do processo de orientação. Para a obtenção de dados foram utilizados os instrumentos: (a) roteiro de triagem; (b) histórico do atendimento; (c) história das cinco fotos preferidas do Teste de Fotos de Profissões (BBT-Br); e (d) registros da entrevista de acompanhamento. A análise dos dados foi embasada nos referenciais teórico desenvolvimentista da Teoria da Construção da Carreira de Savickas e da Construção da Vida (Life Design) de Duarte e colaboradores. Os dados foram organizados e analisados de acordo com as seguintes categorias: (a) caminho imaginado e o caminho traçado - história do BBT-Br e resumo biográfico; (b) dificuldades encontradas nas trajetórias e recursos pessoais e contextuais para a solução dos problemas; (c) planos para o futuro: compreensão de si, expectativas, e atividades significativas; e (d) memórias da orientação profissional e possíveis influências. Os resultados mostram que há coerência e continuidade nas narrativas de construção da vida/carreira, corroborando as bases teóricas utilizadas. E que os conteúdos das narrativas no BBT-Br apresentam relações com os temas de vida obtidos por meio de outras estratégias. As redes de apoio exercem papel importante, mas não são suficientes se os comportamentos não forem adaptativos. E, a maioria dos participantes relata possuir lembranças do processo de Orientação Profissional, creditando os ganhos com a experiência como aprendizagem transferível para outros momentos, sobretudo quando precisam fazer uso das competências para a comunicação e as decisões relativas à construção da vida/carreira. / Vocational and Career Guidance, as a theoretical and practical domain, has been substantially changing over the last century. Developmental and more constructivist paradigms are promote, focusing on career building and, under this scope, emphasizing greater flexibility, adaptability and lifelong learning. To understand these processes, follow-up studies are useful. In this study, questions were formulated on the professional trajectories, on the egress reports from people who undertook Professional Guidance Services (SOP), and on the possible articulations among contents obtained by different strategies and at different moments of the career. Thus, this exploratory, qualitative study aims to analyze the egress reports of those who attended a SOP, to understand the stories produced through the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br) instrument and to uncover the remaining memory of these people regarding the career guidance. The researcher interviewed twelve people, who attended between 2004 and 2009. The criteria for inclusion in the sample were the following specific conditions at the time of attendance: a) to be enrolled at a high school or at a preparatory course for the University Entrance Examination; (b) to have participated in SOP Group sessions between five and ten years before the beginning of this survey; (c) to be in the problematic/resolution or pre-dilemma/dilemma situation; and (d) to register a profession at the end of the orientation process. The following instruments were used to obtain the data: (a) screening script; (b) service history; (c) history of the five favorite photos of the Photo Test of Professions (BBT-Br); and (d) records of the follow-up interview. The data analysis was based on the developmental theoretical framework of the Career Construction Theory of Savickas and the Life Design of Duarte et al. The data were organized and analyzed according to the following categories: (a) imagined path and the path actually followed - BBT-Br history and biographical summary; (b) difficulties faced in the trajectories and personal and contextual resources for problem solving; (c) plans for the future: self-understanding, expectations, and meaningful activities; and (d) memories and possible influences of the career guidance. The results show that there is coherence and continuity in the life/career construction narratives, corroborating the theoretical bases used, and that the contents of the narratives in the BBT-Br are congruent with the life themes obtained through other strategies. In addition, support networks play an important role, but are insufficient if the behavior is not adaptive. Finally, most participants report having memories of the career guidance process, acknowledging the gains from the experience as transferable learning to other moments, especially when they need to use communication skills and make decisions regarding life/career building.

Övergångar för synskadade individer : Hinder eller möjligheter / Transitions for visually impaired indviduals : Obstacles or opportunities

Petersen, Eloise, Bergström, Laura January 2022 (has links)
Myndigheten för delaktighet har fått i uppdrag av regeringen att se till att funktionshinderspolitiken efterlevs och stöttar kommuner, stat och regioner i arbetet för att delaktiggöra personer med funktionsnedsättningar i samhället. Att stötta och sprida information gäller även för studie- och yrkesvägledare som är verksamma inom skolvärlden. De möter elever med olika behov och förutsättningar, samt elever som står inför eftergymnasiala övergångar. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare arbetar med synskadadeelever. I Studien ställs två forskningsfrågor: 1) Vilka utmaningar upplever studie- och yrkesvägledare i vägledningssituationer med synskadade vid övergången till eftergymnasiala studier och ut på arbetsmarknaden? 2) Hur ser studie - och yrkesvägledare på synskadades möjligheter att etablera sig arbetsmarknaden efter genomförd utbildning. En kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerad intervjuguide användes under intervjun. Analysen utgår från Careership teorin. Resultaten pekar på att synskadade elever har större behov av vägledning och i behov av tidigare vägledningsinsatser än sina normalseende jämnåriga. Det behövs flersamverkansresurser för en trygg och smidig övergång till eftergymnasiala studier, vilke tkräver både mer tid, planering och resurser i anspråk. Synskadade möter även i högre grad fler utmaningar i övergångar till eftergymnasiala studier än elever med normal syn, och dessa finns både inbyggda i samhällsstrukturen och i den sociala omgivningen och inte minst inom den synskadade individen själv.

KARRIÄRVÄGLEDNING FÖR PERSONER MED UTMATTNINGSSYNDROM : En kvalitativ studie om livslångt lärande och karriärkompetens

Hiller, Paula, Palm, Anna January 2021 (has links)
Många som drabbas av utmattningssyndrom (UMS) upplever en nedsatt kognitiv förmåga och att sjukdomen blir en brytpunkt och ett vägval som kräver en väl fungerande handlingsplan inför framtiden. Denna studie har intervjuat individer med UMS och frågat hur de ser på karriärvägledning, om den behövs och vilken typ av vägledning som de efterfrågar. Resultaten från de kvalitativa intervjuerna analyserades utifrån careershipteorin och konstruktivistisk teori och visar att personer med UMS är i behov av en livsförändring som kräver ny insikt, utsikt och framsikt för en lyckad återgång till arbetslivet och ett hälsosamt förhållningssätt till arbete och prestation. Vidare framkom det ett behov av ett holistiskt förhållningssätt där individens egen livshistoria sätts i centrum då det inte finns några mediciner eller färdiga lösningar som passar alla. Karriärkompetens och livslångt lärande är centrala delar av denna studie och med en fördjupad kunskap inom detta område kan en studie- och yrkesvägledarens insats, det vill säga karriärvägledning, vara till stor nytta för personer med UMS. / Many people who suffer from fatigue syndrome (UMS) experience a reduced cognitive ability that becomes a turning point, leading to a crossroad that requires a well-functioning action plan for the future. In this study, interviews with people that are or have been diagnosed with UMS have shared their opinions regarding career guidance, whether career guidance is needed, and what type of guidance they perceive as needed. The results from the qualitative interviews were analyzed drawing on careership theory and constructivist theory, showing that people with UMS are in need of a life change that requires new insight, perspective and foresight for a successful return to work and a healthy way of relating to work and accomplishment. Furthermore, the study shows that there is a need for a holistic approach where the individual's own life story is put at the center, since no medications or ready-made solutions that suit everyone exist. Career management skills and lifelong learning are central parts of this study and with an expertise within this area, a career counsellor’s contribution, i.e. career guidance, can be of great benefit to people with UMS.

Från Afghanistan till Sverige : En tillbakablick på afghanska ensamkommande flickors förväntan över karriärvägar samt mötet med studie- och yrkesvägledning

Holmström, Gunilla, Larsson, Maria January 2021 (has links)
I gränslandet mellan barn- och vuxenliv ställs ungdomar inför många utmaningar. Under denna komplexa period finns bland annat en förväntan, att denne på ett vuxet och moget sätt, ska hantera och ta beslut om framtida utbildning och karriär. Samtidigt som det sker ett sökande efter identitet och tillhörighet. Om man dessutom tvingas fly, utan sina föräldrar, från ett land drabbat av krig blir dessa utmaningar än fler och ännu större. Socialstyrelsens (2021) statistik visar att 35 369 ensamkommande barn kom till Sverige under 2015. Endast 8% av dessa var flickor. Tidigare forskning åskådliggör ett mottagande, till största del baserat på pojkar och deras behov, vilket gör att flickorna kommer i skymundan och i många fall missgynnas i framtida karriärvägar. I denna kvalitativa studie har fokus varit att studera och analysera karriärvägar för fem ensamkommande flickor från Afghanistan. Ett land med stark könsegregation, där korrupta juridiska system missgynnar landets kvinnor skriver Brunnberg och Darvishpour (2016). Studien tar även del av flickornas upplevelser av mötet med studie- och yrkesvägledning. Resultaten visar att tidigare skolerfarenhet, föräldrars utbildning samt typ av uppehållstillstånd är betydande för flickornas framtida karriärvägsmöjligheter. Således finns det ett stort behov av att vidare undersöka ensamkommande barns väg in i det svenska skolsystemet. Framförallt finns det behov av fler studier som ser till de ensamkommande flickornas erfarenheter och behov. Den här kvalitativa uppsatsen har som ambition att bidra med ny kunskap inom detta område. / In the borderland between childhood and adulthood, young people face many challenges. During this complex period, there is an expectation that they, in an adult and mature way, will handle and make decisions about their future education and career. At the same time as there is a search for identity and belonging. If you are also forced to flee, without your parents, from a country affected by war, these challenges will be even more and even greater. The National Board of Health and Welfare's (2021) statistics show that 35,369 unaccompanied children came to Sweden in 2015. Only 8% of these children were girls. Previous research illustrates a reception, largely based on boys and their needs, which means that the girls are overshadowed and in many cases disadvantaged in future career paths. In this qualitative study, focus has been on studying and analyzing career paths for five unaccompanied girls from Afghanistan. A country with strong gender segregation, where corrupt legal systems disadvantage the country's women (Brunnberg och Darvishpour, 2016). The study also shows the girls experiences of the meeting with studying and career guidance. The results show that previous school experience, parents education and type of residence permit are significant for the girls future career path opportunities. Thus, there is a great need to further investigate the path of unaccompanied children into the Swedish school system. Above all, there is a need for more studies that look at the experiences and needs of unaccompanied girls. This qualitative thesis aims to contribute new knowledge in this area.

Individens förutsättningar och val på arbetsmarknaden i ett främmande land : En kvalitativ undersökning om ukrainska flyktingars etableringsprocess i Sverige ur ett individperspektiv / Individual requirements and choices in the labor market in a foreign country : A gualitative investigation into the establishment process of Ukranian refugees in Sweden from av individual perspective

Anikeeva, Olga, Jevsadén, Vega January 2023 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur de ukrainska flyktingarna i uppsatsen uppleveromställningsprocesser och gör karriärval på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Det är en kvalitativundersökning som grundas på Careership och KASAM teorierna. Arbetets resultat och analys baseraspå intervjuer av elva ukrainska flyktingar som har fått tillfälligt uppehållstillstånd i Sverige. Studienundersöker hur de ukrainska flyktingarna gör strategiska val i sina omställningsprocesser och vilkafaktorer som påverkar deras val. Vidare undersöker vi de förutsättningar de ukrainska flyktingarnaanser att de behöver för att kunna etablera sig på den svenska arbetsmarknaden. Studiensforskningsresultat visar att ukrainare gör praktiskt rationella val baserade på flera faktorer. Ukrainskaflyktingar har en hög vilja och motivation att hitta arbete. De upplever dock vissa svårigheter med atthitta arbete på grund av bristande språkkunskaper och otillräckligt stöd från myndigheterna varsfunktioner ukrainare upplever som obegripliga. I studien framkom det att många flyktingar behöver få bättre information som ger dem möjlighet att skapa en förståelse för hur det svenska samhälletfungerar. / This study aims to investigate how Ukrainian refugees in the essay experience adjustment processesand make career choices in the Swedish labor market. It is a qualitative research based on the theoriesof Careership and Sense of Coherence. The results and analysis of the work are based on interviewswith eleven Ukrainian refugees who have received a temporary residence permit in Sweden. The studyexamines how Ukrainian refugees make strategic choices in their adjustment process and whichfactors influence their choice. We examine the conditions that the Ukrainian refugees believe theyneed in order to establish themselves in the Swedish labor market. The study's research results showthat Ukrainians make practically rational choices based on several factors. Ukrainian refugees have ahigh will and motivation to find work. However, they experience some difficulties in finding work dueto lack of language skills and insufficient support from the authorities whose functions Ukrainians findincomprehensible. In the study, it emerged that many refugees need to receive better information thatgives them the opportunity to create an understanding of how Swedish society works.

”…man har ju tagit del av två lärarutbildningar, såklart att jag har mer i mitt bagage.”

Olsson, Lotta, Kristiansson, Emilie January 2016 (has links)
Tidigare forskning och dagstidningar visar att det kommer många invandrade akademiker till Sverige, däribland lärare, samtidigt som det råder stor brist på pedagoger. Utländska lärares vidareutbildning är ett projekt vid sex universitet och högskolor i Sverige, dit lärare med en utländsk examen kan vända sig för att komplettera sin utbildning och få en svensk lärarlegitimation eller behörighet. Med anledning av detta är syftet med arbetet att undersöka invandrade lärares syn på ULV-projektet och vilka hinder och möjligheter de mött. Vi har även undersökt hur de upplever tillgången till studie- och yrkesvägledning. För att besvara våra frågeställningar har tidigare forskning, teorin Planned happenstance och begreppen Kapital och Habitus tillsammans med kvalitativa intervjuer använts. Det empiriska materialet inhämtades genom sex kvalitativa intervjuer med ULV-deltagare från Malmö högskola. Resultatet visar bland annat att deltagarna ser positivt på projektet och upplever många möjligheter. De menar till exempel att de nu har två lärarutbildningar och att de har utvecklats och vuxit oerhört som både person och pedagog. Resultatet visar även att språket, som från början var deras största upplevda hinder, idag kan ses som en möjlighet. / Earlier research and newspapers show that many immigrant academics come to Sweden, including teachers, while there is a great shortage of educators. Foreign teacher training (ULV-project) is a project at six universities and colleges in Sweden, where a teacher with a foreign degree can turn to complete their education and get a Swedish teacher certification. For this reason, the purpose of the thesis is to examine immigrant teachers' views of the ULV-project and what obstacles and opportunities they faced. We also examined how they perceive the access to educational and vocational guidance. In order to answer our questions, previous research, the theory Planned happenstance and concepts Capital and Habitus along with qualitative interviews were used. The empirical data was collected through six interviews with ULV participants from Malmö University. The result shows that participants look positively on the project and they experience many possibilities. They argue, for example, that they now have two teacher education degrees and that they have developed and grown tremendously as both a person and a teacher. The result also shows that language, which from the beginning was their greatest perceived barriers today, can be seen as an opportunity.

Реализация государственной программы развития социального партнерства в профориентационной деятельности учреждений общего образования : магистерская диссертация / The implementation of the state program of development of social partnership in the vocational guidance of the general education institutions

Шарова, В. И., Sharova, V. I. January 2021 (has links)
Во время непрерывного образования человека необходимо изменить подход к пониманию смыла профориентации, она также должна стать непрерывной. В работе выявлены проблемы внедрения и развития социального партнерства в профориентационной деятельности учреждений общего образования Свердловской области и разработан проект по созданию виртуальной площадки для развития социального партнерства в профориентационной деятельности учреждений общего образования Свердловской области. / During a person's continuous education it is necessary to change the approach to understanding vocational guidance; it must also become continuous. In the master's thesis, the problems of implementation and development of social partnership in vocational guidance institutions of general education of the Sverdlovsk region were identified and a project was developed to create a virtual platform for the development of social partnership in vocational guidance institutions of general education of the Sverdlovsk region.

Det måste finnas något mer? : Det karriärvägledande samtalets potential för främjandet av anställdas karriärhälsa / There has to be something more? : The potential of career-counselling conversations in promoting career-health for employees.

Hedman, Matilda, Ander, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This study wants to investigate internal driving forces of employees who want a career change, what type of career-related support they need to move forward, and how this support can be made available, as well as their thoughts on the potential of career-interventions supporting the career-health of employees. Peavy’s socio-dynamic counseling theory, Antonovsky’s SOC and previous studies on career-counselling and health build the theoretical framework for the study. The CIP-theory was used as a methodological tool to generate empirical evidence. Eight semi-structured qualitative interviews were conducted with an interview guide built on SOC’s comprehensibility, manageability and meaningfulness. Results show that these employees experience some negative health-effects and difficulties to proceed on their own, hence describes a need for support at different stages of the process. All participants mention meaningfulness as an important driving-force and they express a wish for conversational support to investigate what could be meaningful for them. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka drivkrafter hos anställda som önskar en karriärrelaterad förändring, vilket karriärrelaterat stöd dessa anställda upplever sig ha behov av för att komma vidare och hur stödet kan tillgängliggöras, samt deras tankar kring karriärvägledningens potential för främjandet av karriärhälsa. Peavys konstruktivistiska vägledningsteori och Antonovskys KASAM har använts som teoretiskt ramverk tillsammans med tidigare forskning kring vägledning och hälsa. CIP-teorin har använts som metodologiskt verktyg för att generera empiri i denna kvalitativa intervjustudie. Åtta semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med hjälp av en intervjuguide skapad utifrån KASAMs tre begrepp begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet. Resultaten visar att anställda som önskar förändring kan uppleva negativa hälsoeffekter och svårigheter att på egen hand ta sig vidare och beskriver behov av stöd under olika faser av beslutsprocessen. Samtliga deltagare nämner meningsfullhet som en drivkraft och de önskar samtalsstöd i utforskandet av vad som skulle kunna vara meningsfullt för just dem.

Studie- och yrkesvägledares upplevelser av kompetensutveckling / Career counselors´ experiences of competence development

Siljebråt, Emma, Johansson, Helene January 2023 (has links)
Society, including the education system and labor market, is constantly evolving, placing demands on career counselors to continuously develop their skills and stay up to date with these changes. Previous research has relatively little information on how career counselors in Sweden themselves experience professional development. Hence, the purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of professional development among career counselors in municipal primary and secondary schools. The study adopts a qualitative approach through interviews with six practicing career counselors. To investigate the purpose, two research questions have been formulated: How do career counselors in municipal primary and secondary schools experience the influence of themselves and their colleagues on their professional development? And: How do career counselors in municipal primary and secondary schools experience the influence of external factors on their professional development? The empirical data has been analyzed using Illeris' formula of competence and Patton and McMahon's STF-model. The analysis reveals that career counselors have a natural or acquired curiosity to learn more things. It was found that career counselors receive the greatest support and can discuss questions about new relevant professional development within their network. The analysis also indicates that career counselors may need more guidance from policymakers regarding their professional development to maintain a high quality. / Samhället, inklusive skola och arbetsmarknad, är i ständig förändring vilket ställer krav på studie- och yrkesvägledare att kompetensutveckla sig och att hålla sig ajour med dessa förändringar. I tidigare forskning finns det relativt lite forskat på hur studie- och yrkesvägledare i Sverige själva upplever kompetensutveckling. Därifrån kommer syftet med denna studie; att utforska vilka upplevelser av kompetensutveckling studie- och yrkesvägledare har inom kommunal grund- och gymnasieskola. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ ansats med intervjuer av sex verksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare. För att undersöka syftet har det formulerats två forskningsfrågor; hur upplever studie- och yrkesvägledare inom kommunala grund- och gymnasieskolor att de själva och deras kollegor påverkar deras kompetensutveckling? Samt: Hur upplever studie- och yrkesvägledare inom kommunala grund- och gymnasieskolor att externa faktorer påverkar deras kompetensutveckling? Genom Illeris kompetensformel och Patton och McMahons STF-modell har empirin analyserats. I analysen framkommer det att studie- och yrkesvägledare har en naturlig eller inlärd nyfikenhet att lära sig fler saker. Det visade sig att studie- och yrkesvägledare har störst stöd och kan bolla frågor kring ny relevant kompetensutveckling via sitt nätverk. Analysen visade även att studie- och yrkesvägledare kan behöva en större styrning från politiker gällande deras kompetensutveckling för att hålla en hög kvalitet.

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