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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”Om man ska sälja droger på stan, vad är bästa gymnasieprogrammet att gå?” : Studie- och yrkesvägledares förebyggande arbete med unga i riskzonen för gängkriminalitet i grundskolor / ”If one were to sell drugs downtown, what’s the best highschool program to attend?” : Study and career counsellor’s preventive work with young people at risk of gang crime in compulsory schools

Bennaceur, Dalila, Di Marino, Linnea January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur studie- och yrkesvägledare beskriver det förebyggandearbetet med barn och unga som riskerar att hamna i en gängkriminell kontext. För att få en djupare förståelse för problematiken och de arbetsmetoder som tillämpas för att stödja elever i riskzonen förgängkriminalitet, utgår studien från en kvalitativ metod där empirin samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta studie- och yrkesvägledare som är verksamma på grundskolor i utsatta områden. Resultaten från studien visar att en central del av det förebyggande arbetet sker i form av samverkan med skolans elevhälsoteam, polis, socialtjänst och övriga aktörer inom det samverkande fältet. En viktig slutsats är att en stor del av arbetet utgår från ett relationsfrämjande förhållningssätt. Vidare är deras upplevelse att vägledningsinsatser spelar en betydande roll för att främja framtidstro hos elever som befinner sig i riskzonen för att hamna i en gängkriminell kontext. Tidiga vägledningsinsatser, upplevsdärför vara av betydelse redan i lägre åldrar. Genom att stärka elevers självförmåga, självkänsla och vidga deras handlingshorisont inför framtida val, kan detta få en förebyggande effekt. Detta arbete försvåras dock på grund av bristande förutsättningar för ett långsiktigt förebyggande arbete som tenderar att dels, i vissa fall, stagnera och dels leda till att arbetet istället får ett fokus på att möta det behov som är mest akut. / The purpose of this study is to examine how study and career counselors describe preventive work with children and adolescents at risk of becoming involved in gang-related activities. To gain a deeper understanding of the issues and the methods applied to support students at risk of gang involvement, the study adopts a qualitative approach, collecting empirical data through semi-structured interviews with eight study and career counselors working in compulsory schools in vulnerable areas. The results of the study show that a central part of the preventive work is carried out through collaboration with the school’s student welfare team, police, social services, and other actors in the collaborative field. An important conclusion is that a significant part of the work is based on a relationship-building approach. Furthermore, their experience is that career counselor’s interventions play a significant role in promoting hope for the future among students at risk of involvement in gang-related activities. Early career counselor’s interventions are therefore perceived to be important even at younger ages. By strengthening students’ self-efficacy, self-esteem, and broadening their horizon of action, this can have a preventive effect. However, this work is challenged by the lack of conditions for long-term preventive work, which tends to, in some cases, stagnate and, in others, lead to a focus on meeting the most acute needs.

The relationship between employee wellness and career anchors

De Villiers, Mathilde 02 1900 (has links)
The general aim of this study was to investigate whether a relationship exists between employee wellness (specifically sense of coherence, burnout, sources of job stress and work engagement) and career anchors, and to determine whether gender, race, employment and age groups differed in terms of the employee wellness and career anchors variables. The study was conducted among a random sample of 90 employees in a typical South African work context. The data was collected by means of the Orientation to Life Questionnaire (OLQ), Maslach’s Burnout Inventory (MBI), Sources of Job Stress, the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES) and the Career Orientations Inventory (COI). Supporting evidence indicates significant associations between employee wellness and the career anchors variables. The results also showed significant differences between the career anchors of males, females, blacks, whites, permanent staff, contract staff and age groups. The findings contribute valuable new knowledge to the wellness and career literature and organisational practices related to employee wellness and career decision making. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / M.Com. (Industrial and Organisational Psychology)

Maturidade para a escolha da carreira em adolescentes de um serviço de orientação profissional / Maturity for career choice with adolescents attending a career guidance service.

Junqueira, Maria Luiza 30 November 2010 (has links)
Uma das tarefas mais importantes do desenvolvimento pessoal, na adolescência e início da idade adulta, é a escolha de uma carreira. A fim de tomar uma decisão informada e autônoma, espera-se que a pessoa tenha um certo nível de maturidade. Com perspectiva desenvolvimentista, este estudo objetiva avaliar a maturidade para a escolha da carreira em adolescentes usuários de um serviço-escola de orientação profissional. Mais especificamente, este estudo visa: (a) descrever o perfil sociodemográfico dos clientes; (b) descrever o nível de maturidade; (c) verificar se o nível de maturidade varia de acordo com as características sociodemográficas (sexo, idade, escolaridade, escola pública ou privada e nível de escolaridade dos pais), com a modalidade de atendimento e a permanência no serviço de atendimento; (d) avaliar a evolução da maturidade dos usuários do serviço após a conclusão atendimento e (e) comparar o nível de maturidade dos clientes que concluíram o atendimento com o dos que não concluíram. Os dados originam-se dos registros das intervenções com 748 clientes, com idades entre 14 e 21 anos, realizadas no Serviço de Orientação Profissional de uma universidade pública no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil, no período de 2001 a 2006. O corpus de análise consiste em informações dos seguintes documentos: Registro da entrevista de triagem, Resumo do atendimento e Escala de Maturidade para a Escolha Profissional (EMEP). A análise dos dados foi realizada por meio de procedimentos estatísticos: análises descritivas, testes de hipóteses, modelo linear de efeitos mistos e construção de valores percentis para a amostra. A caracterização sociodemográfica dos clientes mostra a predominância de participantes do sexo feminino (69,39%), de alunos da terceira série do Ensino Médio (55,21%) e provenientes de escolas privadas (65,64%). Do total de usuários, 74,33% concluíram o atendimento e 89,71% participaram do atendimento em grupo. Os filhos de pais que concluíram o Ensino Superior prevalecem (56,70%), seguidos por aqueles cujos pais concluíram o Ensino Médio (31,80%). A maioria dos sujeitos classificou-se com nível de maturidade abaixo de médio na escala total (62,9%) e em três subescalas: determinação (70,99%), autoconhecimento (60,03%) e conhecimento da realidade (59,89%). Houve variações apontando nível médio de maturidade para as subescalas responsabilidade (50,67%) e independência (54,95%). A comparação da maturidade antes e depois da intervenção, com 492 adolescentes, mostrou evolução com resultados estatisticamente significativos para a maturidade total e subescalas (p <0,001) na amostra total, com exceção do sexo masculino na subescala responsabilidade e dos filhos de pais sem escolaridade formal nas subescalas responsabilidade e independência. Destacam-se resultados estatisticamente significativos na evolução da maturidade total, favoráveis ao sexo feminino e aos clientes que foram atendidos na modalidade individual. Os alunos de escolas particulares destacaram-se no conhecimento da realidade e os clientes que não concluíram a intervenção destacaram-se na subescala determinação, no início do processo. Os resultados mostram que a intervenção vocacional/profissional favoreceu o desenvolvimento da maturidade para a escolha da profissão. Este estudo espera contribuir para aprofundar a compreensão sobre o construto maturidade para a escolha da carreira e para a produção do conhecimento em avaliação de resultados de intervenções no domínio da Orientação Vocacional/Profissional. / One of most important tasks for personal development, in adolescence and early adulthood, is choosing a career. In order to make an informed and autonomous decision, the person is expected to have a certain level of maturity. According to the developmental approach, this study aims at assessing the maturity for career choice with adolescents attending a career guidance service. More specifically, this study aims at: (a) describing the clients socio-demographic profile; (b) describing their maturity level; (c) verifying whether their maturity level varies with the socio-demographic characteristics (sex, age, schooling level, public or private school and the parents schooling level), with type of attendance and adherence to attendance; (d) assessing the maturity progress of the service users after completing attendance; and (e) comparing maturity level of clients who had concluded attendance with that of the ones who had not concluded attendance. The data came from records of interventions with 748 clients, aged 14 to 21 years, carried out at the career guiding service of a public university in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, from 2001 to 2006. The corpus for analysis consists of information from the following documents: assessment interview, attendance record and Career Choice Maturity Scale (Escala de Maturidade para a Escolha Profissional, EMEP). Data analysis was done by statistics procedures: descriptive analysis, hypothesis tests, linear model of mixed effects, and construction of percent values for the sample. The socio-demographic characterization of clients shows the prevalence of female sex (69.39%), high school seniors (55.21%) and attending private schools (65.64%). Out of the total users, 74.33% had completed attendance and 89.71% had joined group attendance. Children of parents who had completed higher education prevail (56.70%), followed by those whose parents had finished high school (31.80 %). The maturity profile, when starting attendance, was below average (62.9%), divided into three subscales: determination (70.99%), self-knowledge (60.03%) and knowledge of reality (59.89%). There were variations for average level of maturity for the subscales responsibility (50.67%) and independence (54.95%). The comparison of maturity before and after intervention, with 492 adolescents, showed progress with statistically significant results for total maturity and subscales (p< 0.001) for the total sample, excepting the male sex in the responsibility subscale and the children of low schooling parents in the subscales responsibility and independence. Statistically significant results stand out for progress in total maturity, favoring the female sex and the clients who were attended individually. Knowledge of reality favored students from private schools before intervention. The clients who had not concluded intervention stood out in the determination subscale at the beginning of the process. The results show that career intervention favored the development of maturity for career choice. This study is expected to contribute for improving the comprehension about the construct maturity for career choice and for the production of knowledge about assessment of results of career guidance interventions.

Sucesso na carreira depois da graduação: estudo longitudinal prospectivo da transição universidade-trabalho / Career success after graduation: a longitudinal prospective study of university-to-work transition

Oliveira, Marina Cardoso de 30 October 2014 (has links)
A transição da universidade para o mundo do trabalho, bem como o sucesso na carreira, são temas de interesse dos pesquisadores da psicologia vocacional. Contudo, pouca atenção tem sido dedicada ao estudo do sucesso nessa importante transição na perspectiva de recém-formados. Buscando preencher tal lacuna, esta investigação teve como objetivo geral descrever e explicar o sucesso na transição universidade-trabalho. Foram conduzidos três estudos. O primeiro, de natureza qualitativa, buscou explorar as definições de sucesso na transição universidade-trabalho. No segundo estudo, foi construído, a partir dos dados qualitativos, um instrumento multifatorial que avalia diferentes indicadores de sucesso na transição universidade-trabalho. Essa medida se mostrou psicometricamente adequada e foi utilizada como variável dependente no terceiro estudo, de natureza longitudinal, sobre os determinantes do sucesso na carreira depois da conclusão da graduação. Para cada estudo, os participantes foram recrutados por conveniência. Para o primeiro estudo, qualitativo, colaboraram nove recém-formados, organizados em dois grupos focais. Para o segundo estudo, de validação da medida, utilizou-se o procedimento de validação cruzada com duas amostras independentes, totalizando 377 recém-formados. Para o terceiro estudo, de natureza longitudinal, obteve-se a colaboração de 195 participantes que responderam à pesquisa em dois momentos: durante o último ano da graduação e quando já tinham finalizado a formação superior (follow-up). Os pressupostos da análise do discurso e da epistemologia construcionista social subsidiaram as análises do estudo qualitativo. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados por meio de programas estatísticos SPSS for Windows e AMOS, versão 22. Foram realizadas análises descritivas e análises fatoriais exploratórias e confirmatórias. Os resultados da investigação qualitativa indicaram que o sucesso na transição universidade-trabalho pode ser descrito por uma multiplicidade de sentidos que refletem resultados de natureza subjetiva (confiança no futuro de carreira, conquista gradativa dos objetivos traçados, construção da identidade profissional, adaptação ao papel de trabalhador e satisfação com o percurso profissional) e objetiva (conseguir um trabalho na área, remuneração compatível com o mercado e com os pares, independência financeira e reconhecimento social pelo desempenho profissional). Outro resultado dessa pesquisa foi a construção e a validação da Escala de Avaliação do Sucesso na Transição Universidade-Trabalho (ESTUT). O estudo longitudinal, por sua vez, evidenciou que tanto variáveis individuais associadas à identidade, à decisão, à exploração de carreira e à autoeficácia profissional, quanto as contextuais, relacionadas às percepções do apoio social e das oportunidades do mercado de trabalho, são necessárias para predizer o sucesso nessa etapa da carreira. Porém, as variáveis individuais se mostraram mais significativas, ressaltando o papel da agência pessoal no processo de transição universidade-trabalho. De modo geral, os estudos realizados ressaltaram a inter-relação entre os aspectos objetivos/contextuais e subjetivos/individuais da carreira. As conclusões apontam para a necessidade de se adotar uma visão psicossocial e interdisciplinar para a compreensão do sucesso na transição universidade-trabalho. Implicações teóricas, práticas e para futuras pesquisas são discutidas. / University-to-work transition and career success are themes of interest among vocational psychology researchers. Nevertheless, little attention has been devoted to the study of career success at this important transition from the new graduates perspective. Aiming to fill this gap, the objective of this research was to describe and explain career success during university-to-work transition. Three studies were conducted. The first study, qualitative, sought to explore the definitions of success during university-to-work transition. In the second study, based on previous qualitative data, was developed a multifactorial instrument that assesses different indicators of university-to-work success. This measure proved to be psychometrically adequate and was used as a dependent variable in the third study, longitudinal, which investigated the determinants of career success after graduation. For each study participants were recruited by convenience methods. For the first study, qualitative, collaborated nine new graduates, organized in two focus groups. For the second study, measurement validation, was used a cross-validation procedure with two independent samples, totaling 377 college graduates. For the third study, longitudinal, 195 participants responded to the survey in two times: during the final year of college education and when they had already graduated (follow-up). Discourse analysis approach and social constructionist epistemology was used for the qualitative analyzes. Quantitative data were analyzed using SPSS for Windows and AMOS, version 22. Descriptive statistics and exploratory and confirmatory factor analyzes were performed. The results of qualitative research indicated that success in university-to-work transition could be described by a multiplicity of meanings that reflect subjective (confidence in the career future, goal progress and career plans, construction of professional identity, work adjustment, and career path satisfaction) and objective (work in the degree area and good salary, financial independence, and social recognition) career outcomes. Another contribution of this research was the development and validation of the University-to-Work Success Scale (UWSS). In addition, the longitudinal study showed that individual variables associated with career identity, career decision, career exploration and professional self-efficacy, as well as contextual variables related to perceptions of social support and labor market opportunities were necessary to explain the success at this career stage. However, the individual variables were more significant, emphasizing the role of personal agency in the university-to-work transition process. Overall, the studies highlighted the interrelationship between objective/contextual and subjective/individual aspects of a career. The findings pointed out the need to adopt a psychosocial and interdisciplinary approach to understanding university-to-work transition success. Implications for theory, research and practice are discussed

Educação para a carreira no cotidiano da escola pública: Proposta de modelo interventivo para a grade curricular / Career Education in the daily one of the public school: an intervention proposal to regular curriculum

Faleiros, Nayara de Paula 08 December 2014 (has links)
A Educação para a Carreira foi um movimento surgido nos Estados Unidos na década de 1970, que propunha uma reforma na educação americana, desde o ensino elementar, fundamentada na ideia de que a educação escolar deveria ser socialmente útil, desenvolvendo no indivíduo habilidades que pudessem ser aproveitadas futuramente, quando ingressasse no mundo do trabalho. Embora essa concepção estivesse presente no pensamento educacional americano desde os primórdios da formação do Estado, sua retomada pelo movimento da Educação para Carreira num momento de declínio econômico, em que as indústrias buscavam novas estratégias de enfrentamento, abrindo espaço para a emergência do toyotismo, favoreceu a obtenção do apoio ostensivo de um grande número de associações civis e profissionais, além dos próprios educadores. A Educação para a Carreira se expandiu para outros países que viviam uma situação semelhante, sendo que, no Brasil, permanece sendo uma prática pouco conhecida, uma vez que há, no campo da orientação profissional, uma preponderância no uso da abordagem clínica nos atendimentos, mesmo aqueles desenvolvidos no contexto escolar. Há muitos estudos realizados em escolas que indicam o quão a orientação profissional favorece os jovens que se encontram em momento de escolha. Entretanto, paradoxalmente, a orientação profissional permanece ocupando um lugar marginal dentro deste contexto. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi buscar conhecer a realidade concreta de uma escola pública técnica do Estado de São Paulo, procurando compreender as possibilidades e a viabilidade de uma proposta de Educação para a Carreira, em formato de disciplina integrada à grade curricular dos alunos, tornar-se uma prática sistematizada no cotidiano da mesma, no intuito de superar essa posição marginal. Para tanto, a pesquisa desenvolveu-se em duas etapas. Na primeira, a partir da abordagem etnográfica, foi realizado um mapeamento do contexto escolar e suas sobredeterminações, no sentido de melhor compreendê-lo. Na segunda parte, tratou-se da construção, da implementação e da avaliação da prática interventiva em educação para a carreira no formato de uma disciplina integrante da grade curricular da escola. Frente aos resultados obtidos, é possível afirmar que esta pesquisa teve relevância não só porque proporcionou aos alunos um espaço de reflexão sobre seus estudos e projetos profissionais futuros, mas, principalmente, porque demonstrou que este espaço pode ser instituído na escola, fazendo parte do projeto políticopedagógico da mesma, ainda que não haja políticas públicas específicas na área que tragam essa obrigatoriedade. Foi possível constatar que o arcabouço legal proporcionado pela LDBEN de 1996, que permite à escola diversificar parte de seu currículo, somado a uma postura mais ativa do orientador profissional junto à mesma, pode promover, ali, a existência de um espaço de reflexão sistematizado para o jovem se preparar adequadamente para a transição escola-trabalho / The Career Education was a movement that emerged in United States in the 1970s which proposed a reform in American education, from elementary school, based on the idea that schooling should be socially useful, developing the individual skills that could be used in the future, when they would enter in the labor market. Although this idea had presented in American educational thoughts since the beginning of states formation, its resurgence by Career Education at a time of economic decline when industries were seeking to new strategies to continue in the market, opening a space to the emergence of Toyotism, brought a great support of a large number of civil and professional associations and educators themselves. The Career Education expanded to other countries that lived a similar situation. In Brazil, the Career Education remains a practice poorly known because there is a preponderance of clinical approach in the career guidance practice, even those developed in the schools. There are many researches in schools that indicate how career guidance helps young people who are in the moment of choice. However, paradoxically, the career guidance remains occupying a marginal place in this context. The aim of this study was try to know the reality of a technical public school in São Paulo, trying to understand the possibilities and feasibility of a career education proposal, as curriculum subject, to turn it into a systematic practice in the daily one of the school with the objective to overcome this marginal position. Therefore, this research was conducted in two stages. At first, from the ethnographic approach, we were mapped the school context and over determinations in order to understand it. In the second part, we built, implemented and evaluated the intervention practice as a curriculum subject. As results we can say that this research had relevance because it gave to students a space for reflection about their studies and future professional projects and because it demonstrated that this space can be set up in the school as part of their political-pedagogical project, although there is no specific public policies in the area that bring this obligation. It also was possible to see that the legal framework provided by LDBEN of 1996, which allows the school to diversify part of their curriculum, coupled with a more active attitude of the counselor, can promote a systematic reflection space for the young people be properly prepared for a school-work transition

Preparing Employees for Entrepreneurship in Retirement: A Case Study

Aikhuomogbe, Samuel Omonowa 01 January 2016 (has links)
In Nigeria, 92% of retirees live in poverty because of insufficient preparation for entrepreneurship that could serve as an alternative income in retirement. Guided by the human capital theory, the purpose of this case study was to explore how 15 civil service employees in Grade Levels 15-17 at the public service attained small scale business information before retirement. All employees had knowledge, training, and experience in small-scale business operation. Fifteen employees participated in individual interviews and 5 participated in a focus group; data were also gathered from, employee training records, organizational policy documents on training, and public service documents regarding capacity building. Using Yin's 5 step data analysis process, member checking, and triangulation, key findings emerged on financial institutions, mentoring, and vocational training opportunities as avenues employees can attain small scale business information required for entrepreneurship. The study findings may create awareness on how employees can attain small scale business information regarding sources of funding, mentorship, and vocational training during their final years of employment. This awareness may promote positive social change by preparing these individuals for entrepreneurship in retirement, thereby reducing the rate of post-retirement poverty.

Att navigera från dröm till verklighet : Hur unga individer resonerar kring sina liv i övergången mellan skola och arbete

Jakobsson, Birgitta, Ferm, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
<p>Studiens syfte är att belysa hur fyra unga individer, i ålder 18- 25 resonerar kring sin valprocess retrospektivt och i nutid. Studien har fokus på individens egna berättelser, dvs. erfarenheter, förväntningar och drömmar om framtiden. Den illustrerar även individens syn på samhällets stödjande funktioner i samband med studie- och yrkesval. För studien tillämpas en induktiv kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att valet sker i samspel mellan individernas egna preferenser och deras omgivning och att valet till både utbildning och yrke kan vara spännande men också svårt. Där finns förväntningar men också en känsla av ovisshet. Det visar även en utbredd upplevelse av att de inte får, eller har fått det stöd som de anser att de behöver. En slutsats som kan dras är att unga individer behöver verktyg för att kunna navigera mellan dröm och verklighet.</p> / <p>The purpose of this study is to illuminate how four young individuals in the age of 18 to 25 reason about their career choices both retrospectively and today. The focus of the study is on their own stories, i.e. their experiences, expectations and dreams of the future. It also illustrates their view on society’s supporting functions in relation to career choices. An inductive qualitative method is used for the study. The results show that choices are made in an interaction between the individuals own preferences and their context, and that career choices can be difficult as well as exciting. The results also show an extensive feeling of not getting the help or the support they consider necessary and that they need tools to be able to navigate from dream to reality.</p>

The evaluation of a career education programme for black grade eleven learners in the Ekurhuleni districts of Gauteng / D.J. Stead

Stead, Dennis John January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Vaal Triangle Campus, 2006.

Att navigera från dröm till verklighet : Hur unga individer resonerar kring sina liv i övergången mellan skola och arbete

Jakobsson, Birgitta, Ferm, Åsa January 2010 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att belysa hur fyra unga individer, i ålder 18- 25 resonerar kring sin valprocess retrospektivt och i nutid. Studien har fokus på individens egna berättelser, dvs. erfarenheter, förväntningar och drömmar om framtiden. Den illustrerar även individens syn på samhällets stödjande funktioner i samband med studie- och yrkesval. För studien tillämpas en induktiv kvalitativ metod. Resultatet visar att valet sker i samspel mellan individernas egna preferenser och deras omgivning och att valet till både utbildning och yrke kan vara spännande men också svårt. Där finns förväntningar men också en känsla av ovisshet. Det visar även en utbredd upplevelse av att de inte får, eller har fått det stöd som de anser att de behöver. En slutsats som kan dras är att unga individer behöver verktyg för att kunna navigera mellan dröm och verklighet. / The purpose of this study is to illuminate how four young individuals in the age of 18 to 25 reason about their career choices both retrospectively and today. The focus of the study is on their own stories, i.e. their experiences, expectations and dreams of the future. It also illustrates their view on society’s supporting functions in relation to career choices. An inductive qualitative method is used for the study. The results show that choices are made in an interaction between the individuals own preferences and their context, and that career choices can be difficult as well as exciting. The results also show an extensive feeling of not getting the help or the support they consider necessary and that they need tools to be able to navigate from dream to reality.

Vara eller icke vara : Studie- och yrkesvägledningsverksamhet, ur ett elev och professionsperspektiv

Hijstee, Pernilla January 2011 (has links)
Studie- och yrkesvägledningenhar de senaste åren varit utsatt för politisk debatt. Många experter, forskare och politiker har uttalat kritik kring verksamheten, framförallt för att granskningar visat att engagemanget kring området varit bristfälligt på skolorna. Utredningar har gjorts, projektarbeten har satts igång och rekommendationer har getts ut, allt för att öka måluppfyllelsen enligt områdets styrdokument. Syftet med studien är att granska problematiken från skolans eget perspektiv, genom att dokumentera röster från skolans insida. Elever, lärare och studie- och yrkesvägledare har genom enkäter fått uttala sig om sina personliga erfarenheter, uppfattningar och preferenser angående verksamhetsområdet. Resultatet visar på att studie- och yrkesväglednings verksamheten anses som viktig av skolans elever och personal. Den visar emellertid också på att samsynen av verksamheten är dålig mellan de olika grupperna, där lärarna står längst bort från styrdokumentens intentioner. Resultaten visar dessutom att delar av skolans omvärldsorientering, angående kultur och föreningsliv, inte riktigt uppfattas som studie- och yrkesvägledande aktiviteter. / Study and vocational guidancehas in recent years been subject to political debate. Many experts, researchers and politicians have expressed criticism about the guidance, mainly because studies have shown that the engagement of the area has been inadequate at schools. Investigations have been made, projects have been undertaken and recommendations were released, all to increase the compliance rate, according to the area's governing documents. The purpose if this study is to examine the problem from the school´s own perspective, by documenting the voices from those inside the school. Students, teachers and guidance counselors have through questionnaires been able to express their own personal view of experiences, perceptions and preferences regarding counseling activities at school. The result shows that guidance and counseling activities are deemed as important by the school's students and staff. The result also, however, shows that the convergence of educational and vocational guidance is poor between the different groups at school, whereteachers are furthest away from the policy documents intentions. Furthermore they also show that parts of the school's social orientation, regarding culture and clubs, are not really perceived as educational and vocational guidance activities.

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