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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La responsabilité de protéger et l’internationalisation des systèmes politiques / Responsibility to protect and internationalization of political system

Mvé Ella, Léandre 11 December 2018 (has links)
Sous l’angle du droit international, la responsabilité de protéger est traditionnellement analysée dans le but de déterminer sa portée normative. L’attrait de la doctrine internationaliste pour la question de la normativité du principe et l’indifférence habituelle du droit international vis-à-vis du système politique des États ont fini par confiner les développements sous les prismes parfois trop réducteurs du droit international et des relations internationales. Cette recherche entend proposer une perspective différente en prenant le contre-pied de cette approche classique. Elle aborde la problématique de la responsabilité de protéger non plus seulement sous l’angle des intervenants tiers à l’État défaillant, mais également, et surtout sous celui de cet État lui-même et de sa population. Il s’agit donc de revisiter la façon d’appréhender la responsabilité de protéger afin de montrer que le droit international n’est plus indifférent face aux systèmes politiques des États — a fortiori en crise. En interrogeant le lien entre la responsabilité de protéger et le système politique de l’État, l’analyse aboutit irrémédiablement à la conclusion selon laquelle la responsabilité de protéger est « enchassée » dans de normes qui ne sont pas exclusivement juridiques et qu’il convient dorénavant d’analyser en réseau. L’étude propose donc désormais de la qualifier de norme de congruence dès lors qu’elle conduit à apprécier la valeur juridique d’une règle de droit en tenant compte des différentes influences contenues dans celle-ci / From the perspective of international law, the responsibility to protect is traditionally analyzed in order to determine its normative scope. The attractiveness of the internationalist doctrine for the question of the normativity of the principle and the habitual indifference of international law to the political system of States ended up confining developments to the sometimes overly simplistic prisms of international law and international relations.This research intends to propose a different perspective by taking a contrary view of this classic approach. It addresses the issue of the responsibility to protect not only the point of view of third parties to the failed state, but also, and above all, the State itself and its population. It is therefore a question of revisiting the approach of apprehending the responsibility to protect in order to show that international law is no longer indifferent to the political systems of the States - let alone in crisis.In questioning the link between the responsibility to protect and the state's political system, the analysis leads irreparably to the conclusion that the responsibility to protect is “enshrined” in norms that are not exclusively legal and that currently analyze in the network. The study therefore proposes to define it as an norme de congruence since it leads to the assessment of the legal value of a rule of law taking into account the different influences contained in it

Définissabilité et synthèse de transductions / Definability and synthesis of transductions

Lhote, Nathan 12 October 2018 (has links)
Dans la première partie de ce manuscrit nous étudions les fonctions rationnelles, c'est-à-dire définies par des transducteurs unidirectionnels. Notre objectif est d'étendre aux transductions les nombreuses correspondances logique-algèbre qui ont été établies concernant les langages, notamment le célèbre théorème de Schützenberger-McNaughton-Papert. Dans le cadre des fonctions rationnelles sur les mots finis, nous obtenons une caractérisation à la Myhill-Nerode en termes de congruences d'indice fini. Cette caractérisation nous permet d'obtenir un résultat de transfert, à partir d'équivalences logique-algèbre pour les langages vers des équivalences pour les transductions. En particulier nous montrons comment décider si une fonction rationnelle est définissable en logique du premier ordre. Sur les mots infinis, nous pouvons également décider la définissabilité en logique du premier ordre, mais avec des résultats moins généraux.Dans la seconde partie nous introduisons une logique pour les transductions et nous résolvons le problème de synthèse régulière : étant donnée une formule de la logique, peut-on obtenir un transducteur bidirectionnel déterministe satisfaisant la formule ? Les fonctions réalisées par des transducteurs bidirectionnels déterministes sont caractérisés par plusieurs modèles différents, y compris par les transducteurs MSO, et ont ainsi été nommées transductions régulières. Plus précisément nous fournissons un algorithme qui produit toujours une fonction régulière satisfaisant une spécification donnée en entrée.Nous exposons également un lien intéressant entre les transductions et les mots avec données. Par conséquent nous obtenons une logique expressive pour les mots avec données, pour laquelle le problème de satisfiabilité est décidable. / In the first part of this manuscript we focus on the study of rational functions, functions defined by one-way transducers.Our goal is to extend to transductions the many logic-algebra correspondences that have been established for languages, such as the celebrated Schützenberger-McNaughton-Papert Theorem. In the case of rational functions over finite words, we obtain a Myhill-Nerode-like characterization in terms of congruences of finite index. This characterization allows us to obtain a transfer result from logic-algebra equivalences for languages to logic-algebra equivalences for transductions. In particular, we show that one can decide if a rational function can be defined in first-order logic.Over infinite words, we obtain weaker results but are still able to decide first-order definability.In the second part we introduce a logic for transductions and solve the regular synthesis problem: given a formula in the logic, can we obtain a two-way deterministic transducer satisfying the formula?More precisely, we give an algorithm that always produces a regular function satisfying a given specification.We also exhibit an interesting link between transductions and words with ordered data. Thus we obtain as a side result an expressive logic for data words with decidable satisfiability.

Place brand efficiency : resident, manager and tourist perceptions of the region brand / L’efficacité de la marque territoire : perceptions d'une marque région par les habitants, les managers et les touristes

Martin, Emeline 11 September 2017 (has links)
Dans un contexte de mondialisation, la concurrence accrue entre les territoires, dont l’objectif premier est de capter des habitants, des touristes et des entreprises, exacerbe les enjeux liés à leur attractivité. Afin de se différencier les collectivités territoriales et leurs agences de développement adoptent des approches de marketing territorial et commencent à mettre en place des techniques de marquage (dites place branding). Le place branding reprend plusieurs outils issus du domaine de la marque commerciale. Toutefois, le territoire est un « produit particulier » qui regroupe diverses parties prenantes dont les visions et les attentes peuvent diverger. Le succès d’une marque territoire reposera alors en partie sur la gestion de ces parties prenantes. Dès lors, ce travail doctoral entreprend d’adapter au contexte du place branding des concepts de marketing, en considérant les perceptions de trois groupes de parties prenantes, en vue d’améliorer l’efficacité de la marque territoire. Cette problématique de recherche est abordée selon trois questions de recherche: (1) Quelle est la légitimité publicitaire d’une marque territoire, telle que perçue par ses habitants ? Influence-t-elle l’efficacité des actions de place branding ? (2) Dans quelle mesure les gestionnaires de marques territoires ont recours à des stratégies de marketing communautaire afin d’implémenter une communication marketing intégrée (CMI) ? (3) Dans quelle mesure l’image de la marque région constitue-t-elle un vecteur pertinent de la promotion d’une destination, complémentaire à celle de la marque pays, auprès des touristes internationaux ? D’un point de vue théorique, cette recherche doctorale souligne l’importance d’adopter une approche parties prenantes à la compréhension de la marque territoire. Ce faisant, ce travail contribue à développer des preuves empiriques dans le domaine, notamment à l’échelle de la région qui est sous-représentée dans la littérature. Cette thèse met en évidence les similitudes entre la marque territoire et la marque commerciale, et renforce ainsi la validité externe de trois concepts issus du marketing classique. Différentes approches méthodologiques ont été développées et mobilisées. Ces éléments renforcent par ailleurs la validité interne de la présente recherche et contribuent à exclure l’existence d’un biais déclaratif. Les contributions managériales de cette thèse sont liées à ses implications méthodologiques dans la mesure où diverses grilles d’analyse sont proposées aux gestionnaires de marques territoires. Ces outils prennent en compte les spécificités et les enjeux associés aux principales parties prenantes de la marque, et visent à les impliquer dans les initiatives de place branding. Enfin, la mise en place d’une approche de communication marketing intégrée est conseillée. Premièrement, il est proposé que cette approche soit appliquée entre les différents acteurs du territoire. Les résultats montrent ainsi que l’intégration des habitants dans la démarche de place branding est un véritable enjeu qui nécessite une approche distincte de celle préconisée traditionnellement en marketing. Deuxièmement, l’approche de communication marketing intégrée devrait s’appliquer entre les différents niveaux de territoires de façon à tirer parti de l’image du territoire d’ordre supérieur. / In the globalized world, Nowhere, Place, is directly competing against Powerful, World, to attract residents, tourists and talent, as well as firms and investments, whether the place is a meta-region, a country, a region, a city or other locations. Whilst places and destinations around the world have been proclaiming their qualities for a long time, mainly to create awareness or maintain preference, those marketing communications campaigns are short-term and don’t contribute to unifying the place. To compete in such cutthroat environments, public authorities and place agencies have started to recognize the value of adopting branding techniques by way of practising place branding. Place branding adapts several tools developed in the field of commercial branding to contribute to place development and establish image-building strategies that render places more attractive to identified markets. As such, this doctoral work endeavours to adapt mainstream marketing concepts to the context of place branding, taking into account the views of three groups of stakeholders to enhance place brand efficiency. I address these research questions in a French region-branding context, according to three sub-questions that summarise the chapters of this thesis. First, what is the advertising legitimacy of a place brand as perceived by the residents? Does it influence place-branding efficiency? Second, to what extent do place brand managers use community marketing strategies to operationalize the integrated marketing communications (IMC) role of the place brand? Third, to what extent does the region brand image constitute a relevant vehicle for promoting a destination integral to the nation brand image, as perceived by international tourists? Results show that the representational and functional dimensions of a destination brand impact differently implicit attractiveness and intentions to visit. International tourists also perceive the region and the nation brand images as congruent overall, which contributes positively to their intentions to visit the region. From a theoretical point of view, this research highlights the importance of adopting a multi-stakeholder approach to understanding place branding. Doing so contributes to the development of empirical evidence in the domain, by studying the understudied region branding form. This dissertation also highlights similarities with commercial branding and reinforces the external validity of three classic marketing concepts. The methodological implications of this work come from the different methodological approaches (i.e. measurement tools and methods), developed to meet the specificities and stakes associated with the main stakeholders of a place brand. In addition, this approach reinforces the internal validity of the present research and contributes to ruling out the existence of a declarative bias. The managerial contributions of this thesis are connected with the methodological implications, inasmuch as it provides place brand managers with diverse analysis grids that will enable them to take into account the specificities and stakes associated with the main stakeholders of the place brand, and also involve stakeholders in the place-branding process. Finally, I demonstrate the need for an IMC approach that is per se—for example, through the use of an overall brand positioning that covers shared elements between stakeholders so that they all relate to the place brand, or through the adoption of a bottom-up rather than top-down approach to place branding. This approach also should be able to extend to other place scales, by leveraging the image of a higher-order place.

La générativité du consommateur. / Consumer generativity

Lacroix, Caroline 25 October 2011 (has links)
Le concept de générativité, soit la préoccupation des adultes à l'égard du bien-être des générations futures, a fait l'objet de nombreuses études en psychologie sociale depuis les années 1950. En parallèle, plusieurs entreprises positionnent leurs produits et services comme génératifs, une réalité qui n'a toutefois pas été examinée d'un point de vue académique en marketing. Afin de remédier à cette lacune, nous proposons l'introduction formelle du concept de générativité dans la littérature marketing, ainsi que le développement d'une échelle de mesure entièrement dédiée à la générativité du consommateur. Nous analysons également les effets du positionnement génératif des produits sur le comportement du consommateur. Les résultats de la première étude ont montré que le positionnement génératif affectait positivement et significativement les attitudes envers le message et le produit, ainsi que les intentions d'achat. Ces effets étaient encore plus importants lorsque la publicité ciblait des consommateurs fortement génératifs. De plus, la construction de l'échelle de la générativité du consommateur a mis en évidence la présence de deux dimensions de la générativité : communale et agentique. L'analyse de la validité prédictive de l'échelle a de nouveau montré l'importance de cibler des personnes fortement génératives dans le cas de produits positionnés comme génératifs. Toutefois, l'analyse du type de positionnement génératif, du lieu de contrôle et du revenu familial comme modérateurs n'a pas révélé de relations statistiquement significatives. Notre recherche a néanmoins montré que les consommateurs mariés étaient plus génératifs que les célibataires, et que seules les personnes possédant un revenu familial confortable ou élevant des enfants possédaient un indice élévé de générativité communale. Qui plus est, les pères étaient plus génératifs sur le plan agentique que les mères. Ces résultats pointent également l'importance d'identifier le type de générativité du consommateur (communal ou agentique). / The concept of generativity—that is, adults' preoccupation for the well-being of the next generations—has been the subject of numerous studies in social psychology since the 1950's. In parallel, many companies are positioning their products and services as generative, a reality that has not been extensively studied from an academic perspective in marketing. To remedy this shortcoming, we propose the formal introduction of the concept of generativity in the marketing literature, as well as the development of a measurement scale entirely dedicated to consumer generativity. We also analyze the effects of a generative positioning on consumer behaviour. The results of our first study showed that product generative positioning had positive and significant effects on attitudes toward the ad and the products, as well as purchase intentions. Those effects were even more important when targeted consumers were themselves highly generative. Moreover, the construction of the consumer generativity scale revealed two dimensions for the construct: communal and agentic. The analysis of the predictive validity of the consumer generativity scale has again shown the importance of targeting highly generative people in the case of products positioned as generative. However, the analysis of the generative type of positioning, the locus of control and family income as moderators did not reveal statistically significant relationships. Our research have nevertheless shown that married consumers were more generative than singles, and only people with a confortable family income or raising children had a high index of communal generativity. In addtion, fathers were more generative than mothers with regards to the agentic dimension of generativity. These results also stress the importance of identifying the type of generativity (communal or agentic) demonstrated by said consumers.

Bostadssegregationen i Halmstad : En studie som avser undersöka om de valda teorierna (planeringshypotesen, marknadshypotesen, statushypotesen och kontakthypotesen) kan förklara bostadssegregationen i Halmstad kommun

Gecer, Amanda January 2023 (has links)
This paper discusses the issue of residential segregation in Halmstad, a municipality in western Sweden. The inhabitants themselves say that it is one of the most segregated municipalities in the country and the growing segregation is affecting the community in various ways, particularly in the housing market, where increased segregation has resulted in decreased quality and safety in these areas, as well as decreased cohesion between different areas in the municipality. The paper aims to explain the forms of residential segregation in society using four theories: The planning hypothesis, market hypothesis, status hypothesis, and contact hypothesis. The research method used is the case study method, which is suitable for analyzing a “case” of broader phenomenon. One method that has been considered appropriate within the case study literature for testing theories, as this study does, is pattern matching, also known as congruence matching. This method tests the extent of which the empirical pattern matches the hypothetical pattern that the theory assumes. If there is lack of congruence between the empirical pattern and the theoretically assumed pattern, the result speak against the theoretical hypothesis. If the congruence is found, the theoretical hypothesis is supported. The planning hypothesis could confirm that the municipality ́s planning has had segregated effects and the efforts have not been sufficient to counteract residential segregation. The market hypothesis could not be confirmed because the housing market is not governed by market rents. The paper also found patterns that strengthened the status hypothesis. Partly by finding material that shows that Halmstad is a polarized municipality with areas that have lower status than others. Lastly, the contact hypothesis could partly be confirmed by looking at increased family immigration.

The predictive validity of brand-related autobiographical memories on brand commitment

Ratnayake, N. January 2012 (has links)
Consumer decisions are largely influenced by prior experiences via memory. Consumer research is limited in its consideration of the separate memory system conceptualisations dominant in psychology, and rather has primarily focused on semantic memory (SM). As Autobiographical Memory (AM) may equally affect one’s brand consumption decisions, it is critical to integrate AM into brand-related memory studies for a complete understanding of the consumer learning and decision-making process. The study conceptualises affective, self-relevant brand episodes as Brand-Related Autobiographical Memory (BRAM), and storage of abstract brand knowledge as Brand-Related Semantic Memory (BRSM). The conceptual review identified hypothesised relationships between BRAM, BRSM, self-brand congruence and affective brand commitment. Within a positivist paradigm, the study employed methodological triangulation with qualitative interviews, functional magnetic resonanace imaging (fMRI) experiment and a survey to collect data. Findings suggest that brand memories are stored in AM and SM, and brand memories that are in AM are self-relevant and emotion-laden. The construct of Specificity explains the self-brand congruence relationship while BRAM (Vividness and Affect) influence brand commitment. No relationship was discovered between BRSM, self-brand congruence and brand commitment. This is of particular significance as dominant consumer research focuses on semantic memory. The research contributes to marketing theory by: 1). identifying the importance of multiple memory systems in understanding consumers’ decision-making; 2). exploring how BRAM contributes towards emotional decision-making models; 3). identifying the importance of BRAM in self-brand congruence theory and brand commitment decisions; 4). demonstrating the use of nuroimaging (fMRI) methods to study consumer memories and 5). introducing the BRAM scale as a complementary measure to recall and recognition tests.

Pucken glider in... : En jämförelse av två hockeyklubbars varumärkesidentitet och varumärkesimage

Christiansson, Josefine, Jansson, Josephine, Lindster, Julia January 2016 (has links)
Att folk inte förstår vad man säger beror på flera olika anledningar. En självklar orsak till att detta är till exempel givetvis om man inte talar samma språk. Men även om man skulle begripa varandra i en konversation betyder inte det att sändarens budskap tolkas på önskat sätt av mottagaren. Kommunikationen är avgörande för att en förståelse mellan två parter ska kunna skapas. Stuart Hall (1973) problematiserar kommunikationsprocessen och kedjan från det att meddelandet produceras till dess distribution och slutliga konsumtion. Kommunikationen mellan kodare och avkodare är aldrig given i sin överenskommelse. Att man talar samma språk betyder följaktligen inte att man förstår varandra fullt ut. Det finns många andra faktorer som påverkar hur meddelandet avkodas av mottagaren. Vi har valt att undersöka hur två hockeyklubbar kommunicerar med sina supportrar. Studiens syfte är att göra en jämförelse mellan de två varumärkena. I respektive varumärkes identitet och image söks likheter och olikheter. Den eventuella varumärkeskongruensen studeras ur ett kommunikativt perspektiv.   Intentionen är att ta reda på hur kommunikativa processer kan påverka varumärkens identitet och image och relationen mellan dem. Det teoretiska ramverk som använts består av marknadskommunikation, encoding och decoding och varumärkesteori. Under varumärkesteorin följer kompletteringar om sport och varumärken, varumärkesidentitet och varumärkesimage. Studien baseras på en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ metod. Den kvalitativa metoden består av gruppintervjuer som utförts för att fastställa varumärkenas identiteter medan den kvantitativa metoden utgörs av enkäter som identifierar varumärkenas image. En av de slutsatser som presenteras i studien är att det både finns kongruens och skillnader angående överensstämmelsen mellan varumärkesidentitet- och image. Sammanfattningsvis går det att konstatera att resurser utgör den stora skillnaden klubbarna mellan i förutsättningen för att mottagarna ska kunna tillgodoses på ett bra sätt. / The reason people don’t understand what others are saying can depend on a lot of things. One obvious reason would be that two individuals don’t speak the same language. Even if the two individuals would understand the words in a conversation, it’s not certain that the meaning of the message reaches the receiver the intended way. The communication settles the agreement for understanding between two parts. Stuart Hall (1973) problematizes the communication process and the chain from when the message is created and coded with meaning, through its distribution until its consumption. The communication between an encoder and a decoder are not ever certain. To not speak the same language is the same as not understanding each other. There are many other factors that influence how the receiver decodes a message.   This thesis aims to identify the brand congruence related to two Swedish ice hockey brands. The intention is to examine how communicative processes can influence the differences between how the brand identity and brand image are interpreted. The theory frame used in the thesis concludes of the following theories; Marketing Communication, Encoding and Decoding and Brand Theory. The Brand Theory is specified within the areas of Sports and Brands, Brand Identity and Brand Image.  The thesis includes both a qualitative and a quantitative method. The qualitative interviews are used to establish the brand identities while the quantitative questionnaire study aims to define the brand images. One of the major conclusions is that there are both congruence and differences in the comparison within both of the brands. Another conclusion is that the differences in how substantial the congruence is relates to resources and the brands background.

Saving Face: A Cross-Cultural Investigation of Retail Patronage in Consumers' Skincare Purchase Decisions

Dai, Bo 08 1900 (has links)
The skincare sector is among the fastest growing consumer branded products, boasting unprecedented growth rates in emerging markets, as well as steady growth in developed and post-developed markets. Yet, a more relevant question to marketers of branded skincare products is what factors influence consumers’ decisions about where to buy such products, and whether or not to spread positive word-of-mouth (WOM) about products and store preferences. Sirgy’s (1982, 1985) self-congruence theory postulates that the greater the match between a consumer’s self-image and the image of a retailer’s typical patron, the greater the likelihood that the consumer will prefer and patronize that retailer. However, a review of the literature on self-image congruence shows a lack of consensus with respect to: 1) the effect of self-image congruence on retail patronage, and 2) the relative strength of the four dimensions (i.e., actual/ideal self- and social/ideal social self-image) of self-image congruence on consumer preferences and choices (e.g., Ibrahim & Najjar, 2008; Kang, Tang, Lee, & Bosselma, 2012). Further, Sirgy, Grewal, and Mangleburg (2000) suggested that the more a consumer matches a retailer’s store attributes with those of an ideal store, the more likely the consumer will prefer and patronize the retailer. Thus, an integrative model (Sirgy et al., 2000) that captures the effects of retail environment and self-image congruence on retail patronage served as the theoretical foundation of this study. The purpose of this study was to examine interactively the effects of retail environment and self-image congruence on retail shopping experience and patronage behavior of Generation Y-aged (Gen Y) consumers with respect to skincare products (i.e., a sub-sector of cosmetics). Primary data were collected through online surveys from 336 American and 325 Chinese Gen Y consumers. Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used to test the hypothesized relationships between self-image congruence, functional congruence, retail shopping experience, and retail patronage behavior. The findings indicate that, across the two sample groups examined, both self-image and functional congruence are related positively to Gen Y consumers’ intentions to spread positive WOM about products and store preferences. In addition, functional, but not self-image congruence, is related positively to purchase intentions across the two groups. Importantly, shopping experience, including satisfaction and pleasure, mediates the relationships between self-image, functional congruence, and retail patronage. Finally, the results of multi-group comparisons show that culture moderates the relative strength of the effect of different dimensions of self-image congruence on Gen Y consumers’ evaluations of retail store attributes and their likelihood to disseminate positive WOM. Specifically, the social-domain of image congruence (e.g., how others see me) had a greater influence on WOM for consumers from a collectivistic culture than it did for those from an individualistic culture. In contrast, the self-domain of image congruence (e.g., how I see myself) had a greater effect on Gen Y consumers’ evaluations of store attributes among those from an individualistic culture than it did for those from a collectivistic culture. This study makes three major contributions to the literature. First, the findings confirm the role of self-image and functional congruence on retail shopping experience and patronage behavior. Second, by using two sample groups from vastly different cultures, the study cross-validates the integrative conceptual model that explains consumers’ retail patronage. Finally, the findings add depth to the original self-image congruence theory by identifying conditions in which the relative strength of the relationships differ.

Se, hör och shoppa! : En undersökning kring hur det med visuell och auditiv stimuli går att påverka kundens rörelsemönster och köpbeteende i butik. / See, hear & shop! : A Study of how visual and auditory stimuli can influence the customer's movement patterns and buying behaviour in store.

Johansson, Marina, Johansson, Klara January 2016 (has links)
Titel: Se, hör & shoppa! En undersökning kring hur det med visuell och auditiv stimuli går att påverka kundens rörelsemönster och köpbeteende i butik. Författare: Klara Johansson, Marina Johansson Handledare: Professor Bertil Hultén Examinator: Universitetslektor Leif V Rytting Kurs: Företagsekonomi III – Examensarbete inriktning detaljhandel och service management (kandidat) 15hp Problemformulering: Hur påverkas kundens rörelsemönster och köpbeteende i en butiksmiljö med hjälp av visuella stimuli samt auditivt stimuli? Syfte: Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka, analysera och klargöra huruvida kundens rörelsemönster och köpbeteende kan påverkas med hjälp av sensoriska stimuli. Vi vill med hjälp av en multisensorisk upplevelse, vita pilar samt ljudet av fågelkvitter, försöka påverka kundens vägval i butiken för att bidra till att denne ska uppmärksamma större del av butiksytan. Metod: Examensarbetet har utformats med ett deduktivt angreppssätt. Vi har gjort en kvantitativ analys med en experimentell ansats. En omfattande litteraturstudie har legat till grund för de hypoteser som formulerats, i syfte att svara på forskningsfrågan. Primärdata har samlats in genom sammanlagt 1347 observationer på Plantagen i Kalmar. Slutsats: En slutsats av arbetet är att kunderna påverkas till att följa visuella stimuli i form av pilar. Det är därmed möjligt att påverka kunden att se mer av butikens yta med hjälp av visuella stimuli. Vi kan även visa att tillsättning av auditivt stimuli och visuella stimuli påverkar köpbeteendet i form av tid spenderad i experimentzonen, men det behövs vidare forskning för att utreda i vilken grad påverkan sker. Nyckelord: Sinnesmarknadsföring, visuell stimuli, auditiv stimuli, butiker, rörelsemönster, multisensorik, kongruens / Title: See, hear & shop! A Study of how visual and auditory stimuli can influence the customer's movement patterns and buying behaviour in store. Authors: Klara Johansson, Marina Johansson Supervisor: Professor Bertil Hultén Ph.D. Examiner: Senior Lecturer Leif V Rytting Ph.D. Course: Business economies III – Retail and service management (C level) Issues: How are the customer's movement patterns and buying behaviour affected in store with the help of visual and auditory stimuli? Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate, analyse and clarify whether the customer's movement patterns and buying behaviour can be affected by means of sensory stimuli. With the help of sensory marketing, white arrows and bird song, we want to influence the customer's choice of direction in the store with the purpose of making the customer notice a wider part of the store. Methodology: The thesis has been designed with a deductive approach. We have done a quantitative analysis with an experimental approach. An extensive search for literature has been the basis of the hypotheses formulated, in order to answer the research question. Primary data were collected through a total of 1347 observations at Plantagen in Kalmar. Findings: A finding of this thesis is that customers are influenced to follow the visual stimuli by the means of white arrows. It is thereby possible to affect customers to notice a wider part of the store by the means of visual stimuli. We can also show that adding auditory stimuli and visual stimuli can affect the buying behaviour in the matter of time spent in the experimental zone, although further research is required to exam to which extent the impact occurs. Keywords: Sensory marketing, visual stimuli, auditory stimuli, in stores, movement patterns, multisensory, congruence

Translating between the lines : Decoding the syntactic condensation found in nominalisations and non-finite supplementive clauses

Marshall, Vivian January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to examine how syntactically condensed structures are translated from English to Swedish in a non-fiction text. The analysis covers nominalisations and non-finite ing- and ed-clauses functioning as adverbials. The method for analysis is mainly quantitative, but in order to discuss why certain translation strategies are favoured, a qualitative analysis is also included. The results show that both obligatory and optional structural changes occur in the target text. These changes are induced by both grammatical and preferential differences between the source and target languages. As a result, the target text is often more explicit than the source text. While the most frequent translation strategy for ing-clauses is forming finite main clauses, subordinate clauses are the most frequently used correspondences for ed-clauses. Other strategies include coordination and prepositional phrases. Explicitation occurs by adding features such as finiteness and subordinating conjunctions in the target text structures. In contrast to the translation of non-finite clauses, the most commonly used correspondence when translating nominalisations is noun phrases identical to those in the source text. The second most frequent strategy is paraphrased noun phrases. Together, these two nominal strategies cover approximately two thirds of the translations. Clausal structures, which are generally more explicit, are more than three times less frequent, which opposes the idea of verbal preference in Swedish. When clausal translations are used, however, it is mainly due to the complexity of the noun phrase in which the nominalisation occurs.

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