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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Littératures migrantes du nouveau monde : exils, écritures, énigmes chez Ying Chen, Dany Laferrière et Wajdi Mouawad / Migrant literatures from the New World : exils, Writings and Enigmas in Ying Chen, Dany Laferriere and Wajdi Mouawad

Foreste, Julia Farrah 16 June 2015 (has links)
En Amérique du Nord aux XX et XXIe siècles, les auteurs étudiés : Ying Chen (La mémoire de l’eau, L’ingratitude et Quatre milles marches : un rêve chinois), Dany Laferrière (Comment faire l’amour avec un nègre sans se fatiguer, Pays sans chapeau et Je suis fatigué), et, Wajdi Mouawad (Incendies, Littoral et Je suis le méchant) avancent des oeuvres qui sont l’expression de voix, à la fois contrastantes, divergentes dans la littérature nationale québécoise. Prenant leur distance par rapport à des représentations stéréotypées de leur époque telles que la littérature d’exil et la littérature du voyage, les auteurs migrants campent des histoires à travers lesquelles s’offrent des images nouvelles de la ville nord-américaine, des lieux emblématiques, une rencontre à l’autre. L’auteur migrant se livre, d’ailleurs, à l’instar de sa trajectoire éclatée dans la ville, à un jeu avec le lecteur en endossant plusieurs rôles, plusieurs figures auctoriales. L’écriture migrante se révèle palimpseste : elle intègre différents modèles littéraires tout en les dépassant. Dans sa construction interne, dont le processus de création, on retrouve ce dérobement aux normes littéraires. Enfin, elle offre une vision du monde réconciliatrice et bienveillante en faisant cohabiter les vivants avec les morts. / In the America of the XXe century, works of Ying Chen, Dany Laferrière and Wajdi Mouawad express voices that are, at the same time, different, various and deviating for the ones of the quebecker’s national literature. Taking their distance toward stereotyped representations of their time, like the exilic literature or the travel literature, migrant authors set stories where brand new images of the northern towns emerge, as well as emblematic places and the meeting of the other occurs. The migrant author reveals, just like his exploded path, a game with the reader by taking over several roles, several auctorial figures. His writing is therefore, a palimpsest: it’s integrating various literary models while it goes beyond. In its intern construction, in its creation process, we may discover how it shielded literary norms. Finally, the migrant writer offers a view of the world that is both reconcile and indulgent by making live together the alives and the deads.


劉安國, LIU, AN-GUO Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的:探討微電腦廠商在不同國際市場行銷策略的差異、最適之行銷組合及其對 績效的影響。 文獻探討:1.學者們對國際行銷策略應採行標準化(Levitt 1983)或因地制 宜(Sorenson and Weichmann1975,Buzzell 1980)迭有爭議。 2.陳正男(1985)曾利用集群分析將行銷策略分成擴張策略、中庸策略及防禦 策略,發現採行擴張策略的廠商其成長率皆高於採行防禦策略的廠商。 研究方法:1.資料收集:初級資料以郵寄問卷獲得,次級資料則蒐集期刊、資策會 研究報告及相關報章雜誌而得。 2.抽樣方法:以我國微電腦外銷前三十名廠商及參加1987年台北國際電腦展之 微電腦公司為樣本。 3.資料分析:以集群分析獲得行銷策略型態之分類,再利用ANOVA探討行銷策 略型態與績效之關係。 研究內容:實際調查各廠商在美加、西歐、東南亞、澳紐四個地區其產品策略、通路 策略、訂價策略、及惟廣策略的做法。 研究結果:我國微電腦產業依不同地區的市場特性,有不同的行銷策略,亦獲得不同 的行銷績效。


段盛華, DUAN, SHENG-HUA Unknown Date (has links)
政治系統的維持、適應與發展,非有一套適合其運作的價值體系不可,而此一價值體 係如何內化為系統成員的「內在心理取向」、亦即形成政治態度的過程--政治社會 化,乃為有關學者所深切重視的問題。國內學者對於政治社會化的研究,自袁頌西、 易君博撰文引介後,經胡佛、陳義彥、陳文俊等學者大力研究,時至今日,政治社會 化己成為政治科學最重要的研究領域之一;以各級學校在校生為研究對象而言,研究 所、大學、高(初)中及小學均有研究成果問世。筆者對此領域亦深感興趣,經吾師 義彥之啟迪、面允,乃以五專學生為研究對象,探討我國五專學生的政治定向與行為 模式。 本文依據教部七十六年「中華民國教育統計」所列十四萬八仟一百十二名學生中、分 層隨機抽取百分之一為樣本,運用本校電算中心PRIM750機所備有的SPSSX 程式, 進行各項統計分析。問卷編製係引用或改編前人設計為主,其次則以筆者多年涉入青 年活動的體驗,另增設問項若干,總計問卷題數一四七題。 本文僅就政治社會化的結果-政治態度及其與社會化媒體關聯做嘗試性的探討;其中 由於在困果次序難以論定的限制下,本文僅嘗認尋找與特定政治態度相關聯的媒體作 為政治態度的測度指標。 本文概分五章,除第一章緒論、第二章結論外,其餘各章要旨如下: 第二章:研究方法。主要在敘明本文的研究架構、假設、設計及施測情形。 第三章:政治態度的成份。首先假定政治態度的構成成分包括:認知、情感及行動傾 向三部分,並以因素分析方法所析出之因子印證,次以社會屬性進行差異性檢定。 第四章:政治態度的預測。本章分別以同輩團體、家庭、學校及大傳媒介等四種社會 化媒體對「知、情、意」等三個政治態度面向進行迴歸分析,以探討各媒體內含因子 對政治態度各面向的總預測力及關聯。


陳錦雲, CHEN, JING-YUN Unknown Date (has links)
研究目的 我國農地政策向以農地農有、農地農用,培養自耕農為主導。現行的農地政策,為保 護農業的生產條件,對農地有著嚴格的對人及對地的雙重管制。唯隨經濟環境改變, 近來屢有議者提出「小農經營制度,已不適於經濟原則,應由農企業公司購買農地, 實施企業化的大農經營,以促使農業升級」,則是否農地應該開放自由買賣?企業化 的大農經營是否適合當前台灣農業生產結構?開放農地買賣對農村社會又會造成什麼 影響?是為本文研究的目的。 主要參考文獻 現階段台灣農地問題之探討一劉泰英。經濟自由化與農地保護一陳明健。企業法人承 受農問題之探討一蘇志超。 研究方法 1•搜集次級資料探討當前農業問題與農業生產環境,以研究當前的農業問題之癥結 ,是否以開放農企業購買農地能有助於農業問題的舒解。 2•以問卷調的方式,探討農家與農企業法人購地或售地意願,並進一步探討開放農 地買賣可能造成的影響。 研究內容 1•對於農業整體面,嘗試以農場經營規模,農業勞力結構轉換,農業機械化推行, 農產運銷、農業技術改良、作物、價格政策、土地管制等項目來分析。 2•農家與企業家意願則以問卷內容為研究內容。

黃榦、陳淳對朱學的繼承與發展研究 / The Research of Huang Gan and Chen Chun’s Inheritance and Development of Zhu Xi’s Philosophy

王志瑋 Unknown Date (has links)

擺渡的意識 :文學改編的另一種解讀 : 從 "敘事倫理" 角度論小說 "白鹿原" 改編 =;Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel Bailuyuan from the perspective of narrative ethics / Consciousness of ferrying : another interpretation of literary adaptation : an analysis of the adaptation on the Novel "Bailuyuan" from the perspective of narrative ethics

馬若楠 January 2018 (has links)
University of Macau / Faculty of Arts and Humanities. / Department of Chinese

明末清初文人階層的男色關係與交誼: 陳維崧與徐紫雲的案例. / 陳維崧與徐紫雲的案例 / Ming mo Qing chu wen ren jie ceng de nan se guan xi yu jiao yi: Chen Weisong yu Xu Ziyun de an li. / Chen Weisong yu Xu Ziyun de an li

January 2015 (has links)
每當提及中國古代男色關係時,閱史不深者 ,或未能打破「異性戀常規」的刻板印象,以為男色關係不曾存在於強調傳宗接代、褒揚孝道文化的中國傳統社會中;或習慣援引現代西方病理化同性戀的論述,將男色污名化,視之為少數人的反常嗜好。稍識其事者,能不致於偏聽權力知識所傳播的一種論述,知悉歷史上男色關係曾流行成風,卻僅憑表象,而無太多實證的情況下,論斷中國社會曾寬容對待男色關係,未察這種歸納委實過度簡單化,未能理解環繞男色所建立的關係複雜性。以本文所述的陳維崧及徐紫雲二人關係為例,即使能微觀男色關係的研究者亦多以陳維崧的文字為憑,復以情感層面的框架定位出男色關係,使其對男色關係的解讀不免流於主觀,亦欠卻對徐紫雲的主體性的關懷。 / 本文對應上述三種對男色關係的理解,回饋三種層次的知識:知從前所未知;對往昔一知半解者,豐富其所知;對已知者,復稽其所知。前緣部份,吐露筆者建基於在地性及人文關懷的研究動機。第一章解釋以男色命名關係的原由,及在前現代──現代─後現代、西方──東方的脈絡中,略陳前人研究的語境,並綜述其研究內容。第二章則透過彙整史料,呈示明末清初的男色生態,並探討造就該現象的時代因素。第三章講述陳維崧的生平故事。第四章除整理陳、徐二人的生平和交往,更討論「異性戀常規」如何令男色關係陷於失語的狀態。並關懷二人各自的主體性,更具深度地考量這段男色關係的性質及其操作。針對今日學界的論述如「冒襄笑遣雲郎乃完成了佔有權轉移」及「好男色者皆為雙性戀者」提出質疑。第五章聚焦於《九青圖詠》,以陳維崧與題詠者的交誼為觀察窗口,對題詠內容再作解讀,透析一種鮮有學者提及的客套之情,以豐富學界對箇中題詠立意的解釋,從而對時人對男色大都抱有欣賞之意的看法作出反思。第六章總結並歸納全文要點。 / When it comes to the nanse relationship in ancient Chinese society, people who hardly comprehend the context of history may well judge that there was no breeding ground for such relationship since Chinese culture places much emphasis on the continuation of one’s ancestral line and attaches much importance to filial piety. Meanwhile some people may tend to perceive such homosexual relationship as an abnormal behavior for the minority on the basis of modern western discourse of pathologized homosexuality, thus turning a blind eye to this stigmatized aspect. To those who somewhat understand the past, they might be able to extend their vision beyond what has been produced by the power knowledge, and thus would realize that there were various kinds of nanse relationships among different classes. They however might merely emphasize the popularity of the phenomena and conclude that such relationship was commonly tolerated. Such oversimplified argumentation would contribute to a kind of biased comprehension in which the nature of nanse relationship can by no means be concretely captured. Even to those who conduct micro study of nanse relationship, take my case of Chen Weisong and Xu Ziyun as an example, they usually capitalize on Chen’s literary works in discussing nanse relationship in terms of emotion regardless of the limitation of such subjective interpretation. And Less attention has been paid to the issue of Xu Ziyun’s subjectivity. / To remedy the above problem, this thesis is to produce three kinds of knowledge according to the aforementioned different levels of comprehension of nanse relationship, using the Chen-Xu relationship as a case to tell those without the knowledge of the history the neglected story, to inform those having half-baked knowledge, and to enrich the existing scholarship by reviewing the issue. To begin the thesis with a foreword, I declear my research motive which is related to a kind of local and humanistic concern. The first chapter explains the reasons for using nanse to name the male-male relationship in ancient Chinese society and reviews the previous studies in the Pre-Modern─Modern─Post-Modern and the West-East context. The second chapter shows the phenomenon of nanse relationship during late Ming and early Qing period and explicates its popularity. The third chapter introduces Chen Weisong’s life. The fourth chapter not only describes how Chen and Xu interacted, but also analyses how nanse relationship was misplaced owing to the operation of heteronormativity. In so doing, I provide the scholarship with an insight into Chen-Xu’s nanse relationship with emphasis on their subjectivities. In the midst of my argumentation, existing scholarly observations such as "Mao Xiang sent Ziyun to Chen to indicate the completion of shifting possession", "those immersing in Nanse are all bisexual," and so forth are challenged. The fifth chapter focuses on the picture Jiuqing tuyong and interprets the pomes on it by explicating the relationship between the poets and Chen, thus detecting a kind of civilities that existed among them. This discovery can enrich the existing scholarship concerning the poests’ objectives of writing the poems so as to respond to the question about their appreciation of nanse relationship. The sixth chapter concludes the thesis by highlighting the vital points mentioned in the previous chapters. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / Detailed summary in vernacular field only. / 李俊威. / Thesis (M.Phil.) Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2015. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 257-273). / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / Li Junwei.

Image and identity: a study of Connie Chan Po Chu and Josephine Siao Fong Fong as popular icons for women in the culture industry of Hong Kong.

January 1998 (has links)
by Ku Ho Kwan Lisbeth. / Thesis submitted in: September 1997. / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 1998. / Filmography: leaves 117-119. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 109-116). / List of illustrations --- p.vii / Chapter I. --- Introduction --- p.1 / Chapter 1. 1 --- Articulating Hong Kong History / Identity --- p.1 / Chapter 1.2 --- Identity through Mass-Cultural Mediation --- p.10 / Chapter 1. 3 --- Using Popular Culture --- p.18 / Chapter II. --- The Locality of Culture: A Contextual Analysis of Cantonese Cinema in Hong Kong --- p.32 / Chapter 2.1 --- The Emergence of Local Consciousness through Three Decades of Cantonese Cinema (From the 30s to the 50s) --- p.32 / Chapter 2. 2 --- Youth Film and Its Historically Specific Audience --- p.38 / Chapter 2. 3 --- Reading Youth Film -- A Purple Stormy Night (紫色風雨夜) --- p.55 / Chapter III. --- Mass Mediated Images of Women --- p.64 / Chapter 3. 1 --- Connie Chan Po Chu and Josephine Siao Fong Fong as Desired Cultural Images --- p.66 / Chapter 3. 2 --- Identification and Commodification --- p.81 / Chapter IV. --- Conclusion --- p.92 / Chapter 4.1 --- The Ordinary and the Extraordinary-- Siao Fong Fong and the Self-Image of Hong Kong People in the 90s --- p.92 / Chapter 4.2 --- Mediating Cultural Identity with Cultural History of Hong Kong --- p.102 / Bibliography --- p.109 / 中文電影目錄 --- p.117 / Appendix --- p.120

從《再生緣》到《筆生花》: 清代女性彈詞小說研究. / 從再生緣到筆生花: 清代女性彈詞小說研究 / 清代女性彈詞小說研究 / Cong "Zai sheng yuan" dao "Bi sheng hua": Qing dai nü xing tan ci xiao shuo yan jiu. / Cong Zai sheng yuan dao Bi sheng hua: Qing dai nü xing tan ci xiao shuo yan jiu / Qing dai nü xing tan ci xiao shuo yan jiu

January 2010 (has links)
張思靜. / "2010年11月". / "2010 nian 11 yue". / Thesis (M.Phil.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2010. / Includes bibliographical references (leave 128-133) / Abstract in Chinese and English. / Zhang Sijing. / Chapter 第一章: --- 緒論 --- p.1 / Chapter 第一節: --- 研究範圍及研究對象之性質 --- p.1 / Chapter 第二節: --- 彈詞研究綜述 --- p.5 / Chapter 第三節: --- 研究緣起及問題意識 --- p.8 / Chapter 第四節: --- 具體文本選擇背後的考慮 --- p.10 / Chapter 第五節: --- 《再生緣》、《筆生花》相關研究提要 --- p.15 / Chapter 第六節: --- 本論文結構 --- p.17 / Chapter 第二章: --- 敘事重心的轉移與美學風格的變換:從《再生緣》到《筆生花》 --- p.19 / Chapter 第一節: --- 作者、主題、文學趣味:《再生緣》與《筆生花》的審美差異 --- p.19 / Chapter 第二節: --- 「女性出走故事」發展脈絡中的《再生緣》 --- p.29 / Chapter 第三章: --- 閨閣內的探險:《筆生花》的傳承與新變 --- p.42 / Chapter 第一節: --- 《筆生花》中的「出走」與「回歸」 --- p.42 / Chapter 第二節: --- 「三仙祠」:對「閨閣内探險」的再思考 --- p.52 / Chapter 第四章: --- 「貧窮恥向人前道,富貴何妨紙上誇」:《筆生花》中的「夢」與「貧窮」 / Chapter 第一節: --- 敘事治療:《筆生花》與中國文學中「白日夢」的傳統 --- p.70 / Chapter 第二節: --- 倫理與道德:邱心如筆下的「貧窮」主題 --- p.77 / Chapter 第三節: --- 《筆生花》與清代中國的貧窮知識女性 --- p.84 / Chapter 第五章: --- 彈詞小說的文學史定位:以《再生緣》、《筆生花》的接受為例 --- p.96 / Chapter 第一節: --- 同調異趣:陳寅恪《論再生緣》與二十世紀的彈詞接受視野 --- p.96 / Chapter 第二節: --- 時間感與生命體驗:陳寅恪眼中的《再生緣》 --- p.102 / Chapter 第三節: --- 《再生緣》、《筆生花》的文學史定位及其對彈詞研究的啟示 --- p.108 / Chapter 第六章: --- 結論 --- p.116 / 附錄:邱心如生年考 --- p.123 / 參考文獻 --- p.128 / 後記 --- p.134

陳獨秀民主思想研究 / The Democratic Thought of Ch'en Tu-Shiu

陳政如, Chen, Cheng Ju Unknown Date (has links)

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