Spelling suggestions: "subject:"clauses"" "subject:"lauses""
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Anticipační "it" v předmětu / Anticipatory "it" objectsFilipová, Anežka January 2012 (has links)
The present study focuses on object extraposition in English based on an analysis of corpus findings. The construction in question comprises a monotransitive verb complemented by it which anticipates an object nominal content clause introduced by the conjunctions that, when or if/whether, immediately juxtaposed to the anticipatory it. The aim of the study is to determine the types and frequency of verbs which occur with object it extraposition and to describe what factors influence the use of anticipatory it. The study first provides a review of the relevant topics and outlines a summary of possible factors influencing the occurrence of the construction under study. It focuses on the properties of the verb and complements, the nature of object extraposition in English and the realisations of the object function, and lastly, it outlines the possible factors leading to the use of anticipatory it object. The research part of the study consists of two parts. The first one deals with the selection of material and methodology, while the second presents the description and analysis of the findings. The primary main part of the research was conducted on the data containing 836 sentences that were drawn from the British National Corpus. The research shows that the most frequent verbs occurring with...
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Les interrogatives et exclamatives indirectes dans un corpus de pièces du théâtre moderne (1775-1914). Analyse syntaxique et analyse textométrique / Interrogative and exclamative clauses in a corpus of modern french theatrical plays (1775-1914). Syntactic and textometrical analysisVichos, Kriso 23 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse se concentre sur deux groupes bien particuliers de propositions subordonnées dont, à l'heure actuelle, les définitions sont loin de faire consensus parmi les linguistes : les propositions interrogatives et exclamatives indirectes. L’étude syntaxique et textométrique effectuée dans le cadre de cette recherche part d'un vaste ensemble d’interrogatives et d’exclamatives indirectes, prélevées de manière exhaustive au sein d'un corpus de 68 pièces du théâtre français moderne s’étalant de 1775 à 1914. Les résultats de cette recherche, largement facilitée par les apports d’outils technologiques nouveaux et variés sont présentés dans ce travail. Les deux piliers substantiels de ces structures sont étudiés de manière circonstanciée : il s’agit des verbes et des outils qui les introduisent. Afin de mener à bien cette recherche, une banque de données, appelée Theatre68 a été constituée. Elle regroupe l'ensemble des attestations des séquences interrogatives (appelées SIC) et exclamatives complexes (appelées SEC) du corpus étudié. Cette banque est accessible sur le CD-Rom qui accompagne la thèse. Des cas d’ambiguïté syntaxique (relatives sans antécédent/interrogatives indirectes) et d’ambivalence sémantique (interrogative /exclamative) sont étudiés et commentés. Enfin, l’étude s’élargit vers des constructions particulières qui peuvent servir de supports aux structures exclamatives vu leur force expressive et le degré de figement qu’elles semblent avoir atteint. / This thesis concentrates on two particular groups of subordinate clauses: the indirect interrogative and exclamative clauses, the definitions of which, at the moment, are far from reaching a consensus among the linguists. The syntactic and textometrical study conducted for this thesis is based on a vast set of indirect interrogative and exclamative clauses, extracted from a collection of 68 theatrical plays of the modern French theater, from 1775 to 1914. The results of this research have been greatly facilitated by the contribution of new and varied technological tools (in particular the Lexico5 software). Both substantial pillars of these structures are thoroughly examined, mainly taking into account the introductive verbs and the linking words. To bring this research to a successful conclusion, a data bank, called Theatre68, was constituted. It includes all the examples of indirect interrogative and exclamative clauses and it is available on the CD-ROM attached to this thesis. Cases of syntactic ambiguity (relative/interrogative clauses) and semantic ambivalence (interrogative /exclamatory) are studied and commented upon. The study spreads upon particular constructions which can be used as supports to the exclamative structures considering their expressivity and the semi-fixed form which they seem to have reached.
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Essai de typologie des stratégies de subordination à travers différentes langues australiennes et papoues / An attempt at a typology of subordinate clauses through different Australian and Papuan languagesMarchand, Karell 11 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse propose une étude des différentes stratégies mises en place pour former des propositions subordonnées dans les langues australiennes et papoues. Ces deux groupes de langues, rarement présents dans les études typologiques sur le sujet, présentent certaines constructions morphosyntaxiques peu fréquentes dans les langues du monde. Cette étude se base sur une dizaine de langues : quatre langues australiennes (le nyangumarta, le martuthunira, le wambaya et le kayardild) et six langues papoues (le maybrat, le yimas, le manambu, le mian, l'amele et le hua). Après une brève présentation grammaticale de ces langues, la thèse analyse six types de stratégies de subordination pour en déterminer les fonctions et les types d'emploi : la subordination sans marque, avec une conjonction, avec le marquage casuel, avec une forme verbale spécifique, avec un système de "switch-reference" et par la relativisation. Un dernier chapitre s'intéresse au cas particulier de la complémentation des verbes de perception. Cette thèse a pour but d'illustrer le fonctionnement de ces langues dans le domaine de la subordination, mais également, dans une dimension typologique, de montrer comment ces langues peuvent aider à repenser les théories linguistiques générales. / This thesis propose a study of different strategies to construct subordinate clauses in Australian and Papuan languages. These two language groups, rarely found in typological studies on the subject, show some unusual morphosyntactic constructions. This study is based on ten languages: four Australian languages (Nyangumarta, Martuthunira, Wambaya and Kayardild), and six Papuan languages (Maybrat, Yimas, Manambu, Mian, Amele and Hua). Following a brief grammatical overview of these languages, the thesis examine six types of subordinate clause strategies to identify their functions and uses: subordinate clauses without segmental marking, with a conjunction, with case marking, with a specific verbal form, with a switch-reference system and with the relativization strategy. The last chapter is focused on the specific situation of complementation strategies with perception verbs. This thesis aims to illustrate how subordinate clauses function in those languages, but it also aims to show how these languages may help to re-examine general linguistic theories.
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Funções semântico-discursivas das orações relativas explicativas no português brasileiro escritoErthal, Joel January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva analisar as orações relativas explicativas do português brasileiro, a partir de sentenças coletadas de textos de periódicos (jornais e revistas), verificando os possíveis usos e ‘comportamentos’ das orações explicativas, a fim de corroborar (ou não) o que a gramática tradicional diz sobre essas orações. Primeiramente, abordamos como as orações relativas são tratadas na gramática tradicional, ampliando essas definições logo em seguida. Depois, resenhamos um artigo de Loock (2007) sobre tipos de orações explicativas, que tomamos como base para nosso trabalho. Nos capítulos seguintes, elencamos os tipos de explicativas encontrados em nosso corpus, quais sejam: orações relativas explicativas continuativas, consecutivas, subjetivas, de relevância e informacionais. Ao tratar de cada um desses tipos de relativas, discutimos o emprego adequado da vírgula e a questão da supressibilidade da oração explicativa, pontos que são tidos como de importante distinção entre restritivas e explicativas na gramática tradicional. Concluímos, assim, que as orações explicativas são empregadas com diferentes funções, usos esses que se diferenciam das características tradicionalmente tidas como desse tipo de oração. / The present dissertation aims to analyze the appositive relative clauses of Brazilian Portuguese, based on sentences collected from newspapers (journals and magazines), verifying the possible uses and ‘behaviors’ of the appositive clauses, in order to corroborate or not what the traditional grammar says about these clauses. Firstly, we discuss how relative clauses are treated in traditional grammar, extending these definitions immediately. Then, we review an article by Loock (2007) on types of appositive clauses that we take as a basis for our work. In the following chapters, we list the types of appositives clauses found in our corpus, namely: continuative, consecutive, subjectivity, relevance and informative appositive relative clauses. In dealing with each of these types of relatives, we discuss the proper use of the comma and the question of the suppressibility of appositive relative clauses, points that are taken as an important distinction between restrictive and appositive clauses in standard grammar. We conclude, therefore, that appositive relative clauses are employed with different functions, which are different from the characteristics traditionally considered of this type of clause.
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Working memory and relative clause attachment in first and second language processingOmaki, Akira January 2005 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 2005. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-190). / xvi, 190 leaves, bound 29 cm
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Essays on sovereign debt marketsLanau Grau, Sergi 22 October 2008 (has links)
Aquesta tesis anal.litza les Clausules d'Acció Col.lectiva i les Clàusules de Precedència quan: 1) el repagament és endogen i depèn d'un esforç de lobbying dels creditors. 2) el litigi és purament redistributiu. Hi ha una externalitat positiva del esforç que interactua amb la distribució dels actius i les clàusules contractuals. Els litigis individuals no són desitjables socialment perquè redueixen l'incentiu al esforç. Les Clàusules d'Acció Col.lectiva bloquegen els litigis i maximitzen el repagament. La introducció de Clàusules de Precedència modifica els incentius al esforç. Aquest efecte pot ser positiu o negatiu.El capítol 2 explora la relació entre les crisis de deute sobirà i el creixement de les industries manufacureres. Les industries amb competició importadora intensa rendeixen relativament millor després del default. Les industries exportadores creixen més lentament al voltant del default. Les industries caracteritzades per alta intensitat del capital i tangibilitat dels actius sofreixen menys els effectes dels defaults. / This thesis analyzes Collective Action Clauses and Seniority Clauses when: 1) repayment is endogenous and depends on creditor lobbying effort; 2) litigation for full repayment is purely redistributive. There is a positive externality of effort that interacts with asset distribution and contractual clauses. Individual litigation is not desirable from a social point of view since it weakens the incentives to exert effort. Collective Action Clauses block litigation and maximize repayment. The adoption of Seniority Clauses modifies the incentives to exert effort and thus repayment. This effect can be positive or negative.Chapter 2 explores the linkage between sovereign debt crises and manufacturing industry growth using a difference-in-difference methodology. Industries facing tough import competition perform relatively better after a sovereign default. Export-oriented sectors grow more slowly around default times. Industries characterized by high physical capital intensity and asset tangibility tend to suffer less from default episodes.
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Funções semântico-discursivas das orações relativas explicativas no português brasileiro escritoErthal, Joel January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva analisar as orações relativas explicativas do português brasileiro, a partir de sentenças coletadas de textos de periódicos (jornais e revistas), verificando os possíveis usos e ‘comportamentos’ das orações explicativas, a fim de corroborar (ou não) o que a gramática tradicional diz sobre essas orações. Primeiramente, abordamos como as orações relativas são tratadas na gramática tradicional, ampliando essas definições logo em seguida. Depois, resenhamos um artigo de Loock (2007) sobre tipos de orações explicativas, que tomamos como base para nosso trabalho. Nos capítulos seguintes, elencamos os tipos de explicativas encontrados em nosso corpus, quais sejam: orações relativas explicativas continuativas, consecutivas, subjetivas, de relevância e informacionais. Ao tratar de cada um desses tipos de relativas, discutimos o emprego adequado da vírgula e a questão da supressibilidade da oração explicativa, pontos que são tidos como de importante distinção entre restritivas e explicativas na gramática tradicional. Concluímos, assim, que as orações explicativas são empregadas com diferentes funções, usos esses que se diferenciam das características tradicionalmente tidas como desse tipo de oração. / The present dissertation aims to analyze the appositive relative clauses of Brazilian Portuguese, based on sentences collected from newspapers (journals and magazines), verifying the possible uses and ‘behaviors’ of the appositive clauses, in order to corroborate or not what the traditional grammar says about these clauses. Firstly, we discuss how relative clauses are treated in traditional grammar, extending these definitions immediately. Then, we review an article by Loock (2007) on types of appositive clauses that we take as a basis for our work. In the following chapters, we list the types of appositives clauses found in our corpus, namely: continuative, consecutive, subjectivity, relevance and informative appositive relative clauses. In dealing with each of these types of relatives, we discuss the proper use of the comma and the question of the suppressibility of appositive relative clauses, points that are taken as an important distinction between restrictive and appositive clauses in standard grammar. We conclude, therefore, that appositive relative clauses are employed with different functions, which are different from the characteristics traditionally considered of this type of clause.
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As locuções conjuntivas dado que, desde que e uma vez que no PB: condicionalidade-causalidadeCavaguti, Ana Paula 18 March 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-03-18 / Universidade Federal de Sao Carlos / In this research, we propose the synchronic study of adverbial clauses initiated by conjunctions dado que, desde que and uma vez que in written Brazilian Portuguese. Considering that these conjunctions may express causality and conditionality, the distinction between the interpretation of causal clauses and conditional clauses is not only a result of syntactic features but also of semantic and pragmatic ones. The analysis is based on the Functionalist Theory, in the terms of Dik (1989), Hengeveld (1998), Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), Sweetser (1990), among others, and this study provides, through a detailed description of these conjuctions at the discourse level, characteristics of dado que, desde que and uma vez que in their effective use. The corpus of this research is composed by written texts, which were collected at the Corpus do Português, available at: http://www.corpusdoportugues.org. The features considered in this analysis were: (i) the order of the causal and the conditional clauses in relation to the main clause, (ii) the verbal tenses correlations, (iii) the semantic parameters (type of entity; factuality; presupposition and time dependence) proposed by Hengeveld (1998), (iv) levels and layers of analysis, according to Hengeveld and Mackenzie (2008), and (v) domains of use of Sweetser (1990). This research aims at showing how a natural language user 'acts', so that his/her verbal interaction is successful in face of his/her communicative intentions. This study also provides linguistic subsidies for the automatic treatment of language. / Neste trabalho, propõe-se o estudo sincrônico das orações adverbiais iniciadas pelas locuções conjuntivas dado que, desde que e por uma vez que no português escrito do Brasil. Considerando que essas locuções conjuntivas podem expressar as relações de causalidade e de condicionalidade, a distinção entre uma interpretação e outra não é resultado apenas de fatores sintáticos mas também de fatores de natureza semântica e pragmática. Baseada em pressupostos teóricos funcionalistas como os de Dik (1989), Hengeveld (1998), Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), Sweetser (1990), entre outros, esta pesquisa fornece, por meio de uma descrição detalhada do comportamento funcional dessas locuções no nível discursivo, as características de dado que, desde que e de uma vez que em contextos reais de uso. Com base nas ocorrências fornecidas por textos escritos, obtidas no Corpus do Português, disponível em: <http://www.corpusdoportugues.org>, examinam-se fatores como: (i) a ordem frasal dominante da oração causal/condicional em relação à oração-núcleo; (ii) as correlações modotemporais; (iii) os parâmetros semânticos (tipo de entidade; factualidade; pressuposição e dependência temporal) propostos por Hengeveld (1998); (iv) níveis e camadas de Hengeveld e Mackenzie (2008), e (v) os domínios de Sweetser (1990). Esta pesquisa procura demonstrar como o usuário de uma língua natural opera de modo que a interação verbal seja bem sucedida conforme suas intenções comunicativas e ainda fornece subsídios linguísticos para o tratamento automático da linguagem.
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Funções semântico-discursivas das orações relativas explicativas no português brasileiro escritoErthal, Joel January 2017 (has links)
A presente dissertação objetiva analisar as orações relativas explicativas do português brasileiro, a partir de sentenças coletadas de textos de periódicos (jornais e revistas), verificando os possíveis usos e ‘comportamentos’ das orações explicativas, a fim de corroborar (ou não) o que a gramática tradicional diz sobre essas orações. Primeiramente, abordamos como as orações relativas são tratadas na gramática tradicional, ampliando essas definições logo em seguida. Depois, resenhamos um artigo de Loock (2007) sobre tipos de orações explicativas, que tomamos como base para nosso trabalho. Nos capítulos seguintes, elencamos os tipos de explicativas encontrados em nosso corpus, quais sejam: orações relativas explicativas continuativas, consecutivas, subjetivas, de relevância e informacionais. Ao tratar de cada um desses tipos de relativas, discutimos o emprego adequado da vírgula e a questão da supressibilidade da oração explicativa, pontos que são tidos como de importante distinção entre restritivas e explicativas na gramática tradicional. Concluímos, assim, que as orações explicativas são empregadas com diferentes funções, usos esses que se diferenciam das características tradicionalmente tidas como desse tipo de oração. / The present dissertation aims to analyze the appositive relative clauses of Brazilian Portuguese, based on sentences collected from newspapers (journals and magazines), verifying the possible uses and ‘behaviors’ of the appositive clauses, in order to corroborate or not what the traditional grammar says about these clauses. Firstly, we discuss how relative clauses are treated in traditional grammar, extending these definitions immediately. Then, we review an article by Loock (2007) on types of appositive clauses that we take as a basis for our work. In the following chapters, we list the types of appositives clauses found in our corpus, namely: continuative, consecutive, subjectivity, relevance and informative appositive relative clauses. In dealing with each of these types of relatives, we discuss the proper use of the comma and the question of the suppressibility of appositive relative clauses, points that are taken as an important distinction between restrictive and appositive clauses in standard grammar. We conclude, therefore, that appositive relative clauses are employed with different functions, which are different from the characteristics traditionally considered of this type of clause.
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Restructuring Sovereign Debt : Private Creditors and International Law / La restructuration de la dette souveraine : entre créanciers privés et droit internationalBianco, Giuseppe 01 December 2017 (has links)
La thèse examine le cadre juridique de la restructuration de la dette souveraine vis-à-vis des créanciers privés et le rôle joué par le droit international public. La problématique est la suivante : Quel est le rôle actuel et potentiel du droit international public dans la restructuration de dettes souveraines ? Le cadre juridique actuel est fragmenté, avec une multitude d'acteurs et de pratiques. Le contexte politique influence le processus plus que des coutumes ou des principes généraux. La jurisprudence révèle les défis pour les cours nationales et les tribunaux internationaux. L'approche contractuelle incite les créanciers à un contentieux créatif, qui perturbe les négociations. L'arbitrage relatif aux investissements s'est révélé inadéquat. Les incohérences entre les différents fora entraînent des résultats insatisfaisants pour les créanciers et les débiteurs, au détriment de la sécurité juridique. Pour les perspectives d'avenir, les concepts de dette odieuse et d'état de nécessité ne peuvent offrir que des améliorations limitées. Leur contenu apparaît trop peu défini pour protéger une restructuration. La réforme du cadre juridique de la restructuration de la dette souveraine a mis en concurrence les approches fondées sur le droit international public et sur le droit privé. Cela a été le plus évident avec le processus à l'Assemblée générale des Nations Unies et la modification concomitante des clauses contractuelles. Un cadre futur pourrait inclure une réduction de l'accès au contentieux, un rôle plus important reconnu aux droits de l'homme de la population débitrice et une action de l'Union européenne à mi-chemin entre les deux approches. / This thesis considers the legal framework of sovereign debt restructuring in relation to private creditors and the relevant rules of public international law. The research question is : What is the actual and potential role of public international law in sovereign debt restructurings ? The current legal framework is fragmented, and a multitude of actors and practices coexist. Political expediency governs the process and the outcomes, with little room for customary rules or general principles of law. The case law reveals the challenges for both domestic courts and international tribunals in dealing with sovereign debt restructurings. The contractual approach provides incentives for creditors to attempt creative litigation, which disrupts negotiations. Investment arbitration has proved an inadequate response. The inconsistencies among the different fora bring about unsatisfactory results for creditors and debtors alike, let alone the implications for legal certainty. For the future prospects, the concepts of odious debt and state of necessity can provide limited improvements, at best. Their content and contours appear too ill-defined to be relied upon by States wishing to shield a restructuring. The reform of the legal framework for sovereign debt restructuring has set a competition between approaches based on public international law and on private law. This has been most evident with the process at the United Nations General Assembly and the concomitant modification of contractual clauses. A future framework could potentially feature less avenues for litigation, a focus on the human rights of the debtor population, and a middle ground shaped by the European Union.
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