Spelling suggestions: "subject:"coherence"" "subject:"koherence""
1961 |
The relevance of the speech act theory to Buzani KubawoScheckle, Linda Ann 10 1900 (has links)
Austin's Speech Act Theory is a valuable tool for the
analysis of a literary text. In interaction, the intentionand
purpose-success of linguistic communication can be gauged
by establishing whether participants have met felicity
conditions and have respected maxims. When the Co-operative
Principle is ignored, special effects are achieved and
receivers can only make sense of utterances through
implicature and inferences based on background knowledge and
mutual contextual beliefs.
In the drama, Buzani kubawo, characters interact on four
levels of time in space and place. They reveal themselves
and convey theme through their speech and actions. Conflict
is entrenched by lines of force drawn between opposing
characters and between sub-worlds contrasted. Cohesion,
determined by plot structure, and form, expressed on the
endophoric and exophoric levels, give meaning to the drama.
The micro-analysis of the wedding scene illustrates how
communication can misfire should the playwright allow it! / African Languages / M.A. (African languages)
1962 |
廣告語言裡的情感與意義建構:析誠品書店之平面廣告 / Emotions and meaning construction in advertising language: Analysing Eslite's print ads張道循, Chang, Tao Hsun Unknown Date (has links)
曾幾何時,廣告在流行文化中已跳脫直接而露骨的銷售意圖,不論是電視廣告的表現形式,抑或報章雜誌的平面廣告,都歷經相當之變革。除了多姿多彩的圖像,更操弄了豐富的語言策略,甚且如詩一般的語言,融入文學新意,產生前所未有的廣告文學性。針對這樣的趨勢變遷,本文旨在透過以社會語用及批判性取徑(a sociopragmatic and critical approach)為主的言談分析(discourse analysis),為廣告文化在作者(/說者)和讀者(/聽者)間的溝通所扮演的角色提供一質性研究。嘗試從語言使用(language use)的層面來觀察:如何喚起群體意識?哪些是常用的語言策略?使用這些語言策略/修辭手段能給讀者帶來什麼樣的效應?這些語言使用伴隨著什麼樣的社會意義?分析架構植基於「攸關性理論」(Relevance Theory, Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995),從讀者花費處理訊息的精力(processing efforts)審視其所能獲致的效果(contextual effects)。在另一方面,如同Sperber & Wilson(1995: 279)對於往後研究的期許,本研究更在語用分析中加入了社會文化認知和情境的考量,此正亦批判語言學家們的主要關切(Fairclough, 1995)。
分析語料取材自誠品書店所發表的系列廣告文案,係著眼於下列幾個明顯的現象:(一)文中採取豐富嶄新的語言策略,包括了隱喻、姓名/名稱的平行、重複與敘事,這些修辭手段常更能喚起讀者的注意和興趣,產生詩歌性(poetic effects)等認知效果,並表現各樣的語用/溝通功能。(二)大量西方文明裡的名字/名稱巧妙而生動地運用在這些廣告裡,涵蓋人名(藝術家/作家/詩人/名人)、地名、文學藝術名作和知名品牌。(三)對於作者而言,他們可以蘊含更多的情感、態度、情緒和感覺於其中,產生溝通裡的的弱式效果(weaker effects of communication, Wilson & Sperber, 1992),也能規避一些較為嚴肅的社會責任;而就讀者來說,這些語言策略得以預留更寬闊的詮釋空間,更吸引讀者。(四)除了使用這些語言策略來表現文學性,作者並藉由與讀者間的認知環境,利用流行話題與生活經驗,傳達了知識建構、同儕情誼、精英主義、女性意識、人文關懷、都會城市中產階級的生活型態,展現流行文化中的多元文化交融以及外語的強勢霸權地位,反映了傳統的/已改變的/變遷中的文化價值觀,邀請讀者認可這些顯著的意識型態與跨文化價值觀,進而形塑文化多元的認同和社會認知,呼應言談與社會/文化間的雙向關係(dialectical relationship, Fairclough, 1995)。誠品書店一再發表的系列文宣,雖然無法同電視廣告般在日常生活中與讀者(/聽者)的密集式接觸,然卻能在充裕的版面裡,在微觀層次上運用更多的語言策略,也能在宏觀的社會文化認知層次上,透過對流行文化形式與功能的檢視,有助提升其企業形象以臻一文化地標,對於諸如:刻板印象、權力象徵(symbolic power)、社會趨勢與變遷、文化標記(cultural iconicity)與認同、性別角色等討論,提供反思的空間。並對相關議題如「什麼構成了、什麼排除自、以及什麼包含於流行文化之中?」、「是否存在著流行文化記憶?」提供有用的觀察。 / This study aims to propose a pragmatic study along with a critical analysis of the print advertisements of Eslite Bookstore in Taiwan. It explores the audience’s comprehension and interpretation regarding emotions, poetic effects, and storytelling in media communication under relevance–theoretic account (Sperber & Wilson, 1986/1995; Noveck & Sperber, 2006) by looking into contemporary Chinese print ads released by Eslite. Since poetic effects and storytelling in long texts suitably illustrate the reasoning and pragmatic inference towards emotions via larger units of text processing and inferred implicit meanings, the current study centres on the audience’s inferential processes and pragmatic interpretations over longer texts against institutional discourse, advertising.
The audience searches for optimal relevance in the interpretation process, during which a wide array of weak implicatures, based on her greater share of responsibility, could be inferred and derived from the non-literal speech together with the context, depending on the different degrees of involvement and shared cognitive environment. The sociocultural aspect of language use, on the other hand, is further explored to see the inseparable relationship between language and social function. The rhetorical strategies of syntactic parallelism and repetition of name, metaphor, and storytelling are artfully crafted through literary styles within the ads to attract the audience’s attention, to initiate cognitive poetic effects and advertising literariness, and to perform diverse pragmatic/communicative functions. They convey too the dominant ideologies, viz. intellectualism, elitism, social critique of taste, friends’ rapport, feminine awakening, humanistic concern, and the current lifestyles of petit bourgeoisie in urban contexts.
The chosen data vastly adopt elegant wordings and stylistic patterns from names of person (artist/writer/poet/celebrity), place, literature, fashion and brand names to deliver aesthetic value. Placing little emphasis on target commodity, they invite and encourage an imaginative audience to actively and cognitively consume the texts and stories, and spell out a variety of weak implicatures involving feelings, attitudes, emotions and impressions along the textual lines. They invisibly persuade her to recognise the significant inter–/cultural values. Positioning the audience as social elite, shaping and branding the corporate image as a cultural polysemy and landmark of cultural empowerment, they also initiate an emergent text genre with communicative innovation in cultural industry and academic disciplines.
People in all languages often mean more than they say. Grammar on its own is typically insufficient for determining the full meaning of an utterance, the assumption that the discourse is coherent or ‘makes sense’ has a vital role to play in meaning construction as well. Just as syntactic surface structures display complexity of underlying structures, we can appreciate much the implicit meanings constructed, conveyed and enriched by storytelling and the poetic force of lexical items and syntactic–semantic–pragmatic interplay in media discourse, as shown in the study. This functional linguistic study reveals that the selling motive could well be melted and/or hidden through those communication strategies due to their implicitness, indirectness and vagueness, and clarifies the simplistic dichotomy between Eastern vs. Western cultures. The dialogic relations between form and function in advertising language reflect the social cohesion/interaction and cognitive dynamics of communicator and audience, thus maintaining the dialectical relationship between social structures and social practice (Fairclough, 1995).
1963 |
A correção e a fundamentação de decisões jurídicas, em bases pragmático-universais, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geralLeivas, Paulo Gilberto Cogo January 2009 (has links)
A fundamentação e a correção de decisões jurídicas na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral exigem o cumprimento das regras e formas do discurso jurídico fundado em bases pragmático-universais. As viradas lingüística e pragmática, por obra de Frege, Wittgenstein e Peirce, fundaram os alicerces de uma teoria dos atos de fala, de Austin e Searle, de uma teoria da argumentação, de Toulmin, e de uma teoria comunicativa e discursiva da verdade e correção, em Habermas. A ética procedimentalista e cognitivista habermasiana reconstrói o princípio da universabilidade em trajes discursivos. Alexy enuncia um conceito não-positivista e inclusivo da moral fundamentado na pretensão de correção jurídica e argúi a tese do discurso jurídico como caso especial do discurso prático geral. Uma decisão jurídica correta deve ser justificada com base nas regras e formas da justificação interna e externa do discurso. A fundamentação das decisões por meio de argumentos de princípios coloca a exigência da aplicação do preceito da proporcionalidade. As dogmáticas e jurisprudências alemã e brasileira, na aplicação do direito de igualdade geral, utilizam inicialmente uma fórmula da proibição da arbitrariedade ou correlação lógica, da qual resulta uma vinculação fraca do legislador, e passam a adotar uma fórmula baseada na proporcionalidade, com uma vinculação severa do legislador, especialmente quando há tratamento desigual de indivíduos com características especiais elencadas na Constituição. A racionalidade de uma decisão que se utiliza da estrutura da proporcionalidade depende da justificação externa de cada uma das premissas usadas na justificação interna. Há uma relação necessária entre discurso jurídico, proporcionalidade e dogmáticas dos direitos fundamentais. / The justification and correction of legal decisions in the application of general equality principle demands the fullfilment of rules and forms of legal discourse founded on a universal-pragmatic basis. The linguistic and pragmatic turn, by Frege, Wittgenstein, and Peirce, established the foundations of a theory of speech acts, by Austin and Searle, of a theory of reasoning, by Toulmin, and a communicative and discoursive theory on truth and correctness in Habermas. The habermasian proceduralism and cognitivism ethics reconstructs the principle of universability in discoursive ways. Alexy states a non-positivistic and moral inclusive concept of law grounded in the claim to legal correction and argues that the legal discourse must be understood as a special case of general practical discourse. A correct legal decision must be justified on the rules and forms of internal and external justification of discourse. The justification for the decisions by means of arguments of principle sets the demand of applying the partial requirements of proportionality. German and Brazilian legal theory and jurisprudence, in applying the right to general equality, apply initially a formula of prohibition of arbitrary and correlational logic, where there is a weak attachment of the legislature, and start adopting a formula based on proportionality, where there is severe attachment of the legislature, especially in the case of discrimination against individuals with special features listed in the Constitution. The rationality of a decision which uses the structure of proportionality depends on the external justification of each of the premises used in the internal justification. There is a necessary link between proportionality, legal discourse and fundamental rights legal theory.
1964 |
Atomically controlled device fabrication using STMRuess, Frank Joachim, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
We present the development of a novel, UHV-compatible device fabrication strategy for the realisation of nano- and atomic-scale devices in silicon by harnessing the atomic-resolution capability of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). We develop etched registration markers in the silicon substrate in combination with a custom-designed STM/ molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE) to solve one of the key problems in STM device fabrication ??? connecting devices, fabricated in UHV, to the outside world. Using hydrogen-based STM lithography in combination with phosphine, as a dopant source, and silicon MBE, we then go on to fabricate several planar Si:P devices on one chip, including control devices that demonstrate the efficiency of each stage of the fabrication process. We demonstrate that we can perform four terminal magnetoconductance measurements at cryogenic temperatures after ex-situ alignment of metal contacts to the buried device. Using this process, we demonstrate the lateral confinement of P dopants in a delta-doped plane to a line of width 90nm; and observe the cross-over from 2D to 1D magnetotransport. These measurements enable us to extract the wire width which is in excellent agreement with STM images of the patterned wire. We then create STM-patterned Si:P wires with widths from 90nm to 8nm that show ohmic conduction and low resistivities of 1 to 20 micro Ohm-cm respectively ??? some of the highest conductivity wires reported in silicon. We study the dominant scattering mechanisms in the wires and find that temperature-dependent magnetoconductance can be described by a combination of both 1D weak localisation and 1D electron-electron interaction theories with a potential crossover to strong localisation at lower temperatures. We present results from STM-patterned tunnel junctions with gap sizes of 50nm and 17nm exhibiting clean, non-linear characteristics. We also present preliminary conductance results from a 70nm long and 90nm wide dot between source-drain leads which show evidence of Coulomb blockade behaviour. The thesis demonstrates the viability of using STM lithography to make devices in silicon down to atomic-scale dimensions. In particular, we show the enormous potential of this technology to directly correlate images of the doped regions with ex-situ electrical device characteristics.
1965 |
Modelling of Mobile Fading Channels with Fading Mitigation Techniques.Shang, Lei, lei.shang@ieee.org January 2006 (has links)
This thesis aims to contribute to the developments of wireless communication systems. The work generally consists of three parts: the first part is a discussion on general digital communication systems, the second part focuses on wireless channel modelling and fading mitigation techniques, and in the third part we discuss the possible application of advanced digital signal processing, especially time-frequency representation and blind source separation, to wireless communication systems. The first part considers general digital communication systems which will be incorporated in later parts. Today's wireless communication system is a subbranch of a general digital communication system that employs various techniques of A/D (Analog to Digital) conversion, source coding, error correction, coding, modulation, and synchronization, signal detection in noise, channel estimation, and equalization. We study and develop the digital communication algorithms to enhance the performance of wireless communication systems. In the Second Part we focus on wireless channel modelling and fading mitigation techniques. A modified Jakes' method is developed for Rayleigh fading channels. We investigate the level-crossing rate (LCR), the average duration of fades (ADF), the probability density function (PDF), the cumulative distribution function (CDF) and the autocorrelation functions (ACF) of this model. The simulated results are verified against the analytical Clarke's channel model. We also construct frequency-selective geometrical-based hyperbolically distributed scatterers (GBHDS) for a macro-cell mobile environment with the proper statistical characteristics. The modified Clarke's model and the GBHDS model may be readily expanded to a MIMO channel model thus we study the MIMO fading channel, specifically we model the MIMO channel in the angular domain. A detailed analysis of Gauss-Markov approximation of the fading channel is also given. Two fading mitigation techniques are investigated: Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) and spatial diversity. In the Third Part, we devote ourselves to the exciting fields of Time-Frequency Analysis and Blind Source Separation and investigate the application of these powerful Digital Signal Processing (DSP) tools to improve the performance of wireless communication systems.
1966 |
Teachers’ mo(u)rning stories: A living narrative inquiry into teachers’ identities on emergent high school inquiry landscapes2013 August 1900 (has links)
This particular telling and retelling from a living narrative inquiry (Clandinin & Connelly, 2000) into the early experiences of three high school science teachers – Beth, Joel, and Christina – explores the emergent inquiry landscapes constructed as we implemented a renewed, decolonizing, science curriculum in Saskatchewan founded on a philosophy of inquiry and on a broader, more holistic definition of scientific literacy, both Western and Indigenous. This inquiry draws on an ontology of lived experience (Dewey, 1938) and, more subtly, on the borderland of narrative inquiry and complexity science in order to illustrate the emergence and coming to knowing (Delandshire, 2002; Ermine, as cited in Aikenhead, 2002) of our identities in a way that avoids the reduction in complexity of our experiences. While my initial wonders persisted throughout the research as I lived alongside Beth, Joel, and Christina for two years, they diffracted into the contextualized wonder: how do we share a philosophy of inquiry with each other and with our students? As such, this inquiry is a sharing about our own identities, about our own agency, about identity work, and about which experiences we choose to (re)engage with as we attempt to (re)find the narrative diversity, both individual and collective, necessary to shift from enacted identities to 'wished-we-could-enact' identities. This exploration of our 'mo(u)rning stories', early experiences from our shifting identities after stepping through the liminal and onto emergent inquiry landscapes, or our 'stories to relive with' provides a language and context to our shifting identities and hence, to science education, as we move towards a more holistic and humanistic form of scientific literacy for all our students. What emerged through the enmeshing of our landscapes and through the construction of voids in existing practices, followed by deformalizations in assessment and planning, was the development of a way of sharing our philosophy of inquiry and hence, our shifting identities. The artifacting and sharing of our contextualized inquiry experiences highlighted the rich assessment making, and curriculum making experiences (Huber, Murphy & Clandinin, 2011) we shared with our students and highlighted a view of assessment as a relationship. As we told and retold our stories to relive with, our identities shifted towards those more akin to facilitator and anthropologist and away from sage and engineer/architect.
1967 |
Zeitaufgelöste Fluoreszenzspektroskopie unimolekularer Reaktionen im Überschalldüsenstrahl: <i>trans-cis</i>-Photoisomerisierung, Phenylringtorsion, intramolekularer Wasserstoffatomtransfer / Time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy of unimolecular reactions in a supersonic jet expansion: <i>trans-cis</i>-photoisomerization, phenylring torsion, intramolecular proton transferMüller, Christian 28 June 2005 (has links)
No description available.
1968 |
Neural basis and behavioral effects of dynamic resting state functional magnetic resonance imaging as defined by sliding window correlation and quasi-periodic patternsThompson, Garth John 20 September 2013 (has links)
While task-based functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) has helped us understand the functional role of many regions in the human brain, many diseases and complex behaviors defy explanation. Alternatively, if no task is performed, the fMRI signal between distant, anatomically connected, brain regions is similar over time. These correlations in “resting state” fMRI have been strongly linked to behavior and disease. Previous work primarily calculated correlation in entire fMRI runs of six minutes or more, making understanding the neural underpinnings of these fluctuations difficult. Recently, coordinated dynamic activity on shorter time scales has been observed in resting state fMRI: correlation calculated in comparatively short sliding windows and quasi-periodic (periodic but not constantly active) spatiotemporal patterns. However, little relevance to behavior or underlying neural activity has been demonstrated. This dissertation addresses this problem, first by using 12.3 second windows to demonstrate a behavior-fMRI relationship previously only observed in entire fMRI runs. Second, simultaneous recording of fMRI and electrical signals from the brains of anesthetized rats is used to demonstrate that both types of dynamic activity have strong correlates in electrophysiology. Very slow neural signals correspond to the quasi-periodic patterns, supporting the idea that low-frequency activity organizes large scale information transfer in the brain. This work both validates the use of dynamic analysis of resting state fMRI, and provides a starting point for the investigation of the systemic basis of many neuropsychiatric diseases.
1969 |
Improved inspection and micrometrology of embedded structures in multi-layered ceramics : Development of optical coherence tomographic methods and toolsSu, Rong January 2014 (has links)
Roll-to-roll manufacturing of micro components based on advanced printing, structuring and lamination of ceramic tapes is rapidly progressing. This large-scale and cost-effective manufacturing process of ceramic micro devices is however prone to hide defects within the visually opaque tape stacks. To achieve a sustainable manufacturing with zero defects in the future, there is an urgent need for reliable inspection systems. The systems to be developed have to perform high-resolution in-process quality control at high speed. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a promising technology for detailed in-depth inspection and metrology. Combined with infrared screening of larger areas it can solve the inspection demands in the roll-to-roll ceramic tape processes. In this thesis state-of-art commercial and laboratory OCT systems, operating at the central wavelength of 1.3 µm and 1.7 µm respectively, are evaluated for detecting microchannels, metal prints, defects and delaminations embedded in alumina and zirconia ceramic layers at hundreds of micrometers beneath surfaces. The effect of surface roughness induced scattering and scattering by pores on the probing radiation, is analyzed by experimentally captured and theoretically simulated OCT images of the ceramic samples, while varying surface roughnesses and operating wavelengths. By extending the Monte Carlo simulations of the OCT response to the mid-infrared the optimal operating wavelength is found to be 4 µm for alumina and 2 µm for zirconia. At these wavelengths we predict a sufficient probing depth of about 1 mm and we demonstrate and discuss the effect of rough surfaces on the detectability of embedded boundaries. For high-precision measurement a new and automated 3D image processing algorithm for analysis of volumetric OCT data is developed. We show its capability by measuring the geometric dimensions of embedded structures in ceramic layers, extracting features with irregular shapes and detecting geometric deformations. The method demonstrates its suitability for industrial applications by rapid inspection of manufactured samples with high accuracy and robustness. The new inspection methods we demonstrate are finally analyzed in the context of measurement uncertainty, both in the axial and lateral cases, and reveal that scattering in the sample indeed affects the lateral measurement uncertainty. Two types of image artefacts are found to be present in OCT images due to multiple reflections between neighboring boundaries and inhomogeneity of refractive index. A wavefront aberration is found in the OCT system with a scanning scheme of two galvo mirrors, and it can be corrected using our image processing algorithm. / <p>QC 20140428</p> / Multilayer (FP7-NMP4-2007-214122)
1970 |
Atomically controlled device fabrication using STMRuess, Frank Joachim, Physics, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2006 (has links)
We present the development of a novel, UHV-compatible device fabrication strategy for the realisation of nano- and atomic-scale devices in silicon by harnessing the atomic-resolution capability of a scanning tunnelling microscope (STM). We develop etched registration markers in the silicon substrate in combination with a custom-designed STM/ molecular beam epitaxy system (MBE) to solve one of the key problems in STM device fabrication ??? connecting devices, fabricated in UHV, to the outside world. Using hydrogen-based STM lithography in combination with phosphine, as a dopant source, and silicon MBE, we then go on to fabricate several planar Si:P devices on one chip, including control devices that demonstrate the efficiency of each stage of the fabrication process. We demonstrate that we can perform four terminal magnetoconductance measurements at cryogenic temperatures after ex-situ alignment of metal contacts to the buried device. Using this process, we demonstrate the lateral confinement of P dopants in a delta-doped plane to a line of width 90nm; and observe the cross-over from 2D to 1D magnetotransport. These measurements enable us to extract the wire width which is in excellent agreement with STM images of the patterned wire. We then create STM-patterned Si:P wires with widths from 90nm to 8nm that show ohmic conduction and low resistivities of 1 to 20 micro Ohm-cm respectively ??? some of the highest conductivity wires reported in silicon. We study the dominant scattering mechanisms in the wires and find that temperature-dependent magnetoconductance can be described by a combination of both 1D weak localisation and 1D electron-electron interaction theories with a potential crossover to strong localisation at lower temperatures. We present results from STM-patterned tunnel junctions with gap sizes of 50nm and 17nm exhibiting clean, non-linear characteristics. We also present preliminary conductance results from a 70nm long and 90nm wide dot between source-drain leads which show evidence of Coulomb blockade behaviour. The thesis demonstrates the viability of using STM lithography to make devices in silicon down to atomic-scale dimensions. In particular, we show the enormous potential of this technology to directly correlate images of the doped regions with ex-situ electrical device characteristics.
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