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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Zackrisson, Love January 2023 (has links)
Neuromodulation, such as spinal cord stimulation (SCS) and deep brain stimulation (DBS), has been shown to modulate pathophysiological brain activity and provide symptomatic therapy for several neurological disorders, including Parkinson’s Disease. The effectiveness of this therapy could likely be further improved by neuromodulation that is adaptive, delivering stimulation more selectively, by monitoring a biomarker in recorded brain signals, which indicates the presence of a pathological state. In the treatment of Parkinson’s Disease, the most commonly proposed solutions for adaptive neuromodulation are relying on excessive beta-band oscillatory activity as a biomarker, which is however often highly variable between patients during movement and in conjunction with neuromodulatory treatment, such as levodopa. These limitations hinder broader use of this biomarker and prompts further research for alternative solutions. In this work, we instead present the use of a novel feature of evoked electrophysiological activity, which utilizes the inter-trial phase coherence between stimulation pulses, to classify parkinsonian brain states in 6-OHDA lesioned rats. We developed a method, which relates to the rate of decay in inter-tral phase coherence, evoked by single SCS or DBS pulses, that is able to statistically separate experimental conditions recorded from a dopaminergic depleted hemisphere from conditions a non-depleted hemisphere, while also being able to separate conditions with levodopa treatment from conditions without treatment. For animals undergoing SCS we can classify phase decay measurements from pharmacologically treated or untreated parkinsonian states, using a Bayesian model, with a high accuracy and strong classifier performance for a single channel (AUC 0.85 – 0.99) in the motor cortex and striatum. In ongoing experiments, similar implementation of adaptive DBS is being evaluated. Our results support the implementation of our feature in a protocol aimed at performing closed-loop neuromodulation in the 6-OHDA rat model of Parkinon’s Disease, that can serve as the basis for further studies. / Neuromodulering, såsom ryggmärgsstimulering (SCS) och djup hjärnstimulering (DBS), har visat sig kunna modulera patofysiologisk hjärnaktivitet och ge symtomatisk behandling av flera neurologiska sjukdomar, inklusive Parkinsons sjukdom. Effekten av denna behandling skulle sannolikt kunna förbättras ytterligare genom neuromodulering som är adaptiv och ger stimulering mer selektivt, genom övervakning av en biomarkör i registrerade hjärnsignaler, som indikerar förekomsten av ett patologiskt tillstånd. Vid behandling av Parkinsons sjukdom förlitar sig de vanligaste lösningarna för adaptiv neuromodulering på överdriven beta-bands oscillatorisk aktivitet som en biomarkör som dock ofta är mycket varierande mellan patienter, under rörelse och i samband med behandling så som levodopa. Dessa begränsningar hindrar en bredare användning av denna biomarkör och ytterligare forskning krävs för att hitta alternativa lösningar. I detta arbete presenterar vi istället en ny egenskap hos väckt elektrofysiologisk aktivitet, som utnyttjar faskoherens mellan stimuleringspulser för att klassificera parkinsonistiska hjärntillstånd hos 6-OHDA-lesionerade råttor. Vi har utvecklat en metod som relaterar till avklingningshastigheten i faskoherens, framkallad av enstaka SCS- eller DBS-pulser, som kan statistiskt särskilja de experimentella tillstånden i en dopaminergiskt utarmad hemisfär från liknande tillstånd, fast i en icke utarmad hemisfär. Den kan även statistiskt särskilja tillstånd med levodopabehandling från tillstånd utan behandling. För djur som genomgår SCS kan vi klassificera fasförfallsmätningar från farmakologiskt behandlade eller obehandlade parkinsontillstånd, med hjälp av en Bayesiansk modell, med hög noggrannhet och stark klassificeringsprestanda för en enda kanal (AUC 0,85 - 0,99) i motorcortex och striatum. I pågående experiment utvärderas en liknande implementering av adaptiv DBS. Våra resultat stöder implementeringen av vår funktion i ett protokoll som syftar till att utföra sluten neuromodulering i 6-OHDA-råttmodellen för Parkinons sjukdom, som kan tjäna som grund för ytterligare studier.

Vägar till välmående - studenters upplevelser och erfarenheter av att börja studera hemifrån på grund av covid-19 : En kvalitativ studie / Paths to well-being - students experiences of starting to study from home due to covid-19 : A qualitative study

Häger, Janina, Jonsson, Elin, Strandberg, Rebecca January 2021 (has links)
Idag finns det begränsad kunskap om studenters välmående under en pandemi. Covid-19 har påverkat dagens skolundervisning på så sätt att Folkhälsomyndighetens rekommendationer uppmanat att universitet och högskolor skall övergå till distansstudier. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur universitets/högskolestudenter vidmakthållit sin hälsa efter att ha börjat studera hemifrån på grund av covid-19. En kvalitativ metod tillämpades där sex svenska universitets/högskolestudenter intervjuades individuellt med hjälp av en intervjuguide. En kvalitativ manifest innehållsanalys av data resulterade i en huvudkategori: “Vägar till välmående under hemmastudier” samt tre underkategorier: (1) Socialt stöd genom digitala medel, (2) Aktiviteter för kropp och själ och (3) Rutiner skapar en strukturerad vardag. Resultatet visar att deltagarna använt sig av olika vägar för att främja sitt välmående under hemmastudier. Detta genom att hålla kontakten via digitala medel, fysisk aktivitet vilket även gör gott för den psykiska hälsan och att rutiner leder till struktur i ens vardag. Slutsatsen indikerar på att deltagarnas upplevelser, erfarenheteter, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet har gjort att de klarat av att upprätthålla välmående under covid-19. Detta bidrar med ökad kunskap till hälsovägledare och andra professioner som arbetar hälsopromotivt för att främja och vidmakthålla individers hälsa. / Today there is limited research on students well-being during a pandemic. Covid-19 has affected schools in which the Public Health Agency has given recommendations for universities to transfer to distance learning. The aim of this study was to examine how university-students maintain their health after they have started to study from home due to covid-19. The study was conducted using a qualitative method where six Swedish university-students was interviewed using an interview guide. Analysis of the data meant that the results produced a main category “Roads to well-being during distance learning” and three subcategories: (1) Social support through digital means, (2) Activities for mind and body, and (3) Routines makes for everyday structure. Results showed that participants used different paths to promote their well-being by keeping contact through digital means, physical activity which also benefits mental health and routines makes for a structured everyday life. Conclusion indicates that the participants experiences and manageability have served them to maintain well-being during covid-19. This will provide added knowledge to health counselors and other professions who work towards promoting and maintain individual health.

Inre drivkrafter för skolutveckling : En formativ intervention med hälsofrämjande inslag / Internal forces for school development : A formative intervention incorporating health promotion

Thorsager, Lilyana January 2023 (has links)
The study examines how a small-scale formative intervention and concepts from both activity theory and salutogenic perspective can be used to support teachers' transformative agency and school development work. The research questions have focused on capacity for change, sense of coherence (SOC) and the significance of local conditions for change initiatives.  The theoretical and methodological framework in the study stems from third generation activity theory and salutogenic perspective. The study has a qualitative approach and was conducted through a formative intervention with six teachers, in collaboration with a municipal secondary school. Data have been collected through participant observation, reflection logs and semi-structured interviews, and processed through thematic analysis based on the theoretical standpoints. In addition, the studied school and the intervention group have been analysed as two interacting activity systems. The results show that the prevailing conditions of the individual school greatly affect development initiatives and change processes, as well as the teachers' transformative agency. Furthermore, it appears that emotional aspects and intra- and interpersonal factors have a significant impact on the actions of both teachers and school management. The results also suggest that the SOC concept can be incorporated in formative interventions, both as a facilitating instrument and as a secondary stimulus. / I studien undersöks hur en småskalig formativ intervention och koncept från både aktivitetsteori och salutogent perspektiv kan användas för att stödja lärares transformativa agentskap och skolans utvecklingsarbete. Forskningsfrågorna har fokuserat på förändringskapacitet, känsla av sammanhang (KASAM) och de lokala villkorens betydelse för förändringsinitiativ. Studiens teoretiska och metodologiska ramverk utgår från tredje generationens aktivitetsteori och salutogent perspektiv. Undersökningen har en kvalitativ ansats och genomfördes inom ramen för en formativ intervention med sex lärare, i samarbete med en kommunal högstadieskola. Data har samlats in via deltagande observation, reflektionsloggar och semistrukturerade intervjuer, och bearbetats genom tematisk analys utifrån de teoretiska utgångspunkterna. Därtill har den studerade verksamheten och interventionsgruppen analyserats som två interagerande aktivitetssystem. Resultatet visar att den enskilda skolans rådande villkor i hög utsträckning påverkar utvecklingsinitiativ och förändringsprocesser, liksom lärarnas transformativa agentskap. Vidare framgår att emotionella aspekter och intra- och interpersonella faktorer har en betydande inverkan både lärarnas och skolledningens agerande. Resultatet tyder också på att KASAM-konceptet kan inkorporeras i formativa interventioner, både som ett möjliggörande instrument och som sekundär stimulus.

Semiconductor Nanowires: Synthesis and Quantum Transport

Liang, Dong 26 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Properties of Zincblende GaN and (In,Ga,Al)N Heterostructures grown by Molecular Beam Epitaxy

Müllhäuser, Jochen R. 17 June 1999 (has links)
Während über hexagonales (alpha) GaN zum ersten Mal 1932 berichtet wurde, gelang erst 1989 die Synthese einer mit Molekularstrahlepitaxie (MBE) auf 3C-SiC epitaktisch gewachsenen, metastabilen kubischen (eta) GaN Schicht. Die vorliegende Arbeit befaßt sich mit der Herstellung der Verbindungen eta-(In,Ga,Al)N mittels RF-Plasma unterstützter MBE auf GaAs(001) und den mikrostrukturellen sowie optischen Eigenschaften dieses neuartigen Materialsystems. Im Vergleich zur hexagonalen bietet die kubische Kristallstruktur auf Grund ihrer höheren Symmetrie potentielle Vorteile für die Anwendung in optischen und elektronischen Bauelementen. Viele wichtige Materialgrößen der kubischen Nitride sind jedoch noch gänzlich unbekannt, da sich die Synthese einkristalliner Schichten als sehr schwierig erweist. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es daher erstens, die technologischen Grenzen der Herstellung von bauelementrelevanten kubischen (In,Ga,Al)N Heterostrukturen auszuweiten und zweitens, einen Beitrag zur Aufklärung der bis dato wenig bekannten optischen und elektronischen Eigenschaften des GaN und der Mischkristalle In GaN zu leisten. Zunächst wird ein optimierter MBE Prozess unter Einsatz einer Plasmaquelle hohen Stickstofflusses vorgestellt, welcher nicht nur die reproduzierbare Epitaxie glatter, einphasiger GaN Nukleationsschichten auf GaAs ermöglicht. Vielmehr können damit auch dicke GaN. Schichten mit glatter Oberflächenmorphologie hergestellt werden, welche die Grundlage komplizierterer eta-(In,Ga,Al)N Strukturen bilden. An einer solchen GaN Schicht mit einer mittleren Rauhigkeit von nur 1.5 nm werden dann temperaturabhängige Reflexions- und Transmissionsmessungen durchgeführt. Zur Auswertung der Daten wird ein numerisches Verfahren entwickelt, welches die Berechnung des kompletten Satzes von optischen Konstanten im Spektralgebiet 2.0 = 0.4 wären grün-gelbe Laserdioden. Zusammenfassung in PostScript / While the earliest report on wurtzite (alpha) GaN dates back to 1932, it was not until 1989 that the first epitaxial layer of metastable zincblende (eta) GaN has been synthesized by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) on a 3C-SiC substrate. The present work focuses on radio frequency (RF) plasma-assisted MBE growth, microstructure, and optical properties of the eta-(In,Ga,Al)N material system on GaAs(001). Due to their higher crystal symmetry, these cubic nitrides are expected to be intrinsically superior for (opto-) electronic applications than the widely employed wurtzite counterparts. Owing to the difficulties of obtaining single-phase crystals, many important material constants are essentially unknown for the cubic nitrides. The aim of this work is therefore, first, to push the technological limits of synthesizing device-relevant zincblende (In,Ga,Al)N heterostructures and, second, to determine the basic optical and electronic properties of GaN as well as to investigate the hardly explored alloy InGaN. An optimized MBE growth process is presented which allows not only the reproducible nucleation of smooth, monocrystalline GaN layers on GaAs using a high-nitrogen-flow RF plasma source. In particular, thick single-phase GaN layers with smooth surface morphology are obtained being a prerequisite for the synthesis of ternary eta-(Ga,In,Al)N structures. Temperature dependent reflectance and transmittance measurements are carried out on such a GaN film having a RMS surface roughness as little as 1.5 nm. A numerical method is developed which allows to extract from these data the complete set of optical constants for photon energies covering the transparent as well as the strongly absorbing spectral range (2.0 -- 3.8 eV). Inhomogeneities in the refractive index leading to finite coherence effects are quantitatively analyzed by means of Monte Carlo simulations. The fundamental band gap EG(T) of GaN is determined for 5 < T < 300 K and the room temperature density of states is investigated. Systematic studies of the band edge photoluminescence (PL) in terms of transition energies, lineshapes, linewidths, and intensities are carried out for both alpha- and GaN as a function of temperature. Average phonon energies and coupling constants, activation energies for thermal broadening and quenching are determined. Excitation density dependent PL measurements are carried out for both phases in order to study the impact of nonradiative recombination processes at 300 K. A recombination model is applied to estimate the internal quantum efficiency, the (non)radiative lifetimes, as well as the ratio of the electron to hole capture coefficients for both polytypes. It is seen that the dominant nonradiative centers in the n-type material investigated act as hole traps which, however, can be saturated at already modest carrier injection rates. In summary, despite large defect densities in GaN due to highly mismatched heteroepitaxy on GaAs, band edge luminescence is observed up to 500 K with intensities comparable to those of state-of-the-art alpha-GaN. For the first time, thick InGaN films are fabricated on which blue and green luminescence can be observed up to 400 K for x=0.17 and x=0.4, respectively. Apart from bulk-like InGaN films, the first coherently strained InGaN/GaN (multi) quantum wells with In contents as high as 50 % and abrupt interfaces are grown. This achievement shows that a ternary alloy can be synthesized in a metastable crystal structure far beyond the miscibility limit of its binary constituents despite the handicap of highly lattice mismatched heteroepitaxy. The well widths of these structures range between 4 and 7 nm and are thus beyond the theoretically expected critical thickness for the strain values observed. It is to be expected that even higher In contents can be reached for film thicknesses below 5 nm. The potential application of such InGaN/GaN multi quantum wells with x >= 0.4 would thus be diode lasers operating in the green-yellow range. abstract in PostScript

Optical coherence tomography for in vivo imaging of human oral lichen planus

Gruda, Yuliia 05 February 2025 (has links)
It is of large importance to identify abnormalities and pathologies of the oral mucosa. In this perspective, the use of non-invasive optical techniques such as OCT provides the opportunity to complement common diagnostics. Especially in cases of recurrent or multiple lesions, OCT diagnosing promises a thorough and, if necessary, repeated assessment of the oral mucosa without the drawbacks of invasive procedures. For this reason, the number of studies on in vivo OCT examination of suspicious oral mucosal lesions is continually increasing. At the same time, there are only a few studies focusing on imaging pathologically altered oral mucosa. Against this background, the aim of this work was to characterize pathological oral mucosa with the clinical diagnosis of OLP in various areas of the oral cavity and additionally diagnose it using OCT imaging. An endoscopic in vivo OCT examination, in addition to conventional diagnostics, was conducted on 22 adult patients. The examination involved three measurement points, but only two were included for further analysis: the pathological center and the transition to healthy mucosa. Subsequently, image analysis was performed based on qualitative criteria to assess the oral mucosa. The parameters for examining OCT scans included EP thickness, delineation/visibility of the basement membrane, EP reflectivity, LP reflectivity and visible vascular network in the lamina propria. For classified OLP in general, the structural changes in the oral mucosa were compared to the normal state and the parameters of healthy oral mucosa served as a basis for determining the altered morphology in OCT, depending on the clinical classification of OLP. This made it possible to derive OLP-specific features in OCT. The goal of this dissertation was also to relate in vivo depth-resolution cross-sectional image information from OCT to the clinical diagnosis and compare certain parameters of different OLP forms. The transition from a normal to a pathological finding is sometimes clinically challenging to define, as is the appropriate area for a biopsy in an extensive and widespread oral lesion or alteration. In the future, non-invasive optical biopsy could be helpful in this regard. In this case series, as a first step, OCT cross-sectional images of central and peripheral areas of various types and subtypes of OLP were non-invasively captured and correlated with visual clinical findings and, if available, with histopathology. By identifying and describing OLP-specific features in OCT cross-sections for different forms of OLP, we establish a foundation for the non-invasive differentiation of suspicious dysplastic lesions from OLP and other pathology was established. This may improve biopsy sampling in the future and ensure reliable histopathological assessment. The next step is to further investigate the proposed OCT technology in clinical studies with a larger number of cases, obtaining robust data on the sensitivity and specificity of OCT for distinguishing various forms of OLP, as well as for distinguishing dysplastic changes and squamous cell carcinomas.

Theoretical mechanisms of information filtering in stochastic single neuron models

Blankenburg, Sven 16 August 2016 (has links)
Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit Mechanismen, die in Einzelzellmodellen zu einer frequenzabhängigen Informationsübertragung führen können. Um dies zu untersuchen, werden Methoden aus der theoretischen Physik (Statistische Physik) und der Informationstheorie angewandt. Die Informationsfilterung in mehreren stochastischen Neuronmodellen, in denen unterschiedliche Mechanismen zur Informationsfilterung führen können, werden numerisch und, falls möglich, analytisch untersucht. Die Bandbreite der betrachteten Modelle erstreckt sich von reduzierten strombasierten ’Integrate-and-Fire’ (IF) Modellen bis zu biophysikalisch realistischeren leitfähigkeitsbasierten Modellen. Anhand numerischer Untersuchungen wird aufgezeigt, dass viele Varianten der IF-Neuronenmodelle vorzugsweise Information über langsame Anteile eines zeitabhängigen Eingangssignals übertragen. Der einfachste Vertreter der oben genannten Klasse der IF-Neuronmodelle wird dahingehend erweitert, dass ein Konzept von neuronalem ’Gedächtnis’, vermittelst positiver Korrelationen zwischen benachbarten Intervallen aufeinander- folgender Spikes, integriert wird. Dieses Model erlaubt eine analytische störungstheoretische Untersuchung der Auswirkungen positiver Korrelationen auf die Informationsfilterung. Um zu untersuchen, wie sich sogenannte ’unterschwelligen Resonanzen’ auf die Signalübertragung auswirken, werden Neuronenmodelle mit verschiedenen Nichtlinearitäten anhand numerischer Computersimulationen analysiert. Abschließend wird die Signalübertragung in einem neuronalen Kaskadensystem, bestehend aus linearen und nichtlinearen Elementen, betrachtet. Neuronale Nichtlinearitäten bewirken eine gegenläufige Abhängigkeit (engl. "trade-off") zwischen qualitativer, d.h. frequenzselektiver, und quantitativer Informations-übertragung, welche in allen von mir untersuchten Modellen diskutiert wird. Diese Arbeit hebt die Gewichtigkeit von Nichtlinearitäten in der neuronalen Informationsfilterung hervor. / Neurons transmit information about time-dependent input signals via highly non-linear responses, so-called action potentials or spikes. This type of information transmission can be frequency-dependent and allows for preferences for certain stimulus components. A single neuron can transmit either slow components (low pass filter), fast components (high pass filter), or intermediate components (band pass filter) of a time-dependent input signal. Using methods developed in theoretical physics (statistical physics) within the framework of information theory, in this thesis, cell-intrinsic mechanisms are being investigated that can lead to frequency selectivity on the level of information transmission. Various stochastic single neuron models are examined numerically and, if tractable analytically. Ranging from simple spiking models to complex conductance-based models with and without nonlinearities, these models include integrator as well as resonator dynamics. First, spectral information filtering characteristics of different types of stochastic current-based integrator neuron models are being studied. Subsequently, the simple deterministic PIF model is being extended with a stochastic spiking rule, leading to positive correlations between successive interspike intervals (ISIs). Thereafter, models are being examined which show subthreshold resonances (so-called resonator models) and their effects on the spectral information filtering characteristics are being investigated. Finally, the spectral information filtering properties of stochastic linearnonlinear cascade neuron models are being researched by employing different static nonlinearities (SNLs). The trade-off between frequency-dependent signal transmission and the total amount of transmitted information will be demonstrated in all models and constitutes a direct consequence of the nonlinear formulation of the models.

Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation

Grommes, Patrick 04 May 2007 (has links)
Die Dissertation zeigt, dass die Prinzipien kohärenter Kommunikation auf psycholinguistisch begründete Prinzipien der Textproduktion zurückzuführen sind. Die gemeinsame Basis von Text- und Dialogproduktion ist die Quaestio, die als leitende Frage Vorgaben für den Aufbau eines Textes, aber auch einer einzelnen Äußerung macht. Im Text sichert die Quaestio Kohärenz, indem die Textbausteine auf der konzeptuellen Ebene – und nicht allein durch lexikalische oder grammatische Mittel – verknüpft werden. Das bedeutet, dass Kohärenzherstellung eine kognitive Leistung ist, die nicht allein rezeptiv zu erbringen ist, sondern auch bei der Sprachproduktion die Beachtung von Planungsvorgaben verlangt. Zunächst werden die Begriffe Kohärenz und Kohäsion und verschiedene Ansätze zu ihrer Beschreibung diskutiert. Außerdem werden Methoden der Dialoganalyse einander gegenüber gestellt. In dieser Diskussion werden unter anderem Rhetorical Structure Theory und Centering-Theorie behandelt. Da die Arbeit eher strukturelle mit qualitativen Analysen verbindet, werden methodische Zugänge zur Dialoganalyse wie die Konversationsanalyse, aber auch Clark’s sozialpsychologischer Ansatz der joint actions und joint activities sowie Pickering’s und Garrod’s alignment-Theorie aufgegriffen. Letztlich wird auf das Quaestio-Modell von Stutterheim zurückgegriffen, da es aus psycholinguistischer Perspektive den weitesten Erklärungsrahmen bietet. Der Hauptteil der Dissertation ist der Modell-Entwicklung anhand authentischer Gesprächsdaten gewidmet. Schließlich werden Prinzipien der Quaestio-Bearbeitung im Dialog entwickelt. Da unterschiedliche Gesprächssituationen untersucht werden, liefert diese Arbeit ein Inventar an Kohärenzprinzipien samt ihrer charakteristischen Merkmale, das nicht nur die Analyse beliebiger weiterer Gespräche erlaubt, sondern beispielsweise auch zur Entwicklung von Kommunikationsroutinen eingesetzt werden kann. So werden Anwendungsperspektiven psycholinguistischer Forschung erkennbar. / This doctoral thesis shows in how far principles of coherent communication can be traced back to psycholinguistically founded principles of text production. The so-called quaestio forms the common basis of text and dialogue production. As an implicit underlying question it sets preferences for the structure of a whole text as well as a single utterance. The quaestio ensures coherence of texts on a conceptual basis rather than merely through the use of lexical or grammatical means. Thus, the production of coherence can be seen as cognitive achievement not only by listeners, but also by speakers who have to follow planning constraints. The thesis discusses the terms coherence and cohesion as well as descriptive approaches dealing with these terms. Additionally, methods of dialogue analysis are confronted with each other. This discussion treats for example Rhetorical Structure Theory and Centering-Theory. The thesis discusses diverse methodological approaches, because it combines structural with qualitative analyses. Thus approaches such as Conversation Analysis, Clark’s concept of joint actions and joint activities, but also Pickering’s and Garrod’s alignment-theory are being treated. In the end the quaestio approach by Stutterheim is chosen, because it offers the widest explanatory framework from a psycholinguistic point of view. The main part of the thesis is dedicated to detailed analyses of real-life dialogue. In conclusion, principles of quaestio management in dialogues are proposed. Because the study treats a wide variety of interaction settings, it delivers a set of principles of coherence and their typical features that allows not only for analyses of any other set of dialogues, but may also support the development of communication routines. Therefore, this thesis hints on application scenarios of psycholinguistic research.

Le principe de solidarité écologique / The principle of ecological solidarity

Danna, Charlotte 07 September 2018 (has links)
Adopté par l’article 2 de la loi n°2016-1087 de reconquête de la biodiversité, de la nature et des paysages du 8 aout 2016, le principe de solidarité écologique appelle « à prendre en compte, dans toute prise de décision publique ayant une incidence notable sur l’environnement des territoires concernés, les interactions des écosystèmes, des êtres vivants et des milieux naturels ou aménagés ». Ce principe général du droit de l’environnement inscrit à l’article L110-1 du code de l’environnement est destiné à conserver les interactions écosystémiques et les processus écologiques ainsi qu’à améliorer la gestion environnementale des territoires. La dualité de son objet en fait un principe d’une grande richesse, qui devrait concerner de nombreuses décisions. Divers fondements supranationaux, au sein de la jurisprudence et dans les textes internationaux et européens peuvent ainsi lui être attribués. Dans un contexte d’interdépendance écologique, l’évolution de la dimension internationale et européenne du principe reste essentielle pour juger de ses effets au regard de la conservation de la biodiversité. Au niveau du droit interne, son ancrage au cœur de l’équilibre de l’environnement lui apporte un rayonnement particulier. Il conforte le droit à un environnement équilibré et prolonge les principes constitutionnels de prévention et de développement durable. Face à la crise d’extinction mondiale de la biodiversité menaçant notre survie, le principe de solidarité écologique se présente comme cette ultime chance de la conserver. Deux grands ensembles de dispositifs permettent de mesurer la dynamique du principe de solidarité écologique : la trame verte et bleue et la gestion intégrée de la mer et du littoral. Ils constituent une base pour concevoir la solidarité écologique et représentent ainsi le commencement d’un droit nouveau. Le principe de solidarité écologique appelle à les renforcer et, de manière plus générale, à faire évoluer l’ensemble des décisions concernées par le principe. / Adopted by article 2 from act nr 2016-1087 concerning the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscape of August 8th 2016, the principle of ecological solidarity calls “for taking into consideration the interactions of ecosystems, living creatures and natural or developed environments in all public decisions having a notable impact on the environment of the territories concerned”.This general principle of environmental law inscribed in article L110 1 of the environmental code is designed to preserve the interactions of ecosystems and ecological processes as well as to improve the environmental management of the territories. The duality of its objective renders it a highly valuable principle which should be applied to numerous decisions. Various supranational foundations, within jurisprudence and in international and European laws, can thus be assigned to it. In the context of ecological interdependence the evolution of the international and European dimension of the principle remains essential in order to see the benefits concerning the safeguarding of biodiversity. It is greatly enhanced, as regards internal law, by the fact that it is at the very center of the environment's equilibrium. It justifies the right to a balanced environment and extends the constitutional principles of prevention and sustainable development. Confronted with the crisis of world-wide biodiversity extinction that threatens our survival, the principle of ecological solidarity emerges as the last chance to preserve it. Two major groups of systems allow us to measure the dynamics of the principle of ecological solidarity: the green and the blue line belt network and the Ocean and coastline Governance Framework. They constitute a basis on which to develop ecological solidarity and represent the beginnings of new legislation. The principle of ecological solidarity requires them to be reinforced and more generally to advance all decisions concerned by the principle.

The accessibility of translated Zulu health texts : an investigation of translation strategies

Ndlovu, Manqoba Victor 11 1900 (has links)
In disseminating information about health issues, government health departments and NGOs use, inter alia, written health texts. In a country like South Africa, these texts are generally written by medical experts and thereafter translated into the languages of the people. One of these languages is Zulu, which is spoken by the majority of South Africans. A large percentage of Zulu speakers are illiterate or semi-literate, especially in the rural areas. For this reason, Zulu translators have to use ‘simple’ language that these readers would understand when translating English texts into Zulu. Translators are expected to use strategies that can deal with non-lexicalized, problematic or other related terms that appear in health texts, as well as geographical and cultural constraints. This study focuses on the strategies used by Zulu translators in an attempt to make translated Zulu health texts accessible to the target readership. The investigation includes the use of self-administered questionnaires for respondents from two of South Africa’s nine provinces, where Zulu speakers are found (Gauteng and KwaZulu-Natal), to determine whether the health texts do reach the target readership. Focus groups, semi-structured interviews and other complementary techniques were used to collect data from the selected respondents. Furthermore, a parallel concordance called ParaConc was used to extract and analyse data from the corpus as compiled for the present study, in an attempt to investigate the strategies used to make the translated health texts easier to read. The study uncovers various strategies which are used when translating English health texts into Zulu. These strategies include the use of loan words, paraphrasing, cultural terms and so on. In future, the use of ParaConc can be broadened to investigate newly discovered translation strategies, with the aim of making health texts more accessible to the target readers. Furthermore, this software programme can also be used to study translation strategies as used in other types of texts, for example journalistic texts. / Linguistics / D. Litt. et Phil. (Linguistics (Translation Studies))

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