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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jonathan M Shilling (11813957) 18 December 2021 (has links)
<p>A wireless revolution has occurred resulting in the formation of a proverbial backbone of wireless devices that our everyday functionality, productivity, and general way of life have become dependent. Consequently, victimizing an already constrained and finite wireless spectrum with further demands for increased bandwidths, greater channel capacities, and an insatiable plea for faster access rates. In-band full-duplexing (IBFD) is an innovative and encouraging technology that aims to answer this tacit mitigation call by bolstering spectral efficiency through simultaneous same frequency band transmission and reception. Conventionally, transceiver-based systems have their respective transmission and reception dictated by occurring in either disparate time slots (half-duplex) or distinct frequencies (out-of-band full-duplex). By achieving simultaneous same band communication, a theoretical doubling in spectral efficiency is rendered feasible. However, transmitter to receiver leakage, or self-interference (SI), remains the most barring frustration to IBFD realization. Being locally generated, SI is considerably stronger (often 50-100dB) than the desired signal-of-interest (SOI). Left unresolved, this unwanted energy saturates the receiver’s amplifiers and desensitizes its analog-to-digital converters. Thus, rendering the SOI unintelligible. Therefore, a means of self-interference cancellation (SIC) is necessitated to suppress any polluting SI to levels that of or below the receiver’s noise floor.</p><p></p>In this thesis an in-depth history of in-band full duplex technology is first presented, followed by a condensed examination of the SIC domains. Pertinent theory is presented pertaining to noise analysis and estimation relevant to a proposed IBFD transceiver architecture. Finally, a modelled simulation of this transceiver, developed in MATLAB, is presented. Subsequent results detailing an investigative study done on a fully adaptive tapped-branch analog self-interference canceller are shown. Said canceller’s variable phase and amplitude weights are set via real-time training using gradient descent algorithms. Evaluation of the results reveal marginal effect on the SIC efficacy due to transmission path nonlinearity and noise distortions alone. However, expansion of model consideration for conceivable cancellation hardware nonlinearities reveals an indirectly proportional degradation of SIC performance by up to 35dB as distortion levels vary from -80 dBm to -10 dBm. These results indicate consideration of such non-idealities should be an integral part of cancellation hardware design for the preclusion of any intrinsic cancellation impediments.

Analyse, Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Kartenanwendung auf Basis des Wanderkalenders der Sächsischen Zeitung

Hauthal, Eva 20 May 2011 (has links)
Die mobile Kartographie bedient sich dem mobilen Internet und der zivilen Nutzung des GPS-Signals. Der damit einhergehenden Mobilität des Benutzers, aber auch den technischen Schranken mobiler Endgeräte (wie geringen Prozessorleistungen, kleinen Displays und begrenzten Batterielaufzeiten) muss in Form einer Adaption der mobilen Karten Rechnung getragen werden. Die Adaption geschieht hinsichtlich des Informationsbedarfs, der sich aus dem aktuellen Nutzungskontext des Benutzers (d.h. seiner räumlich-zeitlichen Situation, seinen Interessen, Aufgabenkontext, aktuellen Umständen, Zielen, Bedürfnissen etc) ableiten lässt sowie hinsichtlich des Interaktionsgrades und der Interaktionsarten. Ein weiterer Aspekt mobiler Kartographie sind nutzergenerierte Inhalte. Dank der ständigen Verfügbarkeit des Internets und einer unkomplizierten Art der Positionsbestimmung können auch Amateurnutzer problemlos selber räumliche Daten erheben und veröffentlichen. Der Kartograph rückt damit mehr in den Hintergrund und stellt sein Fachwissen in Form von Komponenten wie Basiskarten, Software oder Interaktionsmöglichkeiten zur Verfügung. Dadurch bedürfen traditionelle kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle hinsichtlich der mobilen Kartographie einer grundsätzlichen Weiterentwicklung, da eine strikte Trennung in Kartenhersteller und Kartennutzer nicht mehr vorgenommen werden kann. Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit stellt ein abgeleitetes kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell für mobile, interaktive Karten vor. Ein Anwendungsgebiet der mobilen Kartographie sind mobile touristische Applikationen, welche im mobilen Technologie- und Informationszeitalter eine zeitgemäße Form der Reiseinformation und des Reiseservices darstellen. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden verschiedene existierende touristische Anwendungen für Smartphones analysiert und eine eigene mobile Kartenapplikation für Wanderungen in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz konzipiert und prototypisch implementiert. Diese Applikation schlägt Wanderrouten vor, liefert zahlreiche Informationen sowie Kartenmaterial und ist an den Wanderkalender der Sächsischen Zeitung angelehnt, welcher jährlich von Kartographie-Studenten der Technischen Universität Dresden erarbeitet wird.:Abbildungsverzeichnis IV Tabellenverzeichnis V Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI 1. Motivation 1 2. Definitionen und Grundlagen 3 2.1 Mobile Kartographie 3 2.2 Adaption 3 2.2.1 Adaptierbarkeit 4 2.2.2 Adaptivität 4 2.3 Benutzermodellierung 4 2.4 Kontext 4 2.5 Interaktion 5 2.6 Mensch-Computer-Interaktion 5 2.7 Kartographische Kommunikation 5 2.8 User Generated Content 6 2.9 Location-based Services 7 2.10 Smartphone 7 2.11 Applikation 8 3. Angepasste, personalisierte Informationsübermittlung in der mobilen Kartographie 9 3.1 Kontext 10 3.1.1 Kontextdimensionen 11 3.1.2 Kontextmodellierung 13 3.1.3 Benutzermodellierung 16 3.2 Adaption 20 3.2.1 Adaptionsobjekte 21 3.2.2 Adaptionsmethoden 22 3.2.4 Adaptionsprozess 23 3.2.5 Egozentrische Karten 24 3.3 User Generated Content in der Kartographie 25 3.3.1 Vorteile, Nachteile und Kritik 26 3.3.2 Motivationen für Nutzung und Erstellung von User Generated Content 27 3.3.3 EveryTrail - ein Beispiel für User Generated Content 28 3.4 Kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle 29 3.4.1 Die kartographische Kommunikationstheorie 30 3.4.2 Bestehende kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle 31 3.4.3 Ableitung eines Kommunikationsmodells für mobile, interaktive Karten 33 4. Touristische Applikationen für mobile Endgeräte 36 4.1 Analyse bestehender touristischer Applikationen 38 4.1.1 Analyse des Funktionsumfangs 39 4.1.2 Allgemeine Klassifizierung der untersuchten Applikationen 43 4.2 Theoretische Grundlagen für die Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Applikation 44 4.2.1 Die Software-Plattform Android 45 4.2.2 Lebenszyklus einer Activity 48 4.2.3 Design-Guidelines für Android-Applikationen 49 4.3 Eine mobile Applikation für touristische Aktivitäten in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz 52 4.3.1 Der Wanderkalender der Sächsischen Zeitung 52 4.3.2 Konzeption der Applikation 53 4.3.3 Umsetzung der Konzeption 55 Autorenwerkzeuge: NetBeans IDE und Eclipse IDE 55 4. 3.3.2 Programmiertechnische Umsetzung 56 4. 3.3.3 Design der zu entwickelnden Applikation 65 4. 3.3.4 Icons der Applikation ‚Wandern in der Sächsischen Schweiz’ 70 4. 3.3.5 Probleme mit Android 1.5 72 4.3.4 Derzeitiger Entwicklungsstand der Applikation 74 4.3.5 Ausblick 75 5. Schlussfolgerungen 78 6. Diskussion 81 Quellenverzeichnis VIII Anhangsverzeichnis XVI Anhang I Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von KOLÁČNÝ (1969) XVIII Anhang II Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von OGRISSEK (1974) XIX Anhang III Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von BREETZ (1982) XX Anhang IV Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von PRELL (1983) XXI Anhang V Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von PETERSON (1995) XXII Anhang VI Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von HAKE, GRÜNREICH und MENG (2002) XXIII Anhang VII Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von LECHTHALER (2000) XXIV Anhang VIII Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von KELNHOFER (2003) XXV Anhang IX Übersichtstabelle kartographischer Kommunikationsmodelle XXVI Anhang X Abgeleitetes kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell für mobile, interaktive Karten XXVII Anhang XI Funktionalitäten der untersuchten touristischen Applikationen für Android XXVIII Anhang XII Funktionalitäten der untersuchten touristischen Applikationen für iPhone XXIX Anhang XIII Basislayouts der Android-API XXX Anhang XIV Wanderroute ‚Entlang des Steinbruchpfads Wehlen’ aus dem Wanderkalender 2010 XXXI Anhang XV Konzeption einer mobilen Applikation für Wanderungen in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz XXXIII Anhang XVI Umsetzung der konzipierten Applikation XXXIV Anhang XVII Aufbau der Datenbank wanderfuehrer_db.db der mobilen Applikation XXXV Anhang XVIII Quellcode von DataBaseHelper.java XXXVI Anhang XIX Quellcode von TourenListe.java XXXIX Anhang XX Schematische Darstellung der Views aus tour_route.xml XLV Anhang XXI Quellcode von tour_route.xml XLVI Anhang XXII Quellcode von Tour_Route.java LIV Anhang XXIII Quellcode von CustomOverlay.java LIX Anhang XIV Quellcode von Tour_Karte.java LXII Anhang XXV Quellcode von tab_sel.xml LXXIV Anhang XXVI Tabelle aller in der Applikation verwendeten Icons im Vergleich mit Standard-Icons LXXV / Mobile cartography makes use of mobile internet and the civil utilisation of the GPS signal. The resulting mobility of the user as well as technical restrictions of mobile devices (such as low processor performance, small display sizes and limited battery life) has to be taken into account in the form of an adaption of mobile maps. The adaption is carried out with regard to the current need for information which can be derived from the context of the user (i.e. spatial-temporal situation, interests, task, circumstances, aims, needs etc). Another aspect of mobile cartography is user generated content. The permanent availability of mobile internet as well as the uncomplicated way of location determination makes it easy for amateur users to gather and publish own data. So the cartographer backs out and provides expert knowledge in the form of base maps, software and interaction techniques that can be used by the map user as an user interface for integrating own data. Thereby traditional cartographic communication models require a fundamental further development because a strict separation into map maker and map user can not be made anymore. The diploma thesis introduces a derived cartographic communication model for mobile interactive maps. An application field of mobile cartography are mobile map applications in tourism. These touristic applications are an up-to-date kind of travelling service in the century of mobile technology and information. In the context of this diploma thesis several existing touristic applications for smartphones for were examined and an own mobile application for hiking in Saxon Switzerland was conceived and implemented prototypically. This application suggests hiking trips, provides various information as well as maps and is based on a hiking calendar that is worked out annually by cartography students of Dresden University of Technology.:Abbildungsverzeichnis IV Tabellenverzeichnis V Abkürzungsverzeichnis VI 1. Motivation 1 2. Definitionen und Grundlagen 3 2.1 Mobile Kartographie 3 2.2 Adaption 3 2.2.1 Adaptierbarkeit 4 2.2.2 Adaptivität 4 2.3 Benutzermodellierung 4 2.4 Kontext 4 2.5 Interaktion 5 2.6 Mensch-Computer-Interaktion 5 2.7 Kartographische Kommunikation 5 2.8 User Generated Content 6 2.9 Location-based Services 7 2.10 Smartphone 7 2.11 Applikation 8 3. Angepasste, personalisierte Informationsübermittlung in der mobilen Kartographie 9 3.1 Kontext 10 3.1.1 Kontextdimensionen 11 3.1.2 Kontextmodellierung 13 3.1.3 Benutzermodellierung 16 3.2 Adaption 20 3.2.1 Adaptionsobjekte 21 3.2.2 Adaptionsmethoden 22 3.2.4 Adaptionsprozess 23 3.2.5 Egozentrische Karten 24 3.3 User Generated Content in der Kartographie 25 3.3.1 Vorteile, Nachteile und Kritik 26 3.3.2 Motivationen für Nutzung und Erstellung von User Generated Content 27 3.3.3 EveryTrail - ein Beispiel für User Generated Content 28 3.4 Kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle 29 3.4.1 Die kartographische Kommunikationstheorie 30 3.4.2 Bestehende kartographische Kommunikationsmodelle 31 3.4.3 Ableitung eines Kommunikationsmodells für mobile, interaktive Karten 33 4. Touristische Applikationen für mobile Endgeräte 36 4.1 Analyse bestehender touristischer Applikationen 38 4.1.1 Analyse des Funktionsumfangs 39 4.1.2 Allgemeine Klassifizierung der untersuchten Applikationen 43 4.2 Theoretische Grundlagen für die Konzeption und Entwicklung einer mobilen Applikation 44 4.2.1 Die Software-Plattform Android 45 4.2.2 Lebenszyklus einer Activity 48 4.2.3 Design-Guidelines für Android-Applikationen 49 4.3 Eine mobile Applikation für touristische Aktivitäten in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz 52 4.3.1 Der Wanderkalender der Sächsischen Zeitung 52 4.3.2 Konzeption der Applikation 53 4.3.3 Umsetzung der Konzeption 55 Autorenwerkzeuge: NetBeans IDE und Eclipse IDE 55 4. 3.3.2 Programmiertechnische Umsetzung 56 4. 3.3.3 Design der zu entwickelnden Applikation 65 4. 3.3.4 Icons der Applikation ‚Wandern in der Sächsischen Schweiz’ 70 4. 3.3.5 Probleme mit Android 1.5 72 4.3.4 Derzeitiger Entwicklungsstand der Applikation 74 4.3.5 Ausblick 75 5. Schlussfolgerungen 78 6. Diskussion 81 Quellenverzeichnis VIII Anhangsverzeichnis XVI Anhang I Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von KOLÁČNÝ (1969) XVIII Anhang II Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von OGRISSEK (1974) XIX Anhang III Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von BREETZ (1982) XX Anhang IV Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von PRELL (1983) XXI Anhang V Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von PETERSON (1995) XXII Anhang VI Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von HAKE, GRÜNREICH und MENG (2002) XXIII Anhang VII Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von LECHTHALER (2000) XXIV Anhang VIII Kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell von KELNHOFER (2003) XXV Anhang IX Übersichtstabelle kartographischer Kommunikationsmodelle XXVI Anhang X Abgeleitetes kartographisches Kommunikationsmodell für mobile, interaktive Karten XXVII Anhang XI Funktionalitäten der untersuchten touristischen Applikationen für Android XXVIII Anhang XII Funktionalitäten der untersuchten touristischen Applikationen für iPhone XXIX Anhang XIII Basislayouts der Android-API XXX Anhang XIV Wanderroute ‚Entlang des Steinbruchpfads Wehlen’ aus dem Wanderkalender 2010 XXXI Anhang XV Konzeption einer mobilen Applikation für Wanderungen in der Pilotregion Sächsische Schweiz XXXIII Anhang XVI Umsetzung der konzipierten Applikation XXXIV Anhang XVII Aufbau der Datenbank wanderfuehrer_db.db der mobilen Applikation XXXV Anhang XVIII Quellcode von DataBaseHelper.java XXXVI Anhang XIX Quellcode von TourenListe.java XXXIX Anhang XX Schematische Darstellung der Views aus tour_route.xml XLV Anhang XXI Quellcode von tour_route.xml XLVI Anhang XXII Quellcode von Tour_Route.java LIV Anhang XXIII Quellcode von CustomOverlay.java LIX Anhang XIV Quellcode von Tour_Karte.java LXII Anhang XXV Quellcode von tab_sel.xml LXXIV Anhang XXVI Tabelle aller in der Applikation verwendeten Icons im Vergleich mit Standard-Icons LXXV

Effekter av SBAR som kommunikationsmodell inom hälso- och sjukvården

Dagerbjörk, Alexander, Swierz, Louise January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Hälso- och sjukvården är en högriskverksamhet. Varje år drabbas ett stort antal patienter världen över av vårdskador, som kunde ha undvikits, och som i vissa fall leder till att patienter avlider. Vetenskaplig forskning tyder på att den vanligaste orsaken till tillbud och negativa händelser i vården är att kommunikationen brustit mellan vårdpersonal. Faktorer som kan ligga till grund för avvikelser vid överrapportering kan vara hög arbetsbelastning och stressiga arbetsförhållanden. Syfte: Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka effekter av SBAR som kommunikationsmodell för överrapportering inom hälso- och sjukvården med avseende på SBAR-modellens inverkan på vårdpersonalens kommunikation och patientsäkerhet. SBAR är en strukturerad kommunikationsmodell som står för (Situation, Bakgrund, Aktuellt tillstånd ochRekommendation). Metod: Ett systematiskt tillvägagångssätt enligt Goodmans sju steg användes vid genomförandet och sammanställningen av studien. Data-bassökningen utfördes främst i PubMed och CINAHL. Resultat: Resultatet baserades på åtta vetenskapliga artiklar som visade att SBAR-modellen förbättrar kommunikationen, överapporteringskommunikation, teamwork och det kommunikativa självförtroendet hos vårdpersonal och studenter. Vårdpersonalens förbättrade kommunikation resulterade också i en ökad patienttillfredställelse.Slutsats: Studiernas resultat talar för användning av SBAR som strukturerad kommunikationsmodell vid överrapportering inom vården. Eftersom SBAR-modellen är en relativt ny metod för rapportering finns det ett behov av ökad kunskap och utbildning för att integrera denna metod i omvårdnadsarbetet.Vidare rekommenderas att kommunikation enligt SBAR bör inkluderas isjuksköterskeutbildningen. Vidare forskning behövs kring SBAR-modellens funktion och effekt inom hälso- och sjukvården i syfte att öka evidensen för SBAR-modellens effekt på vårdpersonalens kommunikation och patientsäkerhet. / Background: Healthcare is a high risk activity. Each year a large number of patients worldwide suffer from preventable harm that could have been avoided and in some cases leading to patients death. Scientific research suggests that the most common cause of incidents and adverse events in health care is the communication failure between healthcare professionals´. Factors that can influence the basis of differences in handover could be heavy workload and stressful working conditions. The aim: The aim of this literature review was to explore the effects of the SBAR-communication model for handover in healthcare with regard to the SBAR model’s impact on the nursing staff communication and patient safety. SBAR is a structured communication model that stands for (Situation, Background, Assessment and Recommendation). Method: A systematic approach of Goodman's seven steps wear used in the preparation and implementation of the study. The database search was performed primarily in PubMed and CINAHL. Results: The results were based on eight scientific studies that show that the SBAR-model improves communication, the handover-communication, teamwork and communicative self-confidence of healthcare professionals and students. The healthcare professionals´ improved communication also resulted in increased patient satisfaction. Conclusion: The studies findings supports the use of a structured communication model for handover in healthcare. Because the SBAR-model is a relatively new method of reporting, there is a need for increased knowledge and training to integrate this method in nursing. Furthermore it is recommended that SBAR-communication should be included in nursing education. Further research is required regarding the SBAR-model´s function and effect in healthcare in order to increase the evidence for the SBAR-model´s effect on nursing staff communication and patient safety.

Моделирование коммуникационных процессов в образовательных организациях : магистерская диссертация / Modeling of communication processes in educational organizations

Белошейкина, А. С., Belosheikina, A. S. January 2022 (has links)
Цель исследования – опираясь на теоретические и практические основы цифровизации, смоделировать бизнес-процесс для автоматизации коммуникационных процессов в Профсоюзной организации. Объектом исследования выступает информационная система профсоюзной организации студентов ИнЭУ, структурное подразделение ПОС УрФУ. Для достижения данной цели были определены следующие задачи: провести обзор и анализ систем в условиях развития цифровой экономики; сформировать требования к выбору системы для профсоюзной организации; рассмотреть программные продукты для Профсоюзных организаций; смоделировать основную деятельность объекта исследования; создать и проанализировать модель AS-IS, выявить недостатки, построить модель TO-BE; создать концептуальную модель будущей системы; разработать план управления проектом; рассчитать экономическую эффективность проекта. Результаты выпускной квалификационной работы используются в процессе работы Профсоюзной организации студентов ИнЭУ, а также были представлены на научных конференциях. / The purpose of the study is to model a business process for automating communication processes in a trade union organization based on the theoretical and practical foundations of digitalization. The object of the study is the information system of the trade union organization of students of INEU, a structural unit of the UrFU PIC. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were identified: to review and analyze systems in the context of the development of the digital economy; to form requirements for choosing a system for a trade union organization; to consider software products for trade union organizations; simulate the main activity of the research object; create and analyze the AS-IS model, identify shortcomings, build a TO-BE model; create a conceptual model of the future system; develop a project management plan; calculate the economic efficiency of the project. The results of the final qualification work are used in the work of the Trade Union Organization of INEU students and have also been presented at scientific conferences.

'n Literatuursosiologiese ondersoek na 'n groep Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers

Heyns, Johan Dirk 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word 'n bydrae tot die beskrywing van 'n resente periode in die Afrikaanse prosageskiedenis, naamlik die dekade 1980-1989, aangepak. Die terme ''Tagtiger" en "tagtigerskrywer" word bespreek en gedefinieer. Negentien skrywers word aan die hand van vyf kanoniseringsmeganismes as belangrike Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers geidentifiseer. Hierdie skrywers en hulle 51 prosatekste wat tussen 1980-1989 gepubliseer is, word dan deur Vanheste (1981) se vier gei"dentifiseerde literatuursosiologiese aandagsvelde naamlik die outeur, die literere werk, die literere kanaal en die leser ondersoek ten einde die posisie van die gekose skrywers m.b.t. maatskappy en skrywerskap, enkele samebindende aspekte in die proefgroep se tagtigerprosatekste, die funksionering van die literere kanaal t.o.v. hierdie tekste en die resepsie daarvan te bepaal. Met behulp van vraelyste aan die proefgroep is hul houdings t.o.v. 'n aantal aktuele aangeleenthede ondersoek. Ses onderskeidende kategoriee in die proefgroep se tekste, naamlik politiek en betrokkenheid; realisme; grens- en geweldliteratuur; postmodernisme; homoerotiek en goeie gewilde prosa word aangedui. Die posisie van verskillende "hekwagters" in die literere kanaal, saam met die invloed van sensuur op die proefgroep, die rol van die Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde en die "little magazines" wat publikasiegeleenthede vir die jong skrywers gebied het, ontvang aandag. J.C.Kannemeyer as geskiedskrywer en 'n verskeidenheid resensente se waarde-oordele word nagegaan. Aan die hand van Vanheste se literatuursosiologiese kommunikasiemodel, gekombineer met sy (aangepaste) analisemodel, word etlike sosiale werklikhede in Alexander Strachan se 'n Wereld sander grense dan onder die loep geneem. Die ondersoekterrein van die literatuursosiologie dek s6 'n wye veld dat heelwat interessante aspekte noodwendig agterwee moes bly. Resepsiestudies van lesers gedurende die tagtigerdekade was nie moontlik nie en 'n resepsiestudie kon ongelukkig eers vyf jaar na die tagtigerdekade uitgevoer word. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word, is dat, hoewel waarskynlik nie op dieselfde betekenisvlak as die term "Sestigers" nie, daar wel van ooreenkomste in die werk van Afrikaanse tagtigerskrywers gepraat kan word. Samehang word ook aangedui tussen die sosiale omwereld en die tagtigertekste wat daarbinne tot stand gekom het, veral met betrekking tot tematiese en stilistiese keuses. Terselfdertyd het die literere werke van hierdie dekade 'n invloed uitgeoefen op die omwereld waarbinne dit verskyn het / This study attempts to make a contribution to the description of a recent period in Afrikaans Prose History, namely the decade 1980-1989. The term writer of the Eighties is defined and discussed. Nineteen writers have been identified as important Afrikaans Eighties writers with the aid of five canonization mechanisms. These writers and their 51 prosa texts published between 1980-1989 are then investigated by means of Vanheste's four identified attention areas in the sociology of literature, namely the author, the literary work, the literary channel as well as the reader. Questionnairs have been used to investigate the attitude of the trial group with regards to a number of current affairs. Six distinguishing categories have been identified in the texts of the trial group namely politics, realism, border and violence literature, postmodernism, homo-erotics and popular prose. The position of different gate-keepers in the literary channel, together with the influence of censorship on the trial group, the role of the "Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde" and the "little magazines", together with publication opportunities offered to these young writers, have enjoyed attention. J.C.Kannemeyer as historian, together with the critics as readers of the trial group's texts are investigated. The manipulation of a few social realities in Alexander Strachan's 'n Wereld sander grense is investigated in terms of Vanheste's communication model of literary sociology, combined with his (adapted) analysis model. The field of investigation of the sociology of literary covers such a wide field that numerous interesting aspects had to be omitted. Reception studies during the decade of the eighties were not possible and could, unfortunately, only be done five years after the decade of the eighties. The conclusion of this study is that, although not at quite the same level of significance as the term "Sixties", one could still find similarities in the works of Afrikaans writers from the Eighties decade. Cohesion between the social world and the texts of the Vll eighties have evolved from it, especially with regards to thematic and stilistic choices. At the same time, the literary works of this decade have contributed to the social world in which they were published / Afrikaans & Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

話題行銷在偶像劇行銷之應用 以偶像劇「命中注定我愛你」為例 / The application of hot topic marketing on marketing idol drama ----taking the idol drama show “Fated to love you” as an example.

張正芬 Unknown Date (has links)
台灣偶像劇自2001年開始發展至今,已經成為台灣電視劇的主流,在面對高度競爭的收視市場,如何能吸引觀眾收視,行銷是重要的。而在傳播行銷過程中,如何能引起媒體報導加以宣傳、如何能有效使用行銷工具、整合行銷偶像劇,「話題」是重要的。 話題行銷就是將偶像劇產品一致性的訊息設定,建構媒體有興趣報導的題目及內容,也就是媒體話題,透過媒體的報導宣傳,形成閱聽者有興趣的話題,再加以討論、流行、傳播,形成有效傳播產品訊息的行銷。 本研究是以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為例,由於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇創下了台灣偶像劇歷史的最高收視紀錄,分段收視高達13.64%;另一方面本劇亦獲得民國97年度廣播電視金鐘獎的「年度電視節目行銷獎」,本劇在播出期間引起平面媒體爭相報導,共計超過二百篇平面報導、網路熱烈討論,話題熱度高到平均天天平面媒體均加以報導,本劇在台灣偶像劇發展史中,的確具有指標性意義,故以「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇為研究個案。 本研究分別從話題行銷的「策略面」、「戰略面」、「執行面」加以分析,並且從「大眾傳媒通路」及「行銷工具通路」兩個面向,即傳媒通路應用的「報紙」、「電視」、「網路」、「雜誌」及行銷工具中的「活動」、「廣告」、「公關」、「DM」中,執行整合行銷傳播的應用研究, 在話題行銷的「策略面」及「戰略面」分析中是以「傳播模式」及「整合行銷傳播」加以研究,在話題行銷的「執行面」研究,是透過本劇的行銷團隊、產製劇組、媒體記者的實際訪談及相關資料加以整理分析,匯整訪談重點及行銷資料,找到「話題行銷」於「命中注定我愛你」偶像劇行銷的研究發現及結論。 / Since year 2001, Taiwanese idol drama has become the main trend of Taiwanese TV drama show. Marketing is very important in how to attract the audience in a highly competitive TV rating market. However, within the process of media marketing, the “talking point” is very significant because it is how we catch the media’s attention, has them advertise for us and how we can use the marketing implements effectively, and unifies the marketing strategies for the idol drama. “Hot topic marketing” is to set up a certain type of message that makes the peripheral products of the idol drama has its consistency. In this way, it constructs the topic and context that the media is interested. Through media’s reports and advertising, the topic becomes an interesting issue among the audience. When the audience talk about it, it become more popular so it is spread out and the marketing of product selling become even more effective. This research uses the idol drama “Fated to love you’ as an example as a case study. The drama show “Fated to love you” created the highest TV rating record among the Taiwanese idol drama records ever, and the sectional rating was high up to 13.64 %. Besides, the script also won the prize of “Yearly Best Marketing TV program” in Golden Bell Awards in year 2008. During the broadcasting time, it attracted so many print media to rival for priority to report news about the show. There were over 200 written reports writing about this drama show, and it is also been discussed through the interest ardently. The popularity was so high at the time that print media almost have reports about the show daily. Therefore, the idol drama show “Fated to love you” is very indicative in the development of Taiwanese idol drama show. This research will talk about the “maneuver aspect’, “strategic aspect”, and the “executive aspect” of hot topic marketing and using them to analyze the drama show. Also, through the dimension of using “Mass Media approach” such as newspapers, television, internet, and magazines;“Marketing implements approach” such as propaganda activities, advertisement, relations, and flyers, we can execute the applied research study on integrated marketing dissemination. Within the analysis on the aspect of “maneuver” and “strategy” on buzz marketing, I put emphasis on “Communication Model system” and “Integrated Marketing Communication in particular. I found some discoveries and conclusion on hot topic marketing within the drama show “Fated to love you” through analyzing our marketing team, production group, reporters actual interviews and other related data.

Untersuchungen zur Struktur und Funktion taktiler kartographischer Medien und ihren Wechselwirkungen

Geiger, Stephanie 16 June 2008 (has links) (PDF)
Es wird heute weltweit versucht, Konzepte für vielfältige taktile kartographische Medien zu entwickeln, die vorrangig der allgemeinen Orientierung und Mobilität, aber auch verstärkt dem Wissenserwerb, z.B. im Geographieunterricht an Schulen für Blinde und Sehbehinderte, dienen sollen. Diese Konzepte müssen von denen der &amp;quot;visuellen Kartographie&amp;quot;1 zwangsläufig mehr oder weniger abweichen und auf weitgehend anderen Methoden, Regeln und Techniken beruhen. Wesentliche und durch die Praxis verifizierte Erkenntnisse der visuellen Kartographie sind der taktilen Kartographie zugänglich zu machen bzw. in/an diese zu adaptieren. Trotzdem dürfen grundlegende Theorien und Erfahrungen der Kartengestaltung und Kartennutzung für Sehende nicht völlig negiert werden.

Kommunernas användning av sociala medier : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om fyra kommuner och deras användning av sociala medier / Municipalities’ use of social media : A qualitative study of four municipalities and their use of social media

Pörhölä, Susanna January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate how selected municipalities’ use social media, with a focus on how they are working to increase the dialogue between municipalities’ and residents. To answer the purpose of the study three questions has been formulated: how do the communicators use social media in their daily work? What opportunities and challenges are the municipalities’ experiencing with Facebook? How do they work with Facebook to increase dialogue with citizens? The theories that has been used in this study is Cutlip’s and Grunig’s public relations theories, Shannon and weavers communication model, Cutlip’s and Heath’s theory of issue management and Jenkins theory of convergence culture. The method that has been used in this study is qualitative semi-structured interviews and the analysis is done with a thematic text analysis. The material of this study contained interviews of four communicator officers that are responsible for social media in the municipalities’.    The results of the semi-structured interviews showed that the communicator officers used social media to quickly, easily and cheaply connect many citizens in comparison with the traditional media. The biggest opportunity with Facebook for municipalities’ was to improve issue management by spreading the information faster and have an improved dialog with the citizens. The biggest challenge was to think more strategically how to enhance the use of Facebook. The communicator officers try to invite citizens to dialogue by presenting information that citizens want comment and debate about. Municipalities’ also will have meetings with PR agencies to improve the dialog with the citizens in Facebook.

以溝通模型模擬具有社會行為的虛擬人群 / Simulating social behaviors of virtual crowd with a communication model

趙偉銘, Chao, Wei Ming Unknown Date (has links)
無論在電腦動畫、電玩或電影產業,利用電腦自動產生虛擬人群已逐漸成為不可或缺的要素之一。這些虛擬人群,往往是系統先賦與每個虛擬代理人(agent)基礎智能,然後藉由個體之間的互動法則所自動產生。然而,過去因為普遍未考量真實群體情境中的傳播與互動模式,使得虛擬人群所表現的群體行為與現實情況仍有些差距。因此,我們引用社會心理學文獻,建立一個具有溝通機制的人群模擬平台(IMCrowd),以期自動產生與現實群眾動態更相似的模擬人群。IMCrowd是多代理人(Multi-agent)基礎的系統,其中每個虛擬代理人都具有區域的感知範圍與自主能力,因此他們能夠自動地與環境中的其它物件互動與反應。由於我們為IMCrowd所建立的溝通模型考量了社會心理學的理論,因此虛擬人群能浮現真實群體動態中的社會互動模式,如情緒傳染與從眾效應。本研究以IMCrowd執行了多種情境下群眾暴動與群眾控制的模擬,藉此展現本系統的應用將不僅可提升群體模擬的真實度,亦可做為社會心理學家研究群體行為的工具。 / Using computer to automatically generate simulated crowd has become a trend in animation, computer game, and film productions. Many of these works were produced by modeling the intelligence of the agents in a crowd and their interactions with other nearby agents and the environment. However, the perceived facts or elicited emotions usually do not propagate in the crowd as they should in the real life. In this work we attempt to build up a communication model to simulate a large variety of crowd behaviors including the course of crowd formation. The proposed crowd simulation system, IMCrowd, has been implemented with a multi-agent system in which each agent has a local perception and autonomous abilities to improvise their actions. The algorithms used in our communication model in IMCrowd are based heavily on sociology research. Therefore, the collective behaviors will emerge out of the social process such as emotion contagion and conformity effect among individual agents. Several elaborate riot simulations and riot control simulations are demonstrated and reported in this thesis as the application examples of IMCrowd. Thus, we claim that IMCrowd may not only benefit on enhancing realism of crowd animation but also be useful in studying crowd behaviors such as panic, gathering, and riots.

'n Literatuursosiologiese ondersoek na 'n groep Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers

Heyns, Johan Dirk 06 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / In hierdie studie word 'n bydrae tot die beskrywing van 'n resente periode in die Afrikaanse prosageskiedenis, naamlik die dekade 1980-1989, aangepak. Die terme ''Tagtiger" en "tagtigerskrywer" word bespreek en gedefinieer. Negentien skrywers word aan die hand van vyf kanoniseringsmeganismes as belangrike Afrikaanse tagtigerprosaskrywers geidentifiseer. Hierdie skrywers en hulle 51 prosatekste wat tussen 1980-1989 gepubliseer is, word dan deur Vanheste (1981) se vier gei"dentifiseerde literatuursosiologiese aandagsvelde naamlik die outeur, die literere werk, die literere kanaal en die leser ondersoek ten einde die posisie van die gekose skrywers m.b.t. maatskappy en skrywerskap, enkele samebindende aspekte in die proefgroep se tagtigerprosatekste, die funksionering van die literere kanaal t.o.v. hierdie tekste en die resepsie daarvan te bepaal. Met behulp van vraelyste aan die proefgroep is hul houdings t.o.v. 'n aantal aktuele aangeleenthede ondersoek. Ses onderskeidende kategoriee in die proefgroep se tekste, naamlik politiek en betrokkenheid; realisme; grens- en geweldliteratuur; postmodernisme; homoerotiek en goeie gewilde prosa word aangedui. Die posisie van verskillende "hekwagters" in die literere kanaal, saam met die invloed van sensuur op die proefgroep, die rol van die Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde en die "little magazines" wat publikasiegeleenthede vir die jong skrywers gebied het, ontvang aandag. J.C.Kannemeyer as geskiedskrywer en 'n verskeidenheid resensente se waarde-oordele word nagegaan. Aan die hand van Vanheste se literatuursosiologiese kommunikasiemodel, gekombineer met sy (aangepaste) analisemodel, word etlike sosiale werklikhede in Alexander Strachan se 'n Wereld sander grense dan onder die loep geneem. Die ondersoekterrein van die literatuursosiologie dek s6 'n wye veld dat heelwat interessante aspekte noodwendig agterwee moes bly. Resepsiestudies van lesers gedurende die tagtigerdekade was nie moontlik nie en 'n resepsiestudie kon ongelukkig eers vyf jaar na die tagtigerdekade uitgevoer word. Die gevolgtrekking waartoe in hierdie studie gekom word, is dat, hoewel waarskynlik nie op dieselfde betekenisvlak as die term "Sestigers" nie, daar wel van ooreenkomste in die werk van Afrikaanse tagtigerskrywers gepraat kan word. Samehang word ook aangedui tussen die sosiale omwereld en die tagtigertekste wat daarbinne tot stand gekom het, veral met betrekking tot tematiese en stilistiese keuses. Terselfdertyd het die literere werke van hierdie dekade 'n invloed uitgeoefen op die omwereld waarbinne dit verskyn het / This study attempts to make a contribution to the description of a recent period in Afrikaans Prose History, namely the decade 1980-1989. The term writer of the Eighties is defined and discussed. Nineteen writers have been identified as important Afrikaans Eighties writers with the aid of five canonization mechanisms. These writers and their 51 prosa texts published between 1980-1989 are then investigated by means of Vanheste's four identified attention areas in the sociology of literature, namely the author, the literary work, the literary channel as well as the reader. Questionnairs have been used to investigate the attitude of the trial group with regards to a number of current affairs. Six distinguishing categories have been identified in the texts of the trial group namely politics, realism, border and violence literature, postmodernism, homo-erotics and popular prose. The position of different gate-keepers in the literary channel, together with the influence of censorship on the trial group, the role of the "Afrikaanse Skrywersgilde" and the "little magazines", together with publication opportunities offered to these young writers, have enjoyed attention. J.C.Kannemeyer as historian, together with the critics as readers of the trial group's texts are investigated. The manipulation of a few social realities in Alexander Strachan's 'n Wereld sander grense is investigated in terms of Vanheste's communication model of literary sociology, combined with his (adapted) analysis model. The field of investigation of the sociology of literary covers such a wide field that numerous interesting aspects had to be omitted. Reception studies during the decade of the eighties were not possible and could, unfortunately, only be done five years after the decade of the eighties. The conclusion of this study is that, although not at quite the same level of significance as the term "Sixties", one could still find similarities in the works of Afrikaans writers from the Eighties decade. Cohesion between the social world and the texts of the Vll eighties have evolved from it, especially with regards to thematic and stilistic choices. At the same time, the literary works of this decade have contributed to the social world in which they were published / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)

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