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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Effects of an Increased Traceability on Lead Times : A case study on a material replenishment system at a Swedish industrial tools manufacturer / Effekten av en ö̈kad spårbarhet på ledtider : En fallstudie av materialförsörjningen på en svensk tillverkare av industriverktyg

Åström, Per, Hespe, Tobias January 2015 (has links)
This study investigates the relationship between an increased traceability and shortened lead times in the internal material replenishment system at a large Swedish industrial tools manufacturer. Traceability and its effects on uncertainty in the supply chain has been widely researched in academia, but there is a gap regarding how traceability affects lead times. The research investigates which factors drive the lead times in the material replenishment to lean assembly lines and determines how these factors relate to traceability. A case study was conducted in one of the case company’s factories. The study consists of both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was derived from the case company’s ERP-system while the qualitative data consists of interviews and empirically collected data. The results of the study show that waiting time is the primary driver of lead times in the current state of the factory. No indication that internal material replenishment lead times decrease as a result of an increased traceability was found. However, there are aspects with an increased traceability that indirectly facilitates reduction of lead times by making it easier to make well-informed decisions due to the increased availability of real-time data. Traceability is found to not contribute any value to the end customer on its own. However, it can play an important role in a company’s supply chain. Further, potential advantages with a high traceability were observed when implementing advanced protocols such as JIT and other lean principles. The study should be seen as a starting point to further studies into the relationship between increasing traceability and reduced internal lead times. For managers and companies, the study identifies a potential procedure to use for deter- mining which factors drive replenishment lead times to lean assembly lines. Furthermore, the study shows that companies can have great use for traceability when trying to remove waste from its processes. / Denna rapport utreder sambandet mellan en ökad spårbarhet i den interna materi- altillförseln hos ett stort svenskt producerande företag och minskningen av dess ledtider. Forskning har bedrivits inom spårbarhet och kring dess effekter på osäkerheten i en sup- ply chain, men det finns begränsad forskning gällande spårbarhetens effekter på interna ledtider. I studien undersöks vilka faktorer som driver ledtiderna i materialtillförseln till lean mon- teringslinor hos ett producerande företag och hur en ökad spårbarhet påverkar dessa. En fallstudie har utförts hos ett industriföretag, i en av deras fabriker. Studien använ- der sig av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ data. Den kvantitativa datan kommer från fallstudieföretagets affärsystem medan den kvalitativa delen består av intervjudata och empiriskt genererad data. Resultatet av denna studie visar att det främst är väntetider som driver upp ledtiderna i fabriken. Inga bevis hittades för att interna materialtillförselns ledtider minskar som en direkt följd av en ökad spårbarhet. Däremot finns det aspekter med en ökad spårbarhet som hjälper att minska ledtiderna indirekt genom att underlätta för bättre underbyggda beslut som följd av en ökad tillgänglighet av data i realtid. Denna studie visar på att spårbarheten i sig inte skapar något värde för slutkunden, men att det trots det kan spela en viktig roll i företagets supply chain. Dessutom påvisas poten- tiella fördelar med en god spårbarhet när man implementerar avancerade system så som JIT och andra lean-principer. Rapporten bör ses som en startpunkt för framtida studier för att undersöka sambandet mellan en ökad spårbarhet och minskade ledtider. För företag så innebär denna rapport en möjlighet till att få en förståelse för vilka fak- torer som driver upp ledtiderna i materialtillförseln till lean monteringslinor. Dessutom visar studien på att företag kan gynnas av att öka sin spårbarhet när det gäller process- förbättringsarbete.

An integrated manufacturing strategy for implementation of lean manufacturing, six sigma and cadcam methodologies in a small medium manufacturing environment (SMME).

Esan, Adedeji O. January 2010 (has links)
The world is changing rapidly for the engineering community. Sustainability in every sense has become the watchword¿in terms of product manufacture and performance, and responding to global market and environmental pressures. A well thought-out manufacturing strategy can help organisations make choices that support its overall business objectives, respond to new opportunities and challenges as they arise. However, manufacturing strategy configuration and deployment in SMME¿s is a neglected field in manufacturing strategy literatures. More importantly, the application of lean manufacturing, Six Sigma and CIM strategies are said to be more applicable to batch production environments and large manufacturing organisations but not to SMMEs that operates a job shop type operating characteristics and with limited resource availability. With recognition that most of these methodologies were originally conceptualised and implemented in large manufacturing environments with batch and flow type manufacturing architecture, the need to develop solutions specific to SMME¿s with job shop type operating characteristics (tooling reclamation industry in particular) is imperative. The fundamental essence of this research is the development of an integrated manufacturing strategy which is based on Lean-Six Sigma-MRP-CADCAM methodologies at the case company. The framework for deploying this strategy is based on inputs from a business environment analysis, a lean strategic planning module (based on production planning and manufacturing/product cost structure analysis) and a lean resource planning interface that is predicated on value stream analysis and simulation models. The material and information flows of the case company manufacturing systems were studied. The approach taken emphasis the well know value engineering concepts of multiple-stage manufacturing system accumulating costs/time between individual stages as well as by transfer/material handling and work-in-process. The study shows that maximisation of capacity and resource utilisation, queue less work flow and flexible labour policies that support the case company¿s manufacturing system offer potential for reform which can substantially enhance customer service, product quality and overall improvement in investment returns. / NTR Ltd and KTP programme

Effektivisera och kvalitetssäkra debitering av tilläggstjänster på Postnord TPL, Region Stockholm / Streamline and quality-assured debiting of additional services Region Stockholm, Postnord TPL

Paz Gomero, Stefan José January 2023 (has links)
For a business to maintain its competitiveness, it should adapt to the constantly changingmarket to be able to meet the needs and expectations of their customers for quality. Thiscan be done by working with quality development and process management. The goal ofthis work is to map processes for charging additional services at Postnord TPL, which isa leader in the Nordics in third-party logistics. Postnord TPL has had problems with thisprocess because it is considered time-consuming and often leads to errors in customerorder invoices since it is currently a very manual process. By mapping processes forcharging additional services, this study has succeeded in visualizing processes andidentifying areas for improvement. Based on the results from this study, an improvementproposal has since been drawn up and a new future process mapped out. The process forcharging additional services can be improved by implementing more automated ways ofworking that minimize the manual typing and transfer of information between differentExcel files. This would also improve communication and collaboration between theintake and administration departments. / För att en verksamhet ska kunna bevara sin konkurrenskraft bör den anpassa sig till denständigt förändrande marknaden för att kunna bemöta deras kunders behov ochförväntningar på kvalitet. Detta kan göras genom att arbeta med kvalitetsutveckling ochprocessledning. Målet med detta arbete var att kartlägga processen för debiteringar avtilläggstjänster hos Postnord TPL som är ledande i Norden inom tredjepartslogistik.Postnord TPL har haft problem med denna process eftersom den anses tidskrävande ochofta leder till att fel uppstår i kundorderfakturor på grund av att det i dagsläget är enväldigt manuell process. Genom att kartlägga processen för debiteringar avtilläggstjänster har man i denna studie lyckats visualisera processen och identifieraförbättringsområden. Utifrån resultaten från denna studie har sedan ettförbättringsförslag tagits fram och en ny framtida process kartlagts. Processen fördebiteringar av tilläggstjänster kan förbättras genom att implementera merautomatiserade arbetssätt som minimerar det manuella knappandet och överförandet avinformation mellan olika Excel filer. Detta skulle även förbättra kommunikationen ochsamarbetet mellan avdelningarna intag och administration.

<b>Quality Control for Manufactured Weight Plates</b>

Austin Joseph Bridenthal (16485171) 26 April 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">The study aims to prove the need for higher quality production of weight plates which fall under US6746380B2 (expired May 10, 2021), assigned to USA Sports Inc. Literature justifies quality control standards. Selected literature validates posed hypotheses, and a product study is completed using weight plate specimens selected for physical quality testing to prove the common (repeated offense) existence of weight plates which fall out of the designated weight tolerance. Findings of physical product testing are collected and set against each other to determine differences in levels of quality control. Through extensive product testing (quantified within the study’s research methodology), novel quality control ideals are identified for product improvement in the study’s recommendations. Next steps are suggested to improve the understanding and utilization of quality control to work toward creating a sustainable and consistently high-quality product. Findings from the study are available to be used amongst companies in the fitness industry who produce weight plates.</p>

Att bygga för framtiden: uppföljning och klimatomställning inom offentliga verksamheter : En fallstudie om Projektavdelningens, Region Gotlands, förutsättningar inför deras pågående klimatomställning / Building for the future: Monitoring and Climate transition within Public Operations

Jonsson, Emilia, Thunberg, Lisa January 2024 (has links)
The study has been conducted at Projektavdelningen, a department within Region Gotland. Projektavdelningen is in a transition to conduct projects in accordance with new environmental requirements. The purpose of the study is to support Projektavdelningen in their transition to initiate monitoring of the new environmental requirements. The data for the study was collected using methods consisting of interviews and document collection. The collected data was analyzed using organizational theory and analysis based on total quality management. The authors used data analysis tools such as GAP-analysis, Tree Diagram, and SWOT-analysis to categorize patterns and relationships in the empirical report. Employees at Projektavdelningen experience issues in today's monitoring work, partly due to a lack of resources in the operation. It is essential that the project managers have the time for monitoring work for the operation to continue in the transition with initiating monitoring of the new environmental requirements. The study reports two prioritized improvement proposals. The first proposal concerns a structured approach, and the second involves a model that allows time for further monitoring work. Finally, the study presents the IUM, Integrated Monitoring Model, which can support Projektavdelningen with initiating monitoring of the new environmental requirements. IUM is a model inspired by the PDSA theory, showing how Projektavdelningen can integrate monitoring work into their priorities. / Studien har genomförts på Projektavdelningen, en verksamhet inom Region Gotland. Projektavdelningen befinner sig i en omställning för hur de ska bedriva bedriva projekt i enlighet med nya miljökrav. Syftet med studien är att stödja Projektavdelningen i deras omställning för att inleda ett uppföljningsarbete av de nya miljökraven. Datainsamlingsmetoderna utgjordes av intervjuer och dokumentinsamling. Den insamlade data analyserades med organisatorisk analys, samt analys utifrån offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Författarna använde dataanalysverktygen GAP-analys, Träddiagram och SWOT-analys för att kategorisera mönster och samband i den empiriska redovisningen. Medarbetarna på Projektavdelningen upplever en problematik i dagens uppföljningsarbete delvis till följd av verksamhetens resursbrist. Det är essentiellt att projektledarna får utrymme i form av tid för uppföljningsarbete för att verksamheten ska fortgå i omställningen med att inleda uppföljning av de nya miljökraven. Studien redovisar två prioriterade förbättringsförslag, det första förslaget avser ett strukturerat arbetssätt och det andra berör en modell som frigör tid för ytterligare uppföljningsarbete. Slutligen redovisar studien IUM, Integrerad Uppföljningsmodell, som kan stödja Projektavdelningen med att inleda ett uppföljningsarbete av de nya miljökraven. IUM är en modell inspirerad av teorin PDSA som visar hur Projektavdelningen kan integrera uppföljningsarbetet i deras prioriteringar.

Re-imagining Change : Enhancing Construction Change Management from a Cost Management Perspective / Omdefiniera förändring : Förbättring av ändringshantering i byggprojekt ur ett kostnadshanteringsperspektiv

Karunanayaka, Dulinda, Saramge Don, Gihan January 2024 (has links)
This research addresses the problem of identifying and navigating barriers in construction change management, which is defined as managing any modifications to a project's scope, design, schedule, or resources. The purpose is to offer a comprehensive understanding of challenges and strategies by synthesizing a theoretical framework, literature review, and empirical insights from industry professionals, focusing on the construction industry in Sweden. Methodologically, the study employs a qualitative approach, utilizing semi-structured interviews with cost managers working with contractors, clients, and consultants. The findings reveal multifaceted challenges across five main principles of change management, identified from the theoretical framework: Balanced Change Culture, Recognizing Change, Evaluating Change, Implementing Change, and Continuous Improvement from Lessons Learned. The study reveals several primary barriers to effective change management, including communication breakdowns, inadequate documentation, unclear project scopes, and insufficient risk assessments during early project stages. It emphasizes the importance of fostering a culture that balances the need for flexibility with adherence to structured processes tailored to each project’s unique requirements. Key themes such as the significance of clear communication, the impact of cultural differences on project management practices, and the critical role of detailed documentation are highlighted as areas requiring attention for effective change management. The study contributes to the body of knowledge in construction change management by providing empirical insights into the challenges faced by cost managers in the Swedish construction industry. Building on the theoretical framework of Ibbs' change management principles and integrating findings from the literature, this research develops a comprehensive understanding of effective change management strategies. These strategies are designed to mitigate identified barriers and are derived from both theoretical insights and practical recommendations gathered during the study. By providing actionable guidance, this research not only benefits practitioners in the field but also lays the groundwork for future academic inquiry into optimizing construction change management processes. / Denna studie undersöker problematiken kring att identifiera och navigera hinder i ändringshantering i byggprojekt. Ändringshantering definieras som att hantera eventuella ändringar av ett projekts omfattning, design, tidsplan eller resurser. Syftet är att ge en djupare förståelse för både utmaningar och strategier kring ändringshantering genom en litteraturöversikt och en empirisk studie av byggbranschen i Sverige. Studien utgår ifrån en kvalitativ metodik och inbegriper semi-strukturerade intervjuer med cost managers som arbetar med byggentreprenörer, byggherrar och konsulter. Resultaten avslöjar mångfacetterade utmaningar inom fem huvudprinciper för ändringshantering, identifierade från det valda teoretiska ramverket: Balanserad förändringskultur, Erkännande av förändring, Utvärdering av förändring, Implementering av förändring och Kontinuerlig förbättring från lärdomar. Studien avslöjar flera primära hinder för effektiv ändringshantering, inklusive kommunikationsavbrott, otillräcklig dokumentation, oklara projektomfattningar och otillräckliga riskbedömningar under tidiga projektskeden. Det betonar vikten av att främja en kultur som balanserar behovet av flexibilitet med efterlevnad av strukturerade processer som är skräddarsydda för varje projekts unika krav. Nyckelteman såsom betydelsen av tydlig kommunikation, inverkan av kulturella skillnader på projektledningsmetoder och den kritiska rollen av detaljerad dokumentation lyfts fram som områden som lägger grunden för effektiv ändringshantering. Studien bidrar till litteraturen kring ändringshantering inom byggnation genom att ge empiriska insikter i de utmaningar som cost managers står inför i den svenska byggbranschen. Med utgångspunkt i det teoretiska ramverket för Ibbs principer för ändringshantering och genom att integrera resultat från litteraturen, bidrar denna studie till en fördjupad förståelse för effektiva ändringshanteringsstrategier. Dessa strategier är utformade för att mildra identifierade hinder och är härledda från både teoretiska insikter och praktiska rekommendationer från studiens resultat. Genom att tillhandahålla handlingskraftig vägledning gynnar studien inte bara praktiker utan lägger också grunden för framtida forskning om att förbättra ändringshanteringsprocesser.

Propuesta de mejora de la gestión de inventarios en la Empresa Servicios Generales ADJ E.I.R.L. para aumentar los ingresos

Mendoza Tapia, Jorge Jhunior Mychael January 2023 (has links)
La investigación se desarrolló en la empresa Servicios Generales ADJ EIRL, en la cual se planteó como objetivo mejorar la gestión de inventarios para aumentar los ingresos. En primer lugar, se diagnosticó la gestión de inventario actual de dicha empresa para lo que se empleó la metodología de matriz ABC, se calcularon indicadores de rotura de stock, el nivel del servicio, el costo de mantenimiento y el costo de oportunidad. En segundo lugar, se determinaron las herramientas de ingeniería y metodología para la mejora en la gestión de inventarios, los cuales fueron la aplicación del modelo P, la implementación de un software EGA futura, la capacitación para los colaboradores y la implementación de la 5’S. Finalmente, se realizó un análisis económico de la propuesta donde se determinó que el beneficio de la empresa con la propuesta sería de S/.1,7. Así es como se llegó a la conclusión que, con la propuesta, los ingresos de la empresa aumentarán a S/. 164 289,65; su nivel de servicio se incrementará en un 95% y sus costos disminuirán considerablemente, dando como resultado final que la implementación de la propuesta es viable. / The research was developed at the company Servicios Generales ADJ EIRL, in which the objectives of improving the inventory management of the company to increase revenue were set, as the first objective was to diagnose the current inventory management of the company General services ADJ EIRL where the ABC matrix was made, indicators of stock breakage, service level, maintenance cost and opportunity cost were calculated; The second objective was to determine the engineering tools for the improvement of inventory management in the company Servicios Generales ADJ EIRL, which were the application of the P model, implementation of a future EGA software, training for employees and the implementation of the 5'S; Finally, the last objective was to carry out an economic analysis of the proposal where it was determined that the profit of the company with the proposal would be S / .1.7; thus it was concluded that with the proposal the company will increase its income to S /. 164 289.65; its service level will increase by 95% and its costs


Cholakkal, Mohamed Jasil, Chettiyam Thodi, Nisar Ahamed January 2024 (has links)
The dissertation "Enhancing Automotive Manufacturing Quality and Reducing Variability Through Six Sigma Principles" provides a thorough analysis of the ways in which Six Sigma techniques can be applied to the automotive manufacturing sector to improve quality control, reduce variability, and boost operational efficiency. Utilizing a diverse of secondary data sources, such as industry reports, case studies, academic research articles, and one-on-one consultations, this study seeks to offer important insights into the implementation and efficacy of Six Sigma principles in the context of automotive manufacturing. By stressing the fundamental ideas of Six Sigma outlined by Deming and Juran and scrutinizing influential works in quality management, the literature study builds a solid theoretical basis. The study's goals and research questions centre on comprehending how Six Sigma improves quality and lowers variability in automobile production processes. This research finds important insights on how Six Sigma may improve quality control, lower process variability, and increase operational efficiency in the automobile manufacturing industry via thorough secondary data analysis. The research offers useful insights into using Six Sigma approaches, emphasizing the significance of staff involvement, data-driven decision-making, and leadership commitment in guaranteeing the success of Six Sigma projects. The thesis ends with suggestions for further research, such as investigating primary data gathering techniques, contrasting this methodology with other approaches to quality management, and using longitudinal analysis to monitor the long-term effects of Six Sigma projects. In summary, this dissertation advances our knowledge of how Six Sigma concepts may be used to promote operational excellence and continuous improvement in the automobile manufacturing sector. It also provides practitioners and stakeholders in the industry with insightful information

Effektivitetsanalys och förbättringsstrategier på underhållssystem för tillverkande industrier / Efficiency analysis and improvement strategies for maintenance systems in manufacturing industries

Chabi, Marian, Durovic, Milena January 2024 (has links)
Den moderna tillverkningsindustrin är i ständig förändring för att möta kraven från samhället och marknaden. Industri 4.0 har introducerat en ökad digitalisering och automatisering, vilket kräver smidiga och effektiva system för inrapportering för att hantera den ökande komplexiteten. Integreringen av Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) och Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) möjliggör insamling och visualisering av realtidsdata för att optimera produktionsprocesserna. Trots detta möter industrier hinder vid implementering av ERP-system, vilket minskar potentialen för optimal användning. Dessa utmaningar inkluderar brist på noggrann analys och planering, otillräcklig användarutbildning samt systemutvecklares tendens att prioritera teknik- eller produktanpassning framför användaranpassning. Denna studie fokuserar på att identifiera problem vid implementering av ERP-system samt utforska strategier för att optimera systemets användning. Forskningsfrågan som denna studie bevarar är: Vilka faktorer är väsentliga vid implementering av ERP-system inom tillverkande industrier för att uppå en mer optimal användning och uppföljning? Studien genomförs på Scanias nya gjuteri och företagets störningsuppföljningssystem, EBBA. Med hjälp av empiriska data, i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer och observationer på gjuteriet, samt stödjande litteraturstudier har ett resultat framställts. En framgångsrik implementering av ERP-system kräver användarvänliga system, kontinuerlig utbildning, kommunikation, ständigt förbättringsarbete, engagerat ledarskap samt resurstillgänglighet. För ledande tillverkningsföretag som Scania AB, Volvo AB, Saab AB och Volvo Cars AB utgör ett effektivt inrapporteringssystem en central del för att förbättra produktionskapaciteten och stärka konkurrenskraften. Genom att möjliggöra optimal användning och störningsidentifiering kan företagen effektivisera tillverkningsprocesserna och förbättra kvaliteten på sina produkter. Detta bidrar även till den hållbara utvecklingen och de globala målen, till exempel SDG 8 “Anständiga arbetsvillkor och ekonomisk tillväxt”, SDG 9 “Hållbar industri, innovationer och infrastruktur" och SDG 12 “Hållbar konsumtion och produktion”. / The modern manufacturing industry is constantly changing to meet the demands of society and the market. Industry 4.0 has introduced increased digitization and automation, which requires smooth and efficient reporting systems to manage the growing complexity. The integration of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) and Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) enables the collection and visualization of real-time data to optimize production processes. However, industries face obstacles in the implementation of ERP systems, which reduces the potential for optimal use. These challenges include a lack of thorough analysis and planning, insufficient user training, and a tendency among system developers to prioritize technological or product adaptation over user-centric design. This study focuses on identifying problems in ERP system implementation and exploring strategies to optimize system usage. The research question addressed in this study is: What factors are essential in the implementation of ERP systems in manufacturing industries to achieve a more optimal usage and follow-up? The study is conducted at Scania's new foundry and the company's disruption monitoring system, EBBA. Using empirical data from semi-structured interviews and observations at the foundry, along with supportive literature studies, a conclusion has been drawn. Successful ERP system implementation requires user-friendly systems, continuous training, communication, continuous improvement efforts, committed leadership, and resource availability. For leading manufacturing companies such as Scania AB, Volvo AB, Saab AB, and Volvo Cars AB, an efficient reporting system is essential to improve production capacity and enhance competitiveness. By enabling optimal usage and disruption identification, companies can streamline manufacturing processes and improve the quality of their products. This also contributes to sustainable development and global goals, such as SDG 8 "Decent Work and Economic Growth", SDG 9 "Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure" and SDG 12 "Responsible Consumption and Production".

The influence of total quality management on school improvement in secondary schools in the uThungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal

Sibeko, Sylvia Dolly 09 1900 (has links)
TQM has been identified as an approach that can be adopted to improve quality in business as well as in education. The main aim of this approach is to involve everybody in decision-making of the organization, in this case a school, with the purpose of achieving highest commitment from staff and customer satisfaction. TQM can be a way which can bring about changes in the education system. It is a philosophy with continuous improvement which can provide a set of practicable tools and techniques to meet the present and the future desires of any educational system. Therefore, this study sought to investigate the influence of TQM on school improvement in secondary schools in the Uthungulu District, Kwazulu-Natal. The questionnaires were handed to schools in the Uthungulu District which is made up of 5 circuits, namely, Umhlathuze Circuit, Umfolozi Circuit, Umlalazi Circuit, Mthonjaneni Circuit and Inkandla Circuit. The research concentrated mainly on School Management Teams (SMTs) and Post Level 1 educators (PL1 educators) from senior secondary schools (high schools). On the whole, respondents in the study area have shown a positive attitude towards understanding the significance of Total Quality Management principles in schools. The findings seem to suggest that everyone has a responsibility of encouraging implementation of TQM in schools. It is important to develop quality management systems, because without them, it is impossible to implement. The quality improvement teams should be empowered to manage themselves and provide programmes that will enable them to be more effective. The proposed model of the study provides information about basic elements and factors which need to be taken into cognisance during the TQM and implementation process. The model identifies the main principles of TQM with continuous improvement at the centre of them all. The main aim of implementing TQM in school should be continuous improvement. / Educational Management and Leadership / D. Ed. (Education Management)

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