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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad hände efter att barnkonventionen blev lag? : En kvalitativ studie om hur inkorporeringen har påverkat socionomens arbete & handlingsutrymme / What happened after the Convention on the Rights of the Child became law? : A qualitative study on how the incorporation has affected the social workers work & room for action

Nilsson, Ronnie, Friden, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to investigate how the social workers work with the best interests of the child has changed since the incorporation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child(CRC) in 2020. It was also to see how their work with the child's right to participation, and how the social workersroom for action has been affected by the incorporation of the CRC. To answer the questions of the study, we chose a qualitative method. The collected data came from interviews with social workers who work in different areas and in different parts of Sweden. As a theoretical frame of reference, we used the concept of room for action and Lipsky´s theory of grassroots bureaucrats. The results showed that the more the respondents worked with children, the smaller the difference and the less they worked with children, the bigger the difference.Something that has changed since the CRC became law is that there has been greater clarity around the best interests of the child. Something that the study shows is how lack of resources has affected the work with the best interests of the child. The reason why those who work with children did not experience any difference in their work before and after the CRC became law is to some extent due to the social workers working method, the childs need in center (BBIC). / Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka hur socionomernas arbete med barnets bästa förändrats sedan inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen 2020. Syftet var också att undersöka hur socionomerna arbetade med barnets rätt till delaktighet, samt hur socionomernas handlingsutrymme påverkades av inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen. Som teoretisk referensram använde vi oss av begreppet handlingsutrymme samt Lipskys teori om gräsrotsbyråkrater. För att besvara studiens frågeställningar valde vi att använda oss av en kvalitativ metod. Empirin samlades in genom intervjuer med sju socionomer som arbetade inom olika områden inom socialtjänsten och i olika delar av Sverige. Resultatet visade att i de verksamheter respondenterna arbetade direkt med barn blev skillnaden i arbetet mindre medande som arbetade i verksamheter som inte vände sig direkt mot barn märkte större skillnad. En av skillnaderna respondenterna såg sedan inkorporeringen var att det blivit tydligare vad som är barnets bästa. Något som under studiens gång tydligt framkom var hur resursbrister påverkade arbetet med barnets bästa. Anledningen till att de som arbetar med barn inte upplevde någon markant skillnad i arbetet före och efter inkorporeringen av barnkonventionen som lag beror till viss del på arbetsmodellen Barns behov i centrum (BBIC).

Barns rätt till kunskap om sina rättigheter : En undersökande studie om lärares arbete med Barnkonventionen / Children's right to knowledge about their rights : An analyzing study on teachers work with the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Odinge, Amanda January 2012 (has links)
This examination paper is about how the Swedish school educates their pupils about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The purpose is to see, through current literature and research, how the Convention on the Rights of the Child implements in the Swedish society, with main focus on the Swedish schools line of work. The purpose is also to get an insight in how the actual work with the Convention on the Rights of the Child can appear in different schools in Sweden, through interviews with selected teachers.    The method used to complete the research was a qualitative interview study with four teachers, in two different communities in the middle and south of Sweden. The empirical results have been compared to current research and literature on the subject.     The teachers that participated in the analyzing study works with the Convention on the Rights of the Child in different ways, through diverse projects and by mediate the schools basic values through their daily work.    My conclusion is that the Convention on the Rights of the Child is an important part of the schools education program and the pupil’s knowledge about their own rights are significant to insist on. Furthermore, the values of the Convention on the Rights of the Child should be communicated through the schools daily work with the basic values that the curriculum emphasizes.    When Sweden ratified the Convention on the Rights of the Child in 1990, they also agreed to make the Convention commonly known by the population of Sweden. Nevertheless, the lack of knowledge among adults and children in Sweden is a reappearing problem which the UN:s Committee on the Rights of the Child continues to point out as an important part in Sweden’s attempt to actualize the Convention on the Rights of the Child. This makes the schools ongoing work to mediate the Convention on the Rights of the Child to their pupils even more important. Because if the children themselves has a lack of knowledge about their own rights, then who are the rights for? / Detta examensarbete handlar om hur arbetet med Barnkonventionen ser ut i den svenska skolan. Syftet med arbetet är att, utifrån aktuell litteratur och forskning, få en bild av hur Barnkonventionen implementeras i det svenska samhället, med fokus på skolans verksamhet. Syftet är dessutom att, genom intervjuer med utvalda lärare, få en inblick i hur arbetet med Barnkonventionen kan se ut på olika skolor i Sverige.    Metoden som har använts för att genomföra undersökningen är en kvalitativ intervjustudie som är genomförd med fyra lärare i två olika kommuner i mellan respektive södra Sverige. Det empiriska resultatet har jämförts med aktuell forskning och litteratur på området.    Lärarna som medverkat i den undersökande studien arbetar på olika sätt för att förmedla Barnkonventionen till sina elever, genom olika former av projekt och genom förmedling av skolans värdegrund i det vardagliga arbetet.    Min slutsats är att Barnkonventionen är en viktig del i skolans arbete och elevernas kunskaper om sina egna rättigheter är viktiga att framhålla. Dessutom ska Barnkonventionens värderingar förmedlas genom skolans dagliga värdegrundsarbete.    Genom att Sverige ratificerade Barnkonventionen år 1990, skrev man också under på att göra den allmänt känd hos landets befolkning. Trots det är den bristande kunskapen bland barn och vuxna i Sverige en återkommande punkt som FN:s barnrättskommitté tar upp när det kommer till Sveriges arbete med att förverkliga Barnkonventionen. Detta gör att skolans arbete med att förmedla Barnkonventionen till sina elever blir ännu viktigare. För om inte barnen själva har kunskaper om vilka rättigheter de har, vem är då rättigheterna till för?

Barns rättigheter i förskoleundervisning : En studie om förskolans personals föreställningar kring barns rättigheter i förskolans verksamhet / Children’s rights in preschool education : A study on preschool staff's beliefs about children's rights in preschool activities

Dahlström, Elsa, Mosling, Miriam January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to contribute to increased knowledge about educators' perceptions of children's rights and how they perceive that it is worked with in preschool. The method used in the study is a semi-structured interview, in which six educators participated. In this essay, we will use the term pedagogues when we refer to those who work in children's groups, the term includes both trained preschool teachers and all other staff. The result shows that the educators have a desire to work and learn more about the Convention on the Rights of the Child. The study also shows that the work with children's rights is usually about what approach one has rather than knowledge and understanding. The teachers' ideas about the subject reflects an uncertainty, which can contribute to children in preschool not being aware of their rights. / Syftet med denna studie är att bidra till ökad kunskap om pedagogers föreställningar av barns rättigheter och hur de upplever att detta arbetas med i förskolan. Metoden som använts är semistrukturerad intervju, där det deltog sex pedagoger. I denna uppsats kommer vi att använda begreppet pedagoger när vi benämner de som arbetar i barngrupperna, i begreppet ingår såväl utbildade förskollärare som all övrig personal. Resultatet visar på att pedagogerna har en vilja att arbeta och lära sig mer om barnkonventionen. Studien visar även att arbetet med barns rättigheter till större delen handlar om vilket förhållningssätt man har snarare än kunskap och förståelse. Pedagogernas föreställningar kring ämnet speglar en osäkerhet vilket kan bidra till att barn i förskolan inte blir medvetna om sina rättigheter.

Fostran till demokrati ochdelaktighet? : En kvalitativ studie om hur föreningararbetar med inkludering av unga ibeslutsprocesser / Fostering to democracy and participation? : A qualitative study on how sports clubswork with the inclusion of youth people in decision-making processes

Engman, Alexander, Sehlin, Oskar January 2023 (has links)
The Swedish government issued a statement in 1999, which included that all sports should be conductedfrom a child's rights perspective. This, among other things, involved an ambition to increase children'sand young people's influence on and responsibility for their sporting activities. As sport has beenproblematized as being driven by adults, much emphasis has been placed on how sports clubs work toincrease children's and young people's opportunities to become involved in sports clubs themselves. Thepurpose of this study is to investigate in what ways sports clubs in Northern Sweden work with theinclusion of young people in decision-making processes. The approach we used to collect data wasthrough semi-structured interviews, where we interviewed eight chairpersons in sports clubs’ boards.Data was analyzed with thematic analysis. The results show that clubs are working to create basicconditions, which are described as being prepared to include young people, being attentive to whatchildren and young people want to do, or have opinions about, asking for their opinions, as well as usingmethods to allow children and young people to express themselves, whose opinions form the basis ofdecision-making processes. The results also show that sports clubs have established absolute conditions.This means that children and young people are included in decision-making processes and shareinfluence and responsibility with adults, by, for example, having young people on their board or havingincorporated youth sections, which often get the opportunity to run projects and activities bythemselves. On the other hand, the sports clubs argue for prioritizing the issues in which children andyoung people should be included based on the idea that they understand their responsibility as adultsand have a comprehensive view of the sports clubs’ major areas of responsibility such as finance, staff,and safety.

Barnkonventionen i missbruksärenden : En kvalitativ studie om förverkligandet av barnkonventionen i en storstad / Convention on the Rights of the Child in social service addiction cases : A qualitative study on the realization of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

Edström, Gabriella, Karlsson, Filippa January 2023 (has links)
Three years ago (2020) the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) became law in Sweden. The social service in every municipality has a responsibility to take the children's best into consideration in cases that concern the child. When working with adults, children have to be considered as well. As a social service secretary, it is important to know how to interact with both adults as well as children. It is also important that the secretary implements a childperspective when making an assessment. The CRC is essential to allow the children to be heard as well as to be able to have an impact on decisions that affects them. The four basic principles in CRC are non- discrimination (article 2), the best interest of the child (article 3), the right to life and development (article 6) and having respect for the child's opinion (article 12). This paper is a qualitative study where the aim is to examine how the secretary in social services, on the addiction adult unit, works to achieve the CRCs basic principles in their daily undertakings. The four basic principles are analyzed through CRC and general systems theory to make an assumption as to how the addiction adult unit in Malmö implements the CRC. Five caseworkers on the addiction adult unit were interviewed whereof three is child rights representatives. The result shows that it is up to each secretary to take the CRC in consideration when their client has a child. The lack of knowledge of what all the different units in social service do, is one reason why the cooperation between the units is hard, and sometimes unmotivated. The child rights representatives on the addiction adult unit are working on educating their colleges on how they are supposed to manage a case where the client has a child. At present, the CRC is not perceived to be implemented in the daily work at the addiction adult unit in Malmö. Previous research points to this being the case in more areas within both laws and other operations.

Barnkonventionen i samhällskunskapsämnet : En studie om hur lärare implementerar och kommunicerarbarnkonventionen i undervisningen

Elmerdal, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
Barnkonventionen har blivit lag, vilket ställer högre krav på elevers utbildning. För att elever ska bli respektfulla medborgare som tar hänsyn till andramänniskor utifrån de mänskliga rättigheterna, behöver lärare implementerabarnkonventionen på ett adekvat sätt i undervisningen. Kommunikation är enmetod som kan informera och fördjupa elevers förståelse och kunskaper omrättigheterna. Samhällskunskapslärare använder olika former avkommunikation vid arbete med barnkonventionens innehåll. Syftet med dennastudie var att synliggöra lärares arbete med att implementerabarnkonventionen i samhällskunskapsundervisningen. Studiens teoretiskaramverk och konkretiserade frågeställningar, låg till grund för denundersökning som gjordes. Data samlades in genom fem semistruktureradeintervjuer med ett målstyrt urval av lärare som undervisar årskurs 4–6 isamhällskunskap. Insamlade data transkriberades och analyserades utifrånfrågeställningar och det teoretiska ramverkets begrepp: förstå, kunna och vilja.Resultatet visar att lärare arbetar med att implementera barnkonventionen isamhällskunskapsundervisningen med varierande motivation. Projekt ochtemaarbeten framställs som bra arbetsmetoder för aktuell årskurs ochgemensamma diskussioner används som stående inslag. Resultatet indikerardock på att det kan finnas behov av organisatoriskt stöd i arbetet med attimplementera barnkonventionen i undervisningen. / <p>Godkänd 2023-06-07</p>

Förverkligandet av Barnkonventionen : En jämförande analys av två kommuners mål och medel för implementeringen av barnets rätt till delaktighet

Ali Akbar, Avin January 2016 (has links)
In the light of the Convention on the Rights of the Child gaining legal status in Sweden this thesis examines the implementation of the convention on a municipal level, specifically the implementation of Article 12 and children’s right to participate in all matters affecting them. With this purpose objectives and means are examined and compared between two municipalities: the municipality of Uppsala and the municipality of Örebro. By creating a frame of analysis based on previous research and theory on children’s participation, a text analysis has been conducted on key municipal policy documents and a case study has been conducted of municipal channels for participation. In conclusion the implementation of Article 12 differs between the municipalities where the responsibility to realize children’s right to participate is a shared responsibility in Örebro municipality in comparison to Uppsala municipality where the responsibility lies with some departments. In Örebro municipality children’s participation is often defined as a right while it in Uppsala municipality often is defined as an instrument to reach other goals. The case study emphasizes the importance of critically examining who actually participates in initiatives for children’s participation, who has power over the agenda and with what effects. For the realization of children’s right to participate initiatives must be inclusive, important and with clear intentions and effects.

Delaktighet genom barnombud : En brygga mellan socialtjänst och ungdom i barnavårdsutredningar / Participation through child advocate services

Hallonsten, Matilda January 2015 (has links)
This study aims to describe and analyse the ideas behind and the function of the NGO Maskrosbarn’s advocate services for children (barnombud) during child welfare investigations. The main focus is the advocate services relation to children’s participation. The study has a qualitative case-study approach and contains documents from the local authorities and interviews with eight representatives in six different positions such as child advocates, youth and social workers. An analysis has been made using Shier’ (2001) and Hart’s (1992) theories of child participation and theories about human service organisations (Hasenfeldt, 1983), the New Institutional Theory (Meyer &amp; Rowan, 1977) and the street-level bureaucrat theory (Lipsky, 1980). One main obstacle for child participation in child welfare investigation, shown in the study, is organisational conditions and social workers’ position in public authority. By creating a relationship built on trust, the child advocate supports the child in the investigation process and has the ability to increase the child’s participation and thereby overcome the gap between the social worker and the child. This study highlights the importance of an active cooperation between the child advocate services and the social services, and also of a shared view on the meaning of participation.

Barnkonventionen på lokal nivå : En kvalitativ studie om implementeringen av barnkonventionen i två svenska kommuner

Asvelius, Edit January 2016 (has links)
The UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has repeatedly criticized Sweden for the differences regarding the implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) at the municipal level. Even so, studies show that there is a political will in the municipalities when it comes to realize the CRC. It indicates that there are challenges in terms of implementation. This thesis examines the implementation process in two Swedish municipalities where the local government has decided to implement the CRC. The purpose is to identify and describe the challenges that exist in the municipalities regarding the implementation and to determine to what extent the challenges can be influenced from the political level. The theoretical framework is grounded on theories of policy implementation and the findings have been compiled through interviews and qualitative text analyses. The study identifies challenges that are related, inter alia, to the ability to evaluate and control the implementation and the findings implies that the majority of the identified challenges can be influenced from the political level.

Bör Barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? : En komparativrättslig studie om barnets rättigheter i Sverige och Norge. / Should the convention on the rights of the child be fully implemented into Swedish law? : A juridical essay on the right of the child through the child rights convention in Sweden and Norway.

Hedman, Wendela January 2014 (has links)
Abstrakt ”Bör barnkonventionen bli lag i Sverige? – En komparativrätts-lig studie on barnets rättigheter genom barnkonventionen i Sverige &amp; Norge” Uppsatsen diskuterar med en komparativrättslig metodik implementeringen och inkorporering av barnkonventionen i Sverige och Norge. I tre steg ämnar uppsatsen att undersöka huruvida barnkonventionen bör implementeras till fullo och göras till svensk lag på samma sätt som Norge har valt att göra.Uppsatsen fokuserar på FN:s barnrättkommittés yttranden kring hur länderna sköter sina åtaganden gentemot konventionen och en jämförelse har gjorts som visar att kommittén generellt sett verkar ge Sverige mer grundläggande kritik vilket indikerar att kommittén anser sig ha större och allvarligare kritik kring Sveriges tillgodoseende av barns rättigheter än kring Norges.Uppsatsen tar också upp domstolsprocessen kring vårdnadstvister där barnet ofta riskerar att hamna i kläm. En jämförelse mellan vårdnadstvister i Sverige och Norge visar att det är väldigt små skillnader mellan ländernas olika problemområden som utgör skillnader i barns rättigheter som direkt kan härledas till det faktum att Norge har inkorporerat barnkonventionen till fullo medans Sverige inte har gjort det.Vidare har uppsatsen gett en inblick i den svenska debatten kring för- och nackdelar med en inkorporering av barnkonventionen i svensk lag och har kommit fram till att en inkorporering överlag bör ge positiva effekter för barns rättigheter. / Abstract ”Should the convention on the rights of the child be fully implemented into Swedish law? – a juridical essay on the right of the child through the child rights convention in Sweden and Norway.” This essay discusses in a comparative way the implementation of the convention on the rights of the child in Sweden and Norway. In three steps the comparison has lead the essay to a conclusion on whether Sweden should incorporate the conventions fully or not.The essay focuses on the UN child rights committee ”concluding observation report” on how the countries are managing the rights of the child through the convention. A comparison has been made and it has shown that the committee to some extent is giving more basic recommendations and serious criticism to Sweden. This may lead to a discussion about whether the committee have bigger and more serious concerns about some areas of the Swedish work with the convention rather than the ones in Norway.The essay also brings up the legal process of custody battles where the child is often neglected to some extent and a comparison has been made that shows that there are really very little differences that can be connected to the fact that Norway has a fully implemented child rights convention when Sweden has not.Further on the essay gives an insight into the Swedish debate on pros and cons for an incorporation and comes to the overall conclusion that an incorporation would have a positive outcome on the rights of the child in Sweden.

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