Spelling suggestions: "subject:"countryside"" "subject:"sountryside""
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Den yngre befolkningens flykt från landsbygden : En fallstudie över BollnäsEriksson, Olov January 2017 (has links)
Uppsatsen beskriver urbanisering med fokus på när yngre flyttar från landsbygden. Som ett bakgrundsmaterial har statistik inhämtats och presenteras i studiens teoridel. Uppgifterna består företrädesvis av befolkningsstatistik som presenteras i diagramform. Data har analyserats och bearbetats med hjälp av Excel och dataprogrammet Tableau. Studien undersöker specifikt om det finns särskilda orsaker till att unga människor flyttat från Bollnäs i Hälsingland. För att skaffa kunskap kring varför unga flyttar från Bollnäs har 10 ungdomar, som lämnat Bollnäs till förmån för en större stad, intervjuats genom semi strukturerade intervjuer. Vid analysen av studiens resultat har push and pull teori tillämpats. Teorin utgår från att ungdomarna utsätts för såväl skjutande som dragande faktorer. Resultatet av studien visar att gemensam anledning till varför intervjupersonerna har flyttat var möjligheten till högre studier, pullfaktor. Flera har också gett uttryck för en uttalad vilja att lämna hemstaden Bollnäs som de upplevt som liten och utan framtidsutsikter, pushfaktor. Inom ramen för studien har också intervjuer gjorts med styrande inom Bollnäs kommun. Dessa är medvetna om kommunens demografiska utmaningar, men har inga tydliga gemensamma strategier för att motverka att ungdomar flyttar från Bollnäs. / The essay describes the process of urbanization, focusing on the younger population that moves away from the countryside. As a background material, statistics has been gathered and is presented in the theory section of this study. The main part of this data constitutes of demographic statistics and is presented in diagrams. The data has been analysed using Excel and the computer program Tableau. The study specifically investigates whether there are any particular reasons why young people have moved from Bollnäs, in the province of Hälsingland. Hence, 10 young persons who have left Bollnäs in favour of a larger city have been asked questions in semi-structured interviews. In the study analysis, push and pull theory has been applied. This theory assumes that the young people are exposed to both pulling and pushing factors. The result of the study shows that a common reason why these young persons moved away was the prospect of higher studies, a pulling factor. Several participants also expressed a want to leave their hometown Bollnäs that they considered to be small and without prospects, a pushing factor. Moreover, some interviews with the governing politicians in the municipality of Bollnäs were carried out within this study. These politicians are aware of the demographical challenges that face the community. However, they do not have any clearly defined common strategies that prevent young people to move away from Bollnäs.
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Úloha organizací občanského sektoru v životě malých obcí / Role of civic organizations in the life of small municipalitiesKubásek, Pavel January 2014 (has links)
Title: The role of the civic organizations in the life of the small municipalities Objectives: The main objective is to evaluate the relationship between civil society organizations and representatives of public administration in terms of their common aspiration to build cohesion in the former Association of Municipalities Neveklovsko. Defunct micro-region is also subject to consideration of future similar institutions. Methods: This multi-case study is based on analysis of data collected in selected community association Neveklovsko. The project will also draw information from public printed materials. This project will be based on semi-structured interviews with the mayors of municipalities and chosen representatives of civic associations. Results: We found that all municipalities of examined micro-region realize the importance and interest groups in the villages. Municipalities are trying to make these voluntary organizations to promote and ensure better social life of the inhabitants. Recently, the municipalities of the former micro-region worked together again in the celebrations of the 70th anniversary of the eviction of Neveklovsko. Recreating of micro-region is not in a sight. Any municipalities do not agree with the financing and therefore they have no further interest in this integration....
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Mapovanie podmienok na vytváranie klastov využívajúcich miestne obnoviteľné zdroje energie v regiónoch / Surveying Conditions for the Creation of Clusters Making full use of Local Renewable Resources in various RegionsGecelovská, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis was to plot the conditions which influence creation of supplier- consumer relationship (of nets, clusters) focused on usage of renewable sources of energy. Short rotation coppices (SRC) were emphasized. There was processed general issue of countryside evelopment, unemployment trend in agriculture and possibilities of activities diversification in relation with SRC production in theoretical part of my thesis. Research realisation of production significance together with SRC usage in countryside areas awareness was included in the applied part. Obtained knowledge and information were analyzed and evaluated. Output of this thesis can be used to infrom involved subjects and routine utilisation.
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Landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen : En kartläggande och jämförande studie av hur kommuner och Länsstyrelser tillämpar lagstiftningen / Countryside development in areas close to shores : An investigative and comparative study in county administrative boards' and municipalities' application of the lawAndersson, Henrik, Bosson, Christoffer January 2019 (has links)
2009/2010 infördes i Miljöbalken och Plan- och Bygglagen ett nytt begrepp, landsbygdsutveckling i strandnära lägen (LIS). Lagändringen genomfördes med motiveringen att områden med låg exploateringsgrad samt god tillgång till stränder skulle få en möjlighet till lättnader i strandskyddet, detta för att kunna erbjuda attraktiva lägen för boende och verksamhet inom kommunen. Sedan denna ändring infördes har kommunerna huvudansvaret för att pröva dispenser för strandskydd inom kommunen, Länsstyrelsen har huvudsakligen en granskande roll. När lagändringen 2009/2010 kom infördes det i Plan- och Bygglagen en möjlighet för kommunerna att sedan 1 februari 2010 peka ut LIS-områden inom kommunen i sin översiktsplan, tematiskt tillägg till översiktsplanen eller i en fördjupad översiktsplan. Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra och kartlägga hur 44 kommuner runtom i landet använder sig av LIS. Studien syftar även till att kartlägga hur olika Länsstyrelser i olika län runtom i landet arbetar tillsammans med kommunerna i frågan om LIS. Studiens första del är kvantitativ för att sammanställa den statistik som ligger till grund för studiens resultat. Studien innehåller även en kvalitativ del som syftar till att analysera den statistik som framställts inom studien. Studien mynnar ut i slutsatsen att kommunerna och Länsstyrelsen har olika syn på LIS i helhet, vilket syns genom de synpunkter som Länsstyrelsen lämnar till kommunen via sitt granskningsyttrande. Ett mönster för vilka synpunkter som är vanligast att Länsstyrelsen lämnar har uppmärksammats inom studien. De vanligaste synpunkterna från Länsstyrelsen är att kommunerna inte tillgodosett syftet med LIS, syftet med strandskyddet samt ett eller flera riksintressen som påverkar tillämpningen av LIS. Studien visar att kommunerna följer den lagstiftning som reglerar var LIS-områden får pekas ut. Studiens fördjupande del visar att kommuner med olika politisk styrning arbetar med LIS på varierande sätt. De huvudsakliga skillnaderna i hantering av LIS-områden beroende av politisk styrning är antalet områden som pekas ut. Den politiska styrningen inom en kommun har större inverkan på utpekande av antalet LIS-områden än kommunens geografiska läge i Sverige, enligt den fördjupande delen i studiens resultat. / 2009/2010 a new concept was brought into Environmental code and Planning and Building Act, which was countryside development in areas close to shores (LIS). This amendment was motivated by that areas which have a low degree of exploited land area and high access to seaside areas would get an opportunity to reliefs in coastal protection regulations, in order to be able to offer attractive areas for living and establishing different activities within the municipality. Since the amendment came into force the main responsibility for approval of exceptions from costal protection regulations is on the county. The county administrative board main responsibility is to keep an eye on the granted approvals of the municipalities. The amendments in the Planning and Building Act resulted in the possibility for the municipalities to present areas in with a relief in coastal protection regulations, as a part of the comprehensive plan, an addition to the comprehensive plan or an extensive version for a part of the comprehensive plan. The purpose of this study is to investigate and compare how the legislation about LIS is applied, by studying 44 municipalities including the documents of comments from the county administrative board. The first part of the study is the quantitative part which contains collecting and compile information and statistics in which the study will be founded. The study also contains a qualitative part of analyzing the results obtained in the quantitative part. Overall the study shows that there is a disagreement between the municipalities and the county administrative board regarding costal protection regulation. The conclusion is based on the results from the study presenting the comments from the county administrative board to the municipalities during the final examine before the comprehensive plan is adopted by the municipal council. The results in the study show a pattern in the most frequent comments from the county administrative board compiled. The most common comment from the county administrative board is that the municipality has not fulfilled the purpose of the legislation about LIS. Furthermore, the municipality has not considered national interests in the municipal areas meant for LIS. The study shows that different political ideology has an influence on the execution of the legislation about LIS in municipalities. The results in the study show that the political ideology has an impact on the numbers of areas which the municipalities present as LIS. As a matter of fact, the impact of political ideology is greater than the impact of geographical similarities between two municipalities, according to the results in the study.
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Landsbygd i nöd och lust : En etnologisk studie av livsstilsmigration till GotlandPeker, Gurbet January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine lifestyle migration as a cultural and everyday practice, with the emphasis being on observing how lifestyle changes from urban to rural are described, practiced and made meaningful by people who have left major Swedish cities behind, in favour of a life on the Gotlandic countryside. The empirical material has been collected through ethnographical methods and is based on observations and qualitative interviews with 13 individuals who all reside on farms and practice animal husbandry. Focus has been placed on the practices, conceptions and other expressions which are related to the informants’ animals and their keeping. The theoretical starting point of this study is phenomenological, where anthropologist Tim Ingold’s ideas of what it means to dwell are central. Also, the term authenticity and the concept of lifestyle migration are important tools to examine the collected material. The result of the study demonstrates that the idea of the rural idyll, in other words, the preconception of the countryside as a calm and harmonious refuge far removed from the stressful life of major cities, plays a large part in the in-migrants lifestyle migration. The informants’ decisions to move to the countryside, as well as their everyday practices once settled in, are characterised by these romanticised notions. The study also shows that the informants’ lives, with animals and their keeping, presents a series of unexpected challenges and difficulties that are not present in the preconception of the rural idyll. In reality, the informants experience more stress and even higher workloads in their rural everyday, than they were exposed to living their previous urban lifestyle. The animals and their care, however, provide a series of positive experiences and the interactions with the animals are seen as authentic and meaningful. The everyday interchanges with the animals become an important part of the informants’ being and wellbeing on the countryside. They are therefore crucial to their lifestyle migration.
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Att lyckas på landsbygden : Marknadsvillkor och marknadsföringsbeslut i dagligvarubutiker / To succeed in the countryside : Market structure and marketing decisions in food retailingIvarsson, Jenny, Ljungquist, Pauline January 2019 (has links)
Förändrade marknadsvillkor för landsbygden med minskande befolkningsmängd och ökande konkurrens från fysiska och digitala aktörer har lett till att var femte dagligvarubutik på den tätortsnära landsbygden har försvunnit det senaste decenniet. För att möta förändringen ställs det högre krav på butikernas marknadsföring för att nå lönsamhet. Syftet med denna studie är att beskriva sambandet mellan marknadsvillkor, marknadsföringsbeslut och ekonomisk prestation för dagligvarubutiker på den tätortsnära landsbygden i Skaraborg. För att undersöka syftet antas perspektivet Industrial Organization (IO) och Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) samt teorier inom marknadsföringsområdet marknadsmix och relationsmarknadsföring. Inom IO anses beslutsfattaren för marknadsföringsaktiviteter viktig eftersom den ekonomiska prestationen påverkas av hur väl konkurrensstrategin anpassas till marknadsvillkoren. Studien har genomförts som en kvalitativ studie där empirin har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med nio butikschefer inom dagligvaruhandeln. För att öka studiens trovärdighet har resultatet från intervjuerna stärkts genom en datainsamling via enkät samt en dokumentanalys av de undersökta butikernas årsredovisningar. Systematiskt urval användes vid val av intervjupersoner. Resultatet visar att avståndet mellan landsbygdsbutiken och den närliggande tätorten inte har ett lika tydligt samband med den ekonomiska prestationen som tidigare forskning hävdar. Däremot visar resultatet indikationer på att ett mer fördelaktigt geografiskt läge i form av ett längre avstånd till tätorten och färre konkurrenter kan skapa förutsättningar till att fler av ortens konsumenter i större utsträckning väljer att handla i den lokala butiken. Studien visar att olika konkurrensstrategier har olika påverkan på det ekonomiska resultatet. En högre nettoomsättning kan i landsbygdsbutiken uppnås genom att arbeta med fler konkurrensmedel, såsom att erbjuda ett brett serviceutbud, kommunicera med flera olika kanaler, anordna butiksevenemang samt att butikschefen är engagerad i orten. Lönsamhet för butikerna uppnås genom att hålla en högre prisnivå, arbeta aktivt med produktplaceringar samt hålla nere kostnader genom att betona färre konkurrensmedel. Slutligen visar även resultatet på att det personliga och ett relationellt synsätt är ett viktigt konkurrensmedel för landsbygdens dagligvarubutiker.
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Pol?ticas p?blicas e reorganiza??o do espa?o rural: a inser??o da comunidade da Sapucaia no Programa Nacional de Alimenta??o Escolar no munic?pio de Santo Ant?nio de Jesus - BaSantos, Joelia Silva dos 03 May 2016 (has links)
Submitted by Jadson Francisco de Jesus SILVA (jadson@uefs.br) on 2018-01-23T22:17:43Z
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DISSERTA??O - JOELIA ok.docx: 16960609 bytes, checksum: 0ad0995dcb318fbd143c0417841499c3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-01-23T22:17:43Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2016-05-03 / The rural reorganization stems from the actions carried out by different actors with specific interests and goals. In this sense, the state is one of the agents, together with farmers, associations, trade unions, social movements, whose actions cause repercussions in various dimensions of rural from the moment that institutionalizes and implements public policy. By Law No. 11.947 / 2009, the Brazilian State undertook to states and municipalities the obligation intended, at least 30% of funds transferred by the National Fund for Education Development (ENDF), to purchase the small farmer products and their organizations that will be used for School Feeding. The insertion of the small farmer in the National School Feeding Programme (PNAE), as supplier of agricultural genres, is a Brazilian state action geared specifically for rural segments most vulnerable by the import substitution industrialization process. In Santo Antonio de Jesus, Community Sapucaia, through the Association of farmers, sought means of insertion in the program, achieving the feat in 2014 and 2015. The repercussions of this action have resized the objects and actions systems to the point of occasioning a productive reorganization of rural properties inserted in the PNAE. This finding was obtained from this research that aimed to analyze the spatial organization of farms of small farmers in the Sapucaia community from the insertion of the Association in the PNAE in Santo Antonio de Jesus, Bahia. It is considered that the inclusion in the program allows farmers to market their products for a value consistent with the market, decreases the middleman role of action, ensures a fixed income per year and contributes to the enhancement of local agriculture / O processo de reorganiza??o do espa?o rural decorre das a??es realizadas por diferentes agentes com interesses e objetivos espec?ficos. Nesse sentido, o Estado ? um dos agentes, em conjunto com os agricultores, as associa??es, os sindicatos, os movimentos sociais, cujas a??es provocam rebatimentos em v?rias dimens?es do rural a partir do momento em que institucionaliza e executa as pol?ticas p?blicas. Atrav?s da Lei N? 11.947/2009, o Estado brasileiro incumbiu aos estados e munic?pios a obrigatoriedade de destinarem, no m?nimo, 30% dos recursos repassados pelo Fundo Nacional de Desenvolvimento da Educa??o (FNDE), para compra de produtos do pequeno agricultor e suas organiza??es que ser?o destinados a Alimenta??o Escolar. A inser??o do pequeno agricultor no Programa Nacional de Alimenta??o Escolar (PNAE), como fornecedor de g?neros agr?colas, ? uma a??o do Estado brasileiro voltada especificamente para os segmentos rurais mais fragilizados pelo processo de industrializa??o por substitui??o de importa??o. No munic?pio de Santo Ant?nio de Jesus, a Comunidade da Sapucaia, atrav?s da Associa??o de agricultores, buscou meios de inser??o no programa, alcan?ando o feito em 2014 e 2015. Os rebatimentos dessa a??o t?m redimensionado os sistemas de objetos e os sistemas de a??es ao ponto de ocasionarem uma reorganiza??o produtiva das propriedades rurais inseridas no PNAE. Tal constata??o foi obtida com a realiza??o desta pesquisa que objetivou analisar a reorganiza??o espacial das propriedades rurais dos pequenos agricultores da comunidade da Sapucaia a partir da inser??o da Associa??o no PNAE no munic?pio de Santo Ant?nio de Jesus-BA. Considera-se que a inser??o no programa permite ao agricultor comercializar seus produtos por um valor condizente com o do mercado, provoca a redu??o da a??o do papel do atravessador, assegura uma renda fixa ao ano e contribui na valoriza??o da agricultura local.
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A CONSOLIDAÇÃO DA EMPRESA AGRÍCOLA DA CANA-DE-AÇÚCAR EM ITAPACI/GO: impactos socioeconômicos, na família dos pequenos proprietários rurais. / The agricultural company consolidation of sugarcane in Itapaci/Go: socioeconomic and cultural impacts on the family of small landownersAraújo, Valterlan Teixeira 26 February 2010 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2010-02-26 / The aim of this research is to discuss the cultural impacts on the families of farmers in relation to the
consolidation of the Agricultural Company of Sugar Cane. The sugar cane industry in Brazil
historically supports the centralization of land and capital, with a trend of technological improvements
that holds and excludes the human workforce. The household production in turn, plays a key role in
delivering the products that make the bulk of the basic needs of low income families, contributing to
the exports of agricultural products, which enhances and diversifies the human and environmental
resources. In this context, it is thought that the cultivation of sugar cane in this micro region broke the
routine of farmers, giving these families no chance to establish themselves in accordance with the
requirements of the city way of life. In this context, trough a on the spot interview, the backgrounds of
fifteen families were built from the ground up , and all these farmers leased land to the Vale Verde
Mill. The data were analyzed from a dialectics point of view, which considers the relationship between
subjects and informants. These interviews uncovered the core and the values of the native culture,
showing the changes that occur because of the migration from the countryside to the cities. Therefore
this research shows the social, cultural and economic impacts of the implementation of the sugarethanol
industry in this area. / Essa pesquisa tem por objetivo discutir os impactos socioeconômicos e culturais em famílias de
agricultores da cidade de Itapaci, Goiás, decorrentes da consolidação da empresa agrícola da canade-
açúcar. A indústria da cana no Brasil, historicamente, preconiza a centralização de terras e
capital, apresentando uma tendência de verticalização tecnológica poupadora e excludente de
força de trabalho humano. A produção familiar, por sua vez, desempenha um papel fundamental
na oferta de produtos que compõem a cesta básica das populações de baixa renda, contribuindo na
pauta de exportações de origem agrícola, as quais otimizam e diversificam os recursos humanos e
ambientais. Nesse contexto, pensa-se que o cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, nessa região, desarticulou a
rotina desses produtores, não dando a essas famílias a chance de se estabelecerem conforme as
exigências do modo de vida citadino. Nesse contexto, por meio de entrevista in locu,
constituíram-se históricos de vida de quinze famílias campesinas, sendo todas produtoras
arrendatárias de terras para a Usina Vale Verde. Os dados levantados foram analisados numa
perspectiva da dialética, na qual consideram-se as relações de interação entre os sujeitos
informantes e pesquisados. Essas entrevistas possibilitaram verificar os sedimentos e valores da
cultura nativa e as transformações ocorridas pela migração do homem campo para a cidade.
Portanto, essa pesquisa possibilitou o levantamento dos impactos provocados pela implementação
da empresa sucroalcoleira nessa espacialidade, tanto nos aspectos culturais quanto sociais e
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A dinâmica territorial do patrimônio da ferrovia no ramal do Paranapanema (PR)Ramos, Eliane Netrebka 10 May 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Eunice Novais (enovais@uepg.br) on 2018-08-09T18:30:52Z
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Previous issue date: 2018-05-05 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho é uma reflexão sobre o processo de territorialização da rede ferroviária do ramal do Paranapanema (PR) entre municípios de Jaguariaíva, Arapoti e Wenceslau Braz. A delimitação temática e espacial justifica-se pela carência de estudos sobre o patrimônio ferroviário na região, assim como a compreensão de que esta proposta possa incorporar os estudos consolidados sobre a presença da ferrovia no estado do Paraná, ressaltando-se aspectos históricos e geográficos dos municípios abordados. Dessa forma, a compreensão da dinâmica da ferrovia e da construção constante desse patrimônio dá-se através de uma metodologia que trata tanto dos elementos materiais e imateriais da ferrovia, em um viés territorial que considera os aspectos diacrônicos e sincrônicos das relações resultantes entre o homem, a técnica e a sociedade. Compreende-se que as relações de poder se dão em diversas escalas e permeiam a história da ferrovia desde a sua implantação, passando pela desestatização e concessão ao capital privado na década de 1990 até os dias de hoje. Tais relações produzem territorialidades entendidas como produtos das relações dos sujeitos e o território/rede da ferrovia. Da mesma forma, os vestígios produzidos pela presença técnica da ferrovia podem ser entendidos como um patrimônio industrial cujos reflexos podem ser percebidos nos âmbitos econômicos, sociais, políticos e culturais. O tema principal deste trabalho é, portanto, o patrimônio cultural ferroviário do ramal do Paranapanema. Para esta análise geográfica, os capítulos foram organizados de forma a estabelecer as possíveis relações entre três pares dialéticos: território e rede; memória e patrimônio e relação campo e cidade. As territorializações da ferrovia e suas consequências na organização espacial dos municípios abordados (frisando-se a relação campo e cidade) foram analisadas a partir do sistema de ações de Santos (2006), em resposta ao desafio proposto pelo autor de um método de análise geográfica que considera as estruturas, processos, formas e funções. Dessa forma, o objetivo geral deste trabalho é “compreender, a partir da análise das memórias e das territorialidades, a dinâmica do patrimônio ferroviário no ramal do Paranapanema (PR), considerando-se as rugosidades e funcionalidades que se encerram nos espaços geográficos”. Para isso, foram realizadas pesquisa bibliográfica e coleta de dados, que examinados a partir da análise das memórias e das percepções são apresentados enquanto elementos importantes para uma compreensão sobre as múltiplas territorialidades produzidas por esse vasto território em rede da ferrovia. “Fatos”, “rugosidades” e “funcionalidades” foram determinantes na compreensão do diálogo entre objeto, objetivos, conceitos teórico e material obtido a partir da análise da experiência humana na apropriação espacial.
Palavras-chave: território/rede da ferrovia; patrimônio cultural; memória; relação / This work is a reflection on the territorialization process of the railway network of the Paranapanema branch around the towns of Jaguariaíva, Arapoti and Wenceslau Braz, in the state of Parana. The thematic and spatial delimitation is justified by the lack of studies on the railway heritage in the region, as well as by the notion that this proposal may incorporate the canon of consolidated studies about the railway presence in the state of Parana, while highlighting historical and geographical aspects of the towns at hand. Thus, understanding the railway dynamic and the constant construction of this heritage requires a methodology that encompasses both the material and immaterial elements of the railway, in a territorial approach that considers the diachronic and synchronic aspects of the resulting relationships between man, technique, and society. It is understood that power relations take place on different scales and permeate the history of the railway, since its implementation, through the process of leaving state-ownership to its concession to private capital in the 1990s, until the present days. These relations produce territorialities that are regarded as results from the relations between the individuals and the railway territory/network. In the same way, the vestiges created by the technical presence of the railway may be understood as an industrial heritage whose reflections may be noticed in the economic, social, political, and cultural scopes. The principal theme of this work is, therefore, the railway cultural heritage in the Paranapanema branch. However, the theoretical discussion and the results obtained are presented in a methodological perspective that intends to surpass dichotomous views, connecting important concepts to the discussion. For this geographical analysis, the chapters are organized so as to establish the possible relations between three dialectical pairs: territory and network; memory and heritage; and city and countryside. The territorializations of the railway and their consequences in the spatial organization of the towns approached (emphasizing the city-countryside relation) were analyzed based on Santos's (2006) system of actions, answering the challenge proposed by the author of a method of geographical analysis that considers the structures, processes, shapes, and functions. Thus, the general objective of this work is “understanding, based on the analysis of memories and territorialities, the dynamic of the railway heritage in the Paranapanema branch (PR), taking into account the roughness and functionality that are enclosed in geographical spaces”. With that in mind, a bibliographical research and a data collection were conducted, which, examined from the analysis of memories and perceptions, are presented as important elements for comprehending the multiple territorialities produced by this vast territory of the railway network that extends itself on a global scale. “Facts”, “roughness”, and “functionality” were determinant in understanding the dialogue between object, objectives, theoretical concepts, and material obtained through an analysis of the human experience in the appropriation of space.
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ENTRE CIDADE E CAMPO: AS SEGUNDAS RESIDÊNCIAS NO ESPAÇO RURALPretto, Fabelis Manfron 31 August 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Angela Maria de Oliveira (amolivei@uepg.br) on 2018-12-12T20:05:22Z
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Fabelis Manfron.pdf: 2775295 bytes, checksum: 8fbe8028115756e1ab38f0652549714e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-12-12T20:05:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 2
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Fabelis Manfron.pdf: 2775295 bytes, checksum: 8fbe8028115756e1ab38f0652549714e (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2018-08-31 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / A tese tem como objeto de pesquisa as casas de segunda residência da zona rural. O estudo é realizado a partir de citadinos residentes em Ponta Grossa (PR), proprietários de casas de campo no espaço rural dos distritos do município. Buscou-se compreender a partir desses sujeitos – moradores urbanos - quais as motivações da aquisição da segunda residência no campo. Dividida em três capítulos, a primeira parte da pesquisa aborda as discussões culturais, a busca pela vivência do modo de vida rural, de novas experiências possíveis dentro de um contexto espacial e cultural específico. Se estabelece uma discussão acerca dos conceitos de território, identidade e cultura, sobre o processo de territorialização por meio da apropriação/construção simbólica do espaço e da vivência da multiterritorialidade pelos moradores de segunda residência. A segunda parte busca compreender os motivos da “fuga” da cidade e apresenta uma discussão sobre a relação histórica, no aspecto cultural-simbólico, da relação do ser humano com as cidades, com o campo e a ruptura da relação homem-natureza. Na terceira parte é abordada a influência das atividades de lazer e o turismo na aquisição da residência secundária, pois apesar de semelhantes, às ações de se ter uma segunda residência e praticar turismo no campo diferenciam-se, sobretudo nos aspectos sentimentais que envolvem a casa. Discutiu-se conceitos como cultura, identidade, relação campo e cidade, rural e urbano, memória e patrimônio para compreender e, com isso, colaborar com a ampliação conceitual e discussão a respeito das casas de segunda residência no campo. / The thesis has as research object the houses of second home of the rural zone. The study is carried out from city residents in Ponta Grossa (PR), owners of country houses in the rural area of the districts of the municipality. It was sought to understand from these subjects - urban dwellers - what motivates the acquisition of the second home in the countryside. Divided into three chapters, the first part of the research deals with cultural discussions, the search to experiment the rural way of life and new experiences possible within a specific spatial and cultural context. A discussion is show about the concepts of territory, identity and culture, about the process of territorialization through the appropriation / symbolic construction of the space and the experience of the multiterritoriality by the residents of second home is established. The second part seeks to understand the motives of the "escape" of the city and presents a discussion about the historical relation, in the cultural-symbolic aspect, of the relation of the human being with the cities, with the field and the rupture of the relation human being-nature. In the third part, the influence of leisure activities and tourism on the acquisition of secondary home is approached, since, although similar, the actions of having a second residence and practicing tourism in the countryside differ, especially in the sentimental aspects that surround the house. Concepts such as culture, identity, countryside and city, rural and urban relations, memory and patrimony to understand and, with this, to collaborate with the conceptual enlargement and discussion about second homes in the countryside.
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