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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lantbrukares och djurhållares syn på länsstyrelsens djurskyddskontroll : En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om länsstyrelsens normalkontroller i Västernorrlandslän / Farmers and animal owners view on the County Administrative Board´s animal welfare control. : – A quantitative and qualitative study of the County Administrative Boards official controls in Västernorrland.

Lindblad, Victoria January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate what farmers and animal owners view is on the animal welfare inspections done by the County Administrative Board. The study was delimitated to Västernorrlands county and to official animal welfare controls. The study was conducted using an inquiry and a telephone interview questionnaire. The inquiry was sent to 100 farmers and animal owners. The reply rate was 40 % and the result confirms similar observations as in by several other studies within Europe. Farmers and animal owners thought that high competence of the inspectors was very important. Some wished that the inspectors would have some practical experience to have a better understanding and knowledge. They also wanted that the inspectors would see the big picture instead of focusing on the standard, like the standard for measurement. Overall the main result from this study shows that the farmers and animal owners are pleased with the animal welfare inspections of the County Administrative Board and consider them important. The result also showed that if the farmer or animal owner have had a follow-up control their rating was lower in the inquiry.

Upphävande av ledningsrätt i vattenområde : Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada inom Stockholms län

Juric, Marija January 2016 (has links)
I dagens samhälle är vi beroende av elkraft, vatten- och avloppsförsörjning, bredband och andra ledningar som är till stor nytta för människor och infrastruktur. För att säkra rätten att dra fram ledningar för olika ändamål bildas det ofta ledningsrätter. Samhällen förändras över tiden och själva tekniken moderniseras. Befintliga ledningar räcker inte till vilket gör att behov av fler ledningar och ledningsrätter uppstår. Ledningar och anläggningar som tjänat ut sitt ändamål ändras eller upphävs. Frågan uppstår då vad som händer med ledningar och dess anordningar efter det att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål. Hur hanteras eventuell miljöskada?   När det skrivs om bildande, ändring och/eller upphävande av ledningsrätter går tankarna oftast till själva processen samt kring nytta av ändamål och syfte som ledningsrätten uppfyller. Själva miljöaspekten är något som det inte pratas lika mycket om. När ledningar befinner sig på sjöbotten eller blir kvarlämnade efter att de tjänat ut sitt ändamål pågår nedbrytning av materialet som sprids ut i vattnet.   De metoder som har använts i arbetet är: (1) en juridisk studie där rättslägget undersöks och beskrivs; (2) en intervjustudie för att analysera hur Lantmäteriet och Länsstyrelsen ser på problematiken kring ledningar som lämnas kvar i vatten efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts samt en intervjustudie för att analysera i vilket mån är fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna informerade om själva problematiken kring ledningar som finns kvar i vattnet efter att ledningsrätt har upphävts och vem de anser har ansvar att ta bort ledningar för att återställa miljö i vattenområde; (3) en granskning av förrättningsakter för att analysera om tillräcklig information ges ut till fastighetsägarna och ledningsrättshavarna om vad som kommer att hända med ledningar efter att dessa tjänat ut sitt syfte och att analysera om någon miljöbedömning gjorts avseende miljöpåverkan av ledningar i vattenområde.   Resultatet och slutsatsen av examensarbetet ger svar på frågan om den gällande lagstiftningen tar hänsyn till miljö under iordningsställande av ledningsrätten, vilka brister som råder kring hantering av miljöfrågor och hur dessa brister skulle kunna åtgärdas. / In today's society we are dependent on electricity, water and sewage treatment, broadband and other lines, which are of great benefit to people and infrastructure. In order to secure the right to draw up cables for different purposes are formed often rights. Communities change over time, and the technology itself modernized. Existing utility easements are not sufficient, which means that the need for more cables and rights occurs. Existing pipelines and facilities that served their purpose, amended or repealed. The question arises what happens with the lines and the devices after they served their purpose. How is environmental damage managed?   When written about the establishment, amendment and / or termination of utility easements there is usually suggest of the process itself as well as about the advantage of object and purpose of the utility easement which it meet. The environmental aspect is something that is not talked about as much. When the cables are on the bottom of the lake, or gets left behind after they served their purpose, it starts ongoing degradation of the material out in the water. What happened is – impact on environmental and thereby also people's life quality.   The methods used in the work are: (1) a legal study of legal position examined and described; (2) an interview to analyze how the Swedish mapping, cadastral and land registration authority and the County Board looks at the problem of wiring left in the water after a utility easement has been repealed and an interview study to analyze to what extent are the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement informed about the problem of cables left in the water after the utility easement right has been revoked and who they think has the responsibility to remove the cables to restore the environment in the water area; (3) a review of the ordinance acts to analyze whether sufficient information is given out to the property owners and proprietor of the utility easement about what will happen to the cables after they served their purpose and to analyze whether an environmental assessment has been made regarding the environmental impact of the cables in the water area.   The results and the conclusion of the thesis answers the question whether current legislation including the environment during the preparation of utility easement, identifying gaps about the management of environmental issues and how these gaps could be fixed.

Länsstyrelsen i Uppsala län : En arkivhandledning

Lundblad, Emilie January 2012 (has links)
The County Administrative Board is an authority with big variations in their work. The fact that the County Administrative Board work with so many different issues makes it difficult for the general public to get an insight in what they do and what kind of archival material they create. This handbook is made to illustrate what the County Administrative Board do and how you can find your way to the archives and its documents, both as an employ and as a public visitor. The Handbook begins with a historical overview of the County Administrative Board, from the 17th century to today, with focus on the County Administrative Board of Uppsala. As the Handbook is made for both employees and for the general public several ways to enter the archives are described. Since the employees at the County Administrative Board of Uppsala have access to the archives them self the Handbook also provides detailed descriptions about how to find the way to the records. These descriptions both explains the way to archives organized in dossier and archives organized in chronological order, both provided at County Administrative Board of Uppsala. All the records that the County Administrative Board of Uppsala has generated though the years are not available in the building of the County Administrative Board but at The National Archive in Uppsala. The records are listed in charts in the end of the Handbook.

IT Governance & Management : An ability to be more efficient and competitive

Salavati, Sadaf January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis is written about IT Governance and Management, a phenomenon which can result in higher efficiency and stronger competition for the organization or enterprise in mind. By implementing good IT Governance and Management, IT can support business goals and optimize investments in IT while at the same time IT manages risks and opportunities.</p><p>The main case study is done at County Administrative Board of Kronoberg where Kronoberg County is counted as one of the smaller counties in Sweden. The County Administrative Board of Kronoberg has an awareness of the importance of good and effective IT Governance and Management even though there is room for improvement.</p>

Strandskyddets tillämpning i Hälsingland : En granskning av strandskyddslagstiftningen, utifrån Lantmäteriets och länsstyrelsens bedömning

Englin, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
Världens kuster och stränder har en viktig roll i samhället, både för ekonomin, gröna områden för rekreation och naturliga aspekter. Viktiga aspekter som även kan medför negativa konsekvenser för världens stränder. I Sverige skyddas stränderna genom strandskyddslagstiftning, som har till syfte att trygga allmänna och enskilda intressen samt trygga goda förhållanden för djur- och växtlivet. Strandskyddslagstiftningen är en from av naturvårdföreskrifter som alltid ska beaktas vid fastighetsbildning. Strandskyddet är generellt vilket medför att alla stränder och vattendrag i Sverige berörs. Strandskyddet utgår från strandlinjen och 100 meter upp på land och 100 meter ut i vattnet. Vid fastighetsbildning tillämpar Lantmätare den berörd lagstiftning samt samråd med berörda myndigheter för att inte motverka strandskyddets syfte. Examensarbetets syfte är att analysera tillämpningen av strandskyddet i fastighetsbildning, utifrån lässtyrelens och Lantmäteriets beslut. Målet är att finna skillnaden mellan hur länsstyrelsen och Lantmäteriet tillämpar strandskyddslagstiftningen i fastighetsbildning. Metoden till studien består av en kvalitativ analys, en juridisk analys och en litteraturstudie. Studiens utgångspunkt låg i att granska strandskyddslagstiftningen utifrån lantmäteriförrättningar och länsstyrelsens yrkanden till överklagandena. Vilket genomfördes av den juridiska analysen samt delar av litteraturstudien. Den kvalitativa studien bestod av ett frågeformulär som skickades till alla medverkande länsstyrelser i Sverige samt intervjuer med lantmätare. Studien skulle ha genomförts i hela Sverige men genomfördes enbart i Hälsingland. Resultatet av studien visade att skillnader finns i tillämpningen av strandskyddslagslagstiftningen i Hälsingland. Skillnaden kan bero på att strandskyddslagstiftningen är svårtolkad och ger utrymme för olika tillämpningar vid olika fastighetsbildningsåtgärder. / The coasts and shoreline of the world have an important role in society, both for the economy, green areas for recreation and natural aspects. Important aspects that can also adversely affect the world's shoreline. In Sweden, the shoreline is protected by shore protection laws, which aims to protect public and private interests and ensure good conditions for animal and plant life. Shore protection laws is a form of conservation regulations that must always be taken into account when registration of property. The shore protection is generally, which means that all shore and waters in Sweden are affected. The shore protection starts from the shoreline and 100 meters up to land and 100 meters into the water. When registration of property, the surveyors apply the applicable legislation and consult with the relevant authorities in order not to counteract the purpose of shore protection. The purpose of the thesis is to analyze the application of the shore protection laws in registration of property, on the decision of the country administrative board and the Swedish Mapping, Cadastral and Land Registration Authority, Lantmäteriet. The goal is to find the difference between how the county administrative board and the Lantmäteriet applies the shore protection in registration of property. The method of the study is based on a qualitative analysis, a legal analysis and a literature study. The purpose of the study was to review the shore protection laws regulations from Lantmäteriet and the county administrative board's claims to the appeals, which was carried out by the legal analysis and parts of the literature study. The qualitative study consisted of a questionnaire sent to all participating county administrative boards in Sweden and interviews with surveyors. The study would have been carried out throughout Sweden but implemented only in Hälsingland. The result of the study showed that there are differences in the application of the shore protection laws regulations in Hälsingland. The difference may be due to the fact that the shore protection of the is difficult to interpret, which allows for different applications for different registration of property.

Att arbeta mellan politik och praktik : En diskursiv analys av Länsstyrelsernas arbete mot prostitution och människohandel för sexuella ändamål

Midnattssol, Ida January 2021 (has links)
Background: Since Sweden was the first country to adopt a legislation on prostitution criminalizing the buyer but not the seller, the Swedish prostitution politics has been internationally disseminated. The legislation has been motivated by a gender equality discourse with the goal to protect women from gender-based abuse by sex buying men. In 2015 some of the well-known civil rights organizations started to question the legislation and promoted a decriminalization. Through the different discursive interpretations of prostitution my purpose is to investigate how prostitution is presented and understood in the work between politics and practice. This thesis investigates the County Administrative Boards' work by looking into the following questions: How is prostitution understood as a political problem? Which approaches are excluded by the presented understanding? How do the employees position their work in relation to this understanding? Have there been discursive changes that can be deduced from the employees' experiences and perceptions? By using the method semi-structured focus groups interviews with seven employees working with prostitution and human trafficking, I have analyzed the interviews through the What’s-the-problem-approach, basing on theories concerning intersectionality, the charmed circle and discourse theory and came to the conclusions that the employees mainly understand prostitution as based on unequal gender relations and a part of gender-based violence. Although the employees argues that the professional way of working on the matter differs, they all more or less commit to what is constructed as the hegemonic discourse and relates to the more liberal discourse as part of the periphery. They also recognize several difficulties concerning their position as an authority, between the government and the civil society. The study shows that the prevailing political discourse and governmental work excludes criticism from other possible positions, but also results in stigmatization of women in prostitution in general.

Självstyrelse eller länsstyrelse? : En undersökning av länsstyrelsens överprövningar av kommunens antagna detaljplaner.

Johannesson, Anders January 2016 (has links)
Undersökningens syfte var att identifiera om plan- eller miljöparadigmet haft företräde vid behandling av överprövning av detaljplaner enligt 11 kap. 10 § i plan- och bygglagen och att identifiera om det fanns skillnader mellan länsstyrelserna vid dessa prövningar. Avgränsning gjordes till tidperioden 2012-2015 och länsstyrelserna i Blekinge, Kalmar, Kronoberg och Skåne län. Metoden som använts var en textanalys baserad på dekonstruktion. Det empiriska materialet har huvudsakligen utgjorts av länsstyrelsernas beslut. Resultatet visade att planparadigmet haft företräde i beslut av Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län, miljöparadigmet haft företräde i beslut av Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län. I beslut av Länsstyrelsen i Kronobergs län växlade företrädet mellan paradigmen. För beslut av Länsstyrelsen i Blekinge län gick inget företrädande paradigm att hitta. Skillnader mellan länsstyrelserna hittades. Den huvudsakliga skillnaden som identifierades var en ovilja att överpröva kommunernas beslut från Länsstyrelsen i Kalmar län och en vilja att styra kommunerna genom en hög skyddsambition hos Länsstyrelsen i Skåne län. / This study was aimed to identify whether the planning or environmental paradigm had precedence in the treatment of appeals of zoning under Chapter 11. § 10 of the Swedish Planning and Building Act and to identify whether there were differences between the county administrative boards in these trials. Delimitation was made to the time period 2012-2015, and the counties of Blekinge, Kalmar, Kronoberg and Skåne. The method used was a text analysis based on deconstruction. The empirical material has mainly consisted of the county administrative boards' decisions.The results showed that planning paradigm had primacy in the decisions of the Administrative Board in Kalmar County, environmental paradigm had primacy in the decisions of the Administrative Board of Skåne. In the decision made by the Administrative Board of Kronoberg changing priority between the paradigms were found. In the decisions made by the County Administrative Board of Blekinge were no predominant paradigm found. Differences between the county administrative boards were found. The main difference identified were a reluctance to challenge the municipalitys decisions from the County Administrative Board in Kalmar County and a high protective aim of the County Administrative Board of Skåne.

Fri passage och tomtplatsavgränsning : En studie av två länsstyrelsers överprövningsärenden av kommunala strandskyddsdispenser

Pantzar, Linda January 2012 (has links)
Strandskyddet i Sverige är en del av allemansrätten som innebär att var och en har rätt att under ansvar färdas fritt i den svenska naturen, den rätten skyddas av strandskyddslagstiftning i miljöbalken. Dispens från förbuden i strandskyddslagstiftningen kan medges av kommunen. Strandskyddslagstiftningen har sedan 2009 fått nytt innehåll, bland annat att Länsstyrelsen är den myndighet som efter att kommunen medgett strandskyddsdispens granskar och i vissa fall överprövar dessa ärenden. En ny regel som ska säkerställa att fri passage ges vid tomtplatsbestämning infördes även 2009. Ett antal överprövningsärenden har studerats för att kunna analysera tillämpningen av bestämmelserna av tomtplats och fri passage. En litteraturstudie är tänkt att svara på om krav på fri passage förekommer i andra länder. Litteraturstudien ska ge kunskap om de svenska rättsförhållanden. Intervju och enkät kompletterar studien. Studien har gett svar om hur strandskyddslagen tillämpas avseende tomtplats och fri passage vid olika åtgärder i strandskyddsområde. Ett helhetsperspektiv ges även, där alla beslut om dispenser i materialet påverkas av regeln om fri passage och vilka åtgärder Länsstyrelsen gör med tomtplats. Helhetsperspektivet visar att en stor del av fallen inte anses beröras av frågan enligt Länsstyrelsens handläggare, men att trots det bevaras eller möjliggörs fri passage som ett resultat av deras beslut i 40% av ärendena. Med ett åtgärdsperspektiv presenteras bland annat varför olika typer av ersättningsbyggnader medges dispens utifrån tomtplatsbegreppet. De beslut som innebär att hel fastighet med strandkontakt bestäms till tomtplats är av naturliga orsaker det största hindret mot fri passage. I Stockholms Länsstyrelse förekommer det i 20% av studerat material. Av de fastigheter som avgränsats till hel tomtplats förekommer betydligt större tomtplatser än vad lagstiftningen rekommenderar. De oväntade resultat som kommit fram i studien gör gällande att halländska förhållanden kan visa på en flexibilitet i tillämpningen av strandskyddet vid mindre vattendrag, medan Stockholms förhållanden indikerar brister vid utredning huruvida ett område kan anses privat ianspråktaget eller ej. Nyckelord: Strandskyddslagstiftning, fri passage, tomtplats, komplementbyggnad, ersättningsbyggnad, lucktomt, strandskyddsdispens, överprövning. / Beach protection in Sweden is part of the public nature, which in this study means that everyone has the right to responsible travel freely in the Swedish nature. This right is secured by shoreline protection legislation in the environmental legislation. In certain circumstances it is possible to grant exemptions from the prohibitions in the shoreline protection. Shore protection legislation has changed and new content was added in 2009. Among other things, the County Administrative Board is now the authority that review, and in sometimes try the cases where the municipality has accepted a waiver. It can entitles as a "double check". A new rule that will ensure that free passage is provided when the use of properties concerning the area for plot get limited by a plot determination, was introduced in 2009. A number of cases up for double checking have been studied to analyze the application of the provisions of plot site and free passage. A literature review is intended to find out whether demands for free passage occurs in other countries. The literature review will also provide knowledge about the Swedish legal relations. Interviews and a survey complements the study. The study has provided answers on plot site and free access application from different perspectives. One perspective is how all decisions on exemptions in the material are affected by the rule of free passage and what steps the County Board takes with plot site. The following view shows that a large proportion of the cases are not considered to be affected by the issue of the County Administration Officer. Another perspective is to look at the actions permitted. This includes a presentation of why different types of replacement buildings are dispensed, regarding to plot site concept. Needless to say, decisions where an entire property with beach contact is determined to plot site is the biggest obstacle to free passage. In Stockholm County Administrative Board, this occurs in 20% of the studied materials. In the cases where the entire property was defined as plot site, there exists considerably larger plots than the law recommends. The unexpected results that have emerged in the study argues that Hallands´ conditions may show a flexibility in the application of shore protection close to small streams, while circumstances in Stockholm indicate shortcomings in investigating whether an area can be considered private utilization or not. Keywords: County Administrative Board, Coastal zone management, Legislation, Shoreline, Free passage, Public nature

Länsstyrelsens roll i den regionala makten : Viktig myndighet eller utdöende dinosaurie? / The Swedish County Administrative Boards role and power in the Regional Federation : A powerful authority or a dying dinosaur?

Stävmo, Lena January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this candidate essay is to analyze the Swedish County Administrative Boards assignment documents and point out the differences that has occurred during the years 2003-2017. It will also analyze how the role and power has changed after the decentralization when the Regional Federation took responsibility for the regional development. Will the County Adminitrative Board still be a powerful part in the region or is the game over?   The metod used is called ”the constant comparative method” where there is an analyzing process going on all the time during the investigation until the final reduction is ready.     Interesting findings:   The County Administrative board has lost several important assignments.   Its main role is not to make decisions but to coordinate in the Regional Federation and to pinpoint the goverments politics and monitoring.   Now a knowledge authority with many new assignments that are global, such as Agenda 2030, climate change, sustainability and refugee questions.   The goverment have decentralized many assignments to the regional level.

IT Governance &amp; Management : An ability to be more efficient and competitive

Salavati, Sadaf January 2007 (has links)
This thesis is written about IT Governance and Management, a phenomenon which can result in higher efficiency and stronger competition for the organization or enterprise in mind. By implementing good IT Governance and Management, IT can support business goals and optimize investments in IT while at the same time IT manages risks and opportunities. The main case study is done at County Administrative Board of Kronoberg where Kronoberg County is counted as one of the smaller counties in Sweden. The County Administrative Board of Kronoberg has an awareness of the importance of good and effective IT Governance and Management even though there is room for improvement.

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