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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att göra affärer i dagens Kina : En studie över utmaningar som kan förekomma i affärsrelationer mellan svenska och kinesiska företag

Selling, Hanna, Torstensson, Mikaela, von Zweygbergk, Oona January 2011 (has links)
Bakgrund: Samarbetet mellan svenska och kinesiska företag har ökat avsevärt i takt med att allt fler svenska företag etablerat sig på den kinesiska marknaden. Detta har lett till ett ökat affärssamarbete mellan de två parterna där nya relationer byggs upp och utvecklas för att få större marknadsandelar.   Problematiskt är dock att det finns tydliga kulturella skillnader mellan Kina och Sverige som medför att det finns många utmaningar som kan påverka affärsrelationen.   Syfte: Syftet är att utreda vilka utmaningar som kan förekomma i affärsrelationer mellan svenska och kinesiska företag samt vilka kulturella drag dessa grundar sig i.   Teori: Den teoretiska grunden utgår från teorier som redogör för kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige i Kina. Fokus ligger vid att få förståelse för de mest betydande kulturdragen inom ländernas affärskulturer för att på så sätt urskilja vilka utmaningar som kan förekomma. Vidare förklaras vilka egenskaper som är viktiga för affärsrelationer samt hur relationerna har förändrats över tid.   Metod: Det tillvägagångssätt som använts bygger en kvalitativ undersökning i form av djupgående semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa har genomförts med tre svenska affärsmän som har lång erfarenhet av att leva och arbeta i Kina. Materialet från intervjuerna har kompletterats med rapporter från Sveriges Exportrådet, vilket har bidragit med värdefull information om hur den ekonomiska situationen för svenska företag i Kina ser ut idag.   Resultat och slutsatser: Enligt studien har vi kunnat identifiera sju utmaningar vilka grundar sig i kulturella skillnader mellan Sverige och Kina. Dessa tyder på utmaningar gällande beslutsfattande, chefens roll samt en grundläggande skillnad i synen på pris och kvalitet. Vi har även sett att synen på begreppet relation skiljer sig mellan länderna vilket vi ser har stor påverkan på relationen. / Background: The collaboration between Swedish and Chinese companies has significantly grown as the number of Swedish companies establishing in China has increased. This has resulted in collaborations between companies where new relationships develop in aim to gain bigger market share. One obstacle is the difference in culture between Sweden and China that creates challenges in developing the relationship between the two parties.     Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the challenges that may occur in the business relationship between Swedish and Chinese companies as well as the cultural characteristics that they are based on.   Theory: The theoretical framework proceeds from theories that describe the cultural differences between Sweden and China. The priority is to understand the most significant cultural characteristics within each country’s business culture to be able to distinguish the challenges that can occur. We will further explain the characteristics that are important to business relationships as well as how the relationships have changed over time.   Method: The empirical study is based on a qualitative method in the form of semi-structured interviews from three individuals with long experience of living and working in China. The material from these interviews has been complemented by reports from the Swedish Trade Council, which has provided valuable information about what the economic situation for Swedish companies in China looks like today.   Result and conclusion: According to this study we have identified seven challenges that are based on cultural differences between Sweden and China. These results refer to challenges in decision-making, the role of the manager and fundamental difference when it comes to price and quality. We have also noticed that the concept of relationships differs between the countries, which we believe have a big impact on the business relationship.

Arctic sojourn : a teacher's reflections

Harder, Dorothy Margit 14 April 2008 (has links)
The research describes the experience of a southern white teacher who lived and worked in a remote community in Canada's Far North.<p> The impact of physical relocation and culture shock are discussed, as well as problems encountered when conflicting views of education and life goals meet in a cross-cultural setting. The thesis explores some of the difficulties facing mainstream teachers of Indigenous students when issues of past colonialism and present injustices come into play.<p> Inuit community literacies (visual, kinesic and oral traditions) are explored and contrasted with traditional definitions of literacy, which center on the paramount importance of the printed word. Power issues are discussed, including the role played by literacy education in maintaining control in the hands of the dominant culture.<p> The research is qualitative and phenomenological in nature. The teaching experience is viewed through a critical lens, and attempts to better understand the writer's southern white middle-class background as it relates to differing worldviews. The author recounts the process of re-examining assumptions of her own culture, and describes her personal and professional journey of coming to grips with its impact on her teaching.<p>

Min man från Mellanöstern : - en religionsvetenskaplig analys av två skildringar om blandäktenskap

Hellström, Kristina January 2010 (has links)
Måste det nödvändigtvis vara invecklat och svårt med interkulturella relationer? Innebär kärleksrelationer över gränserna mer komplikationer än andra förhållanden där man delar kultur, religion och etnicitet? Det finns uppenbarligen många människor som fattar tycker för varandra oavsett nationalitet och tro, men i flera skönlitterära romaner skildras en bild av att det är mer eller mindre omöjligt att få ett sådant förhållande att fungera. Jag vill dock gärna fortsätta att tro att kärleken beror mer på en sorts personkemi och attraktion människor emellan, något som man inte direkt kan sätta fingret på men som ändå finns där. I min uppsats skildrar och analyserar jag två populära och spridda romaner för att ta reda på vilken bild som framställs när det gäller kärleken mellan en mörkhyad muslimsk man och en vit kristen kvinna. I diskussionen redogör jag för mina egna tankar och åsikter om romanerna, samt beskriver hur jag tror de påverkar människor som tar del av dem genom bok eller film. Resultatet av romananalyserna visar att de båda redogör för en väldigt negativ och mörk bild vad det gäller de kärlekspar som det handlar om, och det är framförallt männen i historierna som presenteras på ett negativt sätt, och som kan bekräfta islamofoba och invandrarfientliga uppfattningar som finns i samhället. / Does it always have to be complicated with intercultural relations? Is it so difficult with love when it comes to people with different religions, backgrounds and cultures? True, many persons fall in love whatever the nationality or faith happen to be, but is it like the popular books and movies describes – more or less impossible to fulfill a intercultural relationship? I don’t think so, and I will still keep on believing that love is something that depends on other things like the chemistry of human beings, and the strong feelings between two people, that make them cross the borders and just feel the love. In my essay I will analyze and describe how two popular and worldwide spread novels describes and presents the love between a dark-skinned Muslim man and a white Christian women, and I will also discuss what I think these two will represent, and what kind of signals they give to the people who read about them and see them on film. The result of the investigation turns out to be that these two novels describe a very negative and dark picture of the two couples that the novels are about. And it is particularly the two men in the stories who is presented in a negative way, and which also can confirm islamophobic and anti-immigrant views.

Afrika, en växande marknad : svenska företag etablerar sig i de afrikanska länderna / Africa, an emerging market : Swedish companies establish in African countries

Eklund, Siri, Al-Mosawi, Amil January 2013 (has links)
Tidigare studier visar att Afrika är en växande marknad med möjligheter för svenska företag, men det är en marknad som innebär risker. De svenska företagen har idag en stark närvaro med ett gott rykte och bidrar med kunskap och kvalitet. Trots stora naturtillgångar och ekonomisk tillväxt råder en ojämn inkomstfördelning med fortsatt utbredd fattigdom och underutvecklad infrastruktur. De afrikanska ländernas egna företagare är en viktig del i deras ekonomiska tillväxt. För att skapa vidare utveckling bör de afrikanska ledarna ta större ansvar för den unga arbetskraften. Studiens syfte var att studera hur, var och varför svenska företag har etablerat sig på den afrikanska marknaden och se om och hur etableringen skiljer sig åt för de utvalda företagen. Studien ville även försöka ta reda på vilka ekonomiska och kulturella problem och framgångar etableringen inneburit och om ett socialt engagemang är viktigt för företagen. Huvudfrågorna var: Vilka marknadsföringsstrategier använder företagen, hur handskas de med kulturpåverkan och är socialt engagemang en möjlighet? Genom bland annat djupgående intervjuer med svenska företag har information samlats in om deras etableringar i Afrika. De marknadsföringsstrategier som huvudsakligen används är att anlita en lokalt etablerad återförsäljare, etablera ett dotterbolag eller ett tillfälligt projektkontor. Företagen är medvetna om kulturskillnaderna och det är viktigt för dem med en politisk stabilitet samt de ser ett stort värde i en lokal branschkompetens hos partnern och lokalbefolkningen. Idag blir det allt vanligare för företagen att delta i biståndsfinansierade projekt där lokala yrkesutbildningar startas i de afrikanska länderna. / Previous studies show that Africa is an emerging market with opportunities for Swedish companies, but it is a market that involves risks. Swedish companies have a strong presence with a good reputation and contribute with their knowledge and quality. Despite vast natural resources and economic growth there is an uneven distribution of income, with continued widespread poverty and underdeveloped infrastructure. The local domestic companies in African countries are an important part of their economic growth. To create further development the African leaders should take more responsibility for the young workforce. The study's purpose was to study how, where and why Swedish companies have established themselves in the African market and see if and how the establishment is different for the companies in this study. The study would also try to find out the economic and cultural problems and successes the establishment brought and if a social responsibility is important for companies. The main questions were: What marketing strategies the companies use, how do they deal with cultural influences and is social responsibility an opportunity? By including in-depth interviews with Swedish companies information has been collected about their establishments in Africa. The marketing strategies which are mainly used are to hire a locally established dealer, establish a subsidiary or a temporary project office. The companies are aware of cultural differences and it is important for them with political stability, and they see a great value in a local industry expertise of the partner and locals. Today it is increasingly common for companies to participate in aid-financed projects where local vocational education is started in the African countries.

Gäddfisketuristerna : En kartering och marknadssegmentering av de Europeiska marknaderna för gäddfiskande turister i Sverige / Recreational Pike Angling Tourists : Mapping and Market Segmentation of the European Market for Recreational Pike Angling Tourists in Sweden

Karlsson, Christian, Aili, Tobias January 2014 (has links)
This investigation indicates that there are regions within Europe that seems to have similar preferences and priorities regarding pike angling travels to Sweden. Swedish pike angling facilities process in first hand markets with favourable economic circumstances and a cultural interest for pike angling. There was a big differences in features between the Northern, Western, Eastern and Southern regions of Europe. They also seems to be tied to specific regions within some of the nations. The regions have diverse requirements and distinguish in terms of consumption and preferences regarding different aspects of pike angling. From there it is possible to divide pike angling tourists into segments. Sometimes the identified regions have economic or cultural linkage, consequently parallels can be drawn to research in the field of international marketing. The North European market for pike angling tourism in Sweden is varying where the English and Baltic states is more frequently processed than the domestic market. Markets outside of the Nordic countries were the most important among the pike angling facilities, standing for approximately 90 % of the businesses. In this Investigation two segments were observed in countries with in general weaker economic circumstances. Usually these countries had a budget concentrated consumption but also elements of a more luxurious consumption pattern. These countries were located in Eastern Europe. Angling tourists from Western Europe have in general more purchase power and constitute the most important markets for the Swedish pike angling facilities. Tourists from Western Europe are by tradition the most frequent visitors. The economic situation in the Southern Europe together with lack of cultural interest for pike angling seems to be an explanation for the low activity in processing of these markets. The only exception is the Italian market which on a regional level is more frequently processed among the Swedish pike angling facilities. In this investigation, markets from 17 Swedish pike angling facilities were mapped by the frequency of process through phone surveys. Characteristics of the companies were either profiled businesses towards pike angling or had a strong dependence on resource of pike in their business. Tour operators from 11 countries who offers packaged travels to the facilities were also interviewed through phone surveys. The facilities together with the tour operators identified some economic preferences and cultural differences between some nations and regions. For better background data about the interest for pike in Europe 6 angling associations answered an e-mail survey. The investigation also includes an interview with one of the pioneers and former vice president for one of the most successful pike angling facilities in Sweden. Selection of facilities, concepts and parameters is inspired by the authorities’ publications in the field of angling tourism. Also advices from the national angling project (SwedenFishing) have inspired parts of this thesis. / Utredningen indikerar att det finns regioner i Europa som har liknande preferenser och prioriteringar när de reser för att fiska gädda i Sverige. De svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna bearbetar framför allt marknader som har gynnsamma förhållanden i ekonomiska förutsättningar och kulturellt intresse för gäddfiske. Det fanns stora skillnader i egenskaper av regionerna som kan delas in i Nord-, Väst-, Öst- och Sydeuropa. Dessa visade sig även vara bundet till vissa regioner inom nationerna. De olika regionerna har olika behov och utmärker sig olika i sin konsumtion och preferenser när det gäller aspekter av gäddfiske. Därefter går det att dela in gäddfisketurismen i olika segment. Regionerna har ibland ekonomiska och kulturella samband vilket paralleller kan dras till forskning inom internationell marknadsföring. Den Nordeuropeiska marknaden för gäddfisketurism får anses vara varierande där England samt de baltiska staterna bearbetades mer frekvent än den svenska marknaden. De utomnordiska marknaderna var de klart mest betydelsefulla bland anläggningarna med en ungefärlig andel på 90 % av verksamheten. I utredningen uppmärksammades två segment i länder med generellt svagare ekonomiska förutsättningar, de hade mestadels en budgetinriktad konsumtion med inslag av lyxkonsumtion, dessa var framförallt länder i Östeuropa. Generellt är turisterna från Västeuropa mer köpkraftiga och utgör de viktigaste marknaderna för de svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna, de är också av tradition de mest frekvent besökande. Den ekonomiska situationen i Sydeuropa tillsammans med avsaknad av kulturellt intresse för gäddfiske verkar vara förklaringen till den låga aktiviteten i bearbetningen av dessa marknader. Det enda undantaget är den Italienska marknaden där den lokalt bearbetas i större utsträckning av svenska gäddfiskeanläggningar.   I utredningen kartlades marknaderna som 17 svenska gäddfiskeanläggningarna bearbetar genom en telefonenkät. De var oftast profilerade eller var starkt beroende av gäddresursen i sin verksamhet. Även reseoperatörer från 11 olika länder som säljer paketerade resor till dessa anläggningar intervjuades genom en telefonenkät. För att få en bättre bakgrundsdata om intresset för gäddfiske besvarades även en mailenkät av 6 lobbyorganisationer för sportfiske. Utredningen omfattar även en intervju med en av pionjärerna och tidigare VD för en av de framgångsrikaste gäddfiskeanläggningarna. Urval, begrepp samt parametrar är inspirerade av myndigheternas publikationer i ämnet. Även råd från det nationella fiskeprojektet i Sverige (SwedenFishing) har gett inspiration till delar av uppsatsen.

Det sympatiska projektet : En kvalitativ studie om hur skillnader kostrueras i mötet mellan socialtjänsten och ensamkommande barn / The sympathetically project : A qualitative study concerning the construction of otherness in the relationship between social services and unaccompanied asylum-seeking children

Westerholm, Märtha, de Vos, Simon January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine how social workers relate to unaccompanied asylum-seeking children, regarding their cultural background and potential social issues. In order to achieve a more profound and comprehensive view of the social workers views regarding the separated children, we selected to execute semi structured interviews with social workers. These interviews were aimed at those social workers who performed assessments and investigations concerning unaccompanied children. We completed nine interviews which we recorded and transcribed in a strict manor. When we analyzed the empirical material, certain themes where identified as more protuberant and thus we our selection was based on what we regarded as the most relevant topics, in accordance to the aim of the study. Furthermore, our focus was set upon the social workers views regarding cultural differences between unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and Swedish children. We also decided to focus on which views these social workers portrayed, regarding the unaccompanied asylum-seeking child’s cultural background and how social issues could affect the social workers frame, their assets and formulation of their interventions, concerning separated children. We learned during our study that the social workers are enduring a heavy workload, especially since the numbers of arriving separated children are rapidly increasing. Furthermore, the economical recourses, in forms of personnel, are not increasing the same pace. In recent years, societal attitudes have altered and more negative and separative views regarding separated children are apparent. However, the social workers have applied a more universalistic approach towards the children to show the resemblances rather than differences between unaccompanied asylum-seeking children and Swedish children. Our study makes evident, that underneath this universalistic policy, culturalization of the children took form and this development also affected how the interventions were framed. Conclusively, this study displays how culturalization of the interventions affected the care of the children negatively and resulted in a declining standard of care, as well as differentiation of care.


Machado, Alisson 07 March 2014 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aims to investigate how the documentaries Walachai (Rejane Zilles, 2009) and Berlim Brasil (Martina Dreyer e Renata Heinz, 2009) construct figurations about communities of German descent in country of the State of Rio Grande do Sul. Understanding the documentary film as a place of memory , we start from the theoretical assumption that it is possible to find certain figurations representing the perspective in which the film inscribes itself and for which builds its approach on the real. The figurations, as narrative anchors , help us to understand the processes of imagination on the other in relation to a self-enunciator (the documentarian). In this sense, using a prior literature review and the film analysis method, we seek to understand which statements and/or propositions these documentary films present about communities that received in the past the German immigrants and where their descendants live nowadays, who organize their everyday life due cultural memory inherited from their ancestors. Our attention is to understand how these documentaries, identified as examples of films belonging to an accent cinema , guided these individuals/communities and how they face the debate about cultural differences when they propose figurations of these German Brazils . Our research paradigm focuses on Buber philosophy (2003), designed by double possibility that documentarians can take to engage with the filmed subject. When documentarians assume a posture represented in the sentence I-Thou , comprise the subject in its complexity and uniqueness, allowing themselves to enter into a relationship and dialogue. In opposed, when the filmmakers take a stance I-It , demarcate an insurmountable distance to those they film, numbering and quantifying the social world on the basis of own movie goals. At the end, we believe that Walachai, marking the time and the work as signs of differences, proposes a filmic experience that aims to bring the viewers near to the universe of their social character, recognizing cultural differences as own elements of their identities. Berlim Brasil, in turn, to choose the language as a sign of differences, presents a fragmented narrative, based on the constant use of the testimony and the use of images of the social world just to prove its arguments, facing problems in taking and reveal cultural differences of their characters. Despite this difference, in terms of argumentation, both films make important efforts to recognize as legitimate the different accents that weave these German Brazils . / Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar como os documentários Walachai (Rejane Zilles, 2009) e Berlim Brasil (Martina Dreyer e Renata Heinz, 2009) constroem figurações acerca das comunidades de descendência alemã no interior do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Entendendo o filme documentário como um lugar de memória , partimos do pressuposto teórico de que nele é possível encontrarmos determinadas figurações que representam a perspectiva na qual o filme se inscreve e pela qual constrói sua abordagem sobre o real. As figurações, enquanto âncoras narrativas , ajudam-nos a compreender os processos de imaginação do outro em relação a um eu-enunciador (o documentarista). Nesse sentido, utilizando uma pesquisa bibliográfica prévia e o método da análise fílmica, buscamos compreender quais asserções e/ou proposições os filmes documentários apresentam sobre as comunidades que no passado receberam os imigrantes alemães e onde hoje vivem seus descendentes, que organizam sua vida cotidiana em função da memória cultural herdada de seus antepassados. Nosso desvelo está em perceber de que forma esses documentários, identificados como exemplos de filmes pertencentes a um cinema com sotaque , pautam esses indivíduos/comunidades e como enfrentam o debate em torno das diferenças culturais ao proporem figurações desses Brasis alemães. Nosso paradigma de investigação centra-se na filosofia buberiana (2003), pensada através da dupla possibilidade que os documentaristas podem assumir ao se relacionarem com os sujeitos filmados. Quando assumem uma postura representada na sentença Eu-Tu , compreendem os sujeitos em sua complexidade e singularidade, permitindo-se entrar em relação e em diálogo. Ao contrário, quando os realizadores assumem uma postura Eu-Isso , demarcam um afastamento intransponível perante aqueles a quem filmam, numerando e quantificando o mundo social em função dos próprios objetivos do filme. Ao final, consideramos que Walachai, demarcando o tempo e o trabalho como signos das diferenças, propõe uma experiência fílmica que visa aproximar os espectadores do universo dos seus personagens sociais, reconhecendo as diferenças culturais como elementos próprios de suas identidades. Berlim Brasil, por sua vez, ao eleger a língua como signo das diferenças, apresenta uma narrativa fragmentada, amparada no uso constante dos depoimentos e na utilização das imagens do mundo social apenas para comprovar seus argumentos, enfrentando problemas em assumir e revelar as diferenças culturais de seus personagens. Apesar dessa diferença, em termos de argumentação, ambos os filmes realizam importantes esforços a fim de reconhecer como legítimos os diferentes sotaques que tecem esses Brasis alemães.

Cultures at work: the case of italian expatriates in Brazil

Carucci, Andrea 12 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2014-05-06T20:11:29Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Carucci_FGV_ Final Version.pdf: 1478311 bytes, checksum: bb0ece4b73b157e7305783121a1fb042 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Luana Rodrigues (luana.rodrigues@fgv.br) on 2014-05-06T20:11:51Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Carucci_FGV_ Final Version.pdf: 1478311 bytes, checksum: bb0ece4b73b157e7305783121a1fb042 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2014-05-06T20:17:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Carucci_FGV_ Final Version.pdf: 1478311 bytes, checksum: bb0ece4b73b157e7305783121a1fb042 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-03-12 / Esta tese de mestrado tem por intenção entender quais são as mais importantes diferenças culturais para os expatriados Italianos que trabalham no Brasil e aprender as implicações práticas para o ambiente de trabalho. O método utilizado foi qualitativo, com 23 entrevistas em profundidade com expatriados italianos de nível médio ate top management, com experiência de trabalho no Brasil. Os resultados indicam que os expatriados Italianos experimentam dificuldades com as diferenças em termos de comunicação, distinção entre as esfera profissional e privada, distancia do poder e planejamento. Em contrapartida, outros fatores como a discriminação positiva para os estrangeiros, diferenças em geneder equality e masculinidade, assim como com a atitude positiva dos workplaces e uma economia em crescimento, todos influenciam de maneira positiva a experiência do expatriado. Enfim, algumas sugestões práticas sobre os efeitos das diferenças culturais e sobre a estruturação de um possível cross-cultural training são expostas.

Formação superior do professor indígena: uma proposta intercultural

Pereira, Jose Francisco Patrício 29 January 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Renata Lopes (renatasil82@gmail.com) on 2018-05-03T13:25:54Z No. of bitstreams: 1 josefranciscopatriciopereira.pdf: 807334 bytes, checksum: d86f9d37d90920debc1ae02c023c85a3 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Adriana Oliveira (adriana.oliveira@ufjf.edu.br) on 2018-09-03T12:12:50Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 josefranciscopatriciopereira.pdf: 807334 bytes, checksum: d86f9d37d90920debc1ae02c023c85a3 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-03T12:12:50Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 josefranciscopatriciopereira.pdf: 807334 bytes, checksum: d86f9d37d90920debc1ae02c023c85a3 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-01-29 / A presente dissertação é desenvolvida no âmbito do Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) do Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). O caso de gestão estudado discutiu os desafios na implementação do Curso de Pedagogia Intercultural, ofertado pela Universidade do Estado do Amazonas/Programa de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica (UEA/PARFOR) no município de São Paulo de Olivença (AM), para 79 alunos indígenas das etnias ticuna, kambeba e kokama. Os objetivos definidos para este estudo foram analisar os desafios na implementação do curso de Pedagogia Intercultural e propor ações capazes de corrigir ou minimizar os entraves detectados. A escolha por esta temática se deu pelo interesse do pesquisador enquanto trabalhou como professor-colaborador do curso, tendo observado que alguns alunos da etnia ticuna estavam desistindo. Assumimos como hipóteses que a dificuldade apresentada reside na compreensão da língua portuguesa, pois a maioria dos alunos é falante somente na língua materna (ticuna). Os pressupostos teóricos estão alicerçados em Kahn (1994), Candau (2000), Secchi (2001), Yin (2001), Ângelo (2002), Fleuri (2003), Cavalcante (2006), Grupioni (2006), Luciano (2012) e outros documentos oficiais pertinentes ao caso. Esta pesquisa tem caráter qualitativo, tendo sido utilizado como instrumento de coleta de dados as entrevistas semiestruturadas com a coordenação do curso, com a professora da disciplina Tópicos Especiais, com professoras de outras disciplinas e com alunos das etnias contempladas no curso, buscando dialogar sobre as questões pertinentes ao tema proposto. / The present dissertation was developed within the scope of the Mestrado Profissional em Gestão e Avaliação da Educação (PPGP) of the Centro de Políticas Públicas e Avaliação da Educação da Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (CAEd/UFJF). The management case to be studied will discuss the challenges in the implementation of the Curso de Pedagogia Intercultural (Intercultural Pedagogy Course), offered by Universidade do Estado do Amazonas/Programa de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica, in São Paulo de Olivença city, in the state of Amazonas, for 79 indigenous students of the ticuna, kambeba and kokama ethnic groups. The objectives defined for this study were to analyze the challenges in the implementation of the Curso de Pedagogia Intercultural and propose actions to correct or minimize the obstacles detected. The choice for this subject was due to the interest of one of the researchers while working as a teacher-collaborator of the course, having observed that some ethnic ticuna students were giving up. We assume as hypotheses that the difficulty presented lies in the understanding of the Portuguese language, because most of the students are only native speakers (ticuna). The theoretical assumptions are based on Kahn (1994), Candau (2000), Secchi (2016), Yin (2001), Ângelo (2002), Fleuri (2003), Cavalcante (2006), Grupioni (2006), Luciano (2012) and others official documents pertinent to the case. This research has a qualitative feature, having used as a data collection instrument semi-structured interviews with the coordination of the course, with the teacher of the discipline Tópicos Especiais, with teacher from other disciplines and with students of the ethnicities contemplated in the course, seeking to discuss the issues relevant to the proposed theme.

The internationalization of the cosmetic retail industry: a history of success?

Guimbert, Marie 22 February 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Marie Guimbert (marie.guimbert@gmail.com) on 2013-03-28T12:44:00Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MarieGuimbert-TESE FINAL VERSAO.pdf: 6244082 bytes, checksum: 8bb83a91eb5756b8167e2a1f4b5416cb (MD5) / Rejected by Eliene Soares da Silva (eliene.silva@fgv.br), reason: Marie, good morning! I am going to decline the file you submitted because of the norms for the pages. If you could please send the the Word file, I will fix them for you and send it back, then you can upload on the system again. Best, Eliene Soares Graduate Office on 2013-04-01T13:27:49Z (GMT) / Submitted by Marie Guimbert (marie.guimbert@gmail.com) on 2013-04-02T15:20:14Z No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIE GUIMBERT.pdf: 2632442 bytes, checksum: ffb06ca281e1bd6c5366e0fa7aa0cfe6 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Eliene Soares da Silva (eliene.silva@fgv.br) on 2013-04-02T16:19:33Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIE GUIMBERT.pdf: 2632442 bytes, checksum: ffb06ca281e1bd6c5366e0fa7aa0cfe6 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2013-04-02T17:04:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 MARIE GUIMBERT.pdf: 2632442 bytes, checksum: ffb06ca281e1bd6c5366e0fa7aa0cfe6 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-02-22 / The retailing industry has increasingly become global over the past few decades, illustrating visually the internationalization of business in general. Many retailers are betting to expand their activities internationally in order to avoid the saturation of their business in their country of origin (Alexander, 1990), increase profits or imitate competitors (Williams, 1992). Therefore, they have become considerable global players: they provide new products in the marketplace as well as being more influent within the global supply chain (Williams, 1992). Looking at the internationalization of retail more closely, the cosmetic industry provides with many examples of, what seems to be, successful achievements. The purpose of this work is to analyze the process of internationalization of four international competitors in the cosmetic retailing. Even though the field of retail internationalization has already been subject to many studies, this works aims at understanding, through the use of a multiple case study, the strategy of cosmetic retailers entering international markets. Through a qualitative study, the main question guiding this work will be to understand if every international cosmetic retailer has been following and still follows the same business and marketing strategies in order to become global. A multiple-case study was undertaken in order to compare four companies specialized in the cosmetic retail, with activities abroad. Results clearly expose differences between the internationalization processes, especially based on the companies’ nationality. / O setor de varejo foi cada vez mais global ao longo das últimas décadas, ilustrando visualmente a globalização dos negócios. Muitos varejistas estão apostando em expandir, as atividades ao nível internacional, a fim de evitar a saturação da atividade no país de origem deles (Alexander, 1990), de aumentar os lucros ou de imitar os concorrentes (Williams, 1992). Portanto, eles tornaram-se competidores globais consideráveis: eles fornecem novos produtos no mercado, além de ser mais influentes na cadeia de abastecimento global (Williams, 1992). Em relação à internacionalização do varejo, a indústria cosmética oferece com exemplos de muitas realizações bem- sucedidas. O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar o processo de internacionalização de vários varejistas globais, especializados na venda de produtos cosméticos. Mesmo que o campo de internacionalização no varejo já foi no passado o objeto de vários estudos, este trabalho visa a compreender, por meio da utilização de um estudo de caso múltiplo, a estratégia de retalhistas cosméticos que entram nos mercados internacionais. Por meio de um estudo qualitativo, a questão principal que orienta este trabalho será a de compreender se o varejo de cosméticos segue as mesmas estratégias de negócio e estratégias de marketing para se tornar global. O estudo de casos múltiplos foi escolhido a fim de comparar quatro empresas, especializadas na venda de produtos de cosmética, com atividades no exterior. Os resultados claramente exibem diferenças entre os processos de internacionalização, baseado especialmente na nacionalidade das empresas sob analise.

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