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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urbane Wildnis aus Sicht der Nutzer

Hofmann, Mathias 08 March 2011 (has links)
Aus ökonomischer und ökologischer Sicht ist es attraktiv, vegetationsbestandene städtische Brachflächen für Erholungszwecke zu nutzen, ohne dabei intensiv in Flora und Fauna einzugreifen. Die Arbeit beschäftigt sich damit, wie mit einfachen Gestaltungsmitteln die Attraktivität solcher Flächen für die Stadtbewohner sicher gestellt bzw. erhöht werden kann. Zunächst wurde untersucht, welche Merkmale städtischer Brach- und Grünflächen für die menschliche Wahrnehmung und Bewertung relevant sind. Neben Merkmalen, die für Natur außerhalb von Städten bekannt sind (Grad des Kronenschlusses, Künstlichkeit, Übersicht, Schönheit), wurde das Merkmal »Zugänglichkeit« identifiziert, das besonders für städtische Brachflächen relevant ist. Weiterhin wurde eine Systematik der Nutzungsmöglichkeiten städtischer Grünflächen erstellt. Zu deren Prüfung sowie zum tatsächlichen Nutzungsverhalten städtischer Grünflächen wurden empirische Untersuchungen durchgeführt. Insbesondere passive Erholung (z. B. Spazieren gehen) hat eine zentrale Rolle bei der Nutzung städtischer Natur, gefolgt von extrinsisch motivierten Aktivitäten, Aktivitäten zusammen mit anderen Menschen und Sportaktivitäten. Zuletzt wurde in zwei Experimenten gezeigt, dass einfache Brachflächen-Gestaltungsmerkmale zur Erfüllung wichtiger psychischer Bedürfnisse beitragen können und so die Präferenz für eine Grün- bzw. Brachfläche erhöhen. Es existierten keine globalen Präferenzunterschiede zwischen den betrachteten Park- und Brachflächen. Während die untersuchten Gestaltungsmerkmale für die betrachteten Parks keine oder nur geringe Wirkung aufwiesen, hatten sie einen Einfluss auf die Präferenz von Brachflächen. Abschließend können psychologische Anforderungen an die Nutzbarmachung vegetationsbestandener Brachflächen für Erholungszwecke formuliert werden: Wichtig sind Zugänglichkeit, explizite Funktionszuschreibung, vielfältige Nutzbarkeit, Mittel zur Erhöhung des Verständnisses der Fläche sowie Vermitteln von Sicherheit. / Re-using vegetation-covered urban wasteland areas for recreation purposes in ways that do not substantially interfere with flora and fauna seems economically and ecologically attractive. The present dissertation researches the role of simple design features for increasing (or maintaining) the attractiveness of these areas. To that end visual features were identified which are relevant to the human perception of (and preferences for) urban green spaces and urban wasteland areas. A number of features were found that were known from previous studies of rural nature (e. g. degree of canopy closure, artificiality, prospect, and beauty). Additionally, the feature ‘accessibility’ was identified, which appears to be relevant for urban wasteland areas in particular. In a next step, a taxonomy of urban green space usages was compiled and empirically validated. The actual usage behaviour was also assessed, revealing passive recreation (e. g. going for a walk, enjoying nature) as the most important way urban green spaces are used. Other important usages comprise extrinsically motivated activities, social activities, and sporting activities (in descending order). A further set of experiments showed that simple measures in redesigning vegetation-covered urban wasteland areas can – by increasing the degree to which they fulfil important psychological needs – increase the preference for a certain area. No global differences in preference existed between the examined green space and wasteland areas. While the tested design measures showed no or little effect on green space preference they did increase preference for the presented wasteland areas. In conclusion, a few psychological requirements for wasteland re-utilization for recreation purposes can be devised: it seems beneficial to provide accessibility, emphasize the site’s recreational purpose, allow for versatile usages, provide means to enhance understanding of a site, and convey a feeling of safety to the users.

Interkulturelle Aspekte der Kriminalprognose

Schmidt, Stefanie 06 August 2018 (has links)
Wegen der hohen Diversität der Straftäterpopulation sind interkulturelle Aspekte auch bei der Kriminalprognose von großer Bedeutung. Allerdings werden diese Aspekte bisher weder in umfassenden Kriminaltheorien noch bei kriminalprognostischen Methoden explizit berücksichtigt. Die vorliegende Arbeit untersuchte anhand von vier Studien interkulturelle Aspekte der Kriminalprognose am Beispiel von Männern mit türkischem oder arabischem Migrationshintergrund (MH). Die kulturvergleichende, retrospektive Studie 1 zeigte, dass sich Täter ohne und mit türkischem oder arabischem MH hinsichtlich der Ausprägungen gängiger Risikofaktoren unterscheiden. Diese erwiesen sich für Täter ohne MH als valide, was jedoch nur mit Einschränkung für Täter mit türkischem MH galt. Bei Tätern mit arabischem MH war fast keiner der Risikofaktoren ein valider Prädiktor. Um etwaige Besonderheiten bei Personen mit türkischem oder arabischem MH zu ergründen, wurden in Studie 2.1 und Studie 2.2 forensische Experten befragt. Diese hielten migrations- und kulturbedingte Aspekte für genauso wichtig für die Erklärung von Delinquenz bei Personen mit türkischem oder arabischem MH wie gängige Risikofaktoren. Aus den subjektiven Relevanzbewertungen wurde ein Erklärungsansatz extrahiert, der neben gängigen Risikofaktoren auch migrations- und kultursensible Aspekte umfasst. Diese migrations- und kultursensiblen Faktoren wurden in Studie 3 validiert. Robuste Zusammenhänge mit Delinquenz fanden sich für folgende Faktoren: Einstellungen, die Gewalt befürworten bzw. gegen die Werte der Aufnahmegesellschaft gerichtet sind, ein globales Diskriminierungserleben und die soziale Unterstützung. Die Befunde unterstreichen zum einen die Notwendigkeit, interkulturelle Aspekte in Zukunft bei der Kriminalprognose zu berücksichtigen. Zum anderen sind die Theoriebildung und die empirischen Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit ein wichtiger Schritt hin zu einer kultursensiblen Kriminalprognose. / Due to the high diversity of offender population, intercultural aspects are very important for risk assessment. However, intercultural aspects are hardly addressed explicitly, neither in comprehensive crime theories nor in methods of risk assessment. Aiming to bridge this gap the current research project analysed intercultural aspects of risk assessment via four different studies taking men with a Turkish or Arab migration background (MB) as an example. The cross-cultural retrospective study 1 showed that offenders without a MB differ from offenders with a Turkish or Arab MB regarding the manifestation of well-known risk factors. Moreover, these risk factors proofed to be valid for offenders without a MB. For offenders with a Turkish MB, the validity was restricted. Critically, among offenders with an Arab MB nearly no risk factor was a valid predictor. To fathom potential particularities among people with a Turkish or Arab MB, forensic experts were surveyed in study 2.1. and 2.2. When explaining delinquency among people from Turkey or Arab countries, experts rated factors sensitive to migration and culture as relevant as common risk factors. Grounding on these individual ratings, a comprehensive theory was constructed which comprises common risk factors as well as risk factors sensitive to migration and culture. These culture and migration sensitive factors were validated in study 3. Robust correlations with delinquency were found for the following factors: attitudes approving violence or being directed against values of the host society, perceived global discrimination, and social support. On the one hand, the findings underline the necessity to take intercultural aspects into account in risk assessment. On the other hand, the theory construction and the empirical results of the current project already make an important step towards a culture-sensitive risk assessment.

Age effects on cognitive, neural and affective responses to emotional facial expressions

Fölster, Mara 18 January 2016 (has links)
Empathische Reaktionen auf emotionale Gesichtsausdrücke werden vom Alter beeinflusst. In Bezug auf die kognitive Komponente der Empathie wurde eine Einschränkung bei der Erkennung emotionaler Gesichtsausdrücke sowohl für ältere Beobachter als auch für ältere Gesichter berichtet. Manche Studien berichten auch einen Effekt der Alterskongruenz, d.h. eine bessere Erkennung von Emotionen bei der eigenen Altersgruppe. Das erste Ziel der vorliegenden Dissertation war es, Mechanismen, die diesen Effekten zugrunde liegen könnten, zu untersuchen. Das zweite Ziel war es, zu untersuchen, ob auch die affektive Komponente der Empathie vom Alter beeinflusst wird. Studie 1 gibt einen Überblick über frühere Forschungsarbeiten. Studie 2 beschäftigte sich mit der Rolle von altersbezogenen Antwortverzerrungen, d.h. Altersunterschieden bei der Attribuierung bestimmter Emotionen. Effekte des Alters der Beobachter und der Gesichter auf die Erkennung von Trauer waren auf Antwortverzerrungen zurückzuführen. Allerdings trat eine bessere Erkennung von Trauer bei der eigenen Altersgruppe auf, die unabhängig von Antwortverzerrungen war. Studie 3 untersuchte neuronale Prozesse, die diesem Effekt der Alterskongruenz zugrunde liegen könnten. Bei traurigen Gesichtern wurde ein Effekt der Alterskongruenz für späte Verarbeitungsstadien gefunden, der möglicherweise eine höhere Relevanz trauriger Gesichter der eigenen Altersgruppe widerspiegelt. Studie 4 untersuchte, ob auch affektive Reaktionen, gemessen mit Gesichtsmimikry, vom Alter beeinflusst werden. Ältere Beobachter zeigten eine Beeinträchtigung in der Emotionserkennung, nicht jedoch in den affektiven Reaktionen. Insgesamt weisen diese Ergebnisse auf altersbezogene Defizite bei kognitiven und neuronalen Reaktionen hin; allerdings gab es kaum Alterseffekte auf affektive Reaktionen. Also lassen die Ergebnisse insgesamt trotz Schwierigkeiten bei der Emotionserkennung Optimismus bezüglich der intergenerationalen Empathie zu. / Empathic reactions to emotional facial expressions differ according to age. Concerning the cognitive component of empathy, decoding of emotional facial expressions was reported to be impaired both for older observers and older faces. Some studies also reported an own-age advantage, i.e., higher decoding accuracy for the own compared with other age groups. The first aim of the present dissertation was to explore possible mechanisms underlying these age effects. The second aim was to explore whether the affective component of empathy is affected by age as well. Study 1 summarizes previous research. Study 2 explored the role of age-related response bias, that is, age differences in the attribution of specific emotions. It showed that effects of the observers'' and the faces'' ages on decoding sadness were due to age-related response bias. However, an own-age advantage on decoding sadness occurred, which was independent of response bias. Study 3 explored the neurofunctional processes underlying this own-age advantage. It revealed an own-age effect on late processing stages for sadness, which may be due to an enhanced relevance of sad own-age faces. Study 4 explored whether affective responding in terms of facial mimicry is affected by age as well. It revealed an age-related decline in decoding accuracy, but not in affective responding. Taken together, these results suggest age-related deficits in cognitive and neural responses to emotional facial expressions. However, age had little influence on affective responding. Thus, despite difficulties in emotion decoding, these results allow for some optimism regarding intergenerational empathy.

Personality, values, and cultural perceptions in the sojourner context

Söldner, Tobias 30 May 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wird anhand von sechs vorwiegend studentischen Stichproben von Teilnehmern zeitlich befristeter Austauschprogramme zwischen Deutschland, Japan, und den USA („Sojourner“) der Zusammenhang zwischen Persönlichkeit, Werten, kultureller Distanz und Akkulturation untersucht. Die einleitenden Analysen zeigen, dass alle Teilnehmergruppen die Persönlichkeits- und Werteunterschiede zwischen den Bewohnern der einzelnen Länder ähnlich einschätzten. Andererseits wiesen diese direkten Einschätzungen keinerlei Übereinstimmung mit angeblichen Kulturunterschieden, wie sie sich indirekt auf Basis aggregierter Selbsteinschätzungen berechnen lassen, auf. Ebenso konnte gezeigt werden, dass zwar einige wenige Persönlichkeitseigenschaften und Werte vermutlich als „typisch“ für Sojourner im allgemeinen zu betrachten sind, im Gegensatz dazu jedoch sowohl die Ausgangswerte, als auch die Entwicklung der meisten Charakteristika während des Auslandsaufenthalts, zwischen Teilnehmern unterschiedlicher Nationalität stark variieren. Ein Vergleich von Persönlichkeits- und Werte-Selbsteinschätzungen mit entsprechenden Unterschieden zwischen Herkunfts- und Zielkultur lässt darauf schließen, dass Sojourner dazu tendieren, gezielt in Länder zu reisen, mit deren Bewohnern sie in bestimmten Merkmalen übereinstimmen, und dass die wahrgenommene Ähnlichkeit zu den Bewohnern der jeweiligen Gastgebernation nach der Rückkehr ins Herkunftsland nochmals zunimmt. Der Grad der erreichten Akkulturation während des Auslandsaufenthaltes (insbesondere jener der Zielkultur-Orientierung) ermöglichte über alle Teilnehmergruppen hinweg eine Vorhersage von Gesundheit und Lebenszufriedenheit, war jedoch nur schwach mit der Aufenthaltsdauer korreliert. Zusätzliche Varianz im Akkulturationsgrad konnte durch Persönlichkeit und Werte der Teilnehmer, sowie durch die Größe der entsprechenden Unterscheide zwischen Herkunfts- und Zielland auf Kulturebene aufgeklärt werden. / The present study examined the relationship between personality, personal values, cultural distance and acculturation in primarily academic sojourners travelling between Germany, Japan, and the US. A Preliminary analysis revealed that ratings for the culture-level personality and values differences between each culture were highly consistent across sojourner groups, but that these ratings showed no relation to alleged cultural differences as calculated from national self-rating means. Subsequent analyses discovered a small subset of personality traits and values typical for sojourners in general, while most pre-sojourn characteristics and their development abroad strongly differed across national groups. A significant trend for participants to seek out host cultures fitting their own personality and values patterns was mirrored by an increase in self-rated similarity to host culture members after the return home. The degree of acculturation (especially host culture orientation) reached throughout the sojourn significantly predicted health and life satisfaction across participant samples, but turned out to be only weakly related to the time spent in the host country. Additional variance in acculturation success was explained by participant personality, personal values, and the associated culture-level difference between host and home countries.

The narcissism in situations framework for the study of narcissism in social interactions

Maaß, Ulrike 15 September 2016 (has links)
Die Dissertation präsentiert ein konzeptuelles Rahmenmodell zur Untersuchung von Narzissmus in sozialen Interaktionen. Es differenziert zwischen situations-invarianten (z.B. Narzissmus) und situations-variierenden Variablen (z.B. positives Feedback) zur Vorhersage narzisstischen Verhaltens. Es bildete die Grundlage für drei Studien entlang der Zeitlinie von sozialen Interaktionen (d.h., zu Beginn, im täglichen Verlauf, innerhalb von langjährigen Freundschaften). Studie 1 untersuchte, ob sich der Einfluss von Narzissmus in Situationen reduziert, die starke Hinweisreize für die Angemessenheit von Selbstdarstellung beinhalten, wie die Trait Activation Theory (Tett & Burnett, 2003) vermuten würde. Es wurde geschlussfolgert, dass der grandiose Kern von Narzissmus unempfindlich gegenüber dem Einfluss situations-variierender Variablen war (hinsichtlich der Reizstärke für Selbstdarstellung). Studie 2 erforschte Narzissmus innerhalb sozialer Interaktionen im Alltag mit Hilfe eines experience-sampling Designs in drei aufeinander aufbauenden Teilstudien. Im Gegensatz zu den Befunden aus Studie 1 zeigten die Ergebnisse der zweiten Studie, dass es einen starken situativen Einfluss auf die Expression von State Narzissmus gab - unabhängig vom individuellen Narzissmus-Niveau. Zum Beispiel erhöhten sowohl positives als auch negatives Feedback das State Narzissmus Level aufgrund von Selbsterhöhungs- oder Selbstschutzmechanismen. Die Ergebnisse stellen die Rolle von Trait Selbstwert auf State Narzissmus infrage, unterstreichen aber die Wichtigkeit von State Selbstwert. Studie 3 demonstrierte, dass mit einer zunehmenden distinktiven Ähnlichkeit (d.h., die Ähnlichkeit in den normabweichenden Aspekten der beiden Freunde) im Narzissmus zweier bester Freunde die distinktive Ähnlichkeit in deren Big Five Profilen ebenfalls ansteigt. Es werden Implikationen für situations-spezifische Aspekte von Narzissmus innerhalb von langjährigen Freundschaften diskutiert. / The present dissertation presents a conceptual framework for the study of narcissism in social interactions (NARCissism In Situations: NARCIS). This framework differentiates between situation-invariant variables (e.g., trait narcissism) and situation-varying variables (e.g., positive feedback) for the prediction of narcissistic behavior. It built the theoretical basis for three studies that were placed along the time line of social interactions (i.e., at the beginning, in the daily intercourse, and within long-term friendships). Study 1 examined whether the manifestation of individual differences in narcissism reduce in situations that include strong cues for the appropriateness of self-promotional behavior, as trait activation theory (Tett & Burnett, 2003) would expect. It was concluded that the grandiose core of narcissism was insensitive to the influence of situation-varying variables in terms of cue strength for self-promotion. Study 2 investigated narcissism within social interactions in everyday life following an experience-sampling design in three consecutive substudies. In contrast to the findings from the first study, results of Study 2 showed that there was a strong situational influence on the expression of state narcissism - regardless of the individual’s narcissism trait level. For example, both negative social feedback and positive feedback increased state narcissism levels due to ego protection or ego boosting mechanisms. The results question the role of trait self-esteem but underscore the importance of state self-esteem on state narcissism. Last but not least, Study 3 demonstrated that with increasing distinctive similarity (i.e., the similarity in the two friends’ norm-deviating parts) in narcissism of two best friends’ their distinctive similarities in their Big Five profiles augmented as well. Implications for situation-specific aspects of narcissism within long-term friendships are discussed.

Metais presentes nas águas e em tecidos de peixes da represa Billings: uma avaliação temporal / Metals in water and fish tissue from Billings Dam: a temporal evaluation

Oliveira, Talita Aparecida de 19 December 2012 (has links)
A represa Billings é o maior reservatório de água que abastece o estado de São Paulo. Está localizada na bacia do Alto Tietê na região metropolitana de São Paulo, em uma área de proteção ambiental. Contudo, desde o início da sua inundação, vem sofrendo sérias agressões ambientais. Entre elas, o fluxo de entrada de água do rio Pinheiros, usado para controle de enchentes na região metropolitana de São Paulo. A constante entrada de contaminantes na represa se torna preocupante, considerando que, no seu entorno, há diferentes tipos de assentamentos, entre os quais de famílias de pescadores, que usam estas águas sem tratamentos convencionais para consumo doméstico e pesca artesanal para subsistência. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação temporal dos níveis de metais presentes na água e em tecidos dos peixes da represa, correlacionando estes valores com o fluxo de entrada de água do rio Pinheiros e do índice pluviométrico na região. Durante o período de um ano, cerca de 800 indivíduos, dentre as principais espécies de peixes consumidas na região Geophagus brasiliensis (acará), Hoplias malabaricus (traíra), Tilapia rendalli (tilápia) e Astyanax ssp (lambari), de sete pontos de pesca, foram coletadas e analisados. Amostras de águas foram coletadas em 13 pontos sugeridos pelos pescadores locais. Considerando cada espécie de peixe analisada, os níveis de metais estão na mesma ordem de magnitude, independentemente da região de captura. Os níveis de Cr, em cerca de 60% dos acarás, 98% dos lambaris, 67% dos traíras e 100% de tilápia não atenderam ao limite estabelecido pela ANVISA. Cu e Hg, em todas as amostras atenderam aos limites estabelecidos pela legislação nacional. A inserção das águas do rio Pinheiros claramente afeta a qualidade da água da represa. As regiões mais contaminadas são: Pedreira, Margem do Bororé, Alvarenga, Barragem Taquacetuba, Casa Caída e Ilha do Biguá. Observou-se também que 100% de amostras não atendem ao limite estabelecido pelo CONAMA; para Cu, Mn, Ni, cerca de 50% não cumprem o limite estipulado para Cd e 20% para Zn. Em linhas gerais, observou-se que esta inserção altera todo o regime natural da represa, mas que ainda assim é possível absorver a contaminação recebida. / The Billings Dam is the largest reservoir of water that supplies in the state of São Paulo. It is part of the Alto Tiete basin, which is located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo in an environmentally protected area. In spite of that, since the beginning of its flooding, several environmental aggressions were observed. Among them the inflow of water from Pinheiros river, used to control floods in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo .The constant input of contaminants in the dam becomes worrisome, considering that, in its surroundings, there are different kinds of settlements, among them families of fishermen, who use these waters without conventional treatments for domestic consumption and artisanal fishing for livelihood. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out a temporal evaluation of metal levels present in dam\'s water and fish tissue, correlating these values with the water input flow of Pinheiros River and pluviometric index in the region. During a period of one year, circa of 800 individuals among the main consumed fish species in the region Geophagus brasiliensis (acará), Hoplias malabaricus (traíra), Tilapia rendalli (tilápia) e Astyanax ssp (lambari), from seven fishing places were collected and analysed. It was also collected water from thirteen places chosen by local fishermen. Considering each fish specimen analyzed, the levels of metals are in the same order of magnitude regardless of the region of capture. The levels of Cr in circa of 62% of acarás, 98% of lambaris, 67% of traíras and 100% of tilapia do not meet the limit stipulated by ANVISA. Cu and Hg, in all samples meet the limits set by national legislation. The Pinheiros river water clearly affects the quality of dam\'s water. The most contaminated regions were: Pedreira, Margem do Bororé, Alvarenga, Barragem Taquacetuba, Casa Caída and Ilha do Biguá. It was observed that 100% of samples do not meet the limits established for water quality by CONAMA for Cu, Mn and Ni, 50% do not meet the limit for Cd and 20% for Zn . In general, we can observe the entry of to the waters of Pinheiros River during operation of the flotation system and even during the flood control changes the whole natural scheme of the dam, although the dam still manages to absorb the contamination that is received.

Adubação nitrogenada e recomendação com medidor portátil de clorofila em algodão /

Santos, Danilo Marcelo Aires dos. January 2006 (has links)
Orientador: Enes Furlani Junior / Banca: Orivaldo Arf / Banca: Luiz Henrique Carvalho / Resumo: O objetivo desse presente trabalho foi desenvolver um método de recomendação de adubação nitrogenada com as leituras de clorofilômetro, para o campo, avaliando doses crescentes de N, em algodoeiro cv. DeltaOpal. Foi desenvolvido em dois anos, instalados na Fazenda de Ensino e Pesquisa (FEP), no município de Selvíria - MS, pertencente a Faculdade de Engenharia Campus de Ilha Solteira. Utilizando um delineamento em blocos ao acaso com 4 repetições, utilizando os fatores modo de aplicação (Única e Parcelada), doses de N em cobertura ( 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg de N ha-1, para o ano 2004/05) e ( 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 e 120 kg de N ha-1, para o ano 2005/6), a fonte de N foi uréia, a aplicação de N nos tratamentos, foram realizadas, de dois modos: única aos 30 d.a.e. com doses totais e os parcelados com metade da dose aplicada aos 30 d.a.e. e o restante aos 45 d.a.e. As leituras SPAD foram efetuadas na 5ª folha da haste principal e em toda a planta (2005/06), para que, no final do estudo houvesse uma recomendação de N, através das leituras. As doses crescentes de N, proporcionaram uma maior altura da planta, e afetaram positivamente os teores foliares de P, K, e para a produtividade somente houve diferença significativa no primeiro ano agrícola onde se aplicou N de forma parcelada. Com relação às leituras SPAD, houve eficiência em determinar o teor de N presente na planta, podendo ser adotado como metodologia ao determinar carência do N na planta. / Abstract: The objective of this work was to develop a method of nitrogen recommendation by chorophyll readings, in field conditions, using N levels in cotton cv. DeltaOpal. It was developed during two growth seasons, at the Experimental Station of the São Paulo State University/Unesp/Ilha Solteira Campus, at Selvíria - MS. The Trials have used the completely blocks design with four repetitions, using two factors: a- methods of N application (Single or split), N levels in covering (first year: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 kg of N ha-1 , second year: 0, 25, 50, 75, 100 and 120 kg of N ha-1). The Nitrogen source was urea applied: a- 30 days after emergency (total amount) and b- 30 and 45 days after emergency (splited). The SPAD readings were realized in the fifth true leaf of the main monopodial branch and in all leaves of this plant. The plant height was affected by the nitrogen levels but the leaf level of P, K, were positively affected. The yield was affected by the nitrogen levels just in the first season. The chorophyll readings showed an useful key to evaluate the nitrogen deficiency in cotton. / Mestre

Metais presentes nas águas e em tecidos de peixes da represa Billings: uma avaliação temporal / Metals in water and fish tissue from Billings Dam: a temporal evaluation

Talita Aparecida de Oliveira 19 December 2012 (has links)
A represa Billings é o maior reservatório de água que abastece o estado de São Paulo. Está localizada na bacia do Alto Tietê na região metropolitana de São Paulo, em uma área de proteção ambiental. Contudo, desde o início da sua inundação, vem sofrendo sérias agressões ambientais. Entre elas, o fluxo de entrada de água do rio Pinheiros, usado para controle de enchentes na região metropolitana de São Paulo. A constante entrada de contaminantes na represa se torna preocupante, considerando que, no seu entorno, há diferentes tipos de assentamentos, entre os quais de famílias de pescadores, que usam estas águas sem tratamentos convencionais para consumo doméstico e pesca artesanal para subsistência. Portanto, este estudo teve como objetivo realizar uma avaliação temporal dos níveis de metais presentes na água e em tecidos dos peixes da represa, correlacionando estes valores com o fluxo de entrada de água do rio Pinheiros e do índice pluviométrico na região. Durante o período de um ano, cerca de 800 indivíduos, dentre as principais espécies de peixes consumidas na região Geophagus brasiliensis (acará), Hoplias malabaricus (traíra), Tilapia rendalli (tilápia) e Astyanax ssp (lambari), de sete pontos de pesca, foram coletadas e analisados. Amostras de águas foram coletadas em 13 pontos sugeridos pelos pescadores locais. Considerando cada espécie de peixe analisada, os níveis de metais estão na mesma ordem de magnitude, independentemente da região de captura. Os níveis de Cr, em cerca de 60% dos acarás, 98% dos lambaris, 67% dos traíras e 100% de tilápia não atenderam ao limite estabelecido pela ANVISA. Cu e Hg, em todas as amostras atenderam aos limites estabelecidos pela legislação nacional. A inserção das águas do rio Pinheiros claramente afeta a qualidade da água da represa. As regiões mais contaminadas são: Pedreira, Margem do Bororé, Alvarenga, Barragem Taquacetuba, Casa Caída e Ilha do Biguá. Observou-se também que 100% de amostras não atendem ao limite estabelecido pelo CONAMA; para Cu, Mn, Ni, cerca de 50% não cumprem o limite estipulado para Cd e 20% para Zn. Em linhas gerais, observou-se que esta inserção altera todo o regime natural da represa, mas que ainda assim é possível absorver a contaminação recebida. / The Billings Dam is the largest reservoir of water that supplies in the state of São Paulo. It is part of the Alto Tiete basin, which is located in the metropolitan region of São Paulo in an environmentally protected area. In spite of that, since the beginning of its flooding, several environmental aggressions were observed. Among them the inflow of water from Pinheiros river, used to control floods in the metropolitan region of Sao Paulo .The constant input of contaminants in the dam becomes worrisome, considering that, in its surroundings, there are different kinds of settlements, among them families of fishermen, who use these waters without conventional treatments for domestic consumption and artisanal fishing for livelihood. Therefore, this study aimed to carry out a temporal evaluation of metal levels present in dam\'s water and fish tissue, correlating these values with the water input flow of Pinheiros River and pluviometric index in the region. During a period of one year, circa of 800 individuals among the main consumed fish species in the region Geophagus brasiliensis (acará), Hoplias malabaricus (traíra), Tilapia rendalli (tilápia) e Astyanax ssp (lambari), from seven fishing places were collected and analysed. It was also collected water from thirteen places chosen by local fishermen. Considering each fish specimen analyzed, the levels of metals are in the same order of magnitude regardless of the region of capture. The levels of Cr in circa of 62% of acarás, 98% of lambaris, 67% of traíras and 100% of tilapia do not meet the limit stipulated by ANVISA. Cu and Hg, in all samples meet the limits set by national legislation. The Pinheiros river water clearly affects the quality of dam\'s water. The most contaminated regions were: Pedreira, Margem do Bororé, Alvarenga, Barragem Taquacetuba, Casa Caída and Ilha do Biguá. It was observed that 100% of samples do not meet the limits established for water quality by CONAMA for Cu, Mn and Ni, 50% do not meet the limit for Cd and 20% for Zn . In general, we can observe the entry of to the waters of Pinheiros River during operation of the flotation system and even during the flood control changes the whole natural scheme of the dam, although the dam still manages to absorb the contamination that is received.

Amperometric biosensor systems prepared on poly(aniline-ferrocenium hexafluorophosphate) composites doped with poly(vinyl sulfonic acid sodium salt).

Ndangili, Peter Munyao. January 2008 (has links)
<p>The main hypothesis in this study is the development of a nanocomposite mediated amperometric biosensor for detection of hydrogen peroxide. The aim is to combine the electrochemical properties of both polyaniline and ferrocenium hexafluorophosphate into highly conductive nano composites capable of exhibiting electrochemistry in non acidic media / shuttling electrons between HRP and GCE for biosensor applications.</p>

Development of amperometric biosensor with cyclopentadienylruthenium (II) thiolato schiff base self-assembled monolayer (SAM) on gold

Ticha, Lawrence Awa January 2007 (has links)
A novel cyclopentadienylruthenium(II) thiolato Schiff base, [Ru(SC6H4NC(H)C6H4OCH2CH2SMe)(&eta / 5-C2H5]2 was synthesized and deposited as a selfassembled monolayer (SAM) on a gold electrode. Effective electronic communication between the Ru(II) centers and the gold electrode was established by electrostatically cycling the Shiff base-doped gold electrode in 0.1 M NaOH from -200 mV to +600 mV. The SAMmodified gold electrode (Au/SAM) exhibited quasi-reversible electrochemistry. The integrity of this electro-catalytic SAM, with respect to its ability to block and electro-catalyze certain Faradaic processes, was interrogated using Cyclic and Osteryoung Square Wave voltammetric experiments. The formal potential, E0', varied with pH to give a slope of about - 34 mV pH-1. The surface concentration, &Gamma / , of the ruthenium redox centers was found to be 1.591 x 10-11 mol cm-2. By electrostatically doping the Au/SAM/Horseradish peroxidase at an applied potential of +700 mV vs Ag/AgCl, a biosensor was produced for the amperometric analysis of hydrogen peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and tert-butylhydroperoxide. The electrocatalytic-type biosensors displayed typical Michaelis-Menten kinetics with their limits of detection of 6.45 &mu / M, 6.92 &mu / M and 7.01 &mu / M for hydrogen peroxide, cumene hydroperoxide and tert-butylhydroperoxide respectively.

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