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Putování novinářského psance dobou dekadence a zvrácenosti: Hunter S. Thompson v kontextu Ameriky 60. a raných 70. let. / An Outlaw Journalist's Journey through an Era Decadent and Depraved: Hunter S. Thompson in the context of America of the 1960s and early 1970s.Stárek, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
The thesis aims to explore the artistic personality of Hunter S. Thompson, one of the most distinctive cultural figures of post-war America, and his genesis as an author, journalist, and a counterculture idol of the 1960s. The era is now widely regarded as a turning point in contemporary American history as its deep-rooted values and norms were, over the course of a decade, gradually transformed by the young generation of social and political activists toward allegedly a more tolerant and liberal kind of community. Crucial in such an endeavor was the role of the countercultural movement that produced some of the most capable intellectual minds of the time, including Thompson. The paper thus analyzes the role and nature of the alternative culture in America as perceived by one of its most observant participants. Also, the thesis focuses on the author's role in establishing a new genre called New Journalism which can be linked with the era's countercultural efforts as well. In general, Thompson, in his texts, examines various phenomena surrounding the counterculture and provides us with a distinctive portrayal of the era's zeitgeist. However, unlike some of his contemporaries, he also remembers to examine numerous flaws and fallacies existing within contemporary American society, the American Dream...
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Les mécanismes de reconnaissance et la mobilisation de publics dans la médiatisation du don humanitaire : l'exemple des journaux télévisés et des émissions caritatives / Recognition mechanisms and public mobilization in the media coverage of humanitarian donations : the example of newscasts and telethonsBialès, Pierre 10 December 2013 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet de montrer que la reconnaissance joue un rôle essentiel dans la médiatisation du don humanitaire. La première partie fait ressortir, à partir de l’analyse des mises en scène de productions médiatiques portant sur l’humanitaire, la diversité des processus de reconnaissance pouvant être mis en oeuvre et montre comment, par le jeu d’un mécanisme miroir, ceux-ci provoquent des comportements d’empathie incitant à effectuer un don. L’analyse des discours tenus au cours de ces productions permet aussi de montrer que les enchaînements argumentatifs d’énoncés s’appuient sur des topoï dont l’application peut conduire, en favorisant la reconnaissance des donateurs, à la réalisation d’actes de générosité. L’étude fait ressortir que l’incitation au don ne peut cependant concerner que des associations humanitaires dont l’éthique est reconnue par les donateurs potentiels. Dans la deuxième partie, une analyse menée sur les journaux télévisés diffusés après le drame survenu en Haïti en 2010 montre en quoi la scénarisation, conçue pour capter le public à l’occasion d’un événement dramatique exceptionnel, génère, en fait, des processus de reconnaissance incitant à la réalisation de dons. L’étude d’une autre production médiatique, le Téléthon, fait ressortir que la scénarisation de cette émission caritative s’inscrit alternativement dans la topique du sentiment avec la mise en jeu de mécanismes de reconnaissance favorisant le don et dans la topique de la dénonciation où les animateurs attribuent aux téléspectateurs deux places distinctes : celle de téléspectateurs déclarés « coupables » de ne pas avoir encore accompli un geste de générosité et celle de téléspectateurs donateurs reconnus pour leurs dons. L’analyse de ces deux productions montre aussi comment leurs scénarisations façonnent, autour d’une même cause humanitaire, des publics rassemblant des téléspectateurs qui, amenés à participer à un élan général de solidarité, sont davantage encore incités à accomplir, dans un désir de reconnaissance, des actes de générosité. / The objective of this thesis is to demonstrate that recognition plays an essential role in the media coverage of humanitarian donations. Based on an analysis of the portrayal of humanitarian donations in the media, the first part underlines the diversity of the recognition processes that can be implemented, and shows how, through a mirroring mechanism, they stimulate empathy behaviours, leading people to make donations. An analysis of the type of language used for these productions also shows how arguments are based on topoi, the application of which, by favoring donor recognition, can lead to acts of generosity. The study also highlights the fact that incentives to donate can only concern humanitarian organizations that potential donors recognize as ethical. In the second part, an analysis of the newscasts broadcast in the wake of the 2010 disaster in Haiti shows how the presentation of these newscasts, designed to draw the viewer’s attention to this unheard-of catastrophe, actually generated processes of recognition that lead people to donate. Telethons, another form of media production, are also studied, highlighting the fact that the way in which charitable television programs are staged alternates between the topic of sentiment, with the use of recognition mechanisms that favour charitable donations, and the topic of denunciation, where the hosts place viewers in one of two categories: those who are “guilty” of not yet having made a donation, and those who receive recognition for the donations they have made. This analysis also shows how the staging of these two types of productions focusing on the same humanitarian cause shapes a public that includes viewers who, encouraged to participate in a general surge of solidarity, have more of an incentive to make a donation out of a desire for recognition.
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La réanimation des objets mourants / Dying objects brought back to lifeMessal, Stéphanie 03 June 2014 (has links)
Cette thèse souhaite mettre en lumière les répercussions sur les comportements sociaux que peut avoir une « ressourcerie » dans le quartier où elle s'établit et dans le cas qui nous intéresse ici, le quartier Noailles à Marseille. Les « ressourceries » sont des structures associatives qui se caractérisent par un profond intérêt écologique centré principalement sur la prévention des déchets et leur réduction. On y trouve des objets à vendre en tout genre mais leur spécificité est d'être de seconde main. Ces objets donnés sont collectés, ou glanés dans la rue, ou encore issus des apports volontaires. Puis, ils seront valorisés par réemploi afin d'être redistribués, vendus pour des sommes modiques. Suite à une enquête réalisée au sein de la « ressourcerie », l'auteure développera sa réflexion en deux temps. Tout d'abord l'étude ethnograhique de l'association, du local et de l'équipe permettra de dégager un way of life dans un entre-deux. Puis une réflexion anthropologique sur ce que sont les objets qui se donnent et se vendent à la « ressourcerie », amènera à repenser les notions d'objet et de déchet. Plus encore, ces rencontres mêlées d'hommes (humains) et d'objets (non humains) interrogeront sur ce que les objets nous invitent à faire avec eux. / This thesis aims to highlight the impact that a « ressourcerie » can have in the district where it is established and here, the district Noailles in Marseille. The « ressourceries » are associative structures that are characterized by a deep ecological interest centered mainly on waste prevention and reduction. Here, you could find many objects to sell but their specificity is to be second-hand objects. These donated objects are collected, or are gleaned from the street, or come from voluntary contributions. Then they will be recovered by reuse to be redistributed, sold off. Following the investigation in the « ressourcerie », the reflection of the author will take two steps. First, the ethnographic study of the association, the local and the team will highlight a way of life in a between state. Then, an anthropological reflection on what are the objects that are given and sold to the « ressourcerie », brings to rethink the concepts of object and waste. Moreover, these mixed dating between human and objects (non human) will wonder about what objects invite us to do with them.
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Normes reproductives, infertilité et nouvelles technologies de reproduction au Sénégal : le genre et le don / Reproductive norms, infertility and new technologies of reproduction in Senegal : the gender and the giftBrochard, Marie 24 October 2014 (has links)
Au Sénégal, les normes sociales instituent le mariage et la procréation comme des règles fondamentales pour les couples. Les personnes infertiles sont de ce fait stigmatisées et subissent des pressions de la part de leurs familles et de leur entourage. D’une part, elles ont des difficultés à structurer leur identité sociale dans ce pays où la féminité est associée à la maternité et où la masculinité est associée à la paternité. D’autre part, elles sont symboliquement endettées par rapport à leurs familles car l’« enfant » constitue le contre-don de la vie qu’elles ont reçue à la naissance. Le genre et le don structurent ainsi la problématique du rejet des personnes infertiles au Sénégal. Malgré les souffrances psychologiques et sociales induites par l’infertilité, les politiques sanitaires se détournent de cette situation et occultent la pratique de l’assistance médicale à la procréation (AMP). Pourtant, l’AMP permet aux couples infertiles, lorsqu’elle aboutit à une grossesse, une sortie de la stigmatisation sociale. Dans le cas contraire, la relation peut s’orienter vers une rupture. Les technologies de reproduction réalisées dans la société sénégalaise restent très inégalitaires et délaissent toute une partie de la population qui souhaiterait bénéficier de ces techniques médicales. Les couples moins aisés se dirigent vers la médecine traditionnelle ou poursuivent leurs consultations dans le secteur public. L’AMP au Sénégal propose une solution à l’infertilité, mais les couples qui y recourent, le font dans le plus grand secret de peur de bouleverser les normes reproductives et de filiation. / In Senegal, the social standards establish the marriage and the reproduction as fundamental rules for the couples. The barren persons are of this fact stigmatized and undergo pressures by their families and of their circle of acquaintances. On one hand, they have difficulties to structure their social identity in this country where the femininity is associated to the maternity and where the manliness is associated to the paternity. On the other hand, they are symbolically got into debt with regard to their families because the "child" constitutes the against gift of the life that they received in the birth. The gender and the gift structure the problem of rejection of the barren persons in Sénégal. In spite of the psychological and social sufferings induced by the infertility, the sanitary politics turn away from this situation and hide the practice of assisted reproductive technology (ART). Nevertheless, ART allows the barren couples, when it ends in a pregnancy, an exit of the social stigmatization. Should the opposite occur, the relation can turn to a marital breakdown. The new technologies of reproduction realized in the Senegalese society remain very unegalitarian and abandon a whole part of the population which would like to benefit from these medical techniques. The couples with modest incomes go to the traditional medicine or pursue their consultations in the public sector. ART in Senegal proposes a solution for infertility, but the couples which resort to it, make it in the greatest secrecy for fear of upsetting the reproductive standards and of filiation.
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Le père et le genre : la paternité en question par l’aide médicale à la procréation pour des hommes transgenres / Father and gender : questionning fatherhood in medical assistance for procreation to transgender menMendes, Nicolas 23 November 2018 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche propose une première approche pour penser la paternité d’hommes transgenres ayant eu recours à un don de spermatozoïdes par l’aide médicale à la procréation (AMP). Vingt années après l’engagement du premier Centre de conservation des œufs et du sperme (CECOS) d’accompagner ces demandes de couples, et la publication de la seule étude sur la qualité du développement de ces enfants, une réflexion sur la paternité de ces hommes nés femmes et aujourd’hui pères se révèle nécessaire. Pour cheminer autour de ces réflexions, une revisite des considérations psychanalytiques freudiennes et lacaniennes de l’identité, mais également du genre grâce aux apports des Gender Studies et de la paternité articulée aux structures anthropologiques de la parenté, nous a permis de discuter des possibles reconsidérations théoriques actuelles. La pratique du don de gamètes est aussi abordée en lien avec les questionnements cliniques autour de la transmission, et des réflexions bioéthiques qui émergent. Depuis un paradigme analytique, admettant une alliance avec les méthodes phénoménologiques, un outil initialement quantitatif, le Five Minute Speach Sample (FMSS) fut adapté dans sa méthode d’analyse pour répondre à la question : Comment un sujet homme né femme, définit-il sa paternité à la suite d’un contexte d’accès à la parentalité par le recours à une insémination artificielle avec tiers donneur anonyme de spermatozoïdes (IAD) ? Le recueil des discours en libre association de seize pères transgenres et son analyse de contenu thématique ont permis de constituer une représentation de l’expérience de paternité de ces hommes transgenres.L’émergence de points de tension au sein de ses discours nous a amenés à repérer trois ensembles de signes d’intranquilité qui peuvent, pour certains être rencontrés spécifiquement sur ce cheminement de la paternité. Le repérage de ces points d’intranquilité est discuté dans l’intérêt de l’accueil des demandes et de l’accompagnement de la transidentité. / This study allows a first reflection on the fatherhood of transgender men who have used sperm donation with medically assisted procreation. Twenty years ago, the first French sperm bank offered to accompany the request of heterosexual couples which transgender men. To this day only one study about these couples has been published but focused on the development of their children. A reflection on the fatherhood of these men born as women and who are now fathers appears to be necessary. To study this new situation, we have reviewed the psychoanalytic concepts of identity brought to us by Freud and Lacan, and the concept of gender brought to us by the Gender Studies. Also, fatherhood is discussed with the anthropological approach on structure of kinship. The gamete’s donation is addressed in relation to the clinical concept of transmission and the bioethical questioning that it rises. From a psychoanalytical paradigm, we admit a relationship with the phenomenological approach. A quantitative tool (the Five Minute Speech Sample) was adapted in its analysis method to answer: how does a person born as a women and now living as a man will define his fatherhood when benefitting of anonymous sperm insemination in medically assisted procreation? We analyzed the free speech of sixteen transgender men to build a representation of fatherhood in these specific experiences. Points of tension have allowed to identify three sets of disquiets’ signs. Some of them can be encountered in the process toward this specific kind of fatherhood. Being aware of these disquiets’ signs could help us accompany more appropriately people in the quest of their transgender lives.
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A competição entre os discursos e as artes na Historia de la conquista de México de Dom Antonio de Solís / The competition between discourses and arts in The History of the Conquest of Mexico by Don Antonio de SolísFreire, Deolinda de Jesus 05 December 2014 (has links)
A base do estudo empreendido nesta tese é a abordagem da Historia de la conquista de México de Dom Antonio de Solís a partir das preceptivas retóricas seiscentistas. Em nossa leitura, o discurso histórico seiscentista é fabricado pela arte. Narrar os feitos construídos como memoráveis é descrevê-los, portanto, retratá-los, ou seja, fazer com que o leitor possa vê-los. Nas edições da Historia de Solís enriquecidas com gravuras, as matérias lidas e vistas se desdobram em uma competição entre as artes, ou seja, entre a História e a Gravura. Nosso propósito é estudar a rivalidade imposta pela imagem como forma de superar a narração e as descrições empenhadas pelo cronista. Assim, as imagens imitam seu texto como forma de alcançar a emulação. Além da edição princeps da História, compõem o corpus da tese três edições enriquecidas com gravuras: a toscana, publicada em Florença em 1699; a castelhana, publicada em Bruxelas em 1704; e a inglesa, publicada em Londres em 1724. A obra de Solís, bem como suas reedições, é compreendida aqui como espaço de competição tanto das artes como dos discursos. A disputa discursiva é analisada na leitura dos textos oficiais que compõem a parte introdutória da edição princeps, os quais ajuízam o estilo, o decoro e a prudência dos preceitos empenhados pelo cronista, ou seja, aprovam e legitimam sua Historia. A concorrência entre os discursos e as artes busca alcançar os efeitos de docere (ensinar), delectare (agradar) e movere (persuadir). Assim, a competição provoca o prazer da maravilha, ensina e agrada aquele que lê as imagens podendo vê-las, logo, persuade de forma mais intensa e eficaz. / The basis of study undertaken in this thesis is the approach to The History of the Conquest of Mexico by Don Antonio de Solís under the 16th-century perceptive rhetoric. In our interpretation, the 16th-century historical discourse is produced through art. Narrating memorable feats is the same as describing them, therefore, depicting them, so that the reader can see them. In the editions of de Solis The History enriched by illustrations, the topics read and seen engage in a competition between arts, that is to say, History and Engraving. Our aim is to study the contest imposed by image as a means of outshining the narrative and the descriptions made by the chronicler. Thus, the images mimic his text as a way of achieving emulation. In addition to the princeps edition of the History, the corpus of the thesis consists of three richly engraved editions: the Tuscan edition, published in Florence in 1699; the Castilian edition, published in Brussels in 1704; and the British edition, published in London in 1724. Solís literary composition, as well as its reeditions, is understood here as a competition field for both arts and discourses. The discursive dispute is analyzed through the reading of official texts which form the introductory section of the princeps edition and assess the chroniclers style, decency and prudence applied to precepts, approving and legitimizing his History. The rivalry between discourses and arts aims to achieve effects of docere (teaching), delectare (delighting) and movere (persuading). Thus, the competition incites the delight of wonder, teaches and pleases whoever reads the images through sight, therefore, it persuades in a more intense and effective manner.
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Dom Quixote: poesia, crítica e tradução. Estudo dos versos preliminares de Dom Quixote e proposta de tradução / Don Quixote: poetry, criticism and translation. A study of Don Quixote preliminary verses and translation proposalGiselle Cristina Gonçalves Migliari 24 February 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho objetiva desenvolver um estudo analítico dos versos preliminares de O engenhoso fidalgo Dom Quixote de La Mancha - obra escrita em 1605 por Miguel Cervantes -, bem como uma proposta de tradução de tais versos, anexada ao final da dissertação. Neste estudo, serão ressaltados certos olhares da crítica cervantina, relacionados à valorização do escritor espanhol e de sua obra poética, e alguns dos elementos formais e conceituais que permeiam os dez poemas de abertura da narrativa do cavaleiro manchego. Além disso, serão evidenciados os elementos burlescos dos versos, como modo de apresentar uma constituição poética relevante e de estabelecer parâmetros que possam servir de alicerce para as traduções. A partir do trabalho de pesquisa acerca dos versos preliminares do Quixote, o processo de tradução, no que se refere à versificação e à interpretação poética, poderá se fundamentar. / Not only has this work been devoted to an analytical study of the preliminary verses of El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de La Mancha, written in 1605 by Miguel de Cervantes, but also a proposal of their translation attached in the end of this work. The research has taken into account different considerations about Cervants criticism. Most of them revealed how the author was worth being read as a writer and others highlighted his poems. As a consequence of the literary appreciation that had been brought up before this research, form and content are still permeating the ten introductory poems of the Manchegos narrative knight. Beyond this, burlesque elements in the verses will be referred as a way of showing relevant poetic concepts and, consequently, parameters established to support an innovative Portuguese version. It must be mentioned that the present translation is systematically based on rhyme and poetic interpretation.
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Dom Quixote em português: dois momentos, duas versõesViana, Patrícia Nunes 30 September 2013 (has links)
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Previous issue date: 2013-09-30 / Este estudio intenta analizar las soluciones de traducción dadas por dos traductores, Sergio Molina y Eugênio Amado, a fragmentos escogidos del primer capítulo de la primera parte de El ingenioso hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, de Miguel de Cervantes. Que se tenga en cuenta que existe una diferencia de dos décadas entre las versiones elegidas. "Soluciones" se toman en este trabajo como una descripción de las estrategias de traducción utilizadas por estos profesionales con el fin de adaptar el texto a la cultura de acogida, o sea, sus lectores potenciales. Para el análisis, se ha tratado de los procedimientos/estrategias de traducción utilizados por los traductores, por comparación, como para comprobar las similitudes y diferencias entre estos procedimientos y cómo se reflejan en diferentes concepciones de traducción, mirando a un análisis crítico de las soluciones dadas desde el punto de vista de la reconstitución de sentidos del texto cervantino, según la cultura brasileña y los lectores potenciales. En la fundamentación teórica de este trabajo nos apoyamos en el enfoque del Círculo de Bajtín e propuestas de Estudios de la Traducción compatibles con las teses del Círculo de Bajtín, como Sobral (2008), así bien consideraciones de Hatim e Munday (2004), George Steiner (2005), Eco (2007), Olmi (2001) e Hatje-Faggion (2009) / Este estudo objetivou analisar as soluções tradutórias dadas por dois tradutores, Sergio Molina e Eugênio Amado, a trechos escolhidos do primeiro capítulo da primeira parte de Dom Quixote, de Miguel de Cervantes. Cabe destacar que há uma diferença de duas décadas entre as versões escolhidas. Soluções é tomado neste trabalho como designação das estratégias de tradução empregadas por estes profissionais a fim de adaptar o texto à cultura receptora e mais especificamente ao seu público leitor visado. Para a análise, buscou-se os procedimentos/estratégias de tradução utilizados pelos tradutores, através da comparação, verificando as semelhanças e diferenças entre tais procedimentos e como elas refletem concepções distintas de tradução, visando uma análise crítica sobre as soluções dadas sob o ponto de vista da reconstituição de sentidos do texto cervantino em termos de cultura brasileira e do público aí visado. Na fundamentação teórica deste trabalho foi utilizada abordagem respaldada por Estudos de Tradução compatíveis com o Círculo de Bakhtin, como as de Sobral (2008), por escritos de Bakhtin e o Círculo, ao lado de considerações de Hatim e Munday (2004), George Steiner (2005), Eco (2007), Olmi (2001) e Hatje-Faggion (2009)
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Le développement des compétences économiques chez l'enfant / The development of economic skills in childrenSteelandt, Sophie 18 January 2012 (has links)
Malgré l’importance des interactions économiques dans les sociétés humaines, l’étude de la prise de décision dans le contexte économique chez les enfants reste rare. Dans ce travail, j’ai testé 802 enfants âgés de 14 mois à 10 ans dans des situations expérimentales faisant intervenir une tâche d’échange afin (1) de déterminer l’âge auquel les enfants comprennent l’utilisation du don et de l’échange comme des outils permettant de maximiser leur gain, (2) de tester s’ils intègrent le coût temporel associé à un échange, (3) de rechercher s’ils sont capables d’ajuster leur investissement aucomportement du ou des partenaires d’échange, et (4) d’évaluer leur aptitude à prendre en compte le risque inhérent à la situation d’échange. Pour chacune de ces questions, j’ai cherché à identifier d’éventuels parallèles entre l’efficacité des décisions économiques chez l’enfant et les stades connus du développement cognitif. Les résultats montrent un changement majeur entre 18 et 22 mois dans la capacité à donner et échanger. Les enfants sont capables d’ajuster leur temps d’attente à la quantité de récompense offerte à partir de trois ans. Enfin, on constate que les enfants de plus decinq ans peuvent adapter leur choix d’investissement selon le comportement des partenaires et le risque de perte associé à un échange. Il apparaît que les compétences des enfants correspondent à ce que l’on connaît des stades de développement dans les facultés de calcul numérique, de jugement temporel et de compréhension des états mentaux d’autrui. Ce travail devra se poursuivre chez d'autres sociétés aux normes économiques différentes de manière à évaluer la généralité des résultats obtenus dans cette thèse. / Given the importance of economic interactions in European societies, we have relatively little knowledge about children’s decision-making in an economic context. In this work, I tested 802 children aged from 14 months to 10 years in experimental situations based on an exchange task in order (1) to determine the age from which children understand that they can use gifts and exchanges as means to maximize their gain, (2) to test whether they understand the temporal cost associated with an exchange, (3) to study whether they are able to adjust their investment according to the exchange partner(s), and (4) to evaluate their capacity to take a risk during an exchange. For each question, I aimed at identifying potential parallels between the efficiency of economic decisions and the stages of cognitive development already known in children. Results revealed a major shift between 18 and 22 months in the ability to give and exchange. Children were able to adjust their waiting time to the quantity of reward being offered from the age of 3. Finally, I found that children aged over 5 could adapt their investment according to the behavior of partners and the risk of losing related to an exchange. It appears that children’s competencies match what is known of the stages of development in numeric competency, temporal judgment and understanding of others’ mental states. This work should be conducted in other societies with different cultural and economic norms in order to assess the generality of the results found in this thesis.
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Warfare by other means : the rhetoric of war and sport in the twentieth centuryZetter, Nathaniel Mark January 2019 (has links)
This thesis identifies the existence and significance of a rhetorical gesture that has circulated widely since at least the nineteenth century: the comparison between war and sport. The introduction outlines the background for this rhetoric through a genealogy of the phrase, 'the battle of Waterloo was won on the playing fields of Eton', in nineteenth-century writing. Part one of the thesis examines the metaphors and cultural practices of energetics in European sporting life until the Second World War. The first chapter presents a cultural history of 'sporting aviation' between the Wright brothers' first European flight in 1908 and the declaration of war in 1914, arguing that the new technology of the aeroplane was initially understood through a tension between sporting and bellicose associations. The second chapter performs a close analysis of F.T. Marinetti's writings and Umberto Boccioni's paintings to reveal the role of sport in Italian Futurism and its significance for our understanding of its infamous glorification of warfare. Chapter three examines the militarist displays at the 1936 Olympic Games in Berlin and their enduring cultural legacy. Focusing on the role of crowds, rhythm is shown to be at the centre of how martial symbolism was embedded in the Games' sporting displays. Framing the transition into part two, the fourth chapter reads Georges Perec's use of the Olympics as an allegory for both the Second World War and the Holocaust in W, or the Memory of Childhood (1975) beside a number of post-war conceptualisations of 'play' and 'game'. The chapter identifies a re-organisation of the play concept according to an emerging concern with information, one which, in Perec, also articulates an alternative register for war's cultural memory. From here, the thesis' second part identifies the emergence of a metaphorical nexus of computation, war, and sport in post-war American culture. Chapter five argues that Don DeLillo's End Zone (1972) and David Foster Wallace's Infinite Jest (1996) satirise the logic of nuclear strategy by employing the formal properties of information theory in their language, collapsing the distinctions between war and sport when each is subjected to computational representation. The final chapter analyses the 'military shooter' videogame, and the new form of sport it has produced - 'e-sports' - considering these games as a material instantiation of the convergence between the discourses of military and sporting culture. Across the case studies presented in these six chapters, a transition is identified from metaphors concerned with war and sport's energetic qualities to those concerned with the processing and abstraction of war and sport as information. Rather than conceive of this transition as an epistemic break, however, the thesis identifies continuities across the principles to be found in cultural energetics and informatics.
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