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Klädkoden inom teckenspårkstolkning : Tolkars professionella garderob / The dress code in sign language interpretationEricsson, Amanda January 2021 (has links)
Teckenspråkstolkar hanterar till vardags olika typer av tolkuppdrag, till exempel möten på arbetsplatser, offentliga uppdrag på scen, i utbildningssammanhang eller hos tandläkaren. Syftet är alltid detsamma, nämligen att möjliggöra kommunikation mellan personer som inte delar samma språk. Situationernavarierar dock och kan äga rum i alla tänkbara kontexter i livet, från vaggan till graven. Det ingår i tolkensprofession att anpassa sig till situationen. Det handlar både om en språklig och kulturell anpassning och en anpassning av sitt yttre för att inte vara ett störningsmoment för de närvarande parterna under uppdraget. Kläderna är en viktig del inom tolkning eftersom teckenspråket är visuellt baserat och mottagaren uppfattar språket via synen. Den här studien fokuserar på yrkesverksamma teckenspråkstolkars uppfattning om klädkoden inom professionen samt hur klädvalet anpassas efter uppdragen. I uppsatsen genomfördes sju kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer för detta ändamål. Analysen visar att det förekommer anpassningar ifråga om vad tolkar väljer att ta på sig beroende på vilken typ av uppdrag som står på agendan. Det kan handla både om att vara praktiskt klädd inför uppdrag och att signalera professionalitet till omgivningen. Klädkoden inom tolkkåren är en oskriven regel som alla känner till och följer, men som inte är specifikt uttalad när man väl är klar med utbildningen. Samtidigt uppger flera tolkar om att de inom ramen för den rådande klädkoden ändå på kreativa sätt kan variera sin klädsel och markera sin personliga identitet. / Sign language interpreters handle different types of interpreting assignments with regards to work-related situations such as meetings at workplaces, public assignments on stage, in educational contexts, or at the dentist. The purpose is always the same, to enable communication between people who do not share a language. Situations, however, vary greatly and can occur in all conceivable contexts in life from the cradle to the grave. A part of the interpreter's profession is to adapt to these situations. It includes linguistic and cultural adaptation, as well as adaptation of the interpreter’s appearance in order to not interfere with the parties involved in the assignment. Clothing is an important part of interpretation as the sign language is visual and the recipients understand the language through signs. This study focuses on the professional sign language interpreter’s perception of the dress code in the profession and how the choice of clothing is adapted to the assignments. The study conducted seven qualitative research interviews for this purpose. The analysis shows that there are adjustments in terms of what interpreters choose to wear, which depend on the type of assignment, to be both practically dressed and to signal professionalism in the environment. This dress code within the interpreting corps is an unwritten rule that everyone knows and follows, but which is not specifically stated once the education is completed. At the same time, several interpreters state that within the framework of the prevailing dress code, they can still creatively vary their attire and mark their personal identity.
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Gravar och Identitet i Kurland : Gravars roll i kommunicerande av identitet under Kurlands yngre järnålder / Graves and Identity in Courland : The role of graves in the communication of identity during the Late Iron Age in CourlandMårtensson, Laila January 2021 (has links)
Late Iron Age burials in Courland have primarily been used as signifiers of ethnical identity for larger groups of people, mainly based on later written sources. Based on gender theoretical perspectives, the burials can be understood as communicating different and varying, socially constructed identities. Dress pins are discussed as markers for a female identity among people of higher social standing. After the introduction of cremation burials, the need to communicate this identity through dress pins seems to disappear and women, as well as men, are buried with penannular brooches. A child’s grave indicates that this identity might have been adopted when the child reached a certain age and was considered to have reached social adulthood. / Vēlā dzelzs laikmeta Kurzemes apbedījumi galvenokārt tika izmantoti, lai izsekotu etnisko piederību lielākām cilvēku grupām, un balstās galvenokārt uz vēlākiem teksta avotiem. No dzimumu teorētiskā viedokļa apbedījumus var analizēt arī no dažādu un atšķirīgu sociāli konstruētu identitāšu skatu viedokļa. Rotadatas tiek apspriestas kā sieviešu identitātes izpausme no sabiedrības augstākajiem slāņiem. Pēc ugunskapu ieviešanas šīs identitātes izpausme ar rotadatām izskatās, ka pamazām izzūd, un gan sieviešu, gan vīriešu apbedījumos tiek atrastas pakavsaktas. Bērna apbedījums analīzes materiālā uzrāda, ka indivīda identitāte tika iegūta, kad bērns sasniedza noteiktu vecumu, kas tika pieņemts par sociāli pieaugušo vecumu.
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Die heutige Kleidung der albanischen MazedonierinZiberi, Hiriet 16 July 2015 (has links)
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Mapping the captive body in three twenty-first century women’s writingsBesbes, Mounira 01 1900 (has links)
Dans cette thèse de doctorat, “Mapping the Captive Body in Three Twenty-
First Century Diasporic Women’s Writings,” j’analyse le fonctionnement du pouvoir
de l’État en relation avec le corps, comme le montrent les mémoires de Edwidge
Danticat, Azar Nafisi and Marina Nemat. En m’appuyant sur leurs écrits, j’explore les
différentes manières dont la violence, la dictature, et le patriarcat, parrainés par l’État,
modifient les constructions du corps, de l’esprit, de la voix et de la subjectivité. En
examinant ces formes institutionnalisées de violence et de coercition, je montre
comment le confinement physique engendre la captivité de l’esprit et la
dé(con)struction de soi. Ainsi, je conceptualise la captivité comme étant physique,
psychologique mais aussi sociale. En outre, je soutiens que la lutte pour résister à cet
effacement identitaire afin de récupérer la subjectivité et la corporealité prend la
forme d’une action individuelle et/ou collective.
Le premier chapitre contextualise les oeuvres étudiées pendant le règne de
deux Duvaliers, de Khomeini, en plus de la politique d’immigration des Etats-Unis
après le 11 septembre. En outre, ce chapitre fournit le cadre théorique. Le deuxième
chapitre est consacré à l’analyse l’emprisonnement et la privation des droits
fondamentaux de Joseph Dantica, soulevant ainsi des questions sur le biopouvoir qui
définit le Centre de Détention de Krome. Je montre comment Edwidge Danticat a
récupéré l’identité de son oncle à titre posthume. Le troisième chapitre étudie la
captivité des femmes engendrée par la surveillance et l’imposition d’un code
vestimentaire. J’analyse aussi comment Nafisi et ses étudiantes prennent refuge dans
la littérature afin de résister. Dans le dernier chapitre, je regarde comment la prison
régularise le genre et l’identité de Nemat. Je soutiens que le viol conjugual, étant une
violence politique liée au genre, devient un moyen par lequel la soumission et la
domination de Nemat deviennent possibles. Enfin, la dernière partie étudie
l’importance de l’amitié carcérale et de l’acte de l’écriture dans la résistance à et la
défiance de l’effacement. / In my doctorat project, entitled “Mapping the Captive Body in Three
Diasporic Women’s Writings,” I analyze the workings of state power in relation to
the body, as illustrated in the works of Edwidge Danticat, Azar Nafisi and Marina
Nemat. I explore the different ways state-sponsored violence, dictatorship and
patriarchy alter the very constructions of body, mind, voice, and subjectivity. By
considering these institutionalized forms of violence and coercion, I demonstrate how
physical confinement engenders the captivity of the mind and the de(cons)truction of
the self. In so doing, I conceptualize captivity as physical, psychological and social.
In addition, I contend that the struggle to resist this erasure and reclaim subjectivity
and corporeality takes the forms of individual, communal, and/ or collective action.
The first chapter contextualizes and historicizes the studied works with the era
the Duvalier, Khomeini’s dictatorship, in addition to the post 9/11 US immigration
policies. It also provides the theoretical framework that frames this dissertation. The
second chapter focuses on Joseph Dantica’s imprisonment and disfranchisement and
raises questions about the biopwer that defines Krome Detention Center. I
demonstrate the way Edwidge Danticat posthumously recover her uncle’s identity.
The third chapter studies female captivity in terms of forced veiling and constant
surveillance. I analyze how Nafisi and her students take refuge in and resist through
the power of literature. In the fourth chapter, I look at how prison regulates Nemat’s
gender and identity. I argue that marital rape, as a gendered political violence,
becomes a means through which Nemat’s subjection and domination is possible. The
second part of the chapter explores the importance of carceral friendship and the act
of writing in defying and resisting erasure.
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Fashion Beyond Sight : Perceptions of fashion and dress by visually impaired women in FinlandKukkonen, Mikko January 2021 (has links)
Understanding fashion and dress is frequently dictated by the sense of sight and the social fact of visibility. This thesis aims to explore the phenomenon of non-visual fashion and dress with a particular focus on visually impaired people and their bodies as a site of knowledge production. While previous studies of the relationship between body and dress have examined how the sighted body is fashioned, the present small-scale and socio-sensorial study attempts to fathom how fashion and dress become perceivable in haptic, audial, and olfactory terms. This thesis engages thoughtfully with the visually impaired and their feelings related to the present-day field of fashion and dress, building on a Bourdieusan framework of habitus and embodiment applied to fashion studies. Employing qualitative interviews conducted among visually impaired women in Finland, this thesis gives voice to the people meagrely represented in the literature on fashion and dress. Furthermore, while acknowledging the empirically grounded non-visual dimension, this thesis adheres to previous contributions of revaluing the plurality of epistemologies and discourses vis-à-vis fashion, dress, and the body.
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Trabajo de investigación basado en el desarrollo de un emprendimiento de negocio basado en las necesidades de los motociclistas. "REBELLEN ROUTE"Becerra Carrasco, Milagros Patricia, Becerra Carrasco, Fabiola Katherine, Castro Meza, Anderson Josué, Rojas Santiago, Doris Pieryna de Los Ángeles 01 March 2022 (has links)
En el presente documento se desarrolló un proyecto sobre el desarrollo de una aplicación para motociclistas en el Perú. Con una presentación innovadora en el rubro textil peruano, donde aún no se ha industrializado las indumentarias adecuadas para los motociclistas. Con esta aplicación se busca ofrecerles a los usuarios de los vehículos motorizados de dos ruedas mayores ofertas y concientizarlos del peligro que es no adquirir las prendas adecuadas para el manejo de motos.
Primero, se hablará del estudio de mercado donde se realizó el análisis del público objetivo, los posibles competidores que se encuentran en el mercado actual, se realizó una encuesta para detectar a los clientes potenciales y se plantearon estrategias para ejecutar de manera adecuada y optima el producto.
Posteriormente, se realizó un estudio organizativo, Tributario, legal, y el estudio financiero que ayudo a evaluar la viabilidad del proyecto con una proyección a cinco años. Este nos permitió realizar ajustes respecto a los montos de inversión que necesitaran, tanto como los costos, gastos y ganancias. / In the present document a project was developed on the development of an application for motorcyclists in Peru. With an innovative presentation in the Peruvian textile industry, where the appropriate clothing for motorcyclists has not yet been industrialized. The aim of this application is to offer users of motorized two-wheeled vehicles more offers and to make them aware of the danger of not acquiring the right clothing for motorcycle riding.
First, we will talk about the market study where the analysis of the target public, the possible competitors that are in the current market, a survey was conducted to detect potential customers and strategies were proposed to properly and optimally execute the product.
Subsequently, an organizational, tax, legal and financial study was carried out to help evaluate the viability of the project with a five-year projection. This allowed us to make adjustments regarding the amounts of investment needed, as well as costs, expenses and profits. / Trabajo de investigación
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Proyecto de producción de tocas y mascarillas de polipropileno / Polypropylene headgear and mask production projectLam Quevedo, Eliana Isabel, Llancari Flores, Miguel Ramiro, Rivas Obregón, Raúl Martín, Tamariz Pastor, Lady Estefany 11 December 2018 (has links)
El presente proyecto trata del análisis de factibilidad para el establecimiento de una empresa de fabricación de indumentaria de seguridad e higiene de uso hospitalario, considerando una proyección de 5 años. Nuestra marca “HIDMED”, por sus siglas en inglés High Indumentary Design, expresa la alta calidad y el diseño que brindaremos con la indumentaria que produciremos. Los productos estarán dirigidos al sector salud, siendo nuestros clientes potenciales: Hospitales MINSA, ESSALUD, Centros Médicos y Clínicas Privadas de Lima y Callao, los cuales serán elaborados en tela no tejida de polipropileno con ligas en el borde para un buen ajuste y cobertura total que evita el contacto con el producto, su diseño impide la transferencia de agentes contaminantes físicos brindando seguridad, bienestar y comodidad al personal de salud. Estos son toca tipo tira y mascarilla plana.
La oportunidad de negocio se basa luego de observar la escasez y barreras comerciales para estos productos en el país además del crecimiento de este mercado en los próximos años, otros factores a evaluar son el incremento de centros asistenciales tanto públicos como privados y varios factores micro y macro económicos los cuales nos indican que el crecimiento de la economía en el Perú nos brinda un entorno adecuado para la realización de este proyecto. Nuestra estrategia será de diferenciación al ofrecer ambos productos de mayor calidad acordes al mercado local que actualmente la competencia importa los productos en baja resistencia y calidad. / The present project deals with the feasibility analysis for the establishment of a company for the manufacture of safety and hygiene clothing for hospital use, considering a projection of 5 years. Our brand "HIDMED", for its acronym in English High Indumentary Design, expresses the high quality and design that we provide with the clothing that we will produce.
The products will be directed to the health sector, being our potential clients: Hospitals MINSA, ESSALUD, Medical Centers and Private Clinics of Lima and Callao, which will be made of non-woven polypropylene fabric with garters on the edge for a good fit and full coverage that avoids contact with the product, its design prevents the transfer of physical contaminants providing safety, well-being and comfort to health personnel. These are Tap type strip and Flat mask.
The business opportunity is based on observing the scarcity and trade barriers for these products in the country as well as the growth of this market in the coming years, other factors to be evaluated are the increase of both public and private assistance centers and several micro and economic macro which indicate that the growth of the economy in Perú gives us an adequate environment for the realization of this project. Our strategy will be of differentiation by offering both products of higher quality according to the local market that currently the competition imports the products in low resistance and quality. / Trabajo de investigación
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Droit et discrimination, norme et violence normative : une analyse féministe intersectionnelle de l’effet préjudiciable des codes sexuels sur les droits des femmesKisitu, Sarah 04 1900 (has links)
Le Canada et le Québec, à l’image de la communauté internationale, ont à cœur le respect, la protection et la promotion des droits des femmes. Toutefois, les normes en matière d’apparence physique et de beauté qui pèsent uniquement sur les femmes, particulièrement sur les femmes et les filles noires, menacent le projet d’égalité réelle. Ces normes sont ce qu’on appelle les codes sexuels. Les codes sexuels cherchent à universaliser, naturaliser et normaliser un modèle unique de féminité, qui respecte un équilibre précaire entre beauté et professionnalisme, entre chasteté et attractivité. Dans ce mémoire de recherche, nous nous intéresserons au rapport entre le droit et la norme, qu’elle soit juridique, sociale ou culturelle, afin de comprendre l’effet préjudiciable des codes sexuels sur les femmes, et de comprendre comment et pourquoi le droit permet, renforce ou lutte contre les codes sexuels. Notre cadre théorique intersectionnel étudiera le principe de discrimination en droit international, canadien et québécois et présentera différentes théories de la norme, à l’intérieur et en dehors d’un contexte purement juridique. Cela permettra d’analyser de façon intersectionnelle la violence normative des deux codes sexuels à l’étude, soit les codes vestimentaires à l’école et les codes sur l’apparence au travail, puis de présenter des solutions sur mesure pour remédier à l’effet de ces codes sur les femmes et les filles. / Canada and Quebec, along with the international community, consider the respect, protection and promotion of women's rights of utmost importance. However, beauty norms and physical appearance standards that only burden women, especially black women and girls, threaten the project of substantive equality. These norms are called sexual codes. Sexual codes seek to universalize, naturalize and normalize a unique model of femininity, which observes a precarious balance between beauty and professionalism, between chastity and attractiveness. In this research paper, we will focus on the relationship between the law and the norm, whether legal, social or cultural, in order to understand the harmful effect of sexual codes on women, and to understand how and why the law allows, reinforces or fights against sexual codes. Our intersectional theoretical framework will study the principle of discrimination in international, Canadian and Quebec law and will present different theories of the norm, inside and outside a strictly legal context. This will allow us to analyze, using intersectionality, the normative violence of the two sexual codes under study, namely dress codes in schools and codes on appearance at work, and then present tailor-made solutions to remedy the effect of these codes on women and girls.
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Lexicons in Lace: The Language of Dress in the New Woman NovelMoody, Kathryn Irene January 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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College women or college girls?: gender, sexuality, and <i>in loco parentis</i> on campusLansley, Renee Nicole January 2004 (has links)
No description available.
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