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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ANELISE MONTEIRO DO NASCIMENTO 06 September 2018 (has links)
[pt] Infância e escolarização são o foco dessa tese que se situa no campo da educação, com interlocução com a filosofia, a sociologia e a política. Com o objetivo de investigar a experiência da infância nas instituições, apoia-se, nos estudos da filosofia, especialmente no trabalho de Walter Benjamin e seu conceito de infância e de experiência; na sociologia da infância, campo marcado pelo reconhecimento da infância como construção social, componente da cultura/ sociedade, forma estrutural que não desaparece, e as crianças, atores, produto e produtoras dos processos sociais; e na análise do contexto político que envolve as práticas de institucionalização das crianças, tendo como inspiração os referenciais analíticos propostos por Ball e Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). O campo empírico foi construído a partir do banco de dados referente à observação em vinte e uma instituições de educação infantil da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no período de 2005 a 2008. O exame do material compreendeu um duplo movimento. O primeiro foi a análise panorâmica dos dados que evidenciou que independentemente do formato de institucionalização das crianças (se frequentam creches, pré-escolas ou turmas de pré-escola em escolas de ensino fundamental) a experiência de infância se dá no encontro entre os processos individuais e coletivos resultantes das relações das crianças com seus pares, com adultos, com os objetos, com a cultura/história, com a sociedade e com a natureza. Pode ser percebida através da observação das suas formas de apropriações, reproduções e reinvenções do mundo, assim como de seus modos próprios de interpretá-lo e de se relacionarem entre si, através da criação de regras, normas e expectativas que conduzem não só as ações pessoais, como o contexto em que estão inseridas, através da circulação que se dá na cultura de pares. O segundo movimento, teve nova orientação, na qual se buscou outra perspectiva de leitura e apropriação dos dados. Nela, o objetivo foi o enquadramento das situações que envolveram crianças e adultos em uma modalidade de atendimento educacional específica, para tal o contexto selecionado foi o das Pré-escolas exclusivas. Como conclusão destaca-se que a experiência de infância das crianças das pré-escolas observadas se materializa (1) na construção da identidade de ser criança, que ocorre em diálogo com o que concebem como ser adulto. (2) na aprendizagem do ofício do aluno (3) e no desafio do pertencimento a um grupo, pertencimento provocado pela inclusão das crianças um espaço público, compartilhado, onde desenvolverão suas culturas de pares. / [en] Childhood and schooling are the focus of this thesis that lies in the field of education, with dialogue with philosophy, sociology and politics. In order to investigate the experience of childhood in institutions, relies, in the studies of philosophy, especially in the work of Walter Benjamin and his concept of childhood and experience; in the sociology of childhood, marked by recognition of children as social construction, component of culture/society, structural form that does not disappear, and children, actors, and producers of social processes; and in the analysis of the political context surrounding the practices of institutionalization of children, taking as inspiration the analytical benchmarks proposed by Ball and Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). The empirical field was built from the database concerning observation in twenty and one early childhood institutions of the city of Rio de Janeiro during the period from 2005 to 2008. The examination of the material comprised a double movement. The first was the panoramic analysis of the data showed that regardless of the format of institutionalization of children (if attending daycare centers, preschools or preschool classes in elementary schools) childhood experience takes place in the encounter between the individual and collective processes resulting from the children s relationships with their peers, with adults, with objects, with the culture/history, with society and with nature. Can be perceived through the observation of their appropriations forms, reproductions and reinvention of the world, as well as their own modes of interpreting it and relate to each other, through the creation of rules, norms and expectations that lead not only to personal actions, as the context in which they are inserted, by means of the circulation that occurs in pairs. The second movement , had new approach, in which it sought another perspective of reading and ownership of the data. In it, the goal was the framing of situations involving children and adults in a specific educational service mode, the selected context was the exclusive preschools. As a conclusion is that the childhood experience of children of preschools observed materializes (1) in the construction of the identity of being a child, that takes place in dialogue with what they regard as being an adult. (2) in learning the craft of the student (3) and in the challenge of belonging to a group, the inclusion of belonging children a public, shared space, where will their cultures of pairs. / [fr] L enfance et et la scolarisation de l enfant sont l objet de cette thèse, qui se pose dans le domaine de l éducation en dialogue avec la philosophie, la sociologie et la politique. L objectif central a été de comprendre l experience de l enfance au sein des établissements d enseignement; est basée sur la contribution teórique des études de la philosophie, en particulier le travail de Walter Benjamin et son concept de l enfance et de l expérience; de la sociologie de l enfance, champ marqué par la reconnaissance de l enfance comme une construction sociale, un élément de la culture / société, catégorie qui ne disparaît pas, et les enfants, acteurs, producteurs et le produit de processus sociaux ; et de l analyse du contexte politique qui entoure la pratique de l institutionnalisation des enfants en prenant comme source d inspiration les points de référence proposées par Ball et Mainardes (2001, 2006, 2011). Le terrain a été construit à partir de la base de données concernant l observation dans vingt et un établissements scolaires de la ville de Rio de Janeiro de 2005 à 2008. L analyse des données a suivi un double mouvement. Le premier a été la méta-analyse des données. Les données ont révélé que quel que soit le format de l institutionnalisation des enfants (s ils fréquentent des crèches, les maternelles ou des classes maternelles dans les écoles primaires) l expérience de l enfance se produit dans la rencontre entre les processus individuels et collectifs résultant des relations de l enfant avec ses pairs, avec les adultes, avec des objets, avec la culture / histoire, la société et la nature. Peut être perçu par l observation de leurs formes d appropriation, des reproductions et des réinventions du monde, ainsi que leurs propres façons de l interpréter et de rapporter les uns aux autres par la création de règles, de normes et d attentes qui conduisent non seulement actions personnelles, mais aussi le contexte dans lequel ils opèrent, par le mouvement qui se produit dans la culture des pairs. Le deuxième mouvement, dans laquelle il cherchait une autre perspective de la lecture des données, a été pour but de comprendre les situations vécues par les enfants dans une réalité spécifique, le contexte des écoles maternelles. En conclusion, il est souligné que l expérience de l enfance des enfants de la maternelle observée se concrétise (1) dans la construction de l identité dêtre un enfant, ce qui se produit dans le dialogue à ce qu ils conçoivent comme un adulte; (2) dans l apprentissage du métier d élève; (3) dans le défi de l appartenance à un groupe, appartenant causée par la prise des enfants dans un espace public, partagé où elles vont développer leurs cultures de pairs.

Efficacité interne de l'enseignement primaire aux pays de la Communauté Economique des Pays des Grands Lacs (CEPGL) : question approfondie sur le Rwanda / Primary education efficiency in CEPGL (African Lakes Countries) : an indepth view for Rwanda

Kaneza Habiyambere, Yves Valentin 30 June 2011 (has links)
Cette étude doctorale a été réalisée avec objectif de déterminer le niveau d’efficacité interne de l’enseignement primaire aux pays de la CEPGL et le progrès atteint vers l’éducation pour tous après la période des conflits ethniques et armés. En plus, spécifiquement pour le Rwanda, d’identifier les facteurs individuels, familiaux et scolaires explicatifs du phénomène redoublement et abandon à l’école primaire. Les données de notre analyse proviennent des différents rapports des ministères, des organisations internationales et des travaux des chercheurs. L’analyse de l’enseignement primaire des pays de la CEPGL, à partir des indicateurs d’offre et de la demande, montre que des progrès ont été réalisés après la période des conflits, mais des contraintes majeures persistent : gestion de l’information, insuffisance d’infrastructures et d’équipements d’appui à l’apprentissage, traitement des enseignants, inégalité entre milieux urbain et rural. L’analyse de l’efficacité interne a démontré que le taux de déperdition est très élevé, rendant le système moins efficace ; peu d’élèves terminent le cycle de l’enseignement primaire et les écoles privées sont plus performantes que les écoles publiques. Pour répondre à la question « quels sont les facteurs individuels, familiaux et scolaires qui expliquent le redoublement et d’abandon », nous avons mené une enquête dans 89 écoles primaires au Rwanda, sur 831 élèves, 890 enseignants, 89 directeurs d’écoles, 354 parents d’élèves et 32 personnes en charge de l’éducation au niveau des districts et au niveau central du ministère de l’Education. Les données collectées pendant l’année scolaire 2008 ont été saisies et analysées à partir du logiciel SPSS et STATA. Les statistiques descriptives et de régression logistique binaire ont permis d’obtenir les résultats qui démontrent les facteurs explicatifs et non explicatifs de redoublement et d'abandon scolaire. Parmi les facteurs explicatifs de redoublement scolaire à l’école primaire au Rwanda, il y a le statut de l’école, le milieu de vie, des variables individuelles qui caractérisent l'élève (sexe, âge), des variables qui caractérisent la famille (niveau d’études de la mère, nombre d’enfants en famille, distance domicile-école) ainsi que d'autres variables comme la taille des classes, âge et ancienneté professionnelle de l'enseignant et connaissance d’ordinateur. Parmi les facteurs qui expliquent l’abandon scolaire à l’école primaire au Rwanda il y a principalement la survie des parents, leur profession, la taille des classes et le fait d'avoir redoublé. / This PhD study has been achieved with objective to carry out the level of internal efficiency of the primary education in the CEPGL countries and the progress reaches toward the education for all after the period of ethnic and armed conflicts. In addition, specifically for Rwanda, to underline the individual, families and school factors explanatory of the repetition and drop-out in the primary schools. The data of our analysis come from different reports of ministries, international organizations and publications of researchers. The analysis of the primary education inside CEPGL countries, by the indicators that document education supply and demand, show that, after the period of conflicts, progress has been achieved, but some major constraints persist: management of information, lacks of infrastructures, equipment support to teaching and learning, remuneration of teachers, inequality between urban and rural area, insufficiency of financial supports, etc. The analysis of the internal efficiency demonstrated that the rate of dwindle is high and influenced a poor level in internal efficiency of primary education of all those countries; few pupils achieve the cycle of primary education and the private schools and “libre subsidié” (mainly clerical schools subsidized by Government) are more effective than the public schools as well as for levels P3 and P5. To answer the question "what are the individual, families and school factors that explain the repetition and drop-out", we conducted a survey in 89 primary schools in Rwanda, on 831 pupils, 890 teachers, 89 head teachers, 354 parents of pupils and 32 persons in charge of education at central ministry of Education and districts level. The data, collected during the school year 2008, have been treated and analyzed using SPSS and STATA. The descriptive statistics and binary logistical regression permitted to get the results that demonstrate the explanatory factors of repetition and school drop-out. Among the explanatory factors of school repetition in the primary school in Rwanda, there is the statute of school, area of residence, the individual variables that characterize pupil (sex, age), the variables characterized families (level of study of the parents, number of children in family, distance) as well as other school variables (size of the classes, age and experience of teacher and computer skills of teachers). Among the factors that explain the school drop-out in the primary school in Rwanda, there are survival of parents, the profession of parents, the classes' size and the past repetitions in the school career.

Změna přístupu k zajištění požární ochrany na Jaderné elektrárně Temelín po havárii na jaderné elektrárně Fukušima / Changing the access to ensuring fire protection at The Temelin Nuclear Power Station after the accident at The Fukusima Nuclear Power Station.

KŘÍŽEK, Luboš January 2016 (has links)
The theme of the dissertation is a change in an approach to securing fire protection in the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant after the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. The theoretical part is an introduction to fire protection. It especially points out the statutory obligations applicable for both the public and the private sector, which are transferred to the companys fire rescue corps too. At the same time, fire protection is interconnected with legislation and specified in greater detail in EU countries. The theoretical part describes the process of building a uniform information system, safety-related issues and prevention of dangerous situations. The theoretical part summarizes the history of the nuclear energy industry, from the discovery of the disintegration of the uranium nucleus in 1938 and the first controlled reaction of uranium liberation by splitting a nucleus in 1942, when, at the same time, the first reactor was built. Unfortunately, this discovery did not only familiarize mankind with positive aspects associated with a controlled reaction, but it also showed the dark side of nuclear energy in the form of atomic bombs used mainly in the course of the World War II. After the World War II, civil defence organizations were gradually founded in the world. The main goal of all these organizations was to prevent nuclear weapons, nuclear power plants and nuclear fuel from being spread. At the present time there are three strong international organizations dealing with nuclear fission. Despite all the efforts to build a system of radiation protection, environmental protection and impacts on living organisms were not elaborated fully. First, passive attitudes aimed at protective equipment were the central theme, and these passive attitudes have been reflecting in an active approach to environmental protection in the past few years, the goal being to eliminate phenomena giving rise to threats to the environment and life as such. The actual history of nuclear power plants is very complex and complicated. The principle of all these power plants, no matter what type of reactor their operation is based on, is always nuclear fission the trouble is that in this case any wrong handling or storage has immense consequences for the whole world's population. The development of the nuclear energy industry in the Czech Republic was slow, which was caused by the occupation of the Jáchymov uranium mines by the Soviet Army after the World War II. Based on an agreement with Czechoslovakia, the Soviet Army exported the uranium extracted to the Soviet Union and left just 10% of it in the territory of Czechoslovakia. At that time, nuclear power plants began to be built in Czechoslovakia, such as the Jaslovské Bohunice Nuclear Power Plant, Dukovany Nuclear Power Plant and the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant as the last one, whose construction was started in times of Czechoslovakia, but which was completed and put into operation in times of the existence of the Czech Republic. The research is focused on emergency events which were the cause of the accident in the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant. Based on an FMEA (failure mode and effects analysis), the issues related to the activities of the company's fire rescue corps were specified. Another analysis is focused on the evaluation of outside and inside factors and evaluation of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats to the company's fire rescue corps. Utilizing an FMEA, possible risks and failures are detected. The goal of this analysis is to eliminate risks and increase safety. The result is objective evaluation and increase in safety within the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. A considerable negative aspect of this analysis is that it is very time consuming and varies in time due to the changeability of the factors monitored. The result of all the work is the evaluation of the existing state of the company's fire rescue corps through a SWOT analysiS.

Alice na biblioteca mágica : uma leitura sobre o diagnóstico e a escolarização de crianças com autismo e psicose infantil / Alice in the magic library : a reading on diagnosis and schooling for children with autism and infant psychosis / Alice en la biblioteca mágica : una lectura sobre el diagnóstico y la escolarización de niños con autismo y psicosis infantil

Vasques, Carla Karnoppi January 2008 (has links)
Na construção de processos inclusivos encontram-se obstáculos relativos aos supostos limites e possibilidades de escolarização de crianças e adolescentes com autismo e psicose infantil. Em conseqüência de sua estruturação psíquica singular, estes sujeitos apresentam comportamentos estereotipados, falas descontextualizadas, escritas e leituras presas na literalidade ou com sentido errante. Tais diferenças são, constantemente, percebidas como impedimentos para a educação escolar, justificando-se, assim, a ausência de escolarização ou o encaminhamento para espaços reeducativos, com vistas à adaptação comportamental. Pretende-se contribuir para a construção de um novo olhar sobre esses sujeitos e suas possibilidades subjetivas e educacionais. Para tanto, optou-se por analisar o conhecimento acadêmico-científico, dissertações e teses, produzido nos programas de pósgraduação brasileiros, de 1978 a 2006. Foram identificadas 264 pesquisas. Um primeiro gesto de leitura mapeou as diversas áreas envolvidas e a singularidade do debate instituído. Pode-se dizer que a principal pergunta é pelo diagnóstico e a etiologia, modo pelo qual se formaliza a questão sobre quem são esses sujeitos e de onde derivam as múltiplas propostas terapêuticas e educacionais. Como lentes teóricas têm-se as proposições da educação inclusiva em diálogo com a psicanálise freudo-lacaniana e a hermenêutica filosófica. A presente tese narra a construção de um percurso investigativo, do inventário enciclopédico à invenção de uma leitura. Parte-se da premissa de que existe uma centralidade do diagnóstico na condução dos percursos educacionais de crianças com autismo e psicose infantil. Freqüentemente, o diagnóstico é identificado com o ato de desvelar e/ou decodificar. Defende-se que a relação diagnóstico-escolarização implica a construção de uma leitura, a invenção de possibilidades. Não sendo possível determinar a veracidade das diferentes teorias, o processo de escolarização inclui um não-saber constitutivo. Como não há um percurso pré-estabelecido, garantido e antecipado pelo diagnóstico, o professor e a escola responsabilizam-se por suas escolhas, visando à experiência escolar de seu aluno. Daí a base de sua conduta ser ética, em lugar de um método ou técnica. Do impossível de saber ao contingencial do ser constroem-se as possibilidades de escolarização. / In the development of inclusive processes there are obstacles related to the supposed limits and possibilities of schooling for children and adolescents with autism and infant psychosis. As a consequence to their unique psyche structuring, those subjects present stereotyped behaviors, disrupted speech, writing and reading grounded on literalism or on errant meanings. Such differences are often perceived as impediments for schooling. Thus, attendance of spaces for the purpose of behavioral adaptation to the detriment of schools is by that means justified. This research is intended to contribute to the construction of a new view on and about those subjects as well as their subjective and educational possibilities. To achieve such aim, scientific and academic knowledge contributed by theses and dissertations produced within Brazilian post-graduate programs from 1978 to 2006 were analyzed. 264 researches were identified. In a first approach to content, the diverse areas involved and the uniqueness of the debate have been mapped out. The main question regards the diagnosis and the etiology, the way by which the matter of who those subjects are and where the multiple therapeutic and educational propositions stem from. Theoretical background builds on the propositions of inclusive education in dialogue with freudian-lacanian psychoanalysis and philosophical hermeneutics. The present thesis narrates the construction of an investigative trajectory, from an encyclopedic inventory to the invention of reading. It is taken as the founding premise that there is centrality on the diagnosis for the conduction of educational paths for children with autism and infant psychosis. The diagnosis is often identified as an act of unveiling and/or decoding. It is defended that the relationship between diagnosis and schooling implies the construction of a reading, an invention of possibilities. As it is not possible to determine the veracity of different theories, schooling processes includes an constitutive unknowing. As there is no path pre-established, guaranteed and anticipated by the diagnosis, teachers and schools are held responsible for their choices in order to build students’ school experience. Thus, the basis of its conduct is based on ethics instead of a method or technique. From the impossible to be known to the contingence of being the schooling possibilities are built up. / En la construcción de procesos inclusivos se encuentran obstáculos relativos a los supuestos límites y posibilidades de escolarización de niños y adolescentes con autismo y psicosis infantil. En consecuencia de su estructuración psíquica singular, estos sujetos presentan comportamientos estereotipados, hablas descontextualizadas, escritas y lecturas atadas en la literalidad o con sentido errante. Tales diferencias son, constantemente, percibidas como impedimentos para la educación escolar, justificándose, así, la ausencia de escolarización o el encaminamiento para espacios reeducativos, con vistas a la adaptación comportamental. Se pretende contribuir para la construcción de una nueva mirada sobre esos sujetos y sus posibilidades subjetivas y educacionales. Para tanto, se optó por analizar el conocimiento académico-científico, disertación y tesis, producido en los programas de posgrado brasileros, de 1978 a 2006. Fueron identificadas 264 pesquisas. Un primero gesto de lectura mapeó las diversas áreas involucradas y la singularidad del debate instituido. Se puede decir que la principal pregunta es por el diagnóstico y la etiología, modo por el cual se formaliza la cuestión sobre quién son esos sujetos y de dónde derivan las múltiples propuestas terapéuticas y educacionales. Como lentes teóricas se tiene las proposiciones de la educación inclusiva en diálogo con el psicoanálisis freudo-lacaniano y la hermenéutica filosófica. La presente tesis narra la construcción de un recorrido investigativo, del inventario enciclopédico a la invención de una lectura. Se basa en la premisa de que existe una centralidad del diagnóstico en la conducción de los recorridos educacionales de niños con autismo y psicosis infantil. A menudo, el diagnóstico es identificado con el acto de aclarar y/o decodificar. Se defiende que la relación diagnóstico-escolarización implica la construcción de una lectura, la invención de posibilidades. No siendo posible determinar la veracidad de las diferentes teorías, el proceso de escolarización incluye un no-saber constitutivo. Como no hay un recorrido pre-establecido, garantizado y adelantado por el diagnóstico, el profesor y la escuela se responsabilizan por sus elecciones, visando a la experiencia escolar de su alumno. Por eso la base de su conducta ser ética, en lugar de un método o técnica. Del imposible de saber al contingencial del ser se construyen las posibilidades de escolarización.

Juventudes e processos de escolarização : uma abordagem cultural

Andrade, Sandra dos Santos January 2008 (has links)
Relações entre juventude e escolarização é o tema desta tese de doutorado. Juventude é tratada como um construto cultural, historicamente situado que, justamente por isso, é contingente, provisório e re-construído sempre de forma diferente em cada contexto. O foco da pesquisa volta-se para os múltiplos processos de ex/inclusão que levam um contingente expressivo de jovens a serem excluídos do ensino regular formal e a retornarem ou migrarem para a Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA). O referencial teórico-metodológico que orienta as análises ancora-se nos Estudos de Gênero e nos Estudos Culturais, que recorrem a uma aproximação com a perspectiva pós-estruturalista de análise, principalmente da análise de discurso de inspiração foucaultiana. O material empírico da tese é constituído por um tipo particular de textos, através dos quais os/as próprios jovens narram e, com isso, significam os processos de exclusão e re-inclusão escolar vividos por eles/as. São incluídas, ainda, observações do espaço e da vida escolar; entrevistas individuais (com os/as estudantes, a professora da turma e a diretora da escola) e discussões de grupo com os/as jovens. Estes eram estudantes do ensino fundamental noturno de EJA, em uma escola da rede estadual em Porto Alegre, e tinham entre 15 e 27 anos de idade. A tese discute e analisa como os atravessamentos de gênero, classe social e raça/cor estão implicados nos processos de ex/inclusão do ensino. Aponta que há um conjunto de práticas discursivas disseminadas em diferentes espaços culturais que se sentem autorizados a falar sobre (e inventar) a escola e as diferentes juventudes. Fragmentos destes discursos se fizeram visíveis nas narrativas. Discursos que convergem, antagonizam-se e, a um só tempo, articulam-se, colaborando para a produção de identidades juvenis e de tipos específicos de processos de escolarização. Verifiquei, com isso, que a escolarização modela e interfere, de forma decisiva, em muitas das dimensões e relações que os/as jovens estabelecem consigo mesmos, com os outros e com o mundo. As análises apontaram, também, um importante processo de juvenilização da EJA, em função de um intenso movimento de migração dos/as jovens do ensino regular para o ensino noturno e da diminuição da idade legal de acesso de 18 para 15 anos. Esses fatos vêm demandando uma reconfiguração desta modalidade de ensino que atendia, inicialmente, pessoas mais velhas que estavam fora da escola há certo tempo. Tais situações produzem tanto exclusão quanto inclusão do ensino e a elas se agregam, ainda, às dimensões de gênero, classe e raça, uma vez que processos de ex/inclusão ocorrem de modos diferentes para jovens mulheres/homens, brancos/negros, jovens/adultos. A EJA se configura como uma possibilidade de re-inserção ou lugar de migração de jovens pobres com defasagem idade/série ou com histórico de fracasso escolar. No entanto não representa garantia de permanência e, estar inserido na EJA não significa, necessariamente, estar incluído. A mobilidade dos/as jovens dentro da escola visibiliza a flexibilidade e a provisoriedade de tais processos. Todos podem ser incluídos em uma situação, mas excluídos de outra e, nesta dimensão, os pertencimentos de gênero, classe e raça estão intrinsecamente relacionados com as posições de sujeito jovem que se pode ocupar no espaço da escola. / Relations between youth and schooling are the subject of this doctorate thesis. Youth is treated as a historically situated cultural construct that is contingent, provisory and always reconstructed by different configurations in each context. The research focus is turned to the multiple processes of ex/inclusion that take a expressive number of youngsters to be excluded of formal regular education returning or migrating to the Young and Adults Education (EJA). The theoretician-methodological reference which guides the analysis is anchored in Gender Studies and Cultural Studies that appeal to an approach with the Post-Structuralistic perspective of analysis, mainly of the speech analysis from Foucault’s inspiration. The thesis empirical material is constituted by a particular type of texts, through which young themselves tell and mean the processes of school exclusion and re-inclusion lived by them. There are enclosed, still, comments of school space and life; individual interviews (with the students, the teacher of the class and the school principal) and group quarrels with youngsters. These were students of the nocturnal basic education of EJA, in a state school in Porto Alegre, and had between 15 and 27 years old. The thesis argues and analyzes how gender, class and race/color are implied in the processes of education ex/inclusion. It points that there is a set of discursive practices spread in different cultural spaces that feel authorized to say on (and to invent) the school and different youths. Fragments of these speeches had made visible in the narratives. Speeches that converge, antagonize and at one time are articulated, collaborating for the production of youthful identities and specific types of schooling processes. I verified, with this, that education shapes and intervenes, on a decisive form, in many of the dimensions and relations that young people establish with themselves, with the others and the world. The analysis showed too an important juvenile process of EJA, because of an intense migration movement of young from regular education to nocturnal education and because of the reduction of the legal age of access from 18 to 15 years old. These facts are demanding a reconfiguration of this education modality that took care of, initially, older people that were out of school by a certain time. Such situations produce equally exclusion and inclusion from education and they add themselves, still, to gender, class and race dimensions, as ex/inclusion processes occur in different ways for women/men, black/whites, young/adult. EJA appears as a possibility of re-insertion or migration destiny of poor young persons with differences on age and series, or school description of failure. However it does not represent guaranteed permanence. To be inserted in EJA does not mean, necessarily, to be included. The mobility of youngsters inside the school shows the flexibility and the temporary character of such processes. All can be included in a situation, but excluded of another one. In this dimension, the belongings of gender, class and race are intrinsically related to the positions of young fellow that can be occupied in school space.

Olhares entrecruzados: práticas da leitura na sala de aula e na biblioteca do CENTRO EDUCACIONAL CARNEIRO RIBEIRO

Sousa, Maria Isabel de Jesus 28 June 2007 (has links)
Submitted by Barreira Maria Isabel (isasousa2010@hotmail.com) on 2017-03-11T23:34:23Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese versão final revisada.pdf: 10859518 bytes, checksum: 3d3a0600fd6e9a62ed98f9bfbbc6cfcb (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2017-03-14T17:20:01Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese versão final revisada.pdf: 10859518 bytes, checksum: 3d3a0600fd6e9a62ed98f9bfbbc6cfcb (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-03-14T17:20:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Tese versão final revisada.pdf: 10859518 bytes, checksum: 3d3a0600fd6e9a62ed98f9bfbbc6cfcb (MD5) / As práticas de leitura desenvolvidas no espaço escolar constituem o marco dessa investigação. O objetivo principal foi identificar e analisar as práticas leitoras desenvolvidas nas quatro Escolas-Classe e na Biblioteca de Centro Educacional Carneiro Ribeiro/Escola-Parque entre as décadas de 70 a 90 do século XX, visando compreender o processo de ensino- aprendizagem leitora nas quatro séries iniciais do ensino fundamental do referido Centro. A opção pelas práticas de leitura desenvolvidas nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa e nas “aulas de biblioteca” de 1ª a 4ª séries decorreu da razão de ser esta fase da escolaridade determinante na formação do futuro leitor. Por se tratar de um estudo que resgata as práticas de leitura desenvolvidas no cotidiano de uma instituição educacional, através de documentos escolares e relatos dos envolvidos diretamente na ação, a abordagem qualitativa foi a que melhor se adequou às características do objeto estudado. Nos procedimentos de coleta de dados foram utilizadas informações obtidas nos 451 diários de classe e nas 25 entrevistas realizadas com professores de Língua Portuguesa/Expressão Comunicação, professores de biblioteca e alunos, além de outras fontes documentais correspondentes ao período analisado. Os dados foram tratados a partir das concepções de análise de conteúdo e interpretados à luz do referencial teórico que fundamentou a investigação. Os resultados sugerem que as práticas de leitura nos espaços investigados permanecem quase que inalteradas ao longo do período analisado. Os dados evidenciam nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa, o processo de ensino-aprendizagem da leitura nas Escolas-Classe privilegiava práticas de decodificação do texto escrito. Quanto às estratégias de ensino, se observou que o livro didático norteou as práticas de leitura em sala de aula e que eventualmente outros gêneros textuais são mencionados, porém raras vezes constituem uma leitura espontânea, desvinculada das tarefas escolares. O processo de compreensão textual foi permeado por atividades nas quais o aluno respondia aos questionamentos do livro ou do professor com poucas oportunidade para ele construir seu próprio sentido. Os procedimentos de avaliação da atividade leitora são embasados por testes e provas orais ou escritas, a fim de se verificar o quanto o aluno conseguiu memorizar da mensagem contida no suporte utilizado. O incentivo à atividade leitora ficou limitado a ações esporádicas (narração de estórias, dramatizações, jograis etc) com dia e hora marcados para acontecer, em função da disponibilidade e do compromisso do professor. Na biblioteca, as estratégias de leitura usadas no desenvolvimento das “aulas de biblioteca” se assemelham em parte aos procedimentos realizados nas Escolas-Classe, especialmente no que se refere à interpretação e avaliação da atividade leitora. Apesar de ser um espaço em que a presença do aluno era obrigatória por força do currículo, a biblioteca significou um ambiente de encontro do aluno com diferentes possibilidades de leitura, mesmo que com forte traço didático-pedagógico. A inter-relação entre as práticas leitoras desenvolvidas na sala de aula e biblioteca, visando fortalecer as competências leitoras foi uma ação pouco concretizada nas instituições escolares investigadas. / ABSTRACT Reading practices developed at school are the subject of this investigation. The main objective was to identify and analyze the reading practices taught at 4 Classe schools and at the library at the Carneiro Ribeiro/School Park Educational Center between the 1970s and 1990s in an attempt to understand the teaching learning process in reading of the first 4 grades of basic schooling at the institution. Choosing to investigate the reading practices developed in Portuguese language classes and in the library classes of the 1st and 4th grade came from the fact that this phase of education is fundamental to the development of a future reader. As the study aimed to discover the reading practices carried out in the everyday activities of an educational institution, through school documents and reports from those directly involved in the work, the qualitative approach was considered the best way to characterize the object of study. The data collection procedures used information from 451 school diaries and 25 interviews with teachers of Portuguese/expression communication, teachers from the library and students as well as other documentary evidence available for the period. The data was analyzed in terms of content and interpreted in the light of the theoretical references which underpinned the investigation. The results suggest that the practice of reading in the scenarios investigated remained virtually unaltered over the period in question. The data shows that in Portuguese classes the teaching/learning process of reading in the Classe Schools decodification practices of written text predominate. As for the teaching strategies used, the teaching material guided the reading practices in the classroom and occasionally other text genres were mentioned, however, rarely were these of spontaneous reading, unconnected to the school tasks. Text comprehension was characterized by activities in which the student responded to questions from the book or from the teachers, with few opportunities to construct his/her own sense. The assessment procedures for reading activities were based on tests and oral or written exams to verify how much the student had managed to memorize of the message contained in the material used. The incentive to read remained limited to one-off tasks (telling stories, dramatizations, games etc) with a day and time set according to the availability and commitment of the teacher. In the library, the reading strategies used in the library classes were similar to those used in the Classe Schools, in particular when it came to interpretation and evaluation of the reading activity. Despite being a space where the presence of the student was compulsory in the curriculum, the library represented a place where students could encounter various reading possibilities, though still of a strong didactic/ pedagogical nature. The inter-relation between reading practices carried out in the classroom and those attempting to strengthen reading competencies in the library have yet to be put into practice in schools.

O perfil de bem-estar dos beneficiários em idade economicamente ativa (BIEAs) do Programa Bolsa Família (PBF): uma proposta de avaliação

Leiria, Filipe Costa 01 October 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe Costa Leiria (fcleiria@ig.com.br) on 2015-11-30T13:15:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto_Final_versão3_8.pdf: 3754168 bytes, checksum: c44397ed6344905de7ee6c6ebc114632 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by ÁUREA CORRÊA DA FONSECA CORRÊA DA FONSECA (aurea.fonseca@fgv.br) on 2015-11-30T15:11:37Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto_Final_versão3_8.pdf: 3754168 bytes, checksum: c44397ed6344905de7ee6c6ebc114632 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marcia Bacha (marcia.bacha@fgv.br) on 2015-12-03T12:59:23Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto_Final_versão3_8.pdf: 3754168 bytes, checksum: c44397ed6344905de7ee6c6ebc114632 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-03T12:59:58Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Projeto_Final_versão3_8.pdf: 3754168 bytes, checksum: c44397ed6344905de7ee6c6ebc114632 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-10-01 / This paper proposes an welfare’s evaluation of the working age beneficiaries in Bolsa Família Program (BFP BWAs) at the city of Porto Alegre. Such an assessment is guided by identifying situations restrictions or traps (SACHS, 2005) the ability of individuals to choose different lifestyles, through the instrumental roles of freedom (SEN, 2010). Thus, hypotheses are tested involving the relationship of individuals with the education, the labor market and income. The evaluation results suggest the existence of a level of income with restrictions; incentives to interrupt the enrollment process before a desirable level; a slightly convergent relationship between schooling and income; and low access to the formal labor market, prevailing precarious labor relations. Finally, this thesis proposes the placement of relevant issues related to BFP BWAs in a broader human development perspective. / O presente trabalho propõe uma avaliação do bem-estar social dos beneficiários em idade economicamente ativa do Programa Bolsa Família (BIEAs PBF) no município de Porto Alegre. Tal avaliação é norteada pela identificação de situações de restrições ou armadilhas (SACHS, 2005) da capacidade dos indivíduos escolherem diferentes estilos de vida, através dos papéis instrumentais da liberdade (SEN, 2010). Assim, são testadas hipóteses que envolvem as relações dos indivíduos com a escolarização, o mercado de trabalho e a renda. Os resultados da avaliação sugerem a existência de um nível de renda com restrições; incentivos para a interrupção do processo de escolarização, antes de um nível desejável; uma relação entre escolaridade e renda, pouco convergente; e um baixo acesso ao mercado de trabalho formal, prevalecendo relações de trabalho mais precárias. Finalmente, o presente trabalho propõe o posicionamento das questões relevantes atinentes aos BIEAs PBF em uma perspectiva mais ampla do desenvolvimento humano.

As práticas educativas na educação de jovens e adultos da rede pública de Porto Alegre - RS

Viero, Anezia January 2008 (has links)
Esse trabalho trata dos aspectos ideológicos e contraditórios presentes nas práticas educativas de escolarização da Rede Pública de Porto Alegre na Educação Fundamental de Jovens e Adultos e sua relação com a totalidade social. Nossa concepção de mundo remeteu-nos a delimitação teórica e metodológica a qual se insere no conjunto de pesquisas que trata da educação dos trabalhadores, em que a EJA é vista como produção material dos seres humanos e suas relações. As práticas educativas atuais defrontam-se com as circunstâncias legadas e transmitidas pelo passado de dominação e opressão de classes e grupos. São elas que configuram as necessidades educativas atuais dos trabalhadores. As contradições das práticas educativas no processo de escolarização da EJA na Rede Pública de Porto Alegre tanto servem às necessidades da ordem social que oprime esse universo de trabalhadores, como apontam para experiências de classe que resistem a essa adaptação, apontando possibilidades de práticas educativas emancipatórias. A EJA no interior das organizações de trabalhadores é tratada como experiência de classe que contribui para a construção das condições objetivas e subjetivas de superação das relações sociais que oprimem e exploram os jovens e adultos. Essas práticas apontam parâmetros em que a educação escolar, ao ter como tarefa histórica ampliar a cada um da obra humana que nos antecipou, contribui com a luta por um projeto de sociedade que supere a divisão entre trabalho intelectual e manual. As teorias que analisam o processo escolar desde as relações de reprodução, de poder, dos parâmetros de competência, de experiência de classe, da educação ao longo da vida e da Educação Popular apresentam contribuição e limites na abordagem das práticas educativas. O desenvolvimento histórico das práticas educativas abrangentes e sua expressão nas políticas educacionais, em especial no Brasil, Rio Grande do Sul com realce para Porto Alegre possibilitou tratar do processo educativo desenvolvido nas escolas públicas de EJA, especialmente nos CEES, atualmente NEEJAs, e no CMET na relação com a totalidade social. Dentre as experiências históricas realçamos a relevância das Administrações Populares para a concepção das práticas educativas atuais da Rede Pública de Porto Alegre. A recriação dos aspectos ideológicos de longa data na EJA alimenta o caráter de suplência e contribui com o projeto social que combina a mercantilização de todas as esferas da vida com políticas educacionais para trabalhadores de caráter compensatório que substitui a relação de direito da educação por relações sociofilantrópicas orientada para a superação da pobreza. A relação que professores e alunos estabelecem com seu processo de formação é em grande medida a mesma que ambos se encontram como trabalhadores e os aspectos contraditório dessa relação, produzem na escola experiências de classe tanto de dominação, como de possibilidade de emancipação, expressando-se nas diferentes dimensões da formação: nas reuniões de professores, nas salas de aula, na forma de gestão dos espaços de EJA. A superação da exclusividade de práticas educativas realizadas a distância, tal como se apresenta nas instituições de EJA da Rede Pública de Porto Alegre e a introdução de práticas educativas presencias com professores e turma de alunos, é apontada como avanço significativo na história da EJA da Rede Pública de Porto Alegre. Constatamos a diferença entre a definição dos dispositivos legais de “educação a distância” e sua materialização nas instituições de EJA da Rede Pública de Porto Alegre. Nesse espaço as tecnologias de informação e comunicação utilizadas nas práticas educativas a distância resumem-se em módulos apagados de tanto uso e lista bibliográfica para alunos pesquisarem. Por meio das fontes teóricas que dialogam com o materialismo histórico e dialético, realizamos um trabalho de natureza qualitativa, por meio de revisão bibliográfica, análise de documentos, entrevistas semi-estruturada, observação semidirigida, grupo de discussão com alunos e professores. Essa abordagem possibilita a descrição, interpretação, explicação e compreensão dos dados empíricos e teóricos no sentido de traçar apontamentos que confirmam e ampliam nossa tese. / This paper deals about the ideological and contradictory aspects that are presented in the educational practicing of students and teachers of Porto Alegre Public School Chain in the elementary education of young people and adults in their relation with the social totality Our conception of world sent us to a methodological and delimitated theory that is inserted in a group of research that has to do with the education of workers, which EJA is seen as a material production of human beings and their relations. The current educational practices faces the legate circumstances and transmitted by the oppression and domination pass of classes and groups. These are the ones that form the current educational necessities of workers. The contradictions of the educational practice in the EJA school process of Porto Alegre Public School Chain either serve to the necessities of the social disposition that oppress this universe of workers, or point to class experiences that resist to this adaptation, pointing out possibilities of emancipating educational practices. The EJA in the workers organization is treated as a class experience that contributes to the construction of the interior objective and subjective conditions of overcoming the social relations that oppress and explore young people and adults. These practices indicate the situations that the school education, which has the historical task of increasing the anticipation of the human work, contribute to the fight for a better project of society that shows the division between intellectual and manual work. The theories that analyze the school process since the relations of reproduction, of power, situations of competence, class experience, education throughout life and popular education show contribution and limits in approaching the educational practices. The historical development of the comprehending educational practices and its expression in the educational politics, mainly in Brazil, Rio Grande do Sul with distinction in Porto Alegre enabled the educational process developed in EJA public schools, principally in CEES, now existing as NEEJAS, and in CMET in relation to the social totality. Among the historical experiences, we raise to a higher place the relevance of Popular Administrations to the conception of current educational practices in Porto Alegre Public School Chain. The recreation of the ideological aspects of long-term in relation to EJA feeds the substitution character and contributes to the social project that combines the merchant of all spheres of life with educational politics to workers of compensating character that substitute the relation of educational right by social-philanthropic relations and as occurring, is oriented by poverty overcome. The relation that teachers and students establish with their formation process is in great measure the same that both face as workers and the contradictory aspects of this relation produce class experience at school both of domination and of emancipation possibility, expressing in the different formation dimensions: in meetings of teachers, in the classrooms, in the providing EJA´s spaces. The overcoming of the educational practices of exclusiveness, put into practice by means of distance, is pointed out as a significant advance in the history of EJA in Porto Alegre Public School Chain. The same holds true in relation to the way it is presented in EJA´s institutions in Porto Alegre Public School Chain and the introduction of educational practices with teachers and groups of students. We could find out the difference between definition of legal disposing of “farness education” and its materialization in EJA´s institutions of the researched Public School Chain. Thus, the technologies of information and communication used in the farness educational practices are summarized in overused techniques and bibliographical lists for students to research. By means of theoretical causes that deal with historical and dialectical materialism, we consummated a work of qualitative nature through bibliographical review, dossier analyses, semi-structured interviews, semi-guided observation, group discussion with students and teachers. This approach guides us to the description, interpretation, explanation and comprehension of the empiric and theoretical datas with the intention of drawing annotations that confirm and enlarge our thesis.

Savoir et pouvoir dans le contexte de Djibouti : des configurations éducatives entre constructions de savoir et relations de pouvoir / Knowledge and power in the context of Djibouti : educational configurations between construction of knowledge and power relations

Ahmed Farah, Daher 11 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse s’attache à éclairer un objet peu investigué par la recherche à et sur Djibouti : les liens entre savoir et pouvoir dans un contexte où interagissent tradition pastorale de type nomade et non-tradition sédentaire d’origine coloniale. A partir de constats d’expérience et de l’hypothèse par eux suggérée que savoir et pouvoir ont des liens, elle examine, selon un cadre théorique multiréférentiel (au sens de Jacques Ardoino), et (entre autres sources) par une approche ethnographique précédée d’une démarche exploratoire par entretiens semi-directifs : l’éducation traditionnelle, l’éducation scolaire d’origine coloniale ainsi que l’impact de la scolarisation sur les rapports sociaux traditionnels. Elle met en lumière les configurations éducatives traditionnelles et repère des liens organisés par l’âge entre savoir non-écrit (savoir ancestral) et pouvoir. Elle pointe l’école et ses configurations éducatives où s’acquiert un savoir qui, selon une logique largement déconnectée de l’âge de ses bénéficiaires, confère du pouvoir. Elle montre que, dans le contexte colonial et postcolonial, la scolarisation, par le savoir qu’elle transmet et le pouvoir lié à ce savoir en termes de possibilités, impacte les rapports sociaux traditionnels. En effet, dans l’espace dominant qu’est la ville coloniale puis post-coloniale, les pasteurs autochtones scolarisés se retrouvent en position haute à l’égard de leurs compatriotes non-scolarisés, y compris lorsque ces derniers sont plus âgés qu’eux. C’est, par exemple, le cas à l’endroit de leurs propres parents si ceux-ci n’ont pas fréquenté l’école. Cela crée un renversement de situation par rapport au postulat traditionnel qui veut que le sujet soit plus ‘’sachant’’ que les moins âgés que lui et donc les parents plus ‘’sachants’’ que leurs enfants. Les résultats de la thèse apparaissent plutôt transposables dans des contextes comparables, notamment en Afrique. Enfin, sont repérés dans cette recherche, non sans quelque relation avec l’objet investigué, des phénomènes sociaux à l’oeuvre à Djibouti, et peut-être pas seulement à Djibouti : effets du changement climatique, une montée de la religiosité, une catachrèse des objets et lieux urbains par les pasteurs, une pratique sociale autour de la consommation du khat que nous appelons le khater, ou encore un sentiment de régression qui, en ville comme à la campagne, traverse les lieux de sociabilité. Ce sont là autant de perspectives intéressantes de recherche. / This thesis is aimed at clarifying a topic poorly investigated by research in and on Djibouti: the links between Knowledge and Power in a context where have been interacting nomadic pastoral tradition and non-tradition of colonial origin. From findings of experience and the hypothesis based on them that Knowledge and Power have links, the thesis examines, in a multi-referential theoretical framework (within the meaning of Jacques Ardoino), and (among other sources) through an ethnographic approach preceded by a semi-structured interview-based exploration: Traditional Education, School Education of colonial origin as well as the Impact of the Schooling on the Traditional Social Relations. It brings to light the Traditional Educational Configurations and reveals age-structured Links between non-written Knowledge (Ancestral Knowledge) and Power. It also points at School and its Educational Configurations where is acquired a Knowledge which, in a way widely disconnected from its recipients’ age, gives Power. It shows that, in the colonial and postcolonial context, Schooling, through the Knowledge it gives and the Power linked to this Knowledge in terms of opportunities, impacts Traditional Social Relations. In fact, in the dominant colonial and postcolonial urban area, i.e the town, the schooled pastoralists are in higher position compared to their non-schooled fellow natives, even if the latter are older than them. It’s, for example, the case toward their own parents if these have not attended school. This creates a reversal situation compared to the Traditional Pastoral Assumption that the Individual knows more than those younger than him and so do the parents with regard to their children. The results of the thesis appear rather transferrable into similar contexts, especially in Africa. Finally, are pointed at in this research, in some relation with the topic investigated, social phenomena at work in Djibouti, and perhaps not only in Djibouti: Climate change effects, Rise of religiosity, Catachresis of Urban Items and Places, a Social Practice around the Consumption of Khat that we call the Khating, or a Sense of Regression which is shared in rural and urban Places of Sociability. These are interesting directions of research.

The evolution and educational implications of the children's rights movement : a study in time perspective

Le Roux, Cheryl Sheila 04 1900 (has links)
The dissertation traces events that contributed towards a climate where the status of children changed from property to that of person status with the concomitant recognition of children's rights. Social conditions in England, America and France from late preindustrial times to the early twentieth century were investigated. The United Nations' role in establishing children rights documentation and an evaluation of these d~μrpents in terms of the educational implications thereof were described and discussed. The African perspective towards international children's rights documents events was outlined while the attempts of Africa to address the unique needs of the African child were detailed. In the light of the changing social orientation in the Republic of South Africa, children's rights advocacy in South Africa was reviewed. Criteria for evaluati-ng documents addressing the needs of children were proposed and based on the findings of the study, recommendations regarding the direction of children's rights advocacy were advanced. / M. Ed. (History of Education)

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