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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Narrative and figurative imagery in the English domestic interior, c.1558-c.1640

Hamling, Tara January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

A Seamless Journey

Neuner, Stefanie 01 January 2006 (has links)
My quilts serve as a visual journal of some of my travels and experiences. Through my quilts, I remember the rich colors and memories of my European adventures. The methodical process of stitching quilts line by line is an important process for my recollection of the many steps taken during my trip abroad. Stitching fabric is the method that communicates the opportunities and experiences of my travel that I want to share with others.

Out of The Mould: Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics in Vietnam

Proctor, Ann R January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / ‘Out of the Mould: Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics in Vietnam’ is a study of the current practice of sculptural ceramics in Hà Nội, Vietnam and its historical antecedents within Vietnam and in the West. It examines the transition from a craft based practice to an art practice in some areas of ceramic practice in Hà Nội during the twentieth and early twenty first century. The theoretical basis for the thesis centres on Alőis Riegl's writings, especially Stilfragen (Problems of Style), 1893, in which he makes a close chronological examination of stylistic changes in various media, while intentionally disregarding any hierarchy within artistic disciplines. This is considered an appropriate model for the study of Vietnamese ceramics as the thesis proposes that, in recent years, ceramics has once more resumed its place as one of the major art forms in Vietnam. This status is in contrast to its relegation to a 'decorative', as opposed to a 'fine art', form in the discourse of the French colonial era. As background, the thesis examines the history of sculptural ceramics in Vietnam and discusses what is currently known of ceramic practice and the lineages of potters in particular villages famous for their ceramic works in the area around Hà Nội. The transition in ceramics practice is discussed in terms of the effect of changing conditions for the education of ceramicists, as well as the effect of other institutional structures, the economic changes as reflected in the art market and exhibitions structure and sociological changes. The role which ceramics has played in the emergence of installation art in Vietnam is also examined.

Out of The Mould: Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics in Vietnam

Proctor, Ann R January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / ‘Out of the Mould: Contemporary Sculptural Ceramics in Vietnam’ is a study of the current practice of sculptural ceramics in Hà Nội, Vietnam and its historical antecedents within Vietnam and in the West. It examines the transition from a craft based practice to an art practice in some areas of ceramic practice in Hà Nội during the twentieth and early twenty first century. The theoretical basis for the thesis centres on Alőis Riegl's writings, especially Stilfragen (Problems of Style), 1893, in which he makes a close chronological examination of stylistic changes in various media, while intentionally disregarding any hierarchy within artistic disciplines. This is considered an appropriate model for the study of Vietnamese ceramics as the thesis proposes that, in recent years, ceramics has once more resumed its place as one of the major art forms in Vietnam. This status is in contrast to its relegation to a 'decorative', as opposed to a 'fine art', form in the discourse of the French colonial era. As background, the thesis examines the history of sculptural ceramics in Vietnam and discusses what is currently known of ceramic practice and the lineages of potters in particular villages famous for their ceramic works in the area around Hà Nội. The transition in ceramics practice is discussed in terms of the effect of changing conditions for the education of ceramicists, as well as the effect of other institutional structures, the economic changes as reflected in the art market and exhibitions structure and sociological changes. The role which ceramics has played in the emergence of installation art in Vietnam is also examined.

Les achats d’objets d’art français par la Cour de Russie, 1881-1917 / The purchases of French “objets d’art” by the Russian Court, 1881-1917

Zeisler, Wilfried 10 December 2011 (has links)
La thèse Les achats d’objets d’art français par la Cour de Russie, 1881-1917, consacrée à un nouvel aspect des relations franco-russes, pose un regard bilatéral sur les arts décoratifs français et russes, dont elle étudie le goût au cœur d’interactions politiques, commerciales et artistiques. Le contexte favorable dans lequel s’effectuent ces achats sous les règnes d’Alexandre III et de Nicolas II repose sur l’ancienneté des relations franco-russes, reconnues pour leur richesse au XVIIIe siècle et au début du XIXe siècle. Il se manifeste par le développement des exportations des produits de l’industrie française d’art et de luxe en Russie depuis le Second Empire, d’autant plus facilitées par la conclusion de l’Alliance franco-russe. Ainsi favorisés, les fournisseurs de l’objet d’art français en Russie, appartenant à des industries variées – mobilier, bronze, textile, orfèvrerie, céramique, verrerie, bijouterie et joaillerie – bénéficient des séjours répétés de la clientèle russe en France. Fournisseurs et différents intermédiaires en profitent pour développer leurs relations avec le marché russe et y renforcent le succès de l’objet d’art français, dont les modèles ont une certaine influence en Russie.De l’empereur au grand bourgeois, les clients russes, reflet de l’évolution sociale du pays accumulaient les achats dans leurs résidences et affirmaient ainsi, par le goût du fabriqué en France, leur appartenance à une élite européenne. L’étude des collections russes d’objets d’art français, dispersées à la Révolution, permet de cerner un aspect de l’histoire du goût et témoigne du rayonnement international de l’art décoratif français. / The thesis The purchases of French “objets d’art” by the Russian Court, 1881-1917, dedicated to a new aspect of French-Russian relationships, gives a dual view on the French and Russian decorative arts and studies them in the context of political, commercial and artistic interactions.The favorable context of these purchases, during the reigns of Alexander III and of Nicolas II, is based on the historical French-Russian relations, very developed in the XVIIIth century and at the beginning of the XIXth century. This context results in an increased of export of French “objets d’art” in Russia since the Second Empire, facilitated by the new French-Russian Alliance.The suppliers of the French “objets d’art” in Russia, belonging to the various French Art and Luxury industries – furniture, bronze, textile, silver, ceramic, glassware and jewellery – benefit from repeated stays of Russian customers in France. Consequently, suppliers and various partners develop their relations with the Russian market and strengthen the success of the French “objets d’art”, which were used as a model in Russia.From the emperor to the “grand bourgeois”, the Russian clients, who illustrate the social evolution of the country, collected their purchases in their residences and showed, by their taste for the made in France objects, that they belonged to the European elite. The study of the Russian collections of French “objets d’art”, dispersed during the Revolution, illustrates an aspect of the history of taste and shows the international success of the French decorative arts.

Histoire de l'architecture / History of Architecture

Rahm, Philippe 17 December 2019 (has links)
L'Histoire de l'architecture telle que nous l'avons reçue ces dernières décennies était fortement influencée par la pensée critique et post-moderne de la seconde moitié du 20ème siècle où les raisons politiques, sociales, économiques et culturelles dominaient le système d'explication des causes et des conséquences du surgissement d'une forme, d'un style, d'un langage. Induite par un contexte d'accès massif et facile à l'énergie (celle du charbon puis du pétrole) et par les progrès de la médecine (avec l’invention des vaccins et antibiotiques), cette Histoire qui nous précède, que l'on peut qualifier de culturelle, a largement ignoré les raisons physiques, géographiques, climatiques ou bactériologiques qui ont en réalité façonné, de façon décisive, à travers les siècles, la forme architecturale, celle des bâtiments, des villes jusqu'à la décoration d'intérieur. Ma thèse intitulée « Histoire de l’architecture » met en lumière les causes naturelles, physiques, biologiques ou climatiques qui ont influencé le déroulé de l'histoire architecturale et provoqué le surgissement de ses figures, de la préhistoire à aujourd'hui. Refonder l’histoire de l’architecture sur ses données objectives, matérielles, réelles permet de comprendre comment affronter les défis environnementaux majeurs de notre siècle et mieux construire demain face à l'urgence climatique. / The History of Architecture we have received it in recent decades was strongly influenced by the critical and post-modern thinking of the second half of the 20th century, when political, social, economic and cultural reasons dominated the system of explaining the causes and consequences of the emergence of a form, a style or a language. Induced by a context of massive and easy access to energy (that of coal and then oil) and by the progress of medicine (with the invention of vaccines and antibiotics), this History that precedes us, which can be described as cultural, has largely ignored the physical, geographical, climatic or bacteriological reasons that have in reality shaped, in a decisive way, over the centuries, the architectural form, that of buildings, cities and even interior decoration. My thesis entitled "History of Architecture" highlights the natural, physical, biological or climatic causes that have influenced the course of architectural history and its figures, from prehistory to today. Reconstructing the history of architecture on its objective, material and real facts makes it possible to understand how to face the major environmental challenges of our century and better build for tomorrow in the context of the climate urgency.

Max Ingrand(1908-1969). Un atelier de vitrail dans la France du XXe siècle / Max Ingrand(1908-1969). A stained glass studio in France of the twentieth century

Blin, Jean-Pierre 04 December 2015 (has links)
Max Ingrand (1908-1969) fut l'un des maîtres verriers français les plus célèbres du XXe siècle. Après ses études à l'École nationale des arts décoratifs, il entre en 1927 dans l'atelier de Jacques Gruber (1870-1936). Dès 1931, il commence une carrière personnelle de maître verrier décorateur et réalise de nombreux décors civils en glaces gravées. Il crée les vitraux de l'église Sainte-Agnès de Maisons-Alfort et participe au projet des verrières de la nef de Notre-Dame de Paris qui sont présentées au pavillon pontifical de l'Exposition de 1937. Mobilisé en 1939, il reste cinq ans prisonnier dans un Oflag en Allemagne. A son retour, il devient l'un des verriers les plus actifs des chantiers de la reconstruction où il réalise notamment l'ensemble monumental de l'église d'Yvetot. Le service des Monuments historiques lui confie des chantiers prestigieux : cathédrales de Rouen, de Beauvais, de Saint-Malo, de Strasbourg, chapelles des châteaux de Blois, d'Amboise, de Chenonceau, églises de La-Charité-sur-Loire et des Jacobins de Toulouse. Au milieu des années cinquante, sa notoriété lui vaut des commandes importantes à l'étranger, notamment aux États-Unis, au Canada et en Amérique du sud. Il poursuit parallèlement une œuvre de décorateur et de designer. Il assure pendant treize ans la direction artistique de la firme italienne Fontana-Arte pour laquelle il crée de nombreux modèles de luminaires. Il participe au décor de paquebots parmi lesquels le Normandie et le France. Il conçoit des fontaines lumineuses, notamment pour les Champs-Élysées à Paris. Dans ses dernières années, il réoriente sa carrière vers l'architecture d'intérieur et l'éclairage. Il meurt brutalement en 1969, peu après avoir confié la direction de son atelier à son collaborateur Michel Durand. / Max Ingrand (1908-1969) was one of the most famous French glassmakers in the twentieth century. He studied at the National School for Decorative Arts and joined Jacques Gruber’s studio (1870-1936) in 1927. He began his own career as a glass designer in 1931 and produced many engraved glass decorations, both in public and religious buildings. He created the stained glass windows of Saint-Agnes Church at Maisons-Alfort and took part in the project of the windows executed for the nave at Notre-Dame de Paris, which were first displayed inside the papal pavilion of the 1937 Exhibition. An officer in the French armed forces in 1939, he was made a prisoner and jailed for five years in a camp in Germany. When he returned home, he became one of the most active glassmakers in the whole country, being involved in the reconstruction effort and working, in particular, to the project of a monumental church in Yvetot (Normandy). He was part of prestigious projects led by the French Heritage in cathedrals (such as Rouen, Beauvais, Saint-Malo and Strasbourg), in castles (such as the chapels of Blois, Amboise, Chenonceau), in churches (such as La Charité-sur-Loire and the Jacobins in Toulouse). Due to his fame, he won a large amount of orders abroad in the mid-fifties, especially in the United States, in Canada and in South America. He acted at the same time as a decorator and a designer. He was, for instance, an art director for thirteen years at the Fontana Arte, a big design company in Italy, and created many lighting fixtures for them. Before and after World War II, he was involved in the decoration of liners as important as the Normandy and the France. He also designed lit fountains in public spaces, the best known being along the Champs-Élysées in Paris. He had to change career dramatically in his late years and stopped glassmaking. He then specialized in architectural design and lighting fixtures. He died suddenly in 1969, a few months after he had passed his workshop on to his associate Michel Durand.


Gullow, Ursula 01 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
The artist discusses the artwork of her Master of Fine Arts exhibition, Groundswell, held at Tipton Gallery in Johnson City, March 11 – 22, 2024. The exhibition includes wall pieces, sculpture, plaster, and ceramic objects that explore the traditional parameters of painting and its presentation. Ideas discussed include the philosophy of history, and the origin of European art tropes such as odalisques, flowers, and birds. Framing devices, deconstructed paintings, fiber arts, ceramics, 18th Century decorative art, plaster, the studio practice, Walter Benjamin, David Lowenthal, Gustave Courbet, Jean Honoré Fragonard, Titus Kaphar, Valerie Hegarty, and maximalism are also surveyed.

Pierre Germain dit le Romain (1703-1783). Une vie à l'ombre des orfèvres du roi / The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (1703-1783). A career near the silversmiths of the king

Cavalié, Hélène 08 December 2011 (has links)
L’orfèvre parisien Pierre Germain dit le Romain (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, 1703-Paris, 1783), connu pour apublication des Éléments d’orfèvrerie, eut une carrière originale, passant sa jeunesse dans les ateliers d'orfèvres du roi,chez Thomas Germain (1726-1729), puis après un séjour à Rome (1729-1733), chez Jacques Roëttiers (1733-1736) avantde devenir apprenti chez Nicolas Besnier en 1736, et maître en 1744. Travaillant pour Roëttiers jusque vers 1755-1756,devenu grand messager juré de l’université, amateur d’estampes, il publie en 1748 le plus vaste recueil d’orfèvrerie dutemps, les Éléments d'orfèvrerie, cent planches de modèles religieux et civils de style rocaille, gravés par Bacquoy etPasquier, repris et copiés jusqu’au XIXe siècle jusqu’à l’étranger. Il publie aussi en 1751 un court Livre d'ornemens.Installé quai des orfèvres, à La Garde Royale, il produit peu, 1410 kg d’argent jusqu’à sa mort, de beaux ou simplesobjets. Quelques acquéreurs sont connus : Joseph Ier de Portugal en sous-traitance pour François Thomas Germain (1755-1756, 1765), les Wal de Baronville (1761-1763), les Wandalin Mnisech (1762-1764), la princesse des Asturies encollaboration avec Philippe Caffieri et Thomas Chancellier (1765), les Rocheblave (1777), le comte d’Artois et laprincesse de Ligne (1782). L’étude s’élargit aux artistes côtoyés : à Paris, ses maîtres Germain, Roëttiers, Besnier, sonconfrère Denys Frankson, ses apprentis Ange Joseph Aubert et Pontaneau ; à Avignon, les Clerc, Mézangeau et ClaudeImbert, ses parents les architectes J.-B. et François Franque et le menuisier facteur d’orgues Charles Boisselin ; àMarseille, les Durand, les Giraud et son neveu Antoine Germain. / The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (1703-1783). A career near the silversmiths of the king. The Parisian silversmith Pierre Germain the Roman (Villeneuve-lès-Avignon, 1703-Paris, 1783), known for his book the Éléments d’orfèvrerie, had an original career. During his youth he worked for the silversmiths of the king, Thomas Germain (1726-1729); and after some time in Rome (1729-1733), worked for Jacques Roettiers (1733-1736) and as an apprentice for Nicolas Besnier from 1736. Master in 1744, he kept working for Roettiers until 1755-1756. Great messenger of the University, fond of engravings, he published in 1748 the largest book of models of the time, Élémentsd’orfèvrerie, 100 plates of rococo religious and civil silverware, engraved by Bacquoy and Pasquier, reprinted and copied until the 19th century in France and abroad (London, Turin). He also published in 1751 a short Livre d’ornemens. Installed quai des orfèvres, he had a small production, 1410 kg of silver up to his death, beautiful or simple objects,including orders for Joseph I of Portugal under contract for François Thomas Germain (1755-1756, 1765), for the Wal de Baronville family (1761-1763), the princess of Asturias in collaboration with Philippe Caffieri and Thomas Chancellier (1765), the Wandalin Mnisech (1762-1764), the Rocheblave (1777), the count of Artois and the princess of Ligne (1782). This study also covers artists he knew well: in Paris, his masters Germain, Roettiers, Besnier, his collegue Denys Frankson, his apprentices Ange Joseph Aubert and Pontaneau; in Avignon, the Clerc and Mézangeau families and Claude Imbert, his parents the architects J.-B. and François Franque, the organ builder Charles Boisselin; in Marseille, the Durand and Giraud families and his nephew Antoine Germain.

När rummets väggar rämnar : Anna Berglund 1857-1946. Ett konstnärskap i brytningstid mellan tradition och modernitet. / When the walls of the room crumble : Anna Berglund 1857-1946. An artistic practice in the break between tradition and modernity.

Olsson, Helena January 2022 (has links)
The overall objective of this thesis is to fill a gap in art historical research as well as in the history of women in a more general sense. The main focus is the life and work of artist Anna Berglund (1857-1946), who’s artistic practice spanned the fields of design, decorative art, calligraphy and watercolour painting. The thesis is the first attempt to conduct research into Berglund’s artistic practices. Primary sources from and about Berglund are scarce, as not much has survived the test of time in terms of personal documents such as letters, notes or diaries. Therefore, the political, social and cultural conditions of Berglund’s time and environment have complemented and contextualised the primary source material. Biographical method, archival research, and the application of sociologist Pierre Bourdieu’s field theory have formed the foundation of the thesis. In addition, the thesis is built around questions into 19th century women’s development of social networks and adaptation of strategies to navigate and establish themselves as professionals. The research show that Anna Berglund’s habitus and economic, cultural and social capital enabled her to enter and navigate the field. Furthermore, Berglund developed and adapted professional strategies to navigate the field and to build a network that enabled her to push her career forward. The nature of pattern drawing as a new and quickly expanding professional field in the late 1800s contributed and enabled Anna Berglund, as well as others, to enter, navigate and establish themselves on the field and as entrepreneurs.

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