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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

“Det blir ju enklare att tänka utanför boxen om du vet vad boxen faktiskt är” : En jämförande intervjustudie mellan svenska och spanska reklambyråers förhållningssätt till reklambranschen

Erhardsson, Alva, Bornkessel, Mariann January 2024 (has links)
The existing literature extensively covers the demands placed on advertising agencies, yet there is notably less research on how these agencies respond to these demands, especially in a comparative context. In response, this current study aims to investigate how advertising agencies navigate the complex market, where they must adapt to external demands while maintaining their unique identity. The goal is to deepen our understanding of how advertising agencies conduct their operations and handle the challenges posed by the intricate advertising industry. The concept of isomorphism, drawn from institutional theory, represents a significant contribution explaining how organizations tend to adopt similar patterns when influenced by common institutional pressures. This comparative interview study, between advertising agencies in Barcelona and Gothenburg, delves into how these agencies navigate between global and local demands. The findings point to isomorphic patterns among the agencies in these different cities, suggesting their adaptation to global trends. Concurrently, differences in the results indicate the ongoing need for them to tailor their approaches to their respective local contexts.

Kommunala särkrav : En studie om i vilken utsträckning kommuner bryter mot förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a § / Municipal special demands : A study of in which extend municipalities goes against the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §

Svensson, David, Torbäck, Nils January 2016 (has links)
Den första januari 2015 trädde en ny regel i kraft, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Regeln innebär att kommuner inte får ställa egna krav på ett byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper, även kallat särkrav. Med egna krav anses sådana krav som är mer ambitiösa än vad regelverket tillåter. Krav på byggnadsverks tekniska egenskaper finns angivna i plan- och bygglagen (PBL), plan- och byggförordningen (PBF), Europeiska konstruktionsstandarder (EKS) och i Boverkets byggregler (BBR). En anledning till förbudet är att särkrav anses påverka byggkostnaderna, vilket i sin tur påverkar förutsättningarna för att tillgodose behovet av bostäder. I utredningar som utfördes åt regeringen hävdades att särkrav medför merkostnader på mellan 10 och 15 procent vid bostadsbyggandet. Regeringen ansåg även att samma krav ska gälla över hela landet för att underlätta den industriella produktionen av byggnadsverk. När lagförslaget lades fram bemöttes det negativt av många kommuner och myndigheter, vilket gör det intressant att undersöka om kommunerna väljer att följa den nya regeln. Syftet med studien är att undersöka i vilken utsträckning kommuner, i bygglovsprocessen och vid upprättade av exploateringsavtal, bryter mot särkravsförbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. Studien utgår från exploateringsavtal och bygglovsärenden vars handlingar är upprättade efter 2015-01-01 då särkravsförbudet trädde i kraft. I studien ingår bygglovshandlingar från åtta kommuner i Västra Götalands län och exploateringsavtal från 34 av Sveriges kommuner. I studien används en kombination av en kvalitativ och kvantitativ metod samt en juridisk metod. Särkrav som förekommer i studien är klassificerade som tydliga eller vaga särkrav. Bedömning av särkravens klassificering är författarnas egna och utgår från grundsatsen att byggherren är fri att välja metod så länge föreskrifterna i BBR uppfylls. Studiens resultat visar att 24 av de 42 kommunerna som ingår i studien ställer särkrav, vilket motsvarar 57 procent av de granskade kommunerna. Tolv kommuner ställer tydliga särkrav, fyra ställer vaga särkrav och åtta ställer både tydliga och vaga särkrav. Var fjärde kommun hänvisar även till olika program, strategier eller policys där särkrav förekommer. I exploateringsavtalen är särkrav vanligast inom områdena hygien, hälsa och miljö samt energihushållning. I byggloven är särkrav vanligast inom områdena brandskydd, hygien, hälsa och miljö samt säkerhet vid användning. Studiens slutsats är att kommuner fortfarande ställer särkrav i stor utsträckning trots förbudet i PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. / On January 1, 2015, a new law came into force, PBL 8 kap. 4 a §. The law implies that municipalities may not impose their own demands on construction works technical properties, also known as special demands. Own demands are considered as demands that are more ambitious than the law allow. Demands on construction works technical properties are specified in the Planning and Building Act (PBL), the Planning and Building Regulation (PBF), the European Construction Standard (EKS) and in Boverket's Building Regulations (BBR). One reason why the prohibition came into force is that special demands affect construction costs, which affect the conditions to meet the need of housing. The government's investigations revealed that specials demands resulted in additional costs of between 10 and 15 percent in the residential construction. The government wanted as well that the same requirements would apply across the whole country to facilitate the industrial production of construction works. When the new law was presented it faced negatively by many municipalities and public authorities, which makes it interesting to examine if the municipalities choose to follow the new law. The purpose of the study is to investigate in which extend the special demand prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a § are broken by the municipalities in the building permit process and in the establishment of land development agreement. The study is based on land development agreements and building permits documents that are signed after 2015-01-01. Building permit documents from eight municipalities in Västra Götaland and land development agreements from 34 of Sweden's municipalities are included in the study. The study use a combination of qualitative and quantitative methods as well as a jurisprudence method. Special demands which been presented in the study have been classified into clearly or vaguely special demands. The special demands classification are the authors own assessment and are based on the principle that the developer is free to choose the method as long as the regulations in BBR is met. The study's result points out that 24 of 42 municipalities that is included in the study, use special demands, which is equivalent to 57 percent of the audited municipalities. Twelve municipalities have clearly special demands, four have vaguely special demands and eight have both clearly and vaguely special demands. Every fourth municipality also refers to various programs, strategies or policies with special demands. Special demands are most common within the area of hygiene, health and environment and energy in the land development agreements. In the building permits are special demands frequently used within the area of fire protection, hygiene, health and environment and safety in use. The conclusion of the study is that municipalities still use special demands widely despite the prohibition in PBL 8 kap. 4 a §.

Att arbeta i restaurangbranschen : En kvalitativ studie om arbetstagares upplevelser av psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress

Sauer, Emma January 2016 (has links)
En utgångspunkt för arbetslivet bör vara att skapa en arbetsmiljö som ger individer förutsättningar att ingå, kvarstå och utvecklas i arbetet. Arbetsmiljön är betydande för både individers hälsa och verksamheters utveckling samt förutsättningar för tillväxt. Arbetsplatsen betonas därmed vara en betydande arena för förebyggande insatser. Det är arbetsgivaren som har huvudsakligt ansvar för arbetsmiljön. Ingen arbetstagare ska riskera att skadas eller drabbas av ohälsa i arbetet. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur psykosocial arbetsmiljö och stress upplevs hos arbetstagare inom restaurangbranschen. För att besvara syftet användes en kvalitativ metod och fem semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes. Intervjupersonerna för studien var serviceanställda inom restaurangbranschen. Analys av datamaterial utfördes med en manifest kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Det resultat som framkom visar att arbetstagarna främst har negativa upplevelser av sin psykosociala arbetsmiljö och stress, dock framkommer några variationer gällande nivå av problematik. Deras arbete beskrivs innebära ständig stress och omfattar ett flertal arbetsmiljöbrister. Obalans råder mellan höga krav i arbetet och bristande resurser som påverkar arbetstagarnas hälsa negativt både psykiskt och fysiskt. Arbetstagarna betonar faktorer som överbelastande arbete, bristande återhämtning och ledarskap som påfrestande vilka resulterar i arbetsmiljöproblem. / A starting point for working life should be to create a work environment that gives individuals the ability to enter, remain and progress in work. The work is significant both for individual health and development activities as well as opportunities for growth. Workplace therefore constitutes to be an important setting for preventive interventions. It is the employer who has the principal responsibility for the work. No employee should risk being injured or suffer ill health at work. The purpose of the study was to investigate the psychosocial work environment and stress experienced by workers in the restaurant industry. To answer the purpose a qualitative approach been used and five semi-structured interviews were conducted. Those interviewed for the study were service employees in the restaurant industry. Analysis of the data was performed with a manifest content analysis. The results obtained show that works mostly have negative experiences of their psychosocial work environment and stress, however, is any variations regarding the level of problems. Their work is described involve constant stress and includes a number of work deficiencies. There is an imbalance between the demands of work and lack of resources that affect the health negatively both mentally and physically. Workers emphasize factors of stressful work, a lack of recovery and leadership resulting in health and safety problems.

Krav i markanvisningstävlingar / Demands in land allocation competitions

Hansson, Linda, Singmo, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Det är endast mark som ägs av kommunen som kan markanvisas och när kommunen markanvisar finns det olika förfaranden som de kan välja att använda sig av; ett av dessa förfaranden är markanvisningstävlingar. Oftast gäller det speciella områden där kommunen har en vision och grundidé om hur området ska utformas. Kommunen sätter ihop ett tävlingsprogram och låter byggherrarna utforma sina bidrag som sedan bedöms av kommunen efter de uppsatta kraven i tävlingsprogrammet. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur Sveriges kommuner utformar sina markanvisningstävlingar samt klargöra vilka typer av krav som kommunerna ställer på byggherrarna i tävlingsprogrammen för markanvisningen. Sveriges 290 kommuner har kontaktats varav 200 stycken har svarat på frågan om de använder sig av markanvisningstävlingar eller ej. Undersökningen visar att 43 kommuner har genomfört markanvisningstävlingar från 1 januari 2015 och framåt. Totalt sett har 57 stycken tävlingsprogram granskats. Vidare visar resultatet av undersökningen att kommunerna ställer en rad olika typer av krav, vissa mer specificerade än andra. Resultatet visar också att kommunerna ställer krav som går utöver deras befogenheter, alltså att de bryter mot särkravsförbudet i 8 kap. 4 a § PBL. Utifrån resultatet kan slutsatsen dras att kommunerna strävar i samhällsbyggnadsprocessen att uppnå hållbarhetsmålen. I arbetet med detta ställer kommunerna höga krav på att bebyggelsen ska bidra till en god bebyggd miljö samt en modern hållbarhetsstad. / Land allocations can only be performed by the Swedish municipalities on the land they themselves own. When the municipalities design a land allocation, they have different types of procedures to choose from. One of these is called land allocation competition, when chosen its often for an area which the municipality already have formed a vision regarding what it should become. A competition program is created with certain demands set by the municipality, following the developers create a design for the area and present this. Subsequently the municipality consider the designs and choses the one which falls best in line with the competition program. The aim of the study is to investigate how the Swedish municipalities frame the land allocation competitions, and which types of demands they outline in the competition programs. All 290 Swedish municipalities were contacted and 200 of them responded on whether they use land allocation competitions, in total 43 municipalities use such. The study only contains land allocation competitions that have been completed after January 1st, 2015. A total of 57 land allocation competitions have been examined.The result of the study shows that the Swedish municipalities requires different types of demands, some more specified than others. It can also be shown that demands are outlined which extends beyond such defined in the Swedish constitutional law and the planning and building act. In conclusion, municipalities strive to reach goals of sustainable development in the process of building a city. Municipalities demands that exploitation contribute to a sustainable urban planning and design.

Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas: contexto, teoria e aplicação / Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands: context, theory and application

Oliveira, Fernando Antônio 21 September 2018 (has links)
O Incidente de Resolução de Demandas Repetitivas foi criado pelo Código de Processo Civil de 2015, com expectativa de prestigiar os princípios da segurança jurídica, isonomia e celeridade processual, impactando na melhora ao acesso à justiça. Diante disso, esse estudo visa a examinar se o IRDR é realmente compatível com os princípios processuais constitucionais apontados e se, de outro lado, não afronta outros princípios igualmente de alçada constitucional, verificando-se se este instrumento está apto a funcionar como uma verdadeira ferramenta capaz de contribuir para o desenvolvimento no Estado Democrático de Direito, considerando a necessidade de se expandir as liberdades individuais, aqui alinhadas ao acesso a uma ordem jurídica íntegra, estável e coerente, mas que respeite as garantias imprescindíveis ao devido processo. Nesse contexto, propõe-se uma sistematização do incidente, a partir das disposições pelo Código de Processo Civil, em cotejo com a teoria desenvolvida sobre o instituto, bem como com a análise de dados empíricos, coletados nos autos, acórdãos, andamentos e demais informações referentes a incidentes já julgados por diversos tribunais. Assim, dialogando teoria e prática, propõe-se a melhor compreender o contexto e a sistemática do IRDR, buscando estabelecer uma leitura crítica, mas que contribua para as discussões e para o próprio aprimoramento da aplicação do incidente. / The Incident of Resolution of Repetitive Demands was created by the Civil Procedure Code of 2015, with the expectation of respecting the principles of legal certainty, isonomy and celerity of procedure, impacting on the improvement of justice access. Therefore, this study aims to examine whether the IRDR is actually compatible with the constitutional mentioned procedural principles and if, on the other hand, it does not affront other equally constitutional principles, verifying if this instrument is able to function as a real tool capable of contributing to development in the Democratic State of Law, considering the need to expand individual freedoms, here aligned with access to an integral, stable and coherent legal order, but respecting the guarantees indispensable to due process. In this context, it is proposed to systematize the incident, based on the provisions of the Civil Procedure Code, in conjunction with the theory developed about the institute, as well as with the analysis of empirical data collected in the process, decisions, reports and other informations related of incidents already tried by various courts. Thus, discussing theory and practice, it is proposed to better understand the context and systematics of the IRDR, seeking to establish a critical reading, but that contributes to the discussions and to the improvement of the application of the incident.

Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona Tshabalala

Tshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona Tshabalala

Tshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Home and work demands and resources, social support and work-home interaction of Potchefstroom educators / Sarona Tshabalala

Tshabalala, Sarona Mabel January 2007 (has links)
Thesis (M.A. (Industrial Psychology))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.

Creation of a Low Energy Building with the help of Energy Simulation

Anastasopoulou, Kyriaki January 2017 (has links)
In this Thesis Project, the creation of a Low Energy building was examined in order to investigate how complex was to select the suitable parameters and systems of the dwelling, aiming to achieve the lowest possible energy consumption in one year period. All the technologies implemented into the system intended to be as energy efficient and profitable as possible. Another objective of this study was also to present the potential of the system to produce a part of the consumed energy, through renewable energy sources, approaching by this way also the standards of a Zero Energy Building. Firstly, the floor plan of the 150 m2 detached house, was drawn in the designing program AutoCAD. In continuation, this 2D floor plan was imported into the simulation program as well as all the initial input data so as for the Base model of the building to be created For the analysis of the building, the Simulation Program IDA ICE 4.7 was used. Gradually, alternations and adjustments were made into the Base model. Different models were created planning to analyze their results and conclude to the proper solution. All the simulations run for one year time period in order to present the total energy usage, system’s losses and demands in each case. In addition, as for the current study, the location of the construction was Athens, all building’s characteristics were chosen to comply with the Greek Regulation for Low Energy Buildings. Finally, through the procedure followed after having accomplished a series of simulations, the final annually energy demands managed to be within the required limits. / <p>Online Presentation</p>

The Antecedents of Work-School Conflict and Work-School Enrichment

Robertson, Katelyn 26 February 2021 (has links)
The cost of higher education is rapidly increasing on both a global scale (Creed, French &amp; Hood, 2015), and in the local South African context (Calitz &amp; Fourie, 2016). This rise in costs has seen a commensurate increase in the number of university students who work, largely as a means to fund the increasing cost of their higher education (Butler, 2007; Cinamon, 2016; Owen, Kavanagh &amp; Dollard, 2018). These working students are frequently referred to as non-traditional students in the academic literature. The psychological experiences of non-traditional students who work is a pertinent and expanding area of interest for multiple stakeholders (Owen et al., 2018). These experiences can be classified through the constructs of Work-School Conflict (WSC) and Work-School Enrichment (WSE), which refer, respectively, to the negative and positive aspects of the work-school interface (Butler, 2007). The antecedents of WSC and WSE experiences amongst nontraditional working students have to date not received any empirical attention in the South African research literature. This study aims to address this gap by contributing to the national body of knowledge in this area. The measures used were secondary self-report survey data completed by post-graduate university students who are simultaneously engaged in paid work (N=330). Multiple regression analyses indicated that time demands, job demands and social support from work explained a significant proportion of WSC; whilst job-school congruence and social support within the work context were statistically significant predictors of WSE. Moderation analyses revealed that social support at work influenced the relationship between job demands and WSC, whilst employee role saliency significantly interacted with job-school congruence to influence WSE. The results of this study are aligned to international work-school research findings, which support the additive model of job characteristics as antecedents to WSC and WSE. These results also provide deeper insight into the less explored moderation effects of work resources and demands interacting to influence WSC and WSE. Theoretical, management and educational implications of these findings are considered in relation to the existing literature.

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