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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Kognitivt tillgänglig undervisning i samhällskunskap : En forskningsöversikt med implikationer för inkluderande praktik i helklass / Cognitively accessible civics education : A research review with implications for inclusive classwide practice

Savina, Diana January 2021 (has links)
Denna forskningsöversikt syftade till att undersöka vad som kan utgöra kognitiva hinder i lärandeprocessen under samhällskunskapsundervisning, med målet att finna implikationer för undervisning och examinationsformer som kan nå och engagera fler elever. Arbetet utgick ifrån ett teoretiskt ramverk för universellt utformade lärandesituationer, för att bidra till proaktiv och preventiv planering utifrån elevers funktionsvariation. Målet var att om möjligt reducera behovet av speciallösningar i efterhand, samt stödja samhällskunskapslärare i att möta eleverna såväl kollektivt som individuellt. Översikten inkluderar 48 peer-review-granskade artiklar publicerade i utvalda vetenskapliga tidskrifter, vilka bygger på antingen metaanalyser eller primärforskning som har utförts i skolmiljö med elever i årskurs 4 upp till och med gymnasiet. Särskild uppmärksamhet riktas mot de kognitiva krav som ställs när elever i takt med ökad ålder självständigt förväntas kunna bearbeta och skapa mening av samhällskunskapligt innehåll. Utifrån en kombinatorisk analys rekommenderar jag sammantaget mer explicit undervisning – i synnerhet litteracitetsutvecklande sådan sett till betydelsen av läs- och skrivförmåga för att lyckas inom samhällskunskapsämnet – samt mer kognitiv vägledning och modellering från samhällskunskapsläraren, dels för att utveckla elevens samhälleliga och akademiska litteracitet, dels för att på sikt möjliggöra självständig tillämpning av samhällskunskapliga tankeredskap. Vidare rekommenderas mer kognitiv validering av examinationer, för att synliggöra vilka kognitiva krav som bör ställas, vilka som faktiskt ställs och huruvida eleven använder sig av de förväntade kognitiva processerna. I ämnesdidaktisk forskning som hittills har genomförts i skandinavisk kontext framstår elevernas funktionsvariation som anmärkningsvärt osynliggjord, sett till den centrala roll som eleven spelar i många didaktiska modeller. När samhällkunskapsdidaktiken fokuserar på relationen mellan elev och innehåll är det utifrån en relativt homogen syn på gruppen nybörjare. Specialpedagogisk och språkvetenskaplig forskning däremot uppmärksammar i högre utsträckning “startsträckan” som elever har innan de når ämnesinnehållet och kan börja öva på ämnesspecifika förmågor.

Lärande genom interaktiva praktiker i en virtuell verklighet : Livet som en virtuell karaktär - lärande och meningsskapande

Kvarnström, Charlotte January 2020 (has links)
Världen omkring oss förändras snabbt varje dag på grund av olika saker som sker runt om oss. I skrivande stund härjar Coronaviruset i en utbredd pandemi, och vi har alla på vårt eget sätt fått lov att anpassa oss för att leva ett liv med större social distans, vilket för många innebär studier och arbete via digitala plattformar från hemmet, snarare än arbete i skolsalar och kontor. Med dessa förändringar som gör att vi tillbringar mer och mer tid i virtuella rum behövs en djupare förståelse för de virtuella rummen och det lärande som tar plats där.  Syftet med studien har varit att synliggöra de virtuella rummen som rum för lärande, och de frågeställningar studien sökt svar på är: Vilket lärande och meningsskapande framträder i de virtuella rum som undersöks, FiveM och Discord? Hur möjliggörs detta lärande i dessa sammanhang?  Jag har genom att genomföra en deltagande observation, då jag själv spelat det digitala rollspelet FiveM, försökt svara på ovanstående frågeställningar. Det empiriska materialet har bestått av fältanteckningar, screenshots från FiveM, inspelade videosessioner från FiveM, samt screenshots från applikationen Discord. De teorier jag har använt för att tolka materialet har varit ​Design för lärande, och John  Deweys ​Learning by doing. Jag har också använt mig av begreppet “läckage” som ett verktyg för att tolka mitt material. Studien visade att det är ett mångfacetterat lärande och meningsskapande som tar plats i de virtuella rummen. Genom den typ av spel som studerats, digitalt rollspel i datorspelet FiveM, gör spelarna erfarenheter som genererar kunskaper och skapar mening. Spelarna får möjlighet att öva sig i olika färdigheter såsom exempelvis sociala interaktioner,  kommunikation och samarbete. Studien pekade också på att det finns ett läckage mellan det  virtuella rummet och den verkliga världen utanför. Det som sker i rollspelet i det virtuella rummet får ontologiska konsekvenser och påverkar livet i den verkliga världen.

Immersive Technologies in Preservice Teacher Education: The Impact of Augmented Reality in Project-Based Teaching and Learning Experiences

Arbogast, Michelle A. 28 August 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Tillgängligt lärande genom Universell Design för Lärande : Universell utformning inom svensk utbildningssektor / Accessible learning through Universal Design for Learning : Universal Design in the Swedish education system

Johansson, Åsa January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of Universal Design for Learning, UDL, has on accessibility in the Swedish school system. 12 semistructured interviews with teachers, special education teachers and school principals were conducted . By the qualitative interview method and analysis I have come to the conclusion that UDL aligns with Swedish school laws and theories already being used in the Swedish school system. Experiences made by the teachers, special education teachers and school principals show that UDL gave them support with lesson planning and had a positive effect on pupils learning process, engagement and self-efficacy. This indicates that implementation of UDL could support the aim for accessibility and learning for all pupils in Sweden. Further reasearch on the effects of UDL in the Swedish school system and mulitple means of assessments is required.

Perceptions of Athletic Training students with and without self-disclosed hidden disabilities regarding quality indicators within their athletic training program

Jacoby, Chelsea L. 05 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Information and communication technology as a learning tool : experiences of students with blindness

Ngubane-Mokiwa, Sindile Amina 06 1900 (has links)
The goal of this research was to explore how students with blindness (SwBs) use information and communication technology (ICT) for learning at the University of South Africa (UNISA). To do this the critical paradigm was used as a way of viewing the educational world. Underpinned by Transactional Distance Theory, Cultural Historical Activity Theory, Universal Design for Learning and Critical Theory, the study was qualitative and used narrative inquiry. The selection of the participants was made through purposive and snowball sampling and data collected through life stories, in-depth and telephonic interviews. The findings culminated in two major findings: 1) the use of ICT for learning; and 2) inclusive digital approaches. The first has emerging themes, for instance, (a) challenges with mathematical, scientific and accounting signs; (b) inability to access graphic learning material; (c) incompatibility of software; (d) lack of timely access to electronic learning materials; (e) high cost of ICT tools; (f) personal computers and laptops; (g) myUnisa and myLife; (h) voice recorders, Brailler, screen readers and videoconferencing; (i) electronic mail (e-mail); and (j) mobile telephones. The themes for the second major finding include: (a) authentic use of student-centred approaches; (b) inconsistency between policy and practice; (c) testing and re-testing of assessment tools; and (d) regular seeking of students‘ views and experiences. The proposed ‗Inclusive Critical use of Technology‘ (ICuT) framework was developed to and can be used as an effective guide if it is foregrounded by applicable distance learning theories and appropriate technologies. The study recommends the use of inclusive and critical approaches when integrating ICT into teaching and learning. / Curriculum and Instructional Studies / D. Ed. (Curriculum Studies)

The utilization of assistive technology to enhance educational support for all learners in a mainstream school

Rowlands, Trudi 11 1900 (has links)
This study focused on the use of Assistive Technology (AT) in enhancing the educational support of all learners in a mainstream school. The theoretical frameworks used in this study were Wellness Theory and Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT). The main aim of this study was to determine the efficacy of Assistive Technology in promoting the educational support of all learners in a mainstream school. This use of AT thus benefiting inclusion and inclusive practices and enhancing learning and support for all students in a mainstream school. The study was embedded in an interpretivist paradigm and used a qualitative research approach. Sampling was purposive and participants were selected based on the researcher’s pre-defined purpose for the study. Ethical approval was sought from the University of South Africa and prior to conducting research consent forms were signed by all participants. Data were collected using questionnaires with open-ended questions, face to face interviews and document analysis. Data analysis was done through thematic coding (noting recurring patterns of information) and the development of major themes based on qualitative data collected. Findings revealed the need for more technology in the research site (such as iPads and laptops), as well as the need for staff training in order to effectively use the technology. Furthermore, having more educational assistants to support students with more complex needs was also highlighted. Findings from face-to-face interviews indicated themes articulating with the above mentioned. This included the need for time to plan for the use of Assistive Technology in the classroom, along with time to familiarize oneself with the various forms of technology available. Training to effectively implement and support the technology was highlighted, as was time to engage with other colleagues and develop a collegial enquiry for the effective use of Assistive Technology to support all learners in the mainstream class. Findings from documents reviewed showed significant focus on the need for diagnosis to be able to select intervention strategies for the classroom and instruction. When staff were aware of a child’s medical, cognitive or mental health diagnosis, appropriate supports could be explored. The school support documents reviewed indicated a clear requirement for updated testing and setting of goals for students, to be supported by the strategies. Recommendations made for the effective use of AT included the promotion of professional development in staff and the establishment of professional learning communities which value the sharing and exchange of information regarding knowledge and skills. Furthermore, a framework is proposed which may be used by schools using assistive technology in supporting learners in mainstream schools so that learning may be enhanced. A further longitudinal study was recommended for the future to determine the impact of the use of AT to support inclusion when relevant staff training is available, applicable and ongoing. / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

Virtuell simulerad undervisning om språkutredning i speciallärarutbildningen : om lärande, etik och bedömningspraktik / Virtually simulated teaching of language evaluation in special needs teachers education : learning, ethics and assessment

Bergqvist, Carin, Månsson, Maria January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att undersöka betydelsen av att använda virtuell simulerad undervisning (virtual reality, VR) i speciallärarutbildningen med specialisering mot språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling som alternativ och komplement till autentiska test med elever för att belysa lärande, etiska aspekter och bedömningsformen i en VR-miljö. Bakgrunden till studien är att speciallärarstudenterna behöver öva upp sina färdigheter i att genomföra språk-, skriv- och läsutredningar. Problemet som kan uppstå är att studenternas behov av färdighetsträning kan hamna i motsatsförhållande till autentiska elevers integritet och medföra etiska och bedömningsmässiga konsekvenser. I studien användes kvalitativa metoder. Speciallärarstudenterna deltog i ett lärtillfälle om en VR-simulerad dynamisk bedömning, vilket observerades. Alla deltagarna intervjuades sedan i fokusgrupper om VR-simulering, bedömningspraktik och etik. De lämnade även en skriftlig reflekterande anteckning om lärtillfället. Analysen av resultatet gjordes utifrån ett situerat, sociokulturellt perspektiv på lärande med utgångspunkt i fyra dimensioner: mening, praktik, gemenskap och identitet (Wenger, 1998). I analysen av själva lärandesituationen togs även inspiration av Wengers (1998) teori om att designa för lärande. Studiens resultat identifierar att den största betydelsen av VR-simuleringen för speciallärar-utbildningen ligger i att speciallärarstudenterna gemensamt kan se och diskutera samma dynamiska bedömning i VR. VR-filmen blir ett reifierat minne och ett visualiseringsverktyg där den gemensamma upplevelsen främjar meningsskapande och reifikation om bedömningspraktik. Vi ser också i resultatet att VR-tekniken kan vara ett hinder för vissa men att enkla anpassningar bör öka möjligheten att ta till sig budskapet utan att påverkas negativt av tekniken. Tillgängligheten till en dynamisk bedömning och studenternas meningsskapande om olika bedömningspraktiker möter kraven i examensordningen (SFS 2017:1111) att kritiskt kunna granska och välja olika metoder för bedömning av språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling. Även etiska dilemman i att använda elever i utbildningssyfte motiverar VR-simulering i speciallärarutbildningen. Resultatet i vår undersökning visar att VR-simuleringen kan vara ett komplement till språk-, skriv- och läsutredningar. Resultatet av vår avgränsade studie är inte generaliserbart, men kan bidra till diskussioner om bedömningspraktiken och etiska implikationer genom användning av VR i speciallärarutbildningen. I slutet av examensarbetet ger vi förslag på framtida forskningsområden om VR-simulering i högre utbildning och vi redovisar även specialpedagogiska implikationer. / The aim of the present study is to examine the possibility to use virtually simulated (virtual reality, VR) teaching in the education of special needs teachers with specialization in language, writing and reading development as a complement and as an alternative to authentical tests with pupils, to illustrate learning, ethical aspects and the form of assessment in a VR-based environment. The background of the study derives from the students’ need to practice their ability to make language, writing and reading assessments throughout the education to become special needs teachers. A problem that might arise is when the students’ need for practice affects pupils’ integrity or other ethical implications. The study was based on qualitative methods. The students took part of a VR-simulated dynamic assessment, during which the learning situation was observed. All students who participated were then included in focus groups and interviewed about VR-simulation, assessment practice and ethics. An analysis of the result was done from a situated, sociocultural perspective on learning based on four dimensions: meaning, practice, community and identity (Wenger, 1998). The analysis of the learning situation was also inspired by Wenger’s (1998) theory of designing for learning.The results of the study identify that the greatest importance of VR-simulation for the education of special needs teachers lies in the possibility for the students to mutually see and discuss the same dynamic assessment in VR. The VR-simulation becomes a reified memory and a visualization tool where the shared experience promotes negotiation of meaning and reification around assessment practice. We also see in the result that VR-technology can be a barrier for some students, but that simple adjustments should increase the possibility to participate without being adversely affected by the technology. The availability of a dynamic assessment and the students' reflections about different assessment practices meet the requirements of the system of qualifications “examensordningen” (SFS 2017:1111) to be able to critically review and choose different methods for assessing language, writing and reading development. Ethical dilemmas in assessment of pupils for educational purposes also motivate VR simulation in special education. The results show that VR simulation can be a complement to language, writing and reading assessments. The present study is limited to a specific situation and can not be considered generalizable but can contribute to discussions about assessment practices and ethical implications through the use of VR when educating special needs teachers. We also provide suggestions for future research areas for VR-simulation in higher education.

Représentations sociales des enseignants et pratiques pédagogiques en contexte d'inclusion des étudiants en situation de handicap non visible au collégial

B La Grenade, Carole 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.

A wellness model for teachers in learner support for learners with hearing impairment

Mapepa, Peter January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of the study was to develop a wellness model for teachers in addressing learning barriers for learners with hearing impairment. The study is underpinned by three theories, namely, the Linguistic Interdependence Theory, the Universal Design for Learning and the Wellness Theory to generate understanding of how learners with hearing impairment learn. Ethical standards were adhered to in terms of gaining permission for access, issues of informed consent, voluntary participation, and confidentiality. The study is premised on the pragmatism philosophy that favours a mixed method approach, using both qualitative and quantitative methods of data collection and analysis and interpretation of data. The mixed method is a multi-method, ensuring multiple angles in data collection, interpretation and analysis. Data collection and analysis were concurrent because data were collected and analysed as soon as the data were available. The study used a purposive sampling approach to select samples of educators who responded to the questionnaires and those who participated in the interviews. Three provinces and 11 schools were purposively selected because of their history of providing quality education to learners with hearing impairment. The researcher knew all the schools. One hundred deaf educators (86 female and 14 male) participated in answering a semi-structured, self-completion questionnaire. All respondents were school-based teachers of the deaf, teaching Grade R to seven. Eleven primary school educators were interviewed, consisting of eight women and three men. Concurrent data analysis was used to compare quantitative and qualitative data, which revealed that learners faced several wellness challenges. Most of the learners faced literacy challenges in reading, communication with the hearing and limited academic, social and career dimensions. Some positive strides were showing in the physical and spiritual wellness through health promotion and moral education. The study proposed an integrated wellness model integrating the three lenses. The following four themes emerged from the study. The first theme is that academic challenges are major barriers faced by learners with hearing impairments. The second theme noted that deaf learners faced communication challenges. The third theme indicated curriculum, adaptation, and multidisciplinary teams as factor where hearing-impaired needed support to address barriers to learning. The last theme called for more programmes to be introduced to address academic, career, and spiritual wellness. A wellness model was proposed to assist educators to address the academic, social, career, emotional, physical, and spiritual wellness of the hearing-impaired learners / Inclusive Education / D. Ed. (Inclusive Education)

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