Spelling suggestions: "subject:"dysphoria"" "subject:"dysphoric""
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Gender dysforie u osob s poruchou autistického spektra / Gender dysphoria in persons with autism spectrum disorderLukina, Julie January 2020 (has links)
The master thesis copes with gender dysphoria (GD) in persons with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). The quantitative research was chosen to study this topic. The main goal was to determine whether people with mild ASD have a higher prevalence of GD or higher rate of GD compared to the general neurotypical population (NT). The main methods used in this research were: Autism Quotient Questionnaire (AQ-10) and the Gender Identity/Gender Dysphoria Questionnaire in Adolescents and Adults (GIDYQ-AA), which made it possible to determine the degree of GD and the potential co-occurrence of a diagnosis of gender incongruence (GI; according to ICD-11). In the research there were 196 subjects with the age ranging from 16 to 74 years. The ASD group was compromised 90 persons and in the NT group there were 106 people. While in the NT group no one admitted transgender identity, in the ASD group 2.2 % of subjects informed about transgender identity and 14.4 % of the autistic group were not sure about it. Based on the GIDYQ-AA results, 4.4 % of people with ASD had a low score indicating a possible presence of a diagnosis of GD (GI). Furthermore, the research found that women with autism had significantly higher rate of GD than both women in the NT group and men with ASD. Overall, subjects with ASD achieved...
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Interdisciplinary Transgender Veteran Care: Development of a Core Curriculum for VHA ProvidersShipherd, Jillian C., Kauth, Michael R., Firek, Anthony F., Garcia, Ranya, Mejia, Susan, Laski, Sandra, Walden, Brent, Perez-Padilla, Sonia, Lindsay, Jan A., Brown, George, Roybal, Lisa, Keo-Meier, Colton L., Knapp, Herschel, Johnson, Laura, Reese, Rebecca L., Byne, William 01 January 2016 (has links)
Purpose: The Veteran's Health Administration (VHA) has created a training program for interdisciplinary teams of providers on the unique treatment needs of transgender veterans. An overview of this program's structure and content is described along with an evaluation of each session and the program overall. Methods: A specialty care team delivered 14 didactic courses supplemented with case consultation twice per month over the course of 7 months through video teleconferencing to 16 teams of learners. Each team, consisting of at least one mental health provider (e.g., social worker, psychologist, or psychiatrist) and one medical provider (e.g., physician, nurse, physician assistant, advanced practice nurse, or pharmacist), received training and consultation on transgender veteran care. Results: In the first three waves of learners, 111 providers across a variety of disciplines attended the sessions and received training. Didactic topics included hormone therapy initiation and adjustments, primary care issues, advocacy within the system, and psychotherapy issues. Responses were provided to 39 veteran-specific consult questions to augment learning. Learners reported an increase in knowledge plus an increase in team cohesion and functioning. As a result, learners anticipated treating more transgender veterans in the future. Conclusion: VHA providers are learning about the unique healthcare needs of transgender veterans and benefitting from the training opportunity offered through the Transgender Specialty Care Access Network-Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes program. The success of this program in training interdisciplinary teams of providers suggests that it might serve as a model for other large healthcare systems. In addition, it provides a path forward for individual learners (both within VHA and in the community) who wish to increase their knowledge.
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Överväger riskerna nyttan med hormonbehandling? : En kvalitativ studie om vårdpersonalens syn på nya riktlinjer för hormonbehandling till unga med könsdysfori / Does the Risk Outweigh the Benefit of Hormone Therapy?Holmberg, Estelle, Lyström, Jenny January 2023 (has links)
Under 2022 utkom nya rekommendationer från Socialstyrelsen gällande hormonbehandling för unga med könsdysfori, och de nya rekommendationerna innebar stramare regler för vilka som erbjuds hormonbehandling. Denna kvalitativa intervjustudie ämnar undersöka hur könsidentitetsmottagningar arbetar med Socialstyrelsens nya rekommendationer samt hur mottagningarnas vårdpersonal ställer sig till rekommendationerna. Socialstyrelsens nya rekommendationer bygger på en forskningssammanställning av SBU. Denna utgör, tillsammans med studier gällande personer med könsdysforis levnadsvillkor, hälsoeffekter av hormonbehandling, psykosociala hälsoeffekter samt detransition, studiens forskningsunderlag. Studiens material har samlats in genom åtta intervjuer med vårdpersonal och sakkunnig som har kodats och tematiserats för att kunna analyseras genom kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Studien har en socialkonstruktionistisk forskningsansats. Medikaliseringsteorin och teorin om minoritetsstress utgör studiens teoretiska ramverk genom vilka materialet har analyserats. Studiens resultat indikerar att rekommendationerna har förändrat vilka som erbjuds hormonbehandling samt i vilken utsträckning de erbjuds hormonbehandling. Resultatet pekar även på att en majoritet finner rekommendationerna negativa då de inte är i linje med deras kliniska erfarenhet samt gör det svårare att skapa en allians med patienterna. Ytterligare indikerar vårt resultat att patienters psykiska ohälsa samt självmedicinering befaras öka till följd av rekommendationerna, och att detta kan medföra en ansvarsförskjutning till patienten. Några få intervjupersoner uppfattar dock rekommendationerna som övergripande positiva och det finns över lag en trygghetskänsla hos intervjupersonerna till följd av rekommendationerna.
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Prevalência dos fatores de risco cardiovascular em homens transexuais em tratamento com ésteres de testosterona e sua associação com as variantes polimórficas do gene do receptor androgênico / Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in transgender men receiving treatment with testosterone esters and its association with polymorphic variants of the androgen receptor geneCunha, Flávia Siqueira 09 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O homem transexual (HT) é um indivíduo de sexo genético feminino, com fenótipo feminino normal, que deseja viver e ser aceito como um membro do sexo masculino. O tratamento hormonal que é realizado no processo de redesignação sexual nesses pacientes consiste na administração de testosterona nas suas diversas apresentações, mais comumente ésteres de testosterona de curta ou longa ação. O tratamento hormonal visa induzir virilização, através da produção de um padrão masculino de crescimento dos pelos faciais e corporais, aumento da massa muscular e interrupção dos ciclos menstruais. O efeito da terapia androgênica na saúde cardiovascular de HT é pouco conhecido, principalmente em relação às repercussões em longo prazo. O HT representa um modelo ideal e único para a avaliação das ações da testosterona exógena administrada em doses suprafisiológicas em um organismo geneticamente feminino. Alguns estudos de farmacogenética demonstraram a influência da repetição CAG do gene do receptor androgênico (RA) nos efeitos observados durante terapia com testosterona em homens hipogonádicos e a maioria dos estudos confirmou a modulação desses polimorfismos sobre fatores de risco cardiovascular. Objetivos: avaliar em HT em tratamento androgênico a prevalência de fatores clássicos de risco cardiovascular e as propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais; correlacionar a distribuição alélica do microssatélite CAG RA com a ocorrência de comorbidades e com as propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais; comparar os valores das propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais de HT com uma população controle (feminina e masculina). Pacientes: 46 pacientes com diagnóstico de HT (faixa etária 42 ± 10 anos) acompanhados no Ambulatório da Unidade de Disforia de Gênero do HCFMUSP e em tratamento com ésteres de testosterona há pelo menos um ano (variação de 1 a 38 anos) foram selecionados para o estudo. Métodos: Parâmetros clínicos (IMC, circunferência abdominal, relação cintura quadril, pressão arterial e pressão de pulso, composição corporal por bioimpedância), a presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesidade) e vícios (tabagismo, etilismo e uso de drogas ilícitas), dados laboratoriais (hematócrito, glicemia de jejum, insulina, índice HOMA IR, hemoglobina glicada, colesterol total, HDL colesterol, LDL colesterol, triglicerídeos e creatinina) e parâmetros vasculares (espessura íntima média da carótida, diâmetro da carótida, percentual da variação sisto-diastólica da carótida e velocidade de onda de pulso dos vasos arteriais) foram avaliados no grupo de HT. Os mesmos parâmetros vasculares também foram avaliados em controles saudáveis masculinos e femininos pareados para idade e IMC com os HT. A distribuição alélica do microssatélite CAG RA foi avaliada em 44 HT através da análise do produto amplificado da região de repetições CAG do exon 1 do gene do RA, utilizando o software GeneMapper. Resultados e Conclusões: Neste grupo de HT em terapia com ésteres de testosterona observamos uma prevalência de dislipidemia de 42%, hipertensão arterial sistêmica de 35%, obesidade de 30%, diabetes de 4% e tabagismo de 20%. HT em tratamento androgênico apresentaram maior velocidade de onda de pulso carotídeo-femoral do que controles masculinos, mas não do que controles femininos, embora no subgrupo >= 42 anos os HT tenham apresentado maior VOP do que controles masculinos e femininos. Não houve diferença de diâmetro, distensão relativa e espessura íntima média carotídea entre HT e controles. Maior diâmetro, maior espessura íntima média e menor distensão relativa da carótida foram observados em HT obesos e hipertensos; e maior velocidade de onda de pulso aórtica em HT hipertensos. Os parâmetros correlacionados à medida funcional da artéria aorta foram a idade, o tempo de tratamento androgênico e a relação cintura-quadril, enquanto que as propriedades estruturais e funcionais da carótida se correlacionaram com idade, parâmetros antropométricos e glicêmicos. Não houve influência do trato CAG RA na comparação entre os HT com e sem comorbidades metabólicas. Repetições CAG RA curtas se associaram com níveis significativamente mais elevados de glicemia de jejum, insulina basal e HOMA IR. Em relação aos parâmetros antropométricos, pressóricos, lipídicos e arteriais, não foi identificada associação com o número de repetições CAG RA. Estes achados sugerem um potencial efeito deletério da terapia androgênica prolongada sobre os vasos arteriais e a necessidade de medidas preventivas em HT / Introduction: Transgender men (TM) are 46, XX individuals, with normal female phenotype, who desire to live and be accepted as a male member. Testosterone esters are used in sex reassignment therapy to induce virilization and to adapt the body to the male identity. The effects of androgen therapy on TM cardiovascular function are poorly known, particularly with regard to long-term androgen treatment. TM represents a good model for evaluation of high-dose exogenous testosterone action in biological women. Pharmacogenetic studies have demonstrated the influence of CAG polymorphic tract of the androgen receptor gene (AR) on the androgenic effects observed during testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men, and most studies confirmed the modulation of these polymorphisms on cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and the structural and functional properties of large arteries in TM on long-term cross sex hormone therapy compared to a male and female healthy control group; to correlate the allelic distribution of CAG AR polymorphic tract with the cardiovascular comorbidities and the structural and functional properties of large arteries in TM. Patients: Forty-six patients with a diagnosis of TM (42 ± 10 years old), followed at the Gender Dysphoria Unit-HCFMUSP, receiving cross-sex hormone treatment with testosterone esters for at least one year (ranging from 1 to 38 years) were selected for the study. Methods: Clinical parameters (BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, pulse pressure, body fat percentage), the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity) and addictions (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse), laboratory parameters (hematocrit, fasting plasma glucose, basal insulin, HOMA IR index, glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine) and vascular parameters (carotid intima-media thickness, carotid diameter, carotid relative distensibility and aortic pulse wave velocity - PWV) were evaluated in the TM group. The same vascular parameters were also evaluated in healthy male and female control group, matched for age and BMI. The allelic distribution of the CAG AR polymorphic tract was evaluated in 44 TM using the GeneMapper software. Results and Conclusions: In the TM group, we observed dyslipidemia in 42%, hypertension in 35%, obesity in 30%, diabetes in 4% and smoking habit in 20%. The mean aortic PWV values in TM was higher than in male healthy controls (p=0.005), but not than in female controls (p=0.640). When categorized by age, considering the median age, TM >= 42 years had higher aortic PWV measures than male (p < 0.001) and female (p = 0.024) controls, regardless of their arterial blood pressure values. There was no difference in carotid diameter, carotid relative distensibility and carotid intima-media thickness between TM and controls. Obese and hypertensive TM presented significantly higher values of carotid diameter and carotid intima-media thickness, and lower values of carotid relative distensibility than healthy transgenders. Hypertensive TM showed higher aortic PWV values than non-hypertensive TM. The aortic stiffness correlated significantly and positively with age, androgen treatment duration and waist-to-hip ratio in TM. Properties of the carotid artery correlated with age, anthropometric parameters and glycemic parameters in TM. Shorter CAG polymorphic tracts of TM were associated with higher levels of fasting plasma glucose, basal insulin and HOMA IR index. There was no influence of the CAG polymorphic tract of TM on the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities, anthropometric, pressure, lipid and arterial parameters. These findings suggest a potential deleterious effect of the long-term testosterone therapy on vessels and the need for preventive measures in TM
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Getting by Gatekeepers: Transmen's Dialectical Negotiations within Psychomedical InstitutionsWaszkiewicz, Elroi 04 December 2006 (has links)
Transsexuality remains grounded in pathologizing discourses. Mental health professionals largely classify transgender experiences as disorders, and transgender people seeking to alter their bodies typically must obtain authenticating letters from therapists verifying such diagnoses. Physicians usually require these letters to perform transition-related services, and sometimes require additional legitimization. In these ways, psychomedical professionals impose gatekeeping measures that withhold and confer services to transsexuals who desire medical transition. Using qualitative interview data and grounded theory methods with 20 female-to-male transsexuals, this study demonstrates that transmen typically represent informed consumers whom carefully research psychomedical protocol and anticipate providers’ adherence to professional standards. When they encounter gatekeeping, this preparedness informs their dialectical struggles within the psychomedical institutions wherein transmen must negotiate bodies within the confines of pathology. Ultimately, this dialectical process is managed and maintained by the larger regime of truth—the gender binary system.
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Prevalência dos fatores de risco cardiovascular em homens transexuais em tratamento com ésteres de testosterona e sua associação com as variantes polimórficas do gene do receptor androgênico / Prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors in transgender men receiving treatment with testosterone esters and its association with polymorphic variants of the androgen receptor geneFlávia Siqueira Cunha 09 October 2017 (has links)
Introdução: O homem transexual (HT) é um indivíduo de sexo genético feminino, com fenótipo feminino normal, que deseja viver e ser aceito como um membro do sexo masculino. O tratamento hormonal que é realizado no processo de redesignação sexual nesses pacientes consiste na administração de testosterona nas suas diversas apresentações, mais comumente ésteres de testosterona de curta ou longa ação. O tratamento hormonal visa induzir virilização, através da produção de um padrão masculino de crescimento dos pelos faciais e corporais, aumento da massa muscular e interrupção dos ciclos menstruais. O efeito da terapia androgênica na saúde cardiovascular de HT é pouco conhecido, principalmente em relação às repercussões em longo prazo. O HT representa um modelo ideal e único para a avaliação das ações da testosterona exógena administrada em doses suprafisiológicas em um organismo geneticamente feminino. Alguns estudos de farmacogenética demonstraram a influência da repetição CAG do gene do receptor androgênico (RA) nos efeitos observados durante terapia com testosterona em homens hipogonádicos e a maioria dos estudos confirmou a modulação desses polimorfismos sobre fatores de risco cardiovascular. Objetivos: avaliar em HT em tratamento androgênico a prevalência de fatores clássicos de risco cardiovascular e as propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais; correlacionar a distribuição alélica do microssatélite CAG RA com a ocorrência de comorbidades e com as propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais; comparar os valores das propriedades estruturais e funcionais dos vasos arteriais de HT com uma população controle (feminina e masculina). Pacientes: 46 pacientes com diagnóstico de HT (faixa etária 42 ± 10 anos) acompanhados no Ambulatório da Unidade de Disforia de Gênero do HCFMUSP e em tratamento com ésteres de testosterona há pelo menos um ano (variação de 1 a 38 anos) foram selecionados para o estudo. Métodos: Parâmetros clínicos (IMC, circunferência abdominal, relação cintura quadril, pressão arterial e pressão de pulso, composição corporal por bioimpedância), a presença de comorbidades (hipertensão arterial, dislipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesidade) e vícios (tabagismo, etilismo e uso de drogas ilícitas), dados laboratoriais (hematócrito, glicemia de jejum, insulina, índice HOMA IR, hemoglobina glicada, colesterol total, HDL colesterol, LDL colesterol, triglicerídeos e creatinina) e parâmetros vasculares (espessura íntima média da carótida, diâmetro da carótida, percentual da variação sisto-diastólica da carótida e velocidade de onda de pulso dos vasos arteriais) foram avaliados no grupo de HT. Os mesmos parâmetros vasculares também foram avaliados em controles saudáveis masculinos e femininos pareados para idade e IMC com os HT. A distribuição alélica do microssatélite CAG RA foi avaliada em 44 HT através da análise do produto amplificado da região de repetições CAG do exon 1 do gene do RA, utilizando o software GeneMapper. Resultados e Conclusões: Neste grupo de HT em terapia com ésteres de testosterona observamos uma prevalência de dislipidemia de 42%, hipertensão arterial sistêmica de 35%, obesidade de 30%, diabetes de 4% e tabagismo de 20%. HT em tratamento androgênico apresentaram maior velocidade de onda de pulso carotídeo-femoral do que controles masculinos, mas não do que controles femininos, embora no subgrupo >= 42 anos os HT tenham apresentado maior VOP do que controles masculinos e femininos. Não houve diferença de diâmetro, distensão relativa e espessura íntima média carotídea entre HT e controles. Maior diâmetro, maior espessura íntima média e menor distensão relativa da carótida foram observados em HT obesos e hipertensos; e maior velocidade de onda de pulso aórtica em HT hipertensos. Os parâmetros correlacionados à medida funcional da artéria aorta foram a idade, o tempo de tratamento androgênico e a relação cintura-quadril, enquanto que as propriedades estruturais e funcionais da carótida se correlacionaram com idade, parâmetros antropométricos e glicêmicos. Não houve influência do trato CAG RA na comparação entre os HT com e sem comorbidades metabólicas. Repetições CAG RA curtas se associaram com níveis significativamente mais elevados de glicemia de jejum, insulina basal e HOMA IR. Em relação aos parâmetros antropométricos, pressóricos, lipídicos e arteriais, não foi identificada associação com o número de repetições CAG RA. Estes achados sugerem um potencial efeito deletério da terapia androgênica prolongada sobre os vasos arteriais e a necessidade de medidas preventivas em HT / Introduction: Transgender men (TM) are 46, XX individuals, with normal female phenotype, who desire to live and be accepted as a male member. Testosterone esters are used in sex reassignment therapy to induce virilization and to adapt the body to the male identity. The effects of androgen therapy on TM cardiovascular function are poorly known, particularly with regard to long-term androgen treatment. TM represents a good model for evaluation of high-dose exogenous testosterone action in biological women. Pharmacogenetic studies have demonstrated the influence of CAG polymorphic tract of the androgen receptor gene (AR) on the androgenic effects observed during testosterone therapy in hypogonadal men, and most studies confirmed the modulation of these polymorphisms on cardiovascular risk factors. Objective: to evaluate the prevalence of cardiovascular risk factors and the structural and functional properties of large arteries in TM on long-term cross sex hormone therapy compared to a male and female healthy control group; to correlate the allelic distribution of CAG AR polymorphic tract with the cardiovascular comorbidities and the structural and functional properties of large arteries in TM. Patients: Forty-six patients with a diagnosis of TM (42 ± 10 years old), followed at the Gender Dysphoria Unit-HCFMUSP, receiving cross-sex hormone treatment with testosterone esters for at least one year (ranging from 1 to 38 years) were selected for the study. Methods: Clinical parameters (BMI, waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio, blood pressure, pulse pressure, body fat percentage), the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities (hypertension, dyslipidemia, diabetes mellitus, obesity) and addictions (smoking, alcohol and drug abuse), laboratory parameters (hematocrit, fasting plasma glucose, basal insulin, HOMA IR index, glycated hemoglobin, total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and creatinine) and vascular parameters (carotid intima-media thickness, carotid diameter, carotid relative distensibility and aortic pulse wave velocity - PWV) were evaluated in the TM group. The same vascular parameters were also evaluated in healthy male and female control group, matched for age and BMI. The allelic distribution of the CAG AR polymorphic tract was evaluated in 44 TM using the GeneMapper software. Results and Conclusions: In the TM group, we observed dyslipidemia in 42%, hypertension in 35%, obesity in 30%, diabetes in 4% and smoking habit in 20%. The mean aortic PWV values in TM was higher than in male healthy controls (p=0.005), but not than in female controls (p=0.640). When categorized by age, considering the median age, TM >= 42 years had higher aortic PWV measures than male (p < 0.001) and female (p = 0.024) controls, regardless of their arterial blood pressure values. There was no difference in carotid diameter, carotid relative distensibility and carotid intima-media thickness between TM and controls. Obese and hypertensive TM presented significantly higher values of carotid diameter and carotid intima-media thickness, and lower values of carotid relative distensibility than healthy transgenders. Hypertensive TM showed higher aortic PWV values than non-hypertensive TM. The aortic stiffness correlated significantly and positively with age, androgen treatment duration and waist-to-hip ratio in TM. Properties of the carotid artery correlated with age, anthropometric parameters and glycemic parameters in TM. Shorter CAG polymorphic tracts of TM were associated with higher levels of fasting plasma glucose, basal insulin and HOMA IR index. There was no influence of the CAG polymorphic tract of TM on the presence of cardiovascular comorbidities, anthropometric, pressure, lipid and arterial parameters. These findings suggest a potential deleterious effect of the long-term testosterone therapy on vessels and the need for preventive measures in TM
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Transgender in Neverland: Dysphoria in a Supernatural AnimeArsenault, Arya 09 August 2023 (has links) (PDF)
This research asks the question of why the anime Zombie Land Saga has been hailed as positive and progressive transgender representation by international fans. I examine a famous episode in which the character Lily Hoshikawa comes out as transgender in terms of its themes of gender dysphoria and identity. After considering the changing understanding about these concepts in Japan as a result of Gender Identity Disorder, those two themes are suggested as key to popularity. The impact of the “wrong body” narrative created by GID on transgender culture in Japan is considered through personal accounts and commentary on recent changes. I conclude that dysphoria and gender identity are key to understanding the story’s reception among fans, and that it makes subtle but meaningful deviations from the narrative created by adherence to a Gender Identity Disorder paradigm.
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Det feminina och maskulina funktionshindret : En diskursanalys av transpersoners positionering inom Socialstyrelsens nationella kunskapsstöd / The feminine and masculine disability : A discourse analysis of the positioning of transgender people in national regulations by The National Board of Health and Welfare.Nilsson, Emma, Petersson, Natalie January 2023 (has links)
Vård av transpersoner och professionella underlag är under konstant förändring till följd av omställningar i diagnosmanualer samt till följd av dess sociopolitiska kontext. Det vetenskapliga fältet är relativt nytt och bristfällig i dess kvantitet. Detta föranleder ett intresse av att undersöka ämnet närmare för att fylla kunskapsluckor inom fältet. Den här uppsatsen ämnar till att undersöka konstruktionen och positioneringen av transpersoner i Socialstyrelsens nationella kunskapsstöd för professionella och beslutsfattare. Vidare ämnar uppsatsen undersöka en diskursiv transformering mellan Socialstyrelsens kunskapsstöd från 2015 och 2022. Materialet innefattar två kunskapsstöd från 2015: God vård av vuxna med könsdysfori samt God vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori, och ett kunskapsstöd från 2022: Vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori. Materialet undersöks genom en Foucauldiansk diskursanalys där metoden i denna analys är inspirerad av Carla Willigs (2013) analyssteg. Analysen i denna uppsats innefattar tre steg där citat från materialet placeras i olika koder, vilket sedan analyseras utifrån relevans till uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar. I linje med den Foucauldianska diskursanalysen används en poststrukturalistisk och abduktiv ansats. Det teoretiska ramverket i uppsatsen innefattar Butlers genusteori samt medikalisering som kompletterande begrepp. Resultatet och analysen är sammanflätade. Uppsatsen visar på en subjektpositionering av transpersoner som ’dysforiska’ eller ’icke dysforiska’ där de ’dysforiska’ konstitueras som ett ’problem’. Socialstyrelsen likställer dysforin hos subjekten med ett funktionshinder där ’problemet’ individualiseras och transpersonerna blir placerad i en ansvarsposition. I analysen framgår även ett stort fokus på det binära genuset inom Socialstyrelsens material från 2015 samt ett fortsatt bibehållande av maskulina och feminina sociala konstruktioner i båda materialen. Fortsatt visar analysen på medikalisering och psykiatrifiering av subjekten samt förekommer ingen skillnad i subjektpositionering i en jämförelse av materialen, trots inkluderingen av icke-binära i det senare kunskapsstödet. / National regulations and care of transgender patients are undergoing constant development due to changing diagnostic manuals and its surrounding socio-political factors. The scientifical field is inadequate and has left gaps within the field. Accordingly, it is of interest to examine these gaps and participate in the advancements within the field. This paper aims to examine the construct and subject positioning of transgender people in The National Board of Health and Welfare papers of national regulations. Furthermore, the paper seeks out to analyze a discursive transformation between the material from 2015 and 2022. The material include two national regulations from 2015, God vård av vuxna med könsdysfori, God vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori, and a paper from 2022, Vård av barn och ungdomar med könsdysfori. The method of Foucauldian discourse in this paper is inspired by Carla Willigs (2013) steps of analysis. The steps of analysis in this research consist of three parts where citations from the material is placed within codes. These are analysed within the scope of the study. Moreover, a poststructuralist and abductive perspective is applied because of its coherence with discourse as a method and theory. The theoretical framework consists of Butler’s gender theory and medicalisation as a complementary construct. The results of this paper show that transgender people are positioned as ‘dysphoric’ or ‘non dysphoric’. Those who are positioned as ‘dysphoric‘ seems to be constructed as a ‘problem’. The subjects are placed in a position of liability where the ‘problem’ is individualized. The binary social construct is prevalent in the material from 2015 and is continued to be reproduced in the material from 2022. Additionally, one can identify a medicalization of the individuals and the same subject positioning in all of the materials even though the latter edition claims to digress from normative binary constructions.
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Editorial Perspective: Medical body modification in youth with gender dysphoria or body dysmorphic disorder – is current practice coherent and evidence-based?Kohls, Gregor, Roessner, Veit 26 February 2024 (has links)
In recent decades, there has been a steady increase in the number of people, including adolescents, undergoing medical body modification (MBM) to alter their physically healthy bodies in invasive and nearly irreversible ways through medical treatment (e.g. surgery). While MBM is often recommended for youth with persisting gender dysphoria (GD), in body dysmorphic disorder (BDD) it has been considered contraindicated. Here, we outline the current controversies surrounding MBM practice and recommendations in adolescents with GD versus those with BDD in order to better understand under what circumstances we may or may not support adolescents who want to change their bodies medically and often irreversibly. We compare the two disorders in terms of the overlap and uniqueness of their behavioural and psychological features. In doing so, we discuss limitations of the existing (often low-quality) evidence for and against MBM in young patients. We conclude that the currently available evidence is too preliminary and far from conclusive to make any robust recommendations in terms of benefits and harms of MBM in youth with persisting GD or BDD. However, we strongly recommend further urgent scientific discussions and systematic research efforts into more robust evaluations and the identification of more precise psychological characteristics that may serve as decision criteria for or against MBM – particularly in those adolescents who did not respond to non-MBM, that is, psychiatric/psychological treatment and psychosocial support, if available at all. This will greatly benefit youth healthcare professionals in their challenging clinical practice of making decisions regarding MBM today and in the future.
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Vårdens transformering : en studie av utrednings- och fertilitetsvård för transpersonerErbenius, Theo January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur det perspektivskifte som skett rörandetranspersoner som potentiella föräldrar mellan 1972 och 2013 tagits emot och omsatts ipraktiken inom svensk hälso- och sjukvård. Uppsatsen söker identifiera förändringsprocesser,brytpunkter, problem och lösningar. Det primära materialet består av intervjuer med personalpå utredningsenheten ANOVA och fertilitetskliniken Reproduktionsmedicin KI. Uppsatsenpåvisar att cisnormativitetens gradvisa tillbakagång på samhällsnivå medfört en successivnormalisering av transpersoners föräldraskap inom vården, samt att vårdkedjor utvecklas viaen interaktiv process mellan vårdgivare, patienter, teknologi, juridik och politik. 2013 årslagändring varigenom personer med ändrad könstillhörighet erhöll den juridiska rätten tillbiologiskt föräldraskap är i praktiken bristfälligt realiserad på grund av bristande finansiering.
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