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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Lawful Interception and Countermeasures : In the era of Internet Telephony

Evripidis, Romanidis January 2008 (has links)
Lawful interception and the way it is performed have played a significant role in the effectiveness of this type of communication monitoring. Although the secrecy of interception and the related equipment are supposed to provide correct information to a law enforcement agency, there are some countermeasures that can be taken by the subject that can seriously undermine the collection of correct and accurate data. This thesis project attempts to identify the problems that exist for interception of telephony (be it fixed, mobile, or via the Internet). Moreover, there are some suggestions for improvements how lawful interception should be performed in order to avoid possible attacks that could decrease the credibility of the intercepted data. Numerous publications (in print or distributed on the Internet) have described weaknesses in the current state of the art lawful interception when using equipment that can be purchased in the market. This thesis presents improvements in how LI can be conducted in order to avoid these vulnerabilities. Additionally, there is a description of the key escrow systems and the possibility of avoiding one of their most significant vulnerabilities. The main problem of the lawful interception is the rapid changes in telecommunications and the complicated architecture of the telecommunication networks, as both make monitoring vulnerable to specific countermeasures. An analysis of how lawful interception can take place and current countermeasures for lawful interception of Internet telephony are vital in order to identify the problems in carrying out such intercepts today and to make suggestions for improvements. This topic is especially relevant given the current Swedish “FRA lagen” regarding interception of electronic communication going into, out of, and through Sweden. Not only is it important to understand how lawful interception can be performed or prevented, but it is also important to understand how information obtained from lawful interception could be purposely misleading or falsified.

大陸預售商品房按揭制度之研究─以履約保證制度為中心 / The Study on Mortgage System for Pre-Sale of Commercial Housing in Mainland Chin─Focus on Escrowa

張芳正, Chang, Gang Chen Unknown Date (has links)
近年來大陸經濟放緩,導致爛尾樓問題頻傳。造成爛尾樓的原因除經濟大環境之外,很大程度應歸咎於大陸預售商品房按揭制度的不健全。本文就大陸按揭制度及其相關爭議進行分析後,認為大陸預售商品房按揭制度的不健全,係因法規多半為原則性規定,加上各管理機關對法規執行落實不足。 為解決對大陸預售商品房按揭制度中爛尾樓,及預售屋購屋者保障不足問題,本研究即針對已臻成熟台、港在預售屋交易安全保障制度深入探討,總結有:履約保證制度的施行,興建資金的專款專戶,專戶款項支付需由第三方履約監管單位掌控,以及購屋者在完工交屋前支付之自備款比例低等特點,此恰為大陸現行預售商品房按揭制度不足之處。 爰此,本文建議得參考台、港的預售制度,進行以下近期措施以改善現行大陸預售商品房按揭制度之缺失:修法明定預售款專戶相關規範並嚴格落實執行,以及調降購屋者預售資金支付比例。就中長期措施而言,本文認為最佳的調整建議為:全面檢討修正大陸預售制度相關法律與行政規範,試行台灣現行預售屋強制履約保證機制,確保預售屋完工機率,以符合交易各方當事人之權益。 / In recent years, China’s economic slowdown leads to endless problems of unfinished buildings. Besides economic climate, imperfect mortgage system for pre-sale commercial housing in Mainland China largely contributes to these problems. After the analysis of mortgage system in China and contentious issues thereof, the thesis finds that imperfect mortgage system is due to only established principles rather than specific regulations in relevant legal systems and limited law enforcement by administrative authorities. To solve issues on unfinished buildings and insufficient protection for house buyers, the thesis studies well established and comprehensive transaction security system on pre-sale commercial housing in Taiwan and Hong Kong, and their advantages are thus concluded as: the enforcement of Escrow system, the establishment of special financial account earmarked for the building fund, the control of the payment for the earmarked building fund, and the reduction of a down payment before handover. These advantages reflect the inadequacies of current mortgage system in China. In light of this, the thesis suggests the following short-term measures with reference to pre-sale systems in Taiwan and Hong Kong, including: stipulating rules as to special pre-sale financial account, enforcing those rules strictly and reducing the portion of down payment. In mid - to - long – term goal, the suggested best strategies herein are to comprehensively review and amend relevant laws, regulations, decrees and policies and launch current mandated Escrow system in Taiwan. By those strategies, the closing of pre-sale housing can be ensured to meet interests of all parties involved in the transaction.

La consignation / The consignation

Touzain, Antoine 04 December 2018 (has links)
La consignation, malgré ses origines romaines, est peu étudiée en doctrine. La construction de son domaine par sédimentation a conduit à un éclatement des hypothèses : la consignation peut poursuivre une finalité libératoire, conservatoire ou de sûreté.Il est pourtant possible de vérifier que la consignation présente un caractère unitaire. Elle peut être définie comme le mécanisme par lequel une chose, objet d’un droit potentiel, est remise entre les mains d’un tiers et affectée à la satisfaction de la personne qui sera finalement reconnue attributaire de l’objet. Cette figure originale répond à un état d’incertitude en organisant une situation d’attente.Mais la consignation ne se limite pas à cette procédure. Que l'on songe à la consignation obligatoirement versée par la partie civile, à celle dans la procédure de saisie-vente. Mais que l'on songe aussi à la vente avec consignation, ou au consignataire en matière maritime !Partant de ce constat d'une notion originale et éclatée, la thèse vise à déterminer précisément une définition de la consignation, par une étude globale de celle-ci, et par une comparaison avec d'autres notions connues du droit privé, tels le gage, le paiement, le séquestre, ou encore la fiducie. Cette comparaison faite, et la notion identifiée, l'élaboration d'un régime propre à la consignation n'en sera que plus aisée.Au-delà de l'intérêt théorique d'une telle construction, cette thèse a l'ambition d'apporter des solutions pratiques, afin d'apporter plus de sérénité dans l'utilisation de ce mécanisme. / The consignation, despite its Roman origins, remains largely under-studied by authors. The development of its field by way of sedimentation has led to a scattering of hypothesis. The consignation may serve a specific purpose : to discharge the debtor, to safeguard or to guarantee.However, it is possible to verify that the consignation presents a unitary nature. It can be defined as the mechanism by which a thing, object of a potential right, is entrusted to a third party and assigned to the satisfaction of the person who shall eventually be recognized as the beneficiary of such thing. This original figure, answers to a state of uncertainty with a situation of expectancy.

Problematic areas in the real property subjects to a fiduciary domain: sales tax treatment and the provisionary measures / Aspectos problemáticos en los inmuebles sujetos a dominio fiduciario: tratamiento del impuesto de alcabala y las medidas cautelares

Pozo Sánchez, Julio, Ormeño Flores, Carolina 12 April 2018 (has links)
According to Peruvian legislation, through an escrow agreement a trustor transfers under a fiduciary domain in favor of an escrow agent various goods, rights and obligations, which must achieve certain purpose. These will constitute an autonomous patrimony that does not respond any obligation of the trustor and the agent escrow. Despite the clarity of this statement, the authors reveal that indeed there might be different interpretations about this agreement that have practical consequences with the treatment of real properties subject to fiduciary dominion. / De acuerdo a la legislación peruana, a través del contrato de fideicomiso, el fideicomitente transfiere en dominio fiduciario a favor del fiduciario diversos bienes, derechos y obligaciones, los mismos que deben ser afectados a la consecución de un determinado fin. De tal manera se constituye un patrimonio autónomo que no responde por las obligaciones del fideicomitente ni del fiduciario. Pese a la claridad de dichas disposiciones, los autores evidencian que en la realidad se presentan situaciones problemáticas de concepto que tienen consecuencias prácticas con el tratamiento de los inmuebles sujetos a dominio fiduciario.

Эффективность финансирования инвестиционных строительных проектов в рамках реформы долевого строительства : магистерская диссертация / Efficiency of financing investment construction projects in the framework of the reform of shared-equity construction

Ершова, М. С., Ershova, M. S. January 2021 (has links)
Источниками финансирования жилищного строительства после реформы долевого строительства являются: собственные средства правообладателя (в смешанной схеме финансирования), проектное финансирование, средства жилищно-накопительных кооперативов; средства закрытых паевых инвестиционных фондов, облигационные займы. Несмотря на то, что у застройщиков остается выбор использования иных источников помимо проектного финансирования или денег дольщиков (в проектах, которые начались до 1 июля 2019 года), все рассмотренные способы либо не распространены, либо не применяются в качестве основного способа финансирования. Анализ различных методов оценки эффективности инвестиционно-строительных проектов показал, что не существует универсального показателя, дающего возможность судить об успешной реализации проекта. Наибольшее количество проблем проектного финансирования связано с банковским сектором и взаимодействием застройщиков с кредитными учреждениями. К основным трудностям, с которыми сталкиваются застройщики при реализации проектов с помощью проектного финансирования, являются: неустойчивость банковской системы в стране; доминирующее положение банков и практически полная бесправность застройщика в вопросах кредитования; невозможность осуществления деятельности застройщиками с низкорентабельными проектами из-за жестких требований кредитных учреждений; рост себестоимости строительства в связи с уплатой процентов по кредиту. В работе автором были сформулированы рекомендации по совершенствованию существующей схемы проектного финансирования строительства жилья. / The sources of financing of housing construction after the reform of shared - equity construction are: the rightholder's own funds (in a mixed financing scheme), project financing, funds of housing and savings cooperatives; funds of closed unit investment funds, bond loans. Despite the fact that developers still have the choice of using sources other than project financing or equity holders' money (in projects that began before July 1, 2019), all the methods considered are either not common or are not used as the main method of financing. The analysis of various methods of evaluating the effectiveness of investment and construction projects has shown that there is no universal indicator that makes it possible to judge the successful implementation of the project. The greatest number of problems of project financing is associated with the banking sector and the interaction of developers with credit institutions. The main difficulties faced by developers when implementing projects with the help of project financing are: the instability of the banking system in the country; the dominant position of banks and the almost complete disenfranchisement of the developer in matters of lending; the inability of developers to carry out activities with low-profit projects due to the strict requirements of credit institutions; the increase in the cost of construction in connection with the payment of interest on the loan. In the work, the author formulated recommendations for improving the existing scheme of project financing of housing construction.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Goya, Denise Hideko 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

"Proposta de esquemas de criptografia e de assinatura sob modelo de criptografia de chave pública sem certificado" / "Proposal for encryption and signature schemes under certificateless public key cryptography model"

Denise Hideko Goya 28 June 2006 (has links)
Sob o modelo de criptografia de chave pública baseada em identidades (ID-PKC), a própria identidade dos usuários é usada como chave pública, de modo a dispensar a necessidade de uma infra-estrutura de chaves públicas (ICP), na qual o gerenciamento de certificados digitais é complexo. Por outro lado, sistemas nesse modelo requerem uma entidade capaz de gerar chaves secretas. Essa entidade é conhecida por PKG (Private Key Generator); ela possui uma chave-mestra e mantém custódia das chaves secretas geradas a partir dessa chave-mestra. Naturalmente, a custódia de chaves é indesejável em muitas aplicações. O conceito de Criptografia de Chave Pública sem Certificado, ou Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC), foi proposto para que a custódia de chaves fosse eliminada, mantendo, porém, as características de interesse: a não necessidade de uma ICP e a eliminação de certificados digitais. CL-PKC deixa de ser um sistema baseado em identidades, pois é introduzida uma chave pública, gerada a partir de uma informação secreta do usuário. Nesta dissertação, apresentamos a construção de dois esquemas, um CL-PKE e um CL-PKS, baseados em emparelhamentos bilineares sobre curvas elípticas. Ambas propostas: (1) eliminam custódia de chaves; (2) dispensam certificados digitais; (3) são mais eficientes, sob certos aspectos, que esquemas anteriormente publicados; (4) e são seguros contra ataques adaptativos de texto cifrado escolhido (em CL-PKE) e contra ataques adaptativos de mensagem escolhida (em CL-PKS), sob o modelo de oráculos aleatórios. / Under the model of Identity Based Cryptography (ID-PKC), the public key can be the user's identity, therefore it does not require a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) with its complex management of Digital Certificates. On the other hand, this system requires a Private Key Generator (PKG), a trusted authority who is in possession of a master key and can generate any of the private keys. In this way, PKG can exercise the so-called key escrow, which is undesirable in many applications. The concept of Certificateless Public Key Cryptography (CL-PKC) was proposed in order to remove the key escrow characteristic of IBC, while it does not require PKI neither Digital Certificates to certify the public keys. CL-PKC is no more an IBC because public keys are introduced, to bind the identities with its secret keys. In this thesis we construct two schemes, one CL-PKE and one CL-PKS, based on bilinear pairing functions which: (1) does not allow key escrow by the PKG; (2) does not require Digital Certificates; (3) is more efficient, in some aspects, than previously published CL-PKE and CL-PKS schemes; (4) and is secure in the sense that it is strong against adaptive chosen ciphertext attacks (in CL-PKE) and adaptive chosen message attacks (in CL-PKS), under Random Oracle Model.

第三方支付與跨境支付管理業務的發展及因應策略-以台灣金融業為例 / The Development and Strategies to Cope with Third-Party Payment and Cross-border Payment Managing Services:A Case Study of Financial Industry of Taiwan

吳俊德 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著科技進步,支付工具越來越多元化,第三方支付在中美已發展成熟。面對第三方支付平台的崛起,並由主管機關主導開放非銀行業辦理代收代付及儲值業務。本研究以文獻分析法及制度比較法,從台灣金融業者的角度比較第三方支付中信託及履約保證機制所產生的影響,發現信託較履約保證機制為佳;而就制度而言,我國對第三方支付平台儲值款項在消費者權益保障最為嚴謹。銀行在承擔第三方支付業者倒閉風險的同時,亦可選擇自行發展第三方支付業務。 由於國內線上交易市場競爭激烈,為活絡網購市場,網購業者以引進中國網友至台灣網路特約商店消費為目標。本研究分析我國發展跨境代收轉付金流服務之方向,並以玉山銀行為案例,認為在國際第三方支付市場上,以合作取代競爭是值得採行的策略。同時結合台灣優質廠商,應是台灣未來金融業者與第三方支付業者可搶進的利基。 再者,第三方支付產業市場競爭激烈,與金融業產生競爭關係,尤其第三方支付平台所提供理財與放款服務十分具有市場競爭力。但是基於法規要求及各項互補產生的附加價值,產生合作關係,金融業者應審慎選擇與第三方支付業者競爭或合作。根據本研究調查目前我國銀行與第三方支付業者競爭或合作概況,同樣發現為競合關係。 最後,為提升金融業之競爭力,建議應強化電子商務技術能力,善用目前據點優勢,重視客戶反饋及增加創新服務,並積極爭取具有綜效之異業結盟,以爭取賽局有利條件。另建議主管機關為進一步保障消費者,短期宜修改《電子支付機構管理條例》相關子法,中長期宜研擬修改《信託法》。為解決跨境交易監理及課稅問題,則可利用跨境支付管理業務。 / As technology advances, payment systems grow diversity. Third-party payment has matured in China and USA. Facing the rise of third-party payment platform, and opening lead by the authority, what stategies should Taiwan's financial industry choose? The research has analyzed and compared Trust with Escrow in third-party payment, and found that Trust is a better way. As far as legal system is concerned, Taiwan values most on consumer protection. Since banks bear the risk of third-party payment company bankruptcy, they can also choose to develop their own third-party payment services. Due to fierce competition in the domestic online market, online shopping companies dedicate to attract Internet users in China. The research has illustrated the development of cross-border payment managing service, and taken E. Sun Bank as an example. The research explored that financial institution and third-party payment company should cooperate rather than competite in the international market. Combined with high-quality manufacturers, Taiwan's financial institutions and the third-party payment companies could get more profit. In addition, third-party payment industry is a highly competitive market, resulting in a competitive relationship with the financial industry . In particular, financial managing and loan services provided by third-party payment are very attractive. However, financial institutions and the third-party payment companies are forced to cooperate because of regulatory requirements and the value added by complement. Financial institutions should evalute carefully. According to the result of present study, it is co-opetition in this relationship. To enhance the competitiveness, the research suggests that financial institutions strengthen the ability of e-commerce technology, make good use of the advantages of the branches, pay attention to customer feedback, establish innovative services, and actively seek alliance which makes synergy. On the other hand, the research recommend authority amend law. In order to supervise cross-border transactions and taxation, authority could use cross-border payments managing service.

Nuostolių, kilusių dėl akcijų pirkimo-pardavimo sutartyse numatytų patvirtinimų ir garantijų pažeidimo, nustatymo ir išieškojimo problemos / Problems concerning estimation and recovery of losses caused by the breaches of representations and warranties provided for in agreements on sale-purchase of shares

Dabrišiūtė, Kristina 09 July 2011 (has links)
Šiame magistro darbe, pasitelkiant analizės, lyginamąjį, loginį, sisteminį ir ekonominį tyrimo metodus, išsamiai analizuojama nuostolių, kilusių dėl akcijų pirkimo–pardavimo sutartyse numatytų patvirtinimų ir garantijų pažeidimo, nustatymo ir išieškojimo problematika. Darbe tiek teoriniu, tiek praktiniu aspektu pateikiamos pagrindinės problemos ir siūlomi jų sprendimo variantai, kurie palengvintų nuostolių apskaičiavimą ir užtikrintų teisingą jų atlyginimą paaiškėjus, jog pardavėjo patvirtinimai ir garantijos, perleidžiant verslą akcijų pirkimo–pardavimo būdu, buvo klaidingi. Siekiant užsibrėžtų tikslų pirmoje darbo dalyje nagrinėjami verslo perleidimo akcijų pirkimo–pardavimo būdu ypatumai, aiškinamasi, kokį akcijų kiekį perleidus bus laikoma, kad įvyko viso verslo perleidimas, taip pat lyginamos sandorių rūšys verslą perleidžiant akcijų ir turto pardavimo būdais. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad patvirtinimai ir garantijos jau tapo neatsiejama akcijų pirkimo–pardavimo sutarties nuostatų dalimi, o verslo įsigijimų praktikoje ginčai dažniausiai kyla dėl šių sutarties nuostatų pažeidimo, antroje darbo dalyje gilinamasi į jų teisinę prigimtį, esmę, tikslus bei vietą Lietuvos sutarčių teisės sistemoje. Pagrindinė darbo dalis skirta nagrinėjamos temos kontekste identifikuoti nuostolių nustatymo ir išieškojimo problemas, analizuoti pagrindinius nuostolių apskaičiavimo būdus ir įmonės vertinimo problematiką, įvertinti pardavėjo pareigos atskleisti informaciją ir pirkėjo pareigos patikrinti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / This master thesis, through the use of analytical, comparative, logical, systemic and economic methods forms a thorough analysis of problems concerning estimation and recovery of losses caused by the breaches of representations and warranties provided for in share sale–purchase agreements. This paper in both – theoretical and practical standpoints presents the core of the pending problems while suggesting the eventual rules, which if addressed, could ease the estimation of losses and safeguard the fair-minded compensation in the situations when seller’s representations and warranties provided for in share sale–purchase agreements were false. In order to achieve the selected goals of this master thesis, the first part of the paper analyses peculiarities of business transfer through the purchase of shares. It also examines what amount of transferred shares can be considered as a transfer of full business as well as compares the nature of business transactions through the sale of shares and assets. Due to the fact that representations and warranties have become an integral part of share sale–purchase agreements and disputes in business acquisitions are most often caused by the breach of above clauses, the second part of the paper examines their legal nature, substance, goals and place in the Lithuanian law of contracts. The main part of the paper aims to identify problems in estimation and recovery of damages, analyze main methods of the calculation of damages and issues in... [to full text]

Kontrollklausulers påverkan på integrationsprocessen vid företagsförvärv : En komparativ studie mellan den amerikanska och svenska marknaden avseende metoden för utformning av avtal / The Impact of Control Clauses on the Integration Process in M & A Transactions : A Comparative Study between the United States and Sweden Regarding the Methods of Forming Contracts

Söderberg, Anna, Wallström, Susanna January 2013 (has links)
Företagsförvärv är en global metod för tillväxt vilken idag tillämpas i stor utsträckning. Förfarandet innebär ett förvärv av en redan existerande verksamhet vilket kan föranleda minskade kostnader i förhållande till organisk tillväxt. Genom företagsförvärv krävs inte att köparen bygger upp verksamheten eller nya kund- och leverantörskretsar från grunden. I USA utgör företagsförvärv en utbredd metod för tillväxt, dock är transaktionsprocessen lik den svenska och det förekommer således inga väsentliga skillnader att beakta vid utformningen av förvärvsavtalen.   Integrationsprocessen utgör en fas vid företagsförvärv som har en avgörande inverkan på det slutliga resultatet av transaktionen. Det är genom en integration av företagen som köparen har möjlighet att realisera de synergier och andra mervärden vilka förvärvet kan föranleda. Processen är dock svår att hantera och det förekommer inga specifika regler avseende integrationen att ta hänsyn till, vilket kan resultera i att samgåendet misslyckas. Integrationen kräver tid och kapital, vilket förutsätter att köparen tar hänsyn till och börjar planera för processen i god tid vid förvärvet. Det är viktigt att de inblandade parterna arbetar för att påverka integrationen i så liten utsträckning som möjligt.   I de fall osäkerhet föreligger avseende målföretagets värde kan prismekanismer tillämpas för att eliminera de risker som osäkerheten medför.  Tillämpningen av prismekanismer kan innebära att köpeskillingen inte erläggs kontant vid tillträdet utan skjuts upp till ett avtalat datum. Ett av syftena med förvärvsavtalet och prismekanismerna är att fördela risker mellan parterna. I de fall utbetalningen av köpeskillingen genom en prismekanism skjuts upp till en tidpunkt efter tillträdet uppstår en risk för säljaren att inte erhålla betalning. Risken kan förebyggas genom införandet av en kontrollklausul i avtalet som begränsar köparen från att vidta vissa åtgärder i målföretagets verksamhet. Köparens begränsade handlingsfrihet kan innebära att denne hindras från att vidta åtgärder som kan vara väsentliga för en god integrationsprocess. Det finns flera olika former av prismekanismer vilka påverkar integrationen i olika grad genom att kontrollklausulen i de olika situationerna varierar i omfattning.      Ett prestationspris utgör en prismekanism som är svår att hantera och innebär en påverkan på integrationen eftersom tillämpningen förutsätter förekomsten av en kontrollklausul. En komparativ studie har påvisat att det inte förekommer några säregna alternativ till prestationspriser på den amerikanska marknaden. Marknaden för företagsförvärv är global och de alternativ som existerar tillämpas både i Sverige och i USA. De generella alternativ till prestationspris som förekommer och vilka är att föredra är en locked box eller en köpeskillingsavräkning med en kort löptid, eftersom de medför en mindre påverkan på integrationsprocessen.   Kontrollklausuler förekommer på grund av tillämpningen av prismekanismer och utgör således inte i sig den främsta orsaken till den negativa påverkan på integrationen. I de fall prismekanismer inte förekommer, finns inget behov av kontrollklausuler.

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