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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Accessible UX in digital 3D application solutions on the example of the planning experience by IKEA : An empirical mixed-method approach beyond accessibility

Nguyen, Hoang Dung January 2023 (has links)
The research investigates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance a 3D digital planning tool's accessibility for individuals with visual impairments. Three primary research questions guide this study. It incorporated a mixed-method data collection approach to comprehensively investigate these questions. The study began with a designer interview to understand the current state of accessibility within a 3D planning tool, how designers ensure compliance with guidelines, guideline adherence, and implementation strategies.Subsequently, empirical user testing was conducted involving six participants with visual impairments. This methods aimed to obtain diverse user perspectives, emphasizing the user-centered nature of the study. The designer interview highlighted four critical accessibility issues: keyboard accessibility, information clarity, clear labeling, and focus visibility. Addressing these issues aligned the 3D planning tool with WCAG 2.1 guidelines and resulted in significant enhancements in it's accessibility.Empirical user testing revealed varying degrees of success among different users with visual impairments, highlighting both the successes and challenges of implementing accessibility features, and emphasizing the complexity of designing for individuals with visual impairments. The study identified key features that contributed to an enhanced user experience, including accessibility through assistive technology, effective scanning navigation strategies, and challenges for improvements in areas such as clear descriptions and interaction feedback. This research has broader implications, impacting both the practical and scientific fields of accessibility. It offers practical significance for companies like IKEA, emphasizing the importance of a user-centered approach to empower users and gather unique insights from individuals with disabilities. Contributing inclusivity and user-friendliness in 3D planning tools.The findings highlight the significance of accessible user interface elements and the importance of compatibility with assistive technologies. A need for inclusive design methods in the development of 3D planning tools and the creation of specific accessibility guidelines designed for 3D environments. In conclusion, this research demonstrates the feasibility of applying 2D accessibility guidelines to enhance the accessibility of 3D digital planning tools. The research contributes to both practical design considerations and the scientific understanding of accessibility challenges in 3D environments.It holds the potential to improve the industry, empower users, and enhance overall accessibility standards. The findings underscore the importance of user-centered design, the complexity of designing in 3D context and to diverse user needs, the interplay between accessibility and usability, and the ongoing need for improvements to enhance the user experience, to create more inclusive and user-friendly 3D digital planning solutions for everyone.

Beyond Breaking News : Designing Mobile-News Experience for Gen Z and Millennials / Utöver de senaste nyheterna : designa en mobilnyhetsupplevelse för generation Z och millennials

Sanjna Joshi, Navya January 2023 (has links)
In an era dominated by digital media, this research investigates the shifting landscape of news consumption among Gen Z, the first "digital natives," and Millennials, often referred to as "digital immigrants." The study explored their unique relationships with the digital world and their distinct motivations for engaging with news, focusing on mobile platforms. Generational differences in news consumption motivations emerged as a pivotal factor, with younger individuals seeking causes, personal growth, and self-actualization through the information they consumed, while older generations leaned toward traditional news sources and institutional politics. The advent of mobile devices, particularly smartphones, further accentuated the generational gap, with Gen Z and Millennials primarily using smartphones to access news via social media platforms. Their news consumption was characterised by intermittent and serendipitous engagement, emphasising the need for visually engaging news formats and easily digestible content. The study culminated in the design of the Tidings app’s key features, including Tidings Home, Category Feeds, and Newsboard, tailored to meet the evolving needs and preferences of these generational cohorts in mobile news consumption. Design solutions aimed to streamline news consumption, simplify daily routines, and keep users informed without overwhelming them. Valuable feedback from a design critique session in regards to news values, news delivery and presentation and user agency validated these proposed design solutions. This research contributes to a deeper understanding of how generational disparities influence news consumption habits and attitudes, particularly in the context of mobile news experiences. As the digital media landscape continues to evolve, comprehending the unique preferences of Gen Z and Millennials is indispensable for news organisations seeking effective audience engagement. The application with its user-centric design approach, is well-positioned to address the distinctive needs of these generations in the dynamic world of news consumption. / I en tid som domineras av digitala medier undersöker denna forskning det föränderliga landskapet för nyhetskonsumtion bland Gen Z, de första "digitala infödingarna", och Millennials, ofta kallade "digitala invandrare." Vi utforskade deras unika relationer med den digitala världen och deras distinkta motiv för att engagera sig i nyheter, med fokus på mobila plattformar. Generationsskillnader i nyhetskonsumtionsmotiveringar dök upp som en avgörande faktor, där yngre individer sökte orsaker, personlig tillväxt och självförverkligande genom informationen de konsumerade, medan äldre generationer lutade sig mot traditionella nyhetskällor och institutionell politik. Tillkomsten av mobila enheter, särskilt smartphones, accentuerade ytterligare generationsklyftan, där Gen Z och Millennials främst använde smartphones för att komma åt nyheter via sociala medieplattformar. Deras nyhetskonsumtion kännetecknades av intermittent och slumpmässigt engagemang, vilket betonade behovet av visuellt engagerande nyhetsformat och lättsmält innehåll. Studien kulminerade i utformningen av Tidings-appens nyckelfunktioner, inklusive Tidings Home, Category Feeds och Newsboard, skräddarsydda för att möta de växande behoven och preferenserna hos dessa generationskohorter inom mobil nyhetskonsumtion. Designlösningar syftade till att effektivisera nyhetskonsumtionen, förenkla dagliga rutiner och hålla användarna informerade utan att överväldiga dem. Värdefull feedback från en designkritiksession validerade dessa föreslagna designlösningar. Denna forskning bidrar till en djupare förståelse av hur generationsskillnader påverkar nyhetskonsumtionsvanor och attityder, särskilt i samband med mobila nyhetsupplevelser. När det digitala medielandskapet fortsätter att utvecklas är det oumbärligt att förstå de unika preferenserna hos Gen Z och Millennials för nyhetsorganisationer som söker effektivt engagemang hos publiken. Applikationen med sin användarcentrerade designmetod är väl positionerad för att möta dessa generationers distinkta behov i den dynamiska världen av nyhetskonsumtion.

Affordances and challenges when creating a digital experience for people using smart watches with the intent of purchasing groceries

Hedberg, Evelina January 2020 (has links)
New technology is revolutionizing the retail industry by providing new conditions and questioning the traditional way of shopping. Wearable devices have gained popularity lately and smartwatches are one of the most popular among them [12]. However, little research has been made in the area of creating experiences for grocery retail purchases using smartwatches, which is where this study aims to contribute. Through establishing what affordances and challenges there might be when creating a digital experience for people using smart watches with the intent of purchasing groceries. With the support from CompanyX, one of the leading companies with their core business in grocery retail, the study was built around Apple Watch users as the target group. An experience-centered design method was used to incorporate the end user at each stage of the design process. A high fidelity prototype was created based on the decoded material from the semi-structured interviews performed. The prototype was then evaluated in a remote setup using both in-depth test sessions and a broader evaluation questionnaire. The results showed that the prototype proposed added value for the user by providing an experience that would encourage a more structured and inspirational way of purchasing groceries. The attitude towards the prototype was positive. However, further improvements are suggested and discussed aiming to suit the limited interaction options of a smartwatch, better. The study provides insights in what the attitude looks towards different types of functionalities aiming to create an enhanced grocery shopping experience among Apple Watch users. / Nya tekniska förutsättningar revolutionerar handelsmarknaden genom nya förutsättningar som ifrågasätter traditionellt sätt att handla på. Teknologier som Wearables har under de senaste åren blivit mycket populära där de vristburna enheterna är de som står ut särskilt i popularitet. Dock har lite studier gjorts på hur man med hjälp av Wearables skulle kunna skapa en upplevelse ämnad att underlätta shoppingupplevelsen hos personer som handlar matvaror. Vad öppnar en smartklocka upp för förutsättningar och vad finns det för utmaningar att skapa en upplevelse med hjälp av en smartklocka? Med stöd från CompanyX, en av Sveriges ledande företag inom dagligvaruhandel, byggdes studien kring Apple Watch-användare. Användaren var central genom hela studien då den var byggt runt användarbeteenden och användarupplevelser. En prototyp skapades baserat på de resultat som fastställdes kring användandet, samt testad på slutanvändarna. Resultaten visade att prototypen skapade värde för användaren då den uppmuntrade till ett mer strukturerat samt inspirerande sätt att handla matvaror på. Prototypen togs emot positivt men skulle gynnas av ytterligare förbättringar och design iterationer främst kring smartklockans begränsade interaktionsmöjligheter. Studien bidrar med insikter kring hur attityden ser ut kring skapandet av en användarupplevelse för matvaruhandel i en smartklocka hos Apple Watch användare.

Maintaining Social Connectedness: Hanging Out Using Facebook Messenger

Zeng, Paulina, Zeng 04 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Juiciness: Exploring and designing around experience of feedback in video games

Atanasov, Simeon January 2013 (has links)
This project aims to explore the effects of feedback over experience invideo games. It acts as a part of a discussion around the concept of “Juiciness”, byattempting to define it both in theory and practice. The text describes a positionon “Juiciness” in relation to experience design and “Experiential qualities”, anddiscusses the role of aesthetics in the context of feedback. The practical aspect ofthe project is aimed towards finding where “Juiciness” can enrich a designprocess and this is done through the design, development and analysis of a videogame prototype. The project also takes a critical standpoint towards “Juiciness”,in order to question and expand on the current definitions of the concept.

Future-Proofing Accessibility in UX: Swedish Perspectives on the European Accessibility Act

Söderholm, Elin January 2024 (has links)
As digital interactions become increasingly integral to our daily routines, ensuring web accessibility for all users is crucial. User experience designers play a big role in creating online environments that are not only usable, but also informative and enjoyable. The European Accessibility Act is a new directive from the European Union, stating that certain products and services must be accessible by 2025, benefiting an estimated 87 million Europeans who have disabilities or temporary impairments. Previous research on Swedish websites has found that requirements are often not fulfilled when it comes to accessibility. This thesis investigated current accessibility practices among Swedish user experience (UX) designers and evaluated their preparedness for compliance with the European Accessibility Act. The results of the interviews show that the Act provides several motivating factors for improving accessibility measures in organizations. Through expert evaluations of the design practices, a set of guidelines is presented, aimed at providing guidance for companies and designers in creating an inclusive design culture while complying with the Act.

Beteendepåverkande design för hållbara bildelningstjänster / Behavioral design for sustainable car sharing services

Wahlborg, Jonna, Elgh Åbrink, Mollie January 2024 (has links)
Inom forskningsfältet MDI har ett flertal utmanande områden identifierats, bland annat inom hållbarhet men också för att täcka ett kunskapsgap mellan forskningsfältet och yrkesområden. Parallellt menar hållbarhetsexperter att vi behöver bekämpa klimatförändringar, öka hållbarheten i städer och samhällen samt förbättra hållbar konsumtion och produktion för att ge framtida generationer samma möjligheter som oss. Detta kan göras genom att människor i samhället börjar dela på tillgångar, där bildelning är ett växande område. Tidigare forskning menar att en hållbarhetsutmaning är att öka människors kunskap kring hållbarhet, något som kan göras genom beteendepåverkande design. Mindful Design och Design With Intent är två tillvägagångssätt inom beteendepåverkande design och har legat till grund för att undersöka vilka beteendepåverkande designrekommendationer som kan användas av företag som erbjuder bildelningstjänster för att öka andelen människor som väljer att resa hållbart. Fem delmål togs fram; först identifierades och analyserades beteenden och designproblem inom bildelning, för att därefter sammanställas till underlag för att skapa designrekommendationerna. Därefter utvärderades designrekommendationernas applicerbarhet i en fallstudie, vilket möjliggjorde revidering av designrekommendationerna. Resultatet visar att beteendepåverkande design inom bildelningstjänster bör utgå från fem kategorier: ekonomi, tillgänglighet & behov, medvetenhet, effekt & bevis, risker & säkerhet och socialt & känslor. Kategorierna innefattar problem och motivationsområden och behöver samverka för att angripa hållbarhetsutmaningar på ett holistiskt sätt. De fem kategorierna ligger till grund för 28 beteendepåverkande rekommendationer som ämnar att hjälpa företag att designa bildelningstjänster som påverkar människor till att anta ett mer hållbart resande och på sikt ökar hållbarheten på samhällsnivå. / Within the MDI research field, a number of challenging areas have been identified, including sustainability but also a knowledge gap between the research field and professional areas. At the same time, sustainability experts mean that we need to defeat climate change, increase sustainability in cities and communities and improve responsible consumption and production to give future generations the same opportunities as us. This can be done by sharing assets, where car sharing is a growing area.  Previous research suggests that a sustainability challenge is to increase people's knowledge of sustainability, something that can be done through behavioral design. Mindful Design and Design With Intent are two approaches within behavioral design which have formed the basis for this thesis.  The question at issue investigates behavioral design recommendations that should be used by companies who are offering car sharing services to increase the amount of people who choose to travel sustainably. To answer this, five sub-goals were created. First behaviors and design problems in car sharing were identified and analyzed, then they were compiled into a basis for creating the design recommendations. After that the applicability of the design recommendations was evaluated in a case study, which enabled revision of the design recommendations.  The result shows that behavioral design within car sharing services should be based on five categories: economy, accessibility & needs, awareness, impact & evidence, risks & safety and social & emotions. The categories include problems and areas of motivation and need to work together to tackle sustainability challenges in a holistic way. The five categories form the basis of 28 behavioral design recommendations that aim to help companies design car-sharing services that influence people to adopt more sustainable travel patterns and, in the long run, increase sustainability at the societal level.

Enhancing the User Experience in Internal Systems : A case study investigating design considerations for Administration Portals when UX resources are limited

Drahosch, Sandra January 2024 (has links)
UX resources are often allocated to customer-facing products and services rather than internal systems within organizations. However, the lack of good user experience (UX) of internal systems, particularly administration portals, could impact efficiency, satisfaction and productivity of the employees. Despite this importance these systems may not get the same level of attention and investment in UX design along with organizations' lack of understanding human-machine interaction. Therefore this study investigates which design aspects organizations without UX resources should consider when implementing the UX design in their administration portals. To explore this a review of existing literature was made along with a pre-study to collect opinions from the users. By that a prototype was created followed by an iterative design process. The prototype went through three iterations as each iteration consisted of 1) interview and observation, 2) ideation, 3) prototyping, and 4) testing. Each iteration had five users that performed a task and the possibility to explore on their own. Followed by a semi-structured interview with questions based on the seven stages of action model, also including open questions and likert scale questions.  The study’s results align with previous studies regarding that implementing design principles will improve the user experience and balancing functionality with visual presentation is enhancing for user-friendly visualizations. The most important findings concluded in using visual hierarchy, transparent error handling, customizable interface, layered information and signaling what will happen when interacting with an element. However, the conclusion conveys that the findings may differ in other contexts and with different participants or an increased amount, as it is also suggested as future work.

Návrh metodiky UIX designu pro mobilní aplikace / Design methodology UIX Design for Mobile Applications

Šolín, Petr January 2012 (has links)
This thesis describes the design methodology for User Experience Design and its use in the creation of mobile applications. The theoretical part focuses on defining the field of User Experience Design (UXD) in conjunction with the definition of user experience. It then focuses on the role of UX Designer and his knowledge especially in the field of design of cognitive and memory operations. The main goal of the theoretical part of the thesis is to make up a comprehensive procedure for creating mobile UX applications serving as company's manual or guidance in creating a user-friendly application. The main goal of the practical part is the author's design of methodology UX Design for mobile applications. The methodology is proposed based on the author's experience gained from the project positions as UX designers and graphic designer. A secondary goal of the practical part is the application of created the methodology on a case study of creating mobile applications.

Emotions, fear, and empathy: a design approach to human experiences

Polinedrio, Veronica January 2014 (has links)
Fear is an intrinsic human emotion, which produces with variable intensity a bodily reaction as a response to a stimuli. It is considered one of the basic human emotions, and it is universal of all animal species. Despite its subjective quality, fear has gained a rather negativistic stereotype that this research intends to debate and readdress, proposing that “negative fear” is part of an evolutionary transition cultivated by social and cultural constructs. This thesis will analyze the context in which fear operates, employing experience design methodologies and design research to reevaluate the role of fear in the contemporary settings of our societies to prove its connection to imagination, transhumanism and the production of empathy. After a brief historical perspective to situate this thesis in the contemporary framework of experience design, this research will investigate fear as prolific tool for the production of imagination, derived from its aesthetic connection to wonder and pleasure. This particular connection between fear to wonder was investigated among others by Charles Darwin, who also promoted the functionality of fear as the key to animal survival. The complex mechanism in which fear engages us will lead to the production of design prototypes that look at the animal kingdom and several other species’ talents in the detection and implementation of fear as a tool to survive. Here, the potential of our species to further evolve through the use of design will open a discussion on transhumanism and the future of humanity. The last section speculates a counterfactual conditional statement of how our humanity would operate, if emotional identities were reevaluated. In particular, the emotion of fear will be reevaluated for its unpleasant characteristics, from the bodily sensations to the mental postliminary conditions, to understand why certain human behaviors are still exercised, when the physiological effects are universally acknowledged as distasteful. By interpreting the physiological impact of fear, this research will continue its argument towards empathy, questioning what it truly means to ‘stand in someone’s else shoes’, specifically when fear is practiced. Empathy, as a pilaster in the mission statement of many contemporary disciplines, has surfaced in this research as viral phenomenon, which little has to do with truly ‘empathizing’. Here, it investigates how empathy can be experienced when fear is in play: if sharing fear as the bodily experience of someone else can lead to the production of authentic empathy, then humans have a chance to reevaluate its application in the contemporary global topics of war and diplomacy, domestic and public violence, or bullying to name a few. This research ultimately establishes a new perspective on the role of emotions in our societies, and creates a connection between design and the experience of intangibles, producing a view of the intrinsic systems of our being as ones deemed of value in the ambitious evolution of our species. / <p>The full thesis contains copyrighted material which has been removed in the published version.</p>

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