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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

"Jag tycker det är en snäll typ av marknadsföring" : - En kritisk diskursanalys om content marketing i podcasts. / "I think it's a gentle kind of marketing" : - A critical discourse analysis of Content Marketing in podcasts.

Ådell, Agnes, Bygdemark, Carina January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this study was to investigate in what way content marketing can be understood through podcasts as an alternative marketing tool. The material which the study was based on is Ölpodden, a podcast initiated by Carlsberg Sweden. The study intended to shed light on the interdiscursivity that emerges when brands are communicated through podcasts. Another aim was to understand how relationships and identities are constructed through the podcast by examining its intended audience. In order to achieve this a critical discourse analysis was used as both underlining theory and comprehensive method. The critical discourse analysis was also supplemented with two theorists witch highlights the audience’s construction of identity. The consumer's thoughts on Ölpodden was of importance to illustrate the convergence culture and the consumption of the podcast. Qualitative interviews were therefore used as a supplement to the critical discourse analysis. The purpose for the study was to contribute to an increased understanding of content marketing and a deeper knowledge of the communicative strategies it is based on. This purpose led to two main research questions containing two subquestions each. The first main question and subqueries were to answer on: How the discourse in Ölpodden could be understood and problematized in relation to convergence, commercialization and consumption culture, which the intended audience are and how groups and identities are created through the discourse. The other main question and subqueries were to answer on: How the discourse could be understood and problematized from a user perspective, in what way the discourse has impact on the listeners subjectivity and objectivity and how the recipients statements answers to a convergence culture. The result of the study indicates that the interdiscursivity in Ölpodden contains an entertainment discourse, a information discourse and a promotional discourse. Through these discourses the podcast aims to give beer a higher status in society. The podcast also creates an identity which the listener is expected to want to fit into. In the quest to fit into this identity individual's consumption patterns can change. Which ultimately would lead to increased gain for large concerns such as Carlsberg.

"Mellan höger- och vänstermobbarna" : En kritisk diskursanalys av dagspressens konstruktion av antirasistiska demonstrationer i det postpolitiska samhället

Jung, Johanna January 2015 (has links)
Studien intresserar sig för nyhetsmediernas konstruktion av politisk mobilisering i det postpolitiska samhället. Uppsatsen behandlar nyhetsrapporteringen på dn.se samt sydsvenskan.se, om den antirasistiska demonstrationen i Kärrtorp i december 2013 och den antirasistiska demonstrationen i Limhamn i augusti 2014. Syftet är att analysera hur demonstrationerna konstrueras i svensk dagspress, med intentionen att vidare analysera och diskutera hur journalistiken konstruerar legitimitet åt politiska praktiker samt undersöka huruvida det går att synliggöra någon ideologi i medietexterna. Frågeställningarna berör hur demonstrationerna representeras, hur identiteter konstrueras, vilka framträdande teman som återfinns samt hur hierarkiseringen av källor ser ut i artiklarna. En diskussionsfrågeställning syftar även till att diskutera om postpolitikens liberala diskurs har betydelse för hur dagspressen konstruerar legitimitet åt politiska praktiker. För att svara på frågeställningarna görs en kritisk diskursanalys inspirerad av Norman Faircloughs tredimensionella analysmodell. Textanalysen görs på en tematisk nivå av hela materialet, dessutom görs en närläsning av fyra artiklar. Chantal Mouffes teori om samtiden som postpolitisk används för att sätta texten i ett socialt sammanhang, Jan Ekecrantz & Tom Olssons makroorienterade teori om journalistiken som institution används för att få en förståelse för journalistikens position i samhället. Mikael Karlssons teori om nätjournalistik används för att förstå materialets karaktärsdrag. Studien visar att våld, polisinsatsen, hotet mot demokratin och vittnesberättelser är framträdande teman. Demonstrationerna representeras utifrån våld, officiella källor dominerar men även demonstranter och vittnen framträder. De politiska gruppernas identiteter konstrueras främst som goda eller onda utifrån våldsanvändning. Således dominerar en liberal, en akademisk och en polisiär diskurs, men det återfinns även en diskurs kritisk mot polisen; en motdiskurs. Den övergripande diskursen i materialet är ideologisk. Postpolitikens diskurs synliggörs genom att demonstrationerna konstrueras som illegitima politiska praktiker då deras politiska motiv osynliggörs, samtidigt som de bedöms som moraliskt förkastliga, med anledning av deras våldsamma utveckling.

Alkoholruset i reklambruset : - en semiotisk och kritisk diskursanalys av alkoholens framställning i reklam

Östman, Elin, Vilén, Christine January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

"Tack för den frågan" : En studie om begreppet social hållbarhets innebörd och betydelse inom planering och byggande

Fransson, Johanna January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

The fine line between journalism and advertising : A critical discourse study of ELLE.se’s use of advertorials and click-based content and an evolving hybrid genre

Ruiz Mutikainen, Linnéa January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore the expressions of a commercialising fashion journalistic genre by focusing on how ELLE.se, Sweden’s biggest online fashion platform, use advertorials and click-based content. This is investigated through three research questions focusing on what journalistic and marketing discourses that are apparent in advertorials and click-based material; what blend of genres that are seen in different kinds of text commercial on ELLE.se and what discursive conflicts between journalistic ideals and commercial pressure are seen in the production of advertorial content. Theories used in the study are marketisation of public discourse together with Fairclough’s Critical Discourse Analysis (CDA), the commercialisation of news and lastly genres, also focusing on fashion journalism as a genre. In order to explore the expressions a discursive analysis is used on advertorials and click- based material on ELLE.se whilst qualitative interviews with respondents producing the content are conducted to investigate the third research question. The results of the study show that numerous journalistic and marketing discourses are apparent in advertorials and click- based material, with personification through conversational discourse, the pursuit of happiness by portraying the reader as an imperfect person and a friendly brand through corporate advertising as three recurrent themes. A majority of the text commercial at ELLE.se balances between editorial content and advertisement, demonstrating many aspects of an evolving hybrid genre. Lastly, respondents in the qualitative interviews identify digitalisation, loss of journalistic quality and decreased reliability as three discursive conflicts between journalistic ideals and commercial pressure. The result stresses how the impact of commercialism and how journalistic and promotional discourses are continuously blended, showing aspects of ongoing hybridisation and converging genres.

Feminism på kartan : En kritisk diskursanalys av subjektspositioner i Kanadas feministiska utvecklingspolitik

Sandra, Gidlöf January 2018 (has links)
Feminism as a tool has lately been used more frequently by governments and institutions, but has been criticized for only representing a Western point of view which has ignored perspectives of women in the so-called Global South. This thesis aims to investigate if Canada, in its recently launched Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, describe women in developing countries from a Western view or if they have incorporated a postcolonial perspective in their policy. By applying a feminist postcolonial theory on Canada’s feminist development policy and with the inspiration of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, a shift in in the creation of subject positions of women in developing countries was noticed. The concluding remark emphasize that Canada should keep the postcolonial thought in mind while exercising their policy in the field of development in order to gain trust in the feminist belief.

Feminism på kartan : En kritisk diskursanalys av subjektspositioner i Kanadas feministiska utvecklingspolitik

Gidlöf, Sandra January 2018 (has links)
Feminism as a tool has lately been used more frequently by governments and institutions, but has been criticized for only representing a Western point of view which has ignored perspectives of women in the so-called Global South. This thesis aims to investigate if Canada, in its recently launched Canada’s Feminist International Assistance Policy, describe women in developing countries from a Western view or if they have incorporated a postcolonial perspective in their policy. By applying a feminist postcolonial theory on Canada’s feminist development policy and with the inspiration of Norman Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, a shift in in the creation of subject positions of women in developing countries was noticed. The concluding remark emphasize that Canada should keep the postcolonial thought in mind while exercising their policy in the field of development in order to gain trust in the feminist belief.

Att bygga ett barn : Hur konstrueras barnet i 1900-talets handböcker om barnuppfostran?

Amnell, Christa January 2017 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur barnet konstrueras i 1900-talets populärvetenskapliga handböcker om uppfostran, samt huruvida konstruktionen av barnet har förändrats under det senaste århundradet. Uppsatsen diskuterar också hur de undersökta textavsnittens sätt att konstruera barnet kan påverka hur barnet konstrueras idag, år 2016. Uppsatsen ställer även upp en hypotes, vilken säger att barnet konstrueras som lägre stående än den vuxna.  För att kartlägga detta undersöks, med utgångspunkt i kritisk diskursanalys och stöd i Fairclough och Foucault, utdrag ur fyra böcker, nämligen Barnets århundrade av Ellen Key ([1901] 1996), Sunt förnuft i barnavård och barnuppfostran från födelsen till brytningsåren av Benjamin Spock ([1946] 1970), Barnaboken av Anna Wahlgren ([1983] 2008) samt Växa- inte lyda av Lars H. Gustafsson (2010). Samtliga undersökta böcker kan hävdas vara auktoriteter inom området.   Undersökningens resultat vederlägger delvis dess hypotes. Resultatet visar att tre av fyra undersökta textavsnitt konstruerar barnet som kompetent, intelligent och aktivt. Endast i en av de undersökta böckerna tycks barnet konstrueras i enlighet med uppsatsens hypotes. Avslutningsvis diskuteras dock huruvida det faktum att de vuxna ställer sig själva i en position där de konstruerar andra människor, barnen, skulle kunna innebära att uppsatsens hypotes trots allt är relevant.

Hur många kön finns det i världen? : En kritisk diskursanalys av Socialstyrelsens handböcker för socialtjänsten och upprätthållandet av tvåkönsnormen / How many genders are there in the world? : A critical discourse analysis of The Swedish National Health and Welfare handbooks for social services and the upholding of the binary gender system

Falk, Max, Jakobsson, Kristin January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates The Swedish Board of Health and Welfare handbooks and the upholding of the binary gender system using critical discourse analysis. The purpose of this study is to examine how the handbooks construct, produce and reproduce gender and examines the binary gender system prominence and dominance using Faircloughs critical discourse analysis. The study also makes use of a social constructivist perspective and queer theory. The results revealed how the handbooks both produce and reproduce the binary gender system by using a language, which exclude people who identify outside of the system. In this kind of study, it is only possible to speculate about the consequences from the order of discourse, by making the binary order of discourse visible and to reflect on the possible consequences for people who do not identify themselves as a woman or a man. / Denna studie har med hjälp av kritisk diskursanalys undersökt Socialstyrelsens handböcker för socialtjänsten och upprätthållandet av tvåkönsnormen. Syftet med studien är att granska hur handböckerna konstruerar, producerar och reproducerar kön och den undersöker när tvåkönsnormen är som mest framträdande. Dessa tillfällen har sedan analyserats med hjälp av Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys. Studien behandlar även teorier som socialkonstruktivism och queerteori. Studiens resultat visade att handböckerna producerar och reproducerar det dominerande binära könssystemet genom användningen av ett språk som osynliggör de individer som identifierar sig bortom eller emellan det. I denna typ av studie går det endast att spekulera kring betydelsen av den dominerande diskursordningen och dess konsekvenser för socialt arbete genom att belysa hur diskursordningen ser ut och reflektera över möjliga konsekvenser för individer som identifierar sig som varken kvinna eller man.

Ansvar utan makt? : En kritisk diskursanalys av gymnasieskolans styrdokument ur ett professionsteoretiskt perspektiv

Norrback, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The teacher's situation in upper secondary school today is strongly influenced by several factors, both inside and outside the school's walls. One of these factors are the national steering documents that are designed to regulate the educational activities: school law, curriculum and other regulations. The professionalism in the knowledge-based work has changed from being regulated within the profession to be used as a tool for controlling service personnel by the organisation (Evetts 2009, 2013). Based on a professional theoretical perspective and with critical discourse analysis as a method, this study focuses on:  1. To investigate how the teachers’ assignment appears in the steering documents, and what kind of professionalism that is emerging.  2. To investigate the ability of a professional teacher to act based on what appears in the steering documents regarding the characteristics of a profession.  3. The various regulatory documents’ content and formulations linked to previous research, i.e. if it is possible to connect the analysis of control documents with national research on the teacher's professional role and assignment.  The result shows that signs of the teacher's autonomy, discretion, self-control and expertise - characteristics of a profession - are not present in the steering documents, and instead the discourse of control used by the organization seems to have taken a clear place. With documentation requirements, grades based on standardized knowledge requirements and focus on goal attainment, the governing documents seem to limit and shrink the teacher's discretion, which leads to the assumption that the teacher demands greater responsibility, but is given less opportunity to act as a professional.

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