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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Det (o)politiska biblioteket : En diskursanalytisk studie av bibliotekarien som tjänsteman i ett politiskt landskap / The (un)political library : A discourse analytical study of the librarian as an official in a political landscape.

Feuk, Marie January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute with knowledge about the discourses that appear in the media concerning the librarian, as an official, in a political landscape. The method and theory used is critical discourse analysis, based on Fairclough's three-dimensional model for discourse analysis. 47 articles, editorials and debate articles related to the Lenninger affair have been analysed. Through the material three discourses emerge: The discourse of the correct and knowledgeable official, The discourse of the politician who owns the cultural policy issue and The discourse of the absent librarian.Together the discourses show the complex interplay that exists between librarians and politicians in a changing political landscape. The established image of politicians who stay at arm's length from library activities is under negotiation. With new parties the former roles are no longer self-evident. The arms of politicians can be perceived as getting shorter.The study shows the importance of finding an approach to the new political landscape as an official. The librarian also needs to be active in defining his own professional role and to be heard in the debate about professional ethics and what role the library should have in society. Politicians who do not listen to the librarian’s knowledge risk creating a breeding ground for activist librarians who shape the library's activities based on their own values. The legitimacy of the library appears to be threatened if there is not a clear common vision for it from librarians and politicians.

Vem ska jobba på skolbiblioteket? : En politisk diskursanalys av Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3) / Who will work at the school library? : A Political Discourse Analysis of Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3)

Bruce, Jonna January 2021 (has links)
This study investigates Skolbibliotek för bildning och utbildning (SOU 2021:3) through a political discourse analysis from the perspective of Isabela and Norman Fairclough. The main focus of the study is to analyse the arguments political actors used when proposing claims for action in order to strengthen the school libraries in Sweden and how these might affect options for action and the subjects of school librarians. Since a main aim for this study is to focus on the portrayal of the school librarians in the discourse, the parts of the report dealing with questions regarding staffing is used as the main empirical material. The analysis’ first part is a reconstruction of the argumentation, placing the different parts into the different premises of practical reasoning in accordance with the framework proposed by Fairclough and Fairclough (2012). The results are later discussed on a macro level drawing upon the social context, including professional theory, and the power structures behind. The analysis reveals that the argumentation in favour of the actions to achieve expedient school libraries, proposed in the empirical material, is not sufficient enough to be reasonable acceptable, which in turn could affect the school libraries and school librarians’ position negatively. In a wider perspective the results show that the discourses and narratives used in the report consolidates the invisibility and the ambivalent subjects of the school librarians.

Lärares professionalism ur ett OECD-perspektiv : En kritisk diskursanalys om lärares professionalism / Teacher Professionalism Through the Lens of the OECD : A Critical Discourse Analysis on Teacher Professionalism

Lidström, Tina January 2018 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att beskriva, analysera samt problematisera diskursen, med tillhörande kunskap, om lärares professionalism. Studien genomfördes med utgångspunkt i dokument från organisationen OECD. Med inspiration från Norman Faircloughs modell för kritisk diskursanalys studerades ett OECD-dokument och analyserades i relation till Faircloughs och Michel Foucaults teorier samt tidigare forskning. Studiens resultat visade att en konceptualisering av lärares professionalism framträder inom OECD-diskursen samt att kvalitet, professionalism som kollektiv angelägenhet och i synnerhet effektivitet är centrala teman. I detta uttrycks kvalitet och kollektiv professionalism vara medel för att uppnå målet effektivitet. Studiens resultat visade vidare att de diskurstyper som framträder är en konceptualiseringsdiskurs, en stöddiskurs, en kollektivitetsdiskurs, en kvalitetsdiskurs, en effektivitetsdiskurs samt en policydiskurs. I studien framgår även att lärares professionalism tillskrivs en särskild betydelse vilket medför skapandet av en viss kunskap inom OECD-diskursen. Denna kunskap förefaller ha sin utgångspunkt i ett särskilt sätt att se på lärares professionalism. Studien visade slutligen att insatser kring lärares professionalism uttrycks, av OECD, vara prioriterade för nationell policy. Inom ramen för detta skrivs lärares professionalism fram som ett fokus för policy i termer av att "lösningar" kring detta även uttrycks vara lösningar för ett utbildningssystem "i kris".

Film, från upplevelse till text : En kritisk diskursanalys om audiovisuella uttrycksmedel i massmedia

Hasselrot, Klas January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie har som syfte att undersöka hur man i massmedia artikulerar audiovisuellauttrycksmedel, hur den audiovisuella diskursen har utvecklats under tre decennier och ividare led förändrat den sociala praktiken. Studien går även in på vilka psykologiskakognitioner som kan påverkas av perceptioner och hur man i senare led artikulerar dessatankar. Studien har valt Faircloughs kritiska diskursanalys där den tredimensionellaanalysmodell kommer användas som metod. Vidare ska filmrecensioner i DagensNyheter och Svenska Dagbladet analyseras för att finna svar på den audiovisuelladiskursens struktur. Diskursanalysen utgår från poststrukturella teorier som säger att därspråket förändras, förändras också sociala strukturer (Winther & Phillips, 2000:7ff).Dessa teorier ska kompletteras med Michel Chions (1994) teorier om begreppetaudiovision och Guttman et al (2005) tidigare forskning om perception. Analysen visaren stor förändring i diskursordningen på så vis att de audiovisuella uttrycksmedel harstörre diskursiv närvaro i de nutida texter. Analysen visar även på en mångfaldig ochkreativ användning av diskurser och kan då enligt Faircloughs poststrukturella teorierkonstatera en utveckling av den sociala praktiken. Denna utveckling kunde i senare ledspeglas mot Chions teorier om audiovision och Guttman et als tidigare forskning omperception och studien tolkar att den visuella och audiella perceptionenssammanlänkning är omedveten och blir därför svår att artikulera.

På tal om estetik - en diskursanalytisk studie av två av statens offentliga utredningar

Dornwald, Katharina, Davidsson, Karin January 2013 (has links)
Davidsson, Karin & Dornwald, Katharina. På tal om estetik. En diskursanalytisk studieav Statens Offentliga Utredningar/Speaking about aesthetics. A discourse analytic studyof two official government reports. Examensarbete på avancerad nivå, 15högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Lärande och Samhälle, enheten för Kultur, språk ochmedier, KME 2013.Denna uppsats ingår som en del av lärarutbildningen med KME-inriktning (kulturmedier-estetik), 210 högskolepoäng på Malmö högskola. Vi har undersökt hurbegreppet estetik används i två av statens offentliga utredningar, SOU 1999:63 ochSOU 2008:109. Dessa föregår lärarutbildningsreformerna 2001 och 2011. Genom attgranska rapporterna ville vi undersöka vilka olika diskurser som framträder i de tvåutredningarna med fokus på olika sätt att definiera, använda och beskriva begreppetestetik. Vi har genomfört en diskursanalys med utgångspunkt i Faircloughs kritiskadiskursanalys, CDA. Vi har använt oss av CDA som både teori och metod med syfte attsynliggöra hur begreppet estetik används i offentliga utredningar och vad det skullekunna ha för påverkan på vilken status estetik får i lärarutbildningar. Vi ger även enövergripande redovisning för hur begreppet estetik har används både historiskt och iskolans värld. Resultatet av vår analys visar på diskursiva skillnader i de båda SOUtexterna där vi kan se ett samband mellan utredningarna och de lärarutbildningarna som formats därefter. Vi har kommit fram till att SOU 1999:63 har möjliggjort ett radikaltanspråk på estetik på Malmö högskolas lärarutbildning, åtminstone inom vårthuvudämne KME. / Davidsson, Karin & Dornwald, Katharina. Speaking about aesthetics. A discourseanalytic study of two official government reports. Examensarbete på avancerad nivå, 15högskolepoäng. Malmö högskola: Lärande och Samhälle, enheten för Kultur, språk ochmedier, KME 2013.This paper is part of teacher training with KME (culture - media - aesthetics) as a majorconsisting of 210 credits at Malmö University. We have investigated how the concept ofaesthetics is used in two official government reports, SOU 1999:63 and SOU 2008:109.These present teacher education reforms in 2001 and 2011. By reviewing the reports,we wanted to investigate the different discourses that appear in the two documentsfocusing on different ways to define, use and describe the concept of aesthetics. Weconducted a discourse analysis based on Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis, CDA.We have used CDA as both theory and method in order to highlight how the concept ofaesthetics is used in government reports and what impact it could have on the status ofaesthetics in teachers’ education. We have also given an overview on the historical useof the term aesthetics, as well as in school contexts. The results of our analysisdemonstrate the discursive differences in the various reports and we can see aconnection between the reports formation and the outcome of the teacher’s educations.We have concluded that SOU 1999:63 has made a radical approach on aestheticpossible at least in our major KME.

Bound to Gendered Norms? : A critical discourse analysis of the portrayal of former Swedish Prime Ministers in news media

Ekström, Carolina January 2022 (has links)
Sweden is considered prominent in gender equality issues. Despite that, Sweden was the last of the Nordic countries to have a female prime minister, and previous studies demonstrate that gender stereotypes remain. The aim of this thesis is to critically analyze how the former Prime Ministers – Magdalena Andersson, Stefan Löfven and Fredrik Reinfeldt – have been portrayed in Swedish newspapers from a gendered perspective. For the aim of the thesis were a gendered theoretical framework developed. A critical discourse analysis was conducted through a methodological framework developed based on Fairclough's three-dimensional model. The results demonstrate how all three of the former Prime Ministers are related to male norms in the portrayal of them in the newspaper articles. However, it differs between the former Prime Ministers in how the male attributes are ascribed to them and if the attributes are considered positive or negative. Through these findings, it is concluded that the portrayal of Andersson does not follow the pattern shown by previous research of negatively portraying the politician from a stereotypical female perspective.

Stärkt digital kompetens? : En diskursanalys av åtta skolbiblioteks handlingsplaner / Improved digital literacy? : A discourse analysis of action plans at eight school libraries

Stigsdotter, Linda January 2023 (has links)
This study focuses on if and how new governmental guidelines about media and information literacy is implemented at school libraries at elementary schools in Sweden as represented in governing documents. Through the lens of Fairclough’s critical discourse analysis eight governing documents from school libraries is closely examined in the quest for answering questions concerning cooperation between school librarians and teaching staff in matters of media an information literacy, the intertextual correlation between governing documents on different levels and how these documents might affect the way the MIL-education is designed. The study concludes that the school library discourse order consists of two oppositional discourses, a library discourse, and an educational discourse. The educational discourse is shown to be the dominant discourse when it comes to activities design around MIL-education. This is linked to which governingdocuments certain paragraphs of the text refers to. MIL as a concept is not uniformly understood between the different discourses which creates different understanding on educational design and where to put the focus. The study further concludes that a close collaboration between school librarians and teaching staff creates a favorable environment for developing a common view of MIL-educationthat bridges the differences in understanding of the MIL-concept as in shown in a case where the governing document is a joint collaboration between a schoollibrarian, a principal and an assistant principal. How the education and activitiessurrounding MIL-education actually is designed at the elementary schools in this study is impossible to answer within this study. This study only concerns the representation in the document. Further studies conducted through interviews and observation could answer questions outside the possibility for this study.

Editorial Framing. Critical Discourse Analysis of Swedish Editorials

Lemoine, Hannah January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis I have conducted a critical discourse analysis of foureditorial texts, published in the newspapers Aftonbladet, DagensNyheter, Expressen and Svenska Dagbladet. Drawing on theoriesabout media discourses (Fairclough 1995), agenda-setting(McCombs & Shaw 1972) and framing (Goffman 1974), I haveexamined how the findings of Bolin et al (2016) correlate with discursivelyframed representations in these texts, in regards to negative,positive or neutral framing of border controls, immigrationand the connection made to political parties during the first weekof January 2016, when the Swedish temporary border controlswere introduced.The results showed both consistencies and inconsistencies in regardsto framing, where the liberal newspapers Dagens Nyheterand Expressen’s editorials were less negative towards the bordercontrols and expressed more negative and stereotypical framingson refugees and migration than expected, whereas the independentsocial democratic Aftonbladet expressed the assumed negativeframing on border controls and the Social Democrates, and positiveframing on migration. The most unexpected findings wasSvenska Dagbladet that contrary to the previous findings in Bolinet al’s study framed migration positively and took the most explicitstand against the border controls. The findings may indicate a politicaland cultural change due to the change in directions in theSocial Democrats migration politics.

Du är vad du köper : En kritisk diskursanalys av IKEAs serie Vad gafflar ni om? / You are what you buy : A critical discourse analysis of IKEAs series Vad gafflar ni om?

Doverby, Elin, Olsson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Our modern society is based on a culture of consumption, where individuals are in an on- going search for self-realization through consumption. But in a society with buzz a of commercials and information, a society where media users are getting more critical towards commercialized messages it’s harder for companies to be heard. To be heard, companies need to create messages that their customers choose to listen to. Content marketing is a marketing strategy that aims to do just that. The purpose with this study is to get a deeper understanding of content marketing as a phenomenon within a consumption society by studying IKEAs series Vad gafflar ni om?. The study has a starting point in Bauman’s theories about consumption life, Giddens theories about the reflexive self, Jenkins theories about convergence culture and Faircloughs critical discourse analysis. The critical discourse analysis was made through Faircloughs three-dimensional conception of discourse, which is a model consisting a linguistic analysis of the text, the discourse practise and the social practice. To get a deeper insight in the reception of the text, qualitative interviews with text consumers where also made. The result of the analysis showed that different types of identities and norms where presented by IKEA in the series, which all could be achieved through consumption. The text consumer is most likely influenced by the ideology consumerism, which can be why they agree with how IKEA present different identities. IKEA presents a narrow image of the typical swede, where that are presumed to be middle class and own their own house. A distinct promotion discourse could not be identified, although a consumption discourse was identified throughout the series. The text consumers felt that the content was mostly entertaining and educating, which could be the result of the non-exiting promotional discourse but also the use of an entertaining-genre. The text consumers were also positively disposed by the content that can be, in comparison to Grusells study, because they choose to see it by themselves.

Hyperdistribution and the future of copyright economics : A study of the contemporary Nordic Gaming industry / Hyperdistribution och framtiden för upphovsrättens ekonomi : En studie av den samtida nordiska spelbranschen

Rosén, Jimmy January 2009 (has links)
<p>This interdisciplinary study shows that because of the changing demands from consumer caused by the growing influence of the internet and file-sharing the Nordic Gaming industry is going through an economic evolution. This result was derived by using qualitative questionnaires directed towards Gaming industry decision makers in the Nordic region combined with critical discourse analysis based on the methodology of Norman Fairclough, using theories of different characters to understand the field.</p><p>In this thesis the case of the Nordic Gaming industry is used to assert that because of changing demands of consumers and an ever growing piracy movement, societies are evolving into transitional economies where it is increasingly harder to sell products consisting of pure information.</p>

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