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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Inventering med hjälp av vägning : En kvalitativ studie av två snabbmatsrestauranger

Kronekvist Hjelm, Isak January 2024 (has links)
Snabbmatsrestauranger har svårt att hålla en bra lagerstyrning på grund av föråldrade inventeringsmetoder. Där manuell inventering sker varje dag för att kontrollera vad som finns i lager. Detta är en tidskrävande process som kräver arbetskraft att utföra. Det uppstår ofta fel i lagersaldo på grund av manuell kontroll, då det handlar om många varor på en liten yta och med en hög lageromsättningshastighet. I andra lagermiljöer används vägning som inventeringsmetod för att underlätta lagerstyrningen. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka om vägningen är en lämplig metod för att kontrollera lagersaldo i små manuella lager med hög omsättningshastighet hos snabbmatsrestauranger. En empirisk studie genomfördes i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer. Två snabbmatsrestauranger var inblandade, där fyra personer intervjuades, alla respondenterna jobbade inom forskningsområdets specifika lagermiljö och har hand om lagerstyrningen för dessa lager. Två forskningsfrågor besvarades utifrån intervjuerna, vilket bidrog till att uppfylla syftet med studien. En innehållsanalys utfördes på den empiriska datan som samlades in från intervjuerna, för att underlätta bearbetningen av datan och få ut information som kan besvara forskningsfrågorna och syftet med studien. Tidigare forskning visar att vägning är en användbar metod för att kontrollera lagersaldo. Den empiriska studien gav en bättre uppfattning om tekniken skulle kunna användas i små manuella lager med hög omsättningshastighet hos snabbmatsrestauranger. Där svarade respondenterna att denna lagermiljö inte är anpassad för att kunna införa ett fungerande vägningssystem som kan ge ett korrekt lagersaldo. Då det finns många hinder som kan uppstå med att implementera ett fungerande vägningssystem. Ett hinder är att det förvaras många olika artiklar i lagret på en liten yta, vilket leder till problem vid vägningen av varorna. Att det skulle vara svårt att kunna urskilja alla olika artiklar och få ett korrekt vägningsresultat. Ur intervjuerna kom det även fram att förvaring av artiklarna i lagren inte förvaras likadant, vissa produkter staplas på backvagnar, en del förvaras på hyllor medan vissa artiklar är staplade på varandra från marknivå. Vilket försvårar användningen av ett vägningssystem. Under höga försäljningsperioder kan det bli problematiskt med ett vägningssystem, då det kan krävas att artiklar lagras i andra utrymmen än i lagren. Vilket gör ett sådant system irrelevant om den inte kan väga alla artiklar och ge ett korrekt lagersaldo. / Today, fast food restaurants find it difficult to maintain good inventory management due to outdated inventory methods. Where manual inventory takes place every day to check what is in stock. This is a time-consuming process that requires manpower to perform. There are often errors in the stock balance due to manual control, as it involves many goods in a small area and with a high stock turnover rate. In other warehouse environments, weighing is used as an inventory method to facilitate inventory control. The purpose of this study is to investigate whether weighing is a suitable method for controlling inventory balance in small manual warehouses with high turnover rates in the fast foodindustry. An empirical study was conducted in the form of semi-structured interviews. Two fast food restaurants were involved, where four people were interviewed and all the respondents worked within the specific warehouse environment of the research area and are in charge of inventory control for these warehouses. Two research questions were answered based on the interviews, which contributed to fulfilling the purpose of the study. A content analysis was performed on the empirical data collected from the interviews. To facilitate the processing of the data and obtain information that can answer the research questions and the purpose of the study. Previous research shows that weighing is a useful method of controlling inventory balance. The empirical study gave a better idea of whether the technology could be used in small manual warehouses with a high turnover rate. There, the respondents answered that this warehouse environment is not necessarily adapted to be able to introduce a functioning weighing system that can provide an accurate inventory balance. As there are many obstacles that can arise in implementing a functioning weighing system. An obstacle is that many different articles are stored in the warehouse on a small surface, which leads to problems when weighing the goods. That it would be difficult to distinguish all the different articles and get a correct weighing result. The interviews also revealed that the storage of the articles in the warehouses is not the same, some products are stacked on back carts, some are stored on shelves while some articles are stacked on top of each other from ground level. Which complicates the use of a weighing system. During high sales periods, it can become problematic with a weighing system in the warehouse as it may sometimes be required that items be stored in areas other than the warehouses. Which makes such a system irrelevant if it cannot weigh all items and provide an accurate inventory balance.

Hållbar utveckling - paradigmskifte inom snabbmatsbranschen? : En flerfallsstudie av hamburgerrestauranger

Råstrand, Jarl January 2011 (has links)
Sustainability issues have become increasingly high-profile and important in recent decades. In addition, quality issues have come to play a central role in corporate marketing, strategy and management. The word quality can be defined differently in different contexts. This paper focuses on the concept of quality, based on the Total Quality Management perspective, which in Swedish has come to be known as Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling has been described as a theoretical framework in which an organization continually strives to meet and preferably exceed customer needs and expectations at the lowest cost through continuous improvement, and in which all members of the organization are committed and focused on the organisation's processes. The purpose of this study was twofold. First, to clarify the applicability of the theoretical model Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling as a theoretical explanatory model. Second, to explore how Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB performs according to the values in Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. A multiple case study was conducted in order to explore these topics. The results showed that Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB is working in a dedicated and value-driven manner, aligned with the values ​​that form the basis for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. The results also showed that the model for Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling could serve well as a theoretical explanatory model, but that the model would benefit from being developed, enriched or integrated with other models. This is true, particularly if the aim is to study organisations that emphasize social responsibility. / Hållbarhetsfrågorna har blivit allt mer uppmärksammade och viktiga under de senaste decennierna och kvalitetsfrågorna har även kommit att få en central roll i företagens marknadsföring, strategi och ledning. Ordet kvalitet kan definieras på olika sätt. Uppsatsen fokuserar på kvalitetsbegreppet utifrån Total Quality Management perspektivet, som på svenska har kommit att benämnas Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Den Offensiva kvalitetsutvecklingen, som teoretisk referensram, innebär i korthet att en organisation ständigt strävar efter att uppfylla och helst överträffa kundernas behov och förväntningar till lägsta kostnad genom ett kontinuerligt förbättringsarbete där alla är engagerade och som har fokus på organisationens processer. Syftet med denna uppsats är att redogöra för tillämpligheten av Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling som teoretisk förklaringsmodell och att undersöka hur Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB arbetar enligt värderingarna i Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. En flerfallsstudie genomfördes i syfte att finna svar. Resultatet visade att Max Hamburgerrestauranger AB arbetar på ett dedikerat och värderingsstyrt sätt, väl i linje med de värderingar som utgör grunden för Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling. Uppsatsen visade även på att Offensiv kvalitetsutveckling fungerar som teoretisk förklaringsmodell men att den kan utvecklas eller kompletteras med andra modeller om syftet är att studera verksamheter som betonar sitt sociala ansvar.

“For here or to go?” Migrant workers and the enforcement of workplace rights in Canada: temporary foreign workers in the British Columbia hospitality sector

Allen, Danielle 14 September 2017 (has links)
Why do temporary foreign workers employed in the British Columbia hospitality sector have difficulty enforcing their workplace rights? Using the themes of people, place and time, this thesis explores the demand and supply of migrant workers in the British Columbia hospitality sector, and the challenges temporary foreign workers face at the intersection of immigration law, employment law, occupational health and safety law, and workers’ compensation law. The thesis argues that the low-skilled Temporary Foreign Worker Program shifts the negative consequences of unfair working conditions and workplace health and safety risks over people, place and time: from Canadian workers and employers onto temporary foreign workers; from Canada to elsewhere; and from the present into the future. Workplace rights are not enough for hospitality sector workers, what is needed is better tools for the enforcement of those rights. / Graduate

"Tillsammans gör vi världen lite godare" : En retorisk analys av hur tre hamburgerkedjor förmedlar hållbarhet på Instagram

Hartelius, Alexander, Stjärna, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Pizzas Métricas

Andrade Zeña, Carmen Rosa, Camasca Arotinco, Deyvi Alexis, Castillo Tipiana, Jahayra del Carmen, Chempen Pardo, Vilma Cecilia 18 July 2019 (has links)
Este proyecto empresarial explora la idea de negocio para la introducción de un restaurante de comida rápida saludable llamado “Pizzas Métricas” en el área de Lima metropolitana. Su actividad principal será la producción, elaboración y comercialización de pizzas artesanales con sabores variados vendidas al peso. Este formato surge de un proyecto en conjunto de los alumnos de la carrera de negocios de la Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas (UPC). A partir de las investigaciones se determinó que existe un nicho de mercado de pizzas artesanales no satisfecho por la oferta de restaurantes de comida rápida en Lima metropolitana. La meta es captar al consumidor de pizzas con productos de alta calidad, pero con la diferencia que la presentación será exactamente con el tamaño que el cliente desee. Esto para facilitar la decisión de compra y permitir un acercamiento diferente con el consumidor, al dejarles decidir las dimensiones exactas de su pizza y brindándole la oportunidad de probarla antes de adquirirla. Para su puesta en marcha se necesitará una inversión inicial de S/ 71,678.20; distribuido en maquinaria y equipos S/ 34,080.00, herramientas S/ 2,180.00, muebles y enseres más gastos pre operativos S/ 15,418.200 y finalmente el capital de trabajo S/. 20,000.00. El financiamiento está comprendido; el 50% en un prestamos de terceros y el otro 50% de los aportes de los accionistas. Finalmente, se estima recuperar la inversión en el octavo mes de operaciones. / This enterprise project explores the business idea for the introduction of a healthy fast food restaurant called “Pizzas Métricas” in the area of Lima. Its main activity will be the production, making and selling of artisanal pizzas with various tastes sold by weight. This idea is extrapolated from a mixture of different projects from students of the Peruvian University of Applied Sciences (UPC). From research it has been determined that there is a market niche unfulfilled by the offer of the current fast food restaurants in the Lima area. Our goal is to attract the pizza consumer with high quality products with the twist that the pizza will be exactly the size the customer desires. This will ease the purchase decision and to allow a different approach to the customer by allowing them to decide the exact dimensions of their pizza and allowing them to try it buying it. The initial investment will be for S/ 71,678.20; distributed between machinery and appliances for S/ 34,080.00, tools S/ 2,180.00, furniture and other operational expenses for S/ 15,418.20 and working capital of S/ 20,000.00. The financing will be composed as follows: 50% with a loan from a third party and the other 50% from the contributions of the shareholders. Is estimated that the investment will be recovered by the 8th month of operations. / Trabajo de investigación

International Market Assessment and Entry – United States’ Fast Casual Firm Entering the Brazilian Food Market

Bizzotto Magalhaes Garcia, Rafael 20 June 2019 (has links)
No description available.

”Vill du ha plusmeny till det samhällsansvaret?” : - En språkvetenskaplig och filmanalytisk studie om effekten av Covid-19 på svenska hamburgerkedjors marknadsföring / “Would you like to supersize that social responsibility?” : – A linguistic and film analytic study about the effects of Covid-19 on the marketing of Swedish hamburger restaurants

Lindqvist, Wilhelm January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie syftar till att undersöka hur Sveriges tre största hamburgerkedjor tagit sig an Covid-19- krisens utmaningar i sina reklamfilmer. Förhoppningen är att resultatet ska kunna bidra med kunskap om hur kriser av det här slaget kan hanteras när det handlar om marknadsföring samt hur marknadsföringen i sig kan uppfattas, både av mottagare och av de som står bakom den. Studien har analyserat åtta reklamfilmer, hälften från 2019 och hälften från 2020 för att kartlägga dels vad som kännetecknar de olika hamburgerkedjornas reklam under dessa år men också hur kedjorna vill framställa sig i sina mottagares ögon och om det har förändrats i och med Covid-19. Detta har gjorts med filmanalyser för de visuella och semiotiska resurserna i reklamfilmerna men också textanalyser med hjälp av den systemisk-funktionella lingvistikens metafunktioner för en bredare förståelse av de övergripande budskapen. Resultaten visar på likheter i kedjornas sätt att bygga upp sina reklamfilmer 2020 runt det övergripande budskapet att man tar Covid-19-viruset på allvar och prioriterar kundsäkerhet och samhällsansvar. Alla tre verksamheter är också noga med att framstå som givande och inte krävande. Det finns dock också skillnader i hur man förmedlar detta, exempelvis när det gäller distans till mottagaren, kampanjer och rollen som respektive kedja ämnar ta på sig i relation till mottagaren. Vidare går det även att identifiera återkommande mönster i resultaten från både tidigare forskning och reklamfilmerna från 2019 i alla tre kedjors Covid-19-anpassning där framförallt lättsamhet kontra allvar är tydligt.

Fast Food Consumption and Its Associations With Obesity and Hypertension Among Children: Results From the Baseline Data of the Childhood Obesity Study in China Mega-Cities

Zhao, Yaling, Wang, Liang, Xue, Hong, Wang, Huijun, Wang, Youfa 06 December 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: China has seen rapid increase in obesity and hypertension prevalence and fast food consumption over the past decade. We examined status and risk factors for Western- and Chinese fast food consumption and their associations with health outcomes in Chinese children, and examined how maternal factors were associated with child health outcomes. METHODS: Data of 1626 students aged 7-16 (11.6 ± 2.0) years and their parents in four mega-cities across China (Beijing, Shanghai, Nanjing, and Xi'an) were collected in the 2015 baseline survey of the Childhood Obesity Study in China Mega-cities. Weight, height, waist circumference, and blood pressure were measured. Food intake was assessed using questionnaire. Mixed models were used to examine the associations. RESULTS: Among the children, 11.1% were obese, 19.7% were centrally obese, and 9.0% had hypertension. Obesity prevalence was much higher in boys than in girls (15.2% vs. 6.9% and 27.4% vs. 11.7%, respectively, both P < 0.001). About half (51.9% and 43.6%) of children consumed Western and Chinese fast food, respectively, over the past 3 months. Compared to those with college or above maternal education level, those with elementary school or below maternal education level were 49% more likely to consume Western fast food (odds ratio [OR] and 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.49 [1.10-2.03]). Chinese fast food consumption rate increased by 12% with each year of increase in child's age (OR and 95% CI: 1.12 [1.02-1.23]). No significant associations between fast food consumption and health outcomes were detected. Adjusting for Western fast food consumption, children with lower maternal education were 71% and 43% more likely to have obesity and central obesity (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.71 [1.12-2.61] and 1.43 [1.00-2.03], respectively), and maternal body mass index was positively associated with child obesity, central obesity, and hypertension (ORs and 95% CIs: 1.11 [1.06-1.17], 1.12 [1.07-1.17], and 1.09 [1.03-1.15], respectively). Results were similar when Chinese fast food consumption was adjusted for. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of fast food consumption, obesity and hypertension is high among children in major cities in China. Maternal factors affect child outcomes.


Wade, Jeannette Marie January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Consumer Loyalty in Fast-Food Restaurants in Saudi Arabia

Bukhari, Sulafah January 2015 (has links)
This study assesses the loyalty behaviour of consumers in fast-food restaurants in Saudi Arabia by studying the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. The sample consisted of 231 Saudis and non-Saudis living in Saudi Arabia. They were approached using the “snowball” technique. Participants were all over the age of eighteen, and they were customers of Al-Baik restaurants. Data was collected through a face-to-face questionnaire, and analyzed using SPSS software. Specifically, Cronbach’s Alpha test, Pearson correlation coefficient, Spearman correlation coefficient, and multiple regression analysis were used. Results show that significant relationships exist between the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour. It is also indicated that participants’ personalities and values were significantly related to the loyalty behaviour of consumers in Saudi Arabia. The major limitation of this study is that it was conducted in only one city, Jeddah. Therefore, additional research should be carried out in other cities with larger samples. The research results offer compelling evidence that Saudi loyalty behaviour differs from Western behaviour. Therefore, it suggests that international fast-food operators in Saudi Arabia should take local factors into account when formulating marketing strategies, such as the role of women and youth in Saudi society. This thesis makes a novel contribution to the literature, as it is the first to model the antecedents and the consequences of loyalty behaviour of consumers in a single study. It is also the first to study contributed to the literature to examine the relation between the Six Dimensional Achievement Motivation Scale (Jackson, Ahmed, and Heapy, 1976), Rokeach Value System (1973), and loyalty behaviour of consumers.

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