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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le français parlé dans les Bâtiments et les Travaux Publics : de l'analyse interactionnelle à la constitution d'un parcours d'apprentissage / The French language spoken in the Building and Civil Public Works Sector

Medina-Jaouen, Cécile 31 May 2012 (has links)
Après avoir présenté le secteur d’activité ainsi que la place de la langue et de l’apprentissage du français dans le monde professionnel, nous décrivons et analysons notre protocole de recherche in-situ, la singularité d’une écoute participante au sein d’un secteur d’activité spécifique et dans le cadre d’une population principalement ouvrière. Cette enquête nous a permis de discuter les méthodologies de la constitution de corpus d’observation et la place du chercheur en entreprise et dans la société. Puis, nous avons mis en lumière l’importance du lien entre parole et action, observé lors de l’enquête. C’est à ce titre que nous avons interrogé plus spécifiquement la question du « speach act » dans des discours marqués par une forte abstraction. De là, nous avons défini la notion de contextualisation, pour le cadre spécifique des BTP, comme étant une matrice régulée par un certain nombre de curseurs que nous avons identifiés et qui sont signifiants pour les participants de l’échange. Suivant cette recherche de la signification, nous avons construit une analyse technique de la spécificité morphologique et syntaxique des discours produits sur les chantiers de BTP. Enfin, nous avons repensé l’approche didactique en incluant à la fois les besoins communicatifs et les stratégies d’apprentissages situées, contextualisées et intégrées au travail, et en l’illustrant par des extraits de contenus pédagogiques de la formation réalisée lors de la phase d’expérimentation. / This present study is a linguistic and didactic fieldwork that has been carried out in several phases. Following a presentation of the business sector and the place of language and that of learning French in the professional world, this present study will describe and analyze the research protocol in-situ, and the peculiarity of participant listening in a specific business sector and within the framework of a mainly working-class population. This investigation will firstly discuss the methodologies of the corpus of observation and the place of the researcher both within the company and in society. Next, the significance of the link between word and action will be highlighted, as observed during the investigation. It is on this basis that questions have been raised, more specifically, on the issue of the “speech act” in discourses that are marked by a strong abstraction. This enabled us to define the concept of contextualization, in the specific context of BTPs, as being a matrix regulated by a certain number of cursors that we identified in this study, and which are significant for the participants of the exchange. From this research on meaning, we constructed a technical analysis of the morphological and syntactic specificity of the discourse produced on BTP construction sites. Finally, we reconsidered the didactic approach by including both the communicative needs and the learning strategies that were situated, contextualized and integrated into the research: this is illustrated with extracts of the educational material that was used in the training carried out over the course of the pilot phase.

L'usage des technologies de l'information et de la communication dans l'apprentissage de FLE : le cas des apprenants iraniens face aux logiciels éducatifs de FLE / The use of information and communication technology in the learning of French as a foreign language : the case of Iranian students faced with educational software of French

Otroshi, Mohammad-Hossein 25 October 2013 (has links)
Ce travail est une contribution théorique, méthodologique et pratique à l’enseignement/ apprentissage des langues étrangères (spécialement du FLE) en utilisant les nouvelles technologies éducatives. L’émergence des technologies de l’information et de la communication a ouvert de nouveaux horizons en matière d’éducation qui s’est avéré utile pour la didactique des langues. Les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC) suscitent des débats quant aux enjeux sociaux et philosophiques qu’elles engendrent ; la généralisation de leur usage a des retombées dans le domaine de la didactique des langues. Dans le cadre de cette recherche, nous étudions l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et de la communication dans l’apprentissage du FLE et spécialement l’usage des logiciels éducatifs destinés aux cours de français langue étrangère pour apprenants ir aniens. C’est-à-dire la mise en relation des étudiants avec les logiciels éducatifs de la langue. A cet égard, l’avènement de l’ordinateur dans la classe de langue n’invite-t-il pas à repenser ce que la distance provoque en termes de pratiques d’enseignement et d’apprentissage, d’usages technologiques, de dispositifs d’aide à l’apprentissage ? Nous parcourons d’abord les modèles généralistes d’apprentissage et leurs relations avec les logiciels éducatifs disponibles en essayant de faire relever les insuffisances constatées sur le terrain. L’analyse des éléments culturels (culture éducative, culture en sens général) du contexte ir anien nous permet de constater qu’un « outil à potentiel cognitif » comme logiciel a besoin de s’adapter aux réalités du contexte culturel d’utilisation et aux besoins interculturels du public cible. Une expérimentation sur le terrain nous donne la possibilité de vérifier les usages des outils et l’adaptation de ce type de support pédagogique au public visé. Cela nous amène à nous interroger sur l’efficacité des logiciels éducatifs au service de la langue étrangère dans les contextes culturels différents. / This work is a theoretical, methodological, and practical contribution to the teaching/ learning of foreign languages (especially of French as a foreign Language) using the new educational technologies. The emergence of technologies of information and communication has opened new horizons in terms of education which have proved useful for the teaching of languages. The Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) are of the discussion of the social and philosophical challenges they generate; the generalization of these technologies have spin-offs used in the field of the teaching of languages. In the framework of this research, we are considering the use of technologies of information and communication in the learning of French as a Foreign Language and especially the use of educational software intended for French courses for Ir anian students. That is to say, there is a relationship between students and language educational software. In this connection, does the introduction of the computer in the language class not invite the rethinking of what the distance causes in terms of the practices of teaching and learning, technological uses, and devices to help learning? We are going to first cover the general models of learning and their relations with educational software available in trying to fix the shortcomings of the Ir anian context. With the analysis of cultural elements (educational culture, culture in the general sense) of the context, we can see that it is a tool with potential cognition as the software needs to adapt to the realities of the cultural context and the needs of the intercultural target audience. A field experiment gives us the opportunity to verify the use of tools and adaptation of this type of teaching material for the intended audience and makes us question the effectiveness of educational software in the service of learning foreign languages in different contexts.

Humor no dessin de presse: leitura de um discurso universal a serviço da alteridade em FLE / Humor in dessin de presse: reading of an universal discourse in service of alterity in FFL

Sandra Falcão da Silva 07 May 2015 (has links)
Nenhuma cultura escapa ao humor. O humor é, nas palavras de Louis Porcher (2002), um \"universal singular\", que produz os mesmos efeitos em todos os lugares mediante modalidades particulares. Contudo, o humor francês se revela, não raro, problemático tanto para o professor quanto para o aluno brasileiro de Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE), porque além do saber linguístico torna-se necessário mobilizar um saber etnosociocultural cujo desconhecimento costuma gerar situações de incompreensão. Em nosso estudo, esse tema foi abordado a partir do exercício da leitura de dessins de presse em contexto de ensino-aprendizagem do FLE. Para um melhor entendimento dos procedimentos discursivos do humor, buscamos fundamentos na metodologia de Análise do Discurso de Patrick Charaudeau e sua Teoria Semiolinguística (2006, 2008). Embora este estudo tenha se desenvolvido seguindo, prioritariamente, os procedimentos de uma pesquisa teórica de caráter pluridisciplinar, realizamos experimentos exploratórios que nos permitiram confirmar ou refutar proposições didáticas. Os aspectos práticos observados demonstraram a necessidade de uma formação para professores, visando a capacidade em identificar os elementos que estruturam o gênero e, sobretudo, em reconhecer, na interseção do verbal e do não-verbal, os mecanismos do humor que possibilitam o reconhecimento dos implícitos, dos intertextos e dos deslocamentos de sentido, como índices de um provável julgamento crítico por parte do autor. Com base nesse exercício de identificação, constatamos que tal reflexão requer que levemos em conta as dimensões social, afetiva e subjetiva dos alunos. Isso é uma das condições para a mobilização de uma competência intercultural que pressupõe a habilidade em: detectar efeitos etnocentrados; identificar estereótipos; reconhecer situações de valorização ou de desvalorização cultural; relativizar o seu ponto de vista e seu próprio sistema de valores em relação aos temas colocados em relevo no texto. A partir do que nos foi possível analisar, elaboramos uma proposta de abordagem pedagógica e um roteiro pré-didático cujo objetivo é propor um olhar mais aprofundado sobre o ato discursivo humorístico materializado no dessin de presse visando, à luz dos subsídios teóricos que embasam esta tese e dos aspectos práticos observados, a concepção de intervenções de leitura mais prudentes, criativas e reflexivas em sala de aula de línguas estrangeiras no nosso caso, de FLE. / No culture escapes humor. Humor is, in the words of Louis Porcher (2002), an \"universal singular\", which produces the same effects at all places through particular modalities. However, French humor quite often reveals itself problematic to both teacher and Brazilian student of French as a Foreign Language (FFL), since beyond linguistic knowledge it becomes necessary to mobilize an ethnic-social-cultural knowledge which unawareness often leads to situations of misunderstanding. In our study, this theme was approached through a reading exercise of dessins de presse, in a FFL teaching-learning context. To better understand the discursive procedures of humor, we searched for fundaments in the methodology of Patrick Charaudeaus Discourse Analysis and his Semiolinguistic Theory (2006, 2008). Although this study has been developed first and foremost following the procedures of a theoretical research of multidisciplinary character, we conducted exploratory experiments which allowed us to confirm or refute didactic propositions. The observed practical aspects demonstrated the need of a formative program for teachers, aimed at the ability to identify the elements which structure the genre and, above all, recognize, within the intersection of the verbal and the non-verbal, the mechanisms of humor which allow the recognition of the implicit, the inter-textual and the dislocations of meaning as indexes of a probable critical judgement made by the author. Based on this identification exercise, we verified that such reflection requires us to take into account the social, affective and subjective dimensions of the students. This being one of the conditions to mobilize an intercultural competency which presupposes the ability to: detect ethnocentric effects; identify stereotypes; recognize situations of cultural valuation or devaluation; relativize ones own point of view and system of values in relation to the themes highlighted in the text. From what was possible for us to analyze, we developed a proposal of pedagogical approach and a pre-didactic script which objective is to offer a deeper gaze into the humorous discursive act materialized in dessin de presse, aiming, in the light of the theoretical resources which are the foundation of this thesis and of the practical aspects observed, at the conception of more prudent, creative and reflective reading interventions at foreign language classrooms - in our case, of FFL.

O gênero multimodal tutorial em vídeo e suas contribuições no ensino-aprendizagem de francês como língua estrangeira por adolescentes / The multimodal genre video tutorial and its contributions to the teaching and learning of French as a foreign language by teenage students

Aline Hitomi Sumiya 12 December 2016 (has links)
Esta dissertação tem como objetivo estudar o ensino-aprendizagem do francês como língua estrangeira por alunos adolescentes por meio da produção do gênero multimodal tutorial em vídeos, bem como verificar como os alunos desenvolveram as capacidades de linguagem por meio de uma sequência didática visando a produção desse gênero. Para realizá-la, nos embasamos, sobretudo, no quadro teórico-metodológico do Interacionismo Sociodiscursivo (ISD), tal como apresentado por Bronckart (1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010) para a compreensão do agir humano por meio da linguagem e de seu consequente desenvolvimento. Assim, apoiamo-nos no modelo de análise textual do ISD para o estudo dos aspectos verbais presentes no gênero tutorial em vídeos. Como o gênero articula tanto os aspectos verbais como não verbais na sua construção de sentido, servimo-nos do quadro da Semiótica Sociointeracional proposta por Leal (2011) em que a autora propõe a união do quadro de análise do ISD com as categorias da Gramática do Design Visual (GDV) desenvolvida por Kress e Van Leeuwen (2006). Além disso, baseamo-nos nos estudos de Schneuwly e Dolz (2004/2012) sobre a utilização de gêneros textuais como instrumentos no ensino-aprendizagem e em Dolz, Pasquier e Bronckart (1993) sobre a noção de capacidades de linguagem. No que concerne ao campo da didática de línguas (maternas e estrangeiras), tivemos como aportes os estudos de outros teóricos da vertente do ISD (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2012; CRISTOVÃO, 2014/2015; LOUSADA, 2014, MELÃO, 2014). Para ter o gênero como objeto de ensino, fizemos uma análise textual, o modelo didático, e posteriormente, elaboramos uma sequência didática e aplicamos em duas turmas de adolescentes. Após a aplicação, analisamos as produções iniciais e finais com a finalidade de saber se houve o desenvolvimento das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos. Para trazer mais indícios sobre o desenvolvimento, recuperamos excertos do diário de bordo da professora e das conversas gravadas dos alunos trocadas no momento da produção. Os resultados mostraram que houve um desenvolvimento significativo das capacidades de linguagem dos alunos, embora o gênero seja complexo por articular tanto elementos verbais como não verbais. Ademais, o gênero permitiu a aprendizagem dos alunos no que diz respeito a outros saberes não previstos no nosso estudo. Com esta pesquisa, esperamos ter trazido contribuições ao ensino-aprendizagem de línguas por meio de gêneros textuais, à multimodalidade e aos gêneros emergentes na era digital. / This dissertations goal is to study the teaching and learning of French by teenage students through the production of the multimodal genre video tutorial, as well as verify how the students developed the language capacities through a didactic sequence that aimed at the production of this genre. Our research was based mainly on the Socio-Discursive Interactionism (SDI) theoretical and methodological framework as developed by Bronckart (1999, 2003, 2006, 2008, 2010) to understand human acting through language and its consequent development. This research is also based on the SDI textual model analysis to study the verbal aspects found in the video tutorial genre. Since verbal and nonverbal aspects are combined in this genre, we used the Socio-Interactionism Semiotics proposed by Leal (2011) in which the author suggests the union of the SDI analysis framework with the Grammar of Visual Design (GVD) developed by Kress and Van Leeuwen (2006). In addition, this research is based on the studies by Schneuwly and Dolz (2004/2012) about the use of textual genres as instruments in teaching and learning and about the concept of language capacities. Regarding the field of language didactics (L1 and L2), we also employed studies by SDI scholars (SCHNEUWLY; DOLZ, 2004/2012; CRISTOVÃO, 2014/2015; LOUSADA, 2014, MELÃO, 2014). In order to use the genre as an object of teaching, we analysed some texts and created a didactic model of it; then, we created a didactic sequence which we applied to two classes of teenage students. After applying it, we analysed the initial and final productions in order to discover if the students developed their language capacities. We had access to some excerpts of the teachers journal and to some conversations recorded between the students when doing their productions to have more clues about the development. The results showed that the students developed substantially their language capacities, in spite of the complexity of the genre due to the articulation of so many verbal and nonverbal elements. Moreover, the genre allowed the students to learn other knowledge that were not foreseen in our study. With this research, we hope to bring contributions to the field of teaching and learning of languages through textual genres, of multimodality and of emergent genres of the digital era.

O texto literário em aula de Francês Língua Estrangeira (FLE) / The literary text in the scope of French as foreign language teaching (FLE)

Josilene Pinheiro Mariz 14 March 2008 (has links)
Este trabalho discute a importância do texto literário (TL) no âmbito do ensino de línguas estrangeiras e, em particular, do francês língua estrangeira (FLE). Na primeira parte, elaborou-se uma síntese histórica sobre a evolução desse ensino através dos tempos, bem como uma análise da presença do TL em manuais de FLE. Percebeu-se que, tradicionalmente, do mesmo modo que a aprendizagem da língua francesa esteve associada às elites intelectuais, a da literatura sempre foi reservada aos alunos com um maior nível de conhecimento lingüístico, sendo algo inacessível a principiantes. Para verificar a hipótese de que essa prática se reproduz em sala de aula, foi realizada uma sondagem entre alunos e professores de FLE em Universidades Federais do Nordeste do Brasil sobre a abordagem do TL em aula de língua / literatura francesa, apontando para a realidade distante do tratamento unificado entre a língua e a literatura. Esse perfil é ponto inicial para o aprofundamento da fundamentação teórica, feita na segunda parte, de maneira a elaborar uma proposta de abordagem do TL em FLE para iniciantes, ou seja, sem sacralização nem banalização desse tipo de narrativa. Foram evidenciadas correntes da crítica literária, favorecendo outras possibilidades de leitura. Destacaram-se, ainda, noções de isotopia e intertextualidade, e situou-se a cena enunciativa no contexto literário para uma melhor compreensão desse texto. Na terceira parte desta tese, apresentou-se um exemplo de TL trabalhado em uma situação real de ensino de língua francesa no Brasil. Experiências didáticas foram realizadas com quatro grupos de alunos iniciantes em FLE do curso de extensão e um da graduação de Letras / Francês da Universidade Federal de Campina Grande. O corpus é constituído de contos, narrativas curtas integrais. Para essas experiências didáticas, foram elaborados dossiês com: um quadro de compreensão geral; exercícios sobre as competências de compreensão, expressão e intercultural; informações necessárias para melhor entendimento de cada conto, além de questões sobre a relação entre língua e literatura. Observou-se que a abordagem do TL em aula de FLE para iniciantes é um trabalho possível e necessário não somente para dinamizar a aprendizagem de outro idioma, mas, sobretudo, para contribuir para a apreensão / construção dos sentidos, conduzindo o leitor aprendiz ao prazer do texto. / This work discusses the importance of the literary text in the scope of foreign language teaching and, in particular, French as a foreign language (FFL). First, we prepared a historical summary on the evolution of FFL throughout the years plus an analysis of the literary text in FFL textbooks. We perceived that, traditionally, in the same way as the French language learning has been associated with the intellectual elite, literature has always been reserved to learners who have a higher linguistic level, making it something inaccessible to beginners. Aiming at verifying the hypothesis that such practice reproduces itself in the classroom, we conducted a survey among learners and teachers of FFL at Federal Universities in the northeast of Brazil regarding the approach to the literary text (LT) in the French language/literature class. We were able to notice, as a whole, that the classroom reality is still far from a unified treatment between language and literature. As we visualize this profile, we deepen the theoretical background so as to put forward a proposal for an ideal approach to the LT in the FFL classroom for beginners, without enshrining or vulgarizing this kind of narrative. In this second part, too, we highlight notes about literary critique currents which can leave room for other readings. As a sequence for the theoretical background, we present notions about isotopy and intertextuality, and we even place the enunciative scene in the literary context, something which is of great value for a better understanding of such text. In the third and last part of this thesis, we present an example of how the LT can be tackled in a real situation of French language teaching in Brazil. We performed didactic experiments with four groups of beginners in the four-skill course and one group in the graduation course of Letters (French language) at the Federal University of Campina Grande. Our corpus is composed of short-stories, because they enable the contact with the whole work. To serve as tools used in these didactic experiments, we prepared files which contained: an overall comprehension chart; exercises on comprehension, expression and intercultural competencies; necessary information for a better understanding of each short-story, as well as some questions about the relationship between language and literature. After these didactic experiments, it is possible to state that working with the LT in the FFL classroom with beginners it is possible and necessary, not only to make FL learning dynamic but above all contribute to the apprehension / construction of the senses and to get the pleasure of the text.

L’incorporation de la littérature française dans l’enseignement du FLE au lycée suédois

Lundin, Malin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Eléments de lecture pour une mise en perspective de l’échec d’un dispositif d’enseignement-apprentissage de français en ligne et à distance dans une université ouverte d’Afrique de l’est / Reading elements for a perspective on the failure of an online and distance learning system for French language teaching and learning in an open university in East Africa

Croze, Emmanuelle 06 September 2019 (has links)
La disparition d'un dispositif de français en ligne et à distance ne peut qu'interroger quand elle a lieu dans le contexte d’une université ouverte. C’est de cette interrogation que part la présente thèse située en sciences de l’éducation et en didactique des langues et ancrée dans le domaine des cultures d’apprentissage, de l’autoformation et du FLE, et dont l’objectif initial était de réaliser l’analyse du déclin du dispositif pour essayer d'en comprendre les raisons. Le dispositif ayant été coordonné, conçu et réalisé par des personnes d’origines européenne et africaine, prévu pour un public tanzanien, et ayant reçu un soutien important de la coopération française et de la hiérarchie de son université d’implantation, l’Open University of Tanzania (OUT), il a, d’abord, fait l’objet d’une réflexion portant sur les cultures et habitudes d’apprentissage au sein de l’OUT afin d’étudier dans quelle mesure une culture pédagogique du Nord, présente à travers les acteurs français et formés en France, et la culture d’apprentissage des étudiants tanzaniens inscrits à l’OUT pouvait entrer en tension et constituer une cause de la disparition du dispositif initial. A côté de cela, il n’était pas possible non plus d’oblitérer la question de potentielles divergences fatales au sein même du dispositif de français, renvoyant à un possible décalage entre les conceptions des acteurs (concepteurs, enseignants et étudiants) pour ce qui concerne l’enseignement et l’apprentissage des langues mais aussi l’apprentissage médiatisé par les technologies. Au-delà de l’analyse du déclin du dispositif, cette thèse, en croisant les réponses des étudiants avec celles des responsables et enseignants de l’OUT a permis de mettre au jour, chez les étudiants, des pratiques originales marquées par la culture (d’apprentissage) tanzanienne. Elle révèle comment les étudiants reconstituent du présentiel au sein d’une université ouverte qui prône l’autoformation et propose des enseignements exclusivement à distance. L’étude montre au final, que c’est au niveau micro des conceptions et de l’adhésion des acteurs aux principes initiaux du dispositif que se situent les réels enjeux. L’analyse croisée des résultats de l’étude sur le dispositif de français (des documents fondateurs du dispositif de français aux réponses des étudiants et des enseignants) montre que de fortes convergences existent entre le dispositif tel qu’il a été pensé, d’une part, et les pratiques des étudiants de même que leurs attentes à l’égard d’un dispositif d’enseignement-apprentissage des langues, d’autre part. Mais les tensions se révèlent particulièrement fortes quand il s’agit d’envisager le numérique dans la formation en français. L’analyse rend manifeste que ce sont les conceptions négatives des enseignants au regard du numérique en éducation qui conduisent à l’abandon du dispositif en ligne au profit d’un enseignement en présentiel et que, contrairement à l’institution qui intègre les pratiques étudiantes, les enseignants en charge du dispositif de français ne prennent pas en compte les pratiques et attentes de leur public. Cette étude montre donc que, tout au moins dans le cas étudié, les tensions potentiellement fatales pour un dispositif ne se situent pas dans la rencontre des cultures d’enseignement-apprentissage si, comme, le montre l’adaptation du fonctionnement de l’OUT aux pratiques effectives des étudiants, une volonté d’adaptation est présente permettant d’aller vers une culture commune. Les difficultés apparaissent lorsque les cultures d’apprentissage et les pratiques sont imaginées et/ou projetées à partir d’expériences personnelles et que la mise en avant de ces cultures et pratiques ou non-pratiques imaginées, conduit à l’imposition du dispositif qu’un groupe d’acteurs disposant d’un certain pouvoir entend privilégier. / The decline of an online and distance learning program for French as a foreign language offered in an African open university is the starting point of this research, which is located in the fields of educational sciences and applied linguistics and dealing with learning cultures, self-training and language learning methodology. The initial objective of this PhD thesis was to understand what caused the program to fail. The teaching and learning program was coordinated, designed and implemented by people of European and African origin, intended for a Tanzanian audience, and received significant support from French cooperation and the hierarchy of its host university, the Open University of Tanzania (OUT). The thesis analyses the cultures, especially the learning cultures within the OUT, in order to explore to what extent the encounter of a pedagogical culture of the North, present through the French agents and African teachers, who were trained in France, and of the learning culture of Tanzanian students enrolled in the OUT could be a factor explaining the decline of the initial program. The thesis also investigates possible fatal divergences within the French program itself, analyzing a possible discrepancy between the conceptions of the different parties involved in the program (designers, teachers and students) with regard to the teaching and learning of languages but also to computer assisted (language) learning. Beyond the analysis of the decline of the system, this thesis has made it possible to reveal, among students, original learning practices shaped by the Tanzanian (learning) culture. It shows how students create face to face learning situations in an open university that promotes self-study and offers exclusively distance learning. It also highlights the fact that the institution has partially adapted and integrated the practices of its students. The study shows that the actual (cultural) challenge lays on the micro level of the attitudes and beliefs and the acceptance of the initial principles by the different agents. The investigation of the French program (including the documents that established the pedagogical principles of the program and the responses of students and teachers) shows that there is strong convergence between the program as it was designed on the one hand, and students' practices and conceptions of a language course on the other hand. But tensions are particularly high when it comes to considering digital technology in French language training. The analysis highlights that negative teacher conceptions of digital technology in education has led to the termination of the online learning program in favor of face to face teaching and that, unlike the institution that integrates student practices, teachers in charge of the French program do not take into account the practices and expectations of their audience. This study therefore shows that, at least in the case studied, the potentially fatal tensions for a learning program are not caused by the encounter of teaching and learning cultures if a willingness to adapt and to move towards a common culture is present. Difficulties arise when learning cultures and practices are imagined and/or projected from personal experiences, and when the focus on these imagined cultures and practices (or non-practices) leads to the imposition of a particular system by a group of agents with some power.

Fransktalande länder utanför väst – osynlig majoritet i svenska läromedel i franska

Karlsson Söderstrand, Petter January 2019 (has links)
The demographics of the French speaking world is rapidly changing, with a majority of the worlds French speakers now residing in African countries with a colonial history with France and Belgium. While the Swedish curriculum for modern languages only specifies that the education should treat areas where the language is spoken, many of the textbooks remain firmly rooted in a Franco-French perspective. Parallel to this development, the Swedish school system is increasingly diverse, while interest in studying French is declining, raising questions on the perceived personal and professional gain in studying French courses where non-Western French-speaking countries remain peripheral. This essay aims to investigate how, and to what extent, French-speaking nations and areas outside the West are represented and construed in the series of Swedish textbooks in French Escalade 1-4.The theoretical basis for this study is in critical text analysis based on a model by Hellspong & Ledin (1997), which uses the framework of systemic functional linguistics to analyse texts through the interplay between the textual, ideational and interpersonal structure with the social context and dynamics that form them, to which they also contribute. Furthermore, postcolonial theory is used to understand the historical context and discourses that have formed during and after France’s colonial empires.The study finds that the textbooks overwhelmingly centre around France and other Western French-speaking countries, while the rest of the French-speaking world remains peripheral, with Sub-Saharan Africa being particularly neglected in relation to its French-speaking population. The representation of the French-speaking world that is construed places metropolitan France at its centre, mirroring the image of the former colonial empire. Furthermore, no clear definition of which countries and areas outside the West should be considered French-speaking emerges, with various textual and semiotic representations conveying different interpretations of where French is spoken in the world. The scarce representations of French-speaking countries and areas outside the West that exist generally have a country of geographical region as their main theme, while the often point out their continued relationship with France. France’s non-European territories on the other hand, are mainly portrayed as exotic paradises, ideal for tourism. The representations of people and characters from these countries and areas construed are also heavily reliant on their connections with France. People from the Maghreb-region are often construed as French immigrants, with the incompatibility of Islam and French identity being a reoccurring theme.

L'influence de la langue maternelle dans l'acquisition du genre grammatical en français langue seconde.

Pieters, Tatiana 28 August 2020 (has links) (PDF)
La langue maternelle (L1) peut faciliter l’apprentissage du genre grammatical (GG) en langue seconde (L2), d’autant plus si, d’après certains chercheurs, les deux systèmes de genre présentent des similitudes. Les études – relativement peu nombreuses (par ex. Sabourin et al. 2006, Ellis et al. 2012, et Ragnhildstveit 2017) – comparant l’appropriation du genre en L2 à partir de plus de deux groupes d’apprenants avec différentes L1, appréhendent souvent différents phénomènes morphosyntaxiques sous la même rubrique d’« accord grammatical » en genre. Aussi s’attardent-elles peu sur les critères utilisés pour déterminer le degré de proximité ou d’éloignement de la L1 à la L2. La présente recherche applique une approche différente des études précédentes en distinguant la maîtrise de trois sous-systèmes du GG en français langue seconde (FL2), à savoir l’assignation (SA), l’accord (SAC) et la reprise pronominale (SRP) du GG, et elle étudie la maîtrise du genre en français L2 à partir de plusieurs L1 à l’aide d’une grille paramétrique définissant le degré de proximité ou d’éloignement des langues considérées pour chaque sous-système. Notre recherche porte sur un corpus de productions orales de trois groupes d’apprenants âgés entre 9 et 11 ans (n=75) de L1 différentes, à savoir l’allemand (25), l’anglais (25) et l’espagnol (25). Tous ont bénéficié d’un input comparable en français comme première langue étrangère et sont scolarisés dans un contexte d’apprentissage plurilingue identique. Les résultats globaux, qui se concentrent sur la maîtrise de ces trois sous-systèmes du GG en FL2, indiquent qu’il existe un lien entre le degré de précision atteint pour ces sous-systèmes en FL2 et les différences paramétriques observées entre le système de GG de la L1 et celui du français. Les données confirment néanmoins que l’étendue de l’impact de la L1 sur les taux de précision du GG en FL2 n’est pas parallèle selon le sous-système envisagé pour chaque groupe d’apprenants. / Doctorat en Langues, lettres et traductologie / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

L’utilisation du film et du clip vidéo dans l’enseignement du FLE / The use of film and video clips in FLE education

Karlsen, Fanny January 2024 (has links)
This study explores the incorporation of film and other audiovisual media in the instruction of French as a foreign language. The primary focus is on understanding the diverse approaches adopted by two teachers in the southern region of Sweden. Through interviews, these educators share insights into their goals when integrating films into language learning and the specific methodologies employed to attain these objectives. Additionally, the study incorporates a questionnaire to gather student perspectives on the efficacy and impact of using films within the classroom setting.

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