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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La place des listes lexicales dans l’enseignement du vocabulaire en classe de FLE en Suède / The place of lexical lists in the teaching of vocabulary in FFL class in Sweden

Nkounga, François Joseph January 2023 (has links)
Language is an ideal tool that humans use to communicate with their fellow human beings. Thus, vocabulary plays a key role in learning French. Different methods are used in the classroom to accredit the teaching of foreign language vocabulary in middle school in Sweden. Since vocabulary learning is a slow process and does not always result in comprehensibility of words, it is therefore perfectly appropriate to provide precise vocabulary teaching. This study explores how the teacher uses the method of lexical lists for learning vocabulary for students in FLE class and which choice methods are recommended by our informants. This study is drawn upon the theories developed in the books Engelsk språkdidatik and Språkdidatik which explained already existing theories from other theorists in vocabulary learning. Also, we used the book entitled Le FLE en questions Enseigner le français langue étrangère et seconde. We have also combined Noam Chomsky's work on cognitive-based language learning into our theoretical framework. In order to be able to reach the aim and to answer the research question; a qualitative method and a quantitative method have been used in this thesis based on a survey conducted among French teachers in FLE class. The findings show that the method of lexical lists is essential in learning vocabulary. Indeed, it allows students to learn words from different themes and also revise them. Nevertheless, the method of lexical lists, alone is not sufficient in learning the vocabulary of a new language in class of FLE. Thus, it must be associated with other approaches such as reading, games, films, dialogues, presentations, quizlet and glosboken.se.

Le choix du FLE : Quels sont les facteurs qui influencent les élèves au lycée dans leur choix? / The choice of FLE : What are the factors that influence high school students in their choice?

Jonathan, Arbus January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to find out which type of factors that have an influence on the students' choice of the French language in high school in Sweden. The grade that the students get in the French course can give credit points that can be useful when the students must choose a university later. Therefore, this study focused on whether external and internal motivation had an impact on students' choice of the French course. The study is using the theory of factors of internal or external motivation by Peter Gärdenfors to understand if the different factors have an impact on students’ choice of language in high school. The method that was used in this study was a quantitative method, with qualitative elements. A survey was created and handed out to the students in two classes in a high school in Sweden. The responses were collected and then analyzed to get a result. The results shows that there are different factors that have an impact on students when they choose a language in high school. The results show that there are three factors that have a majority of the answers in the survey. The first factor is previous experience with the language, in form of previous success in the language. The second factor is a positive interest and attitude for the language. The last factor that has an impact is the creditpoint that student earn by studying FLE.

Le rôle de l'enseignant dans les interactions en classe de FLE : analyses de cas des pratiques enseignantes en classeavec le public coréen / The role of the teacher in the interaction of FLE (French as a Foreign Language) Students : case Studies of Teaching Practices with Korean Students

Lee, Eunja 24 October 2017 (has links)
L’objectif de l’étude est de mettre en valeur les fonctions de l’enseignant remplies dans les interactions en classe du FLE et de trouver des pistes didactiques optimisant au maximum les résultats de l’enseignement en classe de FLE en Corée du Sud. Nous avons recueilli les corpus oraux des enseignants coréens et des enseignants français en classe avec les apprenants coréens pour comparer leurs techniques et apercevoir comment les objectifs pédagogiques et la compréhension des apprenants s’accomplissent. Les classes observées, enregistrées ont été analysées pour observer la méthode de constitution du scénario didactique et les stratégies didactiques que chaque enseignant choisit selon ses propres expériences et sa culture, et leurs effets didactiques. L’analyse des interactions en classe est accompagnée des entretiens avec les enseignants effectuées avant/après le cours ; la planification et l’auto-évaluation de chaque enseignant nous permettent de comprendre leurs choix en matière de méthodologies didactiques. Cette étude nous amène enfin à réfléchir sur le type d’enseignement contextualisé au public coréen ; des interviews et une enquête effectuées auprès des apprenants sont présentés afin de cerner leurs envies et besoins, et discutés ensuite en rapport avec le travail de l’enseignant. L’étude vise à établir les différents rôles de l’enseignant adaptés à un public coréen. / The objective of the study is to highlight the functions of the teacher in FLE classroom interactions and to discover teaching methods that can lead to optimal teaching results of FLE in South Korea. We collected the oral corpus of both Korean and French teachers in class with Korean learners to compare their techniques and to identify how the learning objectives and learners' understanding are accomplished. The observed, recorded classes were analyzed in order to observe the method of constitution of the didactic scenario and the didactic strategies that each teacher chooses according to his own experiences and culture and their didactic effects. Interaction analysis in the classroom is accompanied by interviews with teachers before/ after the class ; The planning and the self-evaluation of each teacher enables us to understand their didactic choices. This study finally leads us to reflect on the type of teaching contextualized for Koreans; Interviews and a survey of learners are presented to identify their wants and needs and then discussed in relation to the work of the teacher. The study aims to establish the different roles of the teacher adapted to the Korean public.

Analyse des interactions dans la classe de langue en Corée : cas des apprenants coréens face aux enseignants de français natifs dans l'enseignement supérieur / Analyses of the interactions in the class of language in Korea : case of Korean learners in front of French native teachers in the higher education

Kang, Shin Tae 09 December 2016 (has links)
La langue est sans aucun doute le reflet d’une culture et en cela elle permet à deux peuples non seulement de communiquer mais aussi de se découvrir. C’est la raison pour laquelle ce travail vise à répondre à deux objectifs : le premier est d’optimiser l’enseignement des langues, ici le français en Corée, le second est de favoriser les échanges entre nos deux pays en mesurant la portée culturelle véhiculée par une langue. Pour cela nous avons cherché à identifier les contraintes de l’apprentissage du français en décrivant les interactions entre enseignants français natifs et apprenants coréens dans l’enseignement supérieur en Corée. La constitution d’un corpus d’interactions authentiques mettant en contact 180 apprenants coréens avec 7 enseignants au travers de 13 cours de FLE a permis de décrire des phénomènes interactionnels récurrents d’ordre sociolinguistique. La grande distance linguistique séparant le français du coréen s’est manifestée par des incompréhensions et des malentendus d’origine phonétique, morphosyntaxique et sémantique issus de transferts entre les deux langues. Pour surmonter ces difficultés linguistiques, nous préconisons d’accompagner les cours de grammaire d’une immersion en langue cible par des cours de conversation. Mais notre étude montre combien les habitudes d’apprentissage des apprenants coréens, entre silences, rire d’embarras, hochements de tête et autres gestes illustratifs palliatifs à des lacunes langagières, doivent être prises en compte dans toute démarche didactique. / The language is undoubtedly the reflection of a culture and it allows two peoples not only to communicate but also to discover each other. It is the reason why this work aims at answering two objectives: the first one is to optimize the languages teaching, here French in Korea, the second is to favour the exchanges between our two countries by measuring the cultural significance conveyed by a language. For this we tried to identify the constraints of the learning of French by describing the interactions between French native teachers and Korean learners in the higher education in Korea. The constitution of a corpus of authenticinteractions putting in touch 180 Korean learners with 7 teachers through 13 courses of FLE allowed to describe interactionnels recurring phenomena of sociolinguistic type. The linguistic great distance separating French of the Korean showed itself by incomprehensions and phonetic, morphosyntactic and semantic misunderstandings of origin stemming from transfers between both languages. To overcome these linguistic difficulties, we recommend to accompany the grammar courses with an immersion in target language by courses of conversation. But our study shows how many the learning habits of the Korean learners,between silences, laughter of embarrassments, nods and other palliative illustrative gestures in linguistic deficiencies, must be taken into account in any didactic approach.

Juntar ou separar? Reflexões sobre o contexto multisserial de ensino de francês como língua estrangeira nos centros de estudos de línguas / Together or apart? Reflections on teaching French as a foreign language to multigrade classes in language study centers

Godoy, Lilian Paula Martins 30 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva promover o reconhecimento do contexto de ensino dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CEL), instituições mantidas pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um projeto que busca promover o acesso a jovens vinculados à rede estadual de ensino ao estudo de uma língua estrangeira, no contraturno do seu horário de estudo regular. Dessa forma, propomos verificar o percurso do ensino do Francês como Língua Estrangeira (FLE) nessas instituições e refletir sobre a adequação das estratégias de ensino utilizadas pelo professor ao contexto de ensino e de aprendizagem das turmas multisseriadas. Acreditamos que a abordagem acional, privilegiada pelo Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)1, referencial para o ensino de línguas na Europa, pode contribuir para a harmonização das competências, das habilidades e dos conteúdos desenvolvidos bem como para a aproximação dos alunos que integram tais grupos. A fim de atingir tais objetivos, propomos um estudo teórico dos documentos oficiais referentes à criação e à implementação dos CEL e também daqueles que procuram oferecer diretrizes metodológicas para o ensino de idiomas. Buscamos, ainda, analisar os dados coletados em: entrevistas com os docentes do CEL, observação de aulas de FLE nesses estabelecimentos e relatórios de estágio de graduandos futuros professores de línguas em turmas multisseriadas, estabelecendo uma aproximação entre as estratégias de ensino que realmente são postas em prática pelo professor e averiguando em que medida a abordagem acional pode contribuir para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras nesse contexto. / This research aims at promoting the understanding of the teaching context in Language Study Centers (CEL), institutions which enable students enrolled in any public school to study a second language after their regular school day. The CEL project is entirely supported by the São Paulo State Government. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the effectiveness of teaching French as a foreign language (FFL) in Language Centers, and reflect upon the adequacy of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers in their multigrade classes. We believe that the action-oriented approach adopted in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which guides language teaching in Europe, may contribute not only to the use of content, abilities, and competencies developed in the classroom, but also to bringing together the students in CEL groups. In order to achieve such goals, this study proposes a theoretical study of the official documents addressing the creation and implementation of Language Centers. We will also analyze the documents that structure the methodological guidelines for language teaching. Finally, we will assess the data gathered from interviews with CEL teachers, classroom observation, and reports written by undergraduate students, who are likely to become French teachers in multigrade classrooms. Our goal is to establish an approximation between teaching strategies that are actually applied during classes and observe to what extent the action-oriented approach can contribute to foreign language teaching and the learning process in the CEL context.

L'opposition de voisement des occlusives orales du français par des locuteurs taïwanais / Voicing opposition of the French oral stops by Taiwanese speakers

Landron, Simon 24 January 2017 (has links)
Cette thèse traite de l’acquisition des occlusives sourdes /p t k/ et sonores /b d g/ du français par 11 locutrices taïwanaises de niveau intermédiaire à avancé. La situation de Taïwan est qualifiée de diglossique, les locuteurs parlent généralement deux langues dont les principales sont le chinois mandarin et le taïwanais. Le chinois mandarin possède les occlusives /p t k ph th kh/ tandis que le taïwanais possède les occlusives /b g p t k ph th kh/. L’analyse acoustique des logatomes CVCVCVC où C=/b d g p t k/ et V=/a i u/ révèle une grande hétérogénéité entre les locutrices : les indices des natifs du français pour opposer entre sourdes et sonores sont parfois utilisés par les non-natifs, parfois non. On note l’influence du chinois mandarin. Un test de perception révèle une moins bonne discrimination des paires de consonnes /b p/, /d t/ et /g k/ en syllabe CV si V=/a/, comparé à /i u/. Ces résultats suggèrent une tendance générale chez ces auditrices à mieux discriminer les occlusives du français lorsque le VOT des sourdes est plus long et à ne pas tenir compte du VOT négatif des voisées. En perception, les indices pour discriminer les occlusives aspirées et non-aspirées du chinois mandarin semblent ainsi également être utilisés en français. Nous n’avons pas relevé de signe d’une influence du taïwanais, où l’opposition de voisement existe cependant. / This dissertation deals with the acquisition of French voiceless stops /p t k/ and voiced stops /b d g/ by 11 Taiwanese intermediate or advanced learners of L2 French. The linguistic situation in Taiwan is described as diglossia. Most speakers speak two languages, mainly Mandarin Chinese and Taiwanese. Mandarin Chinese has plosives /p t k ph th kh/ while Taiwanese has /b g p t k ph th kh/. An acoustic analysis of CVCVCVC logatoms where C = /b d g p t k/ and V = /a i u/ shows important heterogeneity among speakers. The cues used by French native speakers to oppose voiceless and voiced stops are irregularly used by non-native speakers. The influence of Mandarin Chinese is noted. A perception test shows poorer discrimination among pairs of consonants (/b p/, /d t/ and /g k/) in CV syllable when V = /a/, as compared to /i u/. The results show that non-native listeners tend to, firstly, better discriminate the voiceless plosives of French when the VOT is longer and secondly, ignore the negative VOT of voiced stops. As regards perception, the cues used in Mandarin Chinese to discriminate between aspirated and non-aspirated stops consonants seem to be used in French too. No clue to the influence of Taiwanese has been found, although the opposition of voicing exists.

Juntar ou separar? Reflexões sobre o contexto multisserial de ensino de francês como língua estrangeira nos centros de estudos de línguas / Together or apart? Reflections on teaching French as a foreign language to multigrade classes in language study centers

Lilian Paula Martins Godoy 30 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho de pesquisa objetiva promover o reconhecimento do contexto de ensino dos Centros de Estudos de Línguas (CEL), instituições mantidas pelo Governo do Estado de São Paulo por meio de um projeto que busca promover o acesso a jovens vinculados à rede estadual de ensino ao estudo de uma língua estrangeira, no contraturno do seu horário de estudo regular. Dessa forma, propomos verificar o percurso do ensino do Francês como Língua Estrangeira (FLE) nessas instituições e refletir sobre a adequação das estratégias de ensino utilizadas pelo professor ao contexto de ensino e de aprendizagem das turmas multisseriadas. Acreditamos que a abordagem acional, privilegiada pelo Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL)1, referencial para o ensino de línguas na Europa, pode contribuir para a harmonização das competências, das habilidades e dos conteúdos desenvolvidos bem como para a aproximação dos alunos que integram tais grupos. A fim de atingir tais objetivos, propomos um estudo teórico dos documentos oficiais referentes à criação e à implementação dos CEL e também daqueles que procuram oferecer diretrizes metodológicas para o ensino de idiomas. Buscamos, ainda, analisar os dados coletados em: entrevistas com os docentes do CEL, observação de aulas de FLE nesses estabelecimentos e relatórios de estágio de graduandos futuros professores de línguas em turmas multisseriadas, estabelecendo uma aproximação entre as estratégias de ensino que realmente são postas em prática pelo professor e averiguando em que medida a abordagem acional pode contribuir para o processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras nesse contexto. / This research aims at promoting the understanding of the teaching context in Language Study Centers (CEL), institutions which enable students enrolled in any public school to study a second language after their regular school day. The CEL project is entirely supported by the São Paulo State Government. Therefore, this study aims at assessing the effectiveness of teaching French as a foreign language (FFL) in Language Centers, and reflect upon the adequacy of the teaching strategies adopted by teachers in their multigrade classes. We believe that the action-oriented approach adopted in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR), which guides language teaching in Europe, may contribute not only to the use of content, abilities, and competencies developed in the classroom, but also to bringing together the students in CEL groups. In order to achieve such goals, this study proposes a theoretical study of the official documents addressing the creation and implementation of Language Centers. We will also analyze the documents that structure the methodological guidelines for language teaching. Finally, we will assess the data gathered from interviews with CEL teachers, classroom observation, and reports written by undergraduate students, who are likely to become French teachers in multigrade classrooms. Our goal is to establish an approximation between teaching strategies that are actually applied during classes and observe to what extent the action-oriented approach can contribute to foreign language teaching and the learning process in the CEL context.

L’intégration des multimédias (aspects pédagogiques, méthodologiques et technologiques)dans la didactique du FLE comme facteur de motivation chez les apprenants plurilingues deFLE au Nigeria / The integration of multimedia (pedagogical, methodological andtechnological aspects) in the teaching of French language as a motivating factor for multilingual learners of French in Nigeria

Obaigbona, Grace Amarachukwu 12 April 2018 (has links)
L’intégration des multimédias (aspects pédagogiques, méthodologiques et technologiques) dans la didactique du FLE comme facteur de motivation chez les apprenants plurilingues de FLE au Nigeria. Dans notre recherche, nous nous proposons d’étudier l’usage du multimédia comme facteur de motivation chez des apprenants plurilingues et dans l’enseignement du Français Langue Etrangère (FLE) au Nigeria, un pays en voie de développement.L'un des défis auxquels est confronté l’enseignement des langues étrangères au Nigeria est la situation linguistique générale des apprenants. Avec plus de 400 langues, Le Nigeria est connu pour son "extrême diversité linguistique" (Elugbe 1994:62). Dans l'enseignement et l'apprentissage du français, les enseignants et les étudiants sont confrontés à cette réalité multilingue mais aussi à d'autres facteurs négatifs tels que le nombre d’élèves par classe, leur hétérogénéité et souvent leur manque de motivation. Nous constatons que certaines technologies ont déjà été mises en place dans presque toutes les universités nigérianes. Dans tous les ministères, les gouvernements obligent les fonctionnaires à acquérir une connaissance de base en informatique. Dans toutes les villes, il existe des cybercafés et maintenant on peut même surfer chez soi.L’enseignement hybride est un dispositif qui associe l’apprentissage traditionnel en classe avec un apprentissage médiatisé par ordinateur (Graham, 2006:5). L’apprentissage d’une langue est une pratique sociale et culturelle totale, d'autant plus quand il intègre de nouvelles technologies qui favorisent une grande variété d'interactions sociales (Kern & Warschauer, 2000). Si une approche communicative est souhaitable alors il convient de s’intéresser aux possibilités qu’offre l’apprentissage hybride pour améliorer l'enseignement et l'apprentissage des langues au Nigeria.Pour la méthodologie de recherche et la collecte de données, nous avons utilisé un questionnaire qui a été envoyé aux enseignants et aux étudiants du FLE au Nigéria pour déterminer les différentes approches et méthodes dans l’enseignement et l'apprentissage du français langue étrangère au Nigeria.En conclusion, cette recherche présente les résultats d'une étude sur les motivations des enseignants et des apprenants nigérians pour l’apprentissage du français, avec ou sans recours à des dispositifs hybrides. Cependant, nous ne pouvons pas prétendre que les résultats que nous avons obtenus seront valables pour l'ensemble du pays (Nigéria). Mais il reste cependant important de noter que ces résultats faciliteront l'application de l'apprentissage hybride (blended learning) dans le système général d'enseignement et d'apprentissage du français langue étrangère dans le pays. / The integration of multimedia (pedagogical, methodological and technological aspects) in the teaching of French language as a motivating factor for multilingual learners of French in Nigeria. In our research, we propose to study the use of multimedia as a motivating factor for multilingual learners and in the teaching of the French as a foreign language (FLE) in Nigeria, a developing country.One of the challenges of foreign language teaching and learning in Nigeria is the general language situation of learners. Nigeria is home to over 400 languages and it is known for its “extreme linguistic diversity” (Elugbe 1994:62). In teaching and learning French, both teachers and students are confronted with this multilingual reality and other factors such as the predominance of large mixed-level classes and learners’ lack of motivation.Presently, new technologies are already in place in almost all the Nigerian universities. In almost all Nigerian institutions, governments now compel teachers to acquire at least some basic knowledge in multimedia tools. Also, in most major towns and cities, there are cybercafés and access to online services. With the increase in mobile internet access, many more people can now go internet surfing from home and on the go, thus ensuring ready access to educational instructional materials.Blended Learning systems combine face-to-face instruction with computer-mediated instruction (Graham, 2006:5). Language learning is a comprehensive social and cultural experience, even more so when it involves new technologies that promote a variety of social interactions (Kern & Warschauer, 2000). If a communicative approach is desirable then blended learning should at least be examined as one potential means of improving language teaching & learning in Nigeria.For the research methodology and collection of data, we used a survey through a questionnaire which was sent to teachers and students of FLE in Nigeria to determine the various teaching methodology and approaches to learning.In conclusion, this research presents the results of a study into teachers’ and learners’ motivations for learning French and for using (or not) blended learning. However, we cannot claim that the results that were obtained will resolve the whole issues discussed in this study in relation to French language acquisition in the Nigerian context and we cannot pretend that the recommendations will be valid for the whole country (Nigeria). But it remains, however, important to note that these results/recommendations will facilitate the application of Blended learning in the general system of teaching and learning of French in the country.

Entre culture d'enseignement et culture d'apprentissage : étude des représentations des enseignants de FLE sur leurs pratiques en milieu universitaire vietnamien / Midway between cultural education and cultural learning : study on french as foreign language (FLE) teacher’s practises representations inside vietnamese academic community.

Blouin, Marie-José 16 September 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse porte sur les pratiques d’enseignement du français langue étrangère (FLE) en milieu universitaire vietnamien. L’enjeu est d’étudier ces pratiques à partir des représentations des enseignants afin d’appréhender dans leurs discours la part réservée aux méthodes d’enseignement qu’ils souhaiteraient employer au nom de référentiels théoriques issus du Cadre européen commun de référence pour les langues (CECRL) à partir desquels ils ont été formés et ce qu’ils disent faire réellement dans leurs pratiques de classe dans le contexte de la culture éducative locale. Le titre « entre culture d’apprentissage et culture d’enseignement » indique le lien dynamique, dialectique voire conflictuel entre l’héritage des habitus culturels qui s’expriment à travers des pratiques et méthodes traditionnelles d’enseignement-apprentissage et les influences occidentales qui proposent d’autres modèles dont le CECRL représente l’un des aspects pour apprendre et enseigner les langues. Pris entre ces modèles passés/présents, la question est de comprendre comment les enseignants appréhendent et actualisent leurs pratiques sachant que le gouvernement vietnamien privilégie des orientations d’inspirations occidentales dans le cadre de sa politique linguistique. Deux questions traversent cette thèse : 1. Quel est l’impact de la culture éducative et sociale sur ces pratiques dans le discours des enseignants au regard de ces choix ? 2. De quelles manières et jusqu’où s’approprient-ils ces références venues d’Europe pour adapter voire contextualiser des pratiques en les reliant à l’environnement local vietnamien ? D’un point de vue méthodologique, cette thèse privilégie une démarche qualitative et s’appuie sur un corpus d’entretiens semi-directifs auprès de quinze enseignants universitaires de FLE répartis sur les trois régions Nord, Centre et Sud du pays. / This thesis is about French as foreign language teaching practices inside vietnamese academic community. Its purpose is to study these practices based on teachers’ representations in order to understand how they would use teaching methods closed to theoretical references of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - they were trained with their theoretical references - and what they actually they say they do in their classes practices inside the educational local culture. This title « Midway between cultural education and cultural learning » identifies the dialectics or contentious connection between the heritage of cultural customs which exists inside learning-education traditional methods and western influences as the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages which represents one of the methods to learn and teach languages. Between this past and present methodologies, the issue is to understand how teachers perceive their practices when we know that vietnamese government promotes western influences in its language policy. This thesis tries to answer at 2 questions : 1. What is the impact of educative and social culture in the way teachers teach ? 2. In what ways and how far they adapt these western influences to vietnamese local context ? In methodological way, this thesis gives priority to qualitative approach and bases on fifteen academic teachers of French as foreign language interviews based in North, Center and South Vitenam.

L'articulation des technologies de l'information et de la communication pour l'enseignement (TICE) avec l'apprentissage des langues étrangères : l'enseignement de la grammaire aux apprenants arabophones / Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in learning foreign languages : grammar teaching to the Arabic-speaking learners

Al Sabri, Moujahed 07 May 2010 (has links)
Les technologies de l’information et de la communication pour l’enseignement (TICE) modifient l’approche de l’apprentissage des langues étrangères. Les activités pédagogiques nécessitent donc l’articulation adaptée de la gestion des contenus avec les potentialités technologiques. Cette recherche doctorale s’intéresse à l’enseignement/apprentissage de la grammaire française, technologisé et directement accessible en ligne par Internet, à destination des apprenants étrangers, et plus particulièrement arabophones. S’inscrivant dans une perspective actionnelle, l’analyse prend appui sur les méthodes de l’ethnographie de la communication et vise à observer un corpus de sites de grammaire accessibles sur Internet. Partant, l’objectif de notre thèse est pluriel. Il s’agit d’abord d’étudier les erreurs d’interférence grammaticale chez des apprenants arabophones yéménites, d’une part, et les sites d’apprentissage de la grammaire, d’autre part, eu égard à leur qualité ergonomique et leur mode d’appropriation par les apprenants. L’ethnographie des pratiques d’apprentissage en ligne permet, dans un second temps, de comparer les usages attendus par les concepteurs des TICE avec les usages réels. Nous ambitionnons enfin, par cette recherche, de contribuer à une meilleure évaluation de la réalité actuelle de cet enseignement/apprentissage technologisé et de participer à l’évolution technopédagogique qu’il induit pour les acteurs de la didactique, enseignants et apprenants. / Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in education modify the approach of learning foreign languages. Multiple intelligence as ICT require adapted jonction of the management of the educational contents with the technological potentialities. This study is interested in teaching and training French grammar, with proper technology, directly accessible on line by Internet, bound for foreign students, most specifically Arabic-speaking learners. Falling under an active prospect, the research takes support on the methods of communication ethnography and aims at observing a corpus of accessible grammar sites on Internet. Therefore, the objective of our thesis is plural. On the one hand, it is initially a question of studying the interference errors in grammar at Yemeni Arabic-speaking people, and, on the other hand, analysing web sites dedicated to grammar teaching, in view of their ergonomical qualities and their mode of appropriation by the foreign students. The ethnography of practices on line allows, in a second time, to compare the uses awaited by the originators of the ICT’s with the real outcome. Finally we seek, by this study, to contribute to a better evaluation of the current reality of this technologized teaching/ training and to take part in the evolution of educational technologies which would benefit for both teachers and students.

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